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Topic: Before launching a product in the market, what should a producer do? Suggest some solutions to make products best-selling and always stay ahead in today's competitive market. Give an example of the product which is famous and always best-selling.Group 2

I. Before launching a product in the market, what should producer do?

1. Learn to market demand and consumer tasteswhat do you want our product?Products are produced to suit consumer tastes, so we can speed up consumption. Consumers will buy more if the goods and tastes are essential for them.

2. Pricing policyPrice is parameter directly affecting the amount of supply - demand for a product; price is a major weapon competition among the good production enterprises. As a general rule of the market, when price drop, demand will increase, consumer will buy more, and vice versa.


3.Identify distribution channels.Well organized distribution channels and after-sale service will increase the rate of consumption of goods and products of the enterprises, distribution channels, consisting of wholesalers, retailers, agents are logically organized science will occupy the market space, make it easy for consumers and further stimulate their needs.

Advertising is the means to inform customers about the types of goods and stimulate their purchase. Today the tools to inform the public, the arts of Stimulate the purchase are diverse and rich, while their use is also very expensive. Many companies have increased due to good advertising sales and big enterprises worth billions of dollars spent on advertising.

5. Business locationMany businesses choose a good business location as the fundamental guarantee for success in sales. Each location has the for appropriate for certain business organizations. The trade center usually should be put in the center of the city, the secondary commercial area generally located in suburban areas because rents are cheaper, convenient transportation...

II. Suggest some solutions to make products best-selling and always stay ahead in today's competitiveDescription of the products


Vinamilk's main competitors

The principal activities of the Vinamilk are produce and distribute condensed milk, powdered milk, fresh milk, soya milk, yogurts, ice-cream, cheese, fruit juice, coffee and other products derived from milk.

1.Quality of product

To ensure the health of consumers, Vinamilk fresh milk purchased from farmers across the country are tested according to strict procedures. To milk quality, cattle farmers need to be nurtured proper technique. Fresh milk collection system of the company held Vinamilk through the transfer station. The transfer station facility investment, the cold storage tank and is responsible for preserving and transporting milk in accordance with the provisions in contracts annually with Vinamilk.

2.Pricing policy

For commodities market leader Vinamilk, companies need to adopt appropriate and effective price policies, consistent with the strategic objectives of the company. Policy price unchanged but higher quality.2008200920102011pricepricepricepricequaliyqualiyqualiyqualiy

3. Mixed promotion policies (support activities)

Marketing Campaign multimedia communications to help consumers understand the benefits, "fresh, pure, coming directly from nature" Advertising Vinamilk also associated with children's Fund initiated the Vietnam Milk Fund "Reaching high in Vietnam." ,..PR

customers will be to answer any questions, if you experiment problems while using the product, customers will receive a response from the board soon. To build the best quality because the customer is the final destination of the company. The company identified "consumer satisfaction, the company peace of mind.


Thank You!
