Page 1: 4 page Guide to SHABBAT Davening at Home...B l essi ngs precedi ng S hema I ncl udes Y ot zer O r and A havah Raba. E l A don on page 374 i s t radi t i onal l y sung. B ot t om of

Davening at Home


Compiled By Rabbi Phil KaplanCompiled By Rabbi Phil Kaplan


Page 2: 4 page Guide to SHABBAT Davening at Home...B l essi ngs precedi ng S hema I ncl udes Y ot zer O r and A havah Raba. E l A don on page 374 i s t radi t i onal l y sung. B ot t om of



All page numbers refer to the green “Authorised Daily Prayer Book”

(used at The Great Synagogue.)

Blessings upon waking Blessing on handwashing andblessings on the Torah

Bottom of 12 - 16

Birchot HaShachar,Morning Blessings

Blessings recounting all the giftsGod gives us each and every day.

Bottom of 16 - 24

Korbanot - Rebbe Yishmael Excerpts from the Torah andMishnah dealing with the sacrificialofferings. This ends with an excerptfrom the Talmud, Rabbi Yishmael’sinterpretive principles. With aminyan, this would normally befollowed by Kaddish d’Rabbanan.Without a minyan, do not sayKaddish.

Bottom of 24 - 32

Shir shel Yom Psalm for the Sabbath day. Bottom of 152

Mizmor Shir ChanukatHaBayit

A Psalm of David. 322

Baruch She'amar - end ofPesukei d’Zimra

All texts in this section can be saidindependently without a minyan

326- middle of 366

Page 3: 4 page Guide to SHABBAT Davening at Home...B l essi ngs precedi ng S hema I ncl udes Y ot zer O r and A havah Raba. E l A don on page 374 i s t radi t i onal l y sung. B ot t om of



All page numbers refer to the green “Authorised Daily Prayer Book”

(used at The Great Synagogue.)

Shochen Ad - Barchu Say the words of Shochen Ad,UvMakhalot, Yishtabach. Skip half kaddish and Barchu, when davening without a minyan.

Bottom of 366 - 368

Blessings preceding Shema Includes Yotzer Or and AhavahRaba. El Adon on page 374 istraditionally sung.

Bottom of 370 - 380

Shema When praying without a minyan,say the three words at the very topof the page, “El Melech Ne’eman,”and then proceed with Shema asusual.

382 - 384

Blessings following Shema Emet v’Yatziv, Ezrat Avoteinu,ending with the words “Ga’alYisrael”.

386 - 388

Amida Say the silent Amidah. If it is aShabbat Rosh Chodesh, addYaaleh v’Yavo.

390 - middle of 402

SHABBAT MORNING TORAH READINGWe do not read from a Torah scroll without the presence of a minyan. Regardless, most peopledon’t have their own Torah scroll at home! We encourage you to read the weekly Torah readingand Haftarah at home, from a Chumash. It is easy to look up the weekly parasha online, whereyou can find the chapter and verse where the Torah reading can be found. Here’s the next few to get you started.

Date Parsha HaftorahTorahReading


Saturday25 April

Tazria - Matzora Leviticus12:1 - 15:33

Shabbat RoshChodesh. Numbers 28:9-15

Shabbat RoshChodesh.Isaiah 66:1 - 66:24

Page 4: 4 page Guide to SHABBAT Davening at Home...B l essi ngs precedi ng S hema I ncl udes Y ot zer O r and A havah Raba. E l A don on page 374 i s t radi t i onal l y sung. B ot t om of


SHABBAT MORNING MUSSAFTefillah Notes Page Number

All page numbers refer to the green “Authorised Daily Prayer Book”

(used at The Great Synagogue.)

Yekum Purkan When praying without a minyan,only the first paragraph is said


Ein Kelohainu Bottom of 450

Aleinu 454 - 456

Anim Zemirot 458 - 462

Adon Olam 464

Saturday2 May

Acharei Mot -Kedoshim

Leviticus16:1 - 20:27

N/A Amos 9:7 - 9:15

Mussaf Amidah 434 - 448Say the silent Amidah. If it is aShabbat that is also Rosh Hodesh,after saying the blessing “Ha’ElHaKadosh” at the top of page 438,turn to page 440 and say thesection that begins “Atah Yatzarta”through page 442, than continuewith Retzeh and proceed as usual.Finish the silent Amidah. NoKaddish following mussaf whenpraying without a minyan

Ashrei 426 - 428

Saturday9 May

Emor Leviticus21:1 - 24:23

N/A Ezekiel 44:15 - 44:31

Saturday16 May

Behar -Bechukotai

Leviticus25:1 - 27:34

N/A Jeremiah 16:19 - 17:14
