
How to Use Facebook for Business

Nicole Harshman Social Media Manager HB Webdudes


Advertising then and now.


Advertising then and now.

Why Facebook?


Advertising then and now.

Why Facebook?

How to create your Facebook Business page.


Advertising then and now.

Why Facebook?

How to create your Facebook Business page.

6 Top Tips


Advertising then and now.

Why Facebook?

How to create your Facebook Business page.

6 Top Tips



Advertising then and now.

Why Facebook?

How to create your Facebook Business page.

6 Top Tips


Marketing Before 2000

Marketing After 2000

Almost overnight, the Internet's gone from a technical wonder to a business Must!

~Bill Schrader

Facebook helps you connect and share with potential and current customers all over the world.

Why Facebook?

Why You Should Care

More than 1.6 billion active Facebook users
(April 2016)

1.09 billion users log onto Facebook daily (March 2016)

1.51 billion mobile Facebook users
(March 2016)

68% of marketers report Facebook is critical to their business (May 2015)

Over 40 million business Facebook Pages (March 2016)

Copy and past the link to your browser for easy to follow videos.

How to set up your business page:

How to post to your page:


Once you post something on the internet it is there forever.

Use proper language. If you wouldn't say it at a networking event, don't say it on Facebook.

PLEASE learn the difference between:
you're and your
their, there, and they're
to, too, and two

First impressions are important. Facebook is a constant first impression to new viewers.

Post Consistently

Being consistent in the quality, type, and schedule of posts will help your audience know what kind of messages to expect from you. Create a content calendar to keep track of what days/times you are posting for the month.

Add Photos & Videos

The right combination of posts, photos, and videos really get your audience interested in your business. Posts with photos are viewed 75% more than posts without photos.Posts with videos are viewed 57% more than posts without videos.

About Section

Tell everyone about your business. Keep this section short and sweet and to the point. 2-3 sentences can sum up most businesses.

Click on the about tab located just to the right of your profile photo

On the left side, click on Page Info

Hover your mouse to the right side of the line you want to edit, when edit shows up click it to edit that section

Don't Over-post

If you publish too many updates in short time-frame, Facebook's algorithm will group them together, rendering the hidden post useless. Prevent this from happening by thinking about when your audience will be on Facebook, experimenting with different posting frequencies and timing. *A good place to start (for most businesses) is noon on Mondays.

Schedule Your Posts

Not sure if you will be able to put up the post you want tomorrow at 11:00am? Schedule it!

Start creating your post at the top of your Page's Timeline.

Click the arrow next to Publish and select Schedule.

Select the date and time when you want the post to publish.

Click Schedule.

6 Top Tips

Remember, what you put on the internet stays on the internet.

6 Top Tips

Post consistently.

Remember, what you put on the internet stays on the internet.

6 Top Tips

Post consistently.

Add photos & videos.

Remember, what you put on the internet stays on the internet.

6 Top Tips

Post consistently.

Add photos & videos.

Fill in the About section.

Remember, what you put on the internet stays on the internet.

6 Top Tips

Post consistently.

Add photos & videos.

Don't over post.

Fill in the About section.

Remember, what you put on the internet stays on the internet.

6 Top Tips

Post consistently.

Add photos & videos.

Don't over post.

Fill in the About section.

Remember, what you put on the internet stays on the internet.

6 Top Tips

Remember, what you put on the internet stays on the internet.

Post consistently.

Add photos & videos.

Schedule your posts.

Don't over post.

Fill in the About section

Nicole Harshman

[email protected] 850-499-9899