Page 1: 4 photo composition challenge!

Photo opposites theme challenge!

The theme we were the opposites straight and round/twisted, and that is what everyone in the class guessed. We conveyed this by having photos of things that have lots of straight lines in them like the crossing and the wooden slats, and things like trees which are rather twisted and bumpy. The final photo of the wall is a mixture of the two as on one side you have the straight lined in the floor and on the other is the orchard which is full of twisty trees, the wall itself is also rounded rather than straight.

Page 2: 4 photo composition challenge!

Composition challenge 2

We re-took the photos but this time concentrated more on the composition and framing of them to attempt to make them more visually interesting. we used techniques like symmetry, changing the depth of field and using other objects to frame the subject.