
Action Film Conventions

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge

forms and conventions of real media products?


● Action films are normally set in large locations such as cities or towns with high population, or sometimes just in remote areas likes jungles or highways, my opening sequence is set in a quite large woods which follows the typical conventions of an Action Film.

Iconography / Action Codes

● As we used weapons such as an axe and a knife, these then tell the audience that there will probably be some action/ gore in the film and this follows a typical action film as they do have some sort of weapons in then, and a lot of the time they are very gory.

Binary Opposites

● In most actions films, the main binary opposites used are Good verses Evil, which we use in our opening sequence, and to show this we use our costumes to help clarify who is good, and who is evil, as Alex wears White/ bright clothes, which are normally associated with good guys, and then the mysterious man wears black/ dark clothes, which gives him more mystery and reflects on his personality which would make people think he's more dark and sinister.

Binary Opposites

Enigma Codes

To make the mysterious man seem more mysterious, we had him appear out of no where, with his face covered by his hat. To get the audience to also wonder who he is, when Alex asks who he is, gets the audience to relate to him and want to know who the man is.

Production Logo

● I made my production logo 'Paranoid Production' to emphasize the fact that the film would make you be on edge, not knowing what's going to happen as there's a lot of mystery involved.