Download pptx - 322 shirt project


Team ZCAMPCahrone Teasdale, Zach Anderson, Aaron Gesmer, Paul Couve, and Matthew Schuerer

The Numbers:

Construction Shirt:★ # of Shirts Sold: 1★ Price: $12.00 ★ *Revenue: $0★ Profit: $0 when approximating that 50 get sold

Alzheimer’s Assoc. Walk to End Alzheimers Shirt:★ # of Shirts Sold: 7 (4 short, 3 long)★ Price: $13.99(short sleeve) and $15.99(long sleeve)★ *Revenue: $0★ Profit: $0 when approximating that 50 get sold

*We did sell the t-shirts, but we didn’t hit the goal, which would’ve made the cost too high for the buyers

Target Market:

Construction Shirts:★ Initially: individual students★ Final: construction companies

Alzheimer’s Assoc. Walk to End Alzheimers Shirts:★ Walk Volunteers★ Walk Committee Members★ Committee members and volunteers in the South Central WI Chapter and other chapters nationally


Selling Techniques:

★ Connections★ Facebook★ Construction Companies★ National AA’s discussion board★ Street Selling next to construction sites★ Script for talking to construction

companies★ Family and Friends★ Put on Kickstarter—but legal issues

Hi, may I speak to a manager?

Hi, my name is Aaron, and I am a student here

at UW-Madison.

How are you doing today?

I’m doing very well, thank you. If you have a

couple minutes to spare, I am calling you

because I am currently enrolled in an


course, and right now we are in the middle of

a t-shirt selling competition.

Our t-shirt is a great design featuring the

words “Wisconsin: Under

Construction Since 1848”, and has been very

successful on campus with students,

adults, as well as other construction

companies in Madison. T-shirts are only

$12, and all proceeds benefit Relay for Life

Cancer research, and I am reaching

out to you to see if you would be interested

in a group order for our t shirts.


★ Try to meet a want/need★ Make a clear follow up with construction

companies★ Communication with Steve—had to contact him

3 times in a day for him to get back★ Reaching out to individual people rather than a

leader of a group to get bulk orders★ Relying on Social Media for main sales


★ Guarantees—no “maybes” (don’t fall into “maybe” trap)★ Don’t rely only on connections and social media★ Communication & Time Management is Crucial★ Sell to an Organization or group★ Difficult to sell to businesses/non-profits


