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  • 8/13/2019 AAU Training Programs


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    Training and Consultancy Center @AAU

    IntroductionSince its establishment in March 1950, Addis Ababa University (AAU) has contributed a lot to thedevelopment of the intellectual and skilled human resource of the nation. In order to be more relevant tothe needs of the nation, over the last few years, the university has been undertaking a comprehensive reform

    process striving towards excellence not only in teaching and research but also in community services. Inthis regard, the need for provision of short term training and consultancy services guided by unified policyand procedures has been emphasized. Since Addis Ababa University is a comprehensive Universityencompassing all fields studies and professions.

    Organized under the office of Resource Mobilization and Generation wing of the Office of Vice Presidentfor Institutional Development, Training and Consultancy Center has been recognized as one of the core

    bodies of the University. The main objective of the Center is to coordinate provision of training andconsultancy services to various government sectors, industries, business organizations, developmentagencies and social institutions by engaging faculty members of the university. We strongly believe thatthrough this exercise, the university not only plays a significant role in capacity building efforts of thenation, but also generates additional revenue to support the various programs and activities of theUniversity.

    Currently, the AAU Training and Consultancy Center has finished its preparation to launch training andconsultancy programs in various areas. This Training and Consultancy Catalogue comprises two sections.The first section presents 523 broad areas of training and consultancy services that would be further tailoredon the basis of the needs of potential clients, while the second one presents 21 target-oriented trainingtopics, for which general modules have already been prepared. Duration of short term training programs atAAU extend from five to ten days.

    Section 1: Areas of Training and Consultancy of Addis Ababa University

    This section presents a total of 523 broad areas of training and consultancy along with

    Addis Ababa University Training and Consultancy


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    involved academic divisions

    1.1 Archeology, Heritage and Tourism

    Training Service Areas Involved Units

    Rescue Archeology Impact Assessment Heritage Management

    Tourism (Tour and Travel, Promotion of Heritage ResourcesPromotion of Wild life and Environmental Resources) Conservation(protection of cultural and natural heritage) Archeological Surveying and Excavation Inventory of Cultural and Natural Heritage Resources

    Department of Archeology & Heritage Management Department of History Department of Social Anthropology

    Center for Environment Studies

    Consultancy Service Areas Involved Units


    Tour and travel operationCulture and tourismTourism and hotel management

    Department of Archeology & Heritage Mgt

    Department of HistoryDepartment of Social Anthropology

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    1.2 Environment Related Areas

    Training Service Areas Involved Units

    Urban & Regional development planningLand & water managementEnvironmental Impact Assessment

    Climate change & adaptationGeographic Information System & Remote Sensing (GIS&RS)

    Department of Geography and Environmental StudiesCenter for Environment StudiesCenter for Rural Development Studies

    Consultancy Service Areas Involved Units

    Climate change & adaptationUrban and regional development planning issues.Biodiversity conservation

    Natural resource managementConflict mapping, cadastre mapping, and disaster early warningEnvironmental Impact Assessment

    Waste management Natural resource conflicts management

    Department of Geography and Environmental Studies Center for Regional and Local Development Studies Center for Environment Studies Center for Rural Development Studies

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    1.3 Development-related Studies

    Training Service Areas Involved Units

    Need Assessment, project planning & evaluation Social impact assessment Participatory research methods Pastoral development Disaster risk management Decentralization Local governance Natural resource management Gender and development Urban planning

    Environmental and social impact assessmentCommunity-based environmental action plan developmentIntegrated natural r esource managementSustainable mountain eco-system managementRehabilitation and restoration of degraded forest landscapesSustainable forest management and Agro forestryCommunity-based Ecotourism

    Integrated water use and managementIntegrated watershed managementIntegration of population variables in development planning

    Management of population and reproductive health Monitoring and evaluation of population development programs

    Center for Regional and Local Development StudiesCenter for Rural Development StudiesDepartment of Geography and Environmental StudiesDepartment of Social AnthropologyCenter for Population Studies

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    Consultancy Service Areas Involved Units

    Rural Development with focus on economic and social issues Poverty and Food Security Risk and vulnerability assessment Pastoral and agro-pastoral development Impact Assessment of programs and projects Rural-urban Livelihoods Decentralization Local Governance Local economic development Regional policy planning Natural Resource Management Gender and Development Urbanization Environment and social impact assessment(ESIA) Strategic environmental assessment(SEA) Environmental security assessment Other environmental assessment tools Community-based environmental action planning Integrated natural r esource management Sustainable mountain eco-system management Sustainable forest management and agro-forestry Rehabilitation and restoration of degraded forest landscapes Climate Changes: Mitigation and Adaptation Mechanisms Baseline analysis of drivers of climate change Local level Vulnerability assessment

    Center for Regional and Local Development Studies Center for Rural Development Studies Department of Geography and Environmental Studies

    Department of Social Anthropology Center for Environment Studies Department of Geography and Environmental Studies

    Center for Environment Studies Department of Geography and Environmental Studies

    Department of Social Anthropology Center for Population Studies Center of Gender Studies

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    Ecosystem based adaptation to climate change Integrated water use and management Community based Ecotourism Evaluation of Reproductive Health Projects /Programs Baseline, Mid-term and End line Surveys on Demographic, Socio-

    economic and Health issues Pastoralist and pastoral livelihood Medical anthropology, health and healing, health policies and

    politics cultural perception of health and illness Local knowledge and its contribution to health, development and

    environment management

    1.4 Language and Linguistics

    Training Service Areas Involved Units

    Language planning

    Speech Defects and Mechanisms in Treatment Integrating ICT in modernizing and developing local languages Utilizing technological inputs in dictionary preparation Curriculum design and syllabus preparation Sign language as medium of instruction Handbook preparation on ways of teaching Deaf students Sign Linguistics and documentation

    Department of Linguistics

    Department of Ethiopian Literature and Folklore Ethiopian Sign Language and Deaf Culture Program Department of Foreign Language & Literature

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    Sign writing skills Note taking skill Methods of Cataloguing Manuscripts Digitizing Manuscripts Preparing Critical Editions Amharic for Foreigners Geez for beginners, intermediate and Advanced level Short term training on writing reports, minutes, & letters Translating various Texts Preparing professional Exams for various civil service positions

    Preparing text and reference books Designing curricula and developing teaching materials Giving short term English language improvement trainings to

    teachers Creating Awareness on Arabic Manuscripts Arabic literary heritage DELF/DALF: French language teaching International French

    Language Examination & Certification

    Department of Amharic Language, Literature and Folklore Department of Foreign Language and Literatures

    Consultancy Service Areas Involved Units

    Language planning Dictionary preparation Preparation of textbooks and pedagogical grammars,

    Department of Linguistics Department of Ethiopian Literature and Folklore Department of Foreign language and Literatures

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    preparation of orthographies, language revitalization Multimedia documentation of endangered Ethiopian languages and cultures Integrating ICT in the description, codification and

    Standardization of Ethiopian languages Policy and Strategy preparations on preserving and

    safeguarding the countrys endangered languages and cultures ICT supported linguistic and cultural documentation Archiving moribund languages Preparing Literary and cultural teaching materials

    Providing editing Services Designing cultural policies Organizing festival and culture events on the various nations,

    nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia Testing job applicants in literature, folklore and culture related

    fields Organizations in report writing, proposal development Sign Language interpretation Video Film production involving Sign Language interpretation Sign Language interpretation practice assessment and evaluation Deaf education Curriculum design and syllabus preparation Teaching methods and instructional media Sign Language dictionary preparation including web based

    dictionaries Note taking for deaf students The profession of note taking

    Department of Foreign language and Literature Department of Amharic Language, Literature and Folklore Department of Oromo Language, Literature and Folklore

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    Deaf culture and nature of hearing loss. Translation of the sculptures and related issues Information guides for tourism Cataloguing manuscripts collections up on request. Preparing annotations, exegesis and critical editions of manuscripts

    for specific purposes. Editing Translations Preparation of Afan Oromo Teaching Materials for different levels. Conducting, designing, teaching and testing French language

    Translation of printed information Audio-recording materials to the visually disabled student

    1.5 Ethics and Morality

    Training Service Areas Involved Units

    Quality education and morality Human rights, beggary and morality Ethics and development Professions and ethics Business ethics Peace and morality Gender and morality

    Department of Philosophy

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    The dialects of the human and natural Worlds Environmental ethics

    Plurality, justice and tolerance

    Consultancy Service Areas Involved Units

    Quality education and morality Human rights, beggary and morality Ethics and development Professions and ethics Business ethics Peace and morality Gender and morality The dialects of the human and natural worlds Environmental Ethics

    Plurality, Justice and Tolerance

    Department of Philosophy

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    1.6 Law

    Training Service Areas Involved Units

    Training: Human rights law Constitutional law Business law Environmental law

    School of Law

    Consultancy Service Areas Involved Units

    Clinical legal services to live clients Legal counseling services Advocacy service on legal issues Evaluation of the knowledge, skills and competence of legal service

    employees of institutions

    School of Law

    1.7 Journalism and Communication

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    Training Service Areas Involved Units

    Print media Print media news writing and r eporting Health, environment, economics, sport etc reporting Newspaper and magazine layout design Photo journalism

    Broadcast media Radio/TV news writing and reporting Radio/TV educational program production (Children and Adult

    program production) Radio/TV documentary program production Discussion, Interview, program production Announcing and performance and advertising Media management Public relations Online production/multi media and social media/ Digital video /audio editing systems Video production/Camerawork/Microphone use

    School of Journalism and Communication

    Consultancy Service Areas

    Involved Units

    Examination service for Print Journalism

    Editors of newspapers,

    Writers of Minutes Reporters

    School of Journalism and Communication

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    Literature Editors Reporters Public Relations officers

    Examination Service for broad cast journalism Editors of TV and Radio Programs, Writers of Minutes Literature Editors for TV and Radio Reporters for TV and Radio

    Examination service for techniques and computer service Audio Visual Supervisors Audio Visual Studio technicians Camerapersons

    School of Journalism and Communication

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    1.8 Education

    Training Service Areas Involved Units

    Vocational training and education Alternative basic education, non-formal adult education, li felong

    learning and development Facilitators training

    Education project /programs planning management, review andevaluation Educational materials design/development including textbooks,

    modules etc. School mapping and micro planning Educational supervision Educational research Inclusive education Education policy planning Secondary education curriculum Teachers professional development Teaching methodologies (e.g. Active learning) Education leadership and management School enrichment/improvement

    Department of Educational Planning and Management Institute of Educational Research

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    Consultancy Service Areas Involved Units

    Assessment of quality of education Curriculum evaluation Testing service School-mapping and micro-planning Syllabi development for secondary teachers education Educational planning and development Educational programs review and evaluation Policy review and comparative studies Curriculum development and instruction

    Institute of Educational Research Department of Educational Planning & Management

    1.9 Behavioral Studies

    Training Service Areas Involved Units

    Early child care and education (needs assessment, program andstrategy design, intervention, and training of parents, care givers andteachers).

    Assessment of the guidance and counseling needs of students, preparation of intervention packages and training of teachers)

    Assessment of socio- psychological profile of persons Life skills training and psychosocial services for prison inmates,

    OVC and PLWHA

    School of Psychology

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    1.10 Peace and Security, Federalism and Human Rights

    Training Service Areas Involved Units

    Management of peace and security Anti corruption and ethics Human rights Conflict resolution, peace building and reconciliation

    Institute of Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) Center for Federal Studies Center for Human Rights Studies School of Law Department of Political Science and International Relations

    Consultancy Service Areas Involved Units

    Federalism and multiculturalism Conflicts in Horn of Africa National and international water basins Governance

    Institute of Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) Center for Federal Studies Center for Human Rights Studies School of Law Department of Political Science and International Relations

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    1.11 Chemical and Physical Science

    Training Service Areas Involved Units

    Refresh and equip professionals and technicians on moderninstrumentations

    Basic astronomy lesson

    Department of Chemistry

    Consultancy Service Areas Involved Units

    Glassblowing services Analytical Services Trace of element analysis in geologic, medical,

    forensic and Commercial samples curriculum development and writing of textbooks in

    science/chemistry/physics maintaining and operation of different scientific equipment handling and safe use of chemicals Assessment of impact and outlook in

    Agriculture and water resources Environmental Pollution and air chemistry

    assessment Environmental Pollution and air chemistryassessment

    Climate and Weather feasibility studies and siteassessment

    Department of Chemistry Department of Physics

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    Wind and Solar energy sources assessment

    Space weather and assessment of its impact in energy, navigationGlassblowing services

    1.12 Life Science

    Training Service Areas Involved Units

    Training in botanic garden treatment and management Botanical field and herbarium techniques Ecological data acquisition and analysis Training in Eco-physiology Environmental impact assessment Measure of crop/tree growth/physiology/stress tolerance and

    instrumentation Ethno botanical data gathering and analysis Training in nursery development

    Plant biodiversity documentation and assessment Training in plant identification Training in plant propagation techniques Training in plant tissue culture

    Integrated Pest management

    Department of Zoological Sciences Department of Plant Biology and Biodiversity Management Department of Cellular, Microbial and Molecular Biology

    Department of Zoological Sciences

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    Integrated vector management Insect Ecology (ecological services Such as insect pollinators, decomposers, etc.) Insect taxonomy, anatomy, morphology and physiology Pesticides and Environment Biological control General crop production and related topics General human and animal diseases vectors related topics Wetland management Aquaculture development Limnological studies Aquatic toxicology studies

    Fish diversity and conservation Effects of climate change on aquatic environment Fisheries development Fish stock assessment studies Development of fishery management plans Aquatic ecology studies and impact assessments Museum development studies Survey and census of wild animals Development of management plan for protected areas Feasibility studies in identification of protected areas

    Educational visit of high school and junior/elementaryschools to various laboratories

    Department of Plant Biology and Biodiversity Management Department of Cellular, Microbial and Molecular Biology

    Consultancy Service Areas Involved Units

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    Ecosystem mapping

    Endemic plants of Ethiopia Environmental impacts assessment Inventory of vegetation ( forest, woodland, grassland, pastureland,

    wetland) Plant biodiversity assessment , analysis and conservation studies Plant specimens identification Protected areas assessment and conservation studies REDD+ analysis and evaluation Studies on indigenous plants Urban forestry development

    Useful plants of Ethiopia ( wild food plants, medicinal plants ,spices) Vegetation cover estimation

    Department of Zoological Sciences Department of Plant Biology and Biodiversity

    Management Department of Cellular, Microbial and Molecular Biology

    1.13 Earth and Planetary Science

    Training Service Areas Involved Units

    African Geology Rift geology and tectonics Hydrogeology Remote sensing and GIS Application Geophysics

    Department of Earth Sciences

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    Geo-environment Geothermal geochemistry

    Consultancy Service Areas Involved Units

    Water quality tests and soil analysis Isotope hydrological analysis Geophysical data (earthquake data, meteorological data) Rock and soil engineering tests Rock, mineral and fossil identification Thin section preparation GIS services Geological and structural surveys Geophysical surveys

    Hydrogeologcal surveys Geotechnical site characterization Mineral and oil exploration studies Earthquake hazard assessment

    Volcanic hazard assessment Geo-environmental assessment Remote Sensing and GIS Geosciences-related matters Information about general geology of specific regions and areas Mineral and oil exploration work Information about incidence, specific characteristics and possible

    Department of Geography and Environment Studies Department of Earth Sciences

    Department of Geography and Environmental Studies Department of Earth Sciences

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    impact of earthquakes Field assessment of geological hazards

    Geological assessment of use of earth materials for particularoperations

    1.14 Economics

    Training Service Areas Involved Units

    Environmental and resource economics Poverty analysis, Public finance, International trade,

    Competition policy and regulatory economics, Monetary economics, Agricultural economics, Macroeconomics and policy Project planning, prefeasibility study, and implementation

    Department of Economics

    Department of Economics

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    Consultancy Service Areas Involved Units

    Ethiopian economy Economic theory and policy Data analysis Industry feasibility study Data collection

    Department of Economics

    1.15 Accounting and Finance

    Training Service Areas Involved Units

    Accounting basics Financial accounting Government budgeting and accounting Financial management Corporate governance and accountability

    School of Commerce Department of Accounting and Finance

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    Project planning and evaluation Application of Microsoft project Tax accounting Tax return preparation Tax planning Internal auditing Computerized accounting Spreadsheet application business Business risk management Accounting for non accountant Financial data analysis Internal control system evaluation and designs

    Accounting system evaluation and design Portfolio analysis Strategic plan management Strategic plan evaluation Business research Project proposal development, monitoring and evaluation Agricultural accounting Bookkeeping Import export accounting Hotel accounting Cost accounting Management accounting Accounting for small and micro enterprise Financial plan preparation Financial analysis Commercial banking operations Construction accounting

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    Training and Consultancy Center @AAU

    Consultancy Service Areas Involved Units

    Financial data analysis Tax planning Internal control system evaluation and designs, Accounting system evaluation and design Financial manual preparation Investment decisions Strategic plan and management

    Strategic plan evaluation Business research Project proposals development, monitoring and evaluation

    School of Commerce Department of Accounting and Finance

    1.16 Management

    Training Service Areas Involved Units

    Project identification, screening and appraisal;

    Project planning, implantation & monitoring; Entrepreneurship & innovation; Small business management; Business plan formulation; Quantitative decision making tools; Business process reengineering, PR and process management; Leadership & motivation;

    School of Commerce

    Department of Management

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    Effective communication in business; Change management and Organizational development;

    Conflict management; Business research methods; Corporate governance; Knowledge management; Strategic planning and management Time management Risk identification , measurement and control; Insurance management; Forecasting strategies and methods; Organizational system development and management;

    Balanced score card; Quality management; Bench marking Competency based Human Resource management; Job analysis and design; Job evaluation and compensate system Performance management; Career planning and development Human resource planning; Human resource procurement Marketing plan writing Export Marketing/ import export procedures Marketing research Customer Service Service marketing /customer handling techniques Sales Management Market opportunity analysis

    School of Commerce Department of Management

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    Basics of Marketing Brand Management

    Competitive Marketing Relationship Marketing Marketing Strategies Industrial Marketing Marketing of Financial Services Marketing Channels Management Consumer Behavior Advertising Management Supply Chain Management Logistics Management

    Procurement Management Government Purchasing

    INCOTERM Global Supply Chin operations Fright forwarding operations Import customs clearing operations property and inventory management Negotiation Stores management and materials handling Total quality management (TQM), Six sigma, and learn systems Humanitarian logistics Transportation management Materials management Production/operations management Contract management and administration Import bank operations management

    School of Commerce Department of Management

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    Research methodology and statistical analysis Management science for decision making

    Business process reengineering (BPR) & its management and potential challenges

    Developing workplace ethics and culture Leadership Conflict management Organizational Behavior

    Consultancy Service Areas Involved Units

    Organizational structure job design and staffing plan

    Job evaluation and compensation system staff benefits and staffincentive

    Strategic plan and management Performance management system Project feasibility study Training need assessment

    Quality audit and business excellence Administrative manual preparation Staff motivation Performance appraisal Leading and coaching Entrepreneurship Decision making

    School of Commerce

    Department of Management School of Commerce Department of Management

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    Customer relationship management Research methodology and statistical analysis

    Business process reengineering Development work place ethics and culture Leadership Conflict management Organizational behavior Procurement management Customer handling techniques Diversity management Performance management Quality management

    Any training rounded to management

    1.17 Information Science

    Training Service Areas Involved Units

    Computer literacy

    Information Technology Web page design Web page database application development Instructional technology System acquisition development Hardware procurement E-learning and e-governance

    School of Commerce

    School of Information Science

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    Information system and technology management Specialization application packages

    Windows basic operating systems Microsoft office Application Hardware and Software Troubleshooting and Maintenance Computer networking (Basic) Computer Networking (Advanced) Desktop publishing software Systems analysis and design Information resource management (IRM) Management information system (MIS) Programming Language software Database management system Web page design development E-Commerce

    Consultancy Service Areas Involved Units

    System acquisition development Hardware procurement project E-learning and e-government project

    Setting up academic units offering Is/IT related education System acquisition development projects Web page development

    School of Commerce School of Information Science

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    1.18 Office Management

    Training Service Areas Involved Units

    Officer Operations management Secretariat studies and office procedures Records management Business Communications Contract Management

    School of Commerce

    Consultancy Service Areas Involved Units

    Modern office management Business communication and records management Office operations management

    School of Commerce

    1.19 Public Sector Administration

    Training Service Areas Involved Units

    Governance for improved accountability and better performance in public organization

    Assessing and building capacity for improved service delivery

    Department of Public Administration and DevelopmentManagement

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    Gender mainstreaming for development Customer relationship management

    Rural local governance and development Financial management in rural local government Research and evaluation in the NGO sector Project development and management in the NGO sector Capacity building on policymaking

    Consultancy Service Areas Involved Units

    Public sector reforms Public sector service delivery Gender mainstreaming Governance Research and evaluation in public and NGO sector

    Department of Public Administration and DevelopmentManagement

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    Section 2: Specific Training Topics for Target Groups

    General modules have been prepared for the following training topics

    1. Course Name: Professional secretarial skills for secretarial executiveassistant

    Target group: Secretarial/executive assistants

    Objectives: To build on the valuable secretarial skills of secretarialexecutives to efficiently assist their executives in attaining the strategicorganizational goals.

    Content1. The secretarial profession and its requirement2. Management of secretarial works and time3. Office communication4. Record management5. Office administration6. Tax processing

    Duration : 40 hours

    2. Course Name: Service Marketing

    Target group: managers and experts engaged in small business, big corporations, banks, luxury hotels and businesses participating in tour operations.

    Objectives: To improve the understanding of trainees about themeans of delivering quality service and how to develop

    perceptions of service quality of customers.


    Marketing of service Consumer behavior in service market Product and pricing decision in service Place and promotion decisions of services

    Extended marketing mix for service Service quality Managing demand and capacity in service customer relation Customer relations

    Duration : 80 hours

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    3. Course Name: Accounting and Financial Management for

    Business Managers

    Target group: All business groups and individuals dealing with business finance management

    Objectives : The major objective of the training is to provide a workingknowledge of the fundamentals of accounting and financialmanagement that can be applied, regardless of rm size.

    Contents : Finance and accounting: decision making and analysis Financial accounting and reporting

    Managerial accounting Tax accounting and reporting in Ethiopia Financial Management

    Duration : 80 hours

    4. Course Name: Entrepreneurship and Small BusinessManagement

    Target group: All interested parties who have an interest tocreate and manage their own business; Graduates of higherinstitutions who have interest to establish and run their own


    Objectives: The main objective of the training module is toendow learners with the concepts and major characteristics ofentrepreneurship and small business management.

    Contents Entrepreneurship: An overview Starting and Developing the Business Financing entrepreneurial businesses Developing an effective business plan Managing the operations of a business Planning and managing business growth Micro and small business enterprises: Vital components

    of the Economy

    Duration: 80 hours

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    5. Course Name: Information Technology (IT) Project


    Target group: Information project managers and systems developers. Persons working in IT project support offices.

    Objectives: Identify, interpret and manage the real project requirements Develop a focused project plan to manage IT projects Execute IT projects based on modern project management

    tools and techniques Find solutions to problems specifically related to IT projects

    Contents : The Nature of information technology projects Conceptualizing and initializing the IT project Developing project charter and baseline project plan The human side of project management Defining and managing project scope The work breakdown structure and project estimation Project schedule and budget Managing project risks

    Project communication, tracking, and reporting IT project quality management Managing organizational change, resistance, and conflict Project implementation, closure, and evaluation

    Duration : Fifty hours ( includes lecture plus lab class on Project Management software package )

    6. Course Name: Developing Communication Skills and


    Target group: Managers and experts involved in interpersonalcommunication and public relations

    Objectives: Explore the basic skills and strategies ofcommunication in areas of interpersonal communication,organizational communication, and interculturalcommunication.

    Contents: The nature of communication The basics of organizational communication Organizational reputation Management Communication Interpersonal communication Fundamentals of intercultral communcation Developing intercultural communication skills

    Duration: 50 hours

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    7. Course Name : Parasitological Laboratory Techniques

    Target group : Parasitology Lab technicians and supervisors workingin health institutions and laboratories

    Objectives: Provide practical knowledge and skills on laboratoryidentifications and manipulation of diagnostic equipments.

    Contents: Introduction to parasitology Parasitological sample collection Diagnosis of helminthes parasites Diagnosis of protozoal parasites Diagnosis of external parasites Preservation in veterinary parasitology

    Duration : 56 hours

    8. Course Name: Biomedical waste management

    Target group : Experts and managers engaged in themanagement of biomedical wastes in health facilities andrelated organizations.

    Objectives: Improve the management of biomedical wastescategorized into different types of biological wastes accordingto their nature and associated risks.

    Contents : Biological wastes Identification, collection and labeling of biological

    wastes Methods of biological waste management Occupational health and safety

    Duration: 50 hours

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    9. Course Name: Integrated Natural Resource Management

    Target group: Agricultural, ecosystems and natural resourcemanagement planners, experts and officers

    Objectives: Provide trainees with adequate technical and practicalinformation on concepts and principles as well as implementation toolsof INRM.


    Concept of Integrated Natural Resource Management Ecosystem components, functions and services Conservation perspectives in Integrated Natural Management Participatory land use and resource planning Tools for INRM and natural resource conflict management Mitigation and adaptation strategic in NRM Integration of technological and indigenous knowledge system

    in INRM

    Duration: 80 hours

    10 . Course Name: Quantitative research techniques andsoftware application in business economics and finance

    Target group : employers of public researchorganizations, and research department staff of different

    private and public banks

    Objectives : Equip potential trainees with software design,research methodology issues, date analysis and reporting

    Contents : The application of STATA in data managementand research

    Application of SPSS in business and economics Application of POC- give and Eviews in

    economic and business analysis Application of other software packages on

    problems related to economics and business areas

    Duration : 64 hours

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    11. Course Name: Environmental and social impact assessment

    Target group: Natural resource, agricultural and industrialdevelopment project and program planers, experts and managers

    Objectives: Understand the origins and principles underpinninginternational environmental conventions and Ethiopias policy andlegislation and understand the principles and approaches ofenvironmental impact assessment.

    Contents: Ethiopian environmental outlook and policy issues The main elements of EIA process and tools relevant for

    conducting effective EIA Environmental monitoring and auditing Practical EIA case study exercises

    Duration : 56 hours

    12. Course Name : Mainstreaming climate changeadaptation in to water resources management

    Target group : Government and non-government waterresources development planners, managers and professionals

    Objectives: To enhance understanding of trainees about theimportance and strategies and methods of mainstreamingclimate change in water resource management

    Contents : Climate change: cases and impacts Water and climate change Climate change adaptation Climate change adaptation in water resource

    management Possibilities and constraints of applications in Ethiopia

    Duration: 48 hours

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    13. Course Name : Print and Web Journalism

    Target group : journalists and media practitioners in the Print andWeb Journalism

    Objectives : Enhance skills of journalists and media practitionersin the print and web Journalism


    Concepts and principles of writing and editing for printmedia

    Concepts and principles of writing and editing for online publications

    Layout and design for print and web Advocacy journalism and investigative journalism Writing for specific purposes and duration

    Duration : 50 hours

    14. Course Name : Professional Interview skill for BroadcastProfessional Journalists

    Target group: Media trainers, media consultants, lecturers in journalism

    Objective s: Provide step- by- step guide to trainers toeffectively deliver interviewing techniques training for

    journalists; trainers involved in implementing, evaluating, and

    using appropriate methodologies for basic, advanced andspecialized skills of interviewing.

    Contents : Interview skills Pre-interview skills Conducting an interview Post interview

    Duration : 42 hours

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    15. Course Name : Basic Radio program Production

    Target group : Journalist or media practitioner

    Objectives : Expose journalist or media practitioners to exposethemselves to knowledge and skills in the fields of journalism andskills of media practice.

    Contents : Radio as a medium of mass communication Radio sounds Basic radio equipment for sound recording Writing radio script Actual radio program production (final exercise) Program evaluation

    Duration : 50 hours

    16. Course Name : Television Program Production

    Target group: M edia personnel working in public or private TVstations

    Objectives: Give basic production steps and process for TV program producer at a TV station.

    Contents : Basic elements of TV program production Program Production processes

    Duration : 50 hours

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    17. Course Name: GIS Training for Natural ResourceManagement and Socioeconomic Development Planning(With practical exercises using ARCGIS)

    Target group: Graduates, experts and managers engaged innatural resource management and development planning

    Objectives: Expose trainees to concepts of GIS, principles ofspatial data modeling and methods of data capturing, dataanalysis and visualization/presentation.

    Contents: Overview of GIS and ArcGIS - main modules andapplication areas

    Geographic Information and Spatial Data Types:Exercises on data entry using ArcGIS

    Spatial data analysis Geo-visualization- Creating maps of analytical results Working with remotely sensed data in GIS Applications of GIS

    Duration: 60 hours

    18. Course Name: Web Site Design and DevelopmentTarget group : trainees are required to have knowledge of Internetand basic computer applications skills

    Objectives : Provide trainees with basics of designing anddeveloping web pages and a complete web site using a web editorwhilst understanding the basics of HTML and how to edit HTMLcode.

    Content: Introduction to Internet and the Web Web Site design issues HTML basics Designing web page using a What You See is What You Get

    (WYSIWYG) web editor How to publish a web site

    Duration: 48 hours

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    19. Course Name: Accounting and Financial Management for

    Business Mangers

    Target group : Business Managers and individuals dealing withfinance

    Objectives: Provide a working knowledge of the fundamentals ofaccounting and financial management that can be applied,regardless of rm size, in the real world.

    Contents : 1. Finance and Accounting: Decision Making and Analysis


    Financial Accounting and Reporting3. Managerial Accounting4. Tax Accounting and Reporting in Ethiopia5. Financial Management

    Duration: 80 hours

    20. Course Name: Leadership

    Target group: All leaders at different levels

    Objectives: Provide the trainees with basic skills and toolsneeded to lead their organizations

    Content:1. Basic Concept of Management2. Overview of Leadership3. Leadership theories4. Broad Classification of Leadership Approaches


    Leadership and Change6. Leadership and Organizational Conflict Management7. Leadership and Ethics

    Duration: 64 hours

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    21. Course Name: Change Management

    Target group : Managers at different levels

    Objectives: Contribute to effective change in an organization.

    Contents : 1. Basics of Change Management 2. Change and the Related Process


    Obstacles to Change and the Role4. Approaches/Models of Change Management

    Duration: 48 hours

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    Hourly Fee per Trainee

    The hourly fee to be charged per trainee excluding additional charges for meals, hall, training materials and refreshment and associatedexpenditures is set as follows.

    Level of trainees Number of trainees per session Charge per trainee hour, birr

    Executive (High) level 6-10 100

    11-20 50

    More than 20 40

    Middle (expert) level 7-11 80

    12-20 35

    More than 20 30

    Operation (regular) level 6-11 70

    12-20 35

    More than 20 30

    Note: Maximum number of trainees in a session is 20.