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43 Words That Sell

By Irina Milova

This is what Mark Anastasi, said about copy writing: “Everyone that I know that is successful has studied copy writing. Whether you are sending a letter to someone, or writing an email to your list, or writing a direct mail letter or you are speaking from the stage, doing a webinar or a video sales letter, knowing how to use the words that sell is a huge advantage”.

I want to share this marketing and copywriting secret with you, because as soon as I read about it I got so inspired that I applied it immediately: I had my web site home page re written using this method.

The words you use when you communicate to your customers will directly impact your sales. There are certain words that DRAMATICALLY increase persuasion and response.

Here are some of them.

You. Aren’t you more interested in you than me? All human beings are naturally self-interested. We want to know how we can survive, improve our well-being, solve problems etc. The more you use the word “you” in your copy, the better it is for you. As a rough guide “You’s” need to outnumber “I’s” and “We’s” by two or three to one.

Free, At No Charge, At No Cost, Without Charge, Complimentary. Doesn’t everyone want something for free? Most people are naturally drawn to advertising offering something for FREE.

New, Now. In conversation people often talk about the latest thing. This is because people want to know what is new. You can often start a headline with “New:…” And even if your product isn’t particularly new you can always substitute NOW. It implies newness and recency in the same way.

Revealed, Exposed, Secret, Hidden, Uncovered, Discovered, Unveiled, Released, Revolutionary. Everyone likes to know a secret …and your prospects are no exception. Tell them you’re giving them access to something very few people have …and they will be hooked.

Because. We do things for a reason. And we want a reason for things. If you make a claim in your copy and say “because…”, then the reason will be accepted. Whether it makes sense or not.

Naturally, Easily, Effortlessly, Smoothly, Quietly, Readily. No one wants something that entails a lot of work …all these words make it all seem so easy.

Guarantee, Money-Back, Risk-Free. The biggest barrier to business is trust. These words help build trust by removing the risk from the buyer and putting it on the shoulders of the seller.

Unique, Exclusive, Limited, Special, Select, Elite, Matchless, Unparalleled, Unmatched, Unequalled. Your prospects want to think they are getting the best.

Who, What, Which, When, How. These are great standby words to create headlines when you are hard-pushed to think of something. They are also a great way to plan out longer copy for something like a brochure or leaflet. Basically when you answer these questions you tell people what they want to know in a clear, concise way.

Finally… avoid a lot of adjectives, especially unreal superlatives. Haven’t you read an awful lot of brochures which talk about the best XWZ or the very finest ABC? Everyone is telling you they are the best. Everyone simply cannot be the best so consumers naturally tend to disbelieve you when you tell them you are the best. (Unless you are and can prove it).

I follow this method when I write emails, newsletters and sales letters, and also when I make a pitch. Want more internet marketing tips and information? My blog: Facebook: To your success!

Irina Milova
