Page 1: A framework for incorporating evolutionary genomics into ... · A framework for incorporating evolutionary genomics into biodiversity conservation and management Hoffmann et al. Hoffmann

A framework for incorporating evolutionarygenomics into biodiversity conservation andmanagementHoffmann et al.

Hoffmann et al. Climate Change Responses (2015) 2:1 DOI 10.1186/s40665-014-0009-x

Page 2: A framework for incorporating evolutionary genomics into ... · A framework for incorporating evolutionary genomics into biodiversity conservation and management Hoffmann et al. Hoffmann

Hoffmann et al. Climate Change Responses (2015) 2:1 DOI 10.1186/s40665-014-0009-x

REVIEW Open Access

A framework for incorporating evolutionarygenomics into biodiversity conservation andmanagementAry Hoffmann1*, Philippa Griffin1, Shannon Dillon2, Renee Catullo3, Rahul Rane1, Margaret Byrne4, Rebecca Jordan1,John Oakeshott5, Andrew Weeks1, Leo Joseph6, Peter Lockhart7, Justin Borevitz3 and Carla Sgrò8


Evolutionary adaptation drives biodiversity. So far, however, evolutionary thinking has had limited impact on plansto counter the effects of climate change on biodiversity and associated ecosystem services. This is despite habitatfragmentation diminishing the ability of populations to mount evolutionary responses, via reductions in populationsize, reductions in gene flow and reductions in the heterogeneity of environments that populations occupy.Research on evolutionary adaptation to other challenges has benefitted enormously in recent years from genomictools, but these have so far only been applied to the climate change issue in a piecemeal manner. Here, we explorehow new genomic knowledge might be combined with evolutionary thinking in a decision framework aimed atreducing the long-term impacts of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem services. This frameworkhighlights the need to rethink local conservation and management efforts in biodiversity conservation. We take adynamic view of biodiversity based on the recognition of continuously evolving lineages, and we highlight whenand where new genomic approaches are justified. In general, and despite challenges in developing genomic toolsfor non-model organisms, genomics can help management decide when resources should be redirected to increasinggene flow and hybridisation across climate zones and facilitating in situ evolutionary change in large heterogeneousareas. It can also help inform when conservation priorities need to shift from maintaining genetically distinctpopulations and species to supporting processes of evolutionary change. We illustrate our argument with particularreference to Australia’s biodiversity.

Keywords: Evolutionary adaptation, Plasticity, Decision framework, Genomics, Management

Climate change threats to biodiversityThe latest IPCC report [1] provides a very clear pictureabout current and accelerating climate change. Even ifCO2 emissions can be completely curtailed by 2050, it islikely that there will be a further rise in temperature ofat least 2°C above the current level of almost 1°C. Giventhe political challenges associated with emission reduc-tions, it is doubtful whether such a timeframe for emis-sion reduction will be realised. Therefore, the world ismore likely facing an increase in mean temperature of3°C–6°C, approaching the extent of change experiencedin the last glacial maximum, coupled with an increase in

* Correspondence: [email protected] of Genetics, University of Melbourne, Bio21 Institute,30 Flemington Road, Parkville, Victoria 3010, AustraliaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2015 Hoffmann et al.; licensee BioMed CentCommons Attribution License (http://creativecreproduction in any medium, provided the orDedication waiver (http://creativecommons.orunless otherwise stated.

temperature extremes. In addition, there will be a gamutof associated changes including ocean acidification, in-creases in fire incidence and severity, storm activity, thelength and intensity of drought and flood conditions, aswell as changes in the salinity of coastal areas [1].The distributions of many species are expected to shift

markedly during this period. Climate niche modellingpredicts that many areas currently occupied by speciesand communities will no longer be suitable for them [2].Similarly, areas suitable for alpine and sub-alpine vege-tation and fauna in Europe are expected to decline bymore than 90%, e.g. [3,4]. At the same time, changes canbe idiosyncratic [5] and some species are expected tobenefit from the effects of climate change; groups of in-vasive species and even some native species are expectedto benefit in this way [6,7].

ral. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andiginal work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domaing/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article,

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Predictions based on species distribution models arerelatively crude because they assume that current distri-butions are limited by climatic factors, whereas the cli-matic space a species can tolerate may be substantiallygreater than the area where it actually persist [8,9]. Toresolve this issue, investigators have explored the limitsof tolerance or growth of species [10-12] but controversyremains about the best approach and interpretations ofpatterns across different species. Tolerance limits oftendepend not only on the immediate conditions being ex-perienced but also on those encountered during devel-opment and the rate at which stresses act, as well as avariety of other factors [13-15]. Species may respond viaplasticity, altering growth rates, triggering phenologicalchanges and increasing resistance to extremes, all in anadaptive direction [16]. Behavioural adaptation mightalso allow species to find areas with suitable microcli-mates within their current distributions [17] or to tracktheir niches as they move across space [18-20].Biotic factors introduce another level of uncertainty

into predictions, particularly when they generate an add-itional source of environmental stress, such as the wide-spread impact of mountain pine beetles on pine treemortality in North America [21]. Perhaps the most im-portant biotic factor is human population growth andthe impacts of more than 7 billion people on a naturalenvironment that is increasingly under stress [22]. Thenegative impacts of human activities on biodiversity arewell documented and range from direct effects triggeringspecies extinctions through overexploitation to indirecteffects through removal of habitat for agriculture orresource extraction [23].It is already clear that large-scale changes to natural

communities are occurring and will accelerate over thecoming decades [24]. Many (perhaps the majority of )species face local extinction in at least part of their na-tive range. A few species will track climate successfully,others will benefit from vacant space created by depart-ing species, tropical and subtropical species may invadehigher latitudes, but many communities will be lost, e.g.[3,5,25]. All of these changes will take place within thecontext of increased landscape fragmentation due toongoing vegetation clearing and increasing calls to ma-nipulate the environment to safeguard agriculture andproperty such as through fire suppression. There willalso be flow-on effects of these changes on ecosystemservices provided by the natural environment, directlyimpacting on the ability of species, including our own,to access the resources needed for persistence [26,27].

Opportunities and constraints for evolutionary adaptationGiven the scale and timeframe of climate change effects,what is the likelihood that species and communities canrespond through evolutionary changes? Major life forms

have persisted and adapted across geological epochs des-pite temperature changes that exceed those predictedunder anthropogenic climate change. Whilst speciationand evolutionary divergence have occurred over millionsof years, current species and populations have persistedthrough the more recent climatic oscillations of thePleistocene [28,29]. In addition to these past evolution-ary changes over geological time frames, there is also agrowing (albeit still small) number of cases of rapid andcontemporary evolutionary changes in natural animaland plant populations [30,31] that allow us to track thedirect and indirect effects of climate change. Examplesinclude genetic changes in the body colour of owls in re-sponse to predation linked to changing snow covers[32], changes in allozyme frequencies and inversions thatpreserve functional sets of genes in Drosophila known tobe sensitive to temperature changes [33], and adaptivechanges in the flowering time of Brassicas in response todrought [34]. However, not all populations are expectedto successfully adapt through evolutionary change. Thismay reflect a lack of genetic variation in base popula-tions [35], interactions among traits that constrain evo-lutionary responses in one direction [32,36], and otherfactors such as the reduced effectiveness of selection inthe presence of the plastic responses of individual geno-types (i.e. the extent to which they can be modified bythe environment). These types of factors may help ac-count for cases where adaptive evolutionary changeshave not occurred, but were expected, as in the case ofbreeding time in birds [37].Three interacting demographic factors are widely

recognised to have major effects on the likelihood ofsuccessful adaptation to rapid climate change—gener-ation time, population size and population structure(Figure 1). Selection responses are typically slower inlong lived organisms, although such species can stillevolve effectively if able to exploit existing variationwithin or among populations [38]. The variation avail-able within populations in turn depends on populationsize; in situ evolution will be maximised at larger popu-lation sizes [39], and this becomes a major challenge forthreatened species living in fragmented landscapes [40].Population structure has more variable effects on evolu-tionary potential because gene flow across the landscapecan assist evolution or retard it depending on selectiongradients and rates of gene flow [41]. Whilst often pro-viding potentially useful new variation for the populationin question, it can also swamp processes of local adapta-tion with an influx of genes that are poorly adapted forthe local climate, which might be particularly importantfor marginal populations [42,43]. On the other hand, geneflow often seems to be related to environmental condi-tions: processes like flowering, propagule dispersal andmating time can mean that gene flow is higher among

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Reduced population size

Fragmentation: reduced gene flow

Climate change

Reduced environmental heterogeneity

Reduced genetic variation

Reduced evolutionary potential

Stressful conditions Human response effects

Fewer refugia

Figure 1 Impact of climate change on evolutionary potential of populations. In many cases, there will be a loss of evolutionary potentialderived from a decrease in population size, gene flow and refuge areas.

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populations from similar environments, and this mightincrease rates of adaptive evolution [44].Both population size and patterns of gene flow

have been dramatically affected by human activities.Environments have become increasingly fragmented,leading to increasing levels of genetic distinctnessand a loss of accessible genetic variation, e.g. [45,46].Threatened environments may represent a series ofislands surrounded by hostile conditions for the spe-cies. At its most extreme, species might be confinedto zoos or botanical collections, living in a highly definedset of environmental conditions, at a small effective popu-lation size, with only limited scope to recruit new geneseven with coordinated programmes to exchange material;see [47].From an evolutionary perspective, natural populations

are therefore threatened by three forces that interact toproduce a downward spiral of evolutionary potential(Figure 1): (i) a reduction in genetic variation as a con-sequence of decreases in population size affecting insitu evolution, (ii) a reduction in gene flow preventingan influx of genetic variants from other populations and(iii) a reduction in environmental heterogeneity that canlead to a decrease in adaptive capacity of the speciesas a whole. The likelihood that evolutionary rescue

(involving forced introgression from other populations or(sub)species) might mitigate some of the threats imposedby environmental change remains unknown [48], althoughit will likely depend on the availability of genetic variationwithin the populations/species concerned.Against this backdrop of gloomy projections, the current

revolution in genomics and other -omics technologies isproviding unprecedented insights into evolutionary pro-cesses and offers an opportunity to significantly improveconservation planning and management decisions. Resear-chers can now identify parts of the genome that have beenor could be involved in adaptive shifts, via new or existingvariants in situ, or through hybridisation. At a functionallevel, genomics approaches can also identify the networksof genes/proteins and their expression profiles requiredfor key adaptations. Whilst once limited in application tomodel organisms, the technology is now increasingly ap-plicable to non-model species despite ongoing challengesaround annotation [49,50]. Below, we briefly outline thevarious methods for generating and analysing genomicdata bearing on biodiversity conservation, their strengthsand weaknesses, and then describe how genomic informa-tion can explicitly be incorporated into a decision-makingframework for biodiversity conservation in the face ofclimate change.

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Methods for generating genomic dataThe advent of next-generation sequencing has enabledpopulation genetic and microevolutionary studies on agenome-wide scale. From hundreds of millions of dollarsfor the first draft of the human genome in 2001, the se-quencing required to assemble a reference genome for aspecies now costs just a few thousand dollars. Econom-ical sample preparation strategies reviewed in [51-53]now enable high-throughput genomics studies even with-out a reference genome [54]. “Home-brew” methods forsequencing library preparation [55,56] have reduced per-sample cost and prices of commercial kits have followed asimilar downward trend. It is now realistic to carry outwhole genome sequencing (WGS) of 30 individuals of aninsect species with a small (250 Mb) genome, for less thanUS$4000.Although multi-individual WGS provides the highest

accuracy and power in population genomics, it can stillpresent a significant financial challenge when multiplepopulations are under investigation. There are severaleconomical alternatives to WGS. First, the recentlydeveloped reduced-representation sequencing (RRS), in-cluding genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) and RADSeq[57-59] technologies, can overcome this problem by tar-geting a subset (approximately 1%) of the genome. Theseapproaches typically involve restriction enzyme digestionof genomic DNA, sample barcoding by attaching uniqueoligo-nucleotide sequences identifying individuals andselection of a subset of genomic fragments, followed bysequencing of multiple samples in the same lane on anIllumina sequencing platform. They provide data onhundreds to tens of thousands of nucleotide polymor-phisms. In some cases, they tag the majority of the genesin the genome and, importantly, reduce per-sample costssubstantially. These approaches can be used to answer awide variety of questions on population structure andphylogeography; see [51,53,57]. RRS strategies typicallyaim for up to 10× coverage per site, which generallyallows for accurate identification of heterozygous sites.Dual-end barcode sets of 384 or more now exist for theidentification of individuals, which makes large samplesizes economical. One limitation of RRS approaches isthat loci can suffer from “allelic dropout” due to poly-morphisms in restriction sites [60,61], which may lead toan overestimate of divergence.A second alternative to individual-based WGS is com-

bining individuals into a pool, as in Poolseq; see [51,62](PPS). The Poolseq approach does not allow the data fordifferent individuals to be separated post-sequencing,but it is highly cost-effective for assessing populationstructure [63], genetic distance [64-66] and genome-wide patterns of heterozygosity. As little as 1× coverageof each diploid individual’s genome is needed, furtherreducing cost. However, a lower level of coverage will

not adequately represent the pool of individuals, especiallywhen the pool is small to begin with, and can thereforeproduce misleading population parameter estimates; see[60,61,67]. Guidelines [51,60,61,67] and software packagessuch as ngsTools [68] and npstat [69], which carry outlikelihood-based estimation of allele frequencies, are nowavailable to help tackle these challenges.Another affordable strategy for population genomic

studies is transcriptome sequencing (TS). This approachyields data on genes which are expressed at reasonablelevels, representing perhaps 1%–10% of the genome. Vari-ants can then be identified in the sequenced transcrip-tome. If coverage is deep enough, biases are addressedand appropriate experimental replicates are included;differences in gene expression can also be detected be-tween samples [70]. Transcriptome sequencing is usuallyperformed at the individual level, but it is also possible toestimate allele frequencies from sequencing of pooledsamples [71] and to compare different lines and popula-tions [72]. Variant identification from transcriptome datacan suffer the same biases from low coverage sequences asPoolseq experiments and can also suffer from allelic drop-out when only certain alleles are expressed in individualsamples.Whatever the sequencing platform used, most popula-

tion genomics studies to date have based their analyseson single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)—single-basevariants in either functional or neutral regions of thegenome. Whilst SNPs are informative and relatively easyto identify, studies on model species have shown thatinsertion-deletion polymorphisms (indels) also play animportant role in genome evolution and adaptation[73-76]. Identifying indels from high-throughput sequen-cing data remains a difficult bioinformatic problem [77],and identifying large indels in RRS data is especially dif-ficult because only a small percentage of the genome issequenced. Indels are not just important for their ownsake: if small indels are misaligned, then SNPs may bemisidentified in the region [74]. A few programs like theGATK2 best-practice pipeline attempt to resolve this bya local refinement of read alignments, but this can stillsuffer from discordance [77]. Chromosomal rearrange-ments and other forms of structural variation are alsoinvolved in adaptation (reviewed in [78]). Such variation isstill difficult to identify using short-read technology, butimproved methodologies are under development [79,80].RRS, Poolseq and transcriptome sequencing strategies

can provide genomic insights into the majority of manage-ment questions described in Table 1 below. Some of thecommon population genetic parameters can be estimatedreliably from samples of 30 non-related individuals perpopulation, but if low-frequency alleles are of particularinterest, 30 individuals may not be sufficient. Takingspatial structure and landscape features into account may

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Table 1 Applications of genomics data to relevant steps in the decision framework

Decisions Biological issue How genomics can help informdecisions

Data type Analysis method Limitations

Can species toleratechange in situ?

Determining if a species is currentlyexperiencing stress which suggestsit is approaching the limit ofphysiological tolerance

Screen biomarkers indicativeof stress. See [81]

[TS] with[IG]

Gene expression a yses toidentify abundanc f keygene transcripts

For many species, further research isrequired to identify biomarkers; howevergenomics could facilitate this process. Achallenge is that biomarkers need to bediagnostic of stress and reproducible—particularly for gene expression markers

Testing whether a species hassufficient phenotypic plasticity totolerate projected change

Understand the limits to plasticityunder environmental change.See [82,83]

[TS] with[IG]

Gene expression a yses.Gene transcript ab dancecan be used as a s ogatefor overarching ph otypicresponses

Observing phenotypes will be moreappropriate/cost-effective in some cases,but in other cases, gene expressioncould screen many phenotypessimultaneously at lower cost per sample.For the latter, links to phenotypic dataare required

Assessing a species’ historicaldemography to see how itresponded to past climate change

Greater numbers of loci providethe opportunity to reconstructdemographic history deeperin time. See [84-86]

[WGS], [RRS],[DE] with[IG] or[WGS], [DE]with [PPS]

Bayesian skyline p /coalescentsimulations or like od-baseddiffusion modellin om SNP data

Genomics can provide a comprehensiveassessment; however, a similar outcomemight be achieved using non-genomictools (e.g. SSRs), particularly where datasets are already available

Do populations haveenough geneticdiversity for anevolutionaryresponse?

Determining whether the speciesor population is currentlyexperiencing inbreeding, whichcan lead to loss of genetic diversityessential for evolution

Genome-wide sequencingallows accurate estimationof heterozygosity in individualsand populations. See [87]

[WGS], [RRS],[DE], [TS]with [IG] or[WGS],[DE]with [PPS]

Estimate F-statistic ndheterozygosity fro NP data

Non-genomic tools (e.g. SSRs) can beapplied to estimate diversity, particularlywhere data sets are already available.However genomics offers betterresolution and diversity estimation. Theeffects of different levels of diversity onadaptability needs to be establishedthrough phenotypic comparisons

Assess whether there is enoughstanding genetic diversity toprovide opportunities to adapt

Accurately estimate thelevels of genetic diversityin populations. See [88]

Estimate heterozyg ity, DNAsequence diversity timates(pi, theta) from SN r sequencedata

Determining whether selectionhas acted on genetic variationin the species

Test whether major eventshave resulted in selectionon genetic diversity. See [89,90]

Allele frequency sp trum tests (e.g.Tajima’s D), linkage isequilibrium,non-synonymous ynonymouspolymorphism rati (e.g. Kn/Ks)from sequence da

Is genetic diversitystrongly distributedacross populations?

Identification of centres of geneticdiversity, or genetically distinctregions, for prioritised conservation

Examine patterns ofpopulation geneticstructure to identify outlierpopulations. See [91]

[WGS], [RRS],[DE], [TS]with [IG] or[WGS],[DE]with [PPS]

Estimation of popu ion differentiationbased on SNP dat sing classicalF-statistics, PCA or MC and Bayesianderived estimates dmixture(e.g. STRUCTURE)

Non-genomic tools (e.g. SSRs) could beapplied to assess populationdifferentiation. However genomics offersbetter resolution and accuracy ofdiversity patterns, which may beimportant for detecting fine scale structure





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Table 1 Applications of genomics data to relevant steps in the decision framework (Continued)

Are somepopulations adaptedto local climate?

Identifying whether populationsshow adaptation to local climate(or other environmental variables)

Identify loci that havebeen under selection inpopulations conditionedon local environment.See [92-95]

[WGS], [RRS],[DE], [TS]with [IG] or[WGS], [DE]with [PPS]

Population level or landscape genomicsmethods based on SNP data: outliertests, relative rate tests, allelic associationwith environment and allelic associationwith adaptive traits. Computationalmodelling of genomic diversity evolutionunder environmental change

How to confidently link climate variablesto local adaptation, and how to inferadaptive capacity from genomic data arecurrently pressing questions in populationgenomics. However these questions alsoapply to other genetic methods.Characterising the local climateexperienced by a species is also achallenge, but microclimate modellingis improving rapidly. Phenotypic datais still essential to determine the extentof adaptation

How quickly can geneticadaptation occur?

Identify rates of geneticadaptation to environmentby screening adaptive variationin natural populationsexperiencing environmentalchange, or through simulated orexperimental evolution. See [96-98]

Is gene flow highenough? (or toohigh?)

Determining the extent of geneflow between existing populationsto inform on dispersal capabilityand also potential for adaptivealleles to spread or be swamped

Provide estimates of ongoinggene-flow and admixtureamong populations. See [99,100]

[WGS], [RRS],[DE], [TS]with [IG] or[WGS],[DE]with [PPS]

Coalescent genealogy sampling togenerate Bayesian and maximumlikelihood estimates of migration andgene flow (e.g. Lamarc, Migrate), orMCMC and Bayesian-derived estimates ofadmixture (e.g. STRUCTURE) based onSNP data. Genomics also has the powerto identify recent migrants and so testthe efficacy of movement pathways

Genomics can provide a morecomprehensive assessment of gene flowcompared to non-genomic tools (e.g.SSRs), particularly where rates of gene floware low

Is a positiveevolutionaryresponse possiblethrough naturalhybridisation withsympatric species?

Determining whetherhybridisation occurs in nature

Estimate rates and genomic extentof hybridisation/gene flow betweenspecies in situ. See [101-103]

[WGS], [RRS],[DE], [TS]with [IG] or[WGS],[DE]with [PPS]

Identify hybrid ancestry via comparison toknown non-hybrids. Estimate migrationand gene flow (e.g. Lamarc, Migrate) andadmixture (e.g. STRUCTURE) betweenspecies. Admixture quantification alsoconfirms F1 hybrid fecundity

Non-genomic tools are available foridentifying hybrids; however genomicsgives unprecedented power to detecteven low levels of introgression, and tounderstand how patterns of introgressionvary across the genome. Phenotypic dataare essential to determine whetherhybridisation is adaptiveAssess how quickly beneficial

alleles can move into apopulation or species

Track introgression of genomicregions under selection followingdocumented hybridisation events.Identify potential for hybridincompatibilities or swamping.See [104,105]

[WGS], [RRS],[DE], [TS]with [IG] or[WGS],[DE]with [PPS]

Track distribution of species specificalleles in population with regard tonull selection models. Transmissiondistortion in artificial F2 hybrids canindicate genetic incompatibilities

Can species migratequickly enough?

Assess potential for migration intoclimatic refugia given ecologicalconstraints and known rates ofgene flow

Provide accurate estimates of geneflow (as described above). See [106]

[WGS], [RRS],[DE], [TS]with [IG] or[WGS],[DE]with [PPS]

Genomic estimates of gene flow can becoupled with data on rates of dispersal ormovement and habitat analysis (pathanalyses, resistance models) to predictviability of dispersal pathways

Genomics can provide a morecomprehensive assessment of gene flowcompared to non-genomic tools (e.g.SSRs), particularly where rates of gene floware low

[WGS] whole-genome sequencing. See [107,108].[RRS] reduced representation sequencing (e.g. RADseq, GBS, DArTseq). See [109-111].[DE] DNA enrichment (e.g. exon capture, SureSelect, anchored hybrid enrichment). See [112,113].[TS] genotypes called from transcriptome sequencing or gene expression data. See [114,115].[IG] sequencing and analyses performed on individual genotypes. See [61].[PPS] sequencing and analyses performed on pooled population samples. See [69].





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also require additional sampling along transects andenvironmental clines. On the other hand, some otherexperimental questions, including identification of subspe-cies and long-range migrants, may require fewer samples.Significantly, none of these applications absolutely

requires individual-based whole-genome sequencing.However, high-quality whole-genome sequencing may bea viable option for species with small genomes and willalways provide the most complete data set. Another rea-son to consider whole-genome sequencing is to assemblea reference genome from one individual or line of the spe-cies in question. This can greatly aid in SNP calling, map-ping the variants that are identified and associatingphenotypes to particular regions, either in genetic crossesor population surveys, involving quantitative trait loci(QTL) mapping and genome-wide association studies(GWAS), respectively [116]. A typical reference genomesequencing project aims for >30× coverage, which is nowrelatively affordable. Currently, the limiting factor in denovo genome sequencing is the bioinformatic expertiserequired to assemble and annotate genomes to a highquality. At a minimum, annotation involves predicting thelocation and structure of a gene [117,118]; functionalannotation then involves predicting the function of anidentified gene, generally by comparison to relatedannotated genomes [119]. In the latter case, annota-tions remain challenging for non-model organisms[120], particularly when genome assemblies are of a lowquality [118].Sequencing costs may well continue to decrease in the

near future with third-generation sequencing (singlemolecule sequencing), and innovations such as nanopore-enabled nucleic acid sequencing could further improvequality and reduce costs [121]. With read lengths of49 kb + projected by companies like Oxford Nanopore[122], it may soon become possible to sequence entiregenomes of non-model organisms for less than athousand (US) dollars. This, combined with re-usablesequencing chips and mini USB-powered sequencers,ensures an increasingly important role for sequencingtechnologies in population genetic and microevolu-tionary studies related to climate change adaptation.

A decision frameworkA framework for management decisions and subsequentactions for biodiversity conservation under climatechange is presented in Figure 2 and Table 1; the frame-work is modified from that of Shoo et al. [123] to con-sider the potential for adaptation and possible roles forgenomic data. The aim of the framework is to guidethorough but practicable assessments of whether a spe-cies can adapt to climatic change through migration,physiological tolerance or adaptive evolution and to rec-ommend appropriate management actions that will help

it avoid extinction and retain genetic variation for long-term survival. Although the framework is designed toconsider threatened species, we have interpreted itbroadly to include an assessment of adaptation in spe-cies that might not be threatened but nevertheless per-form a critical function within ecosystems. Each step inthe framework requires answering a question relevant toclimate change tolerance/adaptation, and those wheregenomic approaches are particularly relevant are shadedpurple in Figure 2 (those best answered with non-genomic information like climatic or ecological data areshaded grey). Questions where genomics are relevant arebroken down further in Table 1 into specific experimen-tal approaches that may or may not be appropriate forthe species of interest. The limitations of genomic ap-proaches are also noted. The text below considers eachstep in the framework in turn, expanding particularly onthose to which the genomics applies.

Assessing environment suitability and persistenceAssessing the likelihood that environmental suitability willdeclineSpecies distribution models, often also referred to asecological niche models or bioclimatic envelope models,and methods of modelling community-level turnoversuch as generalised dissimilarity modelling are currentlythe main tools used to obtain spatially explicit predic-tions of habitat (environmental) suitability for speciesunder climate change [25,124,125] (D1 in Figure 2).These approaches use associations between climate andspecies’ distributions to enable projections of future po-tential distributions under climate change scenarios.Whilst uses of such models have been criticised in thepast, models that thoroughly account for algorithmic un-certainties, followed by careful interpretation of results,remain useful and widely used tools for forecasting im-pacts of climate change on large numbers of species [126].

Assessing whether species can tolerate change in situIf a substantive risk that environmental suitability willdecline under climate change has been identified, thenthe next step is to determine which species and commu-nities should become the focus of ongoing management(D2 in Figure 2). Whilst many species are expected to beat risk from climate change, others may not be threat-ened because the projected change will fall within theirtolerance limits. This section briefly discusses how gen-omic approaches might be used to determine the extentto which species will be able to tolerate climatic changesin situ, without the need for evolutionary responses andmanagement intervention.The first approach is to screen biomarkers that are con-

sistently linked to levels of physiological stress to deter-mine whether physiological limits are being approached

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Figure 2 Management framework adapted from [123], highlighting (blue for decisions, green for action) where genomics can benefitdecision-making. Decisions and actions are discussed in detail in the text. Italicised points indicate past/current approaches to addressingmanagement questions. Plain-text points indicate the additional information genomics can provide.

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or exceeded. Transcriptome sequencing can provide a sig-nal of physiological stress in natural populations and wild-caught individuals [49,127], indicating a population thatmay not be functioning at its peak; for instance, transcrip-tomic stress profiling on several fish species has demon-strated a link between changes in the expression ofparticular genes and the physical condition of the fish[81,128]. One current challenge with this approach is thatkey biomarker genes have not yet been identified for manygroups of organisms, although transcriptomic data for arange of species across various stresses are rapidly accu-mulating and generalities about useful markers mayemerge. A subsequent challenge is to interpret quantita-tive transcript changes in terms of the critical physio-logical limits for the species in question [129].A related approach is to use transcriptomic profiling

to determine whether there is a capacity to mitigate thedetrimental effects of environmental change via pheno-typic plasticity. Just as some aspects of a transcriptomicprofile may indicate a species approaching a physio-logical limit, so can other changes in the profile highlightan underlying capacity to tolerate change through thephysiological plasticity of individual genotypes, evenwhen phenotypic responses are not outwardly evident[82,130]. Given the importance of phenotypic plasticityas an adaptive mechanism for organisms facing climatechange, such transcriptomic approaches could be usedto investigate their capacity to respond physiologicallywithout necessarily involving any evolutionary change.As above, such an approach is currently constrained bythe very limited understanding of how gene expressionchanges link to fitness/performance under stressful con-ditions, but the situation is expected to improve giventhe current proliferation of transcriptomic studies. Theapproach is illustrated by a transcriptomic comparisonof populations of the sparrow Zonotrichia capensis fromaltitudinal extremes of its range, carried out on both in-dividuals sampled directly from the field and on thosethen transferred to a low altitude “common garden”environment [131]. There was no difference between thetranscriptomes of the two populations under the latterconditions whereas samples obtained directly from thefield differed in their expression of nearly 200 genes,pointing to the involvement of plastic changes in gene ex-pression profiles rather than evolved differences amongthe populations.Genomics can provide insights into the way popula-

tions of a species may have responded to climate changein the past. Estimates of historical demographic changeover recent or long time scales can be obtained fromanalyses of the scale and structure of sequence variationin extant populations [132,133]. The time course ofchanges in population size and structure obtained canthen be used to link past population expansions and

contractions to historical climate change, giving a clueas to the vulnerability of a species (based on both plasticand evolved responses) to future climate change.Finally, phylogenetic and phylogenomic studies may

provide insights into the capacity of species and lineagesto tolerate contemporary climate change (Table 1). Thewell-supported, well-dated phylogenetic trees that canbe produced with genomic data provide an opportunityto assess whether certain taxonomic groups are morevulnerable to climate change than others. The potentialinsights that might emerge from such studies are illus-trated by traditional multi-locus phylogenetic (ratherthan phylogenomic) studies carried out to date. Thus acontinent-wide avian phylogeny showed that Europeanbirds whose niches evolved more slowly in the pastexhibited greater levels of demographic decline in thetwentieth century, both at the individual species and theoverall family level [134]. Similarly, Crisp et al. [135]used a phylogenetic framework to show that relativelyfew groups of southern hemisphere plants have speciatedfrom the alpine biome to the sclerophyll biome, but manyhave speciated across sclerophyll/arid boundaries, suggest-ing that groups of alpine species are more at risk of extinc-tion than sclerophyll species given an equivalent amountof climate change.If a species is predicted to tolerate climatic changes

and persist in situ, then no further action is requiredother than ongoing monitoring and assessment (action 1in Figure 2). If, on the other hand, it is predicted thatthe species may not be able to persist in situ, then thenext step in the decision framework is to identifywhether there are any climatic refugia, internal to thespecies range, that might buffer it from change andfacilitate persistence.

Identifying climate refugia within a species’ current rangeRefugia are defined as habitats that species retreat to,persist in and potentially expand from under changingenvironmental conditions, and are usually places provid-ing environmental heterogeneity and climatic stability asregional environments change [136]. Genomic data canbe used in combination with ecological data and speciesdistribution models to identify places where popula-tions of a species have persisted through periods ofclimatic instability and maintained genetic diversity(D3 in Figure 2). Such places become candidate refugiafor the species under future climate change. Geneticsignatures of refugia have often been detected usingorganelle markers [137,138], but as noted above, line-ages that have undergone bottlenecks over relativelyrecent geological timescales (e.g. glacial cycles) canalso be identified using high numbers of neutral loci,which can accurately reconstruct temporal changes in ef-fective population size skyline plots [139]. For example, in

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antbirds in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, genetic studiesshowed that populations in areas with high last glacialmaximum (LGM) stability exhibited long-term populationgrowth, whilst populations in less climatically stable re-gions showed strong demographic fluctuations, support-ing previously hypothesised refugial areas [140]. Ongoingwork incorporating these genomically estimated demo-graphic effects of climatic changes with spatial modellingis likely to improve future estimations of extinction risk[141]. Climate change in the last glacial maximum(approximately 21 kya) can also be used to project fu-ture refugia utilising spatial modelling approaches (seebelow). Once refugia have been identified, they shouldbe secured from further threat (Action 2 in Figure 2).

Measuring genetic diversity across landscapes: landscapegenomics and beyondDo populations have enough genetic diversity for anevolutionary response?Conservation geneticists working on threatened speciesand other key species maintaining ecosystem functionhave largely focussed on selectively neutral variation tothis point, in part because of its ability to provide un-biased estimates of demographic factors like populationsize, random drift, mutation and migration. The level ofneutral variation in threatened and non-threatened spe-cies can also provide an indirect but reasonable indica-tion of adaptive diversity when this is dependent onfactors like population size [142,143]. Adaptive variationis much more difficult to measure directly because itrequires either linking variation in specific genes toadaptive responses or assessing the extent to which vari-ation in traits under selection is genetically determined(heritability and evolvability). Therefore, overall geneticdiversity has generally been taken as a reasonable proxyfor the small fraction of the diversity that is functionallyassociated with higher adaptive potential under climatechange. However, population and quantitative genomicsalso now offer some powerful new ways to probe foradaptive variation (D4 in Figure 2).Population genomics can distinguish particular loci

showing signatures of selection from the genomic back-ground, identifying whether adaptive genetic variation ispresent in the organism. The data required usually in-volve genome-wide sequencing of multiple genomesfrom the species in question, although various samplingdesigns are appropriate depending on the precise natureof the organism and the question. For example, somesampling designs are better able to measure linkage dis-equilibrium than others, and some designs also allowtimeframes for selection to be estimated. The bioinformat-ics approaches are well established and have been usedsuccessfully in many cases, e.g. [144-149]. A key finding ofearly studies has been that genomic landscapes appear as

mosaics, with some regions providing signatures diagnos-tic of various forms of positive and balancing selection,and others comprised of apparently neutral or near-neutral diversity [150-152].This population genomic approach does not itself elu-

cidate the precise targets of selection (which may be inlarge tracts of the genome spanning coding or regulatoryregions) or the specific nature of fitness differences.However, two major quantitative genomics techniquesare available that enable genomic data to be linked tothe phenotype. In both cases, data are required jointlyon genomic and phenotypic variation, either from popula-tion samples (GWAS) or crossing experiments (for QTLmapping). A variety of experimental designs are used,mostly based on samples of individuals but in some caseson pooled samples, and either WGS or various RRS, DNAenrichment (DE) or other sequencing strategies can bedeployed (Table 1). Issues including the level of linkagedisequilibrium and population structure in field popula-tions and ease of breeding and productivity in laboratorycrosses will determine which approach is taken and thespecifics of the design, but there is a large body of litera-ture to guide such studies; see discussion and referencesin [153]. Whilst laborious, these experiments are beingused more frequently and becoming cheaper. Examples ofclimate-related phenotypes that have been mapped to par-ticular genetic variants by these means include life historyadaptations in various populations of Arabidopsis [154]and Parus major [155] and tolerance to desiccation resist-ance [156] and thermal stress [157] in Drosophila.The welter of transcriptomic and other functional gen-

omic studies now being conducted on a wide range oforganisms is rapidly expanding our understanding of boththe potential functions of particular sorts of genes andtheir networks of functional relationships [158]. Compara-tive genomics is helping to identify syntenic blocks andgene families which have expanded or contracted in asso-ciation with particular ecological niches or adaptationssuch as frugivory in bats [159] and sensitivity of honeybeesto insecticides [160]. A rapidly increasing number of stud-ies are using such approaches to provide functional linksbetween components of the genome and climate-relatedphenotypes, e.g. [131,161]. We anticipate a time when theresults of genome-wide scans of sequence variation will beinterpretable in these specific ways.When assessing changes in genetic variation, museum

and herbarium specimens can provide access to temporalseries of collections or other material that for variousreasons cannot be obtained otherwise. The technology forretrieving data of usable quality from such specimens hasimproved substantially, e.g. [162], and it has already en-abled several studies showing progressive changes in genefrequencies in various organisms over time frames out toabout 100 years, e.g. [112,163]. This may provide unique

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clues about recent genetic changes, be they losses ofgenetic variation or of positive selective processes alreadyunderway. In either case, they will be important inputsinto decisions about interventions such as conservationtranslocations, both within (reinforcement translocation)and external to (assisted colonisation) species’ currentranges (“Defining translocations” section, actions 4 and 6in Figure 2) and enforced hybridisation (action 7 inFigure 2) discussed further below.If a species is assessed as harbouring adequate levels

of genetic variation, then no direct management actionsshould be automatically triggered, although ongoingmonitoring of genetic diversity can ensure the levelsremain sufficient for adaptive responses (action 1 inFigure 2). If some populations harbour more geneticdiversity than others, then understanding how that di-versity is distributed across the species’ range, and theextent to which some populations have adapted to localclimatic conditions, may lead to specific managementactions (action 3 in Figure 2).Although genomics provides powerful ways of asses-

sing adaptive and neutral genetic variation, links be-tween the different types of genetic diversity andadaptive capacity can only ultimately be establishedthrough phenotypic association studies. Whilst the pres-ence of genetic variation in loci generally, and in thoselikely to be involved in adaptive changes, can highlightthe potential for evolution, it does not necessarily indi-cate the extent to which phenotypes in populations canbe changed by selection.

Do some populations have high genetic diversity?Understanding how overall genetic diversity is parti-tioned among populations across a species’ range is crit-ical in predicting the adaptive capacity of the species(D5a and D5b in Figure 2, Table 1). Additionally, it in-forms about the potential for migration to facilitate per-sistence under climate change [149]. The approachesdescribed in the sections below allow the identificationof species that harbour low diversity in some popula-tions and “hotspots” of genetic diversity in others. Thelatter are obvious targets for conservation and usefulsource populations for reinforcement translocations(“Defining translocations” section). Low-diversity popu-lations, however, may have low adaptive potential underclimate change and may be targets for improvingconnectivity (see “Gene flow” below, Figure 2 D6) orreinforcement translocations (action 4 in Figure 2,“Defining translocations” section) to increase diversity.The various sequencing strategies outlined above forpopulation and quantitative genomics within populationsare also applicable to samples from different populationsand, as illustrated below, have often revealed significantdifferences in divergence levels across the genome.

Are some populations already adapted to local climate?Where populations differ in their allelic composition,tests for genetic divergence deviating from theoreticalneutral expectations can be applied to detect local adap-tation (D5b in Figure 2). Quantifying local adaptation isimportant because this can indicate whether populationsalready possess genetic variation that could allow per-sistence under climate change. Measures of populationdifferentiation such as Wright’s FST are commonly usedas a metric for local adaptation in methods for detectingadaptive divergence that can include explicit assump-tions about demographic history [164-166], although thisapproach can indicate an excessive number of apparentlyadaptive loci if assumptions about demography are in-correct [167]. Similarly, tests for consistent differencesin the frequencies of alleles between replicated pairs ofpopulations such as the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel (CMH)test can be used to identify locally adapted loci wherepopulation pairs are compared for a common selectiveconstraint [96]. Relative rate tests such as the McDonald-Kreitman (MK) test permit comparisons of diversitywithin populations to divergences between them (or fromrelated species), where departure from theoretical ratiosfor neutral loci can imply local adaptation [168,169].Software is becoming available to allow many of thesewell-known tests to be carried out on genome-scaledata [170-172].For widespread species whose geographic ranges en-

compass environmental gradients, the association of al-lelic variation among populations (or individuals) withenvironmental factors can also be an indicator of localadaptation, as long as neutral patterns of genetic vari-ation are taken into account [147,173-175]. Several stat-istical approaches have been developed to test for suchassociations, many of which incorporate informationon demographic history utilising general linear models[176], logistic regression [177], generalised estimatingequations [178] or other types of models [179-181].Central to these analyses is that demographic historyis explicitly accounted for, in order to avoid erroneousconclusions of adaptive divergence in allele frequen-cies [167]. These approaches have identified genomicregions differentiated across climatic gradients, suchas four regions repeatedly associated with minimumtemperature in the alpine plant Arabis alpina [178]and five regions associated with precipitation in thealpine plant Campanula barbata [182]. However, iso-lating the specific environmental factor responsible forspatial genetic variation can still be challenging becausedifferent factors will often be spatially correlated.The above approaches highlight ways to identify genomic

regions that are involved either in historic adaptation tolongstanding ecological gradients [92] or adaptation to re-cent environmental change including from anthropogenic

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sources [93,183]. This can help distinguish populations thatmay be at risk due to a lack of adaptive diversity from thosewhich already possess genetic variants that could allowpersistence under climate change. However, unless thecontribution of specific genes to the size of adaptive shiftsis known and the nature of environmental variation linkedto the genes has been clearly identified, these types ofapproaches cannot indicate the rate and extent of an adap-tive response possible across a species’ range. As with theintra-population variation considered above, quantitativegenomics is still needed, both to narrow down the genomicregion specifically responsible for the adaptive phenotypicdifferences and to assess the size of phenotypic effectsassociated with particular regions.

Is gene flow high enough (or too high)?If genetic variation has been identified in certain popula-tions of a species that could help other populationsadapt to climate change, then it is important to deter-mine whether there is an appropriate level of gene flowbetween populations (D6 in Figure 2). Gene flow can aidadaptation by increasing genetic variation and/or byintroducing better adapted genotypes. Interbreeding withdivergent individuals migrating into a population canalso generate entirely new genotypes that may be bettersuited to tolerating the novel conditions expected underclimate change [184-186]. Whilst gene flow usually doesimprove adaptive capacity, high levels of gene flow canalso result in a loss of local adaptation and reduction inpopulation fitness [187], although empirical evidence fordeleterious gene flow is still limited [44].Natural or anthropogenic barriers as well as habitat

fragmentation can disrupt gene flow by preventing themigration and dispersal of individuals. Topographicallycomplex landscapes with sharp environmental gradientsmay drive local adaptation and produce regions contain-ing genotypes adapted to different conditions. This inturn may lead to isolation by adaptation—i.e. the exclu-sion of immigrating individuals from the breeding pooldue to higher fitness of local genotypes [188,189]. Theselandscape-scale processes can also lead to reproductiveisolation—such as through mating or flowering phen-ology—resulting in little or no effective gene flow be-tween geographically close populations [190-192].Historical and contemporary gene flow between popu-

lations can be accurately estimated using genomic data.For example, high contemporary gene flow as well aslocal adaptation in red abalone has been identified utilis-ing SNPs discovered through transcriptome sequencing[193], whilst historical gene flow between closely relatedspecies of Heliconius butterflies was identified usingtargeted enrichment sequencing [99]. RAD sequencinghas identified genetic isolation among populations ofherring [63] and speciation in cichlid fishes [100]. Gene

flow estimates utilising RAD-seq-derived SNPs detectedinbreeding in wild harbour seals, suggesting isolationbetween natural seal populations [194]. Some of thesegenomic studies on gene flow, e.g. [99,193] are point-ing to highly heterogeneous rates of gene flow acrossthe genome; intra-population and quantitative analyses asoutlined in previous sections are then invaluable in ascer-taining the adaptive significance of such heterogeneity.If key populations have been shown to be isolated

from adaptive variation, or from high overall variationlocated elsewhere in the species’ range, then the next de-cision is to determine whether migration pathways canbe restored (D7 in Figure 2).

Genetic opportunities—managing for diversity andadaptive capacityThe previous part of the framework deals with the im-portance of genetic diversity to evolutionary responsesto environmental change, how to infer adaptive capacityfrom measures of genetic diversity and the potentialimportance of gene flow. The next part considers thepotential of more active interventions for species forwhich the actions outlined to this point are unlikely tobe sufficient.

Can degraded landscapes be restored to enhance geneflow and adaptive shifts?Landscape revegetation is a major programme of activityto address climate change worldwide [195,196]. The aimis generally to restore fragmented and degraded land-scapes, thus enhancing the scope, quality and accessibil-ity of key refuge areas for both key species and wholecommunities [197]. However, little effort is currentlyinvested in assessing the adaptive potential of the treesand shrubs that have been planted and hence the likeli-hood that they will persist under climate change. Atpresent, most revegetation efforts revolve around the no-tion of local provenancing, where germplasm is collectedfrom neighbouring areas on the assumption that it isadapted to local conditions. If there is strong local adap-tation, then this approach will facilitate short-term es-tablishment, but it may not be the best approach in thelonger term, given changing environmental conditions.Compounding the issue, local provenancing often resultsin seed collections from small local populations that aregenetically depauperate [198,199], leading to low geneticvariation with inadequate potential for adaptive responseto future changed conditions [200,201].Genomics, in conjunction with functional trait ana-

lysis, can play a major role in addressing these issues, asit helps characterise climatic adaptation potential (D7 inFigure 2). Whilst most landscape-scale revegetation pro-grammes do not undertake breeding or selection for spe-cific traits, assessment of genomic sequence variation in

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natural populations or provenances under considerationas seed sources can provide important information onstanding genetic diversity and, in due course, on adap-tive variation in particular regions [202]. In revegetationprogrammes using foundation species where some selec-tion may be feasible, identification of gene variants thathave been targets of environmental selection may beused to guide selections for alleles that may be best suitedto projected environments. Such genomic approaches arebeing undertaken in an increasing number of key speciesin revegetation programmes in Australia (Table 2).

Table 2 Examples of application of genomic approaches to coand shrubs

Species Who Current status

Grey box(Eucalyptusmicrocarpa)

The University ofMelbourne, CSIRO

Part of threatenedvegetation community

Yellow box(Eucalyptusmelliodora)

Australian NationalUniversity, CSIRO,Department of Parksand Wildlife

Part of threatenedvegetation community

Riverred gum(Eucalyptuscamaldulensis)

CSIRO Not currently threatened,but at risk due to river regulat


Department of Parksand Wildlife, CSIRO,Edith Cowan University,University of Tasmania

Important species infragmented communitiesof south-eastern Australia

York gum(Eucalyptusloxophleba)

Department of Parks andWildlife, CSIRO, EdithCowan University,Australian National University

Important species infragmented communitiesof south-western WA (SWWA)


Department of Parks andWildlife, CSIRO, Edith CowanUniversity, AustralianNational University

Dominant species inGreat Western Woodlandsof SWWA


Department of Parks andWildlife, AustralianNational University, CSIRO

Dominant species in jarrahforest system in SWWA


Department of Parks andWildlife, University ofWestern Sydney

Major co-dominantspecies in forest andwoodlands in SWWA


Department of Parks andWildlife, WarrenCatchment Council

Patchy distribution inriparian vegetation alongriver systems in SWWA

Native willow(Callistachuslanceolata)

Department of Parks andWildlife, Warren CatchmentCouncil

Patchy distribution inriparian vegetation alongriver systems in SWWA


Department of Parks andWildlife, WarrenCatchment Council

Patchy distribution inriparian vegetation alongriver systems in SWWA


University of WesternSydney, The Royal BotanicGardens, Sydney

Patchy distribution alongan environmental gradientfrom coastal area to inlandareas

Several provenancing strategies involving assisted geneflow have been suggested in the context of climatechange. Predictive provenancing requires identificationof the predicted climate at a certain point in the futureand sourcing seed from sites where that climate cur-rently occurs [197]. Composite provenancing involvesmixing seed collected from increasing distances awayfrom the site to maximise genetic diversity and mimicnatural gene flow [198]. Admixture provenancing suggestscollecting seed from a range of environments withoutregard to the local site conditions [200]. Climate-adjusted

nservation and revegetation of some Australian trees

Genetic/genomics studies Actions

Landscape genomics,including effects offragmentation, andgene trait association

1) Identification of adaptive variationcan be applied to guide selection ofclimatically adapted material based onprojected changes to niche envelopes

Landscape genomicsand gene trait association

ionLandscape genomics,landscape transcriptomicsand gene trait association[203]

2) Monitor standing diversity inselections to maintain adaptivepotential

Landscape genomics andfunctional trait assessmentacross climate gradient[202,204]

3) Guide selections with respectto neutral population structureand gene flow

Landscape genomics andfunctional trait assessmentacross climate gradient

4) Screen existing plantings—locallysourced—to assess their resiliencebased on the above criteria

Landscape genomics andfunctional trait assessmentacross climate gradient[205]

Landscape genomics andfunctional trait assessmentacross climate gradient

Landscape genomics andfunctional trait assessmentacross climate gradient

Landscape genomicsacross river catchment andclimate gradient

Landscape genomicsacross river catchment andclimate gradient

Landscape genomicsacross river catchment andclimate gradient

Common gardenexperiments, landscapegenomics across climategradients [206]

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provenancing involves sourcing seed from sites alongthe projected direction of climate change [202,207].Climate-adjusted provenancing has the advantage ofsimultaneously mixing seed sources to increase geneticvariation and recruiting from populations likely to beadapted to future climates without needing to target anyparticular population specifically. This approach is par-ticularly suitable for species with long generation times,where the impacts of climate change will be felt within ageneration, and maximising the adaptive diversity in thegene pool is essential to future population persistence.Assisted migration approaches, such as the various

provenancing strategies outlined above, may be criticalto maintain ecosystems under climate change [207]. How-ever, it should also be noted that the genetic potential ofseed sources is just one of the many issues that requiremanagement in revegetation programmes (e.g. soil symbi-onts, disease, weed risk), and there are decision frame-works available for managing these issues [199,208,209]that can be applied in a wider climatic context.

Potential for naturally occurring hybridisation andintrogressionIf no populations within a species harbour adequategenetic diversity, the next step is to consider whetherongoing evolutionary responses to climate change mightbe enhanced by naturally occurring hybridisation withclosely related species (D8 in Figure 2). Hybridisationhas been shown to play a role in moving adaptive genesets between closely related species, and in such cases, itwill alter predictions for future phylogenetic diversity aswell as the adaptive capacity of species, e.g. [210-213]. Ifhybridisation is as common and evolutionarily significantin natural systems as many researchers now consider, itcould help species modify their phenotypes rapidlyenough to accommodate current rates of environmentalchange. In the past, statistical evidence for determiningthe extent of hybridisation in nature has been difficult toobtain because patterns of genetic variation caused by hy-bridisation look similar to the patterns of genetic variationcaused by the incomplete sorting of alleles that canaccompany species divergence [212,214,215]. However,analytical approaches that use genome sequence data forrobust inferences of hybridisation have recently beendeveloped [215-219], which should help to better under-stand the extent and adaptive significance of hybridisationin nature.Importantly, next-generation sequencing (NGS) sequen-

cing of species complexes is showing that adaptive differ-entiation and introgression do not necessarily involvemuch of the genome. With our own species, researchersestimate that whilst less than 7% of our genome is in-trogressed with the DNA of extinct hominid species, thecaptured DNA sequences have helped humans adapt to a

variety of climates and resist pathogens [211,212,218]. Al-though “genomic extinction” resulting from hybridisationin nature has been suggested by some researchers to occurwhere endemic species are replaced by invasive speciesthat acquire endemic adaptations [220], genetic rescue byinterspecific hybridisation need not abolish local adapta-tions. The genetic basis for many of these is likely to beconcentrated in islands of adaptive divergence, such asseen in Eurasian Ficedula flycatchers [151] and Heliconiusbutterflies [221]. In humans, recent evidence has emergedthat there is strong selection against regions of intro-gressed genomes that are not advantageous, includingselection against genes that reduce the fertility of hy-brids [218].Several studies are also now capitalising on inexpensive

NGS-based transcriptome analyses to dissect hybri-disation and the impact that introgression events have onecological diversification and reproductive compatibilityof plant species (e.g. Helianthus sunflowers [222], toma-toes [223], alpine cress [127] and Senecio [224]). Biotic andabiotic stress response genes are commonly implicated inecological diversification and adaptation. Whilst gene ex-pression differences for such genes occur between parentspecies and hybrids, there is little evidence at this pointfor regulatory incompatibility between the respective ge-nomes of closely related hybridising species. In an inform-ative study, Moran and Fontdevilla [225] followed up fullgenome sequencing of two hybridising Drosophila specieswith a QTL analysis of the (incomplete) post-zygoticreproductive barriers between them. They successfullymapped several loci contributing to those barriers andshowed they acted cumulatively according to a polygenicthreshold model. That is, sterility was more a function ofthe extent of genetic divergence of the parent species’genomes than the action of major hybrid sterility genes.Such findings could have important implications for gen-etic rescue efforts that consider breeding between genetic-ally isolated populations and species, e.g. [226-228], butmany more studies will be needed before generalisationswill emerge.

Do climate refugia outside species’ current ranges existand can species reach them?From an ecological perspective, climatic refugia are oftendefined as those areas where the projected future envir-onment is most similar to the current environment of aspecies or community [229] or where environmental andspatial heterogeneity maintains microclimatic variationas regional environments change [136] (D9 and D10 inFigure 2). The premise is that such sites are likely toserve as important refugia for species that are unable toadapt to the novel conditions projected under climatechange. Identification of refugia is modelled for individualspecies using species distribution models as discussed

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previously or continent-wide for functional groups oforganisms using community modelling [2]. Such refugiacan be identified using a range of pattern- and process-based characteristics, including climate projection models,combined with information about current environmentalattributes, to estimate the scale of change expected acrossthe landscape and the overall similarity between areas ofcurrent and future landscape. For instance, Dunlop et al.[2] modelled the scale of novel environments expectedunder climate change across the Australian continent, inorder to estimate the areas likely to have the least amountof change from their current climate. These projectionswere then used to estimate how well current environ-ments are represented in the National Reserve System ofAustralia under future environments and thus how wellthe reserve system protects biodiversity over the longerterm. These methods estimate refugial areas that are in-side as well as outside the current range of species, whichare important to persistence as long as the speciesare able to disperse to them and there is vacant ecologicalspace [230].Once such refugia have been identified, the next man-

agement step is to ensure that they are secured againstthreatening processes (action 5 in Figure 2), such as byinclusion in protected areas, e.g. [2,229]. The key ques-tion then is whether the species of concern will be ableto reach them and be able to establish there. Modellingapproaches estimating the velocity of climate change[231] provide an estimate of the scale of effort requiredfor a species to reach a refugium. Information aboutcurrent levels of gene flow combined with informationabout movement pathways, and the extent of landscape

Table 3 Definition of terms used in translocations

Term Definition

Translocation Human-mediated movement of living oTranslocation is an overarching term

Conservation translocation Intentional movement and release of aconservation benefit: this will usually colocally or globally and/or restoring natueither within or outside the species indi

Population restoration Any conservation translocation within in

Reinforcement Part of population restoration. The intenof conspecifics. Reinforcement aims to eby increasing genetic diversity or by inc

Reintroduction Part of population restoration. The intenrange from which it has disappeared

Conservation introduction Intentional movement and release of anand ecological replacement

Assisted colonisation Part of conservation introduction, involvindigenous range to avoid extinction of

Ecological replacement Part of conservation introduction involvindigenous range to perform a specific

Definitions (but with addition of genes) according to IUCN (2013) Guidelines for reiSurvival Commission, Gland, Switzerland.

fragmentation/revegetation, is likely to assist in under-standing whether species are able to reach refugial areas.If it seems unlikely that the species in question will beable to colonise such refugia because of barriers to geneflow, low rates of migration or the absence of vacantspace, assisted colonisation might be considered (Table 3,action 6 in Figure 2).

Last ditch efforts for critical speciesCan assisted colonisation, enforced hybridisation and exsitu conservation help?This section considers interventions for threatened spe-cies or populations that have failed or are likely to fail topersist with the management options above and are at,or approaching, endangered or critically endangered sta-tus (D11, D12 and D13 in Figure 2). It deals first withtranslocations aimed at restoring levels of genetic diver-sity and adaptive capacity within a species’ range(reinforcement translocations) (“Defining translocations”section, action 4 in Figure 2). Weeks et al. [199] definethese types of translocations as genetic rescue (wherethe aim is to rescue populations from the genetic effectsof inbreeding and associated loss of genetic diversity andinbreeding depression) or genetic restoration (where theaim is to restore levels of adaptive genetic diversity viaongoing translocations from the source population).Note that some of the provenancing strategies consid-ered in the section on revegetation above also have ele-ments of genetic rescue/restoration, the key differencebeing that the species in question for revegetation arenot themselves endangered and the focus for conserva-tion. This section then considers translocations aimed at

rganisms or their genes from one area, with release in another.

living organism or its genes where the primary objective is amprise improving the conservation status of the focal speciesral ecosystem functions or processes. It can cover translocationsgenous range

digenous range and comprises reinforcement and reintroduction

tional movement and release of an organism into an existing populationnhance population viability, for instance by increasing population size,reasing the representation of specific demographic groups or stages

tional movement and release of an organism inside its indigenous

organism outside its indigenous range. Consists of assisted colonisation

es intentional movement and release of an organism outside itspopulations of the focal species

es intentional movement and release of an organism outside itsecological function

ntroductions and other conservation translocations, version 1.0., IUCN Species

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hybridising evolutionary significant units [232,233] andsub- or sibling species (assisted colonisation) (action 7 inFigure 2). Finally it discusses the last resort option of exsitu conservation (e.g. captive breeding or seed nurseries),which Weeks et al. [199] term genetic capture (action 8 inFigure 2).Genetic rescue and genetic restoration are appropriate

where a key population of a species or subspecies hasfallen to such low numbers <1,000 [199,234] that theexposure of genetic load through inbreeding becomes asignificant fitness issue (inbreeding depression) compoun-ding the challenges of adapting to a changing environ-ment. Both genetic rescue and genetic restoration involvethe translocation of individuals from another, larger popu-lation of the species, usually aiming for up to 20% geneflow from the source population [199,235] and, in the caseof genetic restoration, also aiming to continue gene flowthrough ongoing translocation at a rate of at least oneeffective migrant per generation, which is thought to beenough to reduce the disruptive effects of genetic drift[236]. The goal is to reduce genetic load, inbreedingdepression and the detrimental effects of genetic driftwhilst also, as with genetic adaptation above, enhancingthe prospects for successful adaptation to the changingenvironment by boosting genetic variation and the oppor-tunities it provides for generating novel recombinants.Hedrick [235] has shown that gene flow of up to 20% intoa recipient population is not likely to swamp locallyadapted alleles, particularly those under strong selection.Such genetic rescue/restoration has been successful inseveral recent cases, such as the Florida panthers, greaterprairie chickens in North America, adders in Sweden,South Island robins in New Zealand and mountain pygmypossums in Australia [227,237,238]. However, as withtranslocations for genetic adaptation above, it is still con-tentious and has been underutilised as a tool in the con-servation of endangered species.Genetic rescue and restoration translocations have

partly been underutilised due to concerns around preserv-ing “unique” genetically distinct populations and avoidingoutbreeding depression. But uniqueness in endangeredpopulations and species is more likely to be a result ofdrift processes than mutation alone [239] and the risk ofoutbreeding depression has clearly been overstated [240].At any rate, the markers generated using NGS technologieswill be more informative than neutral markers (e.g. micro-satellites) for differentiating between populations that areadaptively unique, compared with those populations thathave lost variation through drift processes by identifyingloci under selection [146]. Similarly, NGS might givegreater insight into the likelihood of inbreeding and out-breeding depression by assessing the number of genomicregions that are adaptively unique within source and re-cipient populations, and that decrease fitness, e.g. [241].

Concerns about conserving genetic integrity, andproblems with outbreeding depression, become morepronounced when the only option available for geneticrescue involves translocating individuals from a differentsubspecies or species. However, the increasing pressurefrom climate change and other drivers of widespread en-vironmental change mean that the potential risks of suchgenetic rescue are increasingly outweighed by the oppor-tunity to rescue species or subspecies that would other-wise disappear altogether. Whilst it is generally onlyenacted when population sizes have fallen to a few indi-viduals, there have been some significant successes withthis strategy. The classic case of genetic rescue involvedthe Florida panther (Puma concolor coryi) where the intro-duction of eight female pumas from a different subspecies(Puma concolor stanleyana) from Texas restored depletedgenetic diversity, reversed inbreeding depression andincreased population size [242]. Similarly, the NorfolkIsland boobook owl, Ninox novaeseelandiae undulata,was reduced to a single female in 1986, and the deliberateintroduction of two males of its nearest relative (the NewZealand boobook, N. n. novaeseelandiae) saved this sub-species from extinction, albeit in hybrid form [243].Clearly, there are instances when such radical transloca-tions can save endangered species (or at least some oftheir genetic history), and more thought needs to be givenas to how NGS technologies might better inform aboutwhen these instances will lead to success (e.g. byexamining patterns of adaptive diversity, developingbetter estimates of divergence at adaptive loci, etc.).NGS monitoring in the first few generations after theinitial hybridisation might also suggest possible fur-ther interventions to maximise adaptation.Another last resort option for endangered species in-

volves ex situ conservation. Genetic issues are critical inthis option but genetic input into the management ofcaptive breeding/seed nursery programmes has generallybeen based on relatively few neutral markers [244]. Asalready noted, genomics can now provide much morecomprehensive coverage of neutral markers and givenew insights into important adaptive processes. The dataquality can also be improved by having access to a referencegenome from the target species (or related species) and, asalready noted, the costs of this continue to decrease, mak-ing it a viable option for conservation programmes.More specifically, NGS resequencing will permit gen-

etic relatedness among individuals to be accurately esti-mated across the genome. This in turn will enable betterdecisions, both in captive breeding strategies and in theselection of individuals for release back into particularfield populations [146]. This increases the chances ofavoiding inbreeding depression and perhaps even in-creasing adaptive variation both in captive and naturalpopulations. The prospects of avoiding some of the

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specific deleterious fitness effects that have plagued exsitu captive breeding programmes [245,246] are also im-proved, for example, by ensuring maximum diversity isretained in key genomic regions related to disease resist-ance and by reducing the frequencies of alleles that havebeen associated with mating incompatibility or specificrecessive conditions, either in the species under study orin others [244]. Changes in gene frequencies over gener-ations of captive breeding can also alert managers toavoid alleles that may be associated with adaptation tocaptivity and to compare the genetic composition to nat-ural populations, either overall or in specific localitiestargeted for reintroductions [244]. As knowledge of genefunction improves, it may be possible to identify and se-lect for alleles associated with particular environments(e.g. desiccation resistance, drought tolerance or phen-ology that may be required under future climate scenar-ios [146]).However, it should be emphasised that decisions

around assisted colonisation and ex situ conservationwill involve many considerations unrelated to geneticvariation and evolutionary capacity. These include fac-tors like evaluating the impact of removing individualsfrom source populations as well as the impact of intro-ductions on existing biota in target sites, assessing thelikely costs of such translocations within the context ofother demands on conservation budgets, and social orcultural aspects such as the value placed by the publicon a threatened species.

Concluding remarksOur framework highlights the potential of genomic stud-ies to contribute to strategies for conserving biodiversity.Both population and quantitative genomics are crucial,aided by, but not dependent on, a good reference gen-ome sequence. However, these genomic approaches donot provide a panacea for the problems in biodiversityconservation under climate change. Their value will beeasier to realise in some decision areas than others.Population genomic data can now be used in relatively

straightforward experiments to assess genetic diversitywithin and between species, to map levels of genetic di-versity across landscapes, and to understand the relativeimportance of neutral evolutionary processes like geneticdrift and migration in driving population dynamics.They can also now be used to understand the extent towhich genetic changes have occurred as a consequenceof natural selection driving local adaptation and to makeinferences about the relative importance of evolutionaryadaptation versus neutral process in driving patterns ofbiodiversity across landscapes. As such, population gen-omic data can provide unprecedented insights into theextent and evolutionary consequences of naturally occur-ring hybridisation in nature, and to assess and monitor

the outcomes of management decisions that involve trans-locations, and efforts to restore degraded landscapes andcommunities through revegetation programmes.However, the key limitations with population genomic

approaches are that they do not of themselves identifythe precise genetic variants that causally underpin adap-tive responses to climate change, nor do they tell usabout the size of the adaptive differences mediated byvariation in particular genomic regions. Quantitativegenomics, combined with appropriate ecological andquantitative evolutionary work, can address both theseissues, although it is challenging in such studies to de-fine complex physiological traits that are relevant to theecology of species. One major issue with QTL mapping(but not GWAS) is its absolute dependence on managedbreeding programmes, which may be not be feasible oraffordable in many cases. Where population and quanti-tative genomics approaches can be undertaken, it maybe possible to identify and implement substantivelymore effective and efficient management strategies forbiodiversity under climate change.Zoos and other breeding establishments will be im-

portant resources for the genomics work required forthreatened fauna, as they have unique capabilities in rear-ing and breeding animals and are increasingly concernedwith conservation issues. One of their major contributionsto date has been in restoration programmes, breeding cap-tive populations of animals for eventual release into thewild. This exercise has often suffered from a low successrate, due to factors such as ongoing inbreeding, geneticadaptation to captivity at the expense of adaptation to wildconditions and so on [247,248]. Whilst avoiding inbreed-ing and the exposure of deleterious recessive conditions isalready a major goal in their breeding programmes, gen-omic approaches together with evolutionary thinkingcould provide data which are both more comprehensiveand more precise on this point. Zoos could also play a lar-ger role in the future in the quantitative and populationgenetics needed for evaluating other key managementoptions, such as translocations and hybridisation by,for example, testing the viability and various adaptivelyimportant phenotypes of F1 and F2 offspring generatedfrom crosses between populations, subspecies and othertaxa.Herbarium collections, seed banks and botanic gar-

dens could fulfil the same sorts of functions for plants.In addition, where seed material can be maintainedacross years, there is an opportunity to capture the gen-etic variation present at a particular point in time andpreserve it for later re-establishment of populations[249,250]. Such a resource could provide a valuable sourceof genetic variation and capture novel genotypes across re-gions as plant populations adapt to changing environmen-tal conditions [251].

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Finally, once genomic approaches become routinecomponents of conservation programmes and restor-ation efforts, novel ways of thinking about the role ofevolution in management programmes to maintain bio-diversity and ecosystem functions are likely to emerge.New examples of phenomena like incomplete allele sort-ing and islands of adaptive divergence during speciation,and various introgression scenarios following hybridisa-tion, have already become evident from the applicationof genomics to a range of non-model species. New levelsof understanding of climate change adaptation and therole of hybridisation in adaptive processes are likely toemerge from this work. This understanding in turn willsuggest novel approaches to biodiversity conservationand the maintenance of ecosystem function under a rap-idly changing climate.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributionsAll authors contributed to the development of the ideas presented in thisreview through discussions, as well as providing references and contributingwritten material. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

AcknowledgementsThis paper arose out of a workshop funded through the Office of theChief Executive Science Team at CSIRO and the Science IndustryEndowment Fund.

Author details1Department of Genetics, University of Melbourne, Bio21 Institute,30 Flemington Road, Parkville, Victoria 3010, Australia. 2CSIRO AgricultureFlagship, Black Mountain, ACT 2601, Australia. 3Australian National University,Research School of Biology, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia. 4Department ofParks and Wildlife, Bentley Delivery Centre, Locked Bag 104, Bentley, WA6983, Australia. 5CSIRO Land and Water Flagship, Black Mountain, ACT 2601,Australia. 6CSIRO Australian National Wildlife Collection, National ResearchCollections Australia, Crace, ACT 2911, Australia. 7Institute of FundamentalSciences, Massey University, Palmerston North 4474, New Zealand. 8School ofBiological Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia.

Received: 19 September 2014 Accepted: 17 December 2014

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