
Accommodations and Modifications

AccommodationsandModificationsA guide to providing accommodations and modifications for students.2011-2012

Accommodations and ModificationsSome students with disabilities need accommodations or modifications in their educational program in order to be successful in school.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act(IDEA) and its regulations do not offer a definition for an accommodation or modification.

However, there is general agreement as to what the terms mean.

Is each example an Accommodation or a modification?1.) Provide alternative books expressing the same content but at a simpler reading level. Answer2.) Provide audiotapes of textbooks. Havethe child follow the text while listening. Answer3.) Provide summaries of chapters of assigned reading. Answer4.) Use peer readers. Answer5.) Use marker to highlight important text sections of assignments. Answer6.) Use word-for-word sentence fill-ins with a word bank for one student only. Answer

AccommodationsPresentation Accommodations-changes to the way in which instructional or test content is presented to a student. For example: font size, sign language, picture symbols, etc.Response Accommodations-methods a student uses to provide responses to instructional activities or assessment tasks. For example: producing text orally or to a scribe or using speech-to-text software.Setting/Environment Accommodations-changes to the location in which an assignment or assessment is given or the environmental conditions the student needs. For example: location with less distractions, sensory tools, ear plugs, etc.Timing/Scheduling Accommodations-allowable amount of time or the time of day instruction or assessments are given. For example: extended time or providing key instruction to the student in the morning.

ModificationsA modification adjusts the expectations foran assignment or a test.

Changes in what a student is expected to learn and/or demonstrateModifications alter the content or lower the standards or expectations.Allow meaningful participation and enhanced learning experiences (instead of just leveling the playing field, it changes the game)

Modification ExamplesA child is permitted to complete only part of a standard

A child is given/demonstrates limited concepts involved in math problems

A child is provided only key points for text

Accommodation or Modification?Below are examples of modifications and/oraccommodations. These examples may be helpful when doing educational planning for students to access the curriculum.

Keep in mind that any accommodation or modification an IEP team or Section 504 team chooses must be based on individual needs.

To be in compliance with Federal law accommodations and/or modifications must be provided if written in the childs IEP or 504 plan.


**The expectation on an assessment has been changed.



**The level of demonstrated mastery is different than for other students.



**Level expectation remains the same the presentation is differentiated.



**The same level of performance and academic expectations have not been altered.



**The content level has not been adjusted although the presentation is differentiated.



**This is an accommodation if it is given to the student to use while reading the chapter or for review after reading it. If it is in replace of the chapter it is a modification.



**The student is accountable to the same level of content.



**The expectations for the assignment have not been adjusted.



**The expectation for completion of the assignment has been changed.

**This modification DOES change what the student is expected to demonstrate.

**The activity objectives have been modified to meet the needs of this learner.


Scenario 1A 7th grade science class is being assessed on the layers of the earth. One student is reading at a 4th grade reading level, the student is provided with books and notes he can read independently. All students are expected to demonstrate the same knowledge of the earths layers.



access to the teachers notes to supplement his own notesextra processing and response timeprovide books on tape when appropriateaccess to word processing to support written language output when appropriateoption to take test orally when appropriate


modified spelling program, functional words onlywritten work may be adjusted to reflect ability level

Peace out!Please refer to the Colorado Department of Education Accommodations Manual for more information.
