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A Guide to Choosing Applicant Tracking Software to Ensure EEO / OFCCP Compliance

I’ve got some tips for you!

And, some secrets too….

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While OFCCP regulations are specifically for companies with federal contracts, it is the responsibility of every employer to eliminate discrimination in their hiring process. It is not enough to just consult an attorney (which clearly should be step 1). In today’s world, where applicants can easily apply to hundreds of openings with a few mouse clicks and each job attracts hundreds of candidates, using a spreadsheet to track all of this information is possible (maybe) but ensuring its accuracy or drawing any insight out of this information is impossible. Regardless, manually tracking this information has gotten increasingly more cumbersome and maintaining the integrity of this data has been riddled with human error (transcribing information from one form to another) as the volume of recruiting data continues to increase.

“Even if you have not recovered your investment, hanging on to obsolete applicant tracking tools, old databases, and inefficient processes will hurt you.” Kevin Wheeler, President and Founder of Global Learning Resources, Inc. and a globally-known speaker, author, columnist, and consultant in human capital acquisition and development.

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EEO and OFCCP regulations are confusing enough.

Choosing applicant tracking software to automate your recruiting program and ensure EEO and OFCCP compliance can be a daunting process.

This is a guide designed to help you ask the right questions when choosing applicant tracking software.

And, remember take the time to see the features in action, live, so you really know how everything works. This is important stuff; don’t just take the salesperson’s word for it.

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Question 1. Can we request voluntary EEO information from every applicant?Just about any applicant tracking system will include a feature that requests voluntary EEO information from applicants during the online application process. If it doesn’t, don’t buy it. A good looking, fully-branded careers site, that displays your EEO disclaimer and asks for voluntary EEO/AA information should be easy to set up and simple to manage without support from IT.

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Question 2. Can we ask minimum qualification questions for every job?When applicants do not meet a job’s minimum qualifications the government does not require you to track them as an applicant. Choose recruiting software that allows you to automate this process, and you’ll save time by ensuring that you are processing only the applicants that are qualified for your jobs. A smart recruiting system will store each applicant’s minimum qualification answers with their record and will allow you to remove candidates of this type from your applicant flow logs automatically.

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Question 3. Can we capture a reason for non-selection for every applicant.

Here’s where the rubber really meets the road. OFCCP regulations require employers to capture a reason for non-selection for every candidate they receive. When evaluating recruiting software, you MUST determine how it will capture reasons for non-selection. This information is critical and most legacy applicant tracking systems have no way of capturing this data. Those that do, often require you and your team to take time consuming extra steps and force you to enter loads of data manually. Choose a system that enables everyone in your company to easily, accurately and automatically capture pre-selected reasons for non-selection without creating extra steps in your recruiting process.

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Question 4. Can we automatically create an applicant flow log for every job on-demand?

Every federal contractor must generate applicant flow logs that record all the information required by the OFCCP regulations for conducting an adverse impact analysis. If an applicant tracking system is already tracking all the relevant information that comprises a flow log (data received, name, position, job group, race and sex, veterans status, reason for non-selection, date of hire), generating a report should be simple. Ideally choose recruiting technology that’ll allow you to export applicant flow logs into the same form that you’ll send to the OFCCP.

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Question 5. Can we create Hired/Offers logs instantly?

The purpose of this report is to record each hire or job offer made by your company during the reporting period being analyzed as part of your affirmative action plan. Again, you’ll want to select software that automatically tracks all the required information to fulfill the OFCCP’s requirements (date of hire, date of offer, job title, job group, gender, ethnicity, race, veterans’ status). Creating a report should take one or two clicks, and should allow you to export the report to Excel.

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Question 6. Can we audit our EEO / OFCCP statistics anytime?

Now, it’s up to you to monitor and regularly audit your EEO/AA data. Proactive assessment and management can prevent costly litigation. Purchasing software that allows to view EEO data online and to generate custom reports is essential and is a good way to take preventative steps against risks. Make sure that you have access to all of your EEO/AA data, so you can ensure that your company is indeed an equal opportunity employer.

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Finally, some secrets about choosing applicant tracking software.

1. You’d probably expect that recruiting software that will capture, track and report EEO/OFCCP data automatically would be expensive and difficult to implement. It’s NOT.

2. Thanks to new delivery methods and even newer business models, there’s technology available that you can set up in a matter of hours, maybe days. And, implementation should always be FREE.

3. Choose applicant tracking software from a vendor that offers FREE live training and support. If your vendor insists on charging for anything other than the technology itself - NEGOITATE.

So, get educated, know what you need to track, kick some tires, do the demos and choose modern recruiting software that can turn your OFCCP headache into nothing more than just another thing you’ve got under control.

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Want to get more information about Applicant Tracking Software that’s got a proven track record of helping employers get and stay EEO / OFCCP compliant?

Contact Newton Software. We take this stuff seriously.


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