  • 7/25/2019 Access Multiple Google Drives From One Account - Terinova


    1/27/2015 Access multiple Google Drives from one account - Terinova

    Posted on:April 21, 2013 By:Sebastiaan Terpstra With:24 Comments

    Having browsed the web for possibilities to access multiple Google Drive accounts from

    my MacBook, iPad and/or iPhone I have concluded that it seems to be an impossibility to

    install Google Drive more than once for different accounts. For your Mac, there are paid

    solutions for this but the most simple and inexpensive one (free) is this one and works for

    all devices. Im assuming youve got one main Google Drive account, for which youve

    installed the app on your device(s), and another one which youd like to access from the

    your main account.

    1. Make a folder in your main drive called My other Google Drive (or whatever youd like

    to call it)

    2. On your other Google Drive, share your folder(s) with yourself (your main account) and

    adjust it so you Can edit

    3. On your main account, go to Shared with me and drag this folder (or these folders) to

    Type and hit enter to search

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    account management google drive tips

    the folder you just made (My other Google Drive)

    4. Thats it! Enjoy working in your other Google Drives from one app!

    If youve got any comments or questions, drop me a line below. Keep driving

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    April 2013

    Leo Salazar April 22, 2013 Reply

    But . . . uh . . . this doesnt give us any extra Drive space . . . or does it?

    Sebastiaan Terpstra April 22, 2013 Reply

    Well technically, if youve got one main Drive of 5GB and share

    all your other Drives with your main Drive it simply adds 5GB per

    Drive you add

    Toni May 19, 2013 Reply

    What a gift! Thank you! Too easy and brilliant for me to think of it. Now I

    can get rid of Insync the new version has lost vital files and they are

    nowhere to be found not even in Recycle Bin or Google Drive trash or

    under the seat in my truck.

    Sebastiaan Terpstra May 19, 2013 Reply

    Hi Toni, Im glad you found it helpful Thanks for the comment!

    Ryan May 29, 2013 Reply

    The only problem is when you try to add files to your shared folder. It will

    add those files as your main account user which will contribute to the

    main accounts 5 gigs. It will not contribute to your other account

    because it will only count it towards the owner of the file. Hopefully that

    makes sense.

    I was trying this because I have a person account (5 gig) and a work account.
  • 7/25/2019 Access Multiple Google Drives From One Account - Terinova


    1/27/2015 Access multiple Google Drives from one account - Terinova

    I wanted it so I can see my work account files at home and add to it.

    Unfortunately, I found out that when I added the files from home it

    contributed to my 5 gig. Its confusing because its for the work not for my


    I will need to figure something else out

    Sebastiaan Terpstra June 7, 2013 Reply

    Hi Ryan, this is true so you have to keep in mind that you dont

    actually share your space with yourself, only the documents. For

    bigger documents (e.g. movies) youd have to go to the account

    you want the size to contribute to. Thanks for the feedback!

    Rich June 6, 2013 Reply

    Thanks a bunch Sebastiaanjust the info I was looking for

    Sebastiaan Terpstra June 7, 2013 Reply

    Good to hear, enjoy!

    Biggi Fraley June 19, 2013 Reply

    Just one wordIngenious!

    Thanks so much!

    Satish Naik July 4, 2013 Reply


    Indeed a simple & brilliant way out. Wonder why Google is not paying

    attention to user feedback and building such simple features within apps.

    Voltaire John August 15, 2013 Reply

    Hey, ingenious solution Now my capacity is +15gb more =) The

    instructions are a bit tricky though.

    Ken August 26, 2013 Reply

    Thank you for the good solution, this is all I wanted for my google drive


    saikumar August 28, 2013 Reply
  • 7/25/2019 Access Multiple Google Drives From One Account - Terinova


    1/27/2015 Access multiple Google Drives from one account - Terinova

    wow ! Thanks a million dude !!! instructions are little difficult to follow

    please try to simplify the procedure.

    Sebastiaan Terpstra August 28, 2013 Reply

    No problem! Youre right about the instructions, Ill try to simplify

    them in the near future

    ameer October 9, 2013 Reply

    Good tip. Thank you very much

    Kathleen Reyes October 23, 2013 Reply

    BRILLIANT! Many Thanks!

    DD November 21, 2013 Reply

    HI Sebastiaan,

    Thanks for the lateral thing tank. Currently I have a secondary cloud drive

    with amazon and skydrive , but they lack capacity and are clunky . SO I

    found this site and hoped to try it out.

    A couple of points :

    Assume Google user gmail1= Accnt1 and Google user gmail 2 = accnt 2.

    Accnt1 is fitted on pc with folders on pc .

    re- instruction

    1) create folder Is easy enough to do as main account and folders are

    installed on pc ..add folder .

    2) I assume this means you go on web log into accnt 2 and share a folder in

    there with accnt1s gmail.

    3) I dragged the to be shared folder on accnt 2 (from web page ) to my drive

    accnt1 google folder( via file explorer window) on my pc but it only seems to

    add a shortcut ( is this right ) ?

    ++ I decided to log into my accnt 1 on web browser too and look for shared

    with me on LHS . What I did was drag the new to be shared folder into the

    folder My other google drive in accnt 1 all on the same browser page . It

    seems to have worked but I am waiting for google drive to show this new

    folder in my PC folders as it is not visible yet.

    The other thing with this system is that if you want to add a new file you

    have to upload it from your original accnt2 browser log in as accnt1 is on

    your pc and it counts towards that capacity if you do it from there.

    Perhaps you can confirm this is what you mean in your instructions



    1 Make a folder in your main drive called My other Google Drive (or

    whatever youd like to call it)

    2 On your other Google Drive, share your folder(s) with yourself (your main
  • 7/25/2019 Access Multiple Google Drives From One Account - Terinova


    1/27/2015 Access multiple Google Drives from one account - Terinova

    account) and adjust it so you Can edit

    3 On your main account, go to Shared with me and drag this folder (or

    these folders) to the folder you just made (My other Google Drive)

    4 Thats it! Enjoy working in your other Google Drives from one app!

    Jason November 27, 2013 Reply

    Wowthank you for this. It absolutely solved my issue!

    Mikhil January 2, 2014 Reply

    Hi Sebastiaan

    This was something that made my job a lot easier. Amazing, what an

    intelligent idea from you, thank you so much you are a good guy


    Just a question

    Is there also a way to do something similar with Sky Drive accounts and Box


    Or can u suggest any good client where i can have all my cloud accounts

    synced and accessed all together

    Any suggestion will be of great help..


    Roderick January 9, 2014 Reply

    Sebastiaan youve just solved my problem of being able to access both work

    and personal google drives from my home pc! Many many Thanks!

    Cheers, Rod.

    Vittorio January 16, 2014 Reply

    Hi Sebastian, thank you very much for this trick: it is simple and functional!

    Noam January 18, 2014 Reply

    It doesnt work! When you check the quota used it gets used from the main

    account, I tested it by coping a 1GB file to the shared drive on 2nd account

    and the quota got used from the main (1st account)

    Sebastiaan Terpstra January 30, 2014 Reply

    Hi Noam, I wasnt talking about merging your instances of Google

    Drive to increase the number of GBs. This post only concerns

    accessing both of your Drives from one account, bypassing the
  • 7/25/2019 Access Multiple Google Drives From One Account - Terinova


    1/27/2015 Access multiple Google Drives from one account - Terinova

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    need to log out of one account and log in to the other to access

    your files.

    murpy April 14, 2014 Reply

    oh man, thats brilliant



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