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A webquest for the Students

Against Racism

Group at Tastafe Hobart

Plan Your Trip To Sydney



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In October 2015 the Hobart Students Against Racism has been invited to present at a conference in Sydney. However, the trip will only happen if you, the students, can take care of all the planning and organization. You will need to find out how to get there, how to get around, where to stay, what to do and where to eat.

And you’ll have to do all this on a tight budget.

Are you up for the challenge? You’ve got one week

Click on the ‘Task’ button below to find out more



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TaskYou are going to plan a trip to Sydney to take place later this year. You will need to produce an itinerary for the four days and three nights of the trip that includes flights, transport in Sydney, accommodation, food and activities.

There will be 16 students and 2 teachers. Each person will have a budget of $900.

You will be divided into groups of four and each person will be responsible for researching one aspect of the trip.

You will put together and present a PowerPoint presentation that outlines your proposed itinerary.

Be prepared to argue for your itinerary as the quest will finish with a debate and then a vote by teachers and students for the best itinerary and for the best presentation.



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ProcessYou will be divided into four groups of four:

Student 1 will be in charge of flights and transport in Sydney.

Student 2 will be responsible for finding somewhere to stay.

Student 3 will be organizing things to do in Sydney

Student 4 will be making sure that everyone gets three meals a day

Once you have researched all the information, times and prices either, you will come together as a group and work out the budget using Excel

There will also be a copy of Lonely Planet and Rough Guide to Sydney to look up information and additional websites offline.

When you have made a budget you can start putting it together as a Wiki where you negotiate what to do and where to go. When the itinerary is complete on the Wiki convert it into a PowerPoint presentation

Each student will report on their research and then as a group you will explain how you decided to spend the money.

Once all groups have presented you will debate the other groups on why your trip itinerary is the best

Finally the class will vote via a Twitter poll to decide which itinerary the group should follow in October.

Make sure you are familiar with the evaluation rubric so you know how what you will be assessed on

When you have decided on the roles in your group click on the relevant Manager Button to begin



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Travel Managers

Accommodation Managers

Event Managers

Catering Managers

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Travel Managers

You will need to get at least two different quotes for return flights to Sydney

The dates for the trip are:

Depart Hobart Tuesday 20th October ( morning), depart Sydney Friday 23rd October (after lunch)

As soon as you have some information on the approximate costs of the flights you will need to communicate this to the rest of the group as this is the biggest budget factor.

You will need to find out about travel cards for trains, buses and ferries

You will need to find out some approximate prices for taxis

When you have more information about where the group will be going you can work out a travel budget

Here are some websites to get you started:

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Accommodation Managers

You will need to get quotes from at least four different hostels/backpackers in Sydney

At least one of these quotes should be done by phone, the others can be done via online inquiries or email

You should explain that we are a large group and you would like a discount.

Some hostels include breakfast in the deal. If they do let the catering manager in your group know as soon as possible.

Let the transport and events managers know possible locations as soon as possible so they can start to work out event and travel arrangements. Can they walk to the restaurant, museum etc?

Find out what time we can arrive and what time we have to leave.

Here are some websites to get you started:

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Event Managers

Your job is to organise activities for the group while we are in Sydney.

We will be busy at the conference on Wednesday morning and Thursday

morning but we will need activities on Wednesday afternoon and

Thursday afternoon as well as something for Friday morning.

At least one of these activities should be educational.

Select a range of different activities using the websites below as a starting point. When you have a few ideas make some phone calls and send some emails to get some more information and prices. Don’t forget to ask for a group discount and to get student or concession prices.

Choosing the right activities for a big group is always difficult so make sure you talk to the other members in your group. You can even ask other TAFE students who have been to Sydney for ideas.

There are a lot of things that you can do in Sydney that are either free or not very expensive.

Here are some websites to start you off

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Catering Manager

You will need to provide three meals a day for the three days that the group will be in Sydney except for Wednesday and Thursday lunch which will be provided at the conference.

As we are on a tight budget all breakfasts will have to be self-catered as will one of the evening meals.

As some of the group will have special dietary requirements – vegetarian, Halal etc. you will have to do a quick survey of the groups requirements.

It would make sense to do this together with the Catering Managers from the other groups

Here are some websites to get you started

There are lots more sites you can look at. Remember we have a tight budget so make sure you look for cheap restaurants.

When you have found a good selection of restaurants get in contact via phone and email and ask if there is a discount for a group booking.

You will also need to get an idea of supermarket costs for the meals that we have at the hostel. You can look this up online or you can get a pricelist from your local Coles or Woollies.

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Not achieved Achieved Achieved to high standard

Group Collaboration

Group did not work as a teamLittle or no discussionNot all students participated

Group worked quite well as a teamSome evidence of discussion and collaboration.All students participated

Group worked well together.A lot of discussion with contributions from all members.

Use of resources No or poor effort to locate resources

Group used the listed references effectively

Group used the listed references and went beyond these to other sources

Budgetingand Excel skills

Budget incomplete or totally unrealisticSpreadsheet non-functional

Budget realistic and completeSpreadsheet works basically

Budget realistic and well-presented with a functional spreadsheet


Poorly presentedNo sequence to slidesNo images/tables

Itinerary well presented with facts, images, calendar etc.Presentation shared

Stimulating and informative presentation clearly outlining itinerary

Oral Presentation Poor body languageUnequal contributions

Clearly presented, good body language and even contributions from group

Engaging contributions from all group members

Debating skills Arguments not clear or supportedDominated by 1 or 2 students

Good arguments with even group contributions

Well-supported arguments with even group contributions

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ConclusionWell done. Hopefully you have presented a powerful case for your choices and everyone has voted for your itinerary.

We also hope you have improved your numeracy skills (budgeting), your research skills, your presentation skills and your discussion skills.

And we hope you have realized just how much work goes organizing a group trip.

Next time you do it will be much easier.



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Some final tasks for the webquest:• In your groups and then as a class reflect on what has been good, bad, useful, interesting

and think about what you might have learnt by doing this webquest• Fundraising – where is all the money going to come from, how much can we expect each

student to contribute and how much will the grant cover? What extra activities/workshops can we do to raise money?

• Go to Sydney, have a great time then when you get back deliver a presentation about the trip to the rest of the students at TAFE, your sponsors and other interested parties

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Teacher NotesWhilst this webquest was designed for an actual trip with a specific group of students in mind, it can easily be adapted for any group planning either a real or an imaginary trip.

As this group of students is currently studying CSWE III most of the assessment is geared towards tasks on that curriculum. These include:

Comprehending and participating in a spoken discussion

F1 Demonstrate understanding of a spoken discussion

F2 Participate in a discussion

Comprehending and delivering an oral presentation

E1 Demonstrate understanding of a spoken presentation

E2 Deliver a short presentation

As an extension activity the students could also present their findings as an information report which ties in with:

M1 Prepare to write a report

M2 Write a report

The part where the students have to phone/email for information could be adapted for

L1 Write a formal letter/email



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1. Prior to embarking on webquest focus language activities on target language structures – arguing, turn-taking, interjecting etc

2. Explain task with students highlighting that it is a real task for a real trip

3. Outline how students will be evaluated

4. Divide students into groups of four (can double up if necessary)

5. Allow students to access web via PCs, tablets, phones

6. Monitor groups, listen for correct target language, elicit where not evident

7. Focus groups on need to cooperate and collaborate particularly when it comes to ordering and prioritising items i.e. flights first

8. Get students to put their budgets together using Excel and their presentations using PowerPoint

9. Remind them that they are also being assessed on collaboration and cooperation

10. Present itineraries to other groups

11. Debate

12. Vote

13. Reflect on the quest – individually, in pairs and as a class

14. Extension activities – fund-raising activities, presenting and giving feedback to sponsors

Teacher Process

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Author BiographyMark Buckland

I am currently studying the Graduate Certificate in TESOL and I work as an EAL teacher at Tastafe in Hobart

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