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1. Method & organization, as Poirot said...

In general: The collective client knowledge about their own business & the industry they operate in is usually good


Such knowledge is scattered between different functions

Such knowledge is not documented in an easy-to-process manner

It is usually anecdotal & supporting data is missing

There is no will do to ‘leg work’ within the organization

So: You may be unlikely to wow them with the content of your recommendation. What you have really done is convert isolated, scattered hunches into a formal change imperative by using information discovery, research, organization, prioritization, summarization & communication. The wow is in the rigor.


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2. The measure of value is a shade of green...

In general: A management consulting engagement is predicated on economic value creation.


A desired change imperative may not surface apolitically from within

One of the primary drivers for an engagement could be leftover budgets

Regulatory environment may be a primary driver for an engagement

So: There are other legitimate connotations of value in your client’s organization, & the wider world. Whether it is avoiding a budget cut for the next fiscal, saving face, or surviving an audit, you should know what the value levers really are, regardless of how your statement of work is formally positioned


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3. This is someone else‘s problem...

In general: Our individual clients are custodians of the entire enterprise


Incentives and organizational structures promote segregation

Trust deficit may be an issue with such segregated structures

Consequently, a greater common good is also potentially crossing the line

So: A key aspect of solving for organizational value is to figure out whom that value accrues to in the way your client operates today. Navigating & networking within your client organization in addition to the client personnel in your particular engagement is crucial. You don’t want to knock at the wrong door with the right proposal.


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4. Indecision may or may not be my problem – Jimmy Buffett

In general: There is a designated responsibility center for a particular function or capability in your client’s organization


A decision maker is not the only one affected by the decision, & no one likes surprises

In many, if not most, cultures building consensus is preferred over decision making

Decisions made without consensus building are likely to face adoption issues

So: If you’re seeking approval for your recommended change imperative, the landscape of stakeholders in addition to the direct beneficiary of change must be engaged, sometimes individually, ahead of finalizing anything. The final presentation should run to a script knowing what concerns will be raised, how to address them & what outcomes may be expected

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5. According to the statement of work...

In general: Statements of work clearly articulate your responsibilities & that of your client’s


Engagement progress may be impeded due to client dynamics

Significant relationships could be built if you offer to help & not escalate

Such relationships will translate into tangible value for your firm

So: As a seasoned consultant, you have a choice between following the SOW to the letter or finding a way around it. Be cognizant of the longer term account plan for your client & decide what is the best course of action. There are usually multiple parameters at play, so even if you do decide to escalate, make sure you’re not doing so reflexively, but after careful consideration
