Page 1: 4 June Prayer & Praise. - · 16th July 11.00 Prayer & Praise ... Then we joined our voices proclaiming

Ste Natters Matters issue 92. 18th June 2017.

18th June 11.00 Prayer & Praise with Communion.

Revd. David & Angela Marshall.

2nd July 11.00 Prayer & Praise with Communion.

Revd. Tony Lomas.

16th July 11.00 Prayer & Praise with Sheila Campbell. 23rd July 11.00 Prayer & Praise with Dave Wilton.

30th July 11.00 Prayer & Praise with David Albrecht.

Join us for a bring and share lunch after all our services.

A committee meeting will follow after lunch.

1Cor 12:7. Now to each one, the manifestation of the Spirit is given, for the

common good.


June Prayer & Praise. Dave led our Pentecost service. Sadly the evening before,

London suffered another terrorist attack. We paused. Then we joined our voices proclaiming the Gospel and giving thanks.

Acts 2:1-21. A summary of Dave’s talk. This is the Feast of Harvest where first fruits were offered. Jesus chose Pentecost to pour out His Spirit and 3,000 heard. In Acts 1 Luke says that Jesus told them to wait. v8 ‘But in a few days you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my the ends of the earth.’ We need the Spirit and then we will be His witnesses. They were waiting and praying. The leaders gathered when suddenly… The Spirit is free to come and go as He pleases. He knows what’s best for us. At a Holy Spirit weekend course I went forward for prayer but nothing happened. Then on the Sunday evening suddenly He came on me and I was filed with joy. We often know something in our heads but when the Spirit comes, He takes that head knowledge and puts in in our hearts. With the Spirit, the truth becomes real to us. They were speaking different languages but they were all declaring the wonders of God. They were so filled with the Spirit that they couldn’t keep quiet, they had to declare. There was so much noise that others came to see. Then Peter addresses them with the prophecy of Joel. We too are living in the last days. The promises in Joel are for us as well. We too receive the power of the Spirit. Acts 2: 38-39 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptised, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of you sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off, for all whom the Lord our God will call.”

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How do we receive? God wants us to have the Spirit. Matthew 7:11 … how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! Ask, there is no technique, it will be different for all of us. We see different examples in Acts. Later Peter was brought before the Sanhedrin. 4:31 Peter prayed, the building shook, they spoke with boldness. In 8:17 Peter and John lay hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit. People could see they had received it. 10:44 In Cornelius’ house, while Peter was speaking, suddenly the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message. In Corinth 19:6 When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them and they spoke in tongues and prophesied. God created everything with such variety. To each of us he does things differently. We can open our hearts, we can lay hands on people and ask. Amen. There was an opportunity for people to come forward for prayer after the service. There were 28 of us and 23 stayed to lunch, including visitors which was nice.

God’s measurements are not like ours. John 21:6. He said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.

John 6:5-13. … v 9 Here is a boy with 5 small barley loaves and 2 small fish but how far will they go among so many? … v12 When they had all had enough to eat … v13 so they gathered them and filled 12 baskets with the pieces … left over! Abundance! Are we ready to receive all the blessings he has for us?

Worship On Wednesday 14th


The Bible tells us, “that wherever a few gather in my name, there I will be”, what an amazing promise that is, and yesterday at WOW, God’s presence was certainly with us. A little smaller group than the last meeting (13), but the joy in singing together songs of worship to our God, and being able to share together, made it very special. The harmony was fantastic, we obviously have some choir members in our midst. We shared in prayer together for the situation in the UK, which concerns many people we know, and affects us all, and various personal prayers for continued healing of individuals. As usual Dave and Jan did us proud with a delicious selection of cakes, tea and coffee, gratefully received by all present. Kay.

The Spirit cannot bring Christ’s saying to our remembrance if we have no knowledge of them. If we are prepared to spend time reading and meditating on Scripture, then the Spirit will ensure they are brought back to our remembrance, in times of difficulty and stress. Selwyn Hughes.

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Snippets from the Women’s Retreat. When we know the

character of God, our Father, we can be fully persuaded that he will meet our needs because he loves us. We find our value in Christ. God is our source, we look to him to provide our needs. He doesn’t condemn us for having needs but for not looking to him to provide them. We were asked to ponder which of these: security, significance, self-worth, were the driving force behind us feeling OK. If one of these is out of kilter we wobble, like a three legged stool. Elaine asked us to think about: in what ways had our own attempts to fill these core needs, let us down? Elaine hoped that as we know ourselves better, we will know God better. God’s love has great depth, persistence and intensity beyond our imagination. This concluded Elaine’s first session with us. More snippets next time.

Intercessions. Sheila has kindly agreed to take on the rota. She is also preparing

a booklet to help people start leading intercessions. It may seem daunting but I would encourage you to try. The booklet will have things to include in a prayer and a set prayer to start you off, then different examples from a variety of people. We are all unique and God delights in speaking through us. We may start off by collecting pieces to include, like a jig saw and fitting them together. Spending this preparation time with God and in His word, as you contemplate the readings for that day, will bring out phrases from His resident Spirit within you. It is not a solo exercise but a joint venture. He will use your uniqueness and lay particular groups on your heart to pray for. Then the gathering of believers will add their Amen, to agree to the prayer which will be in line with His will. ‘Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.’ Matt 18:19 ‘If you remain in me and my words remain in you. Ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you.’ John 15:7


September WorshipFest. Rehearsals are starting for the Worship Fest. The

speakers will be Tony Lomas, David and Angela Marshall. Dave Wilton has been busy selecting songs. We have had an answer to prayers for a drummer. Tony Fuller has kindly agreed to come back for the occasion. John 14: 26. But the councillor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

When the Word is in your heart, the Spirit can bring it to life. Chaplain of Aquitaine: Revd. Tony Lomas. [email protected] 06 72 31 72 87 Assistant Curate: Revd. Deacon Charlotte Sullivan [email protected] 05 53 61 81 61 Web site: Chaplaincy news and information, including a page for our centre and access to the Chaplaincy monthly magazine ‘Spreading the Word’. Facebook: Also a fb page for ‘Ste Nathalène – Chaplaincy of Aquitaine’.

Glorify the lord with me: let us exalt his name together. Psalm 34:3.
