Page 1: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl



33.2-2 5/00-1'1 r~/'7 3a2-00 :::>






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ARTICLE I- PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................ l

ARTICLE II- RECOGNITION ................................................................................................................ 1

ARTICLE III- RELATIONSJIIP .•.•.....••..........................•......•.........................................•....................•. 2

ARTICLE IV- MANAGEMEN'f RIGHTS .................................................................................. ,,.,,.,,,,,2

ARTICLE V- STRIKES AND LOCKOUTS .......................... , ................................................................ J

ARTICLE VI - UNION SECURITY ........................................................................................................ 3

ARTICLE VII- UNION REPRESENTATION ....................................................................................... 4

ARTICLE VIII-GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ...................................................................................... 5

ARTICLE IX- DISCHARGE AND DISCIPLINARY ACTION .................................. : ........................ 1

ARTICLE X- ARBITRATION ................................................................................................................. 8

ARTICLE XI -SENIORITY ...................................................................................................................... 9

ARTICLEXII-IIOURS OF WORK. ..................................................................................................... IJ

ARTICLE Xlll- OVERTIME ................................................................................................................. 14'

ARTICLE XIV- SIIIFT PREMIUM ...................................................................................................... I4

ARTICLE XV- HOLIDAYS ................................................................................................................... 15

ARTICLE XVI- VACATION PLAN ...................................................................................................... 16

ARTICLE XVII -LEAVE OF ABSENCE ............................................................................................. 18

ARTICLE XVIII- BEREAVEMENT LEAVE ...................................................................................... 18

ARTICLE XIX- JURY DUTY AND CROWN WITNESS ................................................................... l9

ARTICLE XX- CALL-IN PAY ............................................................................................................... I9

ARTICLE XXI- REPORTING J~OR WORK ....................................................................................... 20

ARTICLE XXJI- TEMPORARY TRANSFERS ................................................................................... 20

ARTICLE XXJII- SAFETY AND Ill!:ALTH ......................................................................................... 21

ARTICLE XXJV- PAYMENT FOR INJURED EMPLOYEES .......................................................... 22

Ag•••m•nt ll<nw••n Ind.. I T=hnol"lo;i,..l<~~­•tod Unl!ed S<""l"'ocl<oro

Page ii

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ARTICLE XXV- BULLETIN BOARDS .........•................•.....•...•...........................•.......•.••.................... 22

ARTICLE XXVI- WAGES AND CLASSIFICATIONS ..•...•......•............. ,, .........•.......•....................... 22

ARTICLE XXVII - I!Jj:AL TH AND WELFARE BENEFITS .............................................................. 22

ARTICLE XXVIll- GENERAL .............................................................................................................. 23

ARTICLE XXIX- DlJRATION OF AGREEMENT ....................... ., .................................................... 24


.................... 26 . .... 27

..2& .. ..................... 29

. ...................... 30 .. ..... 31 .. ... 32


.................. . ........................ .34 ....................................... 35

SCHEDULE 'B' ......................................................................................................................................... 38 HEALTH AND WELFARE.BENEFITS ............................................................................... . ........... 38

LETTER. OF UNDERSTANDING ............................................................................................................. 41

JOINT HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITIEE....... . .... ................... .. .......... ..41 DISTRIBUTION OF OVERTIME... ....................... ...................... • ....... .43 STUDENTS.. .. ......................................... .44 VERBAL AND WRITTEN WARNINGS .... ..................... .. ............................................... ..45 SHIFT CHANGES.... ...................... ..................... ........... ....... .. ...... 46 BROKEN AND STOLEN TOOLS.............. .................. .................. .. ... .47 TRAINING.... ................... .. ....... .48 LEVEL II WELDER/FITTER, GENERAL MACHINIST, FABRICATOR/ASSEMBLER, & SPRAY PAINTER ........... 49 LEAD HAND DUTIES .. ......................... . ............................................ 50 PROGRESSION FROM LEVEL Il TO LEVEL IF AARlrATOR .. . ........................ 5 l OVERTIME ........................ .. RETURN TO WORK (RTW) COMMITTEE .• FAMILY DAY ........................................... ..

,>,.gr~=~m ll.<:Jw..e" ln<hl T""'hno\ogi<c< Inc. >n<:l Uni<c<:l Otedwo,kc"

........ 53 . .... 54

.. ....... 55


Page 4: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl

TWS AGREEMENT mHde and entered into the 21 .. day of March, 2014


INDAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. (Hereinafter referred to as the Company")


UNITED STEELWORKERS (Hereinafter referred to as the "Union")

'WHEREAS the Ontario Labour Relations Board by certificate dated the 22nd day of

September, 1981, certified the Union as the bargaining agent for the employees in the bargaining unit

hereinafter described.

NOW THEREFORE this Agreement witnesseth tfiat:


1.01 The purpose and intention of this Agreement is to maintain a hannonicius relationship between

the Company and its employees and to provide an amicable method of settling any differences which may

arise between them and to set forth the conditions of employment to be observed by the Company and the



2.01 The Company recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent of all employees

oflndal Technologies lnc. in the City ofMississauga, save and except supervisors, persons above the rank

of supervisor, office, sales, clerical, technical and quality assurance staff, professional engineers, persons

regularly employed for not more thau twenty-four (24) hours per week and students employed during the

school vacation period .

... gr~~mon< !l.,<w••"' lnd•l T.,hnol<>g1•olne­·~d Unit«! S<=lwud«••


Page 5: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl

2.02 Supervisors of bargaining unit members will not perfom1 work normally perfonned by

members of the bargaining unit except in the case of emergency, for training, or when no bargaining unit

member is then available to perform the work.

2.03 The te= and conditions set forth in this Agreement shall have fu11 foree and effect for all

employees in the bargaining unit as described in this Article.


3.01 The Company and the Union agree that there will be no discrimlnation, interference, restraint or

coercion, exercised or practised by the Company or by the Union, or-by any of their representatives, with

respect to any employee in the exercise of his rights as set forth in this Agreement. No Union member will

conduct Union activities during Company time on the premises of the Company except as specifically

pennitted by this Agreement.


4.01 The Union agrees that the Company has the exclusive right to manage the enterprise in which

the Company is engaged and to deal with all matters concerning tbe operation of the Company's business

including, bnt without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the right:

a) to direct and supervise the working force, including the right to hire, promote, demote,

classifY, release or Jay off employees, and

h) to determine the extent, means and manner of reducing or increasing the operation or the

working force subject to the te!TilS of this Agreement;

c) to schedule employees;

d) to suspend, discharge or otherwise discipline employees for just and reasonable cause;

e) to make or alter reasonable rules and regulations.

4.02 The Company agrees that these rights shaH be exercised subject to the terms of this Agreement.

Ag«c>""Rt B<eweon huL.l T~'<"hnol<>gieo Inc. and Un1t«l5t~elw<>tk<"'


Page 6: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


5.01 The Company wilt not cause or direct any lockouts of its employees and the Union will not

cause or direct any strikes, nor will employees participate in any coltective action which will interfere with

the operation of the Company. Should any of the employees covered by this Agreement engage in an iltegal

strike, the Union agrees to immediately use the best efforls of its officers, agents and stewards to direct the

employees concerned back to work.

5.02 The definitions of the tenns "lockout" and "strike" as used in Seclion 5.01, shall be in

accordance with the Labour Relations Act.

5.03 The parties acknowledge that participation in an illegal strike is just cause for discharge.


6.01 The Company shall deduct Union dues including, where applicable, initiation fees and

assessments, on a weekly basis, from the wages of each employee covered by this agreement. The amount

of dues shall be calculated in accordance with the Union's Constitution.

6,02 All dues, initiation fees and assessments shall be remitted to the Union forthwith and in any

event no later than 15 days following the last day of the month in which the remittance was deducted. The

remittance shall be sent to the Jntemational Secretary Treasurer of the United Steelworkers, AFL-CIO-CLC,

P .0. Box 13083 Postal Station "A", Toronto, Ontario M5W l V7 in such form as shall be directed by the

Union to the Company along with a completed Dues Remittance Fonn R-115. A copy of the Dues

Remittance Fonn R-115 will also be scot to the Union office dcsigm.ttcd by the Area Coo!diu;:~tm.

6.03 The remittance and the R~1 15 form shall be accompanied by a statement containiug the

following infonnation:

(a) A list of the names of all employees from whom dues were deducted and the amount of dues


(b) A list of the names of all employees from whom no deductions have been made and reasons;

(c) This information shall be sent to both Union addresses identified in article 6.02 in such form as

shall be directed by the Union to the Company .

• 'o.g-re<ment B<tw<ea l~cl....l Tcdmologieo Inc . • nd un;re<J StodW<>rk~-.

Page 3

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6.04 The Union shall indemnify and save the Company harmless against all claims or other forms of

liability that may arise out of any actions taken by the Company in compliance with thls article.

6.05 The Compl'i"ny, when preparing T-4 slips for the employees, will enter the amount of Union

dues paid to the employee during the previous year.


7.01 For the pwpose of assisting employees in the presentation of grievances in accordance with the

provisions of Article VIII, the Company acknowledges the right of the Union to appoint or otherwise select

one (I) shop steward from each of the following areas:

1. welding area

2. fabrication/assembly area

3. machine shop and maintenance

4. shipping-receiving, and stores

5. paint shop

One of the stewards shall act as Plant Chairperson; an alternative steward must be appointed by the Plant

Chairperson in the event of an extended illness or absence of the regular steward. The absence of the Plant

Chairperson or a steward will not be justification for the delay of Union representation. If an employee's

representation of choice is not in attendance, be will be provided the opportunity to select an alternative. If he refuses, Ill!IIlllgement will request the Plant Chairperson, or in his absence, a steward to represent the employee.

7.02 1l1e Union agrees to supply the Company with a list of its shop stewards and alternate stewards

and agrees to keep such list up-to-date at all times, it being understood that the Company need not recognize

any such steward unless and until it has had notice ill writing ofhls appointment.

7.03 The Company shall recognize a Union Grievance Committee composed of the Plant

Chairperson, the case steward, and the griever.

AJ;'"""'"""' Bo<w"o" lo<i>\ lrthnol~os In~. ><>d u,.;,~d Stodworkor.


Page 8: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl

7.04 The Company and the Union agree that the shop stewards and the Plant Chairperson shall be

full-time employees of the Company during their terms of office and shall have a minimum of six C?) months' service with the <:;ompany.

7.05 The Company agrees that a shop steward or the Plant Chairperson after first receiving

permission from his supervisor, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, shall be pemtitted during

working hours and without loss of pay to leave his regular duties for a reasonable length of time in order to

investigate and settle any grievances which may arise within the bargaining unit provided such grievance

has previously been brought to the attention of the Company. Upon returning to his regular duties, the shop

steward or Plant Chairperson shall report to his supervisor before commencipg his regular duties. The

Company reserves the right to lintit the time taken under thls Article should it become excessive.

7.06 The Company and the Union agree that payment for time lost by a shop steward or the Plant

Chairperson shall not include time spent in proceedings before a Board of Arbitmtion.

7.07 The Company and the Union agree that a Staff representative of the Union or his designate

shall attend U1tion Grievance Corrunittee meetings with the Company upon request of either party. A staff

representative of the Union shall, upon reasonable request, also be permitted to meet with officers of the

Local Union with respect to Union business during working hours, provided lhunan Resources is notified in

advance and production is not unreasonably delayed.

7.08 The Company agrees to pay up to three members of the Union Negotiating Committee for all

regular hours necessarily lost from work in meetings with the Company to negotiate a renewal of this

Agreement up to but not including conciliation.


8.01 It is the mutual desire of the pariies hereto that any complaint or cause for dissatisfaction

arising between an employee and the Company with respect to the application, interpretation or alleged

violation of this Agreement shall be adjusted as quickly as possible.

8.02 It is generally understood that an employee has no complaint or grievance until he/she has first

given his/her imm~iate supervisor an opportunity to adjust the complaint. It is further understood that no

grievance shall be considered where the circumstances giving rise to it occurred or where the circumslances

giving rise to the grievance might reasonably be deo:med to have become known to the employee, whichever

Agreem~nr C. tween Ind.\ Te<hnolog<= lne­•nd Unlt<'<IS<eelw<>Th<>


Page 9: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl

is the later, more than two (2) working days excluding Saturdays, Sundays, Statutory Holidays and the employee's regular days off, prior to the presentation of the grievance.

8.03 Grievances shaH be adjusted and settle<! as follows:

STEP I: The aggrieved employee shall first present his grievance in writing to his .immediate supervisor. In making such representation he shall be accompanied and represented by a steward or Plant

Chairperson. If a settlement satisfactory to the employee concerned is not reached, the

supe!Visor shall reply to the grievance in writing, within one (1) working day following the

presentation of the grievance. If the decision of the immediate snpe!Visor is not satisfactory to

the employee a grievance may be presented in accordance with Step 2 of tills Ar1icle at any

time within two (2) working days thereafter.

STEP 2: The aggrieved employee ffiay pursue his grievance provided it is presented in writing on a fonn

supplied by the Union to the Department Manager. In making such representation he shaH be accompanied and represented by a steward or Plant Chairperson. The Department Manager

shall deliver his reply in writing to the Union within two (2) working days following

presentation oft he grievance to him. If settlement satisfactory to the employee concerne-d is not

reached within two (2) working days following presentation of the grievance in accordance

with Step 2 the grievance may be presented in accordance with Step 3 of this Article at any time

with (2) :'orking days thereafter.

STEP 3: The aggrieved employee may present the writtetl grievance to Human Resources. In making such representation he shall be accompanied and represented by a steward or Plant

Chairperson. Upon presentation of the grievance, Human Resources shall inunediately arrange

a meeting between the Union Grievance Committee and the Company representatives. Human

Resourcesshall reply to the griev~ce in writing to the Union within five (5) working days

following such meeting. The Grievance Conmllttee and the grievor shall be present at the third

step meeting. A Union representative or his designate may be present if requested by either


Ag-r~•m~m Be<w~ tndal ·r.,.,\.,>o[ogi.,.,.ln~. •nd Un;,~d ,.,...,t .. o<l<e<>

Pag-"' 6

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8.04 If final settlement of the grievance is not reached at Step 3 then the grievance may be referred in writing-by either party to Arbitration as provided in Article X- Arbitration, at any time within thirty (30) calendar days after the decision is received under Step 3.

8.05 Where any differences arise between the Company and the Union relating to the interpretation, application or admini~!ration of this Agreement or where an allegation is made by the Company or by the Union that tltis Agreement has been violated, such difference or allegation shall be treated as a policy grievance and shall be presented in writing at Step 3 of the Grievance Procedure by the ag'grieved party to Human Resources or to the Union Grievance Committee as the case may be within ten (10) days after the facts connected therewith became known to the aggrieved party. Upon presentation of a policy grievance, the Company and the Union shall meet within len (10) days following presentation of the grievance and Hwnan Resources or the Union Grievance Committee as the case may be shalt deliver a reply to the grievance in writing to Human Resources or the Union Grievance Committee within five (5) working days following such meeting.

8.06 The time allowance provided in this Article may be extended by mutual agreement betweeu the parties in writing. If the time allowance or any extension thereof is not observed by the grieving party, the grievance shall be considered abandoned. If the time allowance, or any extension thereof, is not observed by the party who it has alleged has violated the Agreement, the grievance will be considered as advanced to the next step of this procedure, including Arbitrntion.

8.07 Any settlement of the grievance anived at between the Company and the Union Grievance Committee shall be made in writing and shall be final and binding upon the Company, the Union and the employees concerned.


9.01 A claim by an employee that hdshe has been discharged or suspended without just or reasonable cause shall be a proper subject for a grievance if a _written statement of such grievance is lodged with Human Resources at Step 3 of the Grievance Procedure within three (3) working days after the employee ceases working for the Company or within ten (lO) working days of the date a registered Jetter is sent advising the employee of his termination. Notwithstanding the foregoing, as a matter of right, a discharge or s-uspension of a probationary employee shall be entirely at the discretion of the Company .

... g<ee<n~n< lle<w...,n lnd,l Tedmolog;., In~. •nd u.,;,ed ,-,.,.,].,.orke<>

Page 7

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9.02 Any unsettled discharge grievance may proceed by way of Arbitration in accordance with Article X of this Agreement and, in such event, the Arbitrator may uphold the Company's action in discharging the eniployee or may order reinstatement of the discharged employee with full compensation for time lost, or may issue snch other decision within these limits which, in the opinion of the Arbitrator, is just and equitable in the circumstances.

9.03 When an employee has been dismissed without notice, he/she shall have the right to interview his/her Shop Steward and/or Plant Chairperson for a reasonable period of time before leaving Ute Company premises provided the holding of such interview is not unreasonable in the particular circumstances of the dismissal. Failure to be granted an interview shall not in any event nullify the discipline.


10.01 Where any grievance relating to the interpretation, application or alleged violation of the provisions of this Agreement remains unsettled after exhausting the grievance procedure established by the Agreement, such grievance may be referred by either party to Arbitration as provided in this Article at any time within thirty (30) working days after the decision is received under Step 3.

10.02 Where either party desires to submit any such unsettled grievance to arbitration, such party shall notifY the other party of its desire to submit the matter to a sole arbitrator within thirty (30) working days after the decision is received at Step 3 and provided also that such notice shall contain a list comprising of at Least three names of proposed arbitrators. The recipient of the notice shall, within five (5) working days of receipt of the notice, signify in writing, its consent to one of the proposed arbitrators or its denial by

returning a list of at least three alternative arbitrators.

In the event either party requests the Ministry of Labour to refer a grievance to a single

arbitrator under Section 49 of the Labour Relations Act, the date for filing the request shall be mutually agreed. Jn order to achieve this mutual date, the parties agree to waive any necessary time limits.

10.03 If the parties are unable to agree upon an arbitrator within ten (1 0) working days of the date of receipt of the notice as in 1 0.02, the Minister of Labour for the Province of Ontario may be requeste<l by either party to appoint an impartial person as arbitrator.

Ag•=m•m Be<W<cl\ !"d•l T•duwlog!e• Inc. md Un!<~ S<od~o•ke.s


Page 12: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl

10.04 The arbitrator appointed in accordance with this Art ide shall hear and detennine the grievance

and shall issue a decision. The decision of the arbitrator shall be fmal and binding upon the parties a:nd

upon any employee affected by it.

10.05 Except where otherwise provided for in this Agreement, each of the parties hereto will bear its

own expense with respect to any arbitration proceedings. The parties hereto will bear jointly the exJ;enses

of the Arbitrator on an equal basis.

10.06 No matter may be submitted to Arbitration which has not first been properly carried through all

preceding steps of the Grievance Procedure.

10.07 The Arbitrator shall not be authorized, nor shall the Arbitmtor assume authority to alter,

modify, or amend any part of this Agreement, nor to make any decision inconsistent with the provisions

thereof, nor to deal with any maller not covered by this Agreement.

10.08 No person shall be appointed as Arbitrator who has been involved in an attempt to negotiate or

settle the grievance.


ll.Ol Seniority as referred to in this Agreement shall mean length of continuous service in the employ

of the Company.

Where two or more einployees have identical seniority dates, preference in matters decided by

seniority will be determined by the dates on the applications for employment.

11.02 An employee will be considered probationary for the first sixty {60) working days of his

employment in a six {6) month period and will have no seniority rights during that period. After sixty (60)

workiog days of active service his seniority date shall date back to the day which was sixty {60) plant

working days prior to the date on which he completed his probationary period.

"S""'e"'onr lktween J,.d•l Technologi= Inc. •n<l llnlr~d Steclwmken

P:age 9

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11.03 Matters relating to promotion (other thau promotion to a position outside the bargaining unit),

demotions (other than disciplinary demotions), and shift preference, where the experience, skill, and ability,

are relatively equal, the length of continuous service shaH govern.

In the case of a layoff within the classification the company shall layoff the least senior employee provided

that the remaining employees have the required experience, skill and ability to do the job that js available.

Employees on layoff will be recalled on the basis of seniority to positions for which they have the required

experience, skill and ability to pertOnn.

The sequence to be followed when being recalled to a position after a layoff or bumping is as follows:

I. Employees, by seniority, will retum to their last classification prior to bumping or layoff (provided they

have not been out of the position for more than the recall afforded under article 11.05(c)) when a

pOSition in such classification becomes vacant; or else will be terminated without recall rights.

2. Vacancies occurring due to an employee declining recall shall be filled by offering such vacancies to

laid off employees, on the basis of seniority, who satisfy the criteria of experience, skill and ability.

Those who decline the position will still retain recall rights in accordance with the collective agreement.

3. The position will be posted internally.

Employees bumped out of their classification aS a result of a layoff will be returned to their last

classification prior to layoff when a position in such classification becomes vacant on the basis of seniority.

I 1.04 All permanent vacancies in new classifications and existing classifications shall be posted on a

bulletin board provided by the Company for that purpose for a period of three (3) working days. Any

employee in the bargaining unit in a lower rated classification may make application for such vacancy

except that, once during the term of this agreement, every employee in a higher classification may also make

application for a lower rated classification. In the fiiling of the vacancy the provisions of Article 11.03

above shall apply provided however that nothing herein shall prevent the Company from hiring persons

from outside the bargaining unit when no qualified employee applies. Applications shall be made in the

marmer prescribed by the Company and submitted to Human Resources prior to tl1e expiry date of the

posting period. Any posted vacancy may be filled at the discretion of the Company on a tempomry basis for

a period of thirty (30) calendar days.

Ag•~~m~n< Bo<-~~n lnd>l T~chnologi< .. inc. md Unltnl5•~~;....,,kcr•

Page 10

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11.05 An employee shall lose his seniority and employment shall cease for any of the following


a) if he V?luntarily quits his employment;

b) if he is discharged and is not reinstated through the grievance procedure or Arbitration;

c)· if he has been laid off for a continuous period of twenty-four (24) months as of the date of

layoff, for employees with ten (10) or more years of seniority, or if he l1as been laid off

for a continuous period of eighteen (18) months as_ of the date of layoff, for employees

with five (5) or more years of seniority, or if he has been laid off for a continuous period

of twelve (12) months for all other employees.

d) ifhe is recalled to work after a layoffby registered letter mailed to his last known address

on the records of the Company and fails to notify the Company within three (3) working

days of his acceptance of recall or, having. so notified the Company, fails to report for

work within seven (7) working days of receipt of notice of recall unless hls failure to

report to work is due to bona fide illness or some other bona fide cause which is

reasonable in the opinion of the Company

e) if he fails to report for work immediately following the expiration of a leave of absence

unless he notifies the Company at or before expiration of the leave that he will be

prevented from reporting to work by reason ofbona fide illness or any other cause which

is reasonable in the opinion ofthe Company and verified in a satisfactory manner.

f) if he accepts gainful employment while on a leave of absence without first obtaining the

consent of the Company in writing.

g) if he fails to report for work when scheduled to do so on three (3) consecutive days or

more without notice to the Company or having given notice without a reasonable bona

fide excuse for his absence.

h) if he is away from active work at the Company due to illness or injury for a continuous

period of twelve (12) months, so long as such action does not interfere with the provisions

of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act and the Ontario Human Rights Code.

I 1.06 The Company agrees to post a seniority list on the Union bulletin board showing the seniority

status of each employee. The Company agrees to furnish the Union with a copy of the seniority list ~d to

revise the list every six (6) months.

Ag<~omem B~<,...,n !nd.•l Tcdmo(og(c• Inc . • nd un;r~d sr.,.,\wockero

Page II

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11.07 An employee who is promoted or transferred on a permanent basis to a position within the

Company but outside the bargaining unit shall only return to the bargaining unit as a new employee. The

employee shall carry their seniority for vacation and pension purposes only.

11.08 An employee who l1as been displaced by layoff from Ills/her classification may bump a more

junior employee with an equal or lesser wage rate provided tills is- in accordance with the factors outlined in

Article 11.03 above. An employee may be given a trial period of up to ten (1 0) working days in Welding,

Metal Fabrication, Machine Shop, Maintenance and Mechanical Assembly and up to five (5) working days

in all other classitications to demonstrate his/her capabilities. During the term of the trial period or at its

conclusion, management wi!l decide if the employee will be confirmed in the classification and if so will

approve the bump. If the employee cannot successfully complete h.lslher trial, the bump request will be

denied and the employee laid off and prohibited from requesting another trial in the same classification

during the term oft he Agreement.

Employees who are !,>ranted a trial period but arc unsuccessful will be precluded from bumping

further and will be laid off.

In the event that an employee is denied a trial, the Company agrees to discuss its reasons with

the Plant Chairperson. Any such decision will not be arbitrary. In the event the employee is not satisfied

with the decision, he may file a grievance.

Employees who receive notice of an initial layoff will have five (5) working days to decide if

they wish to bump or take the layoff.

Employees who arc subsequently "bumped" will have five (5) working days, on receipt of

notice, to decide if they wish to bump or take the layoff.

11.09 In the event of a layoff, preferential seniority shall be given to the Plant Chai~person.

11.10 a) In layoffs which are expected to exceed five (5) working days a non-probationary

employee shall be given three (3) working days notice or pay in lieu. It is agreed that the

third and last day of the notice period shall fall on a Friday.

Ag=<m~nt lk<w<Cn !ndal T<dmcl"l!"i~oln~. •nd u~;,~J S<ceh•.,.~e<>


Page 16: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl

b) It is understood that where the operation of the seniority provisions of the agreement

result in the layoff of an employee who did not receive the initial notice referred to in

11.10 a), the notice will be deemed to have been received by him at the time it was

initially given in the plant.

c) An employee who has been given notice of lay-off may elect to leave the Company prior

to the layoff notice expiring and shall retain his full recall rights with the Company.

11.11 The Company agrees to provide the Union with reasonable notice of impending layoffs.

11.12 A list of the names of employees who are on layoff shall be given to the Plant Chairperson.


12.01 The provisioru; of this Article are intended only to provide the basis of the work day and the

work week and shall not be construed as· a guarantee of hours of work per day or work per week.

12.02 The regularly scheduled· work week shall consist of forty (40) hours. The regularly scheduled

work day shall consist of eight (8) hours, Monday to Friday, inclusive, exclusive of a th..irty (30) minute

llilpaid lunch period each workday.

12.03 The starting time and quitting time on each day shift shall be as follows: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

It is agreed !hot the starting time and the quitting time on the day shift may be varied at the discretion of the

Company up to a maximum of one (I) hour.

12.04 lbe Company agrees to notify the employees and the Plant Chairperson in advance of any

change to be made to their shift schedules or hours of work.

12.05 The Company agrees to schedule a ten (10) minute rest period approximately midway through

the first half of each shift and a further ten (1 0) minute rest period approximately midway through the

second half of each shift.

12.06 The Company agrees to provide a five (5) minute wash-up period at the end of each full shift

and before the daily lnnch period.

Ag•<>e."'<n<lk<w<<-n lnd•l T~clmalog<= [,c.

and Uni<ed S«dwo,ke"


Page 17: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


13.0 I Overtime at the rate of time and one-half (1 ~112) the employee's regular rate of pay shall be paid

for: (a) all work perfonned in excess of eight (8) hours but less than twelve (12) hours per regularly

scheduled day; and (b) for the first twelve (12) hours of work performed on Saturday.

13.02 Overtime at the rate of double time the employee's regular rate of pay shall be paid for: (a) all

work perfonned on Sunday; and (b) all hours worked in excess of twelve (12) on any other day.

13.03 For overtime scheduled to exceed two (2) hours, being a continuation of an employee's regular

shift, an unpaid half hour break will be recognized commencing one and one half hours following the usual

quitting time.

13.04 The Company will attempt to notifY employees of the likelihood of overtime work at least

twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the start of the overtime, provided that in the event of unanticipated

overtime work, such reasonable notice as is possible in the circumstances will suffice.

13.05 h1 computing overtime, hours compeillialcd for at overtime rates under any provision shall not

be counted further for any purpose in detenniniog ove11ime liability under the same or any other provision,

that is, there shall be no pyramiding of overtime premiums.

14.01 In the event the Company implements an off-shift, a premium of forty (40) cents shall be paid

for all hours worked on a shift which starts be_twet:n 12:00 p.m. and 5:59p.m. and a premium of fifty (.50¢)

cents shall be paid for all hours worked on a shift which starts between 6:00 p.m. and I :00 a.m.

14.02 Shift premiums shall not be included in eamings for the purpose of computing overtime but

shall be paid in addition to the overtime rates .

.>.g"'""'"Of Bct.,.c~n ln•hl T~eh~o!oli'"' Inc. •nd Uni1ed Stccl.w<><kcro

Page 18: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


15.01 l11e Company recognizes tl1e following plant holidays and agrees that all employees who have

served their probationary· period shall receive payment for such holidays based on their regular current

hourly rate multiplied by tl1e number of hours in a nonnal work day. Such employees who perfonn work on

any of these holidays shall be paid at the rate of double their reA:,JUlar rate for hours worked in addition to

receiving holiday pay. Probationary employees will receive holidays in accordance with the Employment

Standards Act.

* New Year's Day

*Good Friday

Easter Monday

* Victoria Day

*Canada Day

Civic Holiday

*Labour Day

*Thanksgiving Day

Christmas Eve

* Christmas Day

*Boxing Day

New Yeais Eve

*Notes ESA Public Holidays

15.02 Where any of the holidays enumerated in 15.01 of this Article fall on a Saturday or a Sunday,

the Company shall, at its discretion, observe the holiday on either the preceding Friday or the succeeding


15.03 Notwithstanding Article 15.01, to be eligible for holiday pay an employee must work the full

regularly scheduled workday immediateJy preceding such holiday and the full ref}Jlflrly sr.hfflult>d work day

immediately fo!lowing such holiday unless absent on either one of such qualifYing days because of bona

fide illness or other bona fide cause which is reasonable in the opinion of the Company provided that:

a) evidence medical or otherwise satisfactory to the Company may be required; and

h) the employee has worked one or more of the five reA:,'lllarly scheduled working days

immediately preceding the holiday and one or more of the five regularly scheduled

working days immediately following the holiday; and

c) the employee receives no other form of pay for the holiday such as Workplace Safety &

Insurance Board benefits.

Agr.,.,m<n< lktwu" Jnd•l -ro><h<tol"&k•l"c. and Un<t...!S<.,.,lW<><k~"


Page 19: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl

t 5.04 Where an employee is on vacation on the day on which the holiday falls, he shall be entitled to an extra day of vacation with pay.


16.01 An employee who has been steadily employed by the Company for a period of less than one {1) year prior to July 1" in any year, shall receive one (I) day of vacation for every full month of service, to a maximum often (10) days, at a time or times convenient to the Company. The employee shall receive as vacation pay an amount equivalent to four (4%) percent of his earnings from the Company, up to and

including June 30'h in such year.

16.02 An employee who has been steadily employed by the Company for a period of one year or more prior to July 1st in any year, shall receive two (2) weeks vacation at a time or times convenient to the Company and shall receive as vacation pay an amount equivalent to foUr (4%) percent of his earnings from the Company for the twelve (12) month period up to an including June 30th in such year.

16.03 An employee who has been steadily employed by the Company for a period of five (5) years and Jess than ten (10) years prior to July 1st in any year, shall reeeive three (3) weeks vacation at a time or times convenient to the Company and shall reeeive as vacation pay an amount equivalent to six (6%) percent of his eami11gs from the Company for the twelve (12) mon!hperiod up to and including June 30th in such year.

\6.04 An employee who has been steadily employed by the Company for a period of more than len (tO) y~ and Less !ban eighteen (18) years prior to July 1st in any year, shall receive four (4) weeks vacation at a time or times convenient to the Company and shall receive as vacation pay an amoUllt equivalent to eight (8%) percent of his earnings from the Compariy for the twelve (12) month period up to and including June 30th in such year.

16.05 An employee who has been steadily employed by the Company for a period of more than eighteen (18) years and less than twenty-eight (28) years prior to July I st in any year, shall receive five (5) weeks vaca,tion at a time or times convenient to the Company and shall receive as vacation pay an amount equivalent to ten (10%) percent of his earnings from tlie Company for the twelve (12) month period up to an including June 30th in such year.

Agreen<en< Boo<:~~" ln<:M T <-clm<>logic• lac. ~nd Uni<ed S<:<dwo,.~e<>

Page 20: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl

16.06 An employee who has been steadily employed by the Company for a period of more than

twenty-eight (28) years prior to July ! 51 in any year, shall receive six (6) weeks vacation at a time or times

convenient to the Company and shall ~eive as vacation pay an amount equivalent to twelve (12%) percent

of his earnings from the Company for the twelve (12) month period up to and including Jnne 30'h in such


16.07 All vacations must be taken at a time satisfactory to the Company and the parties recognize that

a plant shutdown may be designated by the Company and/or vacations staggered in order to meet production

requirements. h1 .any event, all eamed vacation must be taken by June 30th of the following year. The

Company wilt post a notice by April I st of the current year advising emploYees of the vacation program.

Employees who ate credited with less than nine (9) months of earnings in any vacation year (July 151 to June

30u.) shall have the option of taking their full entitlement of vacation days m: a prorated number of days

equivalent to the actual months of earnings.

16.08 The tenn "earnings" as used in tl1e Article shall include wages, overtime premiums, shift

differentials, and all payments for time actually worked and no account shall be taken of any vacation pay

previously paid.

16.9 An employee who leaves the emploY. of the Company before becomiug entitled to a vacation as

provided in this Article shall receive his accrued vacation pay to the date oftemllnation.

16.10 Employees will recei~e their vacation pay at least one day prior to their last working day before

the time to be taken.

Vacation pay per day will be ca(culated as follows:

(Accrued vacation pay, less .advanced vacation pay) divided by (Number of vacation days earned, less any

taken in advance).

At the commencement of the vacation year, every employee will receive a statement of their entitlements

for: total vacation pay, total vacation days, and vacation pay per day.

16.11 In the event of a dispute between employees in the same classification over allotted vacation

time, such dispute will be resolved on the basis of seniority.

IL)r••~m•n< R<tw~en Jnd>l Tech<><>l"!;<cslnc. •nd un;t..d Sted~o•h••

Page lJ

Page 21: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


17.01 The Company, at its discretion, may grant an employee a leave of absence without pay for a

legitimate personal reason.

17.02 An employee requesting a leave of absence shall make such request in writing on the

appropriate form as provided by the Company, and, where a leave of absence is granted, it shall be in

writing by the Company.

17.03 The Company agrees that delegates of the Union, not exceeding two (2) in number at any one

time, nor more than one (1) in number from the same classification at any one time, shall be granted

reasonable leave of absence without pay for the purpose of attending a Union convention, conference or

other Union business. The Union agrees to infonn the Company of the names of the Union delegates in

advance of the granting of the leave of absence. 1t is agreed between the parties that the Company shall not

be required to grant leave of absence under this Article where the aggreiated leave for a calendar year

would exceed twenty (20) days for all employees taken together.

17.04 The Company shall notify the Union of any leave of absence granted pursuant to Article 17 .03.

17.05 Subject to the Company's operational needs, the Company may grant a leave of abscncc of up

to twelve (12) months, as deemed required by the International Union to work in an official capacity that is

required by the International Union. Such leave will be approved by the Union. The Union shall provide at

lCi:t~L Lwu week'~ nulk~ Lu lht:: Company. The Union agrees that there shall not be more than one (l)

employee off on leave from any one claSsification at any given time and that there shall be not more than

two (2) employees off at any given time.


18.01 In the event of a death in the immediate family of an employee who has acquired seniority

rights, upon notification to the Company, such employee shall be granted up to a maximum of four ( 4) days

Ag<=me~t Jkt,..<<~ Jndal Te~h~olog;<• h«· •~d u~tt.ed S><;<lwo<kc<~

Page 22: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl

leave with pay for bereavement of an employee's parent, spouse, and/or child. The Company shall also

provide up to a maximum of three l3) days kave with pay for bereavement of an employee's brother, sister,

mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandparent and grandchild. In similar circumstances an employee will be

granted up to one (I) days leave of absence with pay for time necessarily lost from work to attend the

funeral of the following relatives: grandparent-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, nephew or niece, aunt or


18.02 Should an employee's vacation be interrupted because of bereavement leave, his vacation shall

be extended by the days ofbereavementleave allowed ia this Article.


19.01 An employee who is called for jury duty or subpoenaed as a crown witness in a case in which

he is not personally involved shall be compensated by the Company for the ditlerence between the payment

received for such jury or crown witness fees and the payment he would have received for straight time hours

he WtlS thereby required to lose from his re~o'l..llarly scheduled hours of work. The differential payment made

in accordance with the Article shall only be made 011 presentation of documentary proof of call to jury duty

or subpoenaed crown witness and the payment received thereof.


20.01 An employee who is ca!led in Lo work at other than his regularly scheduled working hours shall

be paid a minimum amount equival!:nt to pay for four ( 4) hours at his straight time rate provided, however,

that such minimum !,'1..larantee shall not be applicable if the employee is called in for a period immediately

preceding his regularly scheduled working hours or if he is called back to work before he has left the

Company premises.

20.02 Where an employee is calkd in to work, and the minimum guara1nee provided for in this

Article is applicable, the employee shall perfonn uny available work assigned to him for the full minimum

call-in period of four ( 4) hours.

-"S""~~m~m Hoc~~~" h•<l>l T~ch=l"!f'c' In~

,~,111~''~d s, .. \"""'"""

Page 23: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


21.01 Where the Company has failed to provide reasonable notice to an employee not to report for

work and no work is available at the Company premises, an employee scheduled for work, shall, upon

rep011ing for work, be paid a minimum amount equivalent to pay for four (4) hours at his straight time rate

provided that this clause shall not apply in case of power failure, snow stom1, fire, flood and other such

causes beyond the control of the Company.


22.01 Temporary transfers will not be used Lo transfer employees on a pennanent basis and shall not

be used to bypass job postings.

An employee may be temporarily transferred for up to forty-five (45) working days per transfer. Any

extension to this limit requires the consent of the Union.

Where an employee is temporarily transferred for five (5) working days or Jess, the selection of the

employee is at the Employer's discretion.

Where an employee is temporarily transferred for more than five {5) working days, the junior employee in

the classification from which the employee is being transferred will be assigned to the transfer.

22.02 If an employee is transferred for the convenience of the Company, he shall receive the job rate

for the job classification or his regular job clussification rate, whichever is greater.

22.03 If the transfer is for the convenience of the employee or to enable the employee to avoid layoff

and if the rate of the job classification to which he is transferred is less than the employee's regular

classification rate of pay, he shall receive the classification rate of pay.

/lgo-~~men< ll•n.•~~ [nd•l T"d"wlogie•lne. •nd Unit..!.S•=lwocke«

Page 24: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


23.01 The Company agrees to maintain reasonable provisions for the safety ru1d health of the employees during the hOurs of their employment. The Union agrees to assist the Company in maintaining proper observance of all safety and health rules.

23.02 The Company and the Union agree to name a Safety and Health Committee to be comprised of two (2) Management representatives a nO to (2) bargaining unit employees. The Committee shall function as outlined under the prOvisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1990, provided that this in no way· shall be taken to incorpornte by reference the provisions of that Act into this Agreement. The Committee's function is as outlined in the Letter of Understanding between the Union and the Company.

23.03 a) All employees in the bargaining unit shall wear prescribed safety footwear as required by the Company.

b) The Company agrees to contribute, during the period of the collective agreement, toward the cost of safety footwear, to include shoes, boots, insoles and socks. The amount available to each fult-time employee, once they completed their probationary period, will be two hundred and seventy-five ($275.00) dollars. For clarity, two hundred and seventy-five ($275.00) dollars will be allowed every two years. Reimbursements will only be when proper proof of purchase is supplied.

23.04 The COmpany ?grees to supply coveralls (not to be disposable), or other such protective clothing as is appropriate, for employees if requested. Replacement of such clothing will be at the. discretion of Management and only afier the original issue bas been turned in.

23.05 The Company a~;recs that should prescription safety lenses become worn or broken accidentally during duties in the plant, the Company will bear the cost of repair or replacclllent to a mHximum of four hundred ($400.00) dollars per twenty-four month period.

Under exceptional circumstances, where additional evidence of wear or breakage is presented during the same twenty~four (24) month period to the satisfaction ofiiwnan Resources and subject to the approval by the Joint Health and Safety Committee, ru1 additional payment of two hundred ($200.00) dollars will be paid. This supplemental payment will not be made available until the four hw1dred ($400.00) dollars from

Ag...,cm~~•ll<tw=n lnd•l T<chm>logie• Inc. •nd Unir.,d Sr.elw<>•~•rS

Page 11

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the above paragraph is exhausted. Additionally, this supplemental payment will not be combined with the

four hundred ($400.00) dollars from the above paragraph to subsidize the first claim under this Article in

any twenty-four (24) rno~th period.


24.01 In the event that an employee is injured in the perfom1ance of his duties. he shall, to the extent

that he is required to stop work and receive treatment, be paid for his lost time for the remainder of his shift.

24.02 The Company shall provide transportation by motor vehicle from the plant to the hospital or

medical unit and following ireatment of the employee will provide transportation to either his home or the



25.01 The Company agrees to provide the Union with a bulletin board in the plant for the purpose of

posting Union notices and official papers. It is agreed that notices must be authorized by the Company

before posting on the bulletin board.


26.01 During the lifetime of this Agreement, the Company agrees to pay and the Union agrees to

accept the classifications and scale of wages set forth in Schedule "A" hereto which is hereby made a part of

this Agreement.


27.01 1l1e Company agrees to pay its portion of the premium in respect to the Health and Welfare

Benefits as set out in Schedule "B" hereto attached.

Agu~me~< ll,<"'e•"' lnd>l T6hnologi.., Inc. >nd U<>i<d 5<-o<hvo•ke ..

Page 26: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


28.01 In the event a wriuen warning is given to an employee, an extra copy will be provided to the

Union at the same time. ·Failure to provide the extra copy, however, shall not detract from the fact that the

warning was given.

28.02 Upon request the employee or Plant Chairperson, witl1 the employee's consent, will be provided

with copies of all written warnings on file.

28.03 Employees designated as Lead Hands by the Company shall receive one ($1.00) dollar per hour

in addition to their regular classification rate. This specific premium alone will be included in the

calculation of overtime.

28.04 Employees required to work at locations other than Indal Technologies Inc.'s Mississauga plant,

Will receive a fifty-five (55) cent per hour premium.

28.05 Should the Company require sand blasting to be done by an employee outside of the

Pn:parer/Finisher classification, it shall decide from which classification it will assign an employee and

offer the opportunity to the senior employee who possesses the required medical clearance. Should the

senior employee refuse, the Company will offer tl1e opportunity to the next senior employee who possesses

the required medical clearance and so on down the list of the employees within the classification. If no

employee accepts the assignment then the employee with the least seniority within the classification who

possesses the required mediCal clearance shall be required to take the transfer.

Employees assigned to sand blasting from other than the Preparer/Finisher classification, and from a

classification with a higher hourly rate than Preparer/Finisher, shall receive a premium of one ($1.00) dollar

per hour for all hours worked during the sand blasting assignment in addition to their regular hourly rate.

This premium is not applicable to person(s) in the Preparer!Finisher classification.

lf a person in a lower rated classification than Preparcr/Finisher is asked and perfonns sand blasting, he will

receive the Preparer!Finisher rate.

Ag~'"""<O< B<<"· .. en l~rl>l Technologic> l~c. and U~lt~ St<-<l .... otke.,

Page 27: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl

28.06 The Cornp<my may assign training duties to employees from time to time. In the event an employee is assigned to train other employees and agrees, the employee shall receive one dollar ($1.00) per hour in addition to his/her regular classification wage rate while he/she is actually trai11ing.


29.Gl This Agreement shall become effective on April 1st, 2014 and shall remain in force until March 31, 2017 and shall continue in force from year to year thereafter Wlless, not more than (90) days, and not Jess than thirty (30) days before the date of its termination, either party shall furnish the other with notice of tennination of, or proposed revision of tills Agreement

IN WITNESS HEREOF each ofthe~a ies hereto has caused this Agreement to be signed by ? ·/~

its duly authorized representatives this J IJ day o 014.


Alf'""'"e"t lk<-voeoon Jnd.>l T"Clonulogi""' Jne. •nd United 5<'>0h"o'ko<>


-~ !-- -


Page 28: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl



Welder/Fitter Advanced

Welder/Fitter Level I

Welder/Fitter Levelll

Plasma Operator

Wateljet Operator Level II

General Machinist Level I

General Machinist Level II

Fabricator/Assembler Level I

Fabricator/Assembler Level U

Shear and Saw Operator


Spmy Painter Levell

Spray Painter Level ll

Painter Helper


Maintenance Mechanic






l!.:rr~<no<n<l'e<w~en lnd•l T<-<:hnolog1eolnc. •nd Un1r~d5<=l-orhr<

Classification~ and Wages

April!. 2014 April\ ?015 April! 2016

33.02 33.67 34.33

32.31 32.96 33.62

30.60 31.21 31.83

30.60 31.21 31.83

30.60 31.21 31.83

32.31 32.96 33.62

30.60 31.21 31.83

32.31 32.96 33.62

30.60 31.21 31.83

30.60 31.21 31.83

21.48 21.91 22.35

32.31 32.96 33.62

30.60 31.21 31.83

23.71 24.18 24.66

26.96 27.50 2R.05

32.31 32.96 33.62

32.31 32.96 33.62

21.81 22.25 22.69

25.47 25.98 26.50

25.47 25.98 26.50

27.86 28.42 28.99

Page 29: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


Mu.~t be able lo l'l;:(ld ~nd interpret Engin~'Crin~ Simp drnwings ~nd sket.ohe:s.

Mu~t be uble to wo•·k fmm Munuf.1clurin~ routings (Work Ordor;) or verbal insl!nlclion.

Must b~ able t.o fil ond weld to a tolerance rnngc from 118" to .010;' where required by dwg.

Must be abk to =d and inlcrprcL prnpcrly oll AWS Welding Symbols.

Must successfully complc!c the ccrtifl<:lltion n:quiremcnts orWelding Supcrvioor as per Canadian Welding Burouu'o st.rmdanls W47.1-92, Scct6.2 forSleol Welding, and W47.1-87, Scct.5.3: for Alwninum Welding. E:lclt ccnHicotion n:qu;,., a mlnimum worl< ox~erier><:c, sueco<>ful oomplo~on of a TCCO!"'i•od cour<o ill \lte 1\md:lmcntnl principles nud practioc• ofweldinr,. Con<lidn!<> mu<! hove '"'"'""l'lllly completed olliho fullnwin~ CWB Ol<llminotio<os WS9.1 for SteeL inoludin~ Weld F.luli.<. Wclcl Symbols. nnd Q""lityood Inspection. ;mcl; W>9.21brAiuminum. including w,ld Foul~.<. Weld Symbol,. a<\11 Quality und lnspc<:lion.

Must haven good und~Ulndlng. nbout di~ton.ion control.

Must he uhleto set und op.::ralc ull welding machines in the skills and po>itiO\lS liS required by the company to me~:t comrnctual and dr:~wing specification,;.

R ~EMI .1'0R' ~--- ERIF~ __ -·- ADV


MilS! be ~ualified by the Canadinn Welding Buroau for the following "nd po.'itiom; which includ~ as minimum rcquin:m~""rlts, but is not limited tn:

Flu! Pnsi!l<m Oulv GMA W· Stainl<=Ss Stccl

Up to and lnduding Horl1.ontnl Position .• GMAW·Sleel SMAW· Stninl~""' Sled

tJmo ami Including v~rtio~l Po•ltlon ... GMAW-Aluminu<n GTAW- Aluminut-n GTAW- S~itilo'' Sled GTAW· S:..el SMAW- Slecl

lip to anU Jncloding Ovorho~<l Position ..•.

Must bcoblc ltlopC!lll~ the following m~terial h•ndlin~ oqui~mcnl com:cdy ond •nfcly;

Forklills Crones, Dvcrh""d Crone.> (FI~or) Plai.CCiamps Other Lifting Devices Slings



Must be oblo to sCI up and opernlc the auwmatic flam~ and plasm~ profile n1nchinc.

Must be nbh: to ltUike la)ICIUIS.

Must be nbl~ to flnmc nr plasnta cut witll manuol oquipmcnt as pc'l'dr•wing.

Mu.t be uble to br:ll:c or silv~'l' solder""!>"' drawing or monufncturing mutiogs.

Must. bcul~c to set up om:! opcralc spot welding, stud nnd pin machines.

Must be able to pcrfonn weld preps. grind ond cle>m all weld• as r»quin:d.

Must be nblc '" onticipalc metal distortion during welding •>pc'r.ltions, mu>! c"untcrwcld. prebend, >tmighlc'l1, a!ld usc clampin~ techniqu.:s tn reduce distortion too rrWnimum.

Must be ohlc to opcr.ttc nn: uir gouging nncl pla>~ma gouging »quipmcnl.

Must be able to perform all w~ldingancl ussociated function.~ on o vari~1y of troditional and non·trnditionol wnrk lo the required quality nnd dTioicnoy stllnUards. pru;sos.1 ~nod housokL'<.:ping ~kills.

__ n




Elc'Ctrical and pncutrullic orbital 5aodor{s). Ci<'Cular S•w Bench Grindcts Hydmulic p,..,.. DicGrindm Positioncrs

G<:arOrivcn Tnblc

Chipping Gun



'· '· V:<clmci"' for litis classification will be poo.<ied "' I'.."Quin:d. There i>"" ""Al1r0MATtC" P"'l1"'""ion fnlm Weldor/Finer U:Vl."ll end !.CYclll. Funlu:r welding prnc.....,,. wold pnsitions ond weld join\ qualifiooliors ond spocjf10 welder qu:>lifi""linn~ OUl)"bo roquircd if•pccificd by the cu.mmcr.





St.,! Square J>mtmCIOI"IIT CmnbinaLiOn Set St""l Rule T"P" Rule. Vernier feeler G.1ugc Plumb Line

;, Weldor'' dc"'i~noted "'"WELDING SUPERVISOR'" und dcom<:d os W<:lcl"IFi<tcrAdvoncod in d1U. •11"'•mcnlm"'l m;~inl.tin all rcQuireoncnffi. l'oiturc <O ""'intoin r.:quinl\1\llnls will ,..,ullin boing <"cda><ir.od "' Woldor-"Fillo< 1.

hgr=n•~"' n..,,,..~~n ln<l•\ T.,.h,.oto;' ... !<oe • . 1nd Unir..d s,..,]workero


T<ml Bo~ Steel Squnn.." 12"" ntin. Pmtracwror Combination Sol S~.g,:l Rule- 12M min. Tape Rul"" 25' min. feeler Gauges Scriber Bollpccn Hammer Mallet Plumb Line Chisel~ C.cnt,...,f'unclt Fil<.."(o) Clamp(s) Vise Grips Vcmicr


Page 30: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl



Must have a minimum of(3) yea•~ Wcldcr/Fiucr e-xperience and/or have completed a certified wdding cou.rsc.

Mus\ be abl~ co read and interpret Enginc:erin['1 Sl1op drdwings ttnd skctche:<.

Must be a \II~ to work from Manufacmring routings (Work Orders) or verbal inmuclion.

Must bo able \0 lit und weld to a tolcmnce rnngc fmm l/8'" to .010" whc'ro required by drowin;.

Muot he able to read and int~"Tprct properly all AWS Welding Symbols.

Must have a good understand in& abnut distortion control.

Must be able to ~~1: and operntc all welding machine,; in the skills and positions us roquin:d by the comp~ny to meet contr:~etunl ~nd drnwing spe-cifications.


Must bt qualified l:>y the Clnnditn Welding 13urt>lu for tile following prt!C4,;sL"S and p<>~itions which include as minimum n;quircmenlo, but is not limited to:

ftu Posirioll Only GMAW- St.ainlelis StClll

Up 10 and lnrtndinr Horizontnl Position ... GMAW-Stc"CI SMA W- SL:dni<:S~ Steel

Up ro nnd Jnetudlnr Vcrticnl Position ... OMAW-Aimninum OTAW- Aluminum OTAW- Stain]""-' Steel GTAW-Stocl SMAW-Stccl

lin !o pnd Including Ovcrh""d Po•ition ....

Mus\ be able to opcrntc the following mulcriul bandling e-quipment correctly ~nd safely·

forklifts Crunt:!i, OvcrhCild Crnn<l$ (flnor) Plate Cl~mps Othe-r Lifting Devices Slings Pullers


M!WC be abl~ to set up and op<'l"Ute the autom.1Lic name ami plosmn profile machillc.

Must be nblc to mukc lnynut.s.

Must be ublc to llumc or plasma cut with manual cquipmcm a,; per d;Jwing.

Must be able 10 b=.c ur silver solder os p<!rclrnwing or munufu~turing routings.

Mu~<t be ~blc to sci up and opcmt~ spot welding. stud und pin macbincs.

Must be nblc to perform weld preps, grind and olean oil wclclo a,; requin>:t.

Mu.•t be able to •nticipatc metal di~tortion during welding cpornlions, must counterwcld, prebend, strnightcm, Md "-"'clamping tcchniquco tn rcduc~ di•lortion to a minimum. ·

Mu:;t be ublc to opcmtc nrc air gouging nncl p13smo g<1u;ing e-quipment

Must be able tn perform oil welding and n~nciati!d functions on" variety oftrnditionnl and non-t.mditionul work m the n:quircd quulity nnd cfficic'l1cy ,;o.andard>.

Must possess good hou.<ckccping skills.





Electric;, I at•d pncum•tic orbillll snnde•{s). Cin:ul~rSaw

Bcnclt Grinclcn: Hydmulic Po•css DicGrind<:rs Positioners

Gear Driven Tublc

Cl1ipping Gun


Not~<; t. 11>e"' t. no '"1\UTOMATtC:'" J>fOII'O»ion frciU Wddoo'l'illcrt lo Wddc~FincrAd,.,,nocd. 2. l'unl"'r woldiny pr<x:<mcs. wold p~i•lo"" orld wcldjointqnaliflooti~•" ""d •pacit1owotdorquolilto.1tlon• mnybc l"l:quired ;r,poctnod by 1110 """""'"'·

Ag,..,.,men< n..,,.,......,., ln<i>l T«"hw:>\ogi..,lne.

•nd Unit..d St,..\wo<k~••





Stc"ili'Squ~ro Protractor <>r Combin~tion Set S1ccl Rul~ Tup~Rul~

V~oni"'· Feeler Gaug~ Plumb Une


ToolBox Stc'CI Squ~n:- 12M min. Protrucle>ror C<>mbinmicn Scl

I Stocl RLllo- 12"" min. Tope Rub 25' min. Fcd"'•Gnug<:N Scriber 13"llpc.:n Hnmmcr Mullet Plumb Chisels C"'mc Puncll Filc(s) Clmnp(sl ViscGoips

Page ?- ·--·-··

Page 31: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl



Must have~ minimum of(2) yau'\0 WcldL-riFiltc-r •~pL-rienc• or be lllking ~certified welding cours~ lending to " recognized. welding ccnir,cate.

Must be able to rem\ and intcrp~l llngim:t:rinW Shop drawings and sketches

Must beabl~ to work from Manufacturing RauUogs (Wnrk Ordern) or verbal instruction.

Must be able to fit and weld to a tolerance mng.c from l/8"' tol/\6" whcrn n:quin:<J by drawin~.

Must he able to read and intC!)ll"el properly all AWS Welding Symbols.

Must be oblc to set and opcr.tca11 welding mnchim:s in the skill~ and positions as ""lui red by the company to meet contractu:. I and drawing spccificotions.


Mu5t be qualified by !he Connd:an Welding BurCIIu far the following procL"S$C!< and po;lt.ion.s which include as minimunt J"~Xldrcmcnts, but i~ not limilt:d to:

fhtt Position Onh• • GMAW· Stainlc-,;o Ste-el

GTAW·Stoel GTA W· Stainl<:~~s Stc.:l GTA W· Aluminum SMA W-Stalnless Stcol

Vp to and Including Hoci>ontal Position .•. • GMAW·Aluminum

GMAW- Steel SMAW· Steel

Up to n!ld lnduding Vrrtlcol l'osition ..

Un to and Including OverJtcad Positron ....

Must be able to operntc the following mlltcrial hnndling equipment cmree"lly ancl onfdy:

forklifu Cmnr:s. 0\1\:rhead Crones (Floor) Plate Clamps Other [Jfting Devices Slings PUliL"fli


Must be able to .;ct up and np""ltc !he automatic -name and plnHm>l prur.k machine.

Not~: Rask lrainhtg will be glv~n /Q /)tc ~mployees locforr operating any ofllw mocl!in~s.

MU>i be nblc to make \a)'OU\.1.




Electrical and pnL-umatic orbit;tl 5:/ndcr(s). Circular Saw Bench Grindc:rn Hydraulic Pn:s• Die Grind"'T!I Positionern

G<:arDrivcu Mu>t be able to fl~me or plasma <rut with manual [• Table equipment as pe-r drawing. Chlpp"tngGun

Mu5t b~ublc to braze or silver sotdorns per d,-~willg or manuiiocturing mutin!:"·

MU>t be able t" set up ru1d OPL,.~tt spot welding., stud and pin rnachin~.

Must bcnblc to pcrf~nn weld pn:p~. grind and clean nll welds us required.

Mu.s\ be able to anticipato mctul distonion during welding opcmtion.;. must cnuntC>Weld. pn:b<.:nd, st,-~ightcn, nnd u~e cfnmpin~: !L'chniqucs to rOOucc distortion LOa minimum.

Mu&t be able to upcrntc un: air gouging and plnsma guuging equipment.

Mus,t possess good hout«:kccping skills.



I. All now weld= •tmll bi: l!ivon up to six m<>ntl"' to qualify fortllo "''"""''l' CWB tiokcl5. 2. Level Jl Woldcrmtters Ulllt meet illo ~uin:mcms of Level I. ""'Y npplyf<lr Lo\•d I dt:SiJ;Mtion A p<>sli,g will ootbc "'"'''""!}'·

A g.-men< Seewc..n lnd>.l Te~hnnl"':"i~• Ine. ~nd. Unit..d S<eelwotk., ..



Steel Square Pmtrnctoror C"mbination Set St""l Role Tape Rule Vernier ft;ClorGuug~ Plumb Line


Tn(ll B11~ Steel Squ;u-c-lr min. Pmtmctor or Combinminn Set Stccl Rule- 1r min. Tape Rule- 2S" min. Feeler Gaugt:S Scriber Bntlpccn Hamme•· Mallet Plumb Line Cbi~cl• Ccwc Punch File"(~)

ct~mp(~) Vise Grip~

Page ZS

Page 32: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl



MustlUIVC a <ninhnum Dffive (5) ycar11 inda:;trial f~bricntin!,>ftttting ~xpcrici\Cc, or ussembly

experience and mu~t be nblc to (ll;SOlnblc com~[O)!, high ~recision machined components to dmwing

requiromCf1t> in an necmate and cost dl'ectiv~ manner.

Mu>t hnvc the pot""'tial to fabricate and/or ussomblo complct~ tube aosemblics and hydmulic

assemblies to dmwings and llydmulic seb"'ITiatics.

Must be able to read and interpr.ct complex i!Ilginccring dmwings •ccumtdy.

Must be able to wotk from Manufacturing Routings (Work Orde") be able tn lilbricutc as pordmwing and produce quality work within a llllcmncc mngc fmm

1116" to .010~ where required.

Must be abh::to setup and mn bClth convcntionnl Mcl pmgn1mmablc broke pr~.'Ssos.

Must be able to usc Lite brnkc pr..,;s to; Stmi~htcn weldmcniS nod oth~'!' mau:ri~ls. P~"l'fonn multiple bend> within drJwing tolcrunec.

Must be ~ble to develop I~ you IS an<ltempl~tcs for both.btakc prcso ond drilling opcr.Jtions.

Must be ~blc to prepan: motl!lial for weldin~; etc. using vorious P''"""'"""· including chemic~ I


Must be able to ~rfonn the following drill pr.:ss opcr~tions ns por dwg:

Drill, Ulp and t'<::am to drnwing spcciflcation.

Countcrborc and count mink. Shorpcn drill bits

Must be able to install as per dwg: Bu,hin[;< and bearings. Hclicoil" Rivets

Must be able tn pcrfonn Jbbtication and ~ub-uss""mbly functions 01\ a variety oflruclitionnl and non­

lr.Jdittonal wot'k to the required qlllllity sl!mdards.

Must be able l" S~t up and test o.<scmblcd product! as rcquir1.xl by test pmcodurcs.


Must be able to.opemtc th~ Jbl1<1wing shop equipment correctly nnd •nfely:

Bntkc Pr~~s(s) Punch Pres.<(~) Drill>, Radial :md Spindle Shl!!lr Saw(o)

Mu.<t be ublc to opera!~ th~ fbllt>Whlg matt:rinl handling equipment com><:t\y and safely and l1<1vc taken the tntining coufl;er; provided by the company:

Forklifu Crnn~'S. Overbl!lt(l CrnM> (Floor) Plate Ciomps Sp<>eial Lifting Dcvic<il; Slin~o and Chains

Mu>l p<>s.ICS~ ~Oild housckccping skill~

Must b<:abl<: to wprkwith tk followin~ I:<JUipm~"\11 without Supervi~ion:

Height Guttgo Dial Indicators St~'l:l Squuro TapoRul.:.1 Anglo Plates Ulyout T~blc Micromctors ~nd Vemictl' Radius Gauges Thr~'lld Gauges Protmctors and Cnrnbi11mio" SqLI!\rcs G~tt~c BI<>Ck< Parnllcls


Notes; 1. Level 11 Fabricntor/AsscmbiCI'llth~tm""'c til~ requircmonts for Lcvol J, m;,y apply for Level I dcs{snml<ln. A posting wL11 not h~ """""""'IY·


Must be proficient in Ute opcmtil'lll and usc uf the tbllowing 1ooll;:

Electric and PncumMic Drill6 Grind~-n;


Riveting Tool< Hclicoilln•.:n To<>lS TuPr>ing Machim:IHcad BOltch Gtindcrs Mngnet.ic Drills CircolurS"w Portable Nihbl~r Jig Saws Drill Pr""S.<cs Bane\ Saws Cut-Off Saws


T<lltl Bit~ TOjlC Rule Sq"arc Protructor or C<lml:>inatiun Square Steel Rule 6~V<ll'ni~r

Microm"1cr Allen Type Wronch S"t Cenuo Ruoch Divide"' Scrib<.'j; Rubber Mullet Ballpc><:n Hamn>c1· Pli.:r; (varinus) Vice Grips Screw Driver.; (variou~) Wrench Sc:t

B<>x or Open End Adju~tablc

Socket Set Chisd(s) Flic1>}

2. Any new c~uipmcnt which may be purellased fnr LIOC in the Fabrication O~partmcnt shall be COil~idercri a~ rcqutrement; lOr Cia~~ I and II Fubricutnr/Asocmhlcrn. The ncces.<al)' tr.tining ;mdlllr

will be ptnvidcd.


Ag•eemen< &<:cw~~n Ind.• I Teehnologle< lne.

on<l Unl<e<l S<cdw<>•lc~n P'lge ~

Page 33: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl

REQJII"Q"&'1V{ENT~ Q/'\l) FABPY.....,.\.TQRJf <:!<:!Vl\'lBLEf' T T.""<TEL IJ = = = =---= ~---~=r-- --


Must have a minimu1n of two (2) Y""l'!i industriul fnbrieatinWfitting, or lsscmbly exporicnc<: nnd must be able to fabricate nnd usse:nble cornponcn!J; to dmwing n:quimncnts that dn not roquirc a ltigb dos= ofokill.

Must be able to rend and interpret mod<:rnt<:ly complex cngh>c<:rin~ drawings accurately.

Must be able to wodt. from Munufnctu:ing Routings (W~t·k Orders).

Must be able lo f;1bricatc as p.:rdr.twing and produce quality wmk within a wlcr;mcc ru11gc from 1116"" to 1132" whore required.

Must be abl~ to ~etup and run convcntioMI br.tkc prosscs.

Must be able to U!iC the brake press to: St,-~ighten wcldmcnts and other matori~ls, PcTfonn a single bend within druwing toler.tnce.

Must be able to prepare material for w~lding etc. uoing varinw pn>co.i.<<>;, including cl1cmic~l etching.

Must be able to pcrlb1m the following drill p=s op"T:Ilions a.< per drawing: Drill, top and rcnm ns per drowing. Counterbon: ond countersink. Sllllrpcn drill bits

MuS\ be nblc to install as pot'drnwing: Bushings and bearing.<. Hclicoil< R.ivcl~

Mu.<t be able to perform fabrication and ~ub-asscmbly functions on a vari"'ty ol"troditionaland non-lr'uditio!lll.l work to the required quality >.tnndJLrds.

Must be able lo assist in testing assembled paris.

Must be able to develop simple layput and drilltcmpiati:S,


Must be able to operate the lbllowing shop equipment com:ctly ~nd ~afcly:

Br.tke Pr.,.:s(s) Punch I"I'O.<S(sl Oritls. Radio! und Spindle Shear Sow{s)

MLt..<t he nble to opcrnlc lite lbtlowin~ matorial h:mdling equipment correctly ond snfcly and have t<~ke"n the training courses provide-d by the company:

forklitis C1uncs. Overl\llad Crd!lc.l (Floor) Plate Clamps Spi!Ci~l Lifting Devices Slings ~nd Cbuins

Must posS<:ss good housekeeping skills

Must he abl~ to work with the fol\t>wing equipment without Suporvi>iC>n:

St~d Square Tape Rul~ Angle Plates l.nyout Table

Mu•t be abl~ to wo1·k wit!> the following equipment undcrminimun1 supcrvisit1n:

~icromctc"ISnnd Vernier.: Radius Gal1gcs 1l>rr:od Guug1;:5 Protr:>ctors and Combination Squurcs


Mu!:t lit: pmr.ciont in th~ opcmtion and usc of the followin~; tools:

Electric and Pneumatic Drills Grinde!~ Sande-n;

Riveting Tools H•liooil lnscn Tools Topping Macbinc/H""d B<'n<:b Grinde..,; Ma~nct.ic Drills CirculnrSaw Ponahle Nibbl~r Ji~Sawo Drill Pn:sst:< Band Saw• Cut-Off Sam


Tool Box TopeRuk Square Protractor or C.omhinutinn Square Steel Rule Allen Type Wn:nch 5<.'1 Centre Divi~cn:

Sctibcs Rubh~..- Mnlkt Bnllpi.."'-11 Hammer Pli<:n<(vorious) Vic~ Grips Scrt.'W Driver< (voriou5) Wrc11ch Se1

Box nrOp~11 End ll~just>thlc


I SOME SlJPERVlSION MAy BE REQt!IRED I Note~: I. Lc\icl n FabriC~~tor/A.somblors th~t moot the rt:quircmcnL~ fo·Levd I, m~y apply for Levell dosigrult!on. II po~ting will not he ncc.,;s:uy. 2. AJ!y new mar;hin~ which mayb~ purclmsc..J for u~c in the Ftbrir;ation Department simi I be considorod as requirements for Class I and Jl Fnbricator/Asscmblcrn. The n<Xe"'-'MY tr.oining andlllr will be provided.

A.};'t=n>¢n< I'.<-<W<O¢n Inc!• I T-odmot"bi~ IM. >nc! Unit<:<! St«lwotke.o


Page 30

Page 34: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


Mu•t haven l=t five (5) ~ars machine shop e>:periencc nndJorhavc completed" recognized appmlticcship as a General Machinist.

Must b<: able tn read and int~-rprot llllgin~cring drawings.

Must be able to work from work ord~~- routing 5h~""L'.

Mu~t be able to machin~ us per drJwing to a tolerance of ooos·· where required.

Mu"l be able to demonstr~tc Ocncrnl Machini•L skill• in one of the following areas:


Must be able to 5ct up and us~ ma~hinc >hop p<lWCrand pneumatic tools.

Must be able to dcsisn and manufacture tlxruros and tcmplatcs.

Must be able to make own layouts as per dr:lwing,

Must be able to p~rform nll m:~chinlng functions on n variety oftradition•lond non-troditionol work to the rt:q«ircd qunlity.>Lnmlnrd.s.




MUBt be oblc to •~tu~ and opet·mc the following convcnlionol Maehinc Shop Equipment:

Uth..s Mills Boring Mills Dl1il,;.


Pcd""'-"1 Radial

Must b~ oblc t<.> setup nnd <.>pcratc CNC Equipmcm a:: required in the neld nfdomoru;tn>tc"<J okill·

Mills Boring Mill.<


A !hrt:(: (l) week truining period will be olio wed.


Must be able to sharpen drilts and basic cutting tools fm lulhcs and milling machines.

Mnst be able to Wl.lrk wi~\ h<>ncs

Must pos.<I!Ss gnnd hnus<!kcc'J)ing skills.

Must be uble to opcrotc the following mmcriol lmndlin~ equipment cnrrecll~ and snlt:ly:

Forklifts Crones. Ove-rhead Cranes (flooi-) PlutcClumJl" Othi!r Lilling D<:"Vic=s Sling~


t. As Level II Mucllinists tncc( the requirements fo•·lcvcl I, they may apply lbr Levell dcsignolion. A J)O.Iting will not be'.

AJ<"'''"'"''" Bo<,""~~n lnd•\ T""hn<>i<>s-i"" 1M. •n<l Un<t~d ;,.,..,\,..<>•k~ ..



VC"111iers Microml:lcrs;


0\llSidc DI.""Jldl

Height Guugc Di~l Jndiculor> Hclght Mastel Gnugc Bl<>ok>; Anglo Plates Y- Blocks Sine Bar> B01c Guuge Pltcb Gouge Pr<.>trnclor Squares Divider.::



Verniers Micromcl~-rs;

Inside Outside Doptll

Diallodicalnrs Edge Finde-r PitohO..ugo Rodiu~ Ga"gc Protrncmr Square Divide•~ Ballj>ootll·lammcr Pmlo Soft ll!cc Hammer WrcncltSet Adju.~t:.blc Wrench Scriber!' Centre Punch Drive Pin Punch Set


Page 35: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


ML"l h"vc" mini11111111 of(2 yo.110 machine shop c•pcricncc or be takit~g un apprcmicco;hlp program leading to" Cer1iilca1c of Apprcnlim::.<hip "' • Goncml M"chini~l

Must he able tit 1<-:ld and intOI]>l'CI enginc-.::ring drowings

Mu.<t be "hie to wurk l"rum work urde,· routin~ shc"t'L<

Must b~ able to mochino "" pe,· drnwing to a wlcr.!no~ nl" .001" whcr.; n;qui1-cd

Mu.<l 1M: "blc to set up BnU u:;c muchine .<h<>p p<>wer and pncumoticle>ol;.

Must be able In make nwn loy<>uls us per dmwin~.

)U!R TS FL -~ ., __ lCHL..~- .... EVE_ -·


Must be. lblc 10 ~etup and opcru·"' the li.•llowing I Mll~l be ublc 1<1 ~h•IJl~". d1·illo ;md basic cutting c<>nvcnLional Muchinc Shop EqL11pmon1: tnols for latl•co nnd omll1ng machine'S.

Lilth<:< I :-.1C1SI 1><: ohle lo wc>rk with hone' Mill" Drill~ Muot pn~se>.< gc1od hL>usckccping >kills

PedC">IOI Rudial I Must b~ able w <>per:~t~ the lhllowing. matcoial

Sow• h'mdling c-qutpmcnl con·cctly und snl"cly; Fmldil\o Cmnc-,, Overlwud

Must dcmonstr.Hc the pntcntiJII~ Opcmlc CNC" I" c~unc6 (Floor} cquipmCllt. • Plate Clump•

Other Lillittg DcvicL:> Sli1t~s



Vcmkn; Micmn•clm<:

Inside o .. L,idc Depth

Height Gouge DiallndicHitll~ Height Muster o.,ugc Block~ Angle Plate'S v. l;ll"cks Sine an,-, Bnr<: Gouge Pitch Gauge Prol(oiCIOJ'




MIN!MliM rmQlllllEM£1\'TS

Vcmicr> MictoJtnt:lc"':

It~> ide Oulsidc Depth

Diallndic;otm» Ed~c finder Pitch GaC~gc RudiL<> G"ugc l'mtmetoo Square Dividers B"llpccn H"""""' Prow SnlliUcc Hnmmcr Wrench Sci Adjuota~lc Wrench sc;ibco>. Centre l'nnch Drive Pin !'undo



N~---· I A.< Level II MaohinL•t.,; mcclthe =-tnirurncnl' f<>r Level I. tky u>ay opply Jbr Levell d~"Sigmlli<>n. A pn•ling will no\ he nee<:>.'"')"·

1";~c~';,:~' .:.:7:•;::•;:•1 T~d'""'"f;";~, lf•e P"g"' ~2

Page 36: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


Must have a minimum of five (S) y<:ar.:; industrinl spray p11intin~ experience llSing v~rious p~inl<. Must be oblc to point components to dr:~wing n:quircmen!S in an accumte and cost c!Tc-ctivc monnor with minin10l supervisimt.

Must be able ro prt.."parepaints tn spccificiltion.

Must be oblc ta r""d and inlctpM engineering dmwings uccuratoly l"or mosking and paint "'<luin:tn~n!S.

Must be oblc to work from Manuib.cturing Routings (Wnrk Qr;lor,;).

Must be able to spray paint as per drawing ond produce qunlity work withht minimal "ccuptnblc st.nndards us in the proccdu""l.

Must be able to prepare 1natcri~l for painting using various Processes, including snndbla.<ting (small booth), ami the n:p.~ir ofmiMrd"rocto.

MllSl be ~blc to pcrlbnn p~int d<:partment functil>ns on~ variety oi"tr"JditiQn.o] and non-trJdiliQnnl work to the roquin:d qunllcy stnndnrds.

Pmvido tcclmicnla.<>isumc~ when required




Must be able to ~pilrnte the foll<.lwin~ ~hap equipment correctly and s:r.foly:

SpmyGwts Mi<cn; Equipment used for surface llni:;hing

Must beableto prop~'l"ly tako core ofund nl.tlintain paint equipment.

Must be~blc to operate the rollowing m~tcri~l h~ndling equipment correctly and safdy nnd have \:!~en the training courses provided by the company:

Forklifi.1 C"Jt<!S, Overhead C><n.,.(Fiocr) Pinto Clumps Special Dcvicos Slings and Chains

Must pm.sdSs good ltousckceping skills

Must be lble to maintnin accuJutc record!; ol"usage ofp~ints. thinners, unci other oundrios,


Mus\ be proflci~'llt in the apcmtion ~od u.<c ol"the lbllowing tools:

Electric nnd PncuJOOtic Spr:~y Gum; Mixer.:; Equipment used forsurf~cc r.nishing.


1, SprJy Puinwro urc subject to rogulur medical ~urveillnnco :1.~ determined by Company pttlicy.

Agr«men< B"'"'""" !m!;,l 1"«hnot<>Jr!"" Inc. •~..[ Un(ted St...,h•ork""' .-·---·


Op"" End Wrcr.cb~.,; Screw Drivers


Page 37: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl

.JRE~ JFOR ·-- ..... YPA_ 3.LE'




MU>l hove a minimum oftwoyC<~rs C<>lnbinc<l, n:lattd expcri<:tlcC in preparation, linishing and sproy painting- at least one ofwhicil must be sprny painting. Must he able to paim components to drawing r<:qLLir~'Tilcms in an accurate and cost effective manm:rwith .orne supcrvi•i(m.

Must be nblc to prepare paints I<> spcci'r.catinn,

Must be able to n:ad and intcrrrct engine-ering drnwings accur•t~ly far ma.>king and palnl L'Cqlliremonl!.

ML!lit be ~ble to work from Manufacturing Routings (Wm'k Orders).

Must be able to spray paint<~.~ per drolwing and produce quality work within minimal ncctpl!lblc standard$ as spcdliud in thL> procedures.

Must be oblcto prcpacc mate-rial fo•· painting using vnriow;

proc=cs, including s~ndbi;J.Sting (small booth), and the repair of minor dcfec~~.

Must b~ able to perform p;~int d~-pnrtlncnt functions on n variety nftrnditionnl nnd non•tt'"ddition.a[ work to the required quality standards.


Must be able to npcrnte ~tc following shop cquipmcnt cnrr:ctly nnd oufcly:

Sprny Guns Mixen; Equipment us~"<i lhr surfucc fini•hing

Must bcublc 10 properly ~.akc Ollrc of and mubttuln paint o4uipmcnt.

Mu•t he able In opcrntc the following material handling equipment correctly ond safely and have U!lu:n the tmining cour.;cos prnvidotl by !he cmnpnny:

Forklill>l Cram,;, Overhead Crdnei (Floor) Plate Clumps Spcciall...ifting DC~~iccs Slings and Chains

Must pus= good hou:;~:k~'Cplng skills.

Must be able to n1aimain accurntc rocnrcl!: nfus•gc ofpuiniS, tbin'lcn>, and olhc"l" sundries.


Must bu proficicm In tile (>pc:ration and usc I Op<;n E11d Wrcncbc:< cfibc followmg toni~: Screw Driwrs

Elcclric nnd Pneumatic Sp•~Y Guns Mixc•~

Equipment used forsurfocc r.nishing.


!. Spray Pointers ar<: .,bjcct to rc:gulnrmcdicol sW"Vctllonce as d~1.Cl111ined by Company policy. 2. Level fl Spray Painter> tit~\ meet the requirc:mCTlts of Levell, may apply for Level 1 dcsignntion. A rosting will not be ncccs'iiiY·

/l.!;""""'"'~nt &<lt""""" !nd~l T...,hroot""!:"i~; In<·. ond Uni<..d St...,!wrn-k""

Pag:e .34

Page 38: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


Should lmvc a minimum pfonc (I) ycarindustriul sand blasting experience u.sing variou.s bla..:t medium and have worked in o paint shop onvironmOflt.

Mu:;t be able to bl~t components to drowing rcquirc:mr:nts in an accur~!~ and cost dfcctivc manner with minimal supervision.

Must be able to read and interpret cnginet:ring drnwings accurotdy for m!ll' rc:quit~:mcnts

Must be able to work frum Manuf•cruring Routing:< (Work Orders).

Must be able to ~andbl~t a~ pcrdrowing and produce ~u11lity work within minimal acccptnblc swndards as spccifkd in Lite procedures.

MLlllt be able \o P"-'P""' material using various pmc=, including chemical etch ins nnd ,;nndblnotins, and llliing bodywork u:chniqucs.

M,;t be nblc to p<;rl"orm point dcpartmenl functions (m<ccpt pnint) on a variocy ort!"lldi\ionnl und non-troditiona\ work tn the rcqui"'d quolity !;tllndard!;.



Must b~ able 10 OJ>Ilrolc \he J"ollowing-ohop c4uipmcnt corrccUy and l<afcly:

Sondblnstin!l' Equipmr:nt Equipment used for su1facc l1nishing

Must be able to ]lmporly U!k~ can: of and muintain ,:and blast •guipm::nL

Must be abk to opcoalc the fn\lowing material hamlli11g equipm:nt correctly and ~~J"ely and haw lllkc\1 the tl'lining courses pmvid.U by the cnmpany:

ForldirL; Cranes, Overhead Cr.mcs (Floor) Pine Clamps Spe-cial Lilling Dc:vic"" Sl:ngs and Ch~ins

Must posso::;s goud ho,tseke~.']ling ~kills.

Munt be nblc lO maintain accur.~tc record• <ll"u.,.gc :;nndblasl mcdiUlt and other ~undrios.


Must be pmficicnl in the operation and u<c of the tollowing tnols:

Sandblusting Equipm""t Equipment used fnr surfncc fini<hing.


Open End Wrenches Scn.-w Drivers TupcM""'""'

I SOME SUPERVISION MAy BE REQUIRED --- - ------- - I Notes: I. Prcplu·crlfinishcL-:< arc 'ubjcct rcgu\ur medical survcillnnco n< dct<'mlined by Company policy. 2. PrepareriFinisltcrs arc exempt from the Snndbll.llling prl!mium in Article 29.0S.

Ag<.,n>e~< 8~.---n Indo! T""hm>tagi""' Lne. o"d Unl<.:-d S«·e(w<o<kc<O


Page 39: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl



1. Rate. for probationary employees is fifty (.50¢) cents belOw the class rate.

2. All new hires will be paid 80% of the classification rate, less fifty (.50¢) cents. Upon completion

of the probation period, they will receive a tifty (.50¢) cents increase. Thereafter the rate

progression will be as follows:

One year after start date- 85% of classification rate.

Two years after start date- 90% of classification rate.

Three years after start date- 100% of classification rate.

Employees in Level TI who move to Level I shall maintain their progression placenlents as if they

were in the same classification (i.e. If an employee at 90% of the Level II rate is moved to Level

I, all time credited in Level II shall be transferred as time credited as work in Levell and as such

the employee would receive 100% of the Level I rate three (3) years from his original start date

within Level 11.)

3. Employees applying as Trainees in the classifications of Fabricator/Assembler, General

Machinist, Welder/Fitter, and Spray Painter will start at a rate which is two($ 2.00) dollars per

hour bdow the Level II joh rate. Employees applying as Trainees in the classification of

Maintenance Mechanic will start at a rate which is two ($ 2.00) dollars per hour below the

equivalent Lcvd II job rates uf Fabricator/Assembler, General Machinist, Welder/Fitter, and

Spray Painter.

After six (6) months the employee will be evaluated by the supervisor, following which the

supervisor will either:

a) approve an increase of fifty (.50¢) cents per hour or,

b) return the employee to the classification and rate held prior to becoming a trainee.

}o.g-<~~m~n< "'""'•~n Indo<\ T~<hnolog<'"' Inc. ao\d Uo\(c.,.) Ste.olwo.-k~"

Page 40: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl

Assuming a), thereafter the rate for the employee-trainee will progress automatically tlfty (.50¢)

cents per hour at six months intervals until he attains the rate of Level 11 in the chosen

classification. To obtain the Level ll rate, a trainee must meet the skill requirements for Level II.

In the case of a trainee in the Maintenance Mechanic classification, the rate will progress as

stated above lllltil he altains a rate equivalent to the Level II job rates of Fabricator/Assembler,

General Machinist, Welder/Fitter, and Spray Painter.

The Company or the employee may instigate the employee·s retum to his fonp.y position as in b)

prior to the expiration of the six {6) month period if it becomes apparent that he is unable to

satisfy the requirements of the job.

4. In order to maintain a particular Welder/Filler level, the incumbent will be required to pass

welder tests as may be necessary to the applicable Welder/Fitter level. An employee will be

allowed reasonable necessary opportunities to pass such tests. Under no event will a

Welder/Fitter receive less than three (3) tests.

5. Re: Fabricator Levell and IT

The references to "shear" and "saw(s)" in no way suggests displacing the Shear and Saw


6. Re: Welder/Fitter Advanced Level I and Level II

The references to "flame and plasma profile machine" in no way suggests displacing the Plasma


7. Re: Maintena_nce Mechanic

For all future vacancies, a prerequisite to the position is that the candidate must possess

Industrial Mechanic (Millwright) certification. Bumping into this position in the event of layoff

will be on U1e basis of !he collective agreement language.

8. Employees filling the Electrician classification must posses~ an Ontario Electrician's Certificate

of Qualification.

ACT~""'""' D<t"""~" lndal T~ohnoloK('" lne. •nd Uni'-"<1 s,~dwo•koro

Page 41: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


Health and Welfare Benefits

The Company agrees to continue to contribute its proportionate share of premiums in respect of the

various Health and Welfare Benefits which are described with more particularity in the Employee

Handbook and subject to the respective policies pursuant to which the benefits are provided. The

fol!owing premium sharing shaH be effective throughout the term of this contract:

a) Life Insurance- The Company agrees to continue to pay one hundred (lOO%) percent

of the cost for life insurance for all eligible employees covered for $50,000 of life

insurance effective April!, 2014, and $45,000 of AD&D.

b) Supplementary Health Plan - The Company agrees to continue to pay one hundred

(1 00%) percent of the cost for the Supplementary Health Plan pursuant to which there is

no annual deductible. The Supplementary Health Plan is understood to include the


I. The l-1-4-52 Weekly Indemnity/Short'Tenn Disability plan with a maximum

weekly payment of two hundred and fifty ($ 250.00) dollars over the

Employment Insurance maximum benefit, increasing to two hundred and

seventy-five ($275.00) over the Employment Insurance maximum benefit

effective April!, 2016.

2. Semi-private hospital accommodation I 00% paid.

3. Eligible prescription drug benefit - 100% paid.

Employees who retire from employment to receive a reduced pension under the

tenns of the current pension plan may contribute I 00% of the premium cmt

required to continue the prescription drug benefit for a period of up to two (2)

years after retirement, or to age sixty-five (65), whichever occurs fust.

4. Vision Care- 100% paid to a maximum of$ 220.00 for eyewear and $100.00 for

eye exams, per eligible family member every two (2) calendar years effective

April I, 2014.

At;"""'"'" lk<;.,.=n lrnl•l Tochnolo:f<= Inc. >.nd UnitodStoedworker>

Page 42: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl

5. Emergency Medical Insurance & Travel Assistance- Premium 100% paid.

c) Dental-Plan- The Company agrees to continue to pay one Jmn"dred {100%) percent of the cost for the Dental Plan. Eligible expenses will be based upon a one year lag behind the current year's O.D.A. Fee Schedule.

d) Long Term Disability- The Company agrees to pay one hundred (100%) percent of the premiums. Benefits will conunence one (l) year after the commencement of disability with a benefit equal to 65% of basic, pre-disability income, to a _monthly maximum of one thousand, eight hundred (:':i I ,800.00) dollars.

Condition of not being able to perform "own occupation" for first two years of benefits and "any occupation" thereafter. Fully integrated with CPP ru1d WSID benefits. Eligibility for benefits will cease at age sixty-five.

e) Benefit.~ at Age 65- Benefits for employees established under the Collective Agreement will continue in effect save and except the following:

Reduction of Life and AD&D to $25,000 at age 65. Elimination of Life and AD&D at age 70.

Elimination ofWcekly Indemnity/Short Term Disability and Long Tenn Disab!lity at age 65.

Elimination of Prescription Drug Benefit at age 65.

f) The benefit coverage described herein are subject to the tenns and conditions of the Group Insurance Plan Booklet available from Human Resources and subject to the terms and conditions of the policies themselves.

g) In consideration of the Welfare package described herein the Union agree~ that any rebate of premiums payable pursuant to the Employment Insurance Act attributable to the employees will be waived now and hereafter on behalf of each and every employee both for the term of this Agreement and any renewal hereof and the Company will be entitled to keep such rebate.

Agncrr«"< ll~<w""" [nd>l T~-dmo\ogies [mo. •nd Unircd Ste..l""o<ke"

Page 39

Page 43: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl

h) The Company agrees to continue one hundred (100%) perce~t funding of a

non-contributory pension plan, a new version of which took effect April!, 1984. The

pensim1 unit established in the plan shall be increased_ as of April I, 2014 to fifty-two

($52.00) dollars, and as of April \, 2015 to fifty-three ($53.00) dollars. The Company

agrees to provide each employee with a booklet outlining the details of tile existing

pension plan.

i) Commencement of Benefits - Tile benefits described herein wil1 commence only after

an employee has attained seniority on completion of his probationary period.

j) Continuation of Benefits- It is understood that the Company shall only be obligated to

pay premiums and pension funding for eligible employees who are on its active payroll

(i.e. while they are actively in service). However, except for weekly indemnity, the

Company agrees to continue to pay the premiums for the benefits described herein for all

eligible employees:

i) for the month followiJ;Jg the date of a temporary layoff.

ii) who are off work due to or:cupational illness or injury for the period of U1c

illness or injury or six (6) months, whichever is the Jesser.

k) Doctor's Notes & Insurance Forms- The Company agrees Ia reimburse employees for

charges made by medical pr~ctitioners as fallows:

i) Up to t!Urty ($30.00) dollars per occurrence, with no limit on the number of

occurrences, when requested by management.

ii) Up to sixty ($60.00) dollars, twice per year, for the completion of nates or forms

when requested by an insurance company concerning a company paid benefit.

iii) Receipts must be submitted Ia Human ResOurces in support afthese payments.

Ag•~<>"'"" Dotwo-= Tochnalogk• l"c. >Q<IIl~(t.od5<eelwo<k~<>

Page 44: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


Joint Health and Safety Committee

The joint Heal!h and Safety Cmrunittee shall function as follows:

I. The conunittee shall have two co-chairpersons, one representing management and one

representing the bargaining unit employees. Both co-chairpersons will be certified and the

Company will pay for the training to achieve this certification.

2. The co-chairpersons will develop an agenda for each meeting and circulate the agenda to all

committee members one week in advance of the meeting.

3. Minutes of all meetings will be taken by one of the co-chairpersons and distributed only after

both co-chairpersons approve their contents.

4. The minuies shall be typed in draft form and reviewed by the co-chairpersons befOre final typing

and circulated to the Company, Union, conunillee members and posted on ComPany bulletin

board one week following the meeting. All minutes shall be signed by both co-chairpersons.

5. Joint Health and Safety ConunHtee meetings shall be held monthly on a date to be decided by the

co-chairpersons. There should be a fixed time and date. Matters of an emergency nature may

require special meetings as detennined by the co-chairpersons.

6. Work place inspections shall be conducted monthly by the co-chairpersons. Dates for these

inspections are to be detennined by the co-chairpersons. The co-chairpersons or their designees

will accompany the Ministry of Labour inspector on his inspection tonr.

7. The committee shall select one worker representative and one management representative to

investigate all accidents as required by the Act in the work place and submit the necessary

reports to the Company, Union, Joint Health and Safety Conunittee and the Director of the

h1dustrial Health and Safety Branch of the Ministry of Labour.

;,.\:"'~""'~'" Bc<w=u Jnd.J T =lmolog;..- Inc. .00. Un;tM St~dwnrkcro

Page 45: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl

8. All health or safety concerns shall be fonvarded and handled by the joint Health and Safety

Commit!ee before referral to the Ministry of Labour inspector.

9. Only matters Of health and safety shall be discussed at joint Health and Safety Commillee

meetings. Matters umelated or of a collective bargaining nature sl1all be ruled out of order by the


10. Health or safety matters on the meeting agenda may from time to time require input from persons

with certain expertise, or someone with special knowledge or authority, to be resolved. This is

allowed as detennined by the co-chairpersons.

II. All mailers raised and discussed by the joint Health and Safety Committee shall be resolved by


12. The committee shall make recommendations to management for all matters to be resolved.

13. The joint Heulth and Safety Committee should oversee and monitor all education and training

programs relating to health and safety to ensure their value and accomplishment in accident


14. Members of the Committee will be permitted the necessary tin1e away from work with

pennission of proper authority to attend meetings and carry out other responsibilities as

Committee members and time so spent shall be deemed to be work time for which Committee

members shall be paid nt the nppropriatc rntc.

15. The names oftbe members of the joint Health and Safety Commit!ee shall be posted, as required,

and only members of the Committee shall carry out the assigned responsibilities.

16. The Union must submit the names of their conunittee representatives in writing to the Company

before they are recognized.

Air'~""""" B~·-•~n ),-,do\ T <><lm<>logios Inc. •nd Unl<=l~<~d .... orke"

Page 46: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


Distribution of Overtime

The Company and the Union acknowledge the desirability of distributing opportunities for overtime as

equitably as practical (i.e. to be within 10% of the employec(s) with the greatest number of opportunities)

amongst employees who nom1ally perform the work to be done and will continue to make their best

efforts to do so.

To this end, the Parties agree:

That employees who are absent one (l) day or more for whatever reasons, will be credited with the

opportwllty to work the average available overtime hours for their classifications. These hours will

be recorded on the "overtime equalization data sheet" as refused hours at time and one half.

That overtime hours worked by employees away from the plant shall not cowl! in the calculation of

the overtime distribution. When employees re!um, they shall be credited with the average of the

ovet1ime worked within their classifications

That employees who are temporarily transferred to other classifications shall retain all rights for

overtime equalization within their permanent classifications during the term of the transfer. Overtime

worked in their temporary classifications will be credited to them and they shall also be included in

overtime planning within their permanent classifications during the tem1 of the transfer.

That new employees will be credited with the year-to-date averages of the other employees within

their classifications

That employees who post into new classifications will be credited with the year-to-date averages of

the other employees within their classifications.

If an employee is not provided with a minimum of 24 hours notice of overtime, this will not

constitute an overtime opportunity for the purpose of overtime equalization, should the employee

decline this opportunity.

Receiving, Stores and Shipping shall be regarded !lS separate classifications ns per the Collective

Agreement, when calculating overtime distribution

Ag<~<m~m B~'wc~n !ru!>l Tocb.,ol"),';~•loo

.ocl U"itoJ St<oOw'"~"'

P:age 43

Page 47: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


It is agreed that students wi!l not be hired in the shop while members of the Bargaining Unit are on

layoff, without first offering the available work to those Bargaining Unit members.

l>.):<~<mo"t lie<"' eon ]ndo\ T •donol<>j;k• Inc. >•><lllniro«! 5r=l,.o.-ke"

Page 41

Page 48: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


Verbal and Written Warnings

It is agreed that the Company will remove verbal and written warnings from an employee's record after

twelve months of the date of issue provided the employee has been free of discipline during such twelve

month period.

It is agreed that tills provision does not apply to dis~.:ipline issued by the Company under its policy HSE-

039 Violence and Harassment in the Workplace. However, the Company agrees to advise any employee

who is the subject of an investigation under this policy of his option to have a representative of the Union

present when being interviewed by the Company. If the employee refuses this option, the employee shall

sign a fom1, to be prepared by the Company, indicating that he has waived Uninn representation at the


Ag-re'"""'" B<t..-eeo\ lnJ.l T""bolo·,;'"'' [,,., ""'t un;«cl5<=lwmke"

Page 49: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


Shift Changes

It is agreed that, in the event that employees are required to change shifts, the Company will provide such

employees with at least three calendar days notice of such change, other than where the shift change is

due to an ummticipated business requirement.

At;>e<meo! lle!"'¢0~ lnd•l Te.:h"Qlogk•lno. >nd lln;oed S«dwo.kcn

Page 50: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


Broken and Stolen Tools

It is agreed that the Company will replace with items of comparable value, employees' tools and other

personal possessions which have been brought in to the building to assist in the perfonmmce of

employees' jobs, if they are broken or stolen provided that:

1. Such items were inventoried by a member of management and deemed necessary within the

previous twelve months.

2. In the event of theft:

a) there is proof that the employee made a genuine effort to secure the items in a locked

container when not in use.

b) there is physical evidence of forcible entry into the locked container.

c) the employee involved is prepared to give the police a statement of the facts surrounding

the theft.

No replacement will be made for any items which employees voluntary bring onto the premises and are

not deemed necessary by management.

A~;c~<menr ll<<w=n lndal T=hno1og<L .. Inc.

•nd. UnlccdSt.,.,lwoc!<.e<> Page47

Page 51: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


The parties agree to establish_ a Training Committee that will consist of two members from the Company

and two members from the Union.

The Training Committee will meet within 90 days of ratification and then meet on a quarterly basis. The

purpose will be to review and establish ways to upgrade employees' skills in their current classifications.

Ac-<e<men< &e<,.<~n Jndal Toechnolog-<.s Inc •nd Uni<.d St~elworl<.o<'"

Page q8

Page 52: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


Level II Welder/Fitter, General Machinist. Fabricator/Assembler, & Sprav Painter

In those classifications wl1ere there exists both a Level II and Level I job distinction, it is agreed that

employees will commence worlcing at the Level II distinction.

Agr=u•~o< llo<w.,<m lnd•l T.,d•no\"S'(" Inc .

• nd Un(!.,d S<e.,lwo<k"" P"-ge 19

Page 53: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


Lead Hand Duties

The Company and Union have jointly agreed that it is in the best interests of all concemed to clearly

define the role and duties of Lead Hands.

A Lead Hand has the combined responsibility of directing the work of hourly rated employees and

performing the same work as directed. The direction generally coru;ists of activities required to:

I. Assign work, under supervision's direction, to be performed by the employees;

2. Coordinate with supervision the necessary fixrures, supplies and facilities; and

3. Assist employees of the depar1ment, if and when requested.

Such direction does not include activities required to:

1. Hire, promote, demote, suspend or discharge any employees;

2. Represent the Company in the handling of employee grievances;

3. Determine the schedules of hours (regular and ovcr1ime) during which any employee shall work; and

4. Perform other general supervisory/managerial functions

In the event of a dispute regarding the application of this Letter, employees, with UiliOn represcntatiou,

may sunmmrize their concerns to Human Resources. Human Resources will investigate and repOJt back,

within seven (7) calend11r days, to all parties.

This infomm! di!>pute resolution pwccss is distinct from the grievance procedure of Article Vlli and any

time reqnired for this process wil! not disadvantage the Union membership should they wish to proceed

with grievances.

Ag•ocrn~m Ec<"'~"' hul.>l Tn·lu,~logic> lne

on~ Uni<e.-1 5'c.,l"""<'<kc.s


Pag<: so

Page 54: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


Progression From Level II To Levell Fabricator

The parties agree that the following process will be employed in determining a clear demarcation point of

the expertise required by an employee (working in FSIOO) to successfully advance from a Level II

Fabricator/Assembler to a Level I Fabricator/Assembler.

I. The criteria for Fabricator/Assembler Level I and Level II, as stated in the current collective

agreement, will remain unchanged with the inclusion of this Letter of Understanding.

2. As a method of demonstrating their expertise, Level II Fabricator/ Assemblers working in FSI 00 will

be required to produce acceptable samples, within reasonable times, corresponding to tbe following

drawings (dimensions and materials may be substituted with suitable alternatives):


7310-071 Strap Layout & Small Brake Press

2482-237 Drive Support Radial Drill & Cincinnati Press

1147-74 Handle-Lever Complex Layout, Hand Tools & Band Saw

1200-613 Bar-Lower Track Guide Drill Press &Tapping Head

3. Completed samples will be inspected by Quality Assurance. A written report will be provided to the

supervisor to assist in the evaluation of the work performed.

4. Level II Fabricator/Assemblers who wish to progress to Level I shall be given opportunities to meet

the criteria of Fabricator/Assembler Level I so that they may request a demonstration of their

expertise ~s set out in item 2. above.

The parties agree that providing opportunities is subject to production needs, and that when

opportunities are available, they will be offered without favouritism to employees wishing to

progress to Level I. J.p. this regard, the employer will not act in bad faith.

Ag«cm~n< lk<w~on Ind.! T cchnoiog'l .. hoc. •.W Udt~d Srce\wodc~r>

Page 5'

Page 55: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl

Level II employees will be given the opportunities to produce. sample pieces based on the above

drawings, on company time, within 45 working days of their request to do so. Should more than one

employee request to be tested, opportunities will be granted based on seniority. The Union

Chairperson will be advised whenever a request is made.

5. Employees· who produce Unacceptable samples, based. on quality and/or time, will be given

subsequent opportunities, if they request. Depending on the number of unacceptable samples, the

time frame for retesting wilt be from one month to six months from the date of request.

6. The successful completion of the above test pieces will qualify employees to progress to

Fabricator/Assembler Level I. For clarity, upon completion of the above tests, an employee will p~ogress to Fabricator/Assembler Level I regardless of the time requirement in the collective


7. Employees in the Fabricator/Assembler Level II classification may inquire of the Department

Supervisor as to their status in progressing to Level I. The Department Supervisor will maintain a

record keeping system for each Level II employee, consistent with this Letter of Understanding, for

the purpose of tracking the progress of Level II employees.

"-C"'~~m~o< Bet=<<>< Jnd•l Toechnologi~>lnc. •nd u.,;toed S!«>lwo<kec•

Page 56: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


This is to confirm that the United Steelworkers agree on behalf of its members that all classifications

within the coltective agreement with Indal Teclmologies Inc. may, from time to time,. be requested to

work up to 60 hours per week or 12 hours per day, with the understanding that any hours beyond 8 in a

day Or 40 in a week be strictly voluntary.

Ag-•~~m~m B~tw~•n ln~•l T.,;hr.ologlo• ],.o. ~oo llnlt~d s,....,,...,,h••

Page 57: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


Return To 'Vork (RTW) Committee

The Company and the Uniorr agree to establish a RTW Committee that will meet as may be required tO

review suitable work for injured and/or ill absent employees.

This Committee will discuss what constitutes suitable work based upon ·employees' functional abilities

evaluations and any other pertinent iufonnation.

Either the Company or the Union members of the Committee may invite extemal, expert help to assist in

the assessments of what constitutes suitable work.

In the event that there is no consensus, the Company rcsen•es its Management Rights in making a final

detem1ination, and the Union reserves its rights under the Grievance Procedure.

Agr~ern;,nr Bet.,.een lnd•l T·odtn<>l<>gi~• Inc. and Unitd St.,.,lworl..ero

Page 58: 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 :::> AGREEMENT BETWEEN Fabricatio… · agreement between 33.2-2 5/00-1'1 3a2-00 r~/'7 indal technologies inc. and united steelworkers effective date - aprjl


Family Day

The Parties agree that the Company shall continue to use its sole discretion in determining if Family Day

shall be taken off as a Holiday in any giVen year. Should the Company decide that the plant is to be

closed on Family Day, then snch day s]Jall be treated as the other Holidays outlined in Article XV of the

Collective Agreement.

Ag«~m~nl lktw=n Jndal Toechno!og<•>lflc >n~ llnlto.l. St<dworkc"

Page 55
