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6 steps to social media loyalty

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1. Positive Interactions

Share great content that makes your fans and followers share it with their friends, make a great first impression.

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2. Consistent

Share this great content OFTEN and stick to it, keep being relevant to your audience, do not deviate from the type of content you share because you are short of ideas, take a break and resume.

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3. Credible

If you are sharing great content and you are consistent you start to become CREDIBLE.

Key step to move forward, make it or break line.

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4. Authority

Once you are a credible source, people TRUST YOU and you have the power to INFLUENCE, you are an AUTHORITY in your field.

Your influence becomes greater and you start to see results from your social media strategy.

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5. Trustworthy

Your audience TRUSTS what you preach and share, you can influence minds so better stick to what you preach and repeat steps 1,2 over and over and over.

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You have built a loyal base of social media fans and followers

6. Loyalty awarded

“ It takes years to build trust and seconds to destroy it “ Anonymous

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