  • 8/14/2019 6a. Expos. Pr. - The Importance of Analysis Lk 2 39-40 Prep 51Frs.exerCISEppt



    A Short Expository SermonA Short Expository Sermon

    An introduction


    Expository Preaching


    The Importance of AnalysisThe Importance of Analysis


    PP Presentationdevised and prepared

    atGujranwala Theological Seminary

    may be copied for non-commercial use onlyJune 2005

  • 8/14/2019 6a. Expos. Pr. - The Importance of Analysis Lk 2 39-40 Prep 51Frs.exerCISEppt



    A Short Expository SermonA Short Expository Sermon

    Two parts to any

    Expository Preaching:

    Part 1: (In the Study) Preparation

    Part 2: (In the Pulpit) Exposition

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    Part 1Part 1


    (In the Study)(In the Study)

    The steps involvedThe steps involvedinin

    preparingpreparingAn Expository SermonAn Expository Sermon

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    Preparation for the SermonPreparation for the SermonPray for GOD to SPEAK to YOU first!

    Note the Kind of Writing (The GENRE) List the Units of Thought (The basic IDEAS)

    Observe the STRUCTURE of the Passage

    Analyse the CONTENT of the Passage Decide the over-all SUBJECT of the Passage

    Identify the TEACHING about the over-all Subject

    Check the CONTEXT of the Passage Expose the original HEART-BEAT of the Passage

    (the core message)

    Apply the Heart-Beat (The LESSON for us)

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    Exposition ofExposition of

    Luke 2:39-40Luke 2:39-40

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    Luke 2:39-40Luke 2:39-40

    When they had finished everythingrequired by the law of the Lord, they

    returned to Galilee, to their own town

    of Nazareth. The child grew and

    became strong, filled with wisdom;

    and the favour of God was upon him.

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    Preparation for the SermonPreparation for the Sermon

    Step 1


    The Kind of Literature(The GENRE):

    The Style / Form of Writingused by the writer)

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    Luke 2:39-40Luke 2:39-40


    (Literary nature of the Text)

    Gospel Narrative

    Note: Gospelbecause the writer includes

    interpretative remarks in the narrativethat point to why the narrative is Good News!

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    Preparation for the SermonPreparation for the Sermon

    Step 2List

    The Unitsof


    (Each Sentence/Clause/Phrase

    that gives additional meaning)

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    Luke 2:39-40Luke 2:39-40

    When they had finished everything

    required by the law of the Lord,

    they returned to Galilee,

    to their own town of Nazareth.

    The child grew

    and became strong,filled with wisdom;

    and the favour of God was upon him.

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    Preparation for the SermonPreparation for the Sermon

    Step 3Observe


    of the Passage:

    Its Shape showing:

    the relationship of different parts

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    Step 3Step 3

    Rewrite the passage to show


    of its structure,


    one line for each unit of thought

    indention to relate each unit

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    When they had finished everythingrequired

    by the law of theLord,

    they returned to Galilee,

    to their own town of Nazareth.

    Thechild grew and becamestrong,filled with wisdom;

    and the favour of God was upon him.

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    Preparation for the SermonPreparation for the Sermon

    Step 4


    the CONTENT

    of the Passage

    Topics including:

    People involved Activities / Events Ideas / Principles

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    Step 4:1Step 4:1 Content: people

    About WHOM

    does this passage speak?

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    When they had finished everything required

    (Mary and Joseph)

    by the law of the Lord,

    they returned to Galilee,

    to their own town of Nazareth.Thechild grew and became strong,


    filled with wisdom;

    and the favour ofGod was upon him.

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    The People In This Passage

    Mary and Joseph (they)

    Jesus (the child)


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    Step 4:2Step 4:2 Content: action

    What is HAPPENING?

    (The Events / Activities)

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    Step 4:3Step 4:3 Who is doing what?Who is doing what?

    Analyze the passage

    by bringing together

    the persons involvedand

    their actions

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    When they had finished everything required

    by the law of the Lord,

    they returned to Galilee,

    to their own town of Nazareth.

    Thechildgrew and becamestrong,

    filled with wisdom;

    and the favour ofGodwas upon him.

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    Activities & HappeningsActivities & Happenings

    Doing what the Law

    required Returning home from

    Jerusalem A child growing

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    Step 4:4Step 4:4 Content: ideas

    What are


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    When they had finishedeverything required

    (Mary and Joseph)

    by the law of the Lord,

    they returnedto Galilee,

    to their own town of Nazareth.Thechildgrewand becamestrong,


    filled with wisdom;

    and the favourofGodwas upon him.

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    The Main TopicsThe Main Topics

    The Laws requirements

    Returning Home A childs development

    Gods blessing

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    Note the OverlapNote the Overlap

    There may be

    considerable overlap

    in the answers

    The questions are there to help us

    observe as much as possible ofwhat the text is saying

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    Preparation for the SermonPreparation for the Sermon

    Step 5


    the over-allSUBJECT

    of the Passage

    This subject should coverallthe topics

    dealt with in the passage

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    The Over-all SubjectThe Over-all Subject

    Mary and Joseph? Jesus? God ?

    All put together =

    The Family


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    Preparation for the SermonPreparation for the Sermon

    Step 6


    the TEACHING

    about the over-all Subject

    Select relatedteaching only

    (Not allteaching to be found in the passage!)

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    Teaching about the Subject

    What does this tell us about

    the overall subject

    The Family

    ofJesus ?

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    When they had finished everything required

    by the law of the Lord,

    they returned to Galilee,

    to their own town of Nazareth.

    Thechildgrew and becamestrong,

    filled with wisdom;

    and the favourofGod was upon him.

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    Teaching about the Family of JesusTeaching about the Family of Jesus

    They lived according to Gods


    They put Gods business

    before their own business.

    As a result God blessed them.

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    Preparation for the SermonPreparation for the Sermon

    Step 7


    the CONTEXT

    of the Passage

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    Context may refer to several things:

    The literary context of the passage The verses before and after

    The book in which it occurs

    The total writings of the author

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    Context may refer to:

    The canonical context

    (The context of the whole of Scripture)

    This answers the question:

    Is my interpretation of the passageconsistent with Biblical teaching?

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    Context may refer to:

    The historical, cultural and geographicalcontext

    The background of the time and place

    in which the passage was written (or to

    which it refers)

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    FullerFullerExegesis of the PassageExegesis of the Passage

    Asking the Questions:





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    Asking the Questions:Asking the Questions:

    Who? (already covered): Mary & Joseph, Jesus

    GodWhat? (already covered):

    completing the requirements of the Law

    returning home growing up God blessing

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    Asking the Questions:Asking the Questions:

    Where?In the Temble at JerusalemTo Galilee and their own town of


    When?Returned after first doing all that the

    law of the Lord required

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    Asking the Questions:Asking the Questions:



  • 8/14/2019 6a. Expos. Pr. - The Importance of Analysis Lk 2 39-40 Prep 51Frs.exerCISEppt


    Exegete Verse 39Exegete Verse 39 Background and ContextBackground and Context

    What did the Law of the Lord require of


    b) That Mary purify herself by offering two

    sacrifices in the Temple

    c) That Mary make a payment for the birthof her first-born (a reminder of Israels

    redemption from Egypt)

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    Lev 12 required thatLev 12 required that

    a Jewish woman who gave birth to a sona Jewish woman who gave birth to a sonshould forty days after the birthshould forty days after the birth

    go to Jerusalemgo to Jerusalem

    and offerand offerfor the purposes of ritual purificationfor the purposes of ritual purification

    two sacrifices in the temple.two sacrifices in the temple.

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    In the case of a firstborn sonIn the case of a firstborn son

    there was also a requirementthere was also a requirement

    that he be acknowledged asthat he be acknowledged as

    belonging to the Lord in a special waybelonging to the Lord in a special way

    (Exod 13:2, 12, 15).(Exod 13:2, 12, 15).

    In fact the child had to be redeemedIn fact the child had to be redeemed

    by the payment ofby the payment of

    a feea fee

    of five shekels (Num 18:1516).of five shekels (Num 18:1516).

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    Though this payment could be madeThough this payment could be made

    anywhere in the land,anywhere in the land,

    the ideal was to present the childthe ideal was to present the child

    at the templeat the temple

    (Neh 10:3536).(Neh 10:3536).

    And when this was done,And when this was done,

    the purification and presentationthe purification and presentationwould be done togetherwould be done together

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    To use two turtledovesTo use two turtledoves

    or young pigeonsor young pigeons

    for the sacrificefor the sacrifice

    instead ofinstead of

    the usual lamb and one turtledove or pigeonthe usual lamb and one turtledove or pigeon

    was actually a concession for poor folkwas actually a concession for poor folk

    (Lev 12:8).(Lev 12:8).[1][1]

    [1][1]Nolland, John,Nolland, John, Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 35a: Luke 1:1-9:20Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 35a: Luke 1:1-9:20, (Dallas,, (Dallas,Texas: Word Books, Publisher) 1998.Texas: Word Books, Publisher) 1998.

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    Preparation for the SermonPreparation for the Sermon

    Step 8


    the original HEART-BEAT

    (the Core Message)

    of the Passage

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    Step 8Step 8

    In your own words

    what is the central message

    of the passage

    - its heart-beat?

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    The Heart-Beat of the PassageThe Heart-Beat of the Passage

    Making obedience to Gods law

    a family priorityprecedes Gods blessing

    P ti f th SP ti f th S

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    Preparation for the SermonPreparation for the Sermon

    Step 9

    Apply the Heart-Beat

    (the lessonof this passage

    for us today)

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    StepStep 9


    the heart-beat


    the original Core Message


    the LESSON for us today

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    We too must put

    Gods business

    before our own.

    ~ with relevant family examples -


    Summary of Part 1 : PreparationSummary of Part 1 : Preparation

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    Summary of Part 1 : PreparationSummary of Part 1 : Preparation1. Note the Kind of Writing (The GENRE)

    2. List the Units of Thought (The basic IDEAS)

    3. Analyse the STRUCTURE of The Passage Its Shape (showing relationships of different parts)

    Its Repetitions (suggesting significances /emphasis)

    4. Analyse the CONTENT of the Passage People involved Actions

    Ideas / Topics

    Find the over-all SUBJECT of the Passage Identify the TEACHING about this over-all Subject

    Expose the originalHEART-BEAT of the Passage

    Apply the Heart-Beat (The LESSON for us today)

    Summary of Part 1 : PreparationSummary of Part 1 : Preparation

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    Summary of Part 1 : PreparationSummary of Part 1 : Preparation

    A fuller version would include:

    Study of significant WORDS in the text

    Study of CONTEXT

    using Bible Dictionaries /Commentaries, etc