  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 9 Powerpoint Presentation






    LESLesson 9 forAugust 29,

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 9 Powerpoint Presentation


    PENTECOST“Parthians and Medes and Elamites, those dwelling inMesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygiaand Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya adjoining Cyrene,isitors from !ome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs"we hear them spea#ing in our own tongues thewonderful wor#s of $od%& 'Acts ()*+-

     Just ten !"s !fter Jesus# Gre!t

    Co$$%ss%on, t&e Ho'" S(%r%t %ns(%rePeter to (re!)& Jesus *efore !n!u%en)e of Je+%s& (eo('e fro$ !'' oert&e +or'-

    Peter#s s(ee)& +!s s%$('e, )'e!r !n


    T&e (ro(&e)%es +ere *e%ng

    fu'.''e/A)ts 21213-T&e S)r%(tures (re%)te Jesus#e4e$('!r" '%fe !n H%s $%r!)'es-He +!s resurre)te !n e4!'te to

    t&e r%g&t &!n of Go /A)ts 2223-

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 9 Powerpoint Presentation


    “.here was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, acenturion of what was called the /talian !egiment, a deoutman and one who feared $od with all his household, who gaealms generously to the people, and prayed to $od always%&

    'Acts 0)+(-


    e +!s onef s%4entur%ons

    t&e 2n !'%!no&ort!se %n!es!re!-

    He +!s !nun)%r)u$)%se gent%'e,*ut &e &!!))e(tet&e Go ofIsr!e'-

    He +!s !eout$!n &eg!e !'$sgenerous'"-

    :er"%$(ort!nt,&e ;(r!"eto Go!'+!"s-<

    He trusteGo %neer"!s(e)t of&%s '%fe-

    A Je+ +ou' &!r'" (re!)& to !n un)%r)u$)%se $!n, soGo &! to %nterene %n !n e4tr!or%n!r" $!nner-

    Go sent !n !nge' so s!'!t%on )ou' )o$e to Corne'%us#

    &o$e- T&e !nge' %n#t (re!)& t&e Gos(e' to Corne'%us &egot &%$ %n tou)& +%t& t&e C&ur)&- Go +!nts us to s(re!

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 9 Powerpoint Presentation


    “.hen Peter opened his mouth and said) 1/n truth /perceie that $od shows no partiality% 2ut in eerynation whoeer fears 3im and wor#s righteousnessis accepted by 3im%4& 'Acts 0)56+57-

    Corne'%us +!s e!ger to *etterunerst!n Go#s +%'', so &eo*e"e t&e !nge' !n sent so$e(eo('e to .n Peter !t Jo((! /50=$ or 1 $%'es to t&e sout& ofC!es!re!3-

    He !))e(te t&e Gos(e',

    so Go sent t&e Ho'"S(%r%t u(on Gent%'es fort&e .rst t%$e- T&!t s&oo6Peter#s !n t&e ot&er

     Je+s# $%ns-

    Go &!s (eo('e +&o 'oeH%$ %n eer" ('!)e !n

    Corne'%us +!s +%''%ng to

    +ors&%( Peter /A)ts 10253, so&e o*%ous'" neee tounerst!n s!'!t%on %n !ee(er +!" /A)ts 111>3-


  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 9 Powerpoint Presentation


    “And a oice spo#e to him again the secondtime, 18hat $od has cleansed you must notcall common%4& 'Acts 0)7-

    PETERT&e Je+s )ons%ere un)%r)u$)%se $en to *e un)'e!n-

    T&erefore, t&e" t&oug&t t&e" +ere un+ort&" of re)e%%ng t&e*'ess%ngs t&!t t&e (eo('e of Go esere-

    T&e s&eet *oun !t t&efour )orners- T&e E!rt&-

    T&e fourfoote !n%$!'s,

    )ree(%ng t&%ngs !n *%rsof t&e !%r- NonJe+%s& %n&!*%t!nts,

    t&e Gent%'es- R%se, Peter 6%'' !n e!t-

    ;Ar%se t&erefore, goo+n !n go +%t& t&e$?t&e Gent%'es@,ou*t%ng not&%ng-</A)ts 10203-

    &!t Go &!s )'e!nse"ou $ust not )!'' )o$$on-


    Go sent Peter !%s%on to *re!6t&!t )u'tur!'*!rr%er o+n, sot&e Gos(e' )ou'

    *e (re!)&e to t&eGent%'es-

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 9 Powerpoint Presentation




    e )!n 'e!rn fro$ t&%s stor" t&!t eer"one %s !))e(t!*'e

    *efore Go, *ut not eer" re'%g%on %s-e )!nnot eu!te Jesus to !n" ot&er ;(!t& to s!'!t%on-<

    T&ere %s on'" one +!", ;Jesus s!% to &%$, I !$ t&e +!", t&etrut&, !n t&e '%fe- No one )o$es to t&e !t&er e4)e(tt&roug& Fe-#< /Jo&n 1>3-

    “.ruly, these times of ignorance $od oerloo#ed,but now commands all men eerywhere to repent%&

    'Acts 9)50-

    e $ust go to t&e (eo('e +&ereer

    t&e" $%g&t *e- e $ust !'sores(e)t t&e%r *e'%efs !n )usto$sAn +e $ust !'+!"s s&o+ t&e$ !*etter +!", t&e !"-

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 9 Powerpoint Presentation


    “The Gentiles, and especially the Greeks, wereextremely licentious, and there was danger thatsome, unconverted in heart, would make aprofession of faith without renouncing their evilpractices. The Jewish Christians could not tolerate

    the immorality that was not even regarded ascriminal by the heathen. The Jews therefore held itas highly proper that circumcision and theobservance of the ceremonial law should beenoined on the Gentile converts as a test of their

    sincerity and devotion. This, they believed, wouldprevent the addition to the church of those who,adopting the faith without true conversion of heart,might afterward bring reproach upon the cause by

    immorality and excess.!E-G-- /T&e A)ts of t&e A(ost'es, )(- 19, (g-

     T"# J#$%&'(#) C*%+C(

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 9 Powerpoint Presentation



    T&e !rgu$ent !*out o*ser%ng t&e Je+%s& '!+s )ou'#e *eensett'e +&en Peter t!'6e to t&e C&ur)& of Jerus!'e$ %n A)ts1111B-

    Neert&e'ess, +&en P!u' *eg!n to e4tens%e'" (re!)& to t&eGent%'es, t&e (ro*'e$ got +orse- A )oun)%' +!s )!''e so t&eC&ur)& )ou' %s)uss t&!t (o%nt /A)ts 151293-

    “:or it seemed good to the 3oly ;pirit, andto us, to lay upon you no greater burdenthan these necessary things) that you

    abstain from things offered to idols, fromblood, from things strangled, and fromse

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 9 Powerpoint Presentation


    “-ecause Cornelius was living in obedience to all theinstruction he had received, God so ordered eventsthat he was given more truth

     There are in our world many who are nearer thekingdom of God than we suppose. n this dark worldof sin the (ord has many precious ewels, to whom "ewill guide "is messengers. #verywhere there arethose who will take their stand for Christ. )any willpri/e the wisdom of God above any earthly

    advantage, and will become faithful light bearers.Constrained by the love of Christ, they will constrainothers to come to "im.!

    E-G-- /T&e A)ts of t&e A(ost'es, )(- 1>, (g- 1>03