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Held on Wednesday, March 18 2009 at 6:30 p.m.

Within the Small Amenity Room 3rd Floor-2268 West Broadway Street, Vancouver, BC

COUNCIL IN ATTENDANCE: Cecil Lau President Charles Lingren Vice-President Jennifer Watkiss Treasurer Kim McLean Secretary Trevor Gibbons Deficiencies Yasmin Mawani Member At Large REGRETS: Trevor Gibbons Deficiencies SENIOR PROPERTY MANAGER: Marianna Pandy Crosby Property Management Ltd. The meeting was called to order at 6:35pm by the Strata Council President, Cecil Lau. APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES It was moved/seconded to approve the Minutes of the Council Meeting held February 17, 2009 as circulated. CARRIED. APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS It was moved/seconded to approve the January 2009 financial statements. CARRIED. REPORT ON UNAPPROVED EXPENDITURES There are no unapproved expenditures to report. The Strata Property Act requires that all owners be notified as soon as possible of unanticipated expenditures. REPORT ON LITIGATION To the best of our knowledge there is no litigation to report. The Strata Property Act requires that all owners be notified as soon as possible of any legal action that the Strata Corporation is part of. BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES 1. Review of Directives The Property Manager advised that an updated list of directives will be forwarded to the Strata Council via email.

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Minutes of the Council Meeting The Owners Strata Plan BCS 2667 Held on March 18, 2009

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2. Common Area Deficiency List Spratt Emmanuel Engineering report of the exterior building envelope warranty has been sent to the

developer and Scott Construction. The Property Manager followed up with the developer and was advised that the report has been received and identified warranty items will be completed as required. A meeting will be set up with Scott Construction and the developer and selected Strata Council members to review the progress. This will be further discussed at the next Council meeting.

3. Mechanical Deficiencies Mechanical deficiencies are pending and this will be reviewed at a later time by the Strata Council. 4. Landscaping Deficiencies The Strata Council received a payment from the developer for the cost to replace the dead cherry

tree as this was deemed as a deficiency item. The Strata Council was pleased with the outcome of this matter.

5. Replacement of Cherry Tree As the Strata Council has the funds to replace the cherry tree, Paraspace Landscaping will provide a

proposal for a replacement with other than a cherry tree as it is not suitable for the area in question. An installation of a smaller tree or a hedge like bush will be decided upon in later spring of 2009. This will be reviewed at the next Council meeting after the Annual General Meeting.

6. Enterphone System Action Lock and Security was obtained and will replace Smartech Communications. Action Lock

and Security will be responsible for repairs to all security and enterphone systems, updating of enterphone system and buzzers and activation and deleting of fobs. The Strata Council discussed that Action Lock and Security will be consulted by 5 Star Janitorial should assistance be needed in the above. 5 Star Janitorial may now be contacted for activation/deletion of fobs and updates of the buzzer system, please call (604)435-0515 if you have a request of this nature. Any issues with programming such as elevators not accessing a given floor, enterphone system not working, will be looked after Action Lock and Security. The Strata Council requested that the Property Manager negotiate further in terms of the hourly rate with 5 Star Janitorial. The Property Manager will report prior to the Annual General Meeting after discussion has taken place with 5 Star Janitorial.

7. Electrical Warranties Burt’s Electric advised that they have completed the majority of the electrical deficiencies; however they are awaiting parts for some areas from the manufacturer. The areas in question are the pot lights on the 3rd level courtyard ground. Council will ensued that they will keep on top of these items as priority. This will be discussed at the next council meeting. 8. Carpet Cleaning Common area hallway carpet cleaning has been scheduled for the month of April and will be conducted by Service Master Cleaning. Notices will be posted prior; owners will also be offered a discount for insuite carpet cleaning.

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9. Annual Fire Inspection The Annual Fire Inspection was performed within the month of March and the report from Fire Pro will follow into the next Council Meeting. 10. Milner’s Window Cleaning Quotation The Milners quotation for window washing, dryer vent cleaning, and power washing of the parkade. After a thorough review it was moved/seconded to exclude from the quotation from Milners, the following:

Dryer vent cleaning Power washing of the parkade

Further clarification will be noted on the one line item of the proposal. Milners window cleaning will be scheduled to perform the exterior inaccessible window cleaning as well as the third level courtyard window cleaning accept the sliding doors. CARRIED. 11. Dryer Vent Cleaning

The Strata Council received several quotations. After review, it was moved/seconded to approve that Airvac Services will perform the work within the month of April, 2009. The cleaning strata council opted for was from interior and exterior. In suite access will be required and notice will be circulated prior to work commencing. Update on work will be reviewed at the next council meeting.

12. Power Washing of the Parkade It was moved/seconded to approve that Five Star Janitorial will perform the power washing of the parkade. Cars must be removed during the time that the power washing takes place. Notices will be posted prior to the date. CORRESPONDENCE The Strata Council reviewed correspondence with respect to the following:

• Courtyard lighting • Noise complaint • Enterphone and fob issues

The Strata Council will respond to all parties in writing in accordance with the Bylaws and the Strata Property Act. NEW BUSINESS 1. Interglobe Security A meeting took place with the Property Manager, Interglobe Security and the Commercial owner representative. Negotiations are in place with respect to the hourly rate. The Strata Council noted that a 7 days a week, 3 times per day patrol is needed to ensure security of the building. Verification on the prices will be forwarded to the Strata Council prior to approval.

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2. Security Upgrades The Strata Council was in receipt of a quotation from Rite Handyman, it was moved/seconded to approve supply and installation of full length astragals as well as kickplates on selected doors in the parkade. CARRIED.

3. Annual General Meeting The Strata Council briefly discussed the upcoming Annual General Meeting and further discussions will take place in regards to what will be included in the agenda. Some of the items that may be coming up are Bylaw and rule changes; this will be discussed at the next Council meeting prior to the Annual General Meeting. 4. Draft Budget A draft budget was provided by the Property Manager to the Strata Council, further review will be done at the next meeting and the approved draft budget will be included in the Annual General Meeting for owner’s approval. This will be discussed at the next meeting. 5. Upcoming Bylaw Changes for the Annual General Meeting The Council will discuss the upcoming Bylaw changes for the Annual General Meeting in further detail at the next meeting. Some of the items that they may include are:

Insurance deductible Move-in/move-out Bylaws Storing of items in parkade

6. Viewing of the Security System It was noted that, as previously informed, that channel 116 will be the channel for viewing the security cameras. However, this does not function and the Property Manager was requested to follow up with Action Lock and Security. This will be discussed at the next Council meeting. 7. Small Amenity Room It was moved/seconded to include $2,000.00 in the proposed budget for the set up of this small amenity room. CARRIED. 8. Parking Stalls and Storing of Items The storing of any items is against code as per the Vancouver Fire Inspector. The Property Manager was requested to follow up on Appendix A of the fire code and this will be included as a Bylaw or rule addition at the upcoming Annual General Meeting. 9. Main Gate – time changes As previously cited, the main gate is to close at 11:00pm and re-open at 7:15am. The Property Manager will follow up with Action Lock and Security whether this has been completed. Clarification with respect to duration of the opening and the closing of the gate has been provided to the Strata Council and they deemed it satisfactory.

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10. Community Herb Garden The Council is looking into planting an herb garden on the 3rd floor terrace for residents to use. A small committee will oversee the planning and planting. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Marianna Pandy. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:49pm. The next meeting will be held on April 7, 2009 at 6:30pm within the 2nd floor small amenity room, 2268 West Broadway Street, Vancouver, B.C. ______________________________________ Marianna Pandy Senior Property Manager CROSBY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LTD. General Office # (604) 683-8900 (24 Hours) Please keep a copy of these minutes for future reference. They will be required at the time of sale and a charge, as per the Strata Property Act, will be assessed for replacement copies.

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