Page 1: A Two-Week Family Easter · reminder of God’s plan that culminates in the Easter events. The second track is a Kid Track

◊ A ◊ Two-Week

Family Easter


Page 2: A Two-Week Family Easter · reminder of God’s plan that culminates in the Easter events. The second track is a Kid Track

How to Understand & Use this Booklet?

Though it is helpful to have the assistance of a program devoted to CHILDREN and one devoted to STUDENTS,

we all agree that the primary responsibility for discipleship should ideally fall to families and parents—

taking place in the home (in the manner of Deuteronomy 6). This is the biblical pattern. As such, there

exists within your ministry team a desire to devise ways in which we accomplish this in our Cedar Creek

families. We hope to position parents, grandparents, guardians, and the like in a church-wide effort to

disciple and train children in their homes. This explains the Prepare Him Room effort (Christmas 2014),

and it also explains the purpose behind the Easter 2015 booklet you are now reading.

In the span of two hundred years, we have gone from a time when FAMILY WORSHIP was the norm in

Christian homes to a time when nine out of ten Christian parents cannot tell you what the term means.

Our homes should be places where Christ is worshipped on a daily basis. If we truly believe that he is

central to all of life, then our homes must reflect that in the way we spend our time.

Okay. That all sounds well and good, but, you may be asking, “How do we use this booklet?” Good

question! As you thumb through the pages herein, you will notice that there are—for lack of a better

description—2 “tracks” for each day. The first track is an All-Age Track , which is meant to be used by…

well… ALL. Whether single, married, married with kids, empty-nest, or whatever, this study is a helpful

reminder of God’s plan that culminates in the Easter events. The second track is a Kid Track , which is

obviously designed for those families that need to keep children on target . Whichever track fits you

best, go for it.

In this 2-week study plan, we are putting an emphasis on GUIDED FAMILY WORSHIP. Now, let us offer a

quick explanation for what ALL that means. This study is “GUIDED” in the sense that your pastoral staff has

put coordinated time into these daily Bible studies, into the daily ‘object lessons’ (aimed at keeping your

child’s attention), into the coordinating music, and into the desire that all “Creekers” do this together.

And, they are also “GUIDED” in that the whole CCBC Body will come together on two Wednesday nights to

explore and reinforce these Easter truths as a community. Just think about what a child’s mind will

process when he or she connects what is done in his or her home to what friends are doing in their

homes to what we are talking about and singing about as a church family! The message they will hear

is that this “stuff” is important. They may not comprehend everything, but we believe the importance of

the Easter event will nonetheless be of lasting impact in their lives—and, hopefully, in the lives of us all.

And so, we desire to guide CCBC toward this Easter Family emphasis.

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WEEK #1 Remembering the Passover

March 23- March 29

MONDAY – March 23rd Day 1

Read Exodus 7.

Explore the following questions:

What does this passage tell us about God?

HINT: His power and His purpose, vv. 2-5 & 17

What does this chapter tell us about man – particularly men like Pharaoh, the

magicians, and even Moses & Aaron?

What sin do we see here that we need to be very careful about not repeating today?

Listen to the Mercy Me song… “Word of God Speak.”* Finish with Prayer.


God allows challenging circumstances to better display his Glory

Objects needed: A ball and a basket (bucket, mixing bowl, etc.)

Optional: Stick and some gummy worms.

Optional Fun Opening:

Take a stick out and ask your kids if they think you can turn your stick into worms. When

they say no you can say you’re right but tonight we are going to read a story where some

pretty amazing things happen – like men who can turn walking sticks into snakes!!! And

while we are reading our story (or after) you can snack on these gummy worms to remind

you of this amazing miracle!

Object Lesson:

Tell your kids that you are going to prove to them that you have great aim. Then take your

basket and set it very close to you and toss your ball into it. Ask them if they now believe that

* The last page of this booklet will point you to where you can find the coinciding SONG.

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you have great aim. Draw them out and help them to see that an extremely easy shot does not

necessarily prove that you have great aim. After your initial display is disproven then say that

you are really going to prove that you have amazing aim and with great fanfare put the basket

into an extremely challenging place (be creative, way up high, under the kitchen table, in

another room, etc. – basically make it impossible.) Take your best shot and when you miss

the shot ask your kids to imagine what it would have been like if you had actually made this

impossible shot…Would they have been surprised? Would they have finally believed that you

had amazing aim? If so why? (Because the harder the shot is the better it is to

prove that you have great aim). In tonight’s story we are going to see how God often

uses the more difficult times in our lives to best show his power and glory to us.

Now… Read Exodus 7

Then, explore the following thoughts with your family.

If God is all-powerful why did he harden Pharaoh’s heart to His own messenger

(Moses)? Another way to ask this question is to ask, “Would God’s glory (shown in his

power) have been shown more if he had softened Pharaoh’s heart or hardened it?

(The more Pharaoh chose to disobey God, the more opportunities God

had to display his power through the plagues).

If God is all-powerful why did he allow the Egyptian magicians to turn their rods into

snakes (this may have been through illusion or even demonic power)?

(Their prideful displays of man’s power gave God the opportunity to

show that He is far more powerful than man).

What happened to Pharaoh and his people when he further hardened his heart to

God’s commands and his power? (Pharaoh’s continued disobedience brought

further judgment and suffering to his people and himself)

Why is it so important that we soften our hearts to God and respond to his commands

in obedience? (The Bible tells us that our ignoring God’s commands and

continued disobedience is very dangerous and brings earthly

consequences and eventually God’s judgment on us)

Listen to the Mercy Me song… “Word of God Speak.” Finish with Prayer.

Monday, March 23rd

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TUESDAY – March 24th Day 2

Read Exodus 8.

Explore the following questions:

What does this passage tell us about God?

HINT: His power and His purpose, vv. 22-23, 30-31

What does this chapter tell us about man?

Moses – vv. 8-13, 30-31

Magicians – vv. 18-19

Pharaoh – vv. 15, 19, 32

What can we learn about prayer from this chapter?

Listen to the Sovereign Grace song… “Behold Our God.” Finish with Prayer.


God uses the weakness of man (believers—Moses—and unbelievers—

magicians/Pharaoh—to better display his Glory

Objects needed: 2 stickers (or pieces of tape)

Object Lesson:

Tell your kids that you would like to start off with a game. Then take your first sticker or

piece of tape and give it to them. Then put the second sticker or piece of tape on the wall in

front of them but far too high for them to reach (put it as high as you possibly can and still

reach yourself). Next challenge them to try and put their piece of tape on the wall as high as

yours. When they have tried this ask how their sticker/tape compares to yours? Were they

able to put it as high as yours? What does this teach us about their ability to hang tape high

on a wall? (This teaches us that they cannot reach very high). What does this teach

us about your ability to hang tape high on a wall? (This teaches us that mom or dad can

reach higher). Now ask them if they would like your help to see how high they can reach

to put the tape/sticker on the wall. Then lift them up to the same height your tape/sticker is

and tell them to go ahead and put theirs by yours. What does this teach us? (This teaches

us that a child can reach as high but only with mom or dad’s help). In tonight’s

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story we are going to see how God uses the weakness of people who obey him and even people

who disobey him to show his power and glory to us.

Now… .Read Exodus 8.

Then, explore the following thoughts with your family.

In verse 7 after God has caused a swarm of frogs to come up on the land Pharaoh’s

magicians tried to show their own human power, what happened next?(Even though

they showed some dark power they ultimately only made the plague

worse, they simply could not compete with God– this is actually a humorous

outcome when we think about it…surely their bumbling and foolish attempts to

compete with God’s power only got them into more trouble with Pharaoh when

instead of eliminating the frogs they caused more ).

In verse 18 the magicians could not even produce more gnats let alone eliminate the

plague – how did they respond when God revealed their lack of human power? How

did this bring glory to God? (When they finally understood their lack of

power compared to God’s great power they freely gave testimony to his


In verses 8 and 28 what surprising thing does Pharaoh ask of Moses? (Pharaoh

asks Moses to “plead” to God for mercy on his behalf) Does this request for

prayer mean that Pharaoh was a believer in the one true God? - Read Matthew 7:21:

“Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but the

one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” (Pharaoh gives testimony

to God’s glory and power, but sadly we see over and over that he is

unwilling to yield his life in obedience to God and his heart remains

heart in spite of what he knows to be true in his head).

Why does God wait to remove the plague of frogs until after Moses prays? (Even

though Moses is a believer in the one true God he is still just as weak as

any other man – it is only through God’s power that Moses is able to

bring about relief for the Egyptians…in verse 10 Moses agrees to pray

to God on Pharaoh’s behalf saying, “be it as you say, so that you may

know that there is no one like the Lord our God.”)

Listen to the Sovereign Grace song… “Behold Our God.” Finish with Prayer.

Tuesday, March 24th

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WEDNESDAY – March 25th Day 3

Wednesday – Bible study at church @ 7:00PM

THURSDAY – March 26th Day 4

Read Exodus 9.

Explore the following questions:

What does this passage tell us about God?

HINT: His power and His purpose, vv. 1-4, 13-17

What does this chapter tell us about man?

Moses – vv. 17, 23

Pharaoh – vv. 27-28, 34-35

What can we learn about overcoming the temptation to compromise from this chapter?

Listen to the Matt Maher song… “Christ is Risen.” Finish with Prayer.


God reveals the lies of man’s false gods to better display his Glory

Objects needed: 2 stuffed animals (1 to represent Mom and 1 to represent Dad)

Object Lesson:

Tell your kids that you would have some special guests you would like to introduce to them.

Next tell them that your family has decided to take on a new mom and dad and introduce

them to the stuffed animals as their new “mom and dad.” Next ask them how they think the

“new mom and dad” will do. What will they make for dinner tonight (tomorrow night)?

What kind of jobs will they have to provide money for the family? How good will they be at

driving our family to church on Sunday? Does it make sense to call stuffed animals “mom and

dad?” (Calling stuffed animals parents no does not make it so any more than

calling broccoli chocolate makes that so! – if we live like these things are true

we only fool ourselves). Do you think these stuffed animals will be able to take good care

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of you? (Of course not, compared to your real parents these stuffed animals will

be totally unable to help you and take care of you). Just as it would be foolish to live

believing that your parents were stuffed animals, sometimes in the Bible we read about places

where people believed in false gods – they refused to worship the one, true God and instead

often worship many false gods who they believed had great power. In tonight’s story we are

going to see how God uses the lies and weakness man’s false gods to show his power and

glory to us.

Read Exodus 9.

Then, explore the following

thoughts with your family.

Tonight we read about which 3

plagues in Exodus 9? (Dead Livestock, Boils, Hail)

Do you remember which 4 plagues came before these 3? (Nile turned to blood,

frogs, lice, flies).

Did Pharaoh and the Egyptians worship the one true God? (No, they worshipped

many false gods.) An example of the false gods they served was Hapi who they

believed was the god of the Nile River – would one of the plagues God sent have

proven to them that Hapi the “god of the Nile River” was a false god? (When the

water of the Nile was turned to blood this would have shown that this

Egyptian god was a false god and had no power – unlike the one true


The Egyptians also worshipped several gods that they believed would protect their

valuable livestock – which one of the plagues that God sent would have proven that

the “gods of the livestock” were false gods with no power? (When their livestock

died this would have shown that these Egyptian gods were false gods

and had no power – unlike the one true God).

Why do you think God sent plagues that affected the Egyptian gods? (God was

showing both his people and the people of Egypt that no matter how

powerful they once may have thought the false gods of Egypt were – in

fact they were nothing compared to the one, true God).

Listen to the Matt Maher song… “Christ is Risen.” Finish with Prayer.

Thursday, March 26th

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FRIDAY – March 27th Day 5

Read Exodus 10.

Explore the following questions:

What does this passage tell us about God?

HINT: His power and His purpose, vv. 1-3

What does this chapter tell us about man?

Moses – vv. 28-29

Pharaoh – vv. 16-20

What can we learn about overcoming the temptation to compromise from this chapter?

Look especially at vv. 8-11, 24-26

Listen to the Elevation Worship song… “Give me Faith.” Finish with Prayer.


God works in unexplainable and amazing power to better display his Glory

Objects needed: 1 Deck of Cards (for a magic trick)

Object Lesson:

Before your family gathers together put a deck of cards out on the table with the following 4

cards on top: Ace of Clubs, King of Diamonds, Queen of Hearts, Jack of Spades (an easy way to

remember after you have stacked your deck is that they are descending in value and

alphabetical to suit names). When everyone has gathered ask one of your children to take the

top card off and look at it without showing you. Then tell them what their card is. Repeat

this with the next 3 cards and play up your “skill” while “amazing” your family. After your

trick is complete ask them if they were impressed by your trick. Then ask how they think you

did it. After initial discussion explain how you set it up and why you actually knew the cards.

Next ask them if they still think your trick was that great. Next, mix the cards up several

times and let them choose any at random and try to name them. When you fail ask them if

they think it would be amazing if you could actually tell them the card after mixing them up

and letting them choose. Why would it be amazing? (It is much more impressive to do a card

trick when that trick cannot be easily explained…when it can be explained it doesn’t seem

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that hard anymore). When we talk about God’s miracles and supernatural works – like the

plagues – it is definitely not the same thing as a card trick. But, since the beginning of time

people who don’t want to believe in God and his supernatural power have tried to explain and

find reasons why miracles happened and why they aren’t actually miraculous. In tonight’s

story we are going to see how God sent 2 plagues that could never be explained as anything

other than miraculous and how God uses his unexplainable and amazing power to show his

power and glory to us.

Read Exodus 10.

Then, explore the following thoughts with your family.

Tonight we read about which 2 plagues in Exodus 10? (Locusts and Darkness)

Of all of the plagues which ones do you think are most amazing and powerful? Do

Locusts and Darkness seem all that amazing compared to some of the other

plagues?(For some the blood in the Nile, the hail, the frogs, the dead

livestock, etc. could seem more vivid than some insects or no light)

Why would locusts have been a terrifying plague to Egyptians? (10:15 says no

green thing, tree, or plant of the field remained in Egypt – they were

facing a severe famine after these locusts! ).

How did God show his power in a miraculous way in removing the locusts? (10:19

says not one single locust remained after God sent a wind to remove

them – it wasn’t just that the locusts let off, God was so thorough in his

removal that there could be other explanation other than his

miraculous power).

Why do you think God allowed the darkness not impact his people in Goshen? (This

was God’s grace to his people during a time of judgment for the rest of

Egypt, but it was also another clear way to communicate his miraculous

power. If darkness covered the whole land there would be some who

could claim an eclipse or a really bad sandstorm, but with the darkness

only affecting the Egyptians there could be no explanation but the one,

true God).

Listen to the Elevation Worship song… “Give me Faith.” Finish with Prayer.

Friday, March 27th

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SATURDAY – March 28th Day 6

Read Exodus 11 – 12:36.

Explore the following questions:

What are the main elements of the Passover

meal, and why did God assign each one?

What are the significance of the sacrificial lamb

and the application of its blood to the doorposts?

Spend some time imagining this night of both terror and victory that resulted

in Israel’s release from captivity.

Listen to the Chris Tomlin song… “Jesus Messiah.” Finish with Prayer.


God points us to Jesus to better display His glory

Objects needed: 1 fun size candy bar per child and one regular size candy bar per adult.

Object Lesson:

As your family gathers together tell them that you have a delicious surprise for them and give

them each a fun size candy bar. Ask them what they like about it and how it tastes. Ask

them if there was any way they think that they might improve on the candy bar. Suggest that

the one way you can improve it would be to give them a bigger size candy bar and then give

them the regular size bar and ask if they like it better? Why do they like it better? (It’s the

same delicious candy as they had before but there’s more of it in the regular

size bar!). Throughout the Old Testament God uses the stories of his people to point to the

coming of His Son. In a small way our fun size candy bar is a little bit like these stories.

There are ways the fun size bar points us to the real thing. While the fun size bar isn’t nearly

as good as the actual bar it certainly reminds us of the real candy bar. In the same way

tonight we will read the account of the Passover and see how God points us to Jesus to show

his power and glory to us.

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Read Exodus 11 – 12:36.

Then, explore the following thoughts with your family.

Tonight Why did God have the Israelites sacrifice a lamb and put its blood on the

doorpost? (This reminded them of the lamb who would one day come and

take away the sins of the world - Jesus)

Can you think of other ways in the Old Testament that God pointed forward to the

coming of the Lamb of God (Jesus)? (When Abraham was about to sacrifice

Isaac and God provided the lamb, also we see this in the institution of

the OT sacrifice that took place at the Tabernacle/Temple throughout

the OT).

Why would locusts have been a terrifying plague to Egyptians? (10:15 says no

green thing, tree, or plant of the field remained in Egypt – they were

facing a severe famine after these locusts! ).

Why did God have them eat with their belts fastened, sandals on their feet, and staff in

their hand? You could also ask why they were commanded to eat in haste. (God had

made a promise to deliver his people and he was carrying this out. The

manner in which they were commanded to eat demonstrated the surety

of God’s promise & the power in which he was about to act on their


Can you remember another time in the Bible where the Passover is mentioned? (The

last supper that Jesus had with the disciples was a Passover meal – a

meal where they were remembering God’s great faithfulness to his

people many hundreds of years after it happened – the annual

celebration of Passover was a continual reminder to God’s people for

those many years of his deliverance out of Egypt but also it was a

continued foreshadowing of the even greater deliverance to come when

Jesus died and rose again).

Listen to the Chris Tomlin song… “Jesus Messiah.” Finish with Prayer.

SUNDAY – March 29th Day 7

Sunday – Worship and celebration of God’s deliverance from slavery

Saturday, March 28th

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WEEK #2 Celebrating His Sacrifice

March 30 – April 5

MONDAY – March 30th Day 8

Read Hebrews 9.

Explore the following:

See if you can find a larger picture of what the author is describing in vv. 1-10 (a

study Bible or just google “OT most holy place”). Meditate on what it would be like to

be the one allowed to go in there once a year and the awe that would inspire. Then

meditate on what it would be like to be one of the millions always left out, wondering

what it was really like to be in the presence of God?

Now read vv. 11-26. Why was it necessary for Jesus to die? Why did Jesus’ death

satisfy all the OT requirements?

Finally, in reading vv. 27-28, when we have placed all our trust in Jesus alone for our

salvation, how does that affect our attitude towards His second coming?

Listen to Shane & Shane’s song… “Before the Throne of God Above.” Finish w/ Prayer.

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Jesus’ perfect sacrifice provides for us forgiveness of sins and entrance into

God’s holy presence.

Objects needed: Pillows, blankets, and anything else to build a fort in your living room.

Object Lesson:

Tell your kids that you would like to start off by building a pillow fort. Use as many pillows as

you can find! Use blankets! Use your living room couch as a building block! The bigger you

make your fort, the better! Then do something around your house that will be impossible for

your children to accomplish (ex. touch the ceiling fan, pull something down from the tallest

part of the bookshelf, etc.). Place yourself inside the fort, but do not allow your children to

come in unless they can accomplish the same task that you have accomplished. Your kids

might try to accomplish the task (but to no avail), they might give up right away (having lost

all hope), or they might kick and scream for you to let them in—do not let them in, no

matter what! After a few moments, ask them if they really want to come inside the fort. (Of

course they do). Do they believe they can accomplish the task necessary for entering? (They

shouldn’t—at least not today). Who are the only ones able to accomplish the task? (Only Mom

and Dad can). Explain to your kids that they only way they can enter the fort is for them to

accomplish the given task. Explain to them, however, that you are the only one in the house

that is actually able to accomplish it. Now ask them if they would like you to accomplish the

task for them, so that they can enter into the fort. In tonight’s lesson we are going to see how

Jesus is the only one who can save us from our sins and bring us into a personal relationship

with God.

Now… .Read Hebrews 9.

Then, explore the following thoughts with your family.

In verses 1-10, we read of the tabernacle (a tent in which God’s presence resided in

Israel) and how only a select few people were able to enter in. Compare this to your

kids not being able to come inside the pillow fort. How did your kids feel about not

being able to enter to the fort? How did they feel about not being able to be where

their parents were? (Did they feel sad? Frustrated? Upset?).

Monday, March 30th

Page 15: A Two-Week Family Easter · reminder of God’s plan that culminates in the Easter events. The second track is a Kid Track

In a similar way, we cannot enter into God’s presence nor have a personal relationship

with Him through our own efforts. Why? (Because we’re not perfect—we are

sinful and sin makes us unable to be with God).

In verses 11-26, we read that Jesus sacrificed Himself so that we would be able to

come into the presence of God. Why was it necessary for Jesus to die?

(Without Jesus’ sacrifice we cannot be forgiven of our sin, v. 22; without

our sin being forgiven we cannot enter into God’s presence).

In verses 27-28, we read that Jesus is coming back one day for those who trust in Him

for their salvation. We He comes back, He will bring His people into God’s presence to

live with Him forever! How does this make you feel? (Worried? Anxious?

Excited?) What kind of attitude should we have, knowing that Jesus is coming back?

(In thankfulness and in anticipation of His promises being fulfilled, our

attitude should be one of trusting Him, loving Him, and obeying what He

has told us to do).

Listen to Shane & Shane’s song… “Before the Throne of God Above.” Finish w/ Prayer.

TUESDAY – March 31st Day 9

Read Hebrews 10.

Explore the following:

From vv. 1-18, why does Jesus’ death never have to be repeated again?

Spend time thanking God that your sins are forgiven… forever!

From vv. 19-25, there are three “let us” things that we are supposed to do as a result

of Jesus’ blood on our behalf. What are they?

Spend time drawing near to God and telling him the things that are on your

heart. Ask God if there is someone you know who needs a word of

encouragement, and then make the commitment to do that TODAY!

From vv. 26-39, ask God to give you strength to persevere in your faith until the end.

Listen to Hillsong’s song… “Man of Sorrows.” Finish w/ Prayer.

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Jesus’ perfect sacrifice provides for us confidence to come into God’s presence

and encouragement through the body of Christ (the Church).

Objects needed: A stack of 8-10 books (a variety of different sizes and weights). If you do

not have enough books, you might consider using DVD cases or boxes.

Object Lesson:

Tell your kids that you would like to start off with a challenge. Begin by asking one of your

kids to hold a single book above their head with flat palms. Give them a few seconds to feel

the weight of the book and ask them if it is getting heavy (the delay is key to making the

challenge harder with fewer books). If they are ready for more, carefully place another book

on the stack. Repeat this process until the books slide off (be sure to catch the books to

prevent injury). If you have more kids, ask them to try this challenge as well. Always

congratulate them for their effort, but remark how hard it must be to keep adding weight.

After each kid has had the opportunity to try the challenge on their own, allow all of your kids

to hold up the books together. As you add more books, remark how it’s still hard but much

easier than doing it alone. In tonight’s lesson we are going to see how Jesus’ death for our

sins gives us confidence to come into God’s presence and encouragement through the body of

Christ (the Church).

Now… .Read Hebrews 10.

Then, explore the following thoughts with your family.

In verses 1-18, we read that Jesus’ death on the cross provided forgiveness of sins for all

people who trust in Him from the beginning of time until His second coming. Unlike the

sacrifices in the Old Testament, Jesus’ sacrifice never needs to be repeated. Why?

(Jesus was perfect, thus making His sacrifice perfect—He is THE Passover

Lamb. By trusting in His perfect sacrifice, our sins are forgiven—forever &

completely—& there is no longer any need to make sacrifices).

Tuesday, March 31st

Page 17: A Two-Week Family Easter · reminder of God’s plan that culminates in the Easter events. The second track is a Kid Track

In verses 19-25, there are three “let us” things that we are supposed to do as a result

of Jesus’ sacrifice. One thing we are supposed to do is draw near to God. The world we

live in, plus our own hearts, makes it hard for us to draw close to God at times. Do you

remember how hard it was to hold up all of those books by yourself? (It may have

been easy at first, but over time it became very hard). Trying to go through

life in your own strength (apart from God) is very difficult and eventually everything

will fall apart (just like the stack of books). By trusting in Jesus’ perfect sacrifice,

however, we can have confidence to come into God’s presence, knowing that we will

be accepted by Him.

In verses 24-25, we read about the church and how those in Christ are to love and

encourage one another. Jesus’ death for our sins not only brings us into a relationship

with God, but also into relationship with others as well! Was it easier to hold up the

books when you had help from other people? How was it easier?

God has given us a gift (the church) to help us and encourage us during hard times.

How have you recently been encouraged by someone else? What are some ways you

can help someone else today?

Listen to Hillsong’s song… “Man of Sorrows.” Finish w/ Prayer.

WEDNESDAY – April 1st Day 10

Come celebrate the Passover meal with your church family @ 7:00.

Page 18: A Two-Week Family Easter · reminder of God’s plan that culminates in the Easter events. The second track is a Kid Track

THURSDAY – April 2nd Day 11

Read John 18.

Explore the following questions:

How can we see Peter in all of us?

Ask God to give you strength to not deny Him

when life gets hard and people’s opinions become

contrary to His truth.

Pray for your brothers and sisters around the

world who face severe testing of their faith, and

that they will overcome.

In reading the conversation between Pilate and Jesus, who is clearly in authority?

Thank Jesus for His willing sacrifice on our behalf even as all of His disciples

forsook Him.

Listen to the Sovereign Grace song… “In Christ Alone.” Finish w/ Prayer.


Jesus came into the world to bear witness to

the truth & He wants His disciples to do the same.

Objects needed: White paper & colored pencils/crayons. You

may also use a dry erase board for the lesson if you have one.

Object Lesson:

Tell your kids that you would like to start off with a time of drawing/coloring. Ask your kids

to draw pictures relating to Easter (ex. Jesus riding on a donkey, the cross, the tomb, palm

branches, etc.). Draw some of your own pictures too. After a few minutes, have a time of show

and tell with your kids. When it comes time for you to share, pretend that you drew

something completely different than what is actually on your paper. (You actually drew a

cross on the paper, but pretend that it’s a space ship). Try to persuade all of your kids into

saying that what you drew is a space ship, not a cross. Continue to do this for a few minutes

until they believe you or until they are convinced that you are not telling the truth. Did your

Page 19: A Two-Week Family Easter · reminder of God’s plan that culminates in the Easter events. The second track is a Kid Track

kids know the truth the whole time? Did they know you were just pretending? Did they agree

with you that you drew a space ship? (Even though it wasn’t actually a space ship). Why was it

not right for you to deny what you actually drew on the paper? (It was not the truth!). In

tonight’s story we are going to see how Jesus came into the world to bear witness to the truth

(and He wants His disciples to do the same).

Now… .Read John 18.

Then, explore the following thoughts with your family.

In verses verses 1-27, we read about Peter and how he denied knowing Jesus not

once, not twice, but three times. Do you remember when I denied that my picture was

a cross? (I pretended it was a space ship instead). Was it wrong for me to tell you

something that wasn’t true? Why?

(Jesus wants us to be people who bear witness to the truth).

Peter lied about his relationship with Jesus. He really did know Him, but he told

everyone else that he didn’t. Do you know Jesus? Are there any ways in which you

deny Jesus in your life? Do you remember when you agreed with me that my drawing

was a space ship?

(Sometimes life gets hard and other people’s opinions cause us to deny

Jesus’ truth—we must pray for God to give us strength to not deny Him).

In verse 38, Jesus tells us that he came into the world to bear witness to the truth. How

does Jesus show us to bear witness to the truth in this passage? (He is arrested,

wrongfully accused, and denied by His own disciples, but never denies

who He is or what He came into the world to do). Even when other people treat

us unfairly, we must have the courage to speak the truth about who we are and about

who Jesus is.

Listen to the Sovereign Grace song… “In Christ Alone.” Finish w/ Prayer.

Thursday, April 2nd

Page 20: A Two-Week Family Easter · reminder of God’s plan that culminates in the Easter events. The second track is a Kid Track

FRIDAY – April 3rd Day 12

Read John 19.

Explore the following:

A day to meditate on the cross, Christ’s words,

the disciples’ & Jesus’ mother’s thoughts &

emotions, & the courage of both Joseph &

Nicodemus to care for Jesus’ body in death.

Listen to the Abigail Grace song… “At the Cross.” Finish w/ Prayer.


The cost for Christ was great… bearing our sin!

Objects needed: Please collect the following…

3 clear drinking glasses




Masking tap

Sharpie or Marker

Object Lesson Setup:

Place a strip of masking tape on each cup. Label one cup HUMANS. Label the middle cup

JESUS. Label other cup SIN.

Pour about 30% amount of water into HUMANS

Pour about 80% amount of water and 20% amount of bleach into JESUS

Pour about 80% amount of water and 20% amount of iodine into SIN

[*Should experiment not go as planned show video demonstration as shown here:]

Object Lesson:

In Genesis 1, God created man in His own image and called it very good—man and woman

had a pure, holy relationship with God. But in Genesis 3, man and woman sinned. (Pour a

portion of SIN into HUMANS) Because we sinned, we were no longer perfect, and became

separated from God. God is a holy God who cannot tolerate sin, and will not approve of it. In

addition, God is also just. That means He will punish those who have sin (and we all have it).

Page 21: A Two-Week Family Easter · reminder of God’s plan that culminates in the Easter events. The second track is a Kid Track

Romans 6:23 says “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus

Christ our Lord.” (Explain the word “wages”… income from work, what a person owes, etc.)

Because of our sin, we deserve (earn) death. The first part of this verse may seem scary and

frightening, but we can have hope because of the second part of that verse—life. God is also

love, and. in His love, He sent His only Son (Jesus) to take our “wages” and absorb upon

Himself. Jesus could pay for our sins because He is perfect and does not have sin within Him.

(Pour a significant portion of SIN into JESUS). The way that Jesus paid for our sins is by dying

on the cross. Jesus had to absorb all the sins of the whole world, past, present, and future.

But, as Jesus absorbed all the sin of the world, God no longer looks at our sin. Instead, He sees

the finished work of Jesus. (Leave the remainder of SIN in its entirety.) We will pick up the

remainder of the lesson tomorrow. As for now, think about how much it cost Jesus to

pay for our sins. (God lowered himself, physical/ mental/ & emotional pain He suffered, etc.)

As you meditate on the cross… .Read John 19.

Listen to the Abigail Grace song… “At the Cross.” Finish w/ Prayer.

SATURDAY – April 4th Day 13

Read John 20.

Explore the following:

Get a jump start on Sunday by rejoicing in the resurrection of our Lord and Savior

Jesus Christ! He is risen!

Don’t forget vv. 30-31! Thank God for His written Word whereby we have the record

of these blessed events that changed the course of history forever.

If you have time to finish John with ch. 21, rejoice in the fact that no matter how

badly you have failed your Lord, if you will return to Him with true repentance and

humility, He will receive and restore you to Himself.

Listen to the Sovereign Grace song… “Hail the Day.” Finish w/ Prayer.

Friday, April 3rd

Page 22: A Two-Week Family Easter · reminder of God’s plan that culminates in the Easter events. The second track is a Kid Track

FAMILY OBJECT LESSON: (continued from yesterday)

The cost for Christ was great… bearing our sin!

Objects needed: Same as Yesterday.

Object Lesson:

In Genesis 1, (Review the story how because our sin we were separated from God. But God, in

His love, shows His love for us by having Jesus—His only Son—die for us). Not only did

Jesus die for us, but He absorbed the total weight of wrath from God. Indeed, not only did

Jesus die in His absorption of our sin, but rose from death to life! (Pour half of JESUS into

SIN). Now that Jesus has risen from death, “all authority in heaven and on earth has been

given to Jesus” (Matt. 28:18). Thank God for His Son Jesus and His deep love for us. Spend

ime by reading and explaining Romans 10:9: “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is

Lord & believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

As a family… .Read John 20.

Listen to the Sovereign Grace song… “Hail the Day.” Finish w/ Prayer.

SUNDAY – April 5th Day 14

Come and celebrate our Lord’s resurrection, glorying in all that

It means for you, and for the world at large.

Saturday, April 4th

Page 23: A Two-Week Family Easter · reminder of God’s plan that culminates in the Easter events. The second track is a Kid Track

Song, Worship, Music

The daily studies and activities included in this booklet highlight various worship songs that coincide with the messages

intended for particular days. Though we would have enjoyed compiling these songs onto a DVD for distribution to the

CCBC family, we were prevented from doing so (due to copyright restrictions/ laws). However, there is no such restriction

in pointing to songs via open sources (I.e. Please find the coordinating songs for the below days at

the links listed below. Where available = links WITH LYRICS have been provided:

> Week #1: Remembering the Passover

o Monday, March 23rd = “Word of God Speak” (by Mercy Me)

o Tuesday, March 24th = “Behold Our God” (by Sovereign Grace)

o Thursday, March 26th = “Christ is Risen” (by Matt Maher)

o Friday, March 27th = “Give Me Faith” (by Elevation Worship)

o Saturday, March 28th = “Jesus Messiah” (by Chris Tomlin)

> Week #2: Celebrating His Sacrifice

o Monday, March 30th = “Before the Throne of God Above” (by Shane & Shane)

o Tuesday, March 31st = “Man of Sorrows" (by Hillsong)

o Thursday, April 2nd = “In Christ Alone” (by Sovereign Grace)

o Friday, April 3rd = “At the Cross” (by Abigail Henderson)

o Saturday, April 4th = “Hail the Day” (by Sovereign Grace)

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A production of:
