  • A Daily Adoration to Ra Hoor Khuit

    Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

    Homage to thee, O thou glorious Being, thou who art dowered with all attributes, O Ra Hoor Khuit, when thou risest in the horizon of heaven, a cry of joy cometh forth to thee from the mouth of all people. O thou beautiful Being, thou dost renew thyself in thy season in the form of the Disk within thy mother Nuit; therefore in every place every heart swelleth with joy at thy rising forever.

    The company of heaven rejoice at thy rising, the earth is glad when it beholdeth thy rays; the peoples that have been long dead come forth with cries of joy to see thy beauties every day. Thou goest forth each day over heaven and earth and art made strong each day by thy mother Nuit..

    Love is the law, love under will.
