
: l ^ W l

, B ecw ta rjr- o f ' B to te H ijg b w D c- a o u n o M T re a tm e a t o f -A m c r i -

[ a a O o o iv h s t N ew e aa tle ;

" O o n n l i A M iu e d o f O o«rcion iB '-.O osnectloQ w i tb S a b je c ts

C iom in f to A m e ric a .

- •WASHISOTON, D. C.. l'*ob. 10.—» T h t United 8Ul«« I lift* p repared a

■ note to O reac' »rtta (n tJo-. nouDclDB the aUltudo o( the lAticr KOTortimeU to u m lU a s (wo Amnrl- c a n ' ean iu ls from Kawcnutlo. £ng - land, l l WM Jearapd today.

■ The note, ilp ie il by Sccrolary ot 'S tate H unhea.. iftkei no trouble ' t o conceal, tbo dlapleMUro of thn Amer­ic a n 'n v e m m e n l a t the etan<I Inkon by O real Britain In connection wllh h e r se tlon lome monlhn anu In can- eelUDK the exaqualor*. o r recoBBl- tlon o f the Unlied Btatca conauln a t N ew cuU e.- I t ' i i uniierstooO th a t Secre tary of

<6(»u : l ! u ih e t iho rtly will publUU tb o American pole, m aklns plAln the

' exirem o apiiojranee oiiU' diapleasure o t Uiti itov trnn inL

T he N ew ctille, l&cldenl han cauieil i n oBuauil amount tricilon be-

■ iw cM 'Uie t w torem m eot*.Agabiiit C on»l!i Fol^e.

: Tbe it> rm tit .ib a rp oole tchuIIs from ft reply recently received from O reat ^ r i t a la flatly refualDc n re- QUott by the United B tatet Uial tho B rm »h iw rerw nenl w ithdraw the c h s rtM asmlnit the American cnn- tu la . .%AailnvMtlcaUou by thia | ot- e m n e n t had .found these charicen bMelMo. ,•

T t a ^ r s M 'w t r e lh a t tbe Ameri­c an r e p rM « it |U ru Ja queatlon, Con-

• • • u r T fW 'C r 't r tU r 'W d '. 'V lc e Consnl

■ abiecu .com the United Siatei. to mOJ . ob 'A m erican .ahlppU^s board Y eite li , • ^

V . fU W llV ^e t'O pen U r. H aih e a jta u o u a ctt la Itls p w -

• n t ’ n o ta .'Whltti w ill probably end th e .tnoldeni lo far ae W aahlngton » coneernvd, Ih st In view of the

. t t t l iu d e aMumed by Uio B rltiab .tov - '• rn m e n t.- th e American coniulale a t

___________ ycw cagtle. • now, already cloenl. will

B ute* .Bo abarp haa Brown tho oxchanicos

betw een the two Rovornmenta re- KardlnR the lacldani th a t &«creUry H uche t. wbo drafted the prenent A m erican note lom e time uso. w ith­held the dtapalch o( the "loat word" or tho United S u iee , (o r fear tha t pabUcatlon of the s tro n e d liavree- m ent between the two countrlea w ould endanger tbe Brtllah debt eel- tlem ent, It U understood.

Schooner Friendship S igh ts by 2nd Ship

NORTOUC, Va.; n h . 1 6 - m r th a t , tbe^ four-matted achooner Frlendihlp' ' had eunk wltli nil on board woa d li-

------------------polled -toda)r..wb«a. coaal-ffuard- bead-<iuartera he ro 'rece ived , .u metaaito (rom th e cutU r Manning eay lns ihe

‘ vn»<(l h td alfbted.

U. S. Attorney. May . Ihvestiffate K. K. K.

CINCINNATI. Oh Fob. 10-T liom ai. H. Morrow^ United Biales d litrlc i a t­torney, afcalted authorlxatlon fron« W ath lnfion today before lak inc ofdc- ta t action fn the probo o( alloged Ku K lux K its adlTIMet In Sprlnetleld.

W. i t CorU er, ^ n d kleakle & .i \V l» n iu r , ta tn }all charged with rio to u t conaplracy..

Morrow w at r tQ u es l^ by Spring­field authortliet; b» announced, to have a -fo d m ].d e p a rtm e n t of luntlce

^ * agen t . i(*nt- t 0 ; 8 prin«ffeld M .lnveeiU. A ^ a te ccrto Ja -ltie ra tu ro a e lte d -In a

Arid oo a»^aj)et«d > Ias m««tlog. Mor- h)w aald lu ;b a d referred ihe rwjuesl w 'W aaWMlpn'.

Amoimt'pip Whiskey Impbrted Is A sk ^

W ABHlNQtWf,. r e b , l« -^1n to raa- ’ U on-r«cardl;)« th e aroountof whtakey

im ported V -fm lg a ^e a b a K w ie * iltre i tin ce QtUonU prohibition becaraevet-

f e c tlr a .w tt o h le re d .b r tb e -h o u ie to-day.-, . ., , ■

By a v o i t 'o t i t l t« l | a th e hoote adopted B i^lMliinoa by RepreaeoU-

W iv e CramptoB « f: Mlcblgan to force S e rre ta rr o ^ 'lh • T reaaury Mellon to give iaformoUos reiiB rd}nfttaesm ount o t lnlox!<tui(a im ported ' b y '/o re lg h e « b aa l« « v a iM .p re h lb U lo a - becam t effective. . ‘Pfiv ron tly Mellon, raplyink In p a rt to tbe Inquiry or the Jndlctary

' commluee, i ta le j he couhl not "prop- B rlr'‘ .g>ve the- Infom tatloa. ■ •

BOULDER, C olo.»U waa a . profit- — able MOW tor George Jobntoti; u r m e r

noar here, n jc h n a o n mado «!I10 In , ^ Uirough MOW A rifu o l 2G ccnta a car.

I N FB o r a h M o n

T h a n W i i s. WABmSQTON. D. C,. Feb. 16._

Bonulor Borah will tnke tu Ihn |ii<n. plo otM ho Unlled Htiitex und |<sr-

' hupo to tlioHfl o t Kuropo, h it plan ” TUr Ihu UUlliin liii. Ill mil mid l lir

I aettlcmeni of Intcrn iitlnn il dlHpiiitii upon a Im nln'tir Ii\w liy ii wnrhl

Borali'n lulcol plnn for nctllluK world_problwna.isi-lsy ,Jac_llie _mo»L imihiiliiun and Idcnllntlc ho hna :yet liropcuod, Ita InlrcHlui'llon In Ihe aennte this, week caUR^d name ot hlM colleaKUOfi in avcuap llnriih of

N. becnmlng "more of uu Internallnnal IdoallAt than Wuodrow Wllsnn."

i> In mi czrliialve Inlorvlew with the IlnltiHl Prcnn today Borah anhl

N til* plnn muy nomid Jdonllntlc bm- t^Dt 11 U tho only prnctlcnl way to “ world iienco.ts Borah Moy Y h it Enropf.

Thn aenator Ih cuiiBlderliiR a trip to Buropo Ihla sum m nr. . If.ho makvH It hu Will placo hiM propOHal n nuarc ly iKloro the pcopica of Ihe old

_ world.a "AU th e .lea su e n for pcaco, and

a ll tho worJd'B eWorla lo j>rct-e«l war," nold Dorah. vimto rocognlied

| . Uie legitimacy of -wat. For Ihnt J . reaaou they have alL failed. I t la


?PROGRESSIVE BILLS>d •0- B013K, Idnho ,. r e b . IC .-T hu aen-

aM (hla mornlnff ctenred Ita dcsk'i o f all direct p .rlm ary*n)eaaurea. by kllllQC houao bill S3, the wide open proxrcaalve m eaaiire, and Indoflnltoly poatponlnR aennte b ill 110. .tho dem-

. bcratlc meaaurc the body- ot which had been taken o u t and ihd pro- greialve meoaure'a provlalona aub*

' Blltuled therefor. The progrcaalve ■ meaauro waa killed when n number

o t d em o cn ta ,. bavtUK already voted .. fo r one prim ary bill thia seaalop,- and probably b « ta | incepaed a t the

acU oti.U fprlm ax]L:repub!. llcana and progreoaUea eeveral daya,‘,V «iw- ln' 'etnaamilittt* ittlV fflMiUMS,

, , changed tb e lr ro U a and c aa t,th em ^ am tnat It. . J b o ro ll call ahowed 18 ” fo r,Ih e houae bill ond 2S a«alntt.

Tlie heuee iraa no t yet aure w hai It wunted in do witb S e iu io r. Dla-

”r ney'a tax relief meaauro when It- c a n e np for paaaaite thia morulng,

' ' ' and m n d e ji n apoclal order tn com- m iuee o t the w hole a t 2 o'clock.

][r The bill had been on gencrnl or* „ j dera fdr ametidmenl twice bofore In M. Ihe hoUBB. and wa« ri»nnrl«,l oUt

each tlmo w llhoul amendment. . It waa paaaed Tueadoy. m orning bu t to*

. . . eonaldercd and recalled trom tho tenate th a t a flem oan .

Dt By Ita pruTlalon tho bill would re- h> duce the penalty on delinquent taxea ,]'■ fron> 0 to 3 por cent, und the tntcr- a t eat from 18 to 10. Some membera e . believe th it reduction la needed lo M Rlve rellet to overtaxed ond over- ,1- burdened fam tera. while othera think

ao great a reduction will Impover- lah counUea throuBh non.collecllon of Uutea.^ Japanese C aanot Lease Land

P An antl-allen land leaao act waa paaaed by the Idaho boote o t repre-

ifll aeniBlivea yeaterday afternoon by a dp vote o t M lo 0. which vrlll prohibit la- the leaaing of land In tho atate toid- Japan*ett/__i_:..i__ _______________KO Declaring I t .'WUM time to atop Uie he leaalug^ ot Idnbo land 'to th o a e > b b

could uot becom i c lU ieuf and who could not be a talm llatedH n our.popu- laticin and whOBe. UvlQif icbndttloDa would n 'oi.pjinillel th a t o f '‘A m i^ a n

W> labpr. Ileproa^ntaiSre O lllli ,0f- m n Foils; author, o f th o blll. aupporied ll

lay tn a apeech to tho houte.' J io predict- at- ed an inriiTx of Japaneae Utronijh the )n« refuaal o t,th o federa l covem m ent to Ic- releaao land now omupled In Waah- FCu iR f.aad b«catu« c t o ther atates jw««- li). In f a n ll- leu ln s iawa. . lie Indetlnlie poatponement groeled.tbe Ith Whitehead houao bill, bad check bill.

which would havo made the U tu lac 'o t ig- a check w lthont tunda, of..more than to |JO ,.a felony. ; .

Ice -------------.III. (♦ ■ ■ ■ I. . — .^ ^ 1

lATE WIRE TABSf d irA BIlU OTO X , » , C , V rtl l i .

,—The tiooao ' t0407' adopted a » - p ro T llM Id. m o r MTiO: onnllui* ' («r b m a U k e r M t t r - n «>propHatloii

5-- • iK'■to- ■ ; I ^ l e i a • U ardfar. ‘

u e • COLOXBU'. rgl- 'Tib.- •U- • Ir» blank.-rce waa carried treat the desUi cell to aad exMBted la tbo atate prUen

tint b«re t» b r- lU a llap 'bo4|,w «ji Igh t t r a p p ^ io tbe elKtrlc'cbaTr.

vattSs&a:®-'-JeaklBa bad iv o u M & Ito fit- lewla. iWar- wff«;


re Idealistic \ l^n, Charge, |iw Juai PA ihough wo were lo e W t * Ii;n. lnw layiiii; umriler ia leRltlmaie, Ior- h u t,I t mURl, become connocfed only I hin wllli rm nln . wi;upona of n preclaely^

in> War lo Be a Crlm'e. rrhl "The proptwinl I hnv» iiiuda t« ou l- .

Jfliv war b r niJkljiK It h itIjjjo Iur »Kaln«t nnllonii, In Juat an practically oai pom lblo-.aa, w ua U ia_abnU U an_,ot . yet duolint;, nr the enillnit nf pirncy.. It Ihe took a long time to ilo hoth thono nt IhiiiRa, Public opinion (iniilly nc- of rompllihed It-"

mil Will Appeal to I’eople. •Btaieanien nnd dlploniula, Boroh

'Uh nald. vrlll acoft a t hla plan .'and find :ohl niniiy tlawa In il. bu t.If ho can gel but the ear of the people.w hn have to .

to dlo In war oml pay tor w ar hn be- „ llcvca he will nllr up n g roat public ncnilineot' In favor o t Iho lileo.. .

rip "We muat ohollah Ihe Idea ot ' kvH force oa a mbnna of peace," he aold. i r c "Then would follow Uio codltlca- • old tlon, Ihe w riilnif dpwu in order and •

with preclalon the;T »»l aum of la- •> m il ternallonal luw. ao th s t It would ■ en i be c lw r ami iJe/Jned. The third atep- aod would be catnbllahmoQl of a court ° hnt to drclde dlaiintea under tliat now

la tnlcrnalloiinl law code.” *

I f Chicago Firem en i>\L Must Perk U p .or *

C Leave D epartm ent ^

CinCAUO, Foh. IG—E ight hundred |^ of ihe'ZZOO memhera ot the Chlcogo ^n tire ilepariment wore •ordered todoy j\ in ■•get lit o r auH” by Fire Comtnla-

. U aluiicr Juhn F. CuMerlon.Cullenun recunUy launched n re- (

. orgaDiuUon of lhu dcpiirtmcnl. uThoiie threatened with dlamlaanl In- ^

cUidrd: . tjTy Niooty men uvur 00 yunr» old. p

Beveniy-fivo unslneern nnd niiBiat- t^]y anta who nro loo old to ailjual them- j

ae lvn In Iho molurltatlon of Iho de-llu,, parunent. . ^ ,iro- Tliree hundred men over KO ycnra ^lib- *'■'» “ f" eligible for ponulona. i ,lv . Three hundred men nm ellglblo foritigf penaiona but who have grown over. |>tad *®'*ht. iniy or uro-otherw ise Inco- iIqp, pacitated. ttb# ; , I ------------------------ . ■ I

i y j l W R o p ii l W l l i S

It -log, ■Dm- UTTLE ROCK. Ark.. Feb. 18—Vig-

l l a u u who have controlled northern or.- Arkalsau for a month, continuo tn In-

I In llm ldite rea ldenta,'according tu lea- ou t UmoDy lant n igh t a t a apeclal aenalnn

It b f ,m 5 v m rg 5 m iih o m m n re o -« r^ m r to'. Btatf tw |.a|aturo.. tho V ilnt-B om nr Porch, wlf© of a drug-

glat, tMW(£j}'abo and h e r ftttabaRd re , had baen~atd«red to leovo Eureka

,xea SPrtAka wtU)in tbe loat woek. te r . Tb}-Wgilaniea charged they wero }era "und^ilrabln cItUena- becauae I'urch

10 had Itttlfled-b'e dld-not-*^oliavo Olilo ,e r- I’rttchell couW get a fa tr 'triu l In Car- link '■oil county.” PrllcheU -waa under In-, ver- dlatmkBt charged wlib burning a lion bridle of ih« Mlaaourl and North Ar-

lu a ta t n l l r o td .Tba vlgliantea • aelxed conlrol of

^ northkro Arkanaaa to preron t a atrlke, patily tln* Iho railroad.. & W. OfltriUi t^ U IU d before the 'pm oiltlM .tbBt he waa lo l j by three VlW lM U ilp T U rrtton th a t union men

' u r im p t t lU e r a would’ no t bn allowed'— f- Ib . lh« thyti-i.Wrt~lh«f At. Jtinut l««¥n

; b .io « w . iv ;Fbo ther iBd m o the r a lto woro forced to who le av t'; /?< > M I f T ,JP“ - ..M rt; J . W 8l«wji,H, wifo of a atrlk -

tr . to ld -f^ e e h Jg r- tt '-W ; OWeal. a JK*' wealthy JtW ol proprietor. U ken from;

hU \i|oitH ^ln. bU ',n igh t rc lo i^M .aad « ll f legM -w iftrn ied m«n tho, C. tic t- Q regbrK U 'Iyobhed by the vigllanica.' tbe • I '. : _________

N b^ Loud Speaking Telephone. Caii Be

the lCk)0 Milesbill. . 'Vyi;;— I« o t NBW VORK. l e b , IC -A nevjly In-

hy lM 9:m em b«n of Uio^Aiberlcan In.>. t l l t s u bf S lM lr ic a l. Engineering Iti

wiw.York and tlve bundred:m em bera lo Ohicoco a t a io ln l .m eetlns heict

1 Ittl BifbLk "T b t ex p erim en t''V tf'^a -~ eoop ln ta ] - auectei am l.tha tw o 'ialb(irlolt> .4early

1 , ^ m ller apkrt.' f a ta io d In « a ir« iy ^ dliieW lon’. b r to 't l ia ' tdeH taK tt tbe

iBveniloB. T b e -m ie U iik 'i^ M i ‘ab aoiicUily aa It ,a ll . t b f m e a b a n bad beta la Uie t t o e knid .'; W o « » S t tba

i ‘ ' l o i i ' D O N , - . ol e ll commoBt tod ty ‘ «aT « .:T > ;^iir'B on iii OB U y .a 'v o lt of confldesct oo h la Ruhr

fllft ^ ' t t n ° ^ * ” ll fltoed^'bi . - i t b & S - i ^ ^ f j t ^ M ^ r o n t a t I « t t r t ^ a r i C ^ f n p l r l U n t t t defeati

le*. ..vw atit: Q u a t tltd . ^robbbly asow,.» h ftfirUt portlonj. not ao cold north *

;■ _ ' -■■ ■')



. ^ s s K o im ta to $C;000,000 in

’ S to rm s o s Scti W hen F iv e t .Q rofttJJ«##«l9_A r(}_L o$t;,qrow 8

[ S a v ed b y R a d io M essosca;

F iv o D i s a s t m in T w onty -four

H oucs la R o c o rd f o r Pac ific .

1 “ ■—^ 8A.N KJU.NCI8C0. >'d-. JC-Kvtr>- ' I fe ot thoae ImperliK'd wlian tlvu ablpn

were lo«t In' tb t^U iriii thnt nwupl the “ north t'aclfie. . t v a i ycnttTiliiy wim | t aaved.-'I Heroic dm la .u lb ii will i;<> duwn In . tea hlatory in a tk id lhi> r«a>:un at nrr- a eral pertona. afie t.’Uiu mdlo had cull- . od aid tfl-tl»o alnklBK <ir airiindcd vca- a aeU. i ' • 'p- Feara ihat-loaa: of Ufo uilsht Imvo I been heavy ;w:aroi,alliiycd when tlio V “voice In the elorni." lhu crni-klliii;

w lm ltfa wiivan tha t pluyvd aiuh un - Importani p a rt In- rcacnca. nn- • nounced ih a t tho< cuiier Algonquin

hod aavcd the llve» of iho <-r<-w nt Ihe Tuscan Prince, lunl dlstrcMivd alilp to he heard from.

Il wns, believed here thnl no'llvun t buve been loal In any ot tlio .llriHBivn*,

although It wim runiiirrd lhat ii rndlD- gram had nont word aahoro ihul Iho

‘‘ crew or the Tuacan Prince waa aufo ° aboard ibo cu iter AlgonnuIn wna un- >' true and due lo mlnlnterpreintlon nt ■■ mcaaaKet.

Tho tivu dlHAHtem wlihln U liniirH- ' ' Iho RreaKuit hnrvcul ihe acn hua made

on the Pacific in recent hlatnry—rc-> nulled In dratructlon nf carsm-a val. u<vl Ht tO.HOO.000 whllo undprwrlteM entlmated Ihe loaa nf hiillfl amoiinicd

> to unolher tU.COO.QOO, m'nklng a totul >- loan ot IC.000.000.

Ilndlo waa given credit f<ir, hnvlnR aaved the llvea o t tho ncorra ot anii- mrn who etcaped. In mont innluncea. uixliarmod.

'f Perbapa tho Rreotcat alnRle feat ot aeninanahip pertbrtned (n Iho umny

*• Ihrlliing rtacuca raA«ln durliig tho five dlaanton, 'W aa.that of remuvinR frum Ihe' burning ateam er NIkn. IU crew by

> meona pf n b rrm ^ea buoy. Dooe In 1 ifie open Vea, I t 'w a i a ■loak'requlrinK A avtry -onaoa of * Mllo*:#-rtaTlmr and m tk lil aod waa carried ou t without thu

S' loaa of A Ilte.

- RepOrta th i t morning ahowed Ihe altuoUon waa:-

Sloomer Tuacan Prince—breakloK up a nd-perhapa burning a t Eatevan Point. DrlUah Columbia,

I. S team tr Saoia Rlla—aahore near -n Tatooab laland. Waah.]. . Steamer .'MkA—burned lo thu wa*

ter'a edgd. TuES 'w lll. prohably dyn- m amlte Ui« hull a t a menace to gation.-----------— ------------------- ---

Molorahlp Coolcha—aahore. proh- ably a luU l loaa n t A lbert Hcud. B. .C.

id UntdeatifJed threo m aster flchooonr :a —ashore neifr C anoanah Light. Van*

couver laland, B. C. rc UnldenUfled fre lgbU r-.reporled lo ;h be burning... May ro tho wreck ot Iho io BrltltU fre igh ter Tuacan Prlpce. r- ■ ■ ■. ■ "

W M iiiiilliWi w m i D i tS ' ',n -AtlAMI,* >na., KeO: ia .u rfo a ln k n t

iKmocralia leadera from tnany aec-l re lloD a^m tt be re .todajc.itH b. Jamea M. ^ Cox:'pfdatd<Btifti n5SlBB«rtjriM 0.— : io' . Altbongb .'inataUng I' lh e n , w at- nu

political it(gnfflduacr «<Ue<ied.(o (h« bJ KBlherlng. tho dvmocratto ie tdart,

freely d iacu tted poatlb lt Itauea. In Ute coming campalgit and h inted tliat Oovernor 'K. U S r^ lih ’.o f New. Ydrk

P m ight bo the a tandard bearer In m . 1

"The ten ilm ent In favor o f Oov- em or Sm«)i tot* Uit democraUc can-

I dfdtcy for p rc ild eo t in the next'cam - . paign ta a tronx throbgboul Uio coun-

try." J . C. N ugent..'party leader of New Je rtey . declared. • ;,

t Edward .V. , I fu r ljr ', 'O t Chicago, ^ [fo rm e r Preaident W lU ont, cigbl-

band m an on Ute alllpplBi board. wa4 ™ among the party leadera hare. Ctth-

era w ere N orm an Bl k b c k o t S‘ow Y orltr -Wm. J . Connprt ot Buitalo.

' Z a n d .Jam e t B. MarUne.' torm <r'iena< 'I< to r, tron^ >'ow- jTrady.*;-^. : t b e R tx t ‘ eaojpaJifb. Co* tfeciartd. •to will, be /waged on U tt .foralgn Aollcy } y and U M ff'letttlaU o i» to t-U i* .U Ii^B « W adm inltlrnlion; ,T*toblbiUon a lto . WiU ^ ba an ’USue, o ih tr- '.^ M ieam u jta ldJ

M w ^ er ‘b f 'Uakndwnl'A-j '>;::\-; Maii

! ;ii5 r 7 k - - X f r s i i t t ’fn’9iiui«oUoa; with .Ut«, m u/dpi o t - jn tw l^ n tlf ia d i.-.n a n v.whote,..iB«tllaad body/iw<tf rottnd..i»ear;btrt, .w t r t ’.bo i

i«e . ; - ^ t v.wlth,., (l^m .^ocd^-W t » . . . w : » * a 'b x . n , d o u a . pertona

a li ................; .X*U«rI.ln ih * . r t a, jW r w , ' ; j t « l4 , .p g W i» b * t.r iw o -. «

. .'j todar.-; ' .-. ‘ J , . -

■ V ’ V ■

^ I L YjRUARY 16, 1923,_______




1 Uhmcl l’ii>hii, ru ler of Turkey, nho bnf hrpii Ihc ».uh)cft of » llt* r iil.

n iiickx rrrcn lly lipciiuie ho left ihc f f. iM'iice imrlcy ut l4iu»niino nithtiul 1 i . niiticc. ^ '■ _________ t

i W h a t’s D o in g '

ii In N e a r E a s t 'p - --------

l/tNDON, Fi'b. IC-AIHcilhlKh coiiiitilnHUinvrn aru aondlnK » |,

' jin!<t Ik AiiKvra «£»Iji>- rc/ii»JnK i»rctnKnIlo thn Turkish ulUma- „

.. tuui dpmnnillnR nvnriliitlon ot „ Sm yrna harbor by fon-lKn wur ,-

It 1.llrltlah nnd Ficnuh crulaera

_ and dPiHroyi'rn havi: riimnliipd , I . ( u i tho forhlddcn wntcra over ,

'ih p tlmi! Umll hy Iho lulpi.1 Oi). ' ]. toman iililmaium. Trouble In ‘

nnt exjicclpit. hnwuver. lhu ,,, Krnudi liclluvliiK 11 nmy yet ho | ul poii«1hlp 111 roiiump thc inncn "

■ parley lha t coUapnod a t Uiu- Hutirnv PrfHpui'o nf Sir Hnrnco li IlumboUI. nrltlah tnvoy u l i’on- r atnntlnnple. Rave rltm lo rumnrii In French clrclca thnt thc irenty 1 nilxht ho airiipd there.

’y Ive • ' _____ ■

tOSTl BllfflffiHK

• ■ (By United Prena.) n r TUIriy-flve pepiona loal Ihelr liven

In thc C(t1d wave which awopt the .g. country during Iho wook, occordlnK .Q. lo reportn campllvd todny. vl. Temperaturen hORon to advance In

tbO-JiorlliWc8l,..n:Uo.y.ln5 ."'>"’e of tho )h. nutferlHR from tho atorm oiid Itiienno .C. cold. However, toro weather atlll inr gripped Ihe, E;iat. i.n- Practically oil Uvea Imperilled by

galea ianhlni; nhlpplHR on tho Atlantic to and Pacific coiinta were reporied ho eaved. Tho fato o t tho crew -of the

Tuacan Trln'ce. acroiind near Enlevan Point waa aUil in doubt. ,

| i / Thirteen doaUia allrlbuloliI» lu iho fK cold worn reported in Ihe norlhwcat, k ll alx- la-Chicago. elRht In Beatlle, and -*' eight acatterlnff throHffboul ths ceo- I T Ira l west,|.{ , Raliroada were able to reaume prac-

' (Icaliy norjnal sobeduics throughout ■ the,op.rihwc^t today. , ; '

tot • .Coal.tupllca :Tfo,re 'reported h n n ln g !C-I ahort. In Inland-towns. •Ml —i L . r ____no M ayoir7ie% ral“A8ks

• I n v e s t i g a t i o n o f

to ' V S h o 6 t i n i g , o f H i > S o n

In WAStllNdTON; D, , t . Feb, IC.— Foriiier arm y . otsoi-'lntea of -Major Qeneral Adalbert Cronkhlle. recenl-

in- ly placed on tlie retired ll i t agalnal h it w la h 'b y Prealdent H arding to- day jb lh k ' In thn d tm asd lha i a

„( tom plete fnvetllgatfon be made by congroaa o t tho -o rder and tho mya-

-o ' u r lo o a aUooUog of the KentraVt aon. g r : M ajor A ltx a n d tr P. Cronkhllo a t

C tnjp U w lt. W aah.. In 1918.

N e x t P o p e M ay C o m e s a . I ^ b i h W ^ t o f R o c k i e s

f i R O M a Feb. l l j r h t - n e x t Amnrt- oan. cardinal probAly;. will . tM from

H ll w ta t o t t lt t Itooky .n o a n ia ln i, ottl- clahi of tbp^ taUcaB tntlm oiM to-

:.j* - .p o ^ .P iu a Ju u .ra c e n U y .g iv e n coii- '*-1 alderab lt U iougbl,to crtaUon. ot.'aaw ^ i ta e c ic u t ,Vred h a lt:', and apiMrtBlty

, h a t oom« (o th a concluaion th a t t b t aplehmd prO gre ta ' of tb t RomtB

(n. Catholic church , in •California and J B oUier V ftltetrr araWe' nhohid' be“ rec- M ^ i s e d .br .'tb li .manner; they aald-

“•I* . obT B iu c o it B E sioK S.^ ' WASHIKOTOMr-D. C., Feb. !«,— S : T b a. r talffuU on « f O ovem or B. ^ Monl R«lly of Porto Rico will b« ^ a b l ^ t o UlU coDDU-y v ttb in a v t r r

• r * , '? W ) p ji i i ', i 'ia * i! i> : i! t . s t i r o ?

litM Bormal' & ^ tB O !tiL ,a^ ',^b tr bitalBott

I jg j aarioU ' '?Daliir4i''<‘o ( TrMafbv^iMotra aituaUon. < .

f TO■ 1 1

WORSE mS tr ik e H as CM ccl O n l 100,000

F ra iic o-Britiiih C on fc rc iicc E n Q cnniin NatioiiuUHt;; P re p a re

A gree 'to M ccl S trik e r . '' in -Ct

D U SS EL D O JiF ; F eb . 1 G ,-A n itt tl ie R tiJjr «iii!tij)licd to d a y wuti scarco ly d is t ln su is l 'a b lc f ro m th n t

C ond itions w ere w oruc a t Esse l. w ere se n t o u t to oc cu p y th e to M IP f ix ed bnyonots jo y lu U y h e lp e d llio: ul T h o ten sion lncrc ;u ied th ro u g h o u t

w ore re p o r tin g p r e p a r in g :i dem on _ th e F ro n c h to o o x tr a o r d in n r y p rcc

Plumbers Strike as Cold Wave Reaches

t ..Chicago; Shut SchooUCIlirAOO, Krl), l<;-Munk-iiial

pluiutiiTR ulniiK icidiiy im ihp <citd wuvu r(iniliiili'i|. dpprlvliiK th<- clly ul Illl wiitiir main rcjKilr f.irn ',

Ai th.> Knitir flcii.t Ihp «r .-<!■ui-ntlnn rgporiMi] riftv ni hiiol-i lu ...... 1•If poal anil liiilmiilpcl ihpy wcuhl-iip(:l(WP<l unip^'i fiipl iDulil ....... ..Iniinrdlalply.

Tpuipprnlurr.1 wrrp HllKhlly hiKhrr today and lhu wpuihiT liiiri';iii jiri-- .!icl.'.l till- ppaU nf th r rfllil xv;ivp Was

I paal.BIX dpathn nml i> ur'irp n t lu-rluun

Injurli'K rcniillL<( frniil llip i i>M. Im- Ucp niporlti nhowed,

Tlie Uro hnriinl brcainp thrpiiipii. ln»: u lth the ulrlko nt phimhi-ra aud nmny hoiiipa reportpd lurk nf water.

New Gasoline W ill Run C ar 160 Miles

KANSAS CITY. hjn.. Feb, 111—The inKtorlntA mlllenlum lii duwnluR, nc. cordlnc tu Icudcru In the aulomnliiip nduytry. herr attending the , nnnual

' m otor car alifiw.'| \ "Oaacllne tha t will opvraiv u hio. I I to r rn r IGO mllen nn n Rallon la n

ccrlalnty," C, F. K olterlng, prpaldcnt of the Oeiiorai Molorn corporation, declnred today, “It may coiiip In five yeara und It may nnt come tor auven'

„ o r elRht yeara."hn "W hat muai be done la to build a nK car that will keup out of thc repair

BhopB," C, N. Nnah. veteran automi)- In bile conatructor, anid, ’

mo Hobo Banquet t o --------:Cost T en Cents

by . ---------U'l DE.VVKK. Colo.. Feb..lC—Invltntiona ed w rro oul l(Klay for a hohn banquet lo ho bo Riven a l the Hobo U b o r coIIcro! on iipre,

Tho roal of vho dinner will he 10 .ho cenia a plnte nnd tho menu conaiala rat, of cotfee, hnm aundwlchea, pickles; nd cabbage.-ple nnd doughnnta. to~ The larllatlnna were m n l lo all

churchra in Denver wlUi liie explan- ,c . atlon tha l the coliego had voted' lo ac- )Ut Utumluru . from ali denomino-

tlnna ‘‘that wtH.huip ua iu aceklng (be ''»!“■■■ • _______________ . .


y*’ UerKcr .Man Tlilnka lie Followed Aotii on. from ilN llcn Houae to Yard oi o t Man in HouUi.Park AddlUon.

The prolinilDBry hearin'ic In 'tho case , c f tbe atato agalnal Fre<i Q rcni ; charged wlUi ateallng 20 Ithode It- ;e S land Red und eight t^R boro chlckeni

from W, B, B iarr ot B ergo r came or . before Probate Ju d g t O.,P. I^ v a t l fbli

,1 ; iB ^tie Tdpmlrtr and had followed Uit auW 'traU u; U t aaW icar;tT»cka,aU nr

. ' la^.tO-Uiot; wfalcb h r b a d dUboveret on* B t v ' hla ' ^ e . t U ^ i t in lo - th a Oreni

yard in South Ptirk. Q r a u .waa Uiere eam oito.iow n and got. ou t atarcl

w i r ra k t ; Hif .w aa 'no t,»o ri.abouT ufi >?■“ WroUiy L t* b » ra t. b u t jvaj

potlUve frtm ^tU S.rtda, h o i ta ld ..

alleged cvrr^tiiM aed . wtUi^lboab «i . I b a cbloktna tU tte b r . tHe oftlcaii

8 ^ w iui U f t W r c b - ^ r r w t - • ' • » . ' A 'y a M n t 'w a a ' tw e r n ' o ttt fo r lb'

H rra^t'd t Q ^B s ltut-w bba ttw 'otnc;«r r t r r co t to bla p l a c e h a d cona'-irlt]

": h i t 'c a r . U t« r b a «nu AiTHtad «aa„ . u r t 'K iw a n ih iT '^ : - ......y ' f r - - - " :■--C < ..JVillowlBi t b t l«h>daetlo& ^r,< tM

M tt, o n r to appear In t h ^ - d l i l o e l i ^

f f i ^ot^*“


MESO LU vou xm—N O . H

i n rl i l R T I i10 M Jncrs, A ccord jnff to B o p o r ls ;

E n d e d A b ru p tly in D isa ff rce tn cn t;

\ r e fo r D e m o n s tra tio n ; EmploycTB • C on ference Is O nly H o p e fu l S i p i .

•A rrests, r e jt ric lio n o a u d re s is ta n c e n itl l m in y d is tr ic ts w ere in a s ta to lil t o f w ar.:sBcu, w here tw o in fa n t ry co m pan ies o-A-n hn ll, nnd F re n ch so ld ie rs w itli thom aolvea in shojH a n d re s ta u r a n ts , ic u t th e day . Q crm an n a tio n a l is ts nona tn ition a g a in s t th e in v a d e rs and< irccau tiona, f c a tin g a coup.•“ ' <:.-iicTal K.mriil.T rniinht H> break

llic nhoiikpi'prni liDVi'dlt nRalnal lhu r ri 'iu h tr>in|i.. l>y in-rmllllTiK hla nol-

in lirciik In an<1 lakp what

UllM-y iilpi.nnl, i'l.Uui. had a rUiloUH Ihlll- In i-at'.n, •IrliikliiR treo hver iiiitl )li|iKirii, OlrU'<-ni rpi|Ulalti(itiQd

,„1 by tdri'ii Mhali'UT ihpy rpiiulrcd.

Ill I.dS’iKiN', l-Vh, lli._Tlio lalPMt Kriiii.cillrlllKh c'cmrrrpiiPO endwl

..}• iitmnitly K..b}-. rpii..r(p<llj- In dla- <-il ............ » l(h llui llrlllnh rcUiflng

•-d iiianiiij>l iralnn ihroiiRli iho Cologne

irr 0|itliiihm piprpiiiiril earlie r In Iho ri.. il:i>- lhat -M-'t.cTriH-ii»pr. French mln- .„K lnl> r cif iiiibllr w.irkn, wnnhl bo auc.

.fill 111 hlx mlnxlnn. wna damped ,,,,, wlu'ik llu- imriny lipparently cui-

I« |«id. Th.' fJiicBir »unrlve» Ibe liri'iik'hmn. hciwpvrr, ll waa aulhorl- la tlvply 'liiillruinl. Tho French will return to I'arl* iooIrIiI.I’rpnilrr Ijiw , Maruula Curxon and

' Lord IhTby met w ith l.«Trocquer m d Uun«rnl Yayoi at 10 Downing atreet today and tho French conewait Ihrlr rc'iueat for permlaalon lo run coal trnina ffom Ibn R uhr, with rrench guarda, through the n rea bald

■he by the llrltlah oil' the Ilhlne. It „u. wan aald Ihe Briiiah regard IhU a t ,llP tn InfrlnKement uu the ir aoverelgoiy 'ual 'n Ihn'M cupIed area. •

iiKWWO M lnfrt'S trniei. a I'A JliS; Feb. M i-H ta d a n a r t t r t oi 'f

pn, ‘.he Uniinry FederalioB- of M ioert 01, innounced today th a t 10^,000 m ln tn

hnve anawered the general atrlke ra il and walked ouL B m ployen de­clare thnt hut a tm a ll pe r e«Bt ot French mine, w orke rs . a r t onV and

° thal theao are m ainly c o m n an ltlt.The general a trlk t o rder waa COa-' v.

firmed al a meeting of the U nlUry Fvderatinn w hieh.repreaentt aStretn- la ta;-last n l R b t ^ t e r t o m f t n e a ' l l - •••-

• rcady-hnd-tju lt w ork and d e l tc t l t t . . left early today for varlqna e e n ltr t

I t s of 11)6 Loire ia n la lo orgaaJte rulllea. j

one The employera gave In to 'th n tx* to tent of agreeing to diacuaa tha qum-

cro: Uon ot wagea. which precipitated • '■ Ihe genrfml strike, w ith tho m en't ^

10 leadera, .i;late . Meanwhile, the m lnert‘ t l r lk t in les, Belgium hna beon aucoaaatnl lo a

corlaln . extent, tbo mine ow nen 'aJI ImvJjjff n/ferrd tbe a trik e r t a C per nn- cent iBcreaae. • ac- llelgUn IndustrlallaU ga lbertd . t l na- nruaaela-for a conference w ltW Prc- tbe mler Theimia. a t wblch 't h a r .o u t - . • ',

lined the dlffiCQUItt. rat'u tttB K 'k^m ; leasenlilg coal, ahlpmttata t n m O tr^ *

uble .'^xchange condtUona, tbey -ih ld . . - i T he.teln lalry of .;puW Jo,works ,*Br nounced that of mlnera. only'50.000 ^ atruck. J .-

President A k l c i f o r

i ) t $ 2 1 , 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 t o S c r a p

Kl M any Big B a t d e s h i p t

IVAfllllNaTOK. D. a. nb. IS.- Preaident H arding today a tk td coi^

r " , g reta fnr a deficiency approprlaUoB i‘ of ISl.000,000 to acrap tbe battle-

abipa doomed by U it W asbington . arm s conferenco tr ta U t t. ;

Hla acllon ih d ic a tu - ^ a t ba tx - pccta ratitlcatlon o t . ^ ^ n l >b#U ^

“ {ation f re tiy by rraHI5i,iw|U Mn.'tba • J I on " “ r ' future. ■ n>,.,

liar* ;

SOCiETY.AMr*. J . ' W . W b M lln g - S o c lo

'' Upllndot »( Ui<- <)|>-iNllmlHl <liiU mci Ul tlL 'lm ino «r M rx .'I ' Krtiiik 3l.rl1>lllv Wcilupnchiy iitu riioon .: % TMo liuiinn Wlin hixtrfliHy cl.^rDniial N wllll ii.-.irui -iiiciiau'ni. Kvii-. v«un-H Ilf il>« uii«Tialniiu-iiiI«cr<- i-'in-'; ic«t.i an.I a Viil.i.ilii- box iriim 'v h lrl i . ' lacli nienU>iT ilrvw ;iii!ir.i|irl.n>- !c.»iiv- 1 .•nJr», I jiivr ih.' Hcrv,.,i

Mm. K, A;.ih'llvHl.i Ullll .Mh'i llruUl.-y, ;i

. Smi'lM-'ii’m llf il' tlip tliiptliil rfuiri ti vriin I'lifiTttiliii'il ii( <i

------------- Ihiitwimi. t'f Mr nmt :i,r- li-i Wviiii .iiHlUD U k r» liiiulilMlil, Tli>ir-il;.>- *'

. iilnK. Tlirr.- \VH« :« rli.irl lni.icir«;<' inwtinK Ullll 11 imiHliiU |iriii;r:un w uiiRlrcil ( iillHlnlliii; ii( PIIIIKI Mulciii liylllluby WiirlirrK ;iiiil Mllllx'iil i;nlu<.:r

■■■ irtiitimiim~nim '\-tnl’n-jm nw -t»j— Mr-?i Wynn, uccotiipanlnl. I'y liln ilm iclii.T ,, i .■»rnnWl«. .Vm. Wynn k .ty i;! 'Wlniy 11 lunili nt lliK t'loxo of thv uruKrain. 11

lirroi'iil nmto Minx i-Muu ( ira - . I 'Iiuni. IcnrliiT >|( llio CIUHII. M:iri'i-lln:l Wynn. Itiil.y \VnrlirrK. Klalli.- Wli.o-ll niuu. lli.rolliv Sinllli. Mlllli<-nl K..l-«,n nml MlUlrnl Ki'iirn*. t-u V.tik - C a rl-: I Hoii nml I tr ln i I'crrliu- u r ri ' Riti'vh. i.ri? Ihc clunB. j

Yttlrutllic .Sorliil - Tin; lili;liUiul IVU'W cllll. tfiivr II ............... tui. lal nn fWcllll;lrtlH' ('rnilnK ul tlir 1...... c.f ;

•* ■ .Mr*; K-l SliiUi-r. ■•tli-il TnMHn uiiil vitl- ri'tiUno pliittlniui .(I'lciriilcd Kn- limrHr Ic h illi wn» v..ry nllruitU .i Jor thn i«-- ' viiqloii. Uami-n mid < i>iil.'Mii rtii hli'liv<l 11 iitaiiMi-uii-tit unlll i< Idti! Iiniir w hi'iill infiuliiTH Ilf Ihu < Itll) .ui.'rvol Intii’li in til t <.H.:liiUlril Knr-M*. Tl|i'»<M-ri'i.rMl wnr,. Mr. mill .Ml>.A-|Miuny uml 'iiinlly.Mt. nnit .Mrn. X \V Itlrtif.m. Mr. ;in.| IMrs. Mill Sdliniill. Mr. iiiiil Mr», Clir- Ifi.r<l IJiiy Bfirf iinti, .Ilf. .(Ml -Hr... FMyiJ. '»i» Ullll liiinlty. Mr. iiml ,Mis ,H. K. >ni.iiti.llo. Mr. mill Mr*. It.'A . I liitk rr imill tlnUKliirr. .Mr. nn-l Mt". I>a!i- U ''-" ixiilln nnJ (iiiiilly. Mr.-ami Mm. j'-. 1>: iKlTiKolniry unil t;.iiillv. Mr. uiiil-Mr!<. i<1. Oflirrloh mill f.n 'illj, Mr. mi.i Mrn. i OcorKo K. t>i1lcr i.nil vou. Mr. Vum i i ' i

Dye Faded Sweater,- Skirt, Draperies

in Diamond Dyes I:■ Every ••Dlnnioml l)yi'ii" i>arU:i(;o tolln •I liovf to Uyu or llril unj- worn, fuilpcl ,

Kiirmenl o r drain'ry u new rirft crolnr : lUal will iKit mK'ali. niml. o r ' Twn. I 'crfcci liomn clyplnn l» Kimrnii- icod w ith Olniiiiinil uvon ir ynn b a w n src r dynl l.i-fi.r.-, Jii«t il -n ';

, 5-our tlriiKRliH wlipih'fr tlio tnnicrlitl .I ' you wIbIi to dvf 1» 'vnol nr i'llk. or[• whciher ll I* Uncn. cntiini or mixed iL ____ . Kootli. . Kor fldy-nni.. y ram mtlllniinj of womVu Iiavc'tii’Cii mini; "(llamom! ,I Dye*” lo ndd ycnm (if wcur to tlioirI old. *hiihl>y wtili.U. Hklrti. drcnm-a.

<MnlB. KWoHlpii*. tiKicIilni-it. druii.-rlcn.' hADsIn;:*. ov^■^ ' ll^llc:-••Adv. t --------------------------- ----------- ... —

i ' lc(n( a Prr/trt Iclncj . w iih R O O P G A R D E N

; !* A• W J.C .M ,OenM U >^«Cnnor

I. A s i

i . S A Y “ B A Y E R ” w h

T ' ■ ■ Unfciia you see tfi« niitnr ''n iiy rr '’ iJ OB 'packaK.i or on inblcit* you nro ii no t Iieiunj} ^ m . tcau lno Ihiycr i>ro- I

Ouct proBcrlbod Oy pli.v.ili:i;inn (.vnr 23 f t a n n)i<I pn>vcil >uf« hv juIN j

.:ioDS for coMk. hcndnchc. t(H>ihacU<-,. ^oaraclio. neurulKla, InnihuRo, rhiMimu- I

U»m ncurUU, nud to r pain In n<'ii-.

■f JOHN.G. LZ lflo tron lo D iagD otia a n d 7

• D r . A lb c r415 8£C0ND ATK X. -

, ■ ■

AND CLUBS {'ic lo ty B 4 J to r - P h o n o 133fl , ,

-iM r. I’i-i.Tiion. Mr, und Mr«, ■Ui-orRr .'IV^i.’nii.n. Mr, nnd Mti., IC.lK:ir Vniiiiny.I.: Mr and .Mi". .Mhrit KulliT, Mr. and ,1 Mr-. Wni, Wortllic und .-oa, Mr. nml •■ Mr-;. Kd Hniii. r nnd Krnr«( UVU'dki'.

II: Viiniie J'«n>|ilr’.. J'lirj) .r-Thr 11. V. I’.• r . nt dll' ll..|ilM clitirrh iiiijDyed It- nnclul in III.' Iluanuliin Thrnnduy t-vo- .• Hint, ,\lxnil »lxiy-riv.- w.-ru urrm'iil •, uml lonl. IMii In :i iir,.Kraiii nt cani.-i.

un<l 11 iji'nur.ii koo>1 ilin.', Thv liimxii- Ut>i.-vui'uJiiroliy wltli ilcinraikin-

i „ l tlir Y:'lnilUic' rrimm. h v ,-rr»m ■ ..a i'il . i.iiWlrM w rrc hiTYcd lit III.''•• «'•( lh.- JlMllVjllfi.

i | linlld .M rfK -Thi. i:|>iKio|ul UiiPd y ln i.'l Tliiirudiiv iiflrrminn In Iht- Swiiil ..:rniii ot Illl- 1-urli.h Hull. Tlio i.rcnl- r-?ilfiil. .Ml«• d - X —UlKKlun-KttVt^iuJlu. r. .tvri'Ktlni: ntul dcUillnl a ii iinnt ot th>-> j I>r»o'rillnK» ul Dll' i iiovocutlun nl 1,1 IlDi .j xvhii.’li iiliu nttcnd.'d i.H u dol.-K;il.!I. IhlH r.lllld. Th.' Invllallon ot llio nihnii..™ of till' Clirimliin i-liuruli tor un l- 1 liitrr-i lilirrli iiii'ctlnK wun ai'ci.|itril, rt,T lu 'n- wan nn i.ruKrnni. tJii' ufl..rnnunl- :l .. 'h it .......... .. in ;>iiiv|nK tur ,Alu«linu.r iMliiidnlir.

llujillst S o rli'lj--T lir UidU-r.' nlil ut d till- Kniidrit iii;linruli liu-t a t lUii lioino ot n Mrii, I-:, f . Tlinmday utlornoon. | >( Atlor il iiliort Imnlni'M ini-ullnK. pri'- I- «!il.-d'iivpr hy th r PrmldcnfM ri*. Kf-

rll' IVntkllcH, ftii‘ nffertinirti ««« nyoHt '• wllh iii-wlni;, Ai lhl- <‘li>iu' Illl- hoH* diti.'-.i »ns 'untdftioO In iicrrlnR l.y Mr». n llt l i l in rd Mnnry. Mt», J. I-*. DeWllt und n ,Mr». Jolin l-nimnr.

,\dil|sui> K.>rliil' ('liil>-Mr>i, VM. WII­.I II,UIIK (imJ .\ln .r \'lr /:ll lVllli;rori .m lrr- r- lalMv.l llio Ailillnon Av.-nilr SnrUil clubij. urivrmx-l,. M.wlM'r« Tf-

>liniiili'<l lo rnll lu ll wllll nn iiii|>ro-■r iirlali- v.-rri.. on ................ I.lnroln An.- ywi-r.-:.llnn lutk cm ih<! iirlBlit of llio >: iil.nrr\;inc.r nt Vul.'nlliii'-« Day' wiiM I V nlwii.Uy Mr-. W. (). Hnilih. A iiroKruin! n. ut 1 liuvlUhU' work Cnr llic- rUlb uuni 11 iirninKDil for. Tin- rent ot Hm nflcr-!

ncwin «uM .li'volnl In i>|i-clnR iiulltn.. ~ /oilnwiBH wHili ri'tr.-,diinrj)i.i w i'rel

'u-rvi-d.On TiN-iidiiy < Y<-n1nK tin- t lnli i'.u%v

a Viil.'ntliii' |inrty Cor ilnli nii-mlx-rH und ttirir r..mli;.-i at thi- lioini- of Mr.

S aiid Mm. . ff. (•1ili.-r. .lln>. J-'iill.-r wa.i Iiy r.Ini. W. 0 Hnifib. Mrn

I- Arln WllllantH ;iml . lrH. II. I'lirnnnx In ,, IhiM »rry MU.ii-.:sfiil i.ffnir. Tlir n i'it I inri-ltnK will lu' IVIiruury nl llir

“ lii'.nii- of Mn*. M, A. Hironl;. !

'* I.nnrhi-iiii (nr ,llr>. Carinnn- Mn.. II.Ua« Iic.:i|.-.IH cl l.ouiillfnlly

‘ iiiii.ol(i«-il Uw<li< iu Klvntc <i( »(.. i'nr- " rln<- h .'irl nl liHil lii>niirlt>|; h.-r nlMtc'r,

Mm. II. i:. Carman of Vaiicnnvor. Tin- “ lalil.-n wrr.. ili'corulnl « llli n |irotn«lnn

i>r duffiHllhi anil »uriln: Ilowvrn nnd \'l covrrii wrr.. hiid for twrnt)'-"l*. Afl.-r" Ihl' ................ iho ;:tii-..ti< moiori'd in

lh.- lioni.' nf Mrn. W. J. All-'n w hrrr n ird i w. r>. m oynt diirlne ilir iifiiT-,

Th.' ruK|,.r«' ,\lil nf th .' M.'liio.ll»t' iliiiK h inrt In tlir ,linr<-li i.arlom on! Thnrmli.y aflrrnonn, Ii »vn» a Jnlm ■nrrllni; of all Ihi- .llvlnlnnx, Tlip tlliic; wri" |ili-a»nnlly llahnnl wllh t.«‘wlnKi ntul falic v wnrk. ami pluni' wiTi- inailc for an Ki.Rli.r bait.iir, Tlii.r- w cro'

T lir R lrh nf Ihr Wrnlwiirtli Hinrr in n 1.1 th r hcimr nf Ml»> lililr l IVIrrn ^Vi•dm''lllay rvinlnx iinil orsnnlxi'd n fumv wnik ,'lnli, Th.' t-vrn'nc wan upcnt with Krwlnr anil mn^llr n flrr

• WhUli rrtrriihm rnts wi-rr R.-rvnl hy llir luMli'n». Th.' ni'Xl nicc'ilnc willIir llrld III Iht' linliir of MUk llrMtiv (•.irhmi, J

r.U lD IIK TII.VNKSWr wlnh 111 Ilianl; <mr nianv frlnidn

und Ihl' .ViiirrliMii l.i-Klnii for tht-lr nialiy kind ilrrdn followlnn thi< dvalli nf i.iir lii-lnvnl soil anil bm lhiT; abo lur Ih r l)i-aiillfnl llimcrn.

■Mr. mul Mrn. Wm, filui k.

I (■iiic’Ki;> DiN.Nfiit— ritf \VoniunW-*‘miiirll-» 'f-lhr ChrU-

> linn rln ir .h « lirr ..T v r a .hl<:l.i'll illn- , 1,'T ,}<uinrday uv.-nhiK, fi lo K oVIiH-k.

. K. liriMM 17. In tb.- bulldlnt vuculpil I l.y WrlKht'-' Hlorr. I 'r lir . 50 .rn t" I i'lT i>)uli'.

PIRIN/ h e n y o u b u y A s p i r i n

r '’ irrn f. AccfpC only 'l l . iy t r ‘' p a c k a « ro |Wlili h ronialtm propBr tllreclloiu. o-|M iindy boii'S of twolro Ublel* co»l nr frw irn li.. DruKRlnli nluo aell bot* H 'M I r i of ^1 and 100. ..A«iilrln Is (liei,'. undo murk nf IJayur Munnfnciuro u- I of Moiio.ircHcncIdMter of Salicylic.ii.,.i i 'ld . __ _____________

L E N Z , M . D .. T rc a tm o o t a s A u th o r ize d h j b e rt A bram *

- T in :* m i . 8 , id a u o

- - - T W D ^ nmCO.Y ^ USFOUI^DniHATVmAL

, SjiifeySehool E r Lesson V

Illy (lEv. e. a nTZ^v.«K K . D. n.. ix r t i i r «r lcti(ll«fi lllDIa (a (ft* Uoed/

IntllDU* c>{ Chlcuo.l 1>. U^jiHkl. IISJ. 'Wmioii N »'ti4jiir umaa.It --------- . ■'■ ' ' — (Tl


im I.K«.?O.V■sol -i!L>l.l.K.N Tf3CT-C..r lh . Son of M.o “

v,«a luil-L.ikp J»;tU. PU,1 IIICl'lJKl.'NL'i: MATKUIAI^l’rov. 1;IJ-r J>. U.K, u :|.is . y

1-lll.MAUV TOl'iU-lUvlnr J«.u. far »

~Jl>MUI«''TOI>l<>-i««u».lu.UM4Iama.ut ZMCi-luni*. I

llo —JIuw J fiiii an Ktturiluliir,Iio yo l'.s il I'KOJ’MJ AN» At'Ul.T TOJ’lc '

n l, ------on t. J«*U( P a u ln s ThreuQh J«rlclio

(V .I).Jorlclin I5 niiti'<l a> lh»<n;:li<ild ^

, . uf tlm Cniiannlli’S, wlili-li wok lulruon s of loinlly iJrllTcrcif Into lir« finncU c.rjT

un I Inrni'l In ri'UKiiiSo to their fallh (Ju'.li. Ii ro- i>). nnil'u lin for llio fnlllj of Itnhnh, H Kt* which ^ tated .'tacr:. from. (Ii'Mrticiiun jn t ii«Ji iJm cH /(llp fr. 31.-.W, •'ox- II. Z icchaaut Siaklng J«»u» (vv. '

J.1. HI-1 Ol.Joet (T. 3). U f souBlii tn t(

net' ti}i» J « i « tran, TIiiMish J'crbal’i • 11. jimniplril |iy, lurloslty ho .w gi'rly r r - 8' 1'iKl't J«(iuii.'nu «loiil)lk'<i' hnil hoard lnl> .of Jomiii'kfuil iri-nlmijit of imlillvnnii. r<'- >»> WDH jiMinijiliil lo ftcu »hiit klotl nf ro- „ num lie wns.Au -J. iiIh IJIIlli-nltltH (vv. -2. :t). (U

H h Intuninnn huslm-!i8 (r.-J) . l lo « a < ^ . ‘ '‘"I a tnx ndloctor of the Itmnan snu 'ni-

itirnt. Tho very fact thal n Jn v lu'hl n '..'r.l ''" 'I ' "I’ lliel‘alc'1 ll'inmii«id

' would niiikii film rxtrfini'ly iini''i|iulnr, p i-rJI T hrn i-liuts bo wun rich ll wnn cvhloni

thill hi! had pm tllcfil ciioriti.n hi (%v li-rtlni: Iho laxca. <;:) Illn i.horlni'Ni orK I.r -iniur.' (r. :i). ’H e wan lm> i.mall in Mr. .-n iw ilhii wny thruucb In Ji-Ml>, nndinn l'i (na haln l hy (luti)i'oi>Jn tlmy (liruHt

him a’ddc', nn ilulibt with liiunu nnd c !" Jr.'ix. lit) n i l iiomlmonou (V. -I). Ur

riin brfnro Iho inullllndn nml cllniUril " '[ n i l Inl" n 'Jrc'c . M'Imt Jn* In «

>.lnluir ho unn ilrlrnnlnitl nbnahl hr,[ ..... Ir iipliy th r holsliL or th r trr.-. Ob- |i

lily '-Iliclr-' phioo.l liofiin- him 1io hrnnb.-il IT- flJiiJ jlin*n Jji* i-ould nut hrnWi *:or. ii-lilr In- i-llndiod ovi-r, bl'cnnno h r hud n ir ..-I h ll honrt upon llip fioal. TIioukIi ^ Inn Znrclinrni.- lri{» wi'ro tm. hliorl t.. vn- " »«1 abl.' hliii i.> >.00 Ji'unii (hi-y Wrro Imii:

I'ni.iiiih lu rnn pant iho rruwil nnd cn- . nblr Iillll t(i climb (ho irci-. U wriK , ..imi'ivhnt imdlsoincd for tlila n

j mun 1.' I'llinb (lip trrr. bnt Ms n.uil j wii> M. <h"<lrons In nro Jo«ni (but Im .

i im ' oiKt hlH nrldi! ti> tlie winiln. nni 111. Jc iua Finding Zacchacua (vr.

)lm ; II),‘““•i Whli" Zuccburn* waa inliiK to.n'-o

' .Ic-Mi-. Jo»a« w«« louklui: for him, Tbln , ^'"^1 I- iil'vny, ihc! .-ii«r. -Whou Ji-.iu. naw

I him 1....... .. bim (u cniuo ib.wn jffc.iii Iho t r r - nml dcrtar.-d h1i> Inli-n-

,„ r I '"" I" >i'.mo wilb him. Zni-rharn- I lorn -"I ni'ir.. llulil ho rxpoc'li'*). J.■ U■• did ll n ir'l ii'li-r u wnrd whlrh woilbl bunilll- ■ wan ato Zn.vliai'iiii. .fc«c(« fenr«‘ lit* Iifarf'* flor i| .Inilt nct-urdlDiily wllh him. |

will i.1„ill hr r'.iinil o t Him. .llotv wondrr- , |j{ , i-r:,,;-, Ihut r»fwriJIi'.ii i>f imr'i

ini-l nr.'. Hint Jomk win n-colTr him a- n frl.-ml nnd m tr r Into f< 1hlK•l)l1ll iviih bim, /»rii» iinli'lly ri'.ponil- -''I. >''• <•'»"<“ ''"w n and wltli Joy ris i'.'K.-d ,l.hil-. , '

,1, 1, IV. 2»eeha*ua* Cenvanlon- ( r r . I 7-1II)..

Ml. rni.^'n wa« aiidri.rn unl llr>rmi:li. Mr ><i.< .-nnxrrto.t bofnrr h r ha.r roii. liHl <lio srniind. II iloca

I U"l mv-' •''•"I" '""C “ » n xi.iil. i r u . .^ i._ \v im i.-ih a -C ru w rt. aalil_Cr__7J.

iH-k. ,n (•iirlm, ThrJ.allril II. uilnil tlir ninn’* fnrm rr nlni. Th.'V III." rrpromhoil Clirlnt. snvlni; lliiif lu- Jiiiit r<rmr f.; hr n CUP«t ti f tlilt

- n'ltnrliiiu •-Ttoritonrr, tbo inx rnlhf- inr. HI- .npri'iim inlolnn lo unvo -hiiuT. (V. III). H t-w oamr lo

hut 10 j.nvr Ji.; iioI ilrMroy u«. bni in •ino,fr'iii. -in aiuj r«-<'onrtlii tin to C - l ,„ J

! " Whiil Znci-linrmi Sniil (t. S). HU- I ...iiM'r-lcn wnt thc.riuiKh. Ii ln .> ^ i.h l

I i.pnii h i. brnrl. H < an ew .lir .^ ’ni< bri ;;iiu wllh rp'cdmion nnd roMlHitlnti. j l l r di-.||rnli-d thr half n( 1(11 eooiU to I ll..- pn'T. III., ronvrrni.m eot h.iWI .'f I 1,1. i'.M-krilu'nV. Hl< .Irlcrnilmitlnii l'..

timlu' rr'.llinll.m whoroln hn hnd

.......................... lil« iVhtIri Ip'.I fnruol'. Ihr ]Mi>i of n alnnrr whrn,

I hr ..IIIU-. |i. ChrI.l. Ibu ahinrr who U i-..n»rrlcd will ncj'W lo tnaki' r lsh t nil I'-ri'n-'", ti<- ilify iiiilln<l •roriJn or hii-

W llnl'jr.iii. Siild (vr. 1). ](» . -T...

■J l;.-I-»)d)i'M>i wnn no.,- n rhll'd of (Ind,I n ".'n ..f .Miriiliam. ^nlvallnii l< n

|iri -m l rrullly whrn .mu rm 'lv iii ChriM,

tafi* ' y"ouco a i' A- Ilnh.-r»ul n pnictlro nn Ivlni: In. bb t.i nml .1- ou-cy n nn It Kr.-,nn, I i|..(lie nni ri'iuriidn'r In luivo h ran l threo

luro) K.,.nt lira III nil my cnnvomatlon.— '•lie. I J<,,ift.

-----! Wlll]drawlno FiHtndthlp.Thry rri-ni In rnko nwny (lio nnn

frnm tbo world wh<- withdraw frlond ,hl|> fr.iui llfr.-rii'.'r.>. .

H i W/ii» Rultg, l i r Who rnli-n munt Iinmor fnll ai

_ much an h r iMnimaiidi..-H;cor(;e Klloti

‘ -i-- -' ■ ....


St. Kdnard’a Culltellc «Hov. lU'Tiil 8. Kcy*«ir. r« « o r .

MaiincH S u n ilm B nnd iO.'.SO a. m.. Muiin wi-rk daya .8 o 'c lock 'n m. i ' EvcnhiK nerTlees Sniuluy>r

i (Tuy* nnd Prlilay# OurlnR r c n in l . 7:30. t, Hermonn ul a ll Sundny anil,, avo- j,

nfnK «prvJi'i'». -

Klrni l’r^nl>J(»rlan Cbarch i .A. 0 . I’oumon, M litla tcr.' . y

'Siiniluy nijiool a t C4ujuicb auil- , nblo io r nK'aKC*' i)

Mnrnlng wurnhip nt 11:00 B.^\t, The. , punior will pm iu i, _

Chrlndnn ICadeiiVDr Soclcllcn fur nil ^ youns pfoplr. ^

‘ KvcnlnR womhlp ut 7:30 ii. m. Tbe , pnntor w ||| prrach. ' .

^ —OfHvI-lniilrumm»iol-aJuL-Vfl(uil_jaiii.... . lilc. HininK<r* welcomo. „.

T«1u -J^U h .wJnlon *:30 3rd Aro. Rnnl. „

J . M. Clou. I’unior.Smulny achool' 10 a. m CInaaoa far

ull. Mrn. Ida M, I'urUirflcld. Supl. I'rruchInK 11 n. m. Kvnnlni; lesll-

■ niony imd pralne prenchlns »tI S; MId-wcck niPOtlni!» Tuonilay and flTfiunnlay T:30; lju)len jiroycr wcot-I, Ing Wcdni-niliiy nfirrnoon 3 p. ni, n l « ,. the MlKatun. *>

Wo loach asd. |(e|luva.)n.Solri\U on . from ull Mill. tt 'i 'lA tU rttiil tjoltoTO fl In jh o prlvllflRo o t cvury Clirtatlnn to

• be hcnicd lUronKli fnlllt in J«aua,now h Jvnun Chrim In H«l anmo ycblBWlayanO

I’ todny. yen. ami forever. • ' ' ; «1 ■ - lly H r .1 < hu rc)fiit ClirUl'Hclciili-il. '■,l ico'Nhilli AVO. K,- . ., =>. Sunilny ncrrlei^.at II a.- ra, tw im n ,( nrrmun I'ob, is; ••Boui." ^

Kunilny noliool n i 10 a. m. fo r jiu- pllii tiiiilPr 20 yearn nt iiro >1

' Tiniiinnnlnl nieoUnR on Wcdncuilny «" I'vcnInK nt S o'clftclf. “'• A ri'adlnjs'rtjmn id in<'^ Muin (ivo- n 'I nuo north ;l<i upenjilaily oxucpl Sun- ^|duy» and holliln>’ti frnm I;3o

.1 'tIi 'o pnl.llr In invltrd lo n tiend thcHo ^ . ncrrictnt nmJ to r l/li the r<»o<Hnc room. C

Flrol Chrlillan (.'liureh ., Wllllnni Wlllln Buikn. D. D,. I'untor. , , 9Mf> n. m. I)Il1r;nchool anilcmhly [

tvUh rlnnnca followlni:. C, K. Alton, Supt. '• . . ,

' 10:CO u, in.. .Commnnloit and ner- ' '> nmn. Uev. T. W. Ilcmk w ||l preach.'» KhWltC, •■riiis Open Dtntr."'■ 4:00 p in.. Juylur Flndravor tnse l. 1

Im;. w ill «»li6ro7 i'rrn.II 7;no p. ni. Prulce nnd prc.tchlnBll ncrvlce. ' <I Urv. lionk will ..peak on "Wlml i I, S rrk Y o r ' Tliorc will l)0 npccial mu- I

nlc nt a ll Hip. tierrlccn.The pantor of fhin (JtiircU will be

* out at til t elty fererai dayn Tlnlllu* J '* Ronio of the cliurclirn In ihu w raierii 1

part ot tbe aiiilu Ihc In lrroal o f tlit

>1 (.oniler—Ixrn T.iiyd. ie . Topic—IlumemWr.God.__

Scripture I.ennoi—i-i-cl. 12:1. t, Hum:—".My ^'aIllv Uookn up tu Thee." '

rrayo r. ' t.Momnry v rrn r-Jo lin 3:1C, t«rnilll)K-fiml'" ' Sorvlco Fine— t

' Clinrlr* Allen.How W* Kcmcmber Ood—Wenley

» 1‘ulton.I- U cailiiiK-Tln n’ IJi'atllfftll World— . - IJIlly Hrrrlman. ! ; ‘d iilille I'rinc^-•n W alU ^Spftlillng— ' 1. MnrKorci Anderson. ‘

How a am m ltin Endenvur Olrl ot , , India nned her llmo for Ood—l.oro ' l.luyil.

lleudlnR—Thu T ral of u Mun—I.ui' f- lltirnv' .SonK-<;oil wlH Take <'«rn of You.II -------- . ----------

l! NMura'a Part In trafled y of Man. ,,s Naliire. In h rr most dnir.lln* o*pccis

o r nluprniloun paris^ la hut the back- r trmincl and Ih ra trr o f (hb tres«d7 ol' •tian—lnhn Morlov ,) ---- :---------------------------------- ' ■ —

: I I B ! M iI mmm/'TSiliominIg Syrup" is

j Child's Best Laxative

j i

. Kvcn a .a lck child love* flic." ••fruity.......... . of •'C iilltornla KIk<•" Syrup.'- ,lf th«-llllIo nloniach in up-

nel. lonsno coiled, o r It your cblld I t cronn. fertrlnb. full ol coia. or h la coUv. It. t«n«iioonful will never

I«. fnll to open Ihif ,bowoln. In a tow il„ lioura you can see for, yournelf how

ihoroUBhly It workn nil the conaii- _ paJJon poKoii. nour hilo ami >rtule

from the trnder, lit tle bowela ami Klvcn yon a writ, playful child ox«ln.

.Mllllnna ot mnthera keep “ Call* forola HK Syrup" handy. They knuw

un n teanpounfnl twlay auvoa it nick Id cblld tomurrow. Aak your (Iru jttu t

for K»nulno “Callfornln FlR Syrup" whlcb ban dirccllona fo r babiea and L'hlltlrrii ot a ll sffcs printed on bol-

, , He. Molberl You munt aay ••Call- fornta” o r ytrt-imiy KCt nn Imiiailon

“* flr. nyrup.

lE S '


« y ire t napli>A Church >uW. H. Tolliver, funior.

Sunilay achool. 9;'i6 nml pronchlm: i r a . r o . '

' -• Special mualc by tbe Lmllen'- fjunr- tn '■ teU nccnmpanliHl hy Mn.- C..U . ilviif \-

■ ‘T ^a £hrw fiHliig Veopio'u S m lo jiii a ll m«flt Al 6:15. The. Senior Kotiiuiy .

' bcgina a.cunim i with the rv<mlnB'i>ari -■ vicfl. ' {.ei eiich mcmlicr bo present:

INenlnK prenchlnn Kcrvicb 7:J0 aod IhiH will bo followed by iho bupUamal

7 "TlUaliilldUU-ll llJi UHlU nl].iiiu 1 - ' Qucatrd lo meol tbn ri'* ''''r-*‘" 'l l1ri“ .

conn in tbe lower p a rt ot ihe church * a l 0:30 no m lo hnvo council lo-

KoUier boforo ihu bupllsniki torvlcca.-- —Friday—•van lnn -U r tiu t- lilg -c ltttick —.

social, with n lino oulortalDinR pro- nraoi, anil n roi-opitoa (o (tio non- mombrra. All mcnibern aod frlcpUn uf the cburi*li nro uriicd lo come.

.VclhyJM I Kdltnr li. Wliilc, I’untor.t Sunday nchoul lo n. m. K. I.. Anli- il lon. Superlnlcndoni.

Mornhijt womhlp 11. wlili a nrrnion by Iho pantor, Folluwlm; the nunnon new momhom wilt bu rccolvod. • ^

n Epworth Icacuu noclitl huur C:.'0.X •«xam ;i'iJevotlannH :BntvItfli'8 !lt> . ,i D CJaM moatiiit; C;50. A. C. Woml, ,I lender.J Erenlns wornlxhi 7:30 with nn ovnn- ;

Relinllc aerm ui' liV' Uin Pnnlor. Thin l» ," 0 o (n C huhS . HuttUay" uml nit in«mbon( and fr!o»id«‘>»ro rc(iucniod tu alienil nt UiuCmiii'tiorW c«,'

n Miil-weolc'prayer iikf.'(l^n "Wodnnii- dny ffvanltu aiSD

CoMrejfilloonl moollnf.'nnd-rtK iip- lion lu now ,inembfirn., Kriday cvo-

y nInR 7:30,. All incmbuni uml frlenda nro urRp<] lo ailoiid. Tho followlni; mnalcnl propnim haff Im!pu prcp'nred:

MorninK!0 OrRaa prelmle— .Socturn ...... .......

; .............. ...... ......... ....... Medni'liiiiolmQ Anlhem—LnrKhetto ........... Ilflelhnven, Offerlory—Counolailoii . ..Momlcliinobti ' Poaltuilo-Poalluilo In C ........... Hors

GrcnlnR:Special inunlu by (be occhoHtrii. An-

y thrm . '■Iloneatlt the rronn** by llio , large clKinin rliolr. S«|ir«nn kuIo—’ "Tbo Man of Galileo.- by Mnt, J. A,


*' I.ulhernn Ciiun'liI- Third Avenue Went nml Mfih Street,

John GlhrluK. I’aator B The Nonnon of l.uiii will b r ob«erv-

e«l In this church by n ncrln* of np- il proprfato nermonn on Sunitay morn- I- inaa.

Sunilny nchool 10 n. lu.>0 Morjilnjc aervlcc 11 n. m. Topic nt X Iho Orst Lenten scrvicc: Jc»ua Utiil It His Traitor Juilan.It 0:45. nibU cliuin.'

7:30. Ovenlni: womhlp. Subject. The Seveaili retltlon o l llm l» rd 'n I'm yer.'

Thone who have fio citurch liomn- ure cspci-UilIy fiivlted to our ncrvlcc*.

." The Diornlns norvlccii on flm t nnil third Suntlay In ihu month uml nil ot the evonln* nervlcrn are u-onducti'd In

— Ibc KnKllnh InnKunKO >

■y Man W oilh While.TliO iiinii ^vbo aiioukn bin |u>nlilTr

” mnrlctloiin Ik worih a rrslm ent of _ m«n wbn aro nlwayn proclnlnilng tbelr

do'ihla and tuaplclmu.01 ;_______________^ ^ ■

V • S S E t e j i S S Ss "

' i i ' the W l

■''' mouth"/;*p ^ -Vvife s lal:

iI A lbersP"; . ' . A L B E R S 'B

’>• . * M A X S B 3 O F A L B E B B B


When Fama Corner ^*f| miin con be jwlil fo ha re made a

connplcuoua wiecva* In lil i choaen field of endeavor until they beela to elect Iillll niilioDorory ue iuber ot'ortonU a- , O’jn* Iio doesn’t Want (o brlone lo any more than t rab b it—Olilo State Jo.U^

, naL .

C , Problem Cepfrenta S a tan .'. ." If all de rerwJrta 'bout alnnet* ta

' true." nald Ci.ele Khets. " It looks like ' el' .Sninn waa eltteler have hi* troublra . wlf ill* bntinins proljlam."—W aihlnrtoa * Kvaiiloc Star.

^There are so many wa]- — B ran^jhe^o iiB g re tLi , • 'h ■iou r l l l ta jn j- , caLln:: ilclluB s’u 1 I- Uran bccniuin Itn nul-llkr iluvur nppcaU II. to till' lante. And, think wlml (ach III. moHthful ir. doing to drive cmnll[»;i- Iy linit oli— ry iw -y jT lirin -n a -T ^ ^^ i

«tablW i braJthl T lujf* bcfau»o It j , ; « ALL BIIA.N.' KellosB 'a llran U aclen- i

tid c n lly uiadn Jo Tolii<Te nufferiuR liumanlt\— IT W ILI. DO TUAT AH i NO O THEliyOOI) CANI 1

I’6}'«!ctan» rwommruii tlic rreular i line of KoUdck'd llran for mild ur .

'■ rhronlfl canca nnd na a j.n^vmtivr. < llran, eaten'each cluy nnil.hi i-mpcr :

u ciiuinliiy, awecpn. elcanifa aad i>i:rlC«i < n tbo allmcntnr^' trncl. I■ u Oct nwny from pills nnd ralliarllcs— ‘

KelloBK’fl Brnn will kIvo you prtmn- ' , nent relief fronv.connlipatlo^. i>• ' Th not eotttuao n fllogg’A S n n nlih i

; commoa tiraa. K c llo n ’a is cookci], J


J MientionSugar Ady

: Dollar an d ' Cents ftr Hi

A c c o r d s to s ta t is t ic s tboi M IL L IO N T 0 K 8 . A t th o pro

^ w o rth E I Q E T C O liC A B S A l P E E T C H , w h ic h w o n ld mako

pl . la r# a n d e ig h ty ccn ta p o r a c re : ;i. a raB y o f o ^ g r o m r s p ro d n c#

w h ich w b n id b r in g T e tu n u of nt la r s o n d f o r t y c cn U p e r acrc . “i j c o s tra c U a £ ' b e e t o c rc o g e , a n d '

s e r io iu ly tb e p n t t i o g o f a p a r >e, , .8 D 0 A B B E E T S , A E E - THIS

Q B O W ,'a n d . w ill £fivo y o u bot [ - Im ow c f . T H E L A R O B R TB

;{ P R IO E W E C A B P A T P O R 1

I 1 0 , 0 0 0 A c r e s I

; i n T 'w i n F a'1 THE AMALGAM/



*^ flc^ ackis i z 'z U t t ^

Sunday morning breakfaal week!

apjacks, the kind "that m i”. are not due ncwadays tc Jabcrrious effort, but to h e r . ; Albers Flapjack Flour to

sFlapjacls 'B R O S . M I L L I N G C O .. P a cific Cc

B O I L E D O A T ft- U !.B E B 8 P E A O O O M U O K W H E A T


F i tW A Y , F K n n i ^ n Y w . lo sn .

■ a - A ^ l r t « a . i » . H siib iito W . ■:

ii’ll ktnmWil'fliiil rt-ody lb Mti-m' i^ eaB • lU hr u>ed In Iho niMUilellalitful tiafcln;; ch iiroJurii without In any way ttduclsff •a- !ta n-sulfliory Tttlot'. a'ry, piUte btaad .

cniiiinnm ifBHaawTOiwTiiadoTrith---------------—jl Kctioj;s’a Uran, Ikclpt* aro printed n- on caih iwckajie. iR Kellrh-R':i Hran li vallonally eaten IS for liralih’ii r tk e n in eerml—la winter

tlinr «ltli m!l&. OUiow prefer It ar ctirlnklcJ ort-r ii'il o r eoltl cereal*. a or .\ii»lli.;r .\.'uy In to mix It with lint “:r. rrr'-alji Junl bffflTr nefvlni*. l l eao .cr abu liu eooki'd wllh ecreol. In caeh .0:1 <'a:ie ndd two tnblcfl|ioon{ul* of

rCellftcc'n nrnii for caeh iw o n j tn _ clirnnlc-cuMTi n.n mufli «U!i cacUatal.:n- KellucK’fl Bnrn is cold by nil poeera

and la nni'plicd In indirldunl paekaBca lh n t J1r»t-cb.'« hnt.'la nnd elota, Aak :i], lo r It lit yaur tn ia u n n U

n Farmersyanced One Twenty-five

lundred Pounds!Iboro is a s u g a r sb o r to g o o f T W O p re se n t p r ic o o f BQg&r, b e e t i a re

A N D T H m r y ^ V E N . C E N T S ako ono h u n d r e d a n d th i r ty dol>TO f o r a f if te e n - to n p e r a c re c ro p .3C« T W E N T Y T O N S P E B A O BE, o f ono h u n d r e d so v o n ty .fo u r dol*

7 0 . W o a re a t tb o p r e s e n t tim o ] d w e a s k a l l X o m e rs t o c onsider p a r t o f y o u r f a rm s iu to b e e ts as IE S A F E S T - O B O P .y p T r ., OA;». . b e t te r r c tu m s th im a n y ' c ro p w e T f iE -A O B E A O E T H E .-B E T T E B 'B B E E T S . H e lp u j g e t

s of Sugar Beets 'alls County !<1ATED SUGAR CO.

-** ■- -VT* --— _

's a n d '• 'b a a m iast every;day J

melt in your to thfl hduse-

iT judgment in to her grocer. „ ' -

'.k FlourC o a s t M i l h r s

V I P L o r a ,3 O A E ^ T I O N M U S n . ■ '»

FllL U A Y ,' F K ^ M .'A llY in . i:i2:

l i l s i rN i i i i s

' i i | f t m !I - .. ' I Him■:'i. • ------T • • j a r r

H o ld b u Q H av e C re a te d .O b n jte r - ■‘"i'

— — — nfttlo n —A m o n ^ B a w ib s l l - M a n J —

o g e rs ’ a n d th e O lo n ts ' M an-

a g o r f la « D ec ided o a S trc n u -

< ous M e asu re to F o rc e P la y e rs Joai

to P lac e T b e ir N am o on D o tte d '

L in e B efo re A ppearinff a t f

C am p. , • io iIllK

-----(By HKN-RY I,. FARIIKU, )

NfnV VOiIk. Kcl), lfi.-ll.)liloiit» hav« crealml with ii npr:oim hUiiii- _

O io-wnrld'* l\l»nipton f , (H p tn ttm t Julin McOraw l>nH iH-nn

' toK ed to do iiomcililttc Iib lis'in'i

' S & ’SX :,,. LID; nil. OJams .wlio liiiva noi-nlRiHKl . . ftttifracrt (tise (tiey w ill not b« a/- lowpJ la ri'pori ul Slurlln Hprlnit* or ut San Antonin umll tlioy imvo '.V,' lllll Iholr name" at Ihe Ijottom uf Uip ysponi.

Till* U eoBniai'rccI it nunl ilrnntlc movo trom » olub of Um lllwrnl i»>l- , Icy of (ho Ulnliln, in tlm paHt Me- Oruw han olwuyn altnwnl thu iilay- r r« who woro Uln»atl«flr.l' wlili tlic I'llll)’* olfor lo report to Ihft irnlninK <amp antl 'ta lk ll over.

Tlie-lhrp>il, howevnr. tnay fall In liji I'urpoBft. -Thn only rvpty tlic r lu h rfcfilvccl from ilie ulilmnimn ,, won from Jnck Ucniliy, thi* |65.onu , ‘

\ nultlmoro boaniy. The Olanlo tolil V'’' \ lilm-lifl coultln 'l.roporl nnill hn had ''"3

• \ »l«ni'd and heard tha t h r hndii'i In- V euO fst «o roporl unit thanked (lumi f""

lllolr iroublP.X ^efe nrc th rro <frc?fic/nfi;t In tho '

id lX lO M rBB K«lty, Irlnti • Mciincl HI' onilj Casey Sienm.i. ‘who worn wiih ihp/barniitortni'rii on iho trip to iho Orll'H t.' ' They will l>o oUllncil ti> f>''' w alk for two «»ri.k» nl tli« t'lirop iiiut iihoV lltat llii> trip didn’t hurl ihvin < h«ri>h) (hoy will Ij.] offrri'il n ion- Im

__irac l._ . cll•Whllo Kr:«ph.-Oroh nml YminR nro ‘l»

ikti ohunroBJIiir‘oiauf.roii jiairer. th.i oi’i nlluaiion U alm o.t li* had with Ihe ito Ytinka. •lUbe-. Iluih'-imrt CarJ MuyH - a rc workliin umlcr hohlovnr con- 1

• trae tn #n*l'KTcmi-acotV lJ>-thi' only -ji- tilayer 'wiin hou niKnoil a now con- plr irac t. Wullle Behans "cnmo Id lul lorm*," but ho tlid 'n o t »I«n. . Jo.

Acllon of lh(! 0 :anln an.l n provl- iili oiM announcoment of lh« Drooklyn ohih to Ihn name cffeM In.llentrii ! Ihut Jn .Ihe Satlitnal league s i leaat, bai iJin. club ow iieri mny hnrn itnclitrd cu' on thlH poller of brinsins their a th - 13; Iflim itn (Ime. , .

airry 'S hn Bpakt;' trlWhile KOlnc to,my Klrl frlenil'i foi

hoine. so which I had never been. I •>»had n itronitB rxpcrlcnce. She cniiie "y to the cur 10 inw i nio and the flr*t

- iKitue ire catnc (11 I »oM: T o r iiravm 'i vake. vriii> Itvn In tliln llrtliil i a m r . Slie icd me inln Iho hiuiae. It “waa hor home.—l^xrliuncr. ^5

GmiSWUK 5, : ’« ^ t e

T r y T h li! ,A O le iin y ofS o f t, L w n r i a a t H a ir .

: . in


' a n a . r tU ^ f r l i f l .iiult o -o f “DaudflrlB#" ou-apyJJrun-. .. atorft. f|>ta,Jiaoi«ten- a aofu cloiU ;

_ w fU l'(Ii« ri»B <ltrtae" and ,draw tM$ liirou th ronr-.tiiur. u k ln s onn amall n tnnft'A t'lB 'tlm c. Iiu tsn ily . ye t. Im> medUlelr.'. yoti; tUTe" douBlad th r b itt lly o t;yo ll^ Hnlf. ' U *HT hn ► n iu i , ao ' lo f l, 'lilkrrout and' ao enns- t» ao up. 'A U dtial awl nxc«aal»#oU 'l».,r«nov«tl. ...........

‘L 4 l‘- ’“DatiderlnB’* put new ,»fo. • vlirar{as4:.M Kb(DetR la ro u r hair Thi# nllmulatlnjr ion ic .w itl frc.ihun rb o r iCAlp, c b edM andru ff and fall in i 'h a l r w d h tip yotir huir (0 icmo

thick, t f r o n s Biiil-lwKatirul.



UO»TON--Ballor i''rlBdmuu.'.Chicago f i IlfiilwolRht, won cv JO rounil dechilon Irom Wlillo Harmon, Hvtt York.'wbo hail-won ihlrty m h ilih t’ vIciiirlM. iU I

'rMlOVIpKNWr-Tcri-j. ,MftrUn.,Tj’^f>-' l l Hilcneo'boiiiiin'i. Won n 12 riAinil'.lr- :;lnlon .from Uumi}- l-:.lw.')r.1ii of Cal-:' Ifornlal _ | j , ^

■TU CM ib'tim :-.. u — liivnii'.' iu .i.r : - f iftlinoHi arvoii. (loiimlH. I’ntn I j i z o , ' , Srm nton llKhtwclniu. ouipointpd' * Johnny Knrr. <Mvvuluud, lu IJ roumln luHi nlKhi. • I

LON.nON — Tc.| l.owl'i, fornior ivorMw ivcKcrwelBhr clin))i()!(;ii.Uio inlddlowclr.lii I'huniploii'ihlii o f . KnKhind lum nlRht v/ium ho wim .lu- lealcd un poinu of Itoluiiil Tadil In n ■{■{, ZU rinind tHiiit, un-

-------- — iiriOAKI^NU. Cn-'if.—Yoiinr llmlloy. T r

Sew Orlcinm noKro. und Jliuiiiy Dutfy ’ loxo.l a .four rounit iiruw hprn 'luiit liu iilKhl. l l "Ull ihii bout whli'h hail byi'O rrjiorti;.! an "frampil” tor u ilniw hut/niunl fnnn UioiiKhi ihu pair iuirh-| td ihulr moni'y. I -----------:------- ^ . I


- ST. MOitlTi'.— lla.t hanilB will pro- veitt’ OporccM (litriinnilor iiirvihiK llitt- n in e Hlkl fnr innnlhii. (he former Kuropvan shnmpinn nuld hero. Jkjuhi thnl hfl'L'vor wiii nifot hU l onuui-'rcr WIIH fxprciiActl In bin uiniCRiniit (hat "lli.T .' Itiii’l niui'li luiuroni In anoihui' boul wllli him.”

ST, IX)L'ft»—Juninen Kournlor. for­m er (‘aril flrni tiunomun, ira.lcil lo tb.i Urooklyn }<cit|iiiM ym irrday,. nnl.l hn n'ouhl i]ull iho*Kanie brforc hu wouhl conitBni 10 the tran»fi-r,

0 I!I( 'A (30-G renda and Koehler an.l ttroccn and.^KK hUII led ihc tl.-hl Id- day In lh i plx-duy Inipninllnnal bike raro. . The IWO leninB, I'OTurcd 1.71« mllcn and Ihrcp liipn In U9 himm,

C inrA fJO —TllP I'Mr'k mjhaihi i>t lJl»' illlnoin A, c. I)nil ih.. (nilimno A, A. left lipre I04ltty for lluffHlo fnr lhu Vutloiial A. A, It. Iti.loor lj-a>'k nn.l flpld ihninploiinliipii.

C’UK’AaO -M .iw nrd Carr, iiyimmu- Him propri.-ior. wnn nrrcnii'.l, for c1iuri;t)K- nilmlnxUm lo hli. hoxlnK •bow.. Tho lioutK vrorn' uml

.Di’n-cM-imuAt to - tw ic o oTOcvrn-irf Ito p nil boxlUK matcho*,

K A \8A S (M T V -til sirnnslc r U w -,' -A-nacr<mifully .lefoiido.l' hU-oluiin*- Iilon«blp hy tnkinK. two oul of threu lulln In •> WreNtllnx mnlclvhero wlih Joo Monilt; Colorndo t-nwhoy', Inat iilitbt. .Mondl wun only ihp (lri.( fall.

PASSAK;, .V. J . - l ’iiH.ilac high achool bankeftall d a m won loi iflCi/i connp- cullvn victnry dcfeatlnj: Knulowooii,135 tri IR, •

NRW llAVKN-Ynt,* went Inlo n trip le (In wlih Cnrnull und Prlncnton for firnt placc tn Ihc InlercolloRlntc iiiiHkeltinll leuKUii by OofcailnR Penn-1 nylvnnia 33 lo id In u two exim per­iod Rumi'.

WEST PO IN T -A rm y wnri lla IDlh cunnocuilve tuiakalball name of iho I floasnn .IcfentlnR MnnhaRnn cnlloRO 4S 10 23. •

ANN' . A n o o a —Wiacoimln knocked MlchtRao fhim aecond place In tbe i-onferanco b u k c ib a ll .race la il nlsht. w lnnluc 18 to IC. ; ••• .

•• ^ Fn»'» K t»o '»«B t.‘ :X'.fus cau'Scent'rtaikB a qunrtrr of

■ .la U e /vray ,.

, Sacll ^“Elghtoen yoar|i » ro .|,.had.Uhf,no

rlbti broken, year* 'ifRo reyr ish l leR; .«Io»cttw ent over w ith irpbold fiV tr iindl ilucn lh«Q bafo ' bad awful ■ ston^ach , and iUor troubls. Waa filled w:ih qua moot a ll the (Imo. I would nava colic a u a c k t co bad a a .lo b<f. come unconaclou*.. No medlclno hoip«d ,wio and docl'ori aUvJacd an o |i«ratlon. ' Ono day laUiInc with a a irasgnr. h® recom nendtd Mayr’.a Wondortiil Itwnedjr! whlch hnlp«l mo a l oac9.” l l I t « ilmifta. liarmleat proparatloB tha t -ramnvea Ihe ca- a rrh al -mucui. from the- io it itlb a l r a c t 'a n d .ollaya 'd ie loflammaUon’

which 'c a u a n pracllcdlly' Dir B(otn> ach. Slrer aod iDtaalloal alloianti. inolDdln'c apptndlciQa. One deat v l l l con»inc* or mooay rafuoded. _ • !

; S i S iI w iiU d n o t- ’df^^ iin '.o r " :« A d o f a j y ltl^ 'o fe t' i u » ' Ijeae-

R l e h ' i n ^ i a .'• •' S « o « i y ' t e i ' *I, J»c^‘ eI ed ihatitanii

oeU eiM B tr tn g U i.u f lM iu .

-----------T W IN r

SPORTMtRoiuiuiiiy.wsi;BOllNGCONTESlt IKi™ SHOE i l l l 5

,Tro:; — :— I t«aHill ie h Kccord for n Single flame'!?^'}' ■ H ro k en I .n 'l M cht by Ijtunilry- Ct',,' ; mrn When 'I li r r 'lOlHlliia lln' Miu ; pies for II t-core nf WHi. '

T------- T(Ily niL I- llAKKIl.) ;Sho

— l ’hp-lhlrtl'raino-of-Uio-<.v.inhiR-4i«»t4if’j” iiiRht nhowed msrkod Improvemenl; , , ,

.111 UiB bowHnK fralrriilcy of Twin . •h'ullii whon tha Troy Loiunilry top- ,, , Pled llie-muplCH for u-ioiiil of OOO.Thin Is Ihc hIshDNl acoro mudo hy ~ uiiy lonm thun fnr Uila Heanon aiul iirenka tho uld hlfth rocord for' (ho | Troy l..aundry team of fiSB.

T hree uf lhu flix sam en.thp niRhl K hundred m nrk xvna croaacd lunl Mo I

Knicker SiT o C h im e w i th ;

No\V i-omc's Jilt' tlircc-itiooV'i-'i

S u i t ill n il Hll' jininiliii' SjH'inu’

llu-«i' ill o n r ilisl'lny , $1B.OO.

1 ' . .f . . ' • • • ’ ■ ..

i Crepe Dre; ; I n L ig h t "Spring i

J K tiw f 'r c p c DrcsscK w ilh Hul

1’ulHlt‘y t r im m in tp i, ' th o v e ry

1 - S |iriiiK C repe DroMrH, $10.00I ' .

1. • • '


> : ■ la

1" New Bloili >■ - - -

I t ^ ^ i e i ^ E ) e

J rtlnuM-H o r C a jitp li-C j-O ^ ill ‘

,i.' (If^sixnii iitkl 'r>ri'p^Wr' S p riiiR '

; ( lic m 'o ii d iiiplujf/'^ > T 'V




VORLD ^ilBht, n io ~ ? ir it VaiHii waa not ui>l 0 atandard us .'nolllii.'r tvam reachcil; he elRhi hundred mark. Tho c ti'un : loJjiM . c n r fd ^ 'HH nurnn, w«)»' s i cry lltlln effort and .tofeaied ihnjeiiai ho« fltior# hy jih o ni-iirp'of *n« tn li ii . 'i 2a.‘ Tho nV.;ond'KJinii. weni in ihuiio;;,-] IhOB'Murkel by tbn luore of Kno 10 1 00. The Ihlrd Kamc wua Uio • f;im me oa fa r an the lauiulu- hunch w n"'),,,,, «nccrnnd nTid• Iho niuod '.inri'” '"0 .HOC for •tho'HhOtiii-'n.

Th.* bos iicorc: '1‘roy Ij»nndry— 1 2 ,T Polnis jju!'!':iaHoy .... ........ jns f74 irtii ^ I jfn o 1illllor .................... ir.t lUii 16H 4is.ihDlfCnK. ..................... lf'4 m :i.'. .tnoldlniir r i ii ^ ann .n o '^02 [ ' i ; ' ■>'

...........-........Tolntii ............... 104 'On (lOO 23U4 is.rv.

>hno M arket-- I 'i a Pulnii< liiuii;»wlH .................... n :l liiS 182 .(i.ll (■minlmiiiiil— I 'ii—H5--^rr!Tf)-„r,liuiihuii ...............■ ir.7 ii;o IIM it>i)'j,)i)Mnhi ................... ir.u ITU lli'J r.:in <Tlianimoii .................m ; laa u s 417

Tolnln ............... 5:^ SOU 230.-. ijluv----------------------- • • I V

• On tha Bcrd<r Lhie. }, |inll In ivondprfnl turn- ii.-iir itinccli I* j.Shii

to l^ u iilly l—Jerr<ild.'

S i p :T r i p s

V ' ONE a:5 U l tS ( J the ni

V — intei't 2 . designei-s hav

1 O p r i n g siatible chaj^here is th

.■iTii'v Kniciu’i- - ihg fashions ( world. Youi'oquested.

esses . SS h a d e s

lUilRariiii] m ill

cry U tc s t ill • ' ' ''• j '

10 and up. ' ; ,


' ^ r i n g C

i ' , 1 !\VQ:;otr v e ry p roH ' , nnd DrpKst*«. O in

' ' 1iiiyi»i(r th e viT.v li

Nnw SpnuK P e tt i

'n -illi 'i lif ji ntisortm i

A it^ jw o rlm P iit n

^ U S 6 S . I ’ritP il n t $11.08.

— r, ' I

/ e s i g n s Ktjlpp, p r i c c d : ! ! ! ,

«i th e O ricn tJ il >>..

-• '■ ■ -Tlfe.r

• / . . . ■ l:- ; S '

a M i p M

S ____________

S S f TITLES 1 MiCHWHiOS-SEW . VOflK. Frll. . i^ fV r ttr .f jR h t!

'bainplnnn ur.< In >1ani;cr of Inuiniil lli.'ir l l i le . hi'iViii- iliP |iiii»ilni;. nj { {

On Ihrro of :lhc foui- Ullo hiiUli^n. [ h.- I'hiwn In v.'-UnR vrry uiiPHnity, 1 )n.' RiKi.l M'ullop (nun nom.r amMthiiin < . k’nnninipr .inil (hi'ii luifi miinlc. I

Jnhiiny Wllnon, fliili- li.ihli-r nf ihv JtuUl-ll.-WPlnhl. Ullr, han ■inn.- llltic ly , no f(Kht(ni; for n year. Thdu- »r.‘ ;■ liDlf do.:L'ii iiil.ldli-w,-iKhlH >',iiiiihli- nf;<»llir. of Wllnon. ' I

Jill' l.yiirli, It lui WIT .'.inwiilii lo 11,1

mont ccrluliily he on th r Umlni; cml.i S.rv.Tal, .itlii.r liuni.iniii n r..........clullK'TOllii.

Crliiul, Ihl' Kuniin'aii .'Iiaiiiplnn. lii] liiilhK pri'iiriTH’,;i'iili-il*Tm'“ T'Iif;lir^WUll • — Johnny Klllwij,,-. Ji i» rimibrfii) I f Crlnul ulM b.' ahl.' lo .U-ri-iit Ui.‘Ihcr i hnmplon, hm Ilu'i«- urc u linll^ iioion (Ixhii'm In ilili .'nunlry ivluij imvc hell.T iliaii ;i:i .-vcn chiiii. i'.

Will Ml.'k.iy Wulk.-r, tho wclK-r' I'linmiiloM. bi-’nhli- to hohl o(( ll^ivrl .ShadP? I

Alno Ihrrc in a rum or Uial Rpony ^

R l !into the S

arc the modes of VVinter— modes of Spring! Each ‘or

jrpretation of the modes a ave coneeivcd it—each one ^ n g e for every woman eve the NEW,-the best and mos s ever to emerge into an e >ur early and leisurely insr

C o a t s , C a p e s a r id

‘ Arriving, Dailyp ro u d o f -o u r ip.tiorlmi’ntH n t SpriiiR

O iir fmyoM Jmvr sp e n t iiin iiy '« ce I(K - 1

,v InlfK i in SpriiiK cm itio iiH fo r T w in

pttieontH , ill I’lUNley il '‘WKii»- Y nu wi ■tmi'iit.

n f w^’Ol r 'repp I’n ia lcy to p


i " : :M ijs’., Po lo (?onlH m n l <’i ip e s 'i i i S p rin

H i.0 5 — $ 13 .86 ..

,' e Exclusive Agency.HSi ( f ^ Wom Tailor Mai

■Vi'iunl In I.... llini; on w .-liitirio tnNt |Ual he will I.C IU1 have <ru«rown lliP|__ ^ iKiilwcIdU Ilmil. |«o«,

FOR SA TP r i m e B e e f R o !

B o i l i n g B e e f . .

XEMRALHome of E c 'L.t Mei

------ PHONES :

Store1;—hero iiro I I _ ^ 'one a vital F l d I 11 B as expertDne an ij,xe- \ A /jverywhere. ' ’nost chai-m- ’n expectant .......... . 'nspection is iii.' .lov I'.i.r i

1(11(1.1 iissortiiK 'iit

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1 ^ - L inei' ' s

i l lf ' l i V - > tliiiiK

1 D re sse s i

iiiR Coiitii, CajH'K I'IfK-tti NVw Yoric ■ .n'in KfllU wom.'ji.

1 will In' ploiisc.l

'Mii'ji for SpririR. SprintprinK Hlindrt ntul b P o

Wc liHvt a"'l

■■ ■ . . Sw onlnn» o f Sh

^ U 4 " ^ a | ’

P A U H T l lK i : i i '

............................. ■■■ ■ 16u]<p«ttd ta Do W itheut Slaas.

. at)lm.Mi, pUc BII.I u.'ldlNb Dn> •»(>• -

B Mo a s ts . . 1 0 c l b .

. . . . 6 c l b .

MARKET [Ile a t and Groceries


id -M a d e : W aists .

( iniul'ffiilrirc.l U’ni.sfH havi!

r I’llll m ill tux i'il.i I'lilliirH; n

. 'lit III i-li.iofi' fro iu . •,

S p o r t s - S h ir ts" o r S p r in g s ' I

i« to W enr w ith th o t K n ic k e r ‘

iiuon S p o r l S l iir t. • *

: • t

i' V i B i p V

■ ■■ '■i', • ii ------------------- --------------i . • V

Ig Sweaters i* o p u la* iS h a< Ja is »

S h o tlo n d flos(i!id lk i o d w ool.''.• ;‘V-' [/dhl coiiie ill l i i x r t lo ^ h f l p .v

Wiir dUptn);; - iv ;

r a n

T H E I W I N F A L L IC iM d b v . nn rap ftpC T o f t h s Oi

VobUiIwd S n r r -S T « a iA i E x u p t S tu p«nT, T w in :

t I L m S T g f f l . ---------- ;;------

i k i a t r f u U n T r t i JW U P i r to m c .V . ’ . , pnb iim ioflu A

i___________■! - '■ ' H U B SC R IPT ]

::.........----------------------------------:---- “ T—D kU }c,'8iz m oo tlis — — ...........■■■■.■—D i ^ , p a e a o a t h .....................- —

• • r A fe w pcopli' Im vc imlti'd wl Im t tli(> m a jo r ity kn o w tli rm lyo

•g ro U m iln woiiW , b f HovprnI hu i •Woritl'H Rooiiii in T w in K hIIh lim l

I f S o n n to r Heed Aviintril to i H o n rtb in t; li '' hnd n (']mnc<' <1 ifttP ,in th e ( lay lo bc n in to liow l i

n i’v r r hnve lic i'n r c tu r n o d P onlloR io o tir w ity o f th iiiU in i; I

i - ‘'Blaelcir.”

t t I t b e g in s to .lo o k nx if Homcp r t y d o f h*vlriff beeu n w n n ii f p ^ u e ** tlic . o fflelftl r c p n w n t / i

l l ' v e c iui (fllcA tb « tm r d o f t [■ s h ^ l lo io w tlio tn i t l i f lbout tlu n iI b e b e l te r ftble to jndRO tlic nffnI m o y b e n llow ed o iir ow ii o p in io ni ^ ------------------------ c‘ T h e fo rm ers o f tliin M o tion s)• t i y nnd Hoo if i t w ill n o t p u y th e m

th id j ’oo r. W « nn> n o t n n c in n th e• to p ln n t n il th e ir In n d l» bcctH

p la n t n t leatit n p a r t o f tl ip ir ni j f a m i u g a m i don'< forR ct tlio i-o%< tUfc fa rm pny.

•• • O w o f Hh’ vory hPriouH thinH d e v f lo p n i ro t o f T w in F u lls

{ ia '-pnjU ing from m o n th to m o n th:• >vi)l n o v c r K ot'o ii oh w p wliovilil iV fl^d beR in to booiit n o t o n ly o n r :• hoV’d p in p e n a s w oll. S om e poojV

'! llo . - B o m t p eop le d o n ’t lik e o u r h• ^ ’t J lk < ^ o w Unily now H pnpom, t£ |« v it ra lH ’fro m m iirninK til l ii!k )i

, i ................. d jpcction to F iv e Pointw j i n d -wo\ i f i u iioo« tid tM m ild fno lorio tt n rI thc*o Kftinc peoplo nvould d e v o te i

s4lfnptliihg c o n n tn ip |iv p wo w on lil ; montliH.

• ThlH w eok in th e t in i c \o . r iiimi a n d if y o u nro n l)oU<'Vor in “ KOf

J \ e x t r o o r ^ n n r y fo r tho«o Iiovk. ** n iiu jy o th e r eitioH in thiH c ro i i t n

' to eom u u p to th e m a rk . W o k1;• iicou t w o rk nnd wo h tiv o n ’t In r^ i

back in R to finnnce onoiiRli t ro o p L o y a l f ’itizfH , to h e lp tliin wni-ld

1 A u o ld ruiyiiiR Rops “ A n onnoe olc iire'*..RO I i 'I ’h do th e s n y in c rn

I Ja to r. I I y o u u i l l d o y.oao h a v e tw ioo, nn ran n y tro o p n

• tim e* o» m n n y hoyH io hooiu w orli i , ciu lm biiVL* N ln rtn l liiu hu ll tv ith i} eno u n h b y a n y moonii. T h e quoKl

' -------=------- --— t h e w o m JS 'o le ss ftU a m h o ri ty th a n Al

V • t h f N a tio n n l A ntom oh ilo Chninboi'm a y o n m th o fam ily incom e, hn t

; v e ry in f ln o n tin l p u r t in sny inR b o "y ita l a purcha»o (ik n onr, h 'T w

V p w tn n t bou rin tr <ni tlio u ltim u to J ,• .A n 'c e i i t Hiirvi'y o f th o N ow• p f p c c n t o f thfi cnr>< hold tlio fiiu i' A 'ta h i i ln t in n o f th e re R is lrn tio n o ! o f t h e c o u n try show ed llm l fi pi

'v'wmen, o r (1,000 mrK.T b iis , w om an nolJ on ly lin s n

f o r tht*. fam iJy , h u t kJio j« pitr<'fi nu m b er* . T he v o n in n ’H in.sios nni ro co g n itio n .

U u t Ibi.i in fliirneo on th o p a r e a tio u o f lio r porsoim l iu to ri's t. i s ta n d p o in t . I t is jiro o f th n f nIio m o to r c a r in tlui lifo o f th e riiniil.\

' f tw in l iM u t>-po n f n o ro j i t io nn io th o r a n d c h ild n 'ii oun n il I 'lijoy

: m a k e r . '

Flw lda H m L eng ttt C o i i t , . Hf>rWa Iim lh»IutiBWt r.)a»t liin* of)■ •# » « a t* —alniMi iw olio lium lm l

mll«»~>iil(MM> llinn Imlf. Ilie dli>lntip«- It**- > tw ten Cblc*(D and San Kraiii-li«t>.' CaUfortili la ■ocmiiI la tlils rf«|)ecc.;> ■ Wllh o * tf uue (litnitniKl lallox ofi , eoait line. Kooio ■odiorltlM a rc In*} cUaed IP f lr« iJie-prefrronpf to Call-i danM . t h m belax m llcilu illfrm-noa^ ' U tW M a ibe c o u t IIom af Ilie two

I . Mtk*.e«mp*nl«n of F law ir, If A 'J a ^ B S M 'la flfciwiomod i« i>lflcoI ’ I flower Ul lilt* room ni>t'aii nn urna-B . a m i, t)ui > t ■ conii'itiirin.

fi''- ■

LS DAILY TIM ES....................- I ,O ify a n d O o tm ^ o f T wI b F aBs

b'Vnday b r tb a TlmM S ab lU h ln t Com* B PalU , Idabo •_________

■ -------g.mnT.PBhll«h«r

m > ■le a a t b'Mond Clasa U atU r aa a BaUy

Aprlt Xl, io n .


_________________________________ _ .60

w h o a n - Ilio “ n o ld llim l Tw irl's,” ly o w ell. Ill fno l, a vory fin e olil h un ilrod d o lln rs boU cr o ff in llfw ^il Iio iioviT irml o ithor o f ihon i.

t) f ijjh l KO hiid w hy d irkJii" ii“ l do0 dnriiiR Iho W orlilw tir. It is jiro tly »'l n rm im l lilto u w liipjiod im p. Hood od lo til l ' l.’iiilod StiiloH M-nnto, ne- ; bi-ciuiNo he is ll t l lo hol'liT ih n ii a

m e pco])b? in Idu lio m ny n o t h e no1 f rio n d o f llie m nn w ho lin s heen n t/i tiv c o f th r K ii Klii.v K ln n . A t i f tiu- licficl JflonffJc iu V hiciifto . 'Wo H ill u finv wooli-s and t l i n i w o w ill if fn lr j iw tly . In llio n ii'an lin io w e ion o f h im .- 0 -------------------

fihoiild K tiidy th v siiRnr hoe l in ilu s- om to jila n i i» InrR or Jieronce to bcolH till! fnnniT Jt o f th e T w in KjiIIs tnuM ctH hu t lo t’H' Rot moi'o f iirm o rs t o

noronRO to th in o rop . D ivon iif iod oow«.'i-liiokoiiH, liotjH, i-lo., to m ako

in«H w hioli IH hindi'p iuR tlie R row tli Is is th o KnrL-iistio c riiii-isn i w liieli h nhou t tlii.s ono u r lh n l ono. W o I U ntil w e overroiiic-tJiiH Iiud h n h lt lUr ow n pro])OKition b u t o n r iioiRli- '(iplo d o n ’t lik e o n r tdoroK u n d \nany. • }«i U‘}h in u l iiinay <h. H om e jK u p ic n i b u t m oro do . }Ve eou ld fo llo w IrI iI n ijii from .Mniii' Mtroi't in o itl ic r ivo w ou ld hon r vo ry lit i lo olBC, h u t n r liiOp m nko bnH iiioit-i''boitor.' 1C e u l i t t l e o f th in w nstod c iicrR y to lid - v'oi f a r llio r in Iho iio.vl iw o lvo

p n n fo r tho lioy S i'm its o f A nioricn K onutiiiR” ynu slionld do KOinoiliiiiR

-T ^d h J-allH is ....... b e h in d. m nvoinoiit m id now is w r e liniioe ' Khnuld liuvo «J li'iist t'(K) hoys in rR oly liooniiKo ^vo linvo n o t hn«l llio )opH. 'W ill y o n <li> «nm «tliinR . .Mr. Id w ide m ovo fo r lii 'llo r e itizo iish ip ,

o f |» rovontion iH w o rth ii po iiiid o f ru tlit 'r eniiso (ho linyK to d o tlio ycm r p « r f in ii fim tiu 'ia l w a y v.-c

pH in T w ill I'nllH find Tivo o r « ix n rk . T h o T^viii K o tn ry nnd K iw nn is h u Rood rm u id Kiim b u t thiH is n o l OKl'iou in w h u l n ro y n u RoiuR to d o .

IAN ENTERS— -------A lFrod llocvoH, Ronnral m n iin i'o r of

ib e r o f t 'om m oroo , uuyn tliu l “ m nn b u l Iho w nm nn in tho hom o hns n lOW th o budRol slinll bu spo ilt. In bo

wiBhoH ai'o oorr.-iin to hnvo n n im - :e piii-oiiaKo.”'w Y o r l^ d is tr i i 't sh o x m l th n l of_7.'> 'inn l oIkuoo wnit m ndo liy n w om nn. 1 o f 1(K)|(K)0 ourH iu v a rio u s HoctioiiR

po r ooiit o f those w pro ow n ed Iv''

I n voioe in iho tioloclimi o f th o f i i r rofiHKiHfr h e r ow n on r in iiiororiKitiR n n d idons nro, tlion-furo , w oll w o rth

p a rt o f w oniun i.s no t a loiio n n iu d i- it' iu tlio m o to r oa r fru in a Kclfisli ho roooKiiiri's (ho in ipo rtunoo n f llu- lil.v, n m l rou lia rs tJin l thn ;in tom ob ili ' ^n a n d oonvonioiioy w hioh f iitl ic r . joy toR othor.— T h o O ldsn iob ilo IVni-o-

L«t Csnvletlani B* Firm.0* Ti> bo Innuliis f<ir tli!" Ililnff im!ny

and that tJiJnp. f^'i'wrruw; lo c)ja#jfc IlklnifH for lonth'iiB*. atr.l I n ‘ «lunil

'*• -lnhlng nml Iiniikurini: al a von lu r*^ how la ll p.>Mllitr tn r nu.v innn l.» bc a t real In iM* Huctuaut humor und

IJ" pplnlon?—t.'I>iraii:ip.

Jtffaraon and H am lllon.' .. Thojjjfl* Jrffor»rt> on \V/i»Mnilon'»

»orro|ar.v of nlnlo. uixl Aroiiiinl'T' lIuDilKuii. nn lili »rt rclnrv nf llio iroua- ury. Iin<I n|>lnlon» on nf na-

, lluaal lnii>»riniii'i' Hurt v r ru tllanicl- rlrallv o|pi)u»li.'^ Alniiit ciiic IV till- nn.l nhoiil Jlf»

i S B o Y a“ s c a n s

FATHER AND S0« ARE SCOUTSTill' >i.ii> .if u riilli.'r " I.c In lil-

lUy l)lK-iaiiil.'.| »;iy fiiniii'il u inirniiTMilii wllll liU xMiii M>u, "ii> urirk i"i:'’lU''>' In Mi.iiilii/," iiii'l wli.i iMiih if<i'iiiii_ r.T.-luMl ia.> jiwurd nt m a t.It,-.. 1-....I., .............. . „ „f ...... hiSuit l.iik.- I'lly, Iy ri n'ltini'kiiMo Ir'll-

1.00 'iionv •>( H.r* ni.trli ...................prt lliat the \y..rk ami [iliiy uf i-nuillii;:

.'Htl lirlw.Tu 11. Im.j-. ami 111-

. ••tine .liiv," lliln /iilliiT, "III)- Ifiywill ll. .... in ;| JiiUlMk- «»J. 'DiiiJ, wliy

olll <l»n'i .Mill try aim cvc iiutIi | l,i^ If Il.iy liiiik so Oii.y I.. ymiV

I tuld llldi I llllllll i;t'( n< uaiii}' 111 !“'■ S» »'!■ hUirliil unt. Ill- nuiilil c" >'■ Olll' I'Muallirr iinil I |i> uiiiitliiT for lln*

1- raliii- luiTll Iimlue. nnil fur 11 wMle ll «!i» lil]i Mill liii li l,..m.M’ti 11-. I.m Iho

■tiy iiexr Krh11.1l I.f li-Hfiilni; w.i« tffllhi:;,.p,l th r l.i’tliT ..f lh.......1 uiiy .vlih ujih h I

wiiK fiiiallliir. Uni' ilay wi- iiimii’ u|.■ I'nr III M'lirk Ii.ju'i Iut. Wr tihi

1 a aiit ulxviivi ai;ri-.- ........... MihJ.11(wi* »imiIJ lilll huv.* Iii-.'ii (iilh.T iinil »<>ii If we hiiil}, hilt In thu i-iiil >to K»I uur liuilp-1.

SO “In fliliililnn I tiiivo fuuml n miu lluil llki-9 10 let mu linutv lii> thlnUi hli l<i tho only iiiiui Iu vcuuiliii:. ami I (hluk tuy (i.iy wtll Knit.' U)) (■> (>•■ <1 ri’.il

\\*fi m-iilil—ijlji; ffciil run Itr ui.uji...jii 1 Imvo fimnil lhi> f.juntuln of yimiii

nIuco liminilnc II nDUt. heoiiixi-u iiinn' n-vi'r (.aim'll olil if hn nilxe* "lUi yonnL’i>r Imyr. 1 U'llevo tlirrv U nn irreiitcr rclli;li'n iliun li> hi- of H'Tvln' ti> tlli‘ h«)H. (ioil hli'U tlu- iiiiin

.us- who ihouKlil u t Woullai:. mul li...l

.,i|H bk-is (tie men wh.i ki'i-i> It iil>.''


io«l ■ ■



iio f b u t -

1Ct o


Many t>oy KOi/ta in u rc t ttd In radio a rc ttrv lng tit tir eommunlUet by le-

'icn tranMnlHIng the v tlu tb la m tt-. ta g et t tn t eut by varlout departmtnta ' ” ef th t United SU tei oe.vtrnmant, and in il by onceuraglno eihar *ptoplt to r«- li,.e celve tMa helpful Information. Tht

Radio Amateur burtau, «roanlzed 'tty- t ra l ytar* ago by the U niltd S ta tt i

Vlio riavy, to e en ttrv t th t in tt r t tte d of th t ceming g tn trallon In radle activity, r tte rve t. en Ita m im btrthlp Hit «h»

“ I’ ' num btrt e n t to en« hundred fer tceu^i o f who have Itarnsd te ttn d and roeelvi

j j , , . code at the rate ef 20 w erd i ptr mlnutt. I

« ix 6C0UT9 AND TH E •TIQEFl" IKrtiiicv’a " I 'l iw r In for Hit boj

n o l icflulu, Up lii-loncs. d o . Al one tiiiii- whi-u O omcucrou

l>u>>las thriiuuh .Muin; t>e tam o nori»i a t:r»i>l> of iici.utii ua a hike. T lir prrniU'r' »TC>iij.oU Ibo *n)rtiy~lii(ls’'ntiii

o f nfk'P n frw wiirdu of iirulm* «t' Iho uerU tli.-y wrro Ouiiie fo r "la I’utrlo” nml fiiliire clllxcnuhlii. Imiulrcil. "Iiii

s n yun ku.AV \rhu it in th a t Ix lulklns tnI BO J'u ii"

Dne li.t *iei>jiod fornnrO nnil wlih n •nlntc Mill, "yi-M »lr, You’ro tlio TL 'or' nnd we're tlio TiBi-r I 'airul.-

-J_r, .•'•nfil CioiiK'HCoou. “iVi- ulwnyn H-nof- ' i-il lo lie B l.oy HC011L I'fi'hap.i IhiTi!

nn- jm m Diti-iiUic'Jiorer’ .OIIA will'll Iho llin'r |>alml« Ihrouelioni

. Kmiicc hcnrd of thU ihey I'Ininoreil fur ^ tho lllu-ilrlouii tiiriiibrr. nlxo. nml nuw

lhl' vi'ioiaii i>Inl.'<niiin Ih I'urolh'.I tn ,.,iP c rrry pBtnil li-iirlne ilils nniui'. ]


One wuy In wl.l. h Truoii 0 o f Tu):l-1 .. mn. Wnsh.. luli-rrri-H Ihn t-n.iit niultrv.

Itll- iir,.|inrc<I" I« ii> nhovol ilurluK llii-f ish winter itii> »now fnun nronnil clly llr*<' ijj ,, liy ihanlt nuij nhli-.valkH noarby. '

b ill ' AUT0f3TS 8C0UT8- FRIENDSlic r. - -■»-

In Huiillnslon J'nrk, r« l.. Troi.i. 1 lin<* wiirui fripmlt o f uuinliK hi"- laiiw ' uf ln.rof ono aniut ouvh '

— liny In .Mnln Mrecl tu 'n itr ji f«r liniKirj uliiM mill olhor |iunflun-i>Tuv.iUlinc

i!ny nril'.'li-v _________________NEW SCOUT FIELD’S CALLuml _

The [llnil li> i_iluljll«!i B HiH'i'lal , fli'hl rrliiUnn wltli n-inoto |.*rrltury ■

«lil<'h In 1. iiart «.f u r unih'r thP |.ru. ■ I f 'I . .rail' Ilf tho Vlilloil Slali-i. ’ hui

^ not ili-lUilii'ly n [uir« " t Hn’ l- .ro :;1iin'iof tli.‘ l;i.y .'Soiui.H Ilf .Miii'rli-:i. wi»

r>n'» jiiujiii>ri| III n ri'w ni im-i'iloB •li’ llit>iliT iiiiih'iuil lli'iil il''|iari:iii'ni. Tin- ni-'vi>ua- lld-l. U1IJ1-.I I'MhKiii Ull liiillyliiir.I’ii’'nfl. -I—.loll-. .'.Ill Imhiili- .\l;i-;l.a. lliO'iiH.Iicl- I'lirtii Itirii, iTiiniii, .\iti-'rlr:iii Kniiu.n.

IV I'liiiuuui ('.mill . XuTir-. I*hlll|i|ilnn la-t\W Itiiili mill Itl.- Vli^ia W iin 'K


, T H E A T R E STOM MIX S nU lK S IlltJ !


_ SiralKhi III u biJlli't ou t uf n Kun » Iho ndw Tom Mix K..\ i.luiurc ncoroil

u nil a l lhl- Orrhi'uin 'thcn lro IftiU I- clKlii. Kr-.iin llin inari to flnlab tho l|i jiliDioiilny "Kor Dli; Hinkc*" onrrlcd IT tliC nuilh;iiiu ulonK. without u mo- 1 m<-iil'i> hii'M) lu 'l l i r Intumie IniurcAt 1; I'iftu.onil oltlt^ iilciiiii- eanie a lt too lli hiHin tor llio luim ctiy iinw it i>rtiicot. f p TliP- tni iiuiiir m^fni'.'i ii' i'li i i it iu- .t r - 1 Iiiiiililii ri- Ilf Arfioiin Wc-IJghtfil/Jy. Of

t lii Hvoly iictlou ........... ■ In MUI.h'imr!! ihcrii Is iili'iil.. wllli iiilvun- m il' iMluro aiiil mmli roniuncii. ■~Tril-'i>irniri"Wtlt'T..'‘7ir-inn'OnitiC[inr

'V (Iii'^irn uutll and im lii'llitf; iialunluy IV IllKllI.•II I 'I'tii' (lirl, hy ihi> .\.ny. Ill jilnyocl by iV r:iv 'y< lu ih Miller.

L v .r s t;» . .H .ws (jk iu ic k •'I.i i j; i:n." 'Villi till- niii.10 micil tii'n-

,, ion. r riiii>loyi'il by Dlri-iitir-l'roihii'cr i:<nri',r U. .S’liU*. Ilurlnc llio prnrliii llnti ’ f>l llu- 11.'W I’tiMii' "Mpi'ril." • Hhlcli lUll thv Ihv.I rplrio'li' a t '

' itll- l-'iv.'rlni! ihouti-- loOiiy nml Sul-:‘1- urihiy,hi Chnrlrr. ilutolitnon, llio niur. I.uny, I I Koj, hill lonilliiB woman, nml oiliorj 111 in.'mliorii of lUit.cniii were oa 'tlm IM; III fnun tho fli'x^ nhoi lii llm ti-.'

luil failonnt. ;A o :< woro taken In ,1, ami a ro u n il,N i r Vork City "Ucl'a- ,1- KO." crlcil ^ I t i . nn.l tho eumimny

I wrrn off tur A unablu-Chatm to. M m . thrlll’i. •'I.ol'a Ro” ’woH hvurd acaln ami ilip eonipnny vci-ro off lor Tlnr-

”• lilu. filmlni; lu'onfru (11 Horfiln. In (Jio vli'lnliy of Hi. A«nu:itlii<* amt Jni-kRDn- vlllo. Ai:aln "L ofn no” wna lii-anl uml llin uiinpaiiy ho:iril<-il a iiblp to

1" tolurn lu Now York, llu l illil tjiey I-.' ri'iitr Thry •iliil rim. Hcomta wcro in lakm nlioiiril thn vi'iiinl ull llm wny „[ up tho rourt. ■‘Ilnti'h" ilnclaroa Hint

Illl' tiiTlul iilinuUI 111' oalli-d ''l<Ct’>i

• .\T THK l»,MU*-I T od'i iiilnn Ibo thrilling plctnrr.

"Ono Weok of J»or*," now frtiowins ,ni Ihc Iiluhn Tboatrc. A lltllo bIrOlo

I wblnporvil tomelhlnr. nhout llitii pic*I turo bi'Ini; n “b ln l" uml tho lltllo i blrillo wun rli:lu. Uialnr HQiunientcIa I iiiiU Coaivay T carlo do some Kfcnl ncl-

liiK Iml Ibai’fl Dot nil. Tho background lirre uro ilioHo coiiMruotoil hy aitturn; tuuuninlnii nf 'lRcninp»r.ibln mnsnlfl'- t i'm:o. riiKlnu lorroiiH , In fuel wllhnul lln iilory U I* n ruri;i-iiuluii nf vory hoaniirnl pk'lnrcn. Thon itirn i In a Kuoil cnmt'ily am] nlHo 11 Muir nml Jnlf cnrloon und llie ’£Iiii .from tho I'rcM ou Iho ilamo pruRriuii.

. Sam t C h a rac ttr litk t.1 A atnry will ln-ii| n rhllil l.y ih(> rar H fnr llouin luKOflii-r, iiinl ■tm-a urc but I H- grouu 4;bililrcu.->l:.ll.!t>cll.__________ 1

I D R O N C H illS if l . Alt>ti3t[ii,. .u b th tth M .ltm i '

Ilo eh«ii tbftrousbly wliK—

- V ^ sIt. - ^ p !o <r u bnd O xr / 7 A T tf^ / tn Y w lu

ht • t a m M m m m m a m m m m m m m m m


Tlio Slory of a 'fiflod Mnn—X RnVIItr SEE TOM .VIX llA flN fl >nT II A


0? <■

ml • / — Tiir' —

■'.--r1)1. 1-:----- — y ■ \

" j

J ] = For Big, „ m y s t e r y r p m a r


in., A >n TOPICS OK TJIK •na On<bouni Ort-hesln>-^.\ Uroat Khi

S P E C IA L T K O O R A M Si 11 A tI ..V l)l\ AM), i n s111. m i.U A 3 l IirM 'A N'■a. ItrSTKH- Kf.VTO>■• ‘ C inLPH EN, S c -S .\T r i

,Y T I M E S


Yc«tcriliiy..ovi'nlfiK ui u mpoilnR of lhl- UlK "T" I'ocluly il wua ikoklrd lu

•« sivc n ball nn o r about Miircli 33. Tbla If) to hn-workrtl out'tm un-nnnual u tb . . Ii.'llf‘l.ik1l nurl 111 Klv<in 10 raSi" money tor llm UlB - T uoilciy, WitUur Stick, proitltlonl. liaa uppolnted varlout cnm- m lllntn’to w ork nn tho nlfalr which

un i, |ja 'f n |r (» rival iho Junior Prnni IQ '''■ pronilnuni'o uf nodal ovcnia of iho

fccbonl ______

Tho Dluo T rlanclo club bold i| im-ol- In r In ih c ilomo of tba lilKh nchool u'hlcli WIUI (ollo'.vcd by.a infty pull.

Dt- ThB tili'iuro. ‘•JulluM Caoiiar.- wnn ^ nivun yc'I"r< ln» 'ln tlio niullloiiiiiu 011

llic hti\h nrliool. Tdo play wan n nil- jinri proilucihm ri-vlcwln»r ITacmr'ii.

:n- iifi> from KO 11. f . unlll hln iloul^fTho M'l'iiuH wiiro lak'in lu Unly uml iiii

nn- io:onn-jTc-7;T.i” .iVin-7ri‘-in-r:r,m«T-Tirtnn- ■ ny piirii' of thl' play. Thin v n l wjii prc-

coilcil hy IWO ro'olN on Iho unlurul uy iiorm-ry of C.iumiu uml Olil Ni'W KnR-

bnil. . -TWn ovpnln« Ibo Ji IkIi niu-

" l ' —XMV W HOW IM!-f‘l. I '

LSm 8'J.6E12N iaC- pr««enb«

S, H ^ ' E l a b e . ' ' . _ f l a m m z r a t ^ i ' ;

■° I n

■ ■ " O n e W e e b ’

?: B H O fL o>?e '’

W o n d e r f u l

i ; ; ■ P h o t o p l ^

^ ■ O n n b u m d o nk O p

« ■ E l e & £ t i c e

2 ■ H s and V l ^ m a n c e

III - ........- .

m i ' M e r i n a i l d C o m e d y

• M u tt \ J e f f C a r to o n >

j . n i v PROsi TUB T j iE s s , I


r.nod l l o n t —Am) a Upmleriul OlrL


‘r--- ■

C.lJ 'olrtcUtli/

J A ^^nnTieynokb

, I

W illiam F o x ^r - p r m t e n t tTomm i x -gStakesa n c e o f t h e r a t i j ^ e


Khn«—O noru l AdtnU^ion I0> SO, Ht : S A T 17R D A F A F T E R N O O N ;n s W OM lKIIFIX I,AMI*A N -“»'HJllTlS(J K,\TK",VTO>- CO.MEIIY m » T .T n ilJA Y MATINKK d.NLT

“•— t

________________________ . ■ . F U I

't tloiita will alvo Knothor dance In tbe HElka hull tor tho mombeni of ibo bigb l|Holionl. .Thu Ulue nnd While orclien*-J irtl -comported -of- flv*-tludonl»-of -Uiu

" ~ r ± > ■ ’ ■ ^llab. ■___ .. ..........

I . Fr, 6 to 4


"L-r . ' \ g .:ul . \ WIR- \ ,

lu. • \

i , 'Originally Swift <

Boojc.warf published^ Jiufiotr rnnon^ shareh' W hen incorppratei

there are more thur Now Swift &Comi

! to everyone who waIt treats in a brooi

general interest and o unders ing business and fare of the public, w:

Do you know thai is not a "close cbq may purchase a sh Swift & Company wc user of Swift’s produ and Bacon, Brookfii leaf' Brand Pure Lai Chickens, etc.—a shi the company as^well products.

Send for a copy of i ' ' ' ‘ dTcoiiKK V f*!

Swift’& Com pan;Addttu: S»!l

I»uWlcR«l, U .aV ajiJa .

^ S w i f t & c

A MiUaB>wUe erstD lutl 45,000 ah

T O N I G H T !. ChaiTHntcLIsoa, tiie '

“ S P E-_________ rite 31]lf.a.Minnle

I ? n i 7 P . The firal hnndrpd

y ^ ^ ^ ^ M i V E R l N G

I L A V E R I N l

i Next Monday arid TuI E. J. OABfZH

The Cartoon Mu»ica


n ig , Well Behaved Fl! f f i ' S T . x 5 1 -6 5 ;

' SeaU Kon SeUIas.Ki

TimAY, rEBRL’AIlT TC/ biRh K cboorw lII furnlih muigo farBb tho occanlou, Mflmbi>m of the iwo w . teamn fro li'T (lo r> \H ll bd KU«»»ta ofJiu ,111. - .d u .u i.. ......................... ..... . ............. -

r o m1 5 ,0 0 0 !

p — -

S> \ ;

fl & Company’* Yeared for exclusive distri- reholders. ' 'ited there w ere.6; today;; l a n 4 5 ,0 0 0 . ; : . V ' - .V! i

)mpany sends this book-- wants it. , •x>ad way of subjects. oC; d of the first Itnportance, _ erstanding of the pack- ’ j.relationship to the wel»' which is helpful td

hat .Swift & C o m p ly ":brporation’? Anyone share in the business, would like to see every*;,5ducts—Premium Ham ' kfiold Sausage, “SilTOr'i •'Lard, Premiutn Milkfed- sharer in the profits of ^ell as a consumer of its

of the Ym t Book, Free,

ianyl023YearBootc,S«!fi ft Comptny,/RtUiient Dept.

- Chletgo

: C o m p an y ,J. & A .

______________________ 1■ V I

T O N I G H T !iie T hr(|l S tnn t Ktnjr 1a

E E P ”inie H frlal .BeBmHon . __________.

f r e e

<G THEATRE " ' K a j T

I G T H E A T R Erueaday, Feb. l 9 t h - 2 0 t h ■arnsE oPTBEa' ,:', . -i. cal C om edy,v^tttation

:,Jii ^

T la p p e l^ e a S S ^ C h o S 5; $1.10; 85c; 55c J


, . L ' t'-

.W=r .'': ,::-v — *. . ; /■ •. ,':i ,.c:. i. ''

. P H m a Y , FE B R IT A R Y ]C,- l a g .? .'

Tremendous Growtl


T!ic jllk worm jJai' apparcttily bo l liearil ( lu t tlic war ii over. A t k a u . 'h h ii fac l'thai ilic pricci>

I Wliicli qAih«riM(i> -are : still com­pelled to pay (or th li protliici,

. lour year* a ftr r ilie cloae of ilic war, a re nearly two aud ouc-liaU time* as imicli per poimcl a t tin.'

: aiin iiil average prior to llie w ar. •,* riie la to t full ninntli ffiriifri nf

----------- the— Utflsnnierir-T jr-toiriTtTCrcc^tlioie of A uetitt, '.922, sliuw .llie

.............. I aT trase im port-prke o f ilie- r a wi lilk cnierinic the country in tliat ; moiiih al $7.U per pound, a sa iiiit

-------— '— - ■ a i l - iimtnt~-avcT«te* of ~$3Hg-per-pouna ill 1913.

CurJoufly. t6o. the quaniiiy of lilk beiMS b(ouslil.inio. llir coun­try even a t theje tpeciacular

, price* of over $7 per pound isapproximately twjee i s g reat as in 1913, when tlie price was lets' than

• li»lf lh a t of today. • Silk expert* tonfflale th a t the qaantity o i raw illk entering the uniteA Stales in Ihe full year 192 exceed* by 2S% that, of th e former high record year','1921; if so ihis would brinir

• the. 1922 to ta l 10 56,000.000 pound* afafnst 28,000.000 in 1913, and 45,- Ow OOO in 1919, when the silk (ac- tone* o f t h e country turticd out

Armed Germ:

: I 'l ir& fU a rf itm lc ii and othisr ta r i t a o b la m ito a .; H « « oro a sroup W orM -V «g.. •

: ”'MwT h e fa'toty o f P u tting H um Has t r e a te d

n r a E K Tharni* More• ' " U topia, de»erlhlnir a 1

' unity., abundance, ami CI fharlty , he hed nere r he N orth Carolina. Morcov*

. th« valiant pM t and rum been a* well Informed con tb* heart of Dixie a> (he i

■ , .Awwlean, he ,probably wo . haT> aMOclated i t w itb his

eal counlry of happinc**.• likely ha. would harfl »ha •v era fo N ortherner’* mli

. . Uon of the.S-iuth, plctu'rlr. , , ft. land-riven over entirely

' ninl e tu tcii wllh a backgr j ■ . cclton field* and nesrro

earcliflB DIsie molodlcj.- r • ' .- So th* '«l|Bde', o f -Slr

■ . J^or»->a*sumiDK-for him .. -• ' an ‘acquaitiUneo with Nort

- llna a* tha t of

, - 'j ta r l of'‘**urpri»e were,. • ‘i • ' • f o m fd -th a t e t all th#

■ i-happy-’ sMtWn* .o t . . t b * .State*, til* "land 9b eolt<uin< a community which I010*1 closely rCMimble* lb<

' ; ' Utopia..................< >W ork»B t(l'*^f Happli

. The bad* of.liBpplnesV human u|>eri«ne« ha* pr*

,k . . • cluijvely *hown, and the It\ of thu' community .embrai

- ■ ' tw o'lU tle citic* of no**ia___ ; .Uoanoka Itapld*. N orlh.,(

. . bear* this out. U I* no t c. eohvtntlonal Hollywood

• . n«*»" *«ltinK of gol< couirearbl* pool* lolald ,wltK

i' ■' J ’,? '• w srtd w u to to d e d 10 >

- • rilie t.tfl « w : la t u t b»-1r ; hi* own ndirtiberhded tbai

I d Bo*e»aiy.*!>d :R «tn l U i r i i k i n u p abrnt

U r . P«tt«rMS wu>t«d -thU f t n t r

' '•Mllli6ll^'»4MflOOTciwan.rv-; •..'• lH l8h ;eehw i

: M r . , . ? i t t ^ a ' i* ,.no t.» ' . n i a n ^ t

•• ri»o*f'*a

vth of Silk Manufacture in0. r A ,u f . Sl4lUtkl4m

r i io -N a tio n a l C iTt Dawk oh N ew Y o rk

:L Y 'n iA D B n e c o R D t , r * . .v«77

lly WW,OOO WO Worth of tiik sood* Tcr. aK.iiim SiS4MQW) in 1914. an.l o f .re* S107.000.COO in 1«K1. ' The total ' ‘"il III- value cf »ilk jri.oils nnniifacturrd Cl, ill the United Slates in 191'.) washe six times a« Rtcai aV tlisi of ISai. ^ r ‘ ilf These values of t/ie tiik Komlih t ' turned ci:t liy ine faclaricn of llie ,i,jii f . counlry ffom year to year arc. it .n cu{ niii'it Iiff,t f infmltr r r i!..lJui-.r_ a t ilir in,.3T:tnr7 !T(ni>Tiiu-iRi.;«nl'Tr.e•le the sums iiaiil l>y- the ron 'uinint; ]<iwlWiiiij<lr.*.- -in fact, tlir tif a u i ^ l <,flat tiik maiiufa;iiiriiiK ejlal>li\!imrnt thei»t of the U niitd Siaici is rerioncd a* ia;ii ei“cjrimaTinirttrar'o\T!r-?r,30O,t]D0ff)Cr3rM

w orth of jllk maniifaclurc* were kou of told in the Uniled S u tcs i<i 1922. , 1,^

and lha t ihe total for 192J wilt be ^^xl , r »>‘ll The Untied States, ha* liecome »eni m by far llie larResi silk .contnmiiiB an and inanufaciuriiijf country o f the Jan 't* world, despilc ihe fact that a ll of Tiw the raw uiaterial which we use in ir<afin th ii line Ii brouHht«haIf way Uni% around the-slobe, and expert* ure cvii:rd quoted as sayinic th a t'w e are In- a>ra 7R day importing 80% of the:raw *i1kd* of the world and usiiia practically i.n5,- alt of our own factories, for »9ISc- Ihe qnanllty re-exporied iu the CW.iu t natural *taie i* netfllgtble. ' 1900

n a n s Deiiio;jiis^a^g Ag:

• tarBoOonnao clUe*; huge d*raon#tnitloiiB oup or to rm tt eolOlcn ivho need only unUor

MDIHGIHh Can,if an InSustriarC om m v m an Values A head o f 1 a W onder Village

ore wrote.way* of training IntelUgeia land c f There are thrco common'school;Christian tho community, nil housed' Inheard of brick buililiii'g*. Some men con

•over, had er lhat a common ychool educai•umantlcbt It enough for mill hand*. Mr. Iconcvrnlnc tcraon th6ught dlffcrenily.,lie nveraee lhou;;ht a high *ehool «lucalwould nol wuuhl Ih> botter, so encourag^hi* mythl* *ulimi:sl<in of a bnnd iv u c 'fu»*. More hlgb-schiwl building to pupi

e happlnew D f i t t d h t e M o F E l ttracing the » .leiaary and *h..Carol|na........................................... ......ot ca*t. in « rata, the *chool^O. cost ISOi>d "hBppI- and the mllU to pay a ll b u t Irourse* and oOO of it* cost. Tha peopio 'ItX bathing quick to mcognlto tho munlfkrW T O ton* trf • tb * -cflc r-» tj,-p w ed ; th» IIV U J.rea c . U n e . SchooU coitlng a h a ltk r tho up- lion dollar* aro nol eommoi ■•pap. a le r t ummunltlo* cir .7,600 peopto;it RotcmaEy *r« l u ofltjUawht ot.2.WO p«.fou'tiflod on >iid lU lacu lty o tW rteachar*m ir tr ,: ruitt^ ' . v ' - V ' . . " • ''..,1ufamn UaU saieolFltaSMvntt'o'-H'

..rt Koam d,; iotesuriiy toj.,." .bMl"I . l e r « t in a tl Initlttttlon w b««lot 1 , eoUefo two thonaand yonng p««p:« oahd ra p o e t laanilng to got th# th taIng—aa on* Ufo. and a p p w U t# tbem,"aatlalseterf U r. Pa\t«r*on'* Meal* tha


— ;------ ,TWIK

~ r -

in the United States ^

ORK "■ .

v«77 .'i7 ?c7 f» 'B 7 ri'' ' TO

Tliil big inerea«fi in the outiiirn T ? of ..ur (aclorici. ii.r.’.iu that wc arc —hiiildiiiK i.|> a cc.iiM<ter.i(.|t market Bfl abroad lMriliriiiaiin(jcliirrs jircxliirrd ' ir.ini this iinportcd nulcrial, Tlie vaUie 01 silk m ;.nuuclure\ °®' -d irom the Uiiitvd Stalei in tfic lalejiilar Vtar 17AJ wan ai.iirnx l- ' - liiJtcly 3-'7,l*10,ll00 agaiiut a little o».T S.’,000,OUO ill th r vcar iirtced- T

*;rt£:*,i-::wiiir3mitavbitK.£ilL£tiart»------- -n ,Jlie iv i: liBiirei are materially lie- 1..W tliujc of ly.M, lUr toCil value <■1 Jill; m airtfacturci exported in 'the Taletjd.:r year 192J ij apr>ro,\t-j j i;'icly_ux l in if . tj ia .m u d i^ ,ja , j „ ____year 'ptciciIiiiK ilid « a r. Silk buKouds piuduccd in the fai-iories o f hoithe 'J iiiled State* ^low no to ovcr bit' sixiy to titilrifj and col.niirj, in-chidiiiB coii.iderahle .luauvities ' ,sent to the cou iiln rj from which ,” '^ our raw silk, China and J“‘

Thc cajiiial invested in thc silk '“ Iinanufariuring induitry of the cl»United Stales was rcnorte.! by tiic tie c o n u s of 19^0 a t $iU,U)O.OOU. a.i ' uliB)ra-:nil. 5210,000,001) in 19N: and 'WI,0«lW U.iiJ,lM0. ;T lie jiim paid " j.n wages in the «ilk indiu try in ■1919 wa* $10auOO,OUO. a^ainM $47.- Onn.OOO iu 1914, and Sio,UoO,U10 in1900. wl

iiga in s t : F r e n c h


■ ......... . ........................ •“lotiB haro tal:en p lu e og aJu t tbo ilfonna to appear' m ibfly did Id tbo ^

olina tn u n ily^T iere sf Production | | s ^

A "o

.Ugenc#.'hoots in B iH ^-lB B ffiU M ISuiE B llA B SsSB In fin#conalJ- I n r w lm G ^ a W B i B t t W l l l I

lucalion I r . P n f

ucatlon ; j ^ 5 8 ^ ^ S ! 9 ^ 9 l p g ^ 9 9

E m p i o y e e " a i d . I x e c i i t i v ® ’ ■;'>S00.))00"oeaUon' abonld b i ' a p i«n tra tioD . >ut $80,< to r Ufo.-and th# live* o t m ott peo-. 7I0 wara plo havo. moro to do w llb n m le * , nlfkence cooking. bouaekeolTing. carpentry. ,h» bond ta ria ln g ran d 'tH ffrH S ilm o iJB rd r la l t mtJ. bu*(nc** tban w ith^ L aU ii'um tax amoo Ip and aolid geometry. .'.ToBOg'tata plo; DOT or woraen'in.'thU'eopiBUoItv-’b lfb C».popQi. K t t ^ u a p r ^ ^ t ^ a ' d a ^ l tMr*. : c o u n f l l a e o l le g i if tb « d a 2 * .b t t t ' . i b ^ ean 'b lio aquip

r 'U ia meat .tb o 'i^ Ie t i ia of' u t i uaUoo tem f thC}srsli-CEliMl.^>Sb^

tb# 'm oit T«“ f« •» Hpmr.f o r row - . 9 . ^ ’-

U t I t f y e a a did not havo4 ^ idv a n tac ta ■:-«U t ^ tb*(r ebndrea b a v T W .: Sod# of tliuton thttii.jrcre.mldd]t::ii|id.:«Bd:i9n«

>IdfngjD- B lcb fac liec lf-haT i i l i m i t f t n t ^ b a ro o m tb a t you csB -tM eb^o 'o ld do filM r «pl« aro tr id u ..T b * M people BOW tb ln g t jn and I t t » a l » d t .wboK world'

j : . i£ ^ 'ln le ra * t* 'o p e n o d np-to th a i i - ^ B t« a .- '--sbysair'umi£ ‘'e6t»»i^, f , i • 11 ' I ■' III f



M i e l i n ^ t t e l p s # ■

ROCK MAPLE F IR S T CHOICEQeod Roaion* for Us Delpg tb* Fa-

vorlt* .Tree (or Street# cf th# Small'Tovm.

Tlouslily Bpcakhif, tree* aro ti*cd for __

street Dlnnllng. Is tlm t wJilch 1* mom npc to conio wiililn our kvn. I'rv- •lucnlly, espcclnlly In uow towiia and^"dvY^lupmcuHi." rcrtuln tree* urn to____bu iilaiiird alons o-rtulti Btrcutn; nud hoiisvliolden ui<r nukcil to "do ihHr b it" liy purchni;liia nnd KOlllng out irit;* lo aland ln-roru the ir h'nmua. ''i'h« sclocllon 1* Rcni.riilly mndo by n com- lulttec, ofien'Uii.m n sllclic knowlodc.i <>C tlrtf iiubjcct, based, jiWhaP". »l>on other plnntlng!! which havo liton mndo j cl*.ntli.To uudi-r thc lr uhsorvnllot., perhniis not Miriiculocly aucct.Ki-ful _ pluotliiuii. 'I'bu (ir;;tinicut Is th a t one must huvo soiui-thlng. nnd a* (licru sro nut 80 very muny kinds o( trwH ouu muKt itlck to,tlii>^:u uno hna Kei-n, lilnco n iothlng uut tlio comtnun pnitmhly will not gro\f. Aud no tho .Icclsluii I* nin.ti*.

Tills nicihod o t splcctlon, pcrlinp*. nmy actounc for ihn wldcaprcad plunt- llic of ttio rotk inniiio lu Aincrl.'mi »i)iall-toivn lIr - •I 'i'hi> cholco of Uil* tioo Ih uno ainiln\t wlilrU lhu tro ; lov- IT xlioiild. and tho tnro liiiow.T will, pru iw u. .'niu.ri.'tU nmitiu.H .iK it ii“ f . tluuliirly fnol cr.>Wlug. I t Is nwUivnrd ' III It* hublr, und In brllLl.> nnd frull.It. bl no t a* dcfurutlvo un muny o t Its ' Ninrdlcr bri'lliren. nn<l when *u nmny Iji-ttur trees mny hu huil n t no grvftter ti'uuUIo oud es|ii-n».-, IU populuf-lty I* dim'cult 10 undcrstund.

Fnr Btrcei* tliero I* no treo impprlor to llie Nunviiy iiluplc. Wllli It* i>)'m- .

-invtriml form und luxnrliiiit fuUiiiie. whldi tuni* *0 hcaullful Iu Um full, no Olhcr maple Hun>n"«<'!' It- Jl with fnlr r*pldlty uml It In slnrily lUnl • rci,li>tnut—Aniollu Ulll In A rt ond Dwomilon.

iw W W W BW W Broft'a” S H H B H n H n n / 1 -

r » . - ' 3 g « f e J g i w H a i t t i i r ,, i

g k o s o d o o a ' W x MScIi6ol

w S (i____

in' ^ ■eo- - . 'J y Vt* . ■ . ,•.■ •' »

^ 0 d l d - i u t : ! i n £ q £ w crt tibt

icM J i V m ^ m d iU U r ia t t e r .w r i t t e n .> ^ to blm 19 b u .'t l ia U c la ^ .k im to*^ a B B ^ lih g V ti^ u h f -b a r tboaghtt . *ot to-K w bejr w b w b * ro « a# d . tb n i .

vprbea^ ;b ( tiur U m l d , 'A ^ b i ^ p l i ^ t o . which, tai

E? M

[ES ' .

, AfUT heavy Hircot flKlitlnir. Krcmh ot c:nrmiin-I.1lhu;inlun IrnT.uliirn, Mcmrl I.lthuiiuln and Kasl I’ru'inlii. U li;i i ln i'ii Krm.'li lri).i|i'i. ■ - 9

Detours Mean

I t roa.U nro too roUTh or muJilj Thia nuioalrplano which ho hna Invc



S v r i n e l t ■ Pattersoa v

V t l i e “ M a 5 t e rBuilder- ^

p: \ - B m I

- w 5 6 S 3 ? y ". o . tnostiuf. , Public

^ e 8 # B H | E S y using

w ith a

j ^ e K l - m S S ^ ^ I S O tlbtpBouwki

■ V - . . , di«idtutr r ........ a nw «i

: - r ; . . . , - . , . . ' - , , ,. ( h i U s m n « * o .D r ;,T .v W ^ H .te n » .« D - , , t9 ;A p ‘ploywl-br 'tb i aO lj, r«uiaiD(d\tha iJatkH twoplaetth«cbiiuBoJAn7 tU '< a m < co t oa'

i r e a BiaUrla. 1 Iw r n - t

\ ' '

P-m ■ . ■ '

i f K 1?

K h irui.pii !il:itlf>iir.l In ^r. in-l dcnirl 1:; a luiriou- i^t.ii. i.r i..iilt.wv .........iK.'-ii uiicl.'r 111.' . ........... I ..r 111.- l,..;i«

-r -------- _i n N o t h i n g , t o T h i s A i

lUJiljv W Hlam tv . n radfort, J r .. of Ilalilm. invented iravcia 2S tnllca nn hour on tho roai

B ut pei^ <5HS6!KVr^ y copo with

» » built w ilh Dr. I doctor*. t<

(3^ I fe ik ic tiuden^ *. ore^ pital. £

. 4 ^ ® ^ ® a jB S ^ ^ 5 8 i wero adm ' deat h rale

A p S P ifW lllaRaM Pa por cent.


..■-•J paratu*.f f * * « f o r th o * (ll themselvc

* ' n iK empiW‘«k. 1

' ^ / / i f w S m £ £ S i tu r e d b y t

W ■ >. SLTK7 / / / - T g . ja a y the uoctoiY / y B S f x T htr* ll

... ■ ' . r :p : ES.-SsT v • J b . ' . - . - ' . -. i . .. • nnolia' II J - . . , j h a . pnblli

V s iW - . :s3£S‘i G t ' W - by tb# m


A• t o i d w ’ i

ASB®.'. - P™company.mlil.towo

the o m . D r. Long foogbt dividual iquftse* w ilh tb# u*UrtAiKo of law ni am >lle H ealth Sorvles experu , iir# olTer ag P anaaia Zoo# -B m ^ o ^ . Tcgctablti loing t t a j ^ n i wmUr and oU> U | U 0 *

w hat co9ld no t ;b« d ta load . xu top ti Ih fheir breedioK pooU .dotsor- 'wriba t b tb e r t a r» ao n a n .m o a q s i M .; im pnutic r thd U l f ao rrcT ahowed t£ a t. BaM aary I tb « i OTO-tenth ,®f on# per c « t Monda athe popnlaUoo-oZ lloaam uT aBdi V o ra ^ di iaoka B apid* bad B u l a |^ ; U i r o y tb

•.Wip#^OBt:'»VprioM.|'lw«'-j %

idtuila, e o ^ M : . ^ t h tha ' Uck ^ « w ag«-«n t«m .;« iU 'ioa i^ to 'bo m m ; T t

ft£& ■

— F X Q B B T V l.


• x ' ---------

1 ^ 1 — ''iitnl hy tho "Irnn.W olf Corp#'’ iiiiiiiiu; l>:..U Cruiii tin- Ilnltln Iwtwex" . ,|.;iuiiii «( .Vatlnnii und occupied by

Auto-Plane ^

■tlmcro can leave them very otuDy.' road and TS miles an botir tn tb# air;

peopla will ge t alek. T# vlth thi* a rS.OOO lio ip lu l lullt by tho mill* In IfllS, ir. I/)ng a t tho heod. and llv#*. two graduntc toume*. 'a nd ident nurse* lo aasis t hlitf. are flfiy beds' In Uio ho*-

Eight hundrvd pa tien u admitted la st year, with • - role o( unly three and a h a lt - - ■. nt. U r*. PatioM on furni*h- ’! flncm operating cfiulpnient able, and thero ha* recently nsulU d complete X-Kay ap* i*. fledium ll tu come .next..10 irrv irc of this hospital fo r elves and their tomillM. r a c b ’ rmployeo pay*--ten ccnt* a

Thu hoapital I* admlnia* by the county comttiisaloner*. ' iyor-o{ Itoanoke ftapld*. thu tl Managvi’ of th r ini'.li and . - ■ctor* employed by the mill*.

ll a . .deficit every year -tho ^ U * m>k<^ op- ,,aereaUenTfor'egtfyboSy "~~T ' " '

high acbool'h8* . ’» . t f ty * '' orchttstrn, and th«r# are miU ■ i-.t

bolh a t Rosemary aod.Ro* . ;' lUipfd*. -TKc ' comntunity Dblle.iwimmUiis poob,.parks. dayground*. 7be r# are Boy Ilrl Scoot Trioop*, un ltom #d i-• milU. Eacb o t tbe aavca : ' be* ,w b k b . b i d ; r o e a . ter, • . -, irgaa wa* provided with: on*Ir. Patter*on.' 'A conpl«l« , ' .ry U lu lu u t s e d . wilh < tbe ' , equlpmeot. to w hleb.botuo*

n may )>rioB ihe ir prodtwo . .preacrve i t a ie re lr^ fo e th o -., ............Jf jh ? e ana ., Tha h o u m ;« f l ,.• lUl em plo je tt.'tbo,- . iny. a re not the c o a t e n U o n a l , , . . . own type. Moat oro.a l 4 n ig a , O B ew S M u .^ ..

-iblM j'aod flowin.< ; l b e teiab,

?!*?*=* '•«H-r.;I‘ './f:’.-T S ,r .y > 3 v J5--I «pU a" la a w ard t i t M te I tha t;w blcb,l*tpl«w m W ‘1iB i> v r s V* f t ic a t . . . T b * r d « e g r l ^ t '0«.^i<<'l; ia ry ,,aB d £ M a 6k « ,^ :& i^ : t : »• a UtUa b it U ka'Slc ,7i)6mU• dreia 6 t« ;h W > y r * « i i t& ,7 1 t

r V : ■ \; P A Q B S IX . ......... '

s t i S R h d s ^ I

:,: iaiitXtllCISE--------- ------- t-i}— — ---- --------- ----- Q—1;■ i C lM e J J i t i f in e m m t .L o n f l-B e e n "

G Iv ih a « C flusff fo r. S h o r f >•-

• ’ . CrojK&f Y oung A nim als.■ .■ i . * • - ■■ 'N o,

i : ' KEff JNIMAL IN CONDITIONf - j . : ............ .. Viirk'

• F r a ^ « « '« f W«rVlno H c n i Ouring A--1* F«v«r»<l If T»ik n.t^<

!• N eT T eT H M vyend Koure - w , ' '' ! . . . A rt n*ll«n*bU .’ .

lYiitiality JIO afhf'r snlm«J "" »"• fi;i(>y:—------ firTtt-l»-taU*n-«^»-i<r-iuure-Lari:tulb-]__ \

tln n tlie itaMloii. ^inil y fl. »)i<'n ilir|ifii>i - i - br»*illnK-Ma»<>n «*p»n», he h not ]ju«i i■ Ill cntiillllon. _

. Caul** of Shert Colt Crop*. '! , The iirtirllce »>f t^rp lne

|I<IQ In clono rijnrUiMiii'lll Imn I i m c lvcn 'ua imp «r lUf -f n,,•liort coll cropa. Tin* ailtlnabllliy .if |l»U g tbe iialllon jiim ir of r x m l i r

■j. . i-*lin*t bn •«iviT«^lliii«t«l. n i e Vrao- _!—

I titlan , bwiMd^ V C. W . Van WInkli U i ( ef Y., H u 'W o r' Ribbon* riiun* In H liC iaw a t Many H er»t t h o w ^ i’

tll lon Waloha M M Pound*.

; | lie* o f fo lflf f r o n / a m to f a n s wlUi with : i . . . . t b t lU IU on.durinc iI ie .b n M lo c a«a-

f, lo iv -a i p r t d t c ^ n aoint localltln i and couotrlcf, .Jim proroil »rry »»«mI i t>Un « tU a * na blgli a i W) in-r itd i b c o irc fo p t, wbllo s »ri*al many turii . •

j« , tb iak th*r t rn dolos woi) IC tlipy b«-i ea ^ to 70 p c f cent colt cn iif. by YKt p m r a t meilioil oC cIo*« cun- Tliun flnr&Knt. • MiM

ij r W*rfc far Stalllen. . for \] i Tlie practice of w ofklor llie tu l- VS Ilon U one of tlie'm oal/fconotnlcal

way* of Indocin* lilm to ltake plMiy of exercise. Of coDr«»(>dt>rlns tlif btMdlDK •M ton , llie work abould nut

• Im loo beavjr. or (lie tioun loo tuo;, ^poti* \ n t 1l<hf wnrV t»-»*ry->>*<i*ncl»>- thn <

. A fler Ibe breeding arifoB la over, ih r [n-la^ •Ijm ott f f l t j be worked aloiif wltl> ti#«" tlie other horse* abd aliown'uo favor>.•t)d tn tbja TTuy hrlp to pay fo r III* Mn keep, a* often whi>re noly a fen lotloy in a m are kepi, llm atnlllun I t ratlirr

^»a ■expw alte-pfopiwlHitn, -'i'ht»-uiu»i ' h _ c-ommoo reamiQ elten for aot working {K ' the atalllon I t tha t tliey are ioo niiRl. .. I* ' trooble, bu t If the alalllmi l« work.-.l pf„ ' ! i a ll the Iiree, mo«t o f .Iheiit WKiti >><- {. rome qu itt and ea»lty haiiillfil. nn.l Jur I; l l tS T c r r little Iroiible.—II. I*. Ki-lfT.-r, on h £ AMt. ProttM or Depl. of .^nlIual liun ) bandry, Colorado AftDmUiiml (.'olipsr. 'V', t , _________________ tliln ,

f ' U SE PR O TEC TOR S FO R TR E E S k .- —— — from

MIm and RabblU Do Conddtrablt Damaff* Uni*** K*pt Away Dur.

Ina Cold &*a*on.

Watch th* mlee and mliblln. l-er- ------bapa tid t »*ni]* like old tatk to y>.ii, but I t I* no irrtbeie ta tn te (hat t«lk or

' no talk, year a fie r y rar. Iliouunil* * upon ibouaanda of tree< am Iiijiirr.1 |i> tb* ralro atul rabblla. I t take* i.nly n

rf»i» n lo o te t ' t t a e for ruch tr r r t.iJ’fEZy.UborSPti-PCClCCUozLfijaltiaLlJji: __

rabbit*. A frn- «int»talk.i Ixmnd uhoiii the trunk, or nrwRpa|irr of nevnnl thIckiiPMe* wr»|.pr<l nbout It ulll aerro In Ur«t-d*«i almpr aa irre j.ra tartora. I f the mliT are llLi-Iy id I., bad. c lear away any w m lt, trasli, nib- M (h Of «(ml(ar innt<vtnl irhfrti wHr

' be in tbe o rrhanl, and tiirii ii plN-n n(^ ordinary ^^Ire clniu n r km -rn ln t ui t <7ll»dlcal ahapo aUmit tbe trr<-. Co.,.; j tre* protectom can be |iuri'hai<e<) ir y.m

‘V w lib to buy. 'i lic re la nn unr rannlni ^ to y rlak .o f Injury te blch p rlrn l vat f Oabl* younc ( r m , cKprclatly kfiire >n t jury n ts l i t cau<« thn Iom’ »f « n r ra 1

■ J ytara* tlnia a« well a t thn rtpon te oi j> pQrebailDC a u d ’ earln i for Ibo irr<'».

"An otisce of p w cn tlo n .’’ and to on la t n adac* p r o w by tlie eiprrl- - , eoe* e f m any .a 'fa riner aud orchBfiliit J i

' wbo fell fouud tliat on onnrr or aurr , , pr«T*nUoo la th r form of tr re prcilrc-

tloo 'aavea a cowj many ■•pounciv ol ’ w oriv and loia la tr r on. '

; i “ D ^Y " C O W A E m & X O O b CARE ;• if

T * * • In Condition t* Produce Thrifty ‘ Calf A nlinili'M iM t 8* r«d

I Quit# Liberally.

E ttr a c w d care throucb lb-* »tn- i tey iDODtlia m n it be c<*4t) tb r "ilry"

cow* If abe i s . t r i b« In cuadliinn to prpdtiM 'm sooijl M tC '

. Many fa rm e n iuii> tbe»e .Jry cow» oQt bad make t b ^ ffTt wTTai they CDii froift com It^ k v . > li« it they Hiouli! .

. 'b« i* tt ln x ■ nitloii tbut I* bulidiot: , op Ib tlr b o d tu . '.

O ptB cowt '^ T O bad a lone larin- tIOCM period to d llieir bodle* nre Iran • a d flb e y ahM ild 'b« 'fed p)eoty or al.< f t l f t hay and d la ce .' A .lliie ration l l i t t d * «p oe>t|ir«« parla of cr<uk.t ';

V- c itK two p a rts ,ef bran, one pa rt p f i' '' « n j iM aod a s iB bcb 'cro iw J cots u ■' U s E d i t i o n s t tti« CQw demaftdt.

QUESTION AND A'^ •(O oaducled by’Aun

1—n e ar Auntle Hue; UcIdk Hi/" >'«“ ,Q— :< no kind IU the Isnornni to trntwer

thnir iiuenllon*. 1 would llko (n Vui k you Jlifl MIowlrtK »iuo*tloii‘which ih» lOpo you will kindly unnwrr for u*. rn»y Wl- nro Homnwhal dUtrpxufd. ' In.

S'o, 1—Whn WRH C'ftln'n wltaT • - j ,\- l i.-frr yuu tl* your lliblu. l f | ’ . tl havi-ii'i .mu. bcirinw your iii-li:b-|'"

.Vo! ::--Ilow m»ii>- fl»h III Ibr irk miuuiJuiiir ,A--(ll<i youmi'lr Mnrtlii. nn.l-nu ll,'V '’’'’! «ini<-lhliiK hunl.) Thiit xvu* .';i»>', ' ifr I roml. yuur Icltn r: .UllS—lr^ r j ,_ y - uu the ir nbdulil h.-. ' ■"> "<.Vii. ;i—Wbul rru. lldii ibioi* ii'ii ciiii'li Mvi- li-lv Illll I<rnilu.-r In a |>iin( tu r r . r UKiliI (>y:- ■ , i ‘'un,A lf..iiiiiJialji:_hu0.5tn..iiJiu<il.,li, J'/..!;,!'*--,! llu llic Wiirbl. If lllll llfr Kocii iin >uu 1 «1 lli« puiii.- tijr bUii. WIuii'k x in r '- ( !u ti't)' pill iilOrr flf I.-"" tu II biiby. I A-- iniinrrcl oe «11icr»l«t-’ ;lumilNu. -AVIiut I ' t il- hi)r«c-iiuu-.T[wrllfiiiiii-(l i>y jicrKoiio rhnwhiR Kuiii l|i:l"pi' I-. .-minli y .•v.-ry ym i N V. W, .Mnr-. '‘ UU I

------------- --------------------------------------jhnu l

P E R S O N A L S p l l------"T " jliint I

Mrti. 11. II, Klill-r of Jt-rnmr w*i 'l«y nillni: b 't r t ycBti-r.liiy

AVMli>« U-nu W ehlor- <it llu llu ty rd '

BH ahupplne In thin city Tburailiiy w„rr- lornoon. . n

Mm. A. A.. Davln of Mler wa-i In Ih clly ahupplntt Thuritdiiy. -

M rt.' r . “ 'W ,"M caowBn-Df -Jeromr — lopiied In town yenlerday. Thoy rr- rar<f hnme Mf( «renl»x.

i/inn A. llndxley vlnHcd hrro <ui; iiurmluy ult.'rnoon ahn jo tu rn r.1 i.*>r hnm» In Jrrom o Iho iinmr .luy.K, H. UiBiin of l,i» Orund". Urc-Ron. iM rrlu rtird in bla hotno nftor ii yIkU 1th .Mm. William Blok, hln uunt.

Mr«, I., K D arla wn«-wrtT—frt.m Imh.-rly Tliurndny. ^

Mm. B, M. Tnte of Klmherly won thli) city Tliur*d;iy.

.Mm. Oellrtfy of Klmherly i»r«''* liurnday In thi* city.MNR Sun .SiiriiRUo loft tblN momlni: r Walliin-, liluho, lo ri'Hume lu-r ork there, after ii yhort vlnlt a t Hir i f to .o f her brother. Oenrno !■' .irniiuc, '

Mrv. Alinee Ilronnrau will Iravn tliU ealnic fur MlnRouln, Mantnna. In rr- ion*e to a trlc itn im cidrljtln« bor of in it,|> lR ht ■ci(..ticr liroilMT-- .. , •law. Cnah llrunnello. n tlr r an III- UN of nhout a werk. *

Mrn. rp.irann wuh Iu from rtoKcn'nn

• IMr. und Mm. Thurnton IVnrr wore •IT from Klmhrrly Iiii'l cvrnltiK.

H, C, May waa In th1» city frnm Jlti- ., >rJ ih}« m ornlns on bujJ;ir»ii.,

Juntri. H, I'uyne wa* b r rr from fnul j 1 hualMrmt (otlny, j

W, A. Johnson of Jerom e wuk In t .1« i-lty bull evenlni;. • | diu

-- —- .j v.llK,- 8. l 'nlk waa ovor ihln mnrninc i [.ctom )C<len im bualneiiA. , c.m

Jobu (.'omrr, W. I), Shaw.' A, W. | ...i iiwiniiti lind L. A. RolapI* uf t b r ' ,1 mulB«tnm»d BuRar oonjpnny nrrlvrd 3'-*'

YOUR SUNDAY E'proiilr o Ibe YoKU i-Vi'UlliK*«PPk Otfcvrr to I you will yonr pat

D inner from 6 to B— . Friedoum O re

T h e P E R R I ls s a a a - s a o s ^


"U’a u ra th e r lonn trip to .Coney Is "an I lursii «fo' had hrttel- tdkejA ntr pill'd Juok./ " I ’ll follow ymi !oi5 foot

, , 'In to .thu trolley, Jn .k <ullrd Kllp.anil liin)aod.


ANSWER BOX l -A u n ii . 8 » . . )

~ q - l refer yo\i to Mon.fer Wrlsle>% le> ibe num man. not me. ’

You accuse me of bdnit > 1111! to „ X . ' , h» Jjfi.i.ront »aJi.l IniujW lllyB-li I". ‘ n»y to trll whleb rhrni you hrlouK ,,

• Al 1U—linw v.uu « r hr mirr ol*suci-c««’ r.snturil

-Wiiyni'. • . s. S,A .r tc - lllbl.-, I'hlllllililiiH 4;S. Stoiic'i H--Tbunkn to niy klmi iinkmnvn 'lb.,- ;i

rti'tid ftir (fie ••iiidnlliif'. Vhu Hi«y he Urr 1 'iiiiprcilintc ll "vrry murh nml *ii ibi '11 wu!t «nxlou»ly for llic nceret. Sou.

g - l ) r u r Auiitli' SuJ>: ' IncloHi-d flilil n i;^«^?Fnminrirt'TrtiirniiVcT..’> ir in Ivr illtfrrrn t piipern In ibe Innt IH "unior nobtbii: ' If you wlah u wcnltliy nuns n-iU-. wrlli- jijiil mrlom' riivrl- la- 10 VInlci lliiy. Drnnlnon, ()," Will n'rtmi 'uu U iu IiF u n " ir.'-w im ri.--n .-r '(!n rrr••('urIuuK;

A-- v io lrt Huy Ih mur.. than likely " ’'V' iimd'.if 11 mutrlmunlnl hiin-uu. If you Vrltfi anil Kriid a Molt jilumiiril rn rr- dpi. •nho will BciKl you n muKftxIno In ‘ bull pr.ipln uf .-Itlu-r ni'X. >vl«hlii« i> w.-.l, iiilv.-rll«« for n "bettfr-hiitf." " r

rbitril-----... -------------------- [,r.

md Iliirry Mooro urrlvcil luir lunl ll' " ll •VctiliiK i.Trrlnnd frnm llolnr mul t , . .•urly t!il" uiurnlnK. i|.riui

iiiiKpliunt i-wnliii; from Ok.Ii' ii nud »i'i-n( tho Tbfrliiy ul Hu’ factory. tbe i:

• --------- tilpbt,■\V, a, AnderaoD, C'rnwfor.l .MnornH. » . Johnaon undil-. U. ll.-dford '

».>rt- down from Jluporl lh(» mornInK ^ *•!'...........”’j . ________ ___ " C

• K/mhi

Daily pMhion Hint^ '>“™

^ MeiV \ u th r

I’lln'- of p r rasJ'’!

■ I |(a1 I )~'/ u[iun

^ ' jJ/7

ArtDllN'OON l-IKH’K o r Vr.l.VKT’llu i .Iclijjbifiil nnv vlu'lr Cll rr<l

, n (i^iiturrtl in efii%-iftrf- nmiil (ludi ol ibiffriil »rl\Tl. 'llir 0\-jl nwU nnd ll<Jrt, s!r.-\r» un- , • pi|>r.l wiib «lf-injirr!.i1. (or tbc oilor •ind l.ibfir .irr no rirb in lbrniM;lvf« llut iKitblni! rIv: muld .uM in Ihrir cliuirirlivTnr*', 'lb i« ‘ mi»li-l rom.'t v.llbin tbp io>f>r ol tbr uici-it [iirx- [.ctipnrnl .IftniuiufcrfV uln'b'iy, fur it c.m Ih- rini<br<l In b'o i tban tbri-c buiiri, linni I'llll inc 10 1inii<hini;. Mnliinii ->i/ct.riiiiiv. ,1' i \’nnl»'li itntrrLil.

I-i,tn1i.1l l l p v i c v N o . HI6.,n I-I Su im lir* Ini.i. I'ricc, ,15c.

EVENING DINNER I~iTF«“ iilii/un'iT H T T itP r- ip “ the---- | --------

Ir ot Twin F'nltx. It la nulte . roKUe tn dinc with mi Sunday iiKx nnd It norl ot atarla Uie otf rlsht.-loo. I t lit br«t how­

to (ilionc un I'lirly Just the llmc will cumr nnd Ihc number In 'party, riiono a3S,

B— $1.00 P er C overOrchestra '

[ J V E C A F E


■ * ' l l i l f l '

y Island." unld o'ne o[ the mlilgetn. f)t . ntreel car." “Oo ritihl a litid .“ re- ' ‘ I'llfoot. . AaU aa' ihc little men piled hu'nml n la rttd o ^ thV ru n .to r tbe Uny Ih



KIMBERLY ^ MR!jiNt Sntur.lny .nflernoim Mm. J. S’. \ rln entertiiliivd ‘In -h o n o r ' of h e r ( J .Rblrr, Miy-Boret. ll belni; h rr flflh ihday. About twolv* lltllo folksru.proaaai....................... .. .............;................Ir. und Mra. Kreil Carlton ut Twin III nnd Mrn. Albnrt Nelaou of Nani- wrro Sunday dinner su rals n( theI I’olti-r horn.-. I'n rllaII th r I'hrbitlnn church bnnrment n „ j unliiy ntiprnooii M rs.X IV Hfrqua’# p,,]] S, rliiKii 0! Rlrl> und Mvn, Chna.iiic‘i« .•bUH of boyn hml n pftrty,

atl.-rnii..i> wiia spent plnylllB "I'o JIM nnd r'r/ri-Jtbmrul* w m - nerved *lbi th.r rlnno ot 111# party., inudiiy- niHin ili.i ntMiibcm of ihe jjiosl r islliiti''rhu rrh Imd a biiskrl illn- “ ln-ll>r-*bufo|i'lMi><«in»iil'-.V-lar«* ^ 1 ^ - iibi-r «.-re present und an imjoynble u- ua>\ hn<l by all. .•'(■b. 12th boUm I’liul Bcoti. J r . 'a * tbilay bir* nuiiber'Invited in niim - JL'"'’” •-ot-llula-folU 4-lu..ltaU i .h im . tisIC:.Ito It. .Thosi- p rriun t w rro Ja n e tte 7 ?“” Ison. (Nirmcii Hnr.llii'. Mnx nud Joan ‘ ry \Vbltu.-y. Hobrrl Null, Hobert iidrr. Miblrnl nnd Uoy •l-ntter nttil ' r th mill noy d Mooro. D rlU hlful 'rrilinirnl3 rriirn nryroi) nl l)u> clone Ibr iitiurnoon by Mrs, Scott, us-

tn i by* .Mrs, <;iiircuco .Muom. ‘ ,:»r- J- N’. DuvU U movlnR bis offlcc „ till) bulblliii: lormorly oci;uidcd by jr,,,,.,

« l-'Ir-it Xutlunnl buiill nf KltuberlV,Mih. Jcibn .(iruli.Hii undoiWeUt un •>„ c-iutii'ii Aitiiribiy at Il o Twin FtilH ,Kplt:.I. Irhe IClmhi'rly bunhutlmll tuam Im t ( i ,,,; i:iimc wllb Twin V'MIIh Tueiiduy TuhIo Olt, Tbu HCoro wus as to 17. Kim- lin,^ rly pluyi-d u nood cam* In the. firs t If hut lout uul in the arcon.l litilf. » '0M Kr<-n> many fouls wuro cullftd wlilcb iwcil tifi thc KBtne.(oy Woo<l nnd Qlenn Whilnoy of ih r rnherly nr)ini>l boanl atti-Ddnl th r inty nf achool dlreclora ot Ihe coun- ro / supi'rlnii'nilrnt'ii .offlcw WWnesday n»“ 'b

............. .......................... — J ; , ? ;

p . i n ,M m tirm uf thc faculty of one of our • d » ritlt lfs tvll a ttory uf the d a j l h r lln irii u (.trinlii dUtlnguUhcd educator th4l I* 11 l'«lor III cbarie of *iuii>n( dlaol- Suits Inr ut u Ninv Kn^laud college—a aort^ otinn

protiTtor. n iipurenilj.. pn one oc* trlmn »J<’n hv u^u» failed out hi* room « foi'

sniiio laldmebi escapailr. Uo was Hard n i a m nttvf of'duty i'o iiuniiie I' diainriiem. und with hit lone l « » ' n : noun fiiiind hliii'n-U valuliii! rapidly , ; i«i> Ibom. Then b l. aolomn voice ’ uc mil Hiiddrnly Into tbc iilch t: »„i Urillfiiii-ii. crndrtiieo., ( / you II u llttlr fuKtcr. shall l e oblleed "nej ..v c riak cy o u ;- *

Do My Eyes NeeiY e s , i f d o s e w o i r k

I f y.iit t;o liom e n l n'lRhl ti

close w o rlt— if it is nn o f fo d to

tin n —-if i-losc Work miilf«ji you nt-

E y e s tra in is m ost li

R e m o v e t h e ' C A U S E a

H nvc y o n r rycK .-xam im -d III-

ilisi-.uiiforl, in rnnv .n iii’in^o nr Iokm

IK'cilcd Ml-, D iivis w ill f it ym i nc ft

D o iml I'x jic-rinifiit 'V llh you

S.-rvic-c’ ynn ni-i-il. tin- IichI— “ 1)

I'llll n r r« n l lo liiivt*' itl

Davis Optical Co;co

for Good Glasses mi

o t Courne, Jack, with his lonR atepu, 1 Mldselvlll* ntrcct ru r. Mo disliked lo 1 huck tu help Iho Car uloajt. Klip rscoi the trolley, i le put liis p.nw to thc bi'


IBS — '

irs^wagenaaF ^ ^t o THAT SHE i s

OWESilfETOITl--------- third

rtland L adj Kell Off 40 I'oniids, purt-billu t Jlfflnres Tanlac Itev lom l Iler \Vi«Klillj. The s

_____ you I"Kor nine ycum." dr'clarrd Mm. b> Wnuonuar. 'JCS t i r a h a n i ' &t.. irtlaiid. .Ore., recently. "I wua ul-isl u nervous w reck und never 'J low whnt It w as to feel woll. . 1"I a_SBne_ra]_ 1____eftlTiJiiw n aiid. oh. Il'ii iuat fitVpos- M > ■- jle lo dencrlbo the pnln und mis-y I nmlureil, .My ntonincb wus no . . . . . y »ordereiJ I could scarcely re ta in n orsel of solid fomb .1 loai fortyitniaH"an(r'WBB-BO'TrrnK“ l" io n i'n > d --------JO un latant when I wulked. .Many DU:ffhtn 1 never alepi n wlnlt. nnd 1 meetliid weak apelln when I fulnlod dead tendn*ay. nlghl‘‘After NiitudlnR over a thousand hnr.lbillnrs irylnR to ;;rt well.rUiy hus. wishmd finally persuaded me to tako of w « Tanliio ireatlnent. Well, thatUK Iho lurnlnR polni, for n il iny -------oubles nro Rono nnw. I Itnvc ul- ost rcBulned my lost w clnbl. and VO never enjoyed finer heiiltb. I111 always bellovo ThoJuc anvud »iy / ■v. und rm Sl) happy nnd Kratefula t I Just cun't help prulslni; it,” iiiubi inlac Ik for sa le by uti xood druR- stK.\ Over 3r).mlIlloa botlles nohl.

——------------------- tho fOMKN’H llK .inV .TU .W EA ll TO 1


. uboutKor tbla sprlns anaaon wo a ro very ' CUi-b oluKd With our s ra n d auccoss t Sh(

olitulnlnR tho best selected atock when Wn'ntrn’a-and-M lsses '-re .idyto-w ear r a l .- '

liter tlurmunin of the bnttcr kind for nbovfleast i'S per com less thun laa t year, montlTho styles and nualliy are njso of u blank-Ilrr kind. We nro now uhuwlne Rlvlni d l hcuuilfni uaaortiuonl nf Sprlneills fur woinun uud inlsiii-s In trio- *=“'*'1 inn und pon-t . Iu-JIIh. -KlcKantlyImincd, hloiiainl or tmmo backii wllh 2 put full sliieve, norol'trluijunl w ith jnll- Duro iry braid to malch, a real linndnnmc 3 dm lit—now on sa le ni'llO .60. »2«,7c nml:9.7S, nt?w; Our new coaln nrfTUio moat ,wnndrr- cullli ll values ever seen In Tw in Falln. beet bo materials und colom a re woniler- foot : ll. They are solllni; fnr $l2.7(i to 120 1:2 M. mail neBnriljjiB our line of drcsnes. they barm iroly spruk for themselvcn. Canton bees:

- raniH tonsil


ed Attptlon^ ::r e t i r e s y o u ! ' / 1—

liiMluly l l f . 'd nfti-i- d o iiic (

to r ra il fo r a n y , Icn u lli <if

n e rv o u s— , >t

likely the cause. ;3

a n d Get RELIEF!1

III.- " D i iv is W u y ” w ith o u t

iiKM of tim r. I f Klasxes a n -

K 'cura tc ly a m i s ji tis fa r to p ily .

\'o u r oyt-s if yoii n rc il K ''« j

“ DaviH .'-'I'l-vifo” — a n d y o n " ^

! ]■ ' i I

' 'mNNER!} IN HLOOAH , |

COHTEHT\Vlnners In Ihe 'aloRaii I

contest: I , Mrs. Alice l.arson. 1st „.C5CMiss Alice Sparks, 2nd..,.GOO j

■ Et: . : ;

ITviUA TtOLLbr CO. ' .W

u, Kol Ihero fnr iihead of the A lit10 loae nny 'U m e. ao son l Klip Con*;Bcod a short distanco uad met mIdK■ bnck of 11 an<l aoon had It nml------------------------------------------------------- dowa

___ r n m

up«.::c:mio k n ll'u n d luhetun, bc.iu- cliarf ully Ortlstf«I~i»lil»_i»alslcy 'n n d meall :yptlnii*-irftnmlnRs. for only (O.Tfi. Koi 2.76, JM.Wiflp to I24.M. Tboso urc nrvelous f4c Ihe Bipney. l»rcslTills itoo'<t'HBwa should be^ rctnom- cliurt r rd by the neoeral public so (hat of ta ten ynn are shopplnR for your sprlnc hlith ears yo ii'm ay take iidvantaRe of la ex e ie wonderful bargatnn. ure Bat­tled tha t we ciiii coitvlhco you tliat e cafl save ynu not lesa thnn one- P ~ “ Ird nr real money on you r aprloe irt-bpses. pWi« hnvo nuw Roods arrlvhiK dally, lie styles aru boauUful. I t will pay lu to nee us before buylnK.-r-TIin nnblon Shop, lAilv,)

B U H iT^ 1____________l j i —

•-------- • InVAMJflJ.IHTK^ MEKTJNdS tievo


DUH1>. cKeU. 1C—Tho cvaniiclln'.lc 'T “lloellnKs In thin city 'havn bern at- rcnc jndrd by vnat crowdn from nlRlil lo fw u 1«hl nnd tho MrthOiITut chUfCU Is tatlfl nnlly lurse onouKlt to hold nil who tjua« ■Isb to altend. Itev. Elm er P. /-oone d lw f Wisconsin and bin wlfo nre ln |u th

“ ^ X U C T I O NM I um KoInK to rnllfornlB . I wll

.ddlnon nvrnuc, thrco inllCB ennl of the dubo. coinnicncltii: a t 11 o’clocK

TUESDAY, FEIho foiinwlnR described p roperty : •

ItOIWES—1 black Porcheron mare, C 0 Iloy Wood's r«»cheron stnlllon. iicrv mare, C yrs. old. w(. obotit KSft 1 da boul iir.o.

(M TTLK -K lafn occrfdH^d h e r i- J l tg i Shorthorn cow, fi ym. old. wl. 1700, fras

fhen fceah; 1 Shorthorn cow flyrs. old. W aJ.-tn iik -w hen fre sh ;- l_ a h o rt lio rn .caw., bovo cows a ll bred to UeRliitored Short lonths olJ; 4 cowlnjr yearlln* Shorthorn ■lankft furnished with abovo .Sboribotn c ;lvlnR 3 '^u l. per dny; I Jersey cow. 4 j ernny cow 3 ym. (ild.frmli 2 tnouths. kI' ow, n yr», old. kIvHir .1 i:allniiii milk.

HO(i»—2 rcKli.lered Duroo ■Jurxuy ni : pun- bred Durou Jersey kIUii- brad lo fni )urou Jersey boar: 4 puro bred fall rIIIs dm . Ilhodo Island Jled rhlckons.

iifw-. Kmnrson 2-way plow: nenrlnR raoi :UlUvntor; wooden corruRator: Oliver wa lect puller: 10-font bicdI barrow : nu-1nc oot hay rack; 1 John Doeru woRon box. .20 rods barb w ire. 10 rodu clilckan wiri nail box. step laitdrr, hay allpfl. 2 cliafn e larncus with hull clmlnK; Vi se l work har lees: some hlai-k lifcunt poiilH: hay feeder. anRo; 1 3-hurner oil Move; I lloosier kl onsion tahlo: 2 d rensers; 3 Iron bedn ant •rram srparn tor; 60 Ihs. corned beef: a 1 ind other n rtlrles (on numerouH to meni

TKJI.MS—/\I1 HiiiJiM miitor $20 cash; 1 923, nt 10 per cont liiterimt: 8 por cent dl

. E. E. CORY,H. D. LirK, Anfljoiieer.

Luncli Served a i Nubn Iif I

CIRCULATICI t is easy to ‘forgbt an d ' the

. wise to rem ind tb e advcrU sen < th a t th is paper has by fa r the lo: to s e t a t Bomo {Igures w hich can: fo r our s tandard th e au d it o t a of Circulation vrhioh has exan is i F alls newspapers and tabulated of a no tary public.

This aud it bu reau gives the ft tho Twin Palls tjaily nowspopers:

Tho Sveninff P ap e r (Tl Tho M orning P ap e r.- .....

D ifference ......... ............The claim has also been made

a larger c irculation in th e immec ^ t^ ] U - o i iy - b u ta g a in '4 h is - a u d i t - u

the figures as ^ v c n under oath b Falls city an d suburban distriett as tbe city of Tw in F alls, ru ra l city, H aw en,, lOm berly, F iler, Bn the ru ra l rou tes from these plac

Here are these figures:The S re n in g P aper..........The M orning Paper........

Tbe Times has a grow ing cii

W e aro n o t asham ed to publi

/fJm % W la lllllM ffijLIH M iiP I*I. llttlo chnros of "hurrah*” Krccted Jack :onvy Island., "Now we will mak* the ro nldRels. KIrsI of a ll, the little fellows p mil n waa very InlortmllnR to J a e k 'lo w losnuiiiearncka—(Conilntiad. i .~

j i n , i T , F E B W A t i r IC, i m '

liarits uf iheso tntictints aifd ><f>" '' leallnn’ with r*m«rkahl*-succ«*s.Kour cburcbiT* aru co-oporutlnB In

tese tneetinR*, Tliese a re Uapllst. resbyterlan. Melhodlsl and Chrlailan iiurcbes. Moro than HO confcastoiui t tallh-hBT« been-nuuU. TonlBhl Is iBh school n lghl and a capacliy houso ■ expected.



■■P.7pc’5 D Jap c p sIn " for Gas, IfiaigCsUon or

___ S our’Siomach \ ■

Instantly! Eitomach corr*«iedt 'You levur feol th« #ll«Utosl d istre ss froit» ndl*r«cloo o r a sour, acid, ^assy ilOiHBQh. a fte r you ent ft U blo t of•papo's U iapVp*lDV.'~TbinB6ment-tt:------- ----------reaches' tbo *ton)acb a ll ' soumesfl.'latuleqce, bearlburn, goaea. palpi* atlon and pain disappear. D rutSlsta juaranleo each paeka*o to correct JlKMihMj a i once. End you r sloni- ,I th troublo for few csn is.

• ^ ^ A L i E !will sell a t Ibu Dunlap place, on

the ■WiishlaKtoir school, Twin Kalla.

E B . 2 0 , 1 9 2 3

e, 0 yrn. old, wt. about 1700i brod icrvloo feo paid. I black I’flrchnron

dapple fTMy jnare, 7 y ra. old, w t. ^

flffflslrrfd Shorllw ros and Jet*«7K— frash April la l. Rlvcfl 6 « a |,,p e r day 1. wt. 1400, trosh M arch 1, fllvos 4Hi :aw...fJfX8..0W. fresh In >loy,' The lortbom bull. 1 Bborthoru bull 15 lorn bulla. I’edlgrecs and appllcstloo n cattlo. 1 Jcnioy cow, 7 ym. old. ,4 y n , old Rlvlns 3 ital. per day: I

, Klvlne .3 Ballons m ilk; 1 Guernsey , • • I ■ *' anwn, bred to farrow In March:> farrnw In March, bred to re«lit«rcd ?1lls : 20 tons hay : red clover chaff:

|-<HMH>»—6*tt.-Acmo b in d e r,'W rl> '. .- mower: McCormick hay rake; corn walklnB plow, 14-Inch: John Dcoro

-Inch John Deere heavy w afon;, 14- ^ox. wlilo tread ; 1 BOod stee l ba rre l: wlro, 4 ft. hlRh: 10 roda hoc w ire: ta BlIfiRs nnd trip . I »et h e n r wor* harness; lOo bushela c o rn : '3 atanda

der. 20 fvet Ions; 1 Aound Oak.^Cbl*f. r kitchen cabinet: 1 safe: S-fool «x- aiid sp rin ss; 1 san itary c o t; chairs, a lot of fru ll Jnm, cream separator

lenllon.ii; B»cr « 0, tlmn u n til flctobar 1st.,,t discount for rash un sum s over |M

Y, OwnerII. R. (UUNT, C l ir t . ,

liy Ihe M. S. t 8 . Club,

ON FACTStherefore T he' Times ‘deems i t •s of Twin Polls t^nd -Wirfnlty 1 largest cironlatlOflL. ' X& : order cannot be d isputed !et 'os tak» t a O hicsgo-A uditing 'Sutfeau Dined tb e books o f bo th Twin id the resu lts u n d e r th a oath

e following ciroulatioa d a ta on era:(Tlmos).............. 8787

.....- ......................... 2W0

..................... 827tde th a t the m ofn lsg paper bai_ mediate neighborhood of Twin' t-settle«~this -point.—H w » -sre h. by both publishers lo r Twin *1014 whioh misans such p i s tw ' ra l rou tes lead ing o u t o f th is Buhl, Hollister, R ogerson and '


..................... ...... 2803'................................. 2446


iblish our circulation. ^


i S i i i n K ^ ^

lack oa tho (rollay arrlTOd a t » rounds,” sboutsd one of the s piled on tb s scenic railway 0 watch UiQ, cars ta il up and

t i m e ;—^ W b U R claBsifie

. I more, persons era Idaho. !

prpximately ,20,00 place yoiir “W ant’

i < lied coliimn.

T f i e l p ’o o a n t e d

W UiTBD —Maternity eases iiy nur -------------------- BPOCtaUflEffn-OBr-PJitnw-atte;-------

S i t u a t i o n W a n t e d

WA^TiBDx-BlenoRrntilier. SliKo e porlcnco nii'l quullflcalluiiii. Aclclrc V. -Q. Box U2S.

. W a n t e d - A O s c e H a n e u i

W oasa w snts w ork by Uio hoi P h o a t 820Vf.__________________ __

Wa n t e d t o u u v -H ncom i imfum ltnrn . Coll ISU t!ocoa<l uw iia o y ii. Phono IISIW. ____

’ ■WANTED—A carliw a of oala. T h Kttlli Civnal Co.

* 'W ASTED^lUlcWlifi tKCH. IJnrrnoc ld , -RhO(]Q Islnncl HoiU. Wh LoKh«ro«w Twlu 1.-VIU llulchcry N. W»»lilncton SU It. y. 11. No. 3.

WANTED t o "U U y -ac co n a lliv furn liu ra ana ugod •artlclw. -P lin

-- 40G..l((imQ. £xcbituK<'- 207 'StipplioS t . Bo,_______________ ' ' '

■WANTED—Ixical nnil lonft o inun ImullDi by tmclc. I’riMS roaoomtlj BoKoa £ Kunkle. Pbn&e IQSO o r CS)

■WANTBD-Clean cotloa r a ss . 'rrmotflM. ____________

WASTED—10,000 lbs.‘ frclRlil h a u l br tru ck to Uotsu or rodirn. Di

“ to n ftT C onkla 'T hono iO 'O Tir~ssir

. BARER nOOMS—Uatbs 26c. 4 goBth M ain. _____________

F o r ' S a l e M l s c e n a n e o t

POR'SALE>—ChuDp.->t inktn iit on< umstl'boutio to bo moved otr or loc i a » Eighth svtfme c^nt. '

PIANO . j m SALE Rt rlte . • Phona 9MM. • '__________

KOn SALK-Ooocl tixccl pliino. }li H ; TiaBuary. Uulil. m . 4. .

TOESH EUO.l ilc lU frtd every &vrtStf. Phoay im .

FOR SA L S—rrenU Cider ju s t u a ig j Vmcc. .PbIiUc aiarkm.................-

POn Smnll <)uanttty hcoa ts; b\bo booI wheat, puru Uickti from heavy yield. otranK stock. A-

‘ OoodrlcU._ Pboae ClSJt._________

AiiO. 1 FORTV FOR SALE or tra- Pboae S42J1._______ ,

FOR SA L B -K lnailnsi 3 sacks I »1.0^ PiDO IOH« nikwcU (0 rirepin s n d ito*« lenftlb, 200 pouodi Cor $1. delivered. .Phooe 133( or.tSOJL

r o n 8 A IX > r a m t oad kalsoinJ l o r pilniloK aod kkUomlnlag. Pbo t . M eon'f Bbcp. ._________

h ' ot ' i S a l e — A u t o m o b i l

AUTOMOBILE FOR SA L E -K t coup«, so o d condition; nliock ubou on*, beater, other U«rtK. 34< 7 th a n u e north, fhona ISOO. . .

.FOR S A L E -K c n l towlnK car.-J t m odel' Kutf 3.000 mlles.,403 3n l u'n u e tM t.________________________

' FOU SALB—Roo truak nearly n< l a U nt c law coadlUoB, cheap. Jo

----------- ^ - P . BeltOT. "_PhODB B81.

Por Ul* CyllniO rliiiltr.' » 7 Stcbaa M Moe north.

POW> FOR S A tE -P o rd ruuab. In |ood (sndlUon with uimosi b top. Ilchtp, ctc. .Call a t Uenila W rlilit A ulo Oaraeo aod see It. Tht IS tor partlou lara o r call and ask • a e o ltru a . )

WANTED-rFord*. opon and cl« nodeli. I can uso uo 'utillmliod nti*«r. Central, Oarogo.____________

FOR «ALB u u TRADE!—M u « t o o ^ - ca r In sood eoodltlon. gi

, ^ f a w . A ddress V . J . W.. care Tlmei

0 » to the Shodsir Rooma to r elM Si.qiilot rooms and eood bed*.' Prices COc. 7ec, and |L dpeclal rates by (he week or r ionth. Pbone C3, Mrs. J D. & g « rs . m A oa«r. Over Pa rro tt

. C^UcaJ Co.. T V ta ra ils , Idftho.

frlenii,"'l?> -l»vr:. I< nn ndi othcf Umn Wiri»lnH;’»«f*''‘ 'W r< '»eIn •« nctlimwlBUterpM sOplnot l«jJy MmnMcnt'C^ iM lnUla a ,su it tii •ownibehali. \

I N E ir■(City 6 r-M ounW o 'T to« .) \

EutbOBBd ■- No. IW _— : — - — Depart 7:60 n.N a M --------------- JJepart -0:10 p.

WeslhsBBd -N a * 3 ---------------- D «*rt, 1:20 p.No, IM* ______:„.-..Depftrt «:S0 p.


«. No. 8 3 9 ------- •------ ^Depart 1:30 p.Korthboflod

. Nn, « 0 ___ ______ :ArrUa 4:G5 p.Phouo7fi. 1 '

FRIDAY, rT-lDni'AHY Ifi, 10:

I W A hBed advertisement-in-TH 3is itian through any other

Sworn citcplation 372i 100 teaders every” and “For Sale" ads in


POfi .RENTnurso FOU SAUJ Olt llKNT—Sirlc

;------ --first cliiuB rcpiilr. I’tiotii- 731U nfI 0 2>^ 111 v r II.V IJ-McIi nncl WDJlai

r r r . r o u r e n t —I’luyor Iilauo, ciii'olarm ____________________________:____ KOU HAIJJ Oil IIKNT—:r. IIITP:1

lOUS----- TOIi HUNT—;; furnliilipil liMlii'tiouhour. Ift'tiln i; rmiiuif. OuiMde outruiico..,

Scelim r avniiuo ncirtli. I’liuiiu-^SIJ

"ITiiml KOH IIKNT-DO iicron V ‘j ml vvnuc soiiili Twlu Fulln. II. ii. Uculo. l’li<


Twin KOU UK.NT—3'u (Mi l wltli i:i (lirro room tiouiiu, ono iicro of

" cloTor. Vhh^kcnn. pnrk. Iiulldlii « .7 ,. H mllo cuut fniimlryWhile Klnibcrly rond. ry on — .. — ,.. 3. ^’OIl llliN T—l-JO ncros on Salin

7 iiilkn from town, iiw 11. J . Ultl ITinno foundry. _phqtio. Jto ji.liK X T .T -S lcop lnc ' roonifl...!____ nsco hcnU 222 Fltih avenuo oustUnca , FOR U K N T -^F ro o ^n o d o rn npa nablo. mvnt. nIcoplnR purch, hnrdwuml (loc CSl. kl(i:bca rnnite attnclioil. elcciric hi

• i l3 fitli avonuo cam. l’hone,-7"5J. riDios ---FOU n E .N T -80 a trc s , 3 inllM w

------- of K<l0!i. II. C. Uctterl. llO MiiIiit 1“ Ph. :23. ,. B o l - -----------------------------------------:--------n , ' ' y o u ItK N T -'M crly furiilnliod ro

■' wllh board, iwo Ronlloinun prufort Phuuo 12a«. Cull 121 ScvmUh noi

lOUfi Furnished bouoekocpluR np^tr menlA. lilectrlc heal. Ilonaonab

onco, ratos. Oasla Homo, lot Ul I_____ PO ll RKNT—Tbreo • room furnIm.iblo apartm cul. I U per moiiUi. Uuu

luw Apts., 2nd avenue. ^Ih atreel

jjQQ . FOR RCNT—llouau ketplOR apf « o n u , complelely turnlshod lo r 11

------- aousakeeplQt:. ouo, two an-.l tb' S a t' rooms, cliMB In, and low ratcig,

Booth. TJjo^gjfprd, 423 MN.

made. • •.. .............

HceO -------------------------------------— --------cklo^ W ILL TIUUK—TourlnB cnr or in A. L fur 6 ronm umilorii hmmu. I’. 0. I

£6a. , -

rr’adc ' wTu ir'ado South Hcnd Mnllea runsR. cood na nnw, far cow o r hoi

' Soil cheap for cuiili. Cnll 152 Scci is for .ivonuo south. Phnno OBIW. jplnce •

S1.2C TO TUADE—Ooml m oilrjn ho (or Oklahoma land. Call nt 2BS

—~ arimuo <Tlgt^___________________

Phone WANTKD TO BXCHANGli. a he ilful m odem bungalow and cash

' will assum e mortesRo on gootl 20 r i l e i « acres noar Twin K'nlls. C. BickTi___ Room 3-4. Orpheum Bldg.-Ford --------------------inotb- Uvestoc6 a n d Poulttl nvo- ■ ■ - ■_____ FOIl SALE—ThorouRhhrcd R.

<<)■>'' h en i sod roosioni: se t l I wV rtniHis; lainned peas and bonna.

flulro /o r H offm an 's ,'H . mllo nc clly llnilts on Harrison,__________

’ ?«iT« 8ALB-PIV0 year old r«,JObn OBurnsoy bull. Morris Oyr>

■ JIL .No..a.._ChQnB_(iUia________■llndsr jroR SA LB-D aby cblcks. Iic.oo"

__ hundred. -303R3,

FoT T sA L B -pT ro bred No, 1 CI 1 s r e r W lilio Rilto. Farrow In April

mjaoi- f,* . BOWS, and ontf roKlsti herd boar. H. J . Malono. phono 67

rOR BAX.B—r « a a ie u n s n o s I - — 7 d a l prlo* OB good birds, m d j

B taf. Phoa» 8MR.______________

axwell WJUITBDgood TBrkejra, OeesB» S a c lif ani

J L C U ekeat. boy aH th e Um< 8M 81 before roo t e l l T«i pricM . 40C ShoshBDe'WefL Op IMiJt* W trbe r? S tonge.

ood . ' ' i ’ l l . I .— — IL ' “ ' -----------


-nrtolt, . / / v f f W a'cseniB , , A ^ v ! !legni- l j i / 7 / / V . Vtn h i. V

— ‘ | i r I f e *

> m B B ra iaM S S S) P . m- / . fill IB C T T iiffi»B

ip - 'm : . I i / | ^ ^

I) (i) p. m. h l i f f i r 'i IiB E ° i ^


A D SH E T IM E S is read -by ler publication in South-; '26, and this means ap- e. Think this over and in T H E T IM E S rlassi-

5'or Sale Real Estateilrlc tly "~F01t SAl.K-lfiO-45Tur. on iiorl

t nflcr II. Tniii;ii;iry. Iluhl. Ut. 4.

TOU HAlTl^-Cno of tlio bent C-roo ^lu'Dbro iiiodvrn homi'^ lu tUo clly, Nlcoly I

ciitcd: lit a barciiln. IiKiuIro n t Tl____________

I yr,nw. . K ymi want (•> hiMl ~c! UlcUtorrtm.i.:;. ‘'fl" '® "'” iJi'iit.■co..r>io - - ' -1^*^- ,v u : \ \ *;•.■ < ii:r i i ,\ r( j ,\ i .n s

Iiil|c:i IlKAL KST.Vn:I’llOllUj ,,„y

_ _ _ [irlif'ti urn ul Ihf liiwrtii,h rood nillon tnmi towno f 'r i 'i i " " “f roiirt; llilii ittiDil hiuiHc IldtliKs:Lilrv Ull II'-,» Dur lirro.

Ctiulcr CO Hcro;.. ccHid r. ronn _ _ _ ] houn" nnil fair'oiithulUlliiifri. nuoi jaliiion.; fnmlly iirtliiirO. l “rIi'o J200 pf: U llUr. 1 ntr"-'.

j 40 n<'.rcn, i-liiju <n, r<>oil 4 ruOn — liun>:nli)W, liiitn und uuilijilldliiR.’i

0,..lur* r.i'uil laiid; J20U pur unr.-..... C|>U<oust. tcnnii,

Jitrivi. (jilr Jjii|)rf)rrHic?ilM. tuw Ily nn'iinrd. i-rU'i- |130 nor nurc> ,l,,,00 c-i,.h.

Cholco lu-ri-', i:i.<nl luuderi liouni', ivull ImiirnM'd. lo trndo (oi

>* wont IToperiv.lulii N. . i!L\\r(:iiAMi*-*::-Ai).\M:?

Iti'n l' Kntulc mill liinunilii'u. iTToom" ' ‘I"’"" -iO' j f o r r c d .________________________________

MisceUaneouc-~ ^•■AUMI■;KS-Hav. ynur mcni cur

inabiii p " ' ’'•"•'‘‘' ‘i: 1''“ '

— ■ If your lnili'Iilr-dlirn:i Ih worryj: urnlah- >’*”■ lUi'kford. Itomna Orphui Uuuna* UlilK- __ ______________— ^ SKI-: u s FOU s ro R A ai '> -w o sto

apnr% inytlilnc. AUio. koiiiI No. 2 oppl >r llgh :hem>., Harmoii F ru it Company. t:r

tb re . llullillng.______________,

S ’Mai'i .VOW I.S THL TIME •«“ ■ ’• l e tn l yiilir ilinL- ulmniiMiod. JVu c

.barui'n them wlllmut Inldnc tin__ _ BpaiT a l 2flc pnr biailu: nlno cut. yu

plowH mill othur inuchlnory ruudy.-------- O. II. SKI.F,r iriicli 2r.0 .Soinnil iiv.niin.- nmitl., O nii'l 0 , Ilox Dlai:lih!ulthlnK. Aulo tiiirlns Woi

Ai-uiylono WcldUiK und Wotxlwork.

illeahlc •lILKHOlix CUKAjTk r Y CO. ho rs- PocaiPlIo. •

StfCoiKl co'ncern. Why ilnt ri.■ Uieili your crunni. Statinn a t 2

houiiB Pl'ono 1548, Crca.rc pouliry nnd OKsn, Chaa. L'ndurwoi


r ^ . c tniTA iK S ;„1 , or Washed or siretchod. Phono 225J

} *0 DAM'S. PLACE ickiord. jjaflr snd sccond onnil clolhl

booshl and sold. SOS South Shosho StrtuU____ . » . ______----- ■ Lost and Bound

R. I . ....................................................... iraji “ BTRAYBD OR BTOLEN-Dlnck t ja. In- yoar old heltor. dohorned. had wh I north m arkings and «’ds a sprloRer. Nol

Clonn N. WHllnoy, Kimberly. Idaho,

n s in - ; 6wlft en Early Rlims. Ojvi>»., I noTcr knew a man com# to grei

____ aessit«r-«tnlM nee'^wlto lay aboil laB ^oT er !“’ *'*• - ;

_ ! ___ S n U N K H U P T cF ^X y T iw w '~1 Ches- In tbo BIslrict Conrt of tho Unl W'rll. A HtalM, (or (ho lllo trict o( Ida Kistored Hoiilhera HlTjiion.0 C75«. In i^o' M atter o fA usuaV

botKor. Hankrnpt'. • • •' ■■» SH you aro hereby notified, • th a t :

first meollnR of croilllont of saUl bai ru p t win bll hold o t tho offlcu of nndemlsncil Hiifori'o in Twin Fa County nf Twin Falls, Blolo of Ida a t 3:00 o'clock I*. M.^^nn iho 20tli i n t Fobrm ry, A. D. 11123: auch m< lHB will ho bold for ibo allowance

• claim s, appolnlmenl of trustee aiid» • M ilnallon of Uaiikmpl.

' , . OUY L. KINNEV.— It cfereo In lU nkruplcj


H I Pr f ''J^sSS S B S ^ B I Jjgl -- fl

_____ _ v ______ ■ T^r[T

■ i B ^ '■)< HOM

j 0^ '^' ( O IICRIIUS

t;C > UlKH A


.te . ___

ZL3s i; TIio

itord. — ----- ------

f'v^xy’r Jvfff/ iin.1 / // jwii, I • 0 : \


:ood ( ^ ^ ^ 9p fr .

STA TIOM A G E A i rortni

____ ..M A T T E R MUCH A S TlV ___________'am- •

I jrn - ...... . 111


------- IlH lH K K TIlll.lY F0I.I.0\V1N(;ciirid - AN KAULY lli;ci.l>plant. _____

fim^ACiO/.. I'Vli. K .-i'oIlow liiit ■■■;— ill r l l t drclln r. ttr.iiii prlrM i.iri'hr'

..iK-d inward llin rin:;,. nf III.. Clrn ro lionnl o t TraiU- K.ili.y u" a r

___ iiull Ilf niCMlnvaU', fxport biiylistore "b lch nppo.irpn nu l!ii‘ drop,

iiinkal A tirr onrly Hiiiililnllon had driv. t;jirl ‘ whnat to a nuw lnw t

Jllio nri'Bont ,inflv(>niPiit| cnm! Iniyli------- inpi»’nnMl ItretnMIni'uI tradrr«, Sor

j wh<'Hl-w.n».4i»l|'i»» fnn. ■xpiirl. Miu u fiin t r n liitori-utu A .ru niHI .llKin.iud them tbe-iii'IllnR Bide of llir lanrkM. Tl your WHS fractloTiiilly aUnvi- npcuii

ly. . JiuoinUouR. . . >. » t lm a t« i tba i:51 iht r<mi of ll

■iii'ral ( <' ' TM crnp iviin ili’iirn )' VVorU,.by Ihc lonK drnuiihl, mid iluii ii

raliiK bavo cniiio too lali-, ntron»!>. . m i’ll thl) oom ninrkvl. Conidilrral: ). corn waa-alno buiiRhl for uxiiorl

Ihl’ low flRuro for ihe iby. t ic ll Moilnrniii Kiilllns.of iiikb prpv^nl

231 nny subsinntlal ruIds In Hint nrn! ream. Thuro wnn n fairly sood ulilpiili wood, domnnil. Prices woru unchunRrd

lowor a t tho l-Ioic.------ Provisions allvanccd In synipni

u llh corn. Thoro wns soiuu buyl S8J. of lanl by exporters.

Wheat— Oprn, HiRh, Low. Clm Mny ....... 120>4 • I20si lin 120

3lbln, .luij. , ....... iir .% 1H 4 llR«bon» s„p ,. .......l u i n i n_____ Horn— Open. Hlttli. Lnw. CIoi------- Uny ....... 7C. 7fi-'!» 7t!Ki 7.’1

Ju ly ___ 7R',i 7fiU 7(1------ Sept. ....... 77 77% 7Sli 77k two Ouli— ' Opun. Hich. Low. CIniwhlto Maf ....... tr.V, 4 :,^ 4<iNolIfy Ju ly ....... 4C>i 4f.^i 44Hi 4Cho. Sept........... 4 j ( i iV ^ 43

p o t a t o e s T ”S«at- CHICAOO, ,Fob. 1 8 .- P o ( n ln c -I I late oMpts. 80 c ars: WlBconsIii.and.Mi

; nesota, uo salvs'.

1 OJtAHAi XnXRTOCIf.Unlled t50UTH O.MAHA. Nobr., Feb. J6 Idaho, SOUTH 0,'lAHA. Feb. Ifl.-CuUle

Rflcelpls, 2900; m arket stuady: ye: Ctlen- ItnKn. ICJiSaO-GO; sloers. |7«;9,t

' cowa und hid(ors,'t2.(IOU8.2S: utoi I tbo ers and (ocdo'ra', 8&1C008.3S; calv bank- 13011X0; bulls/aud^sUiRs. I3.G0( of the Hogs—Hecolpls. 1300; market Falla. 0 1 ^ lower; bulk of ualos. |7.90G Idaho, top- ^8-Ul day ■ fiheop_Rccelpl«. 13^00: marl m e e t - l o 2C<! Inwnr; yearllags, f l l

n „ •ofi'^ '2.7B: wethers. irEOOB; lam iid”ox-1«3.23®14.26; owe»..,|607.CO.

EV *• ^I'ORTLANO L1VEHTU(;K. Mcy. PORTLAND. Oro.. Feb. 10.—Cal

• ■

Vi:'! - . ’ t

' 71:1 ' ■ \

• V v •

T N F A L L S D A I L Y T I M Eg s ^ -

I E O L D H O M E T (

T F iiftN / ' P } / ’/ 4 C Z 7 T C 3 J ’

- w i B i g i g'I^VfTtSwfl.BRr-CHIMIv'AfW y ' <jj V AnDAFuLui-iiit: o r

((■ lOil DW'ic^.Tic Rou-iNti nj

.. nELLB£r ‘'''I ' . i L 6 < J I ki-AiD UP I ___ HTr

S f e t-Si

O A D K i r V u S O V J r P - C L t - P T ■D^^ /M "THIFiTY V C A R T . - I T D.'i

; t h e . e a k l ' c .'T r / 'ow

1 —lircirliitn. mnrkrt ati-.iily; tliolc

S iilccrit. fa ir to rouil lUccnr..7r5iS.7r.:rfann.-rii, ll.S O fn ; bull J:i4r4.r,u; ralvr-.. jsjn ii.nn .

, ' III.CK - U rrclpls, ly i l ; innrki iil’Mdy; jiriiMii iiii:rd . $u.r.u(i'in rniiKh liravlni, lC(i)S.7f.; IiIkh, JU'I

Hli.-i'ii —.Marlirl i.trady: iirlinr tanili . . . $i:i.r.nrnH; fair In mrdlnni, $l2..’;ii(i , ,M . l^ vravllntii. Jl'.r.dCi 11; v.’Hhrri

IT-JflMO; rw r’i, J'J<ii7.

n AUMNci T iM 'riirv in is'(•111. All lli.iH., M-lui drlvi. iivrr l t f til

r i- In'K- will tu- i.roiiiTUlrd, riiiT r li;iiiyiiii; li<'''n iiv) iiuich Iifxlty In llilti niaiii'

I n 'th . ' |iaiit anil thv iira illi 'r muiIriv.'ii !><• Miiinx'il.' Wlioa you h ra r l!ic iilrr»• fur drivf ynur ta r to th” rnrlilnit nn,iiy|ii« wait imtll tiK' ili’iinrtmriii iioiti hKoiil’* and tJi.Mi >ln not drivi' nvi-r Ihi’ hnnMi.Kl- K. M. OOLDIi.V'. I'lrit Chlrf,

IriZ’i" Twin Fails Local ,f Product Marketrnyril | ---------’n*!il'r SKLLI.NG PR iC fSoral'll.’ c b e e s o ---------------------------- 30irl nt Cbsoss ----- ------------- «S

ro io r y _____________________m ® 1 0Leiluco, bunch .......................... l2XiO>l

-rain -----------------------“' i ' ““'« - ----------------------- ;

.‘ll III ‘ l®n» .......................r,........... .............. .28prlnBor.i .......... 2:

ipnihy “ ““ ' ‘O ----------------------------S s ; , i , i i i - ; r i z ; i r : 3 = = . c

. H;im .............................................- .....2(Ham. sliced ............................. ;„3n«'4<

l i n t Poflt c b o p a _________________ 16t2lV n J Pork r o a s t _________________1K02(rV o J U n f t chops ...............................20031

7:.Mi' o n u sa g e --------------------------- J l-r. T-hono s t e a d __________________ .2:77 fllrlolu Btcad ---------- ---- --------------2(

cioie. n m s o rn ic K S15,, Wheal, No. 1. per cwt..............- _ . |U

HoffS _______ _______________ 6©7H

f-otas '.......... .......... ................. 2403>,<„ Celres - *(

iHirK* .•• ____________________ - i ;Hrnn ........,....— ................. ............ ...l:B d rlngers---- -------------------- ------ ...i:

«6’“ Mntloa -------------------------------------- ■lU lo - U m b s --------------1-------------------------'

I 'l i o p u i- ;Utock- K ^B ............... ...... ■-....._______ — 2calves, Itanch bullor. por pound -----------3•M06. D uUM fal____ ............... - ..... — 360S:ot 10 - r r . ■ —9008: ■.

narkut; FARMEBS«-Brlag your hartieai fll,80 la before-tho rush. Only sbop oil lambs, In s fo r f l por Bot w ith Geouloi

'‘“ “ ' “ Vffilb ,0 8 8 CO. O prealla F i n Station

•Calllo r I .........................

Teanilan4 Movies. .

v l * ; : ,


r o w N

T )^ ls .> -,V

x pL 'n-iA N .PO O Fl HCURS U A TE_________________ • ___________ J

'S : ' l e c i i t & ' J °E ga3b-ir e g aif,-III; LT,.................

* '1'’ wt)., r . J . ('.iMlI ll ux III II. j'n i , ■ . (sr.nn !i II ii;.

WI).. T, 01,.irn - I ux ll. N, Hall lir.liOl) l;i-i .\\V, K\V NK H l» 111.

WI).. \ , .r. Cb^.M. I.. .’I. ,\I, l.:ian 11 I. 1-: in k 1 N orlh Vlrw Add.

Dli^THK'T f O n iT 1 J, S. lliiK«*ill v;t. S. V. UUWI..

I- tin: K. J , l l r r k v<. N. l). WII:ion r l al• him ---------la llr r VThf Idtvl vvhnm I'll Uhr in film: muHl Viiry iIimiII)' rockiilrni In tho hlnl ulni dnrnii't <ln a lhl

r nml llu l iitaml aiuiiml m ij kuorH"

hnnr lIllM tY K(>HII*S PAPLUilrf , 1 The n i'arliom ' \ii(1i'pi'iiilrut. n_____ [i.iCi*'lr«««Hly 'r it ln n H ’MdrortiHllH.

papiir lhnl (Uin> in tell Iho tru Jl.Ci) for r.” hiuoa, ■ .

L ' I . ncarborn Indrppailont.-nnc-ynarrSIS e i 8 WooVly.ouu yonr ........... II

I.iiKollrtl<''H Miinllily, <1110 year ....}l■ o r n il ihrcrt. oiw y r a r .....................12

I'riiu Idaho l'ro,ii;oti!ilvo. nno y«ur..|l — i . ! I " '•cardl the nRcncy for i - • * ' luhovr piihll.jalUmn ninl will bc g

' / ^ , r to Bond III yo'jr sulincrlpilnna.KH VANCB. I’ubllc MlirkoL

"•22c XOTICE..... 2-e Call .Phone K o. 48 boforo 8 J

M, nnd n fu r 'C P. M. In caso (— 30c burnted wutct PlpM If sorvlco ca — not bo Hltui o t f In basom eut....28c j o v T . Krivanek.i«'JOc . W wltr ^ o r k s Snnt.

lO 'I 'r ■■!- I I Ii S T i i e F iL u m p .................................. $ n . f

........ ........................ $11.0N u t ......... .......................... $10.B

M ine . Btm ......................% 7.70>3>,ic Rest by Qo^cmm ent Test

I ' I k S h a n l e l C o a l C o .-1 2 c I'hone 43<U— 12c Aerosd f n n O. 8. U Tracks

* j FARM LOANS20ol LOW rnw o f Iniorest. A t«i

......a^r yoar-lonn with easy p r e - p a ^ rC038C prlvlloges>-Do. bonus or prerloi

ootlce roQnlt«4.

1 No wftlllDB f o r . InapecK rtiees I Monoy la ready when title» o«* 1 c lear. A 'mloo

U S T S O H :^ W P J J A H Sj . i . ' . . ' , r i r i f i ' r « i k : •

' .'1 PAP

I Business Directory -I-----------------------------------------------------

AttomeysPORTKR & WITHAM. LawyBm,

Suita 1. Sm ith & itlco P ldf. - . . —

SHAD L, ^ODOI.S’—Altomey-a^-L«v. itooin 6, Twin Fulls Bank & TroatB ulld'nr. Phone 083.___________

IX J. noilN Iim O O lv, Attorney at U w .Kuoiu «. Tw in J'lxlU Bank A T rust Bulldlni;. Phono 1183. . ,

; Jamea It. Bolhwell • - Orr C bapaaa •I BOTHWKLL & CHAPMAN Woods llldg. Rooms 6. 0. 7. 8. I . H

------- SW flWRFXEY- Homn;._______Flrsl Nailonnl Dank BUlg.

ASIli:U }l- WILSON—om oe: First National Hunk Bldg.

. 1--- tv-li. D.vviK.-L.x'WV&i;. NSW Urphsum----------ll1d« __________ _______

TailoringIIAIIUEI.. Till-: TAILOR, ditslsnor.cut­

le r and iiinkor of Indies' and mon's ,' high clana sulis. wlr, See mo 'Over

lUioth'ii." Phono lt2SW.

Shoe RepairingI KOVAL bllO E RKPAIR BIIOp H f .1 Meyrrn. Prop, 130 Second 8L B,

Twin Falls, I d n h o . ______

WeldingW, N. SKINNKll—Oxyncotyleno weld-

Inii; lllllo npr'.nRs made lo order; blncksmllhlm;. Ph. 42S. 230 2nd. N.

MONV:y t o l o a n cn modem dwell- lac, „ A rthur U Swim.

Bicycle Repair ShopSCnADK IlEPA lIt SllOP-UIcyclo. "

lock nnd kny works: phouograph re- palrlnK nptclaliy. 3QG Main Ato. Ba

; f HemstitchingM jr . MISa l)lf.SONNETTE-322 Main ATa.'''!'^ I Ho, Phonn 9iiJ.__________ , _ ' . . . . . . .

iia ih . Insurance-'lan.ii P. W, McUODKllTB—O o n eral 'y e n t'^ .;.,1 Ceiitr.ll AiiKuraueo Socloiy. o r tbe

Unlu-d Siaicn. Room (I, F lrs l Na* llonal Bank Building. .


^ihiiii a<g____________ , ■-

M'NICHOLS TRANSFER * BTOR- . i AGE CO.—Oarbugo baulsd dally. '

n Ifi Phono 200,IWf, 4 . ,n i ...... ■" .................... .......... « I

Miscellaneous ^'^ ll'oo OKFICH lX)CAT10.V-0r. B. H.

«m<) Rnuse iinnounccs tha t on and a fte r ■■" Feh. 1. bis offlcn wtll bo locaud lbr i K S *''® WoodM llldr.. across 2nd street •or Ibe pnslofflue. Phuno C87W.

DIL iW LA a BAWYBR ’, Osleopathlc Physician^ • flulUs 1 and 2. Qem D ulldla£ - *•^ Phone Ig40-W. flee. IMO-J. •

8 A. ncrnuE .*10 of OBSTETRICAL NURSE . speelallttDgI can In maiornlty, malnutrition and Ped* • t la trlc cases. Joan \Valker, 71? Qb<K

shoao north . Pbono 300.' *

Vulcanizing___ . 'r iJ l l V,EM STATE VULCANWINQ CO.—IH I l> Work of a ll kinds f^iarsnteed. Phone

“ • CM or 128 Boeond Avu. w*.

11 m ~ ~ ^ iiAm oonns 'rniiA HAVE VOUR CONU)INOM rinde Up.LU.W j^H alr Knol:! uny styl- lo r siilu. Mra.7.78 Frnnk WnvenK. )2<5 Cih Kast.

■J j ! 7 Pet; Kanh liOaiU ;-* j ABTH tJB , L. SWIM i CQi» • • -

tks :

---------:---- T w i n . F a l U - B o i w l i .

) , ,] Stage.; •tea- ' L eatek Hogsrsoa and' Parrtne]

m v a t Hotola a t 8:80 to r FlUc, BoUt. iTlosa .H agem an , BUaa,'Ooodlog, O W bu;

»« m r, . UonntalB Home. n a U a i .'OdAseetlona a t ' t(oant«la R o a a w ltb No- 19 ror,PortUBd-8W tU*.^ T

“ I TraAiBro*. Stage i ES .rtnV,- K c f m tt e B a ' , >t

W e H a B d l# ,7 * a » » '- ' '/v i •

BEg'A R 0 O N ,M 1 5 s M ^ ^ B | . . W ,

' rA C K REVEN. . ■- i

l i l W f l N ' i l : t l i 1 0 1

I L L l M i■ ' !“

r^ ro N C U tln ; A tto rn e y D eclaTcS’lJ]; ,

' r ^ m p h f t t i o U y T E Sl O hargcajJJJ||j'

i Ac»ia>t'Mbr , lOn. WUUam-|th<‘n ‘ l o s u d M n n e s A re A bso lu te ly |' W liE o u rP o u H H atlo n .'

. . ■ ■ ■- llCR<ProBKUitnB Atiornoy J . AV. Tny- *'“‘1

Ior l u t evsnliiK d lam littd llii- lufii'-i filed aitalDM Dr. J . U. Morcan, .Mn>. T . .T , WlUIttmion snd tlircn mimf"Io ; ibe county im o n il t t f i t s K whom conipluint linil lx-i<ii .tiled to before Ju tllc r Kcrmnly .l*Bek*ril; chorjilus ihem wtib 'com- . pUolt7 Id an IIIckbI o|>«rntlon; ai th e u m « time camplftteiy rxnnprat*Injr a ll th'oiin nam cl In tho chnrRm i

.The ^roMCUlInu nilornoy ilorliircU I------ B«cl(lctlly ilial lie liail no ovlilenrc-1

0 BUataWaQy one fat (he clinrRvH, h a t tboee wtw a t t im prelrnilol in i

' h « * e 'i u c b Inforhistlon repinliairil^ iH elr alAiemeiila. adiI ihm the

cit»rg/»% w e n atwolu(el>' tvKtioiK, tottbdatJon:wluitev«r. !

{ r . la hU lU lem tD i Mr. Taylor stild: I.f i*‘A fl« r iu k J a c .A . ino<( ((inrouiih ' e iam tn iU oa Inlo the ch arittl . tnlM -| )

T trtdu i phjrilcfnna and «nth------------- e rji if «]> the tac ii Conoectetl wlilil

th ta , ct»e. I found that iliore w*k 1 ■iMelitt41r ao foundation upoik .whirli

; to beae the eh iritej. and, becnmInK;U tla n id u ia t tbare wna abnalutnly.

1 tta ;'k ro lU ds for the pronccuOon on ;. A ia lo it u r of Iheae ilcremlsoti. 11 f f l t - l l a i dtiir, a* proeeeutlBK at- (oni«7 to r tbe ro u n lr . lo make ii

' m o tlo o -b ^ o re .Ja itic e packartl furI tb e d tabbV al'o f Ihe cbaritcn, wiiicIii - ------ was .acM rd ln ily ifmntwl. _ _f ' ' " I . re«r«rexceedingly tba t premn- • .- lu f# MWWty.w** siren lo eW/r m'at- > le r . Btafetnenli which were orlRlnul'I , Jy made to a e conceriilns ihls mat-

,-ler- ware aflerwerda nbnoluiely r<>- ! psd la ted by tba p e n e n i wUo madeI i .fq a a . I hope, tharorore. that por* 1

. <Jon«.w lll h« .cartfu l Ot tholr xroiniil" «uj .. M for* B tlem p ilu .to make charfra ncx ,,k l« lne l othera. do

■ “ I m lfh t aay ‘ihal Dr. .Mnnnn prr- fan ^ • < ^ I l r called upon me and offcrod aa

I to furalah, and did farnU h lo me. aeo ap le te aUleraent and laid nil tli« t>n'

; fK to before me go th a l 1 couUl*- fontplMe and iliorousb ex- ^7

^ to a U o n . wblch I did do, and wiih- •Jrt.- MT. ootopromlaa or adjuitmeui, •!;"

, . “ M there .been any Rrmindu for flc- o '' .ft, would U r e boott pfOHecuii.1

■i-----------to - i i» ..f lB » j. MBoUiaJon. « s j ),ajth ere been any doubt aa to ibe Inco- ”

.. . .

! ■' / I B I HI


„ _ - biankh «February 12th to

i ! ; 6 n ]e C E N'i !‘ ; One Wool B lanket..j I Two Wool Blankets

■' One Cotton Blanke20 CeriU

' Two Cotton Blanket21 CenU

' ■ ' One Q u ilt................f ; Two Q uilts...........

i One Feathei- Pillowj ■ . -Two Feather. Pillow

I 1 : , You la\inder.youi; i , . least once a week. 'j i ‘ plltows ileanaecl?i ■ We wash them witlJ J soap and'Refinite S I •

I Troy laundry & Drp! i ‘ PhonepV', • ______

pnru of- ttio pnrilfH inVolVcd, T i hould havr uubniltiiMl tlio (,-u«q t o : lie iiuRlxlraic. |

" If everyone ooiinncloil wllh lliu, imttcr, Rt tho heiilnninK, had b c « n ''■ frank nnd c.indlil toward mn nu | van Dr. .MurRun M'hrii |io appeared ,’ h«ro. nuvar wuuld havu>. been . any icHiin filed." ■

Mr. Tnylur xuld tlial no parllciilar >orRon hnd imilftvd on tiic iirtwecii- li>il nf (he r«nr. ■ Kollowln* pull- Wil'd «tnlo|ilo;itr> nf alleRud iOinrKe''I tiumlier of jieopti^nnid aiked him I) Tiiahn the InrentlRiitlon. llnvlnK •btiilni'd ri'rtnlii ntai<'nicnta wlilc:h le brlli-vi'd a t Ihti tltiip, be nuliiiK- cd ilieiti to whul lia congidered to >•' tnm prli'nl nuthurlty nnd thouRlK le had rrnnnd lo t.ik«i iitrpii thnt 10 did; und Iiii hclloven would liavi- * linl~W Prp~tti(*^ctintl|-mTb«tantlaird md had Iho roncliiiiiomi drawn from * hi-m liy the f lra l miiliorltlM to l l vhUh they were nubnilttcd been RU'i-i Lined. TI.N ronrtltlnii did iii.l | i n - ‘ |

uidnii c n iiip l^ ly Jm/icached ttio ei"i-1 lenco iinij (-onclUHloiiu un which he lad acted. V

D a i l y F a s h i o n H i n t I ' f

I.^ 9 ^ Uiv


llllilllii. ' _____


IN VEI.VF.T AND CLOTHItfimn « l\T t , .m nofi ,inii I’re

•ilpple ill (•hifliiii,.tn ron>rtie<l-l>y ime- 'o»f| nwed I’jr i j clMrtjnrr inn, ili'u .urplire- | Prli cuhIhk omlitniiK-. It ii iiinimed n-itli uiisl fanc)' biitloni an'l the ilcriT* a i u-cll aa tne clo»it^ arc ndipteU to w ie il I V trtalm rnl, Tlie nkirt U of rreiy-hack 'f r o bfoadeloih. laid in »ma1I Hide jilaitj, . \ , j . j , truly diitinnlvTtoilette fornnnl-fnrmil , ,<Ua Thr Idome refit,ifp« ?!( viH* .16-inch.and thcukirt 3,'f yard* Sl-inch ' i j , "’■‘V'l*'' -'I 'i r to till Review' HIphiw N,i. l“ ,*'.Sjfw, 4«’|ik IiI'> Price, 15r I *'*Ski;.t N...,?!;*., n to H mclKi „ : F '’ *-aut. I'n.-e, JOc.

--------------------- ------------------

troi• (0 I

' i olli' I - . l o t

^ I ' l' ''ll^lt ‘1-

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_______ [ ■ ixi

In*Vy loe.

Rl'’V Vv \V \ \\ Vk Vl \ \ \ \ J r mo

\V JW alP '"fi i

RIUMEEK— I, ' !hln

0 1 7 t h I n c l u s i v e^ ---- . - - - Ut)

• J T S A L E ||1nv• _ for

• ■ “ ---------------- ibtJi

.................25 Centst s .............26 CenU . ffl

< e t — • i . ;..,1

1 t ' " ' c t l lelle t & - I--------- >,»


t'U................-30 Cent*................31 Cents ,

»h(tv .............30 Cents)WB ........31 Cents


ur pillow slips a t ‘„*jj When were your • i«»

I 'r f tT h i n k i t o v e r . 'we

' i t h t h e p u r e s t of S o f t W a t e r . | J

----------------- ----------------------- ,iJnUhl

9ry Cleaning Co. |e 6 6 o f 'll <

I ITl'




(T 'v iii 1’uIIm KoiiiHOil. KInilMIIUTI D oilfrW ]

AIm>iu v o u r V nli’ii• F n .m III.- (In l.i Dim t T r

A m i Ki'ijticH - " rV r i

O h, Iviiinsiiiiiii Ui'iii', V in H|>i1c of v .itir ►

A ri' 111.' Illllil O tisl Twi O n tiic Ill-Ill u f VIIII

Oil, Klaii>-iMnii i) .’iir, j i . . . U ll M-liiaiH'i- .H-Iinl,.

F(tr n iv cnilv fn iiit , so- • • ■ ... U 't l i i i l I Hliin lUi

' LOCAL’'B IU E FaI______ _________ 11. J

------- -------- ' j jV enllrt fur I 'la ln tlff-T h o Jury In; Nc'

Iho t-uue ot .MnKcl hrotlicrn aKuln^ip . Heiiry Thoinoy tiroiiKhi In .1 v en lltl ■ 1 tor I17S.8U TIuiMdny evenlnr-

I.airrln (t Jlake-. I tn T m rn l-T h o ;8p«i UivurlnK ihenlro hax t-recloil ii iiiodeni - S< fH«rn«cn Jlcket o/Htu a t Otc door ; whUh mnke# for convenience iindl! tieauty. j

I - II. 8 . lluo Uruitlon-TlM- Kir;.!Wiird Ii U. H. held n'rciinlon lunl oVe* x uin*' nl tho IMflnh hull. -«,-hlch' wa.i .nnti attended by iievirral hundreil, Pollow- hiK thn opening «oWfe.;"Amer1cu,"-nn ij,,,,, excelleni pr.^BrBni «Hi» plfon. A fe i- f turo of tho oTenlnit'WBH B lilatori.-al ' r.-nrtlnR by Mrs. I). K. RisRa. amlatert liy Mlun Unmmnnd and Mr. K ioter..Mr«, lUiun to ld 'o f 'th a Stti'red f<un ' l)nm;o o t tho Wyoming Indlun. in her .n w teadlnn and Mr. rx e ie r Interpreted 'I>iiL Iho duDcc tu aiiprnprlntc n iuaic l.y •MIrr ilnmmund: Tlio Inlllnn coiduinen t<>:r 'were worn. mnj

-------------------- — , - . doll.rriT jr Men Bend Nonie'.-.Mnny In* clde

to rriied In tho culture of horrlex nro ai aeodlns In namon nnd pronililnK (o i.i bo a t th s naxt meotlns lo be hold aoon.

t»llL i on roullry—Cnuiity Agent II.B. Ilronaard In Id Iluhl ihla nflernot.n , "

» e i» k ltlS - p o 'tn o •wmnnTi‘«--cttJb - mi'poultry. Tho jiimUhm alarJcd ur ‘ "''i 2 :ao o'cliwk.

______________ UmiO rn n Krclial .Vnnounecd*-I’rnf. rr.-ii

t'au l a . llanfl, ornnnlat ,of the Klr^l "ih< r re ab n o rU n rhurch w i|| rIvo hi* Me.;. ] tn 1 oud urcun recltnl a t tho church . on 1 u.e

iPrlrtuy eveiilOR. March 2, 'J lo will he i n^d juaslaied hy Mr*. Hanri. eopraiio. | . ^

! M'anilDK <0 D rheni—B. M. (loldcn. 1 !" '' fire cblof la oi\ tho war palh for a u to ! ”•*

idrWera who run ihelr machine* ovcri (the flr» hoeo. and who fall to mnko P*r [for the parklttc when, they bear Ihol tli.' fire eoflDe idren until Uio depurl-i bi)«l mcDi ROM 6y. He aays he will have hav

la l l w ho '.do DiSubay the ordluancu - n n iproaeculed. The flno la frotn IS6 _uji. r ,„ .

Appointed lo Annapoli»—W. Coul-ndMaiel ha# received an nppolnloient | , ^from CoBKreaeman Addlkon T. Hmlih ,(0 m le r the obvbI ucadeuiy a t Annnp- oil* a t the cloee of the preeenl (enn of the Twin Kail* hlRh nchool In 7 ” vvWch be lu a aenlor. ncxoromir (o n "'cl

ilflltcram received by hia.w otber. Mm. *ii« 'n . W, MiireJ. ef-.1U T hird «vc»)iie 'dm north, laat eveolns.--------------------------------n.t

----------------------- • In IChamhrr of C onm rrrf Mo»e«~Thp an.l

Tw in fVlla Chamber nf _Conimerco ny*,moved lie beadquarierH this aflor* „ ,i,Inooo from tbe Uoyd Imtldlnp tu tho .rooma In tha rear a t the W'jHidn build- ^ „In*on Becond street wesr. Iihim berT ""located In tho llo.vd hulldlni: for man; “ yours. The new l<x-aiion In onn roonRlvw joinowhat more floor npnco th(ij ** '

jth.- ohl one did In 'th ree and 1* m ud insmore httllHfaclory for holdlriR meni He*1ne». It waa mated hy 8«crelnry Nowell mri'H. WlRhl today. l>i

' clcrSuit for Alleffcd Ilalan rr—Kull fit |„

'recovery uf |R4u,alleged to he ilue i>i [a contraci for nnm.' year*. (« <111 trUtoday In thn dl«trlia court. Tlie uctlin *

■WBH briiuRhl by O.tptnln H; KrcBS*'

!hlm tlml-liuui for ri'm und m'nierlnl thn K ren iio r’f1iiliai< tha t he lefl liU ma- woi rhino vhnp in iiiiru of Vfv<l WUklnaor dep Wben ho w rni .lo w ar in 19H. WllUlu pr> aon then. It In nlli'Ki-il, iiiude a dea" fnr Wllh Johnnoiu who twjk cnrtnln

| 1nvnli-ed prniierty iind'ARreed to pay for It In Innialrticnt* afid to pay rent

|bdth H cnthfy. Krennv'l'naj-n tho imni named abova Is due. llo In represont-

• ed by Attorney K. I. Anhton. whih lA ltorncy Homer I'. .Mlll« rcrjic»enti tJnhnson, y,„y

I Kile Jlem urrer.—Deninrrem and n.u- 'tlonn tu illanil** w err flltvl In«l evo {nlni; by Altivrnry iloinor C. Mill*, rep- 'react.tlnit the Olmervi-r. and Clly Al- •*' .lornoy H. D. D.ivl*. reprosenilnR ihi "'ll I city, In Ihu Injunction cuso tlUal h} 'ne. lA itornoy Hurry J. ll.-nott in behalf Wh of Alnn IV Honlor In an offort to nlop Hci

!tb« paynietit lr> the Ohnervor, nt tin- 'O” ,|hitr.i:n asked ly (he Oh^'crver for the iho {'«W/catJon ot tim Audit. ' The cam "III liome up for licannB » week from todny. _ / , . 7

K ranre (iet* It^'buff—Thiil Krnnnr J” ahould not h»vo entered ibe lluh r dl«*

'i r le t waa ihe .•ourliiiMon of Uie board “f* ot Judiirii Bl htRh ni'lionl dehate thI* mornInK between the iJnvoln club, Brt which opp^AOil Ihn movemi'nl on the n»rl.fiL.Qiia_JUid_Uiii_iychi<'.et_riiil»,ihal lavored ihe'lavualon, Tho wlu* ninn team conil»lnd of Jame* Dolh* 1

I.W0II, ItohRrt De1*i and Thoman I(ot>* p,,, jcMmm. while ihfi dlnmmflled trio 'w ero lU iidolph Crotij-, Bldney IlouRh*,lOn und B / llendi.hl, ,. ,

R oller Tl’On JtcM anp-'-T hc J I rw liixhlbtt of tho wlnilo* of Kie CInude .Drown Miialc company houau la a “ Uhlojt of lat*«re*l. if nol of beamy, and “1* B Joy for tbe preieni. Iteplle* bave Ilk. been roeelre<l frnm pi.iutH aa far eaiil (it a* O lden. All the coalestania woreaood aod aomo of ibem ho fine thut __tt I* suspected Ihnt tho detennlnatJo:! . nf MeManua to reaurrect th r JlR(n ot shn n <t*aida a«o. aan>lfttf<t Jurlag Ihc I>r.-)ent 'ieeR «-n'i hccniive he Bptiiut-^ 'h.-

V L L S D A I L Y T M ^ _

t , K L A N S M A N ! .

iiirinvo, of. (.'oiirHc.)-w lin t K tills 1 iii'iir n il*-iiliii.i - ■ ' \T^vinH, n il iI 'nii- in i. 'd I*

. . . lnw, tv lin l'h lliis r licur , \ ) \ }r Kt.Tii I’l'tiowii I'w itis try in j; lo t-oiisi I'lnir Jliiilnwc'i'i* Rl'Vinf - *,•*

Ib ,, jiisI iii'iKl .votir ciir. ' to 'ivn1,.it tiu'iiiw, • . .. so i ’vo bcoii loliV,

■ ■__________ ~ ■ tjiIJ i


-------- :-------' crow

N ew W ay o t H a n d lin j C e r ta in

Bio A jr ic i illu ra l i<roblenns.----- Ihelr

Spaclallits In 'c u ltu f s of Cropa, In Sells, Peita, Cradln# and Markat- og^f,

Ing BteH Cantflbuit te FJnal Ihe : RteomMandailgni. Th

an I

...........“ S:;"■ The Comiiiodliy cuunell plan In the nnriip slvcn to a new way of h'nndlliiB Uilni ::t-rtn|u of the his nsrk-ultuml i>r»h- acntl k'ms hy the l^nlled.Sliiltfn P .liartiiionl Idk. :>t Jn'thi*' pa»l dlfTeri'iil by Iidiiis.-i' of n rnip aliiintlmi. 'for III- ed n itance. hnve h.-eii hnn.llnl *epomtel>' Rr** >y Ihl" vnrinuii'hurcBiis nnd otlKe*. The n w plan which recrntly Hns be.-n' ' « nil Inlo i.pernilim hrlnsK nil the tnrl-’.tl* pervin* Interested In (he prnbli-ni tojether Inlo n coiinrll where eui-h uny iireecnt hi* view* and where » llRhl loilnKe Inrluslve i>nf(cy may be dc- -rfi ;li|ed npon, * a rra

Already touuclla .hnvr heen cnl1e.| The o d lsa n s the cotton nnd potato bIiu* and jnilons and rocflhiinendatlonif have mte» leen made for aetion that wnuld he leneflclnl In vjew ,of prm rnt c-nndl- Ilona.—UcDnrtmenL-tnen.who e n ape- •hillsi* In the. culture of tbn crop*, li.'<'11*. dl*ea*♦^ pest*; cradlns nnd mar- U iln i each c<^^ldbUto 10 the f)il:il -r<-iinin>endnllnris. Km.u lime 10 tl'nc , .ilii-r commndlty'connclls will be eiillrd :ii inke up prnhiema, that aro toubllns Illp iin.iluceni of w in u * o lhrr c n 'p ' ago md live *t.«:k.

As n 'reanll of Ih^.'PotBlo counrll H • j_|| '« e.vpwtprt Jjijit tliif u»Hnl wfl»le Ji'i'J cjty o»* reauIllUB when 'ni'vory larRO <rop p. ( ■n ral"e.l loay hi* itreb^ly reduced,/fliv [i»r rnplU C'm"bmptl»n o t potaiivee In m 111.' United U lileerltiw nally.hboul 3.2 fron b^)»hel^ hut thfn jeflV raftueh iMtntne* Dav have bufn pnfduce^ io ,tluppl.v . each »on perana-TWlih Bbout nui^'biulMla. .Ue- miiiK of thi* altuallm . Vhlcli w «i din- ^ couru’jlo c ll> -potnir/To 'lier»rtho 'rie. purimem. Ihrouch ima councl^ inndfl, . recommi-ndatlnn*, which wero *ent<Kii ,, to Ihe I'riuclp'iil ijoiatn pmduelns ■I'nlt*,.Till' couiu-ll i^ointri^i'Ietl.tlm l •, farmera I.e ndv^ed I'n-pirefBlly (tr#d» - .j their ci'ops r 'ld shI|>'.-.OD|y pm Ui-nt. aiiBSeNiine Hint If a lt o f ih f crop, Jn- j,j eludlnf c>dl«„U'rreal)lppciL.i:o«t].woulii n | mt or nM ' In ih'- irentml market o r a re In ti-nn*lt. miirket* tvouhl be jln t trd J rn i and th'< priiv rorced'diiwh to n ruin- jnee ou* level, }<u''h.mnrkall(>s .woilld re- nult In much wanie a'll aloiiff tho, |lnt* M fr.mi ihe ileid in iho,.market. ,T he *>' ' eciiinirll als.' mail.' reeonimendBtlonn " *' on llm utllliMtlmi nf the poorer potn*'(oe* nnd krti'. oti the fnrm, mrU Rl stnrlne for fiilure markrllntc.. M ‘d* I' Ins lu live stock jud. In crrtnln lonill- a irl He*, eelllne lu *i»ri-li'and ilour fne* cqll (i.rlea. It u'lia nlso tlie advice of tlio Poa- l'..iniM coiin.ll that fleld* be idcVM J al clenn nf cull* and dl«e>iiied tul>eniio n* “ ®'’' 10 prolect *ucce,-ding crop* from dl»* - -

.Another crpiip of department ihen r i w»* rnlted to se th 'r by thft aaalatant U ,,<T efnrr-<<^<ak»-u^.tha.probletu-ol JZ thn colinn farmpr*. ■ ^Tliese men an* wprklOB on the proMeni of, what (he departmrnf* iw>l'''V •‘hall he for tho V preaent In innklntf reconiinpndailnna <*« for tlRhtlns Ihe I.nil w ^ l l . Ihn .lelTl- opnienf »>f on^rarh'fj'- m ltun fonwiiuDt- ties, the co.wlnc of,, ■ dlveralt'y nt cfiii.*. etc.

NKW IIUUSBWICK. N. J-—I 'u Vru- tiTlllty a t IlulRer* hils adopted u baby 1 boy who han l.cen I n 'a planter cast for iwcniy week* a fte r bolnB nlrui-U by un auiomohll.^ . .

.SKW yOHK—"Seo w hafn wriioi; with by hack. I (liJok a beo ndmK me. n woman uppcniad lo I’atrolraaii White, liul (he niodoat chief n t po- Iko callcd on amhulani;© aurBCon who found n allKbl bucknhol wound w here, tho woman complained ll slunR. |

. P te b W o « fo r< i;W t',.; I Tlie common, prul.lem. juura. ln1^^

dverybo-Jy-B. I i not to fancy what wnro fair In Ufe. provlrt.'d It couid bo—h'lt | tlrat flnd what tnoj be. thnv, find hnw ; lo make It fsir up to our oieaa*.— * Drownlnc. j

Rlvsr CirrlsVMueh B'»3imen1. ' "Th.- Itlver Po In Italy roakea land so

rspldlT by reason'of the aedlment car­ried. (hst n town woich waa onre n Seaport ll now oeiriy twenty mllea In land. I

Po.'rulei-.-W bni I'd IlKe." said Cneu Kben. ’

“In -one o' d.-ie Jobi where It V a r a f like n tnan don' have miirb lo du 'cep' tit hi* pictnn- Inol!."—W aihlnston «rrr.

sh o n in * u J l r ta .producer In Twin FVill)). Tlift fMl ihtox wHl app j'a r a t th.- U.-..'tliit; on IVI. jiu.

i G H I S e l i rMSlOSiOS ?,ii N W l W I i

_____ tt.•. d<

N'early 3000 peuplo visltud whnl p< 1. probubly Uie iiiusC bundaome. dl oiivenlent nml m odern!. inorcunlllo pi ftubllKlirafnt In thc ito te laat ovo- Inu. whcn.ihc'opcnlnR of lhu W. II., ni V'riRhi & Hon*, more In the KIka' to nlldlne WB* held between 7 nnd U jk ’clock. One ihounnnii carnation*. ro nr IndloH only, woro Rono by 8 I.l •clock. Pracllc.illy all the wonicn , |.r nd Rlrl* were ncconi|ianlcd l.y men. ' .fi u«ld«»-ublldr«s.-wUo_ciim».-li>.-.T4»» —m rowd cnn«nue<I (o pasn throunh Fn

Hteoily nlream unlll the tim e <if lonlnR. ^ .(.ood will wa* manlfeHlod on ovor.v

Idu. Muny other inorchanlH nnd heir fiiinlllen vlnlted the storo nnd onKralulalod Manajter C. B. WriRht _ ' nd hla brother, •!>. M. WriRhl. man- Rer of the -l.lahn I-'nlln alore. on be aueceM of Ihe opaninj,* ' oroui Tho entire force of cmployen nctnd after

n .BBaletant* In eniortalnlnR llio rn»o iienta and ahowlns Ihom the InrRu to D ml varied niock.. 'o’.-iT h e window.'diapluy wnn thn flrs l ACo-1 hint; d ia l c a u th t Ihc oye of tho I'Nthellc 00 npproachhiR the build- ni:. Arraoited In ^ho -boat of u a ro ty Rmdry .BenolU lhl« feolure pleas- d no t-on ir the (ante ctsw d thnt w.-tn ■ ir*aen t-«e~ tha -openlnK,-'buwihoMi •ho piw«d..b>- on,thp ,a i.n ]|i« i.„O ny h « w ild dainty floirera V efi becunilngly T r w n e d )« w l.a o t, iy t . iU p 4ieauilfi»l txtaret-.hsdU lanlted^U fetu-U itib till- ^ am In the center o r (Iiq floor. The U R liilah ia fn French'Bray. aet off w llh n t i iRht blue. I I

Tfia various .lopartmenla were n il' rraniied In the mo»i modern atyle.' .”he whola atoro. bakcay. flrat floor -nd basement la occupied with the nteat deelcna of the lln«a of mor* ihandlao carried and nolhlnR la Towded, ao the effect In pleaalns.


L. J. lloRers ol'Color-ido S p rin t":ame lu today to m sk e liln home..llIn nother uml brothern came *emo time

' Mrii. Joseph W. Doe nrrlvod In th is | ^ty fo<laor to ntiend a inoellnR of the . fl ’ . 0 . E . commillee. ■

Mra. Ij. 0.' Urosby arrived imlny V rom Denver to vlalt her alstor. M ra/ -I ■ David Brown a t (lie Ueed opnrt- . | L monta. , . H E

& E. A iidonon re tu rn x l’ from inEiaserioan F^JJh . where - bo. Ja ..d o la e t | |Fvork for. tha-pow er connmny lo re- ^unln a couple of weeks with hla fnm- Elb-. > Hi.

J . H. Hanaeu cnmu In from I.lutio | I 'a iu today (0 vlalt. , li

Mrs. D. JennlnK* and fam ily-nrrlv- j Ml tod))y-lrom.JJolB4_al.irE_sp_«pdlng t month vlaldnR friend* there. Mr. InnnlnR* came In from C'julleford lo H meet (botu and lake them home. H

Mra. Ray WbeelwrlRbl of thn codn- I I ty commlaalonar'R office 1* spendloit - r a few daya In Dolso vlaltlnit frienda. I F

nnAKKS FAILi tVRECK nK Sl’I.TS | |T't;i:KI..O. Colo.. Feb. l « - r n l lu r e of .U l

Blrbrakca lo wurk r4uaod n hend*on R Kcolllidon bfliwoen N;'a*ourl Tuclflc FpaanenRer train No. 12 aud a frelRbt ft tra in nl OIney BprlOR*. Kanaaa, noa r ‘» f t h e r ; Inht nlRbl. No 'one wn* Injured. 1 1

CUCTB) tOVffiTISHijjl I--- lUaJrUlwtMUyths^ -Wl

^A N T K D -K ly ‘Kfiitiilo loom: Ad* pK dross Uox'lD :,'Jeri)ine. tdabo.

p - - - -

i V o i

I " . ‘ ^I InOu


■ _ ' rsiPiW,

C om m on. S e n se C o u n ts - i-------- ,----- 'Eh*l

Huccen* In tho dnlry bunlnn** elTn or In k.-cplnc even a'sniall herd c««i nf dnlry ciw n depends'(like ino*t _llilnB* do) In n Brrat*u|H>n -tho . UM.of-cuod.comniutt__ ^*en»»'. t'owa pro<luco th|* nio*i milk ii"unlly In Ihp la iier imrt ]

- of- Mny nnd June, Tlien-fon-. I - ] whnt ill'.-* Ihn wlwj dnlry fnniii'r j ‘ ■lo? Ill* mnlntninn na ncnrly n* t IM.Hxllde Ihc year round, <'lie •-••tt- { dltlonn •ir-' month" when - Ni prodiiethxi In Ihc hlRheKt. ■ (broi

}'u)nliihlf . f<x<a. n nitl'iii. und n hnlanreil tTitlon. ** top.ihi'r with n iiuideiiiio Inn- I’loe IH’rniurt- mid coniffirtnblo mir* ^roun.lhlK'f, wlii hrliig IIH ni-ui’ tin* ' ld.'«V prDdncliiB cmidlllufi* nn la

, poKKlhlc. n'lid *n 'i'(ri.rt to 'k cc o °V .•ondllloiia ►» will pny hlR r.^ * j ^

----------------------^-----------------yoiiJ ------------------------------------------------. 1* n«y

------------------------ you

8avelrB-Fa[r«. ' —"In *nmo renpfc'ts." r.'mnrked Mr. ! r ,

irum pann.,"women are amnrter Ibna r l nett. Ic inkca a aeir-nmilc mnn n Ioiib iTivp^tn set used to linvlna n boiler, troutiil, but In less ihon s is monlhn 1 ifte r they hecoiue rich his wife, who ‘ •o»o from poverty wlih him. can refor0 Dnwkin* fn offlmnd manner na nn ^ o’. r fajniiy r :tnlner.’"*-i;inulnghon» ^Co-Ucrald.. fu

Brothe.* Seidom'tn* Keeper.T h it doctrine ubout helns ou r hroth*

ir'« . keeper, la. aJI -nch t e.xccvt thnt ve olwaya je em i* I'w tho bnitiier njid. F l i n e r t l^ te 9P * '> --^o su ite J e n ^ U .

I II 4*V li!'1"^^/ •

I V Do not allow any a1 \ that the7 can Bell yo \ os goo " 09-KING 00 poiaiblo. ,

1 There othor coa' I pare .favorably with ' I Tbotu&n of people I I name, pref«rrinff sot ti t — I - - on. BQEifi .nnlmown, do -|I p I In every* cue tbcir Wlj /j__ ha«od pn tost* that teli u I OOAL”~'liiiti111 pbtmdi l l moro ecanomicol ibanI J mined in the West.,| I •■KINd OOAL" is th(

I ’’ honored hy the bi

I \I I \ oliovo you do—order

m t t R - M D B i f i :l l y ' ,C .C . 'L /a ^ r s c

f t - P^oneo f K i


:>w open R Business ur New H

In the iks Builain

i\V , F E im U A ItY 1C „1 92 3 . .

Thci-a's'a LIm'h.' **1 love luy nHshbor." sold '(^l<'leEheb, "but i)flt w oiijb to take ge 'h .ik>(Tn my chicken coop.”-;Wa»hlnBtuo 'ICvealngBiai. . • ' ,

Q U IT T O B A W OSo Kaay (0 Prop C'iitnreltr, ClKxr ur

ChenluR llnblt-

' No-Tu-liab - helped thouauuda (o broak the ‘ ceally. norve.ohntiurluB lolwt'co 'b s H t • W lienerer you have'» limglnR fo r-a Bmok*-or--chew Juat 'place n bBrmleas No*To-Bbc (ablut In your mouth Instead. AU dealiesttjpa:— B hortiy -the—hebll—le—«on»-^— ----- -------pletely broken, and you aro belter - < off m enuily . pbyalcnlly, financially.It'a ao oaay. ao aimple. Oet a box of Nu-To-Bac and It It doean't roleascr

any form, your d ru c s l it .'will refiind your money y ltliout ^qheiUoii,—odv.'

1913 H i l i l i K IB lIPrices l i | M [ l | H

BrcrythlnR ■ ■ • 1 f * | | | | WIn h o u s efurnlahiuBB UBSS^^BSSSS

etr u d Uaed Pnnittire .T.ow Kent Blrans lo.ff'l*r{eMA. H: Vincent Co.rhone- U. ,- ai& ShoAone.lBb 8.

one to tell yot) .IIU D COAL—that is notcoal that can com* 'h "Xma OOAL." --iiiilll}le ask for it b; .UH)t to tako. a i:hance ;,B«dombtful.kind.__ _ ,jMHicir preference' ia '. ,;MMtell defldtely thnt ,iiita longer,"gives |||H||imd, and i> nacb ' RH||lan any other ooal flliB|the only coal that H_8ub8tltutlons. If , m COAL"—and woler tiirect from tu. j 'M

T A I N C B i ^s o n M q r .

‘ 2 8 6 '


1 ' ' ' ^


