
7 Secrets by Takara

Forchianna Publishing P.O. Box 1363 Radford, VA 24143 Forchianna Publishing is a division of Forchianna L.L.C. Copyright © 2012 by Debbie Shelor. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording or by any information storage or retrieval system, without express written permission from the publisher: The author and publisher of this book do not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, mental, or emotional problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author and publisher is to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your right, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

Forchianna Publishing

Radford, Virginia

7 Secrets by Takara


I dedicate this work to my sister of the heart, mentor, and dear friend, Millie Stefani. She is one of the most effective energy healers, and by far the clearest channel, I have ever met. Much of the wisdom I’ve gained over the past 10 years was made possible because of her presence and Divine insight in my life. She has stood steadfastly by with encouragement, unconditional love, kindness, and Divine wisdom as I experience life’s sorrows and triumphs, ups and downs, challenges and successes. Had she not been there believing in me and my potential, I would not be the person I am today with the level of understanding I now share with you.

7 Secrets by Takara

Chapter 1: You Can Be Magnificent

Let me ask you a few “what if” questions: What if you could feel joyful, passionate, confident, Divinely

guided, and inspired most of the time? What if your life was an exhilarating, joy-filled adventure

rather than a strugglesome, exhausting ordeal? What if experiencing awe-inspiring moments, synchronicity,

and love were the norm rather than the exception? What if improving your health, finances, and relationships

was only a matter of following a few simple principles? What if you rarely experienced anger, sadness, or upset

regardless of the circumstance? What if achieving your dreams was as easy as asking for what

you desire?

7 Secrets by Takara

What if your intuition was so finely-tuned that you “knew” exactly what to do, where to go, and what to say in every moment?

What if every day your life had meaning and a sense of purpose?

What if you felt great joy and fulfillment in the life you lead? When you implement the 7 Secrets, you will be well on your way

to achieving all of that and so much more. We call it becoming Magnificent.

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Chapter 2: Trauma Drama Is Not Normal

Wild animals don’t have self esteem, worthiness, or confidence issues. Nor are they afraid to take risks. They aren’t terrified of making a mistake or experiencing rejection. They don’t obsess prior to making decisions or brood over things that already happened. They don’t worry about what the other animals will think of them before deciding to do something. They simply exist and deal with each new situation as it presents itself. They learn and adapt as things change in their environment without making judgments about the rightness or wrongness of those changes.

If you were a mouse, you wouldn’t sit around all day wishing you were a beaver. You wouldn’t compare your life with the beaver’s life and feel like you were not good enough or somehow less than the beaver because you were smaller, couldn’t take down a tree with your teeth, and didn’t have a warm water-resistant coat. You wouldn’t get angry and spend hours on the phone telling your little mice friends over and over again about the horrible cat trying to eat you 3 weeks

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ago. You wouldn’t plead with God to take the burden of needing to find food every day away from you. You wouldn’t ask, “Why me,” if you were almost run over by the vacuum cleaner. And you wouldn’t be jealous if the mouse two doors down got more cheese than you did today. You would just go about your little mouse day doing mice things and you would do them well.

Wouldn’t it be great if your life could be that simple? Believe it or not, it can. Struggle, judgment, and strife are human inventions. So are

shame, blame, and victimhood. When you can move beyond all the nonsense, life takes on a whole new level of meaning, synchronicity, and joy.

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Chapter 3: Struggle Is Not the Most Efficient Way to Success

Most people struggle to get ahead. They work night and day trying to achieve their dreams. They push and push, exhausting themselves in the process. Spending thousands of dollars on diet programs, success workshops, learning the latest get-rich quick or how to attract a mate schemes, they try anything to achieve their dreams. They end up in debt with very little to show for their efforts.

Moments of joy and fulfillment are fleeting. All the while they feel like a failure. They constantly compare themselves to others they believe to be

better, happier, thinner, richer, healthier, more beautiful or successful than they are. And in the comparison, they feel “less than” those they are comparing themselves to.

When you realize everything is just as it should be, that all things happen for a reason, that there are no mistakes, that no one is better or more loved by God (by whatever name) . . . then you are free.

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Chapter 4: Dance in the Clouds First and the Rest is Easy

I made an interesting discovery. When you focus on becoming Magnificent, the rest easily and almost effortlessly falls into place. Money, opportunity, fulfillment, love, health, friendship, and achievement flow easily into your life. Once you are whole and complete, you become a magnet to those things you desire. And, interestingly enough, you no longer “need” any of it to feel successful, happy, loved, or worthwhile.

So . . . you can keep doing what you’ve been doing up to now – searching without success for the magic key that unlocks the treasures you feel you deserve in life.

Or you can take your focus OFF what you think the end goals are: money, a nice car, a gorgeous guy or gal, fabulous vacations, a giant home, a sexy body, or the prestige and perceived greatness that you feel you want, but don’t yet have.

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Turn your focus instead to discovering: who you are, what your greatest Divine strengths and gifts are, what makes your heart sing, what your soul yearns to accomplish in this life, what brings you joy, and how to apply the 7 Secrets to become the

Magnificent U. My reference to Dancing in the Clouds is not about the wonderful

movie with a similar name starring Keanu Reeves. When I use those words, I am referring to living at a higher level of consciousness, awareness, and vibration: literally soaring above the mayhem and chaos of the third dimensional world. Think of it as hovering like a hummingbird or . . . dancing in the clouds.

7 Secrets by Takara

Chapter 5: Many Paths, One Destination

For eons men and women have searched endlessly trying to achieve the Magnificent Self. Those who have succeeded, like Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus) and Buddha, are known as Avatars, Sages, Christed Beings, Masters, Enlightened Ones, and many other titles.

Every religion, mystery school, and spiritual tradition has the same destination in mind. They simply go about achieving it in different ways. Sadly, in almost every case, the beautiful teaching that was originally “received” by the Master has been severely distorted over time by the limited beliefs, fears, and judgments held by his or her followers.

Millie and I have been given a unique path to the Magnificent Self which can result in what some would term enlightenment. We call it Magnificent U.

It is very different than other systems for gaining self esteem or achieving success. It is also dissimilar to a traditional mystery school or world religion. It is instead fluid, graceful, ever-changing, and

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completely unique for each individual. It involves healing, activation, insight, and mastery on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual. It does not ask you to embrace anything on blind faith, but instead to discover ways to know the deep Truth (with a capital T) for yourself.

It is not intended to replace your current spiritual or religious beliefs. Rather, it aids you in achieving deeper understanding of self and the Divine. In that way, it can be complementary to what you are already doing and experiencing.

I sometimes laugh and say, “There is the hard way and there is the dolphin way . . . which will you choose?”

The attainment of the Magnificent Self is full of energy and exercises related to the fluidity, grace, and energetic upliftment that dolphins bring. It is how I began my journey towards wholeness. It can bring you infinite comfort and assistance as well.

7 Secrets by Takara

Chapter 6: The 7 Secrets

The 7 Secrets to Becoming the Magnificent U: 1. Raise your vibration 2. Heal the emotional pain from your past 3. Get clear 4. Let go of the limiting beliefs, fears, and judgments that

bind you 5. Strengthen your Divine connection 6. Fine-tune your intuition 7. Live the Platinum Principle

These 7 Secrets are repeated over and over until wholeness

happens as a natural result. You will then be the embodiment of your Magnificent (Divine) Self.

It is a never-ending journey up the mountain of Self towards complete re-union with the Divine and Oneness with all things. Each time you reach a new plateau of self, the view will become more spectacular, the flow of life easier, and the tangible shifts more

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visible. But there will always be something further up the mountain for you to climb towards.

7 Secrets by Takara

Chapter 7: Secret #1 - Raise Your Vibration

Einstein said, “You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew.”

Sadly, few people have any idea how to change their consciousness. They wonder if perhaps they should read something, pray, or do an exercise or ritual of some kind?

A shift in consciousness requires a fundamental shift in who you are and what you believe. And not just your conscious mind, but your subconscious mind as well. That rarely happens in normal day to day life. And a simple prayer or ritual just won’t do. It has to be a shift of a much more radical nature – one that affects you on all levels.

It happens almost effortlessly when you have a Divine encounter or an unexpected mystical moment. If Jesus, an Angel, or St. Germain (Germaine) showed up in your living room and started talking to you, their presence and the radiance of their Divine Light would shift your consciousness . . . and fast.

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Something of that nature happened to me when I was 14. But even then, I didn’t know what to do with it and kept wandering around in the darkness until a similar event happened again when I was 33.

There are other ways to do it though. Learning to meditate, especially in a theta brain-wave state, is a great way to expand consciousness.

Being in the presence of someone who lives at higher consciousness is also a great way. Basking in their radiance quickens yours.

You can also incorporate vibrational energy-healing tools into your life. Crystals, essential oils, hands-on healing, and certain sounds all quicken your vibration.

Another option is Dancing Dolphin Energy Healing Oils & Mists, a product line I created specifically for that purpose. The vibrations are exquisite and extremely high. They contain the dolphin-angel energies I work with. The best choice to raise your vibration is a blend called Gratitude. It can be purchased here: (

An extremely powerful way to raise your frequency is to work with dolphin-angel energies and meditation visualization exercises that incorporate those. I received, through Divine revelation, a whole series of them that uplift, empower, and heal at the cellular level.

Below I give you two very powerful clearing and infusing meditations that will greatly assist in shifting your energy and clearing your energy field. These are from my book Dancing with Dolphins. Spinning in a counter-clockwise direction to spin out negativity and disharmony was first “received” by my dear friend, Kaaren Shikiah Kaylor.

Dolphin Spiral Clearing Each morning say out loud:

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“I begin my day by becoming one with All That Is. My day is therefore wonderful, complete, and fulfilled. I am blessed. I personally evolve. Divine Love pours forth from me and showers my brothers and sisters, blessing them as well. I begin my day by connecting with the world of Divine truth, power, and love.”

Morning, night, and any time during the day that you feel negative energies or emotions present, do the following:

Stand comfortably with your feet about hip distance apart

Close your eyes Take a deep breath and center yourself Place your attention on your heart Say: “I feel grateful for ________ (you fill in the blank.)” “I invoke my Higher Self, my guides, and the dolphin-

angels (add any others you would like present). I invoke the Dolphin Spiral Clearing Technique to cleanse, clear, heal, and transmute into Light all low frequency, all disharmonious and noxious energies, and anything less than Divine truth, power, and love. I release from the third dimension and mass consciousness grids.”

If you are doing the clearing to stop a particular program from running that is causing negative emotion, then also say:

“And I specifically ask to release the program that is causing me to feel _____ (fill in the blank with the negative emotion you are feeling).”

Extend your arms out to the sides making a cross out of your body. Your head, torso, and legs are the vertical axis and your arms extending out at the shoulders are the horizontal axis.

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Spin 3 times very fast in the counterclockwise direction. Abruptly stop and place your hands on your heart. Your fields will continue to spin even after you have

stopped. As your body is spinning, all the lower frequency stuff flies out into the outer portion of your energy field. When you stop abruptly and your fields are still spinning, two etheric dolphin-angels will begin below your feet and swim up circling around you in a double helix configuration – like a DNA helix. As they move around you they are taking all the disempowering stuff you released with them, and transmuting it back into light.

Clarification about counterclockwise spinning: If you begin by

facing north, then you would spin so you would next face west, then south, then east, then north again. That is one spin. Repeat two more times without stopping.

Dolphin Spiral Infusion Once you have cleared using the Dolphin Spiral Clearing

Technique, you then continue by saying: “I invoke the Dolphin Spiral Infusion Technique. I am

being infused with (fused with) the Divine Love grids. I am being infused with Divine Truth, Divine Power, and Divine Love, The three-fold flame within my heart is burning brighter and brighter.”

Extend your arms once again. Spin 3 times clockwise. Stop abruptly and place your hands on your heart. Visualize yourself being bathed in Divine shimmering

golden light and that this light is filling every molecule of

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your being. Not just your physical body, but the energy fields that surround you as well.

End the session by saying: “I thank my Higher Self, my guides, and the dolphin-

angels. This Dolphin Spiral session is complete.” Change can only happen if you take action. So, stop everything

right now, and do these clearing and infusing exercises. You will be amazed at how different you will feel. For those who are sensitive to subtle energy, you will feel and possibly even see the dolphin-angels surrounding you. And you will feel the loving, healing energy they bring with them.

Soon, you can just take a moment to close your eyes and visualize yourself spinning without really spinning. It isn’t quite as dramatic and thorough, but the clearing and infusing will happen even if you are sitting in your office.

In addition to working with the dolphin-angels to clear and infuse your body and energy field, you can also receive their assistance in clearing space. Simply say, “I call on the dolphin-angels to clear and infuse this space (or this situation).” Be sure to say, “Thank you.”

7 Secrets by Takara

Chapter 8: Secret #2 - Heal the Emotional Pain from Your Past

Everyone is emotionally wounded in one way or another. At some point in their life they felt victimized, betrayed, or mistreated by another. Those emotional wounds simply don’t go away by themselves. They can cause intense reactions to people and situations that don’t actually warrant a strong reaction. They can cause a person to believe, or worse fear, that all people (bosses, men, women, friends, etc.) are a certain way. These unhealed wounds can also lead to illness and dis-ease.

You cannot be whole and wounded. You are either one or the other. Sadly, the majority of people are wounded.

I’m not talking about pretending that you are O.K., smiling like a Southern Bell as if nothing bothers you, or keeping your thoughts to yourself even though you are seething underneath. I’m talking about truly healing the root cause of the issue so that there is absolutely no trace of emotional pain left. That takes skill, dedication, and typically it requires assistance.

7 Secrets by Takara

If you could do it yourself, you would have already done so. For serious things like rape, or other violent trauma, most people

know enough to see a psychologist, psychiatrist, or other mental health professional. But that isn’t enough. Dealing with an issue mentally is only addressing part of the problem. Trauma and emotional pain affect a person on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual. Emotional trauma anchors itself into the body through cellular memory. Definitely see a mental health professional. But don’t stop there if you want the emotional pain to truly be healed.

Lots of people feel like “if only” this didn’t happen to me or that didn’t happen to me, my life would be so much better. All things happen for a reason and if you can find the silver lining in the dark cloud, it is a treasure worth infinitely more than gold. You are who you are because of every moment you have experienced. There is great beauty in that.

Some of my worst experiences are why I’m so joy-filled today. I was able to move through them, to grow because of them, and to not let them define who I am.

It takes courage to turn and look at your past, all the joys and sorrows of your experience, and find beauty in each one. But it is definitely worth it.

Until you do that, you cannot be whole. And if you aren’t whole, you will never be truly happy.

The “mourning process” is the series of steps or stages a person goes through as they are healing emotional wounds. The stages are denial, anger, sadness, bargaining, and acceptance. Acceptance is only achieved when the first 4 have been completed entirely. I’m sure you’ve met people who are angry or depressed much of the time. Perhaps you yourself are one of those. They are simply stuck in one of the stages of mourning and haven’t been able to move beyond it.

The first four stages can happen in any order, although denial is often the first one experienced.

7 Secrets by Takara

Something traumatizing happens and in denial, a person involved goes on about their normal routine as if nothing has happened. An example is a wife going to work the day after her husband is killed in an auto accident. Everyone at the office can’t figure out what on earth she is doing there. The answer is simple. She is not yet able to deal with the truth of the situation. The potential pain is so great, it has been shut down entirely and she feels absolutely nothing.

Anger and sadness are obvious. People stuck in anger get angry over practically everything. People stuck in sadness become depressed and cry over trivial things. They are simply wounded and stuck in that stage of mourning.

Bargaining can be a scary, and sometimes financially devastating, creature. Bargaining goes like this: “If I only _____, my life will be great.” You simply fill in the blank. Some people believe that if they only lose this weight, their entire life will be different. They take how they feel inside and blame it on something they can focus on – like weight. They obsess about weight loss.

A woman might think, “If I only had a boyfriend, everything would be different.”

For someone else it might be purchasing things. If I only buy this car, or this piece of jewelry, or take this trip, everything will be better. Unfortunately, once the purchase is made, the feeling better doesn’t last very long and they have to purchase something else. It becomes habitual and severe debt often results. Many people who go from one seminar to the next, or one success scheme to the next, are stuck in bargaining.

Once the first four are complete, then acceptance happens. Instead of getting upset or angry when talking about something from the past, it is simply a stated fact with no emotion tied to it at all. I can talk about being raped without getting angry, upset, or feeling like a victim because I have truly healed that emotional wound. I can also talk about a failed marriage, an unfaithful husband, and losing a

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great job because a company downsized without painful emotion because those issues have been healed as well.

At the time, events like those can be devastating. With the right tools and the correct help, you can move past them and becoming a better, stronger, wiser, and more confident person in the process.

7 Secrets by Takara

Chapter 9: Secret #3 – Get Clear

Everything changes when you can get clear. Clarity of mind, body, and emotions bring an inner peace that

truly is beyond words. It is practically impossible to have clarity of thought if your body

is lethargic and full of toxins, your energy field contains disharmonious negative energy, or you are emotionally wounded.

We addressed the emotional wounding in the previous chapter. What you put into, and on, your body affects your brain and your

ability to think clearly. Excessive sugar, most artificial sweeteners, hormones and antibiotics fed to livestock, chemical preservatives, artificial colors and flavors, MSG and other additives, pesticides and other chemicals sprayed on crops, are not “food.” The body was not designed to digest them and they wreck havoc on your health and greatly affect your clarity of mind.

In addition to needing to clean up your eating habits, you have to move your body as well. Do you exercise regularly? Or do you drive from home to work and back again, sitting in chairs the whole time you are in both locations?

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When the body moves, whether it be by walking, playing a sport, doing yoga or Tai Chi, or some other form of exercise, it helps the body to digest, process, and utilize foods better and to rid itself of the things it can’t use. If you couple walking with silent time in nature, you get even more benefit as you will read later on.

I shared with you some simple exercises to clear and infuse your energy field in the chapter on raising vibration. We get much more in depth about energy and the energetic clean up necessary in the training programs online and in person through Magnificent U. The topic is vast and entirely too broad to cover here.

7 Secrets by Takara

Chapter 10: Secret #4 – Let Go of the Limiting Beliefs, Fears, and Judgments that Bind You

In our work with students and private clients, this is where we spend most of our time.

What you believe consciously, and even more important what you believe subconsciously, is what determines:

you success, your health, your happiness, and even the opportunities that come your way.

It is practically impossible to change these things without some form of assistance – whether it be reading books, taking workshops, working with energy healing tools, or doing private sessions with a healing professional. What I highly recommend is doing some of all of the above.

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It goes significantly faster if energy is applied to the situation. What I mean is having a hands-on healer bring in Light, using a Dancing Dolphin Essence or Mist, surrounding yourself with particular crystals, working with specific sounds, or using some other form of vibrational healing. When you raise the vibration at the cellular level, deeply buried things come to the surface and leave with much less resistance. The best Dancing Dolphin product for this purpose is Release available here: It not only assists in releasing limiting beliefs, fears, and judgments that bind you. It also assists in addressing the emotional wounding that caused you to take on those beliefs in the first place.

A teacher or healer can give you tools and exercises to address the specific beliefs, fears, and judgments you have that keep you firmly stuck in whatever trauma drama you repeat again and again.

When you repeatedly experience relationships, jobs, financial situations that always go badly, it’s a giant neon sign shouting that you have issues in that area and until you address and heal them, this pattern will continue.

Until you change fundamentally from the inside out, your life can not change.

It’s just that simple.

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Chapter 11: Secret #5 – Strenthen Your Divine Connection

Secrets 5 and 6 work hand in hand. You are first and foremost a spiritual creature. The fact that you

have a body and live on planet earth at this time are mere details. Realigning your thoughts with God-mind or God-consciousness is

the fastest way to attain anything. But it takes the application of the previous secrets so that a strong connection is even possible.

There is a progression of consciousness. When you are stuck in the density of limiting beliefs, fear, shame,

blame, victimhood, judgment, attachment to outcomes, worry, strife, and all the other density of humanities lower nature, you cannot truly be One with the Divine. Your understanding of the Divine Presence becomes so tainted by that density that you cannot possibly see the Truth of who you are or what God is.

Spending ample time alone in nature, in silence, and in meditation are ways to achieve a re-union with your Divine Self.

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Taking time out of every single day to feel your connection to All That Is will strengthen that connection and help it expand.

Deep meditation, particularly in a theta brain-wave state, is a very effective and powerful way to stop the noisy chatter in your mind related to daily life. When you go deeper into the silence, you rise higher and more expanded in consciousness. Here profound transformation is made possible.

If you don’t yet have a daily meditation practice, or you don’t feel your current form of meditation is giving you the results you desire, my bestselling book, Peering Through the Veil: The Step by Step Guide to Meditation and Inner Peace, is a great way to learn all about this spiritual tool:

The more you align with your Divine self, the more it will shine forth. The more you acknowledge the Divine Presence, the more you will feel and experience the tangible effect of the Divine in your daily life.

7 Secrets by Takara

Chapter 12: Secret #6 – Fine-Tune Your Intuition

Prayer, affirmations, and the other things you think, say, and do are how you let the Divine Presence (God) know your desires.

Your intuition is God’s response whether it be an auditory signal, a visual sign, or an internal knowing. Fine-tuning your intuition is critical if you want to grow, evolve, expand your consciousness, and have your life work.

When you are “in tune,” you simply know where to be, what to do, and the right things to say without hesitation.

I could tell you so many instances and stories about these little internal promptings I’ve had and the fabulous results achieved because I followed them. Everything from having my divorce go through in just over an hour, to knowing precisely when to show up at a conference to complete a business deal.

My preferred method for fine-tuning intuition is pendulum dowsing. That’s why I put together a comprehensive program that teaches you how.

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When you stop and ask questions using a dowsing system, you are saying to the Universe (God), your Higher Self, your I Am presence, “Thy will not mine,” “I want to know Truth,” and “There are things beyond my conscious understanding that I want help with.” You are opening a 2-way dialogue with Infinite-mind.

Like meditation, the more you practice dowsing, the more profound the result. Eventually as soon as you ask a question, the Universe feeds you another question – from a higher place – one you never could have thought of on your own. It is Divine inspiration and dowsing tells the Universe that’s what you want more of in your life.

My dowsing program, Dowsing for Divine Direction, will soon be available at Magnificent U:

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Chapter 13: Secret #7 – Live the Platinum Principle

The Platinum Principle is a teaching I received just before heading off to live on a yacht for awhile in the South Pacific. As often happens, I woke up extremely early with words burning in my brain. I quickly grabbed the nearest pen and paper and began to write. When I finished, I had 30 pages of information.

I spent much of the time in Fiji and the South Pacific taking the ideas that “came in” that day and writing more about them. The result is the 2nd book of the 5-book New Dance series which should be out soon.

In the interim, we will be teaching The Platinum Principle through Magnificent U online and in live workshops.

It is a principle that once thoroughly understood and applied, makes knowing exactly what to do in every moment amazingly simple.

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Chapter 14: The Next Step

Now that you know the 7 Secrets, it’s time to apply them to your life. If you want to be healthy, happy, and whole, body, mind, and soul, then these 7 Secrets are your key:

1. Raise your vibration 2. Heal the emotional pain from your past 3. Get clear 4. Let go of the limiting beliefs, fears, and judgments that

bind you 5. Strengthen your Divine connection 6. Fine-tune your intuition 7. Live the Platinum Principle

Add meditation and doing the Dolphin Spiral Clearing and

Infusing Techniques to your daily routine, just like brushing your teeth or taking a shower. They will assist you in finding harmony, balance, and clarity despite the chaos. If you don’t already have a meditation practice, get my bestselling book: Peering Through the Veil: The Step by Step Guide to Meditation and Inner Peace here

7 Secrets by Takara

When you are ready to explore the other secrets, visit me online at

7 Secrets by Takara

About the Author Debbie "Takara" Shelor, The

Enlightened Engineer, is a bestselling author, speaker, engineer, and mystic. People the world over affectionately refer to her as Takara - a name she received in meditation. She later discovered that it means treasure and blessing in Japanese.

Her first life-altering mystical encounter happened at the tender age of 14.

She discovered in her late 20’s how profound a radical shift in diet and the addition of powerful herbal supplements could be in overcoming the health issues she had been challenged with most of her life.

At the age of 33, while working as an Industrial Engineer and front line supervisor in the pharmaceutical industry, she underwent another radical shift. Job-related stress caused a deeply buried emotional trauma to surface and she experienced what some would term a complete emotional melt down.

This dark night of the soul caused her to seek ways to heal the emotional pain. She studied, and began to apply, numerous techniques, including meditation. Dolphin-angels suddenly began appearing every time she meditated. Their presence was always accompanied by the same exquisite Divine Feminine healing energy she had experienced in her teens.

That launched an 18-year exploration of an extraordinary array of meditation techniques, energy healing methods, and pathways to enlightenment.

She has been illuminating the way for others for over a decade through books, eBooks, articles, newsletters, private consultations, and workshops. Her online magazine, Here's to Your Magnificence, has thousands of subscribers from countries all over the globe.

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Her mystical connection and daily practice of meditation have opened gateways to higher levels of wisdom, healing, and consciousness. She shares these Divine gifts through her writing, the various products she creates, the long distance energy healing transmissions she offers, and by leading transformational workshops on-line, on land, and at sea.

Her Dancing Dolphin Energy Healing Products have been thrilling customers the world over since 1998. Part of the Dancing Dolphin product line includes the Essence of Sound, co-created with world renowned sound healing expert, Jonathan Goldman.

She is the owner of Forchianna L.L.C., creator and primary instructor for Magnificent U, co-founder of Joy Weavers International and co-founder of the non-profit Dolphin Ohana.

"How do you thank someone who comes into your life and because of her influence your life is changed forever? Takara has graced my life with her many talents and skills. Especially through her healing arts, I have made quantum leaps forward in my life. At one crisis point she was able to facilitate my integration of a significant shift in only 10 minutes! I had been beside myself for 2 weeks. Her knowledge and keen ability to share it have enriched my life forever! Perhaps due to her engineering and teaching background she has an amazing ability to take extremely complex concepts and information and boil it down to bottom line usefulness with clarity. She makes things implicitly simple and understandable to a lay person. Her extensive studies in metaphysical and philosophical areas allow her to create freeways for those of us who don't have time to sift it all out. The

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clarity she creates with her accelerated techniques allows you to quickly come on-line with the information, to transition, and to push past limitations." - Theresa Wright

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