Page 1: A flipped classroom experience

The economic sectors

Flipped classroom

Page 2: A flipped classroom experience


Hola a totes i tots, Una de les eines que em van cridar més l’atenció de totes

les que vam veure l’últim dia del curs va ser la “flippedclassroom”. No n’havia sentit a parlar abans i la veritatés que em sembla un mètode genial per millorar la comprensió de l’alumnat a l’hora d’entendre la temàtica corresponent i sobre tot a l’hora de fer elsdeures. La meua reflexió és que sembla mentida que aquesta siga una eina 2.0, que sembla una cosa tan moderna i nova, quan realment hauríem d’utilitzaraquest mètode molt sovint i des de sempre! Penso que és la manera natural d’aprendre, molt més que la que usem normalment, i els alumnes ho agraeixen.

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És per aquest motiu, i perquè pensava que podiafuncionar amb els meus alumnes, que sónpersones amb un nivell no gaire bo d’anglès (la majoria), que em vaig decidir a preparar una sessió del tema d’economia amb aquestformat. I aquí teniu el resultat:

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School and teacher’s name : Institut Escola Daniel Mangrané. Pili Ibáñez Martí


Title of the Lesson: ____The economic sectors___________________ Date: ____26-27/01/2015________________

Unit of Study: _______ _The economy of society_____________________________________

Level and group _______3rd ESO B______________ Number of children _____18________________

Background Information:

Children must know the difference between the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors.

Learning objectives: (content and language)


know the difference between the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors

Learn the basic vocabulary related with this item as: economic sectors, primary, secondary and tertiary sectors, natural resources, manufactured products, services...


Speak English with partners and the teacher while commenting the presentations

Write in English while doing the exercises

speak and write correctly

Competencies involved:

Competència comunicativa, lingüística i audiovisual. Tractament de la informació i competència digital. Competència social i ciutadana. Aprendre a aprendre.


We will assess the work at class and the oral participation.

Lesson development:

Activity title

Economic sectors


2 h


We're going to do a flipped classroom. First of all, we must explain to the pupils what does it mean. Then, we'll see a very easy refreshing concepts presentation in Catalan at class. Scaffolding. After this pupils will watch the English presentation at home, and the second day they will work at class doing the activities in pairs and asking for the doubts to the teacher.


T-Ss T-Ss Ss-Ss


Listening Reading Reading,

writing and interacting










Key: Interaction: T-Ss (teacher-students) T- S (teacher-student) S-S (student-student) Ss-Ss (students-students) Skills: L (listening) W (writing) S (speaking) R (reading) I (interacting)

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Flipped classroom task



• Once you have seen the presentation at home, answer these questions:•

• Which economic sector is the most important in Spain? And which one is the less important?•

• Take a look at the tourism map of Spain and answer: Which are the most touristic areas of Spain? Write one reason why these are the most touristic areas instead of another ones.

• After watching the "Economic sectors" video located at the end of the presentation, answer: •

• What's the job of Dave? In which sector does he work?•

• Where does Dave send the chopped down tree? What does the secondary sector with the tree?•

• Where does the table factory sell the finished table? Who buy the table or other goods and services?

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L’alumnat fent la tasca a classe

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Comentaris a l’activitat

• La veritat és que no m’esperava obtenir un resultat tan satisfactori… L’alumnat va trobar moltinteressant aquesta manera de treballar, sobretotpel fet de poder estar assistits mentre feien la tasca encomanada. Com ja he dit tenen bastantadificultat pel que fa a la llengua anglesa i això elsha facilitat molt la feina. Aquesta vegada ningúm’ha dit: només he copiat l’enunciat perquè no he entés l’exercici! Per tant, confirmo que ha estat una bona experiència tant per a ells i elles com per a mi que de ben segur tornarem a repetir.
