Page 1: 60 Essential Spanish Phrases For Your Holidays in Spain – Part 1

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by admin September 27, 2013

60 Essential Spanish Phrases For Your Holidays in Spain –Part 1

If you are planning on visit ing us here in Spain in the near f uture, you may f ind this blog post of particularuse, especially if your Spanish isn’t up to scratch!

Although many Spaniards do speak English, this applies mainly to the younger people and mostly on thecoast in the main tourist destinations. Even so, the vast majority of Spaniards do not speak English, so byarming yourself with just a f ew key phrases, it will help in the event that you need to get your point across.

In this two part post, we list what we believe to be the most important Spanish phrases you can use whenon holiday here.

The list below could quite easily be expanded considerably, but in the interests of brevity, sixty should be agood starting point and should be enough f or you to digest in a reasonably short space of t ime.

We have also broken the phrases down into categories and everyday situations that you are most likely toexperience while on holiday.

Many of the phrases include the basics such as “Where is”, “Can you tell me”, “Do you have”, so in manycases it will just be a case of becoming f amiliar with these core structures and then learning those separatenouns that may not be included in this post.

By learning the 60 phrases below (and in part two), you will no doubt f eel more conf ident and empoweredwhile on your travels here in Spain and will enable you to interact with the locals f ar more easily.

Remember that unlike in English, you don’t need to constantly say “Por Favor” or thank you when asking f orsomething. It ’s more about the tone in which you ask. It ’s not rude, it ’s just the way the Spanish languageworks.


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English Spanish Pronounciation

Yes Si see

Page 2: 60 Essential Spanish Phrases For Your Holidays in Spain – Part 1

Yes Si see

No No noh

Right A la derecha a la de-re-cha

Lef t A la Izquierda a la is-kyer-dah

Straight ahead Todo recto toh-doh reck-toh

Here Aqui a-key

There Alli a-yee

Please Por f avor por f ah-bor

Thank you Gracias grah-see-ahs

Your welcome De nada day nah-dah

Hello Ola oh- lah

Hows things? Qué tal? keh tahl

I am sorry Lo Siento loh see-ehn-toh

Goodbye Adíos a-dee-os

What Qué keh

When Cuándo kwon-doh

Where Dónde dohn-day

How Cómo Koh-moh

Who Quien kee-en

Why Por qué Por-keh

Showing 1 to 20 of 20 entriesPreviousNext


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English Spanish Pronounciation

Where is...? Dónde está …? dohn-deh eh-stah

Where is theclosest...?

Dónde está el/la … máspróximo/a?

dohn-deh eh-stah el/lah...mahs prok-see-moh /mah

What t ime is it? Qué hora es? keh oh-rah es

Is there... aroundhere?

Hay ... por aqui? eye ... por ah-kee

I would like... Me gustaria... meh goo-stah-ree-ah

I want... Quiero... kee-airo

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I need... Necesito... neh-seh-see-toh

Excuse me Perdon or Con Permiso pehr-dohn

Do you have...? Tiene... t-eh-neh

Can you tell me...? Me puede decir / Puededecirme...

meh pweh-deh deh-seer

Can I have...? Puedo tener pweh-doh tehn-air

Showing 1 to 11 of 11 entriesPreviousNext


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English Spanish Pronounciation

When does the f lightleave?

Cuándo sale el vuelo? kwon-doh sah- leh el bweh-loh

When does the f lightarrive?

Cuándo llega el vuelo? kwon-doh yeh-gah el bweh-loh

Where is baggagereclaim?

Dónde está reclamo deequipaje?

dohn-deh eh-stah reh-clah-moh deh eh-kwee-pah-heh

My suitcases are lost Mis maletas están perdidas miss mah-leh-tahs eh-stahn pehr-dee-dahs

I have nothing todeclare

Yo tengo nada qué declarar joh ten-goh nah-dah keh deck- lah-rah

I can’t f ind my passport No puedo encontrar mipasaporte

noh pweh-doh en-con-trah mee pah-sah-por-teh

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English Spanish Pronounciation

Where can I get a taxi? Dónde puedo coger un taxi? dohn-deh pweh-doh cog-air oon tax-ee

How do I get to...? Cómo puedo ir a...? koh-Moh pweh-doh eer ah

Are you going to...? Vas a...? bas ah

Hello, can you help me? Hola, me ayuda? oh-la meh ah-yoo-dar

Where are the toiletsplease?

Dónde está los servicios? dohn-deh eh-stah lohs ser-bee-see-ohs

Where is the nearestbank?

Dónde está el banco mascercano?

dohn-deh eh-stah el ban-coh mahs ser-cah-noh

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I have to go to... Tengo que ir a… tehn-goh keh eer ah

What is the address? Cuál es la dirección? kwahl es lah dee-reck-see-ohn

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English Spanish Pronounciation

Can I have the bill please? La cuenta, por f avor lah kwen-tah por f ah-bor

Do you have a table f orf our people at 8pm?

Tiene una mesa para cuatropersonas a las ocho?

tee-ay-nay ooh-nah meh-sah pah-rah kwah-troh per-so-nas ah las oh-cho

Can I have a menuplease?

La carta, por f avor lah cah-tah por f ah-bor

At what t ime is breakf ast? A qué hora es el desayuno? ah keh oh-rah es el des-ay-yoo-noh

At what t ime is lunch? A qué hora es la comida? ah keh oh-rah es lah coh-mee-dah

At what t ime is dinner? A qué hora es la cena? ah keh oh-rah es lah say-nah

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Part two will f ollow shortly and we will be covering At the Hotel, At the Shops, Medical/Emergencies andGeneral Conversation.

You can print out this post using the “Print PDF” button below.

Don’t f orget, if you are visit ing the Costa del Sol f or your holidays and are in need of transportation,please consider us here at B-MET Malaga Transf ers. Click on the image below f or an instant online quote.
