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  • 8/8/2019 4CC25520d01


    National Renewable Energy LaboratoryInnovation for Our Energy Future


    PhotovoltaicsNRELs Process Development & Integration Laboratory

  • 8/8/2019 4CC25520d01



    NREL is creatin

    the worlds large

    modular system

    interface so you c

    add your own to

    NREL uses the

    worlds only

    integrated, high-

    vacuum tool set for

    6-inch PV samples

    NRELs PDIL is

    unique in serving

    a wide range of PV


    The Process Development and Integration Laboratory(PDIL) at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory(NREL) is a unique collaborative facility whereindustry and universities can work closely withNREL scientists on integrated equipment to answerpressing questions related to photovoltaics (PV). Theintegrated equipment includes deposition, processing,

    and characterization tools. Wework with a wide range of PV

    materials, from crystalline silicon tothin-lms (amorphous, nano- andmicrocrystalline silicon, copperindium gallium diselenide, cadmiumtelluride) to organic PV.

    The PDIL integrates all the data to

    Automate control via recipes

    Share data easily and securely

    Facilitate analysis.

    The PDIL integrates all the tools to

    Eliminate air exposure between steps

    Sequence steps in any order Incorporate combinatorial techniques.

    The PDIL integrates all the materials to

    Provide greater device exibility

    Allow diverse experts to work together

    Better support industry and universities.

    Maximize InfrastructureIn the PDIL, we integrate the tools and techniques usfor deposition, processing, and characterization to

    Provide a baseline of world-class cellsand materials

    Eliminate contaminants in the productionprocess

    Control and characterize critical surfaces Create a exible environment for

    material deposition

    Generate more useful data from well-designedexperiments.

    Our staff in the National Center for Photovoltaics hasmore than 2000 person-years experience in solar PVand semiconductor research and is uniquely qualied

    Improve industrial processes

    Answer previously inaccessible research questions

    Develop new techniques,methods, and devices

    Offer the best expertise anddata library in the industry

    Identify and solve solar cellefciency problems.

    Take a virtual tour of our system at

    Vacuum Transport






    Central TransferRobot

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    NREL is integrating

    the worlds largestcollection of PV

    processes and


    SiliconPlasma-enhancedchemicalvapordeposition (PECVD)ofamorphousSiandSiN:HHot-wirechemicalvapordeposition(HWCVD) ofamorphousSiVeryhighfrequency(VHF)CVDofamorphousSiPlasmaetchingSputteringofTCOsHigh-resolutionopticalmetrology(n&k)Photothermaldeflectionspectroscopy

    CIGSCo-evaporationofCIGSChemical-bathdepositionofCdSSputteringofCdS,Mo,andtransparent conductingoxides(TCOs)



    Silicon Wafer ReplacementHWCVDofn-typeandp-typeSiExperimentalCVDofSiSurfacepreparation(HF)

    Atmospheric ProcessingInk-jetprintingUltrasonicspraydepositionSputteringdepositionEvaporativedepositionRapidthermalannealingX-raydiffraction(XRD)/X-rayfluorescence(XRF)

    User CharacterizationStylusprofilingUltraviolet-visiblespectrometryOpticalprofiling

    Quantumefficiency(QE)Current-voltage(I-V)Measurements and CharacterizationSpectroscopicellipsometryResonance-coupledphotoconductivedecay(RC-PCD)PhotoluminescenceimagingAugerelectronspectroscopy(AES)Sputtering/plasmaetchingPECVDstudiesX-rayphotoelectronspectroscopy(XPS)Scanningelectronmicroscopy(SEM)


    PDIL ToolsNREL is working with industry to expand its tool set.

    Accelerate Time to MarketIn the PDIL, which is NRELs newest laboratory,you will

    Gain access to modular deposition, processing,and characterization capabilities

    - Common transfer interface

    - Standard sample size

    - Intra-tool transport supporting agiven technology

    - Controlled ambient between toolsat the molecular level

    - Inter-tool transport for samples up to 6 inches,which is unique in the world

    Access the latest information on worldwide trendsand investments in solar PV R&D

    Work in facilities that bringpeople together

    - NREL subject-matterexperts

    - Industry collaborators

    - University collaborators.

    Optimize ProductivityNREL is a global leader in identifying, mitigating, andtroubleshooting solar energy production problems. Inthe PDIL, we have pioneered innovative technologiesthat integrate multiple disciplines to provide greateroptimization.

    The PDIL allows you to

    Use our combinatorial capabilities forscreening studies

    Access integrated data systems fordeposition and measurement

    Build materials systems that are unique to yourdevice structure

    Access our complementary support system

    Access an extensive historical data collection.

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    2007 Laboratory of the Year

    We follow a three-step processfor work within the ProcessDevelopment & IntegrationLaboratory.




    Submit your short project proposal,including goals, expectedoutcomes, scope, schedule, andrequired resources.

    A panel quickly evaluates yourproposal against establishedcriteria to determine if your projectis appropriate for the PDIL.

    When your proposal is accepted,we finalize issues such as access toNREL facilities and protection ofintellectual property.


    with NREL

    For more information about working

    with NREL, please contact:

    Brent Nelson

    National Renewable Energy


    E-mail: [email protected]

    National Renewable Energy Laboratory

    1617 Cole Boulevard Golden, Colorado 80401-3393


    NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Ene

    Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

    Operated by Midwest Research Institute Battelle

    NREL/BR-520-42389 April 2008

    Printed with a renewable-source ink on paper containing at

    least 50% wastepaper, including 10% post consumer waste.

    For specific technical contacts
