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Focus group questionnaire


Other Questions from the Questionnaire

Do you like the concept of the characters? In response to this question most of our market research candidates said that the characters were interesting or weird and that they defy archetypal character roles and this makes them want to watch the film. Would this appeal to you? The majority of the market research group liked the concept, however some said they preferred genres that were a bit more mainstream like rom-coms.

General findings The market research group liked our concept and the name of our film. They thought the name was very 'inventive' and 'clever'. They also though the concept was unique and they liked the fact that our media product is based on cannibalism, which isnt commonly explored by many media sources. The market research group liked that: our media product strayed away from the conventions of the thriller genre and archetypal narratives within media; whereby the antagonist in our media product is a female and also, the protagonist is a female who doesnt play the typical character function of Damsel in distress, waiting for a male antagonist to rescue her. However, our market research group thought that it might be difficult to get a human-size cage and taking this critique on board; we decided to simply use a chair and some rope.