

A Place To Belong

Sunday, July 13th , 2014

10:00 a.m.

In the Heart of Saskatchewan’s Capital City



Welcome in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Bibles (blue cover) and hymnbooks (brown cover) are provided for your use.

A nursery is available in the lower hall for infants and toddlers.

Washrooms are also located in the lower hall.

If you wish to have a cushion or hard of hearing headset, please speak to one of the ushers who will be happy to obtain these items for you.

We invite you to complete one of the blue Visitor Cards in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate toward the end of the worship service. This will help us get to know you better!

Please silence cell phones and other electronics. Speak softly, move slowly and allow each one present to listen for God’s voice.

Many people have allergies to fragrances and perfumes, so we try to keep our church a scent-free zone in consideration of the health and wellbeing of others! Thank you!

We encourage you to prepare for worship this morning. Read and reflect on the Scripture lessons listed in the service bulletin; pray for right understanding of God’s Word to us – the Bible. Perhaps this prayer may help you begin your preparation today:

“All wise and loving God, you are the ancient gardener. By Your Holy Spirit, Your holy word is planted in our hearts as good seed. Make us fertile soil this morning, soil which will bear much fruit. This we ask in the name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.”

Ushers: Greeters:

Gordon Magel (Head Usher) Sanctuary: Susan Cowen Rick Roland Balcony: Laureen Snook

Diane Zimmer Elevator: Pat & Oscar Rivera

AV Ministry: S. Carbno Deacon on Duty John Hillmer

Service of Worship Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

*Indicates congregation is invited to stand as able*



Music for Gathering Becky Nelson

*The Introit “Christian People, Sing Together” Congregation (Tune: “Hymn to Joy”, #1)

Christian people, sing together, all united in one voice.

Though we come from many cultures, yet in Christ we all rejoice.

In our daily lives we’re scattered, serving God in various ways. Then in worship we’re united giving Him our thanks and praise.

Welcome Mark McKim Reflective Moment


Call to Worship John Nelson Invocation or the Collect *Hymn of Praise “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” #8

Gift of Music Melissa Morgan


Call to Confession John Nelson Prayer of Confession Assurance of Pardon

Gift of Music Melissa Morgan


*Be Still & Know (vs 1) #343 “Children up to the age of 7 are invited to go downstairs for time of Bible study, and will return during the Hymn of Reponse”

Scripture Reader Annabel Robinson

Old Testament Lesson: Isaiah 6: 1-10 (O.T. pg. 635)

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 65:9-13

Leader: You visit the earth and water it, You greatly enrich it; the

river of God is full of water;

Congregation: You provide the people with grain for so You have prepared it.


Leader: You water its furrows abundantly, settling its ridges,

Congregation: softening it with showers, and blessing its


Leader: You crown the year with Your bounty;

Congregation: Your wagon tracks overflow with richness.

Leader: The pastures of the wilderness overflow,

Congregation: the hills gird themselves with joy,

ALL: The meadows clothe themselves with flocks, the valleys

deck themselves with grain, they shout and sing together for joy. Amen.

*Gloria Patri #623 Congregation

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost: As it

was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen.

New Testament Lesson: Matthew 13: 1-23 (N.T. pg. 13)

Reader: This is the word of the Lord! People: Thanks be to God!


*Hymn of Preparation “Almighty God, Your Word is Cast” Tune: Amazing Grace (Tune: Amazing Grace, Lyrics: John Cawood, 1819)

Almighty God, Your Word is cast Like seed into the ground; Now let the Spirit of Heav’n descend, And righteous fruits abound.

Great God, come down and on Your Word Your mighty power bestow, That all who hear the joyful sound, Your saving grace may know. “

Sermon “Seeds” Mark McKim



*Hymn of Response “Christ Taught Us of a Farmer” Congregation

(Tune: The Church’s One Foundation) (Lyrics: vs. 1-2 Carolyn Gillette, copyright 2000, Used by Permission v. 3 M. McKim)

Christ taught us of a farmer who went out sowing seeds, A few had trouble growing among the rocks and weeds.

But others grew till harvest in soil that was so good. O God You sow the gospel: The seed is Your own word.

You sowed Your word of love here so many years ago. Your message found a welcome; Your word began to grow.

By grace, this church was built here by saints who followed You. The seed took root and flourished: we hear and follow too.

O Christ send us from this place to speak for You a word, To neighbour, friend and family; our witness should be heard.

O make us bold and faithful, give courage, wisdom too, Let us Your seed be sowing, Your work on earth we’ll do!

Congregational Life and Ministry Mark McKim Call to Prayer Prayers of the People

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy

kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give

us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power,

and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

Our Gifts & Offerings Becky Nelson

*Response Of Praise “Give Thanks” Congregation

Give thanks with a grateful heart; give thanks to the Holy One;

Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son. (x2)

And now let the weak say, “I am strong”, let the poor say, “I am rich”,

Because of what the Lord has done for us. (x2)


The Benediction Mark McKim

*Choral Benediction “Christian, Let Us Go and Serve Him” Congregation (Tune: Hyfrydol, #61)

Christians, let us go and serve Him, serve the One who gives us

life. Let us serve in love and power, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Serve in love and serve in wisdom, reaching all we know and see. Christians, let us go and serve Him, now and through eternity.

Music For Departing Becky Nelson

Preparing For Next Sunday: Scripture Lessons For July 20

Old Testament Lesson Job 21: 7-15 Responsorial Psalm Psalm 86: 11-13 The Epistle Romans 8: 18-25 The Gospel Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43


“A Time For Friends” is taking a break for the summer. Although we will not be serving coffee, please take the opportunity to connect with friends and welcome new friends in the foyer or on the front steps throughout the lovely summer months.

July 13, 2014 Worship Attendance

Morning Combined Worship 200


Every Sunday, one of our deacons is available at the front of the sanctuary following the worship service, should you want to have someone pray with you. You can identify this person as the one wearing the “Deacon on Duty” badge.



Dr. Mark McKim

At the home of

Dave & Marilyn Hedlund

4214 Wascana Ridge

August 3, 5p.m.

Please bring a lawn chair and an appetite.

Hamburgers, hotdogs, drinks and dessert

will be provided.

A donation to cover the cost will be gratefully received. Please sign

up below to let us know you’re coming.

Bring a friend, and come for the food, fun, and fellowship!

Please tear off and place on offering plate

I’ll be there!

NAME: _____________________________________________________

Total Number Attending:________________________________________


Patio parties at first

July 20th, 6:30 p.m.

Kevin & Julie Rich 5955 Hague Cres

July 27th, 6:30 p.m. August 24th, 6:30

Reade & Jennifer Holtslander Barb Ziolkowski & Tom Chen 3637 Mason Avenue 3320 Valleygreen Way

All Are Welcome!

Wedding Shower for Becky Nelson and Chris Findlay -

Friday, July 25th @ 7:00 p.m.

2010 Wascana Greens (home of Lorna Gorman) EVERYONE is welcome!

. If anyone wants to contribute to a group gift, please contact Heather Russell-MacLean at 306-531-5634

or [email protected]

Please bring your own lawn chair FYI **Becky & Chris are registered at Home Outfitters”


News from First Baptist Place

Owen Winter has been elected by the Board of First Baptist Place as the new chair, effective July 1. He replaces Rev. Dr. George Baxter who has retired after many years of service in this role.

Rev. James Frost resigned as one of the co-chaplains at First Baptist Place, effective June 30. We express our thanks and gratitude to Jim for his years of service!! . Rev. Jennifer Holtslander has been appointed as the new co-chaplain at First Baptist Church, effective July 1. The other co-chaplain is Prof. Norma Holtslander.

First Baptist Place is an apartment complex located at 2153 Smith Street, which provides safe, quality, reasonable cost housing, primarily for seniors, in a caring setting. First Baptist Place, which is incorporated separately from First Baptist Church, is owned and operated by its own Board. All Board members must, however, be members of this church, and are appointed by the Diaconate of this church. The current members of the First Baptist Place Board are: Owen Winter, Tracy Sailor, Bill Silver, Barry Brass, Mavis Olesen, Reid Robinson and Dr. Mark McKim (ex officio). The building Manager is David Ursu.


In today’s gospel reading, the disciples ask Jesus why he speaks/teaches in parables. His shocking answer seems to be he does so to insure that people won’t understand him, and therefore won’t repent and turn to God! Jesus even paraphrases words from the prophet Isaiah:

You will indeed listen, but never understand, and you will

indeed look, but never perceive. For this people’s heart has

grown dull, and their ears are hard of hearing and they have


shut their eyes; so that they might not look with their eyes and

listen with their ears and understand with their heart and turn -

and I would heal them.

Huh? Jesus wants people not to understand? Not quite. Jesus says that the parables are mysterious, yes, but they are intended to give insight to the open minded and open hearted. However, people who are, by their own choice, stubborn, unwilling to learn, or filled with pride and self-importance will not understand. For them the parables will be meaningless. There is a stern warning here – the parables have a kind of “judicial” function. At the last, they will constitute evidence that the good news of salvation was made known to those who heard but did not understand them – because they did not want to understand: they were unwilling truly to hear what the parables had to say.


We have a VERY big family! Every Baptist church is autonomous, that is, the

local congregation is self-governing and owns its own property. However,

realizing that Scripture pictures individual churches working together and

knowing that we can accomplish much more together than as a single church,

most Baptist churches choose, freely, to associate with other Baptist

congregations. How does it work? It begins with the local church. So:

First Baptist Church Regina is a member of Canadian Baptists of

Western Canada (CBWC), which includes 183 churches and 20,000

people, in western Canada and the northern territories. CBWC is

responsible for things like church camps, Carey Theological College in

Vancouver, church planting, clergy credentials, pensions and health care,

area ministers, and food banks in Calgary, Edmonton and

Victoria. CBWC is governed by the general assembly, which meets


every other year and is made up of representatives from each member

church. The Executive Minister of CBWC is Rev. Dr. Jeremy Bell.

Canadian Baptists of Western Canada (CBWC) is one of four

conventions or unions across Canada which together make up Canadian

Baptist Ministries (CBM). Roughly 60% of Baptists in Canada are

members of churches affiliated with one of the four unions or

conventions which make up CBM. That’s nearly 1000 churches! (Told

you we had a BIG family!) CBM is responsible at the national level for

relief and development work, and overseas mission as well as

representing us to the federal government. The Board of CBM is chosen

by the four member unions or conventions. The General Secretary of

CBM is Rev. Sam Chaise.

Canadian Baptist Ministries is a member of the Baptist World

Alliance (BWA). This is the largest international grouping of Baptists in

the world, representing about 47 million Baptists in over 200

countries. (Imagine trying to have a family reunion for that many

people!!) The BWA works at the international level to promote and

support religious freedom, international disaster relief, and ecumenical

dialogue with other Christian denominations.







Anyone requesting prayer by FBC’s PRAYER CHAIN for himself or herself, a loved one or a friend, please contact Pearl Bretz (prayer chain coordinator) 757-3176 with the information. If anyone is ill and wishes to have ministers

and/or deacons come and pray for healing and/or anoint with oil (James 5:14), you may make arrangements for such by contacting

Annabel Robinson 761-1458

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH STAFF Rev. Dr. Mark G. McKim, Sr. Minister (ext 222) Sound Room (ext 228)

Rev. John Nelson Jr., Assoc. Minister (ext 223) Rev. Dr. George Baxter, Minister Emeritus

Rev. Joel Russell-MacLean, Assoc. Minister (ext 224) George McKenzie, Custodian

Krista Johnstone, Financial Administrator (ext 225) Dr. Mark Anderson, Organist

Erin Angus, Administrative Assistant (ext 221) Christa Walsh, Pianist


Annabel Robinson Chair Martha Pauls Member

Murray Wolfe Vice-Chair John Hillmer Member

Heather Holtslander Secretary Devin Seghers Member

Derrick Bellows Treasurer Erwin Ziolkowski Honourary

Esther Wiens Member

FIRST KAREN BAPTIST CHURCH STAFF Rev. Zabiak Cung Biaka (ext 226) Rev. Eh Tha Wah (ext 226)

Pastor Pusay Ly (ext 226)


Youth For Christ (James Clifford) 347-1900 Katepwa Lake Camp (Rev. Walter Willford) 525-2256

First Baptist Place 359-0859


First Baptist Church 306-359-1450 2241 Victoria Avenue, Regina SK, S4P 0S4

First Baptist Church Fax Number 306-352-3338 E-mail: [email protected]


Monday to Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Friday Closed