Page 1: 31R KC'ffit, Pradesh. Copy forwarded to Smt. Jayanti Natrajan Union Minister of State for Forest and Environment

'l-lffif ~

qllICJ,<01 ~ Cf1 l"i'"?lIC'ill

Bm ~ CflllllC'ill

~\iL~ 24-25,

ertItroT 1'ff'f, ~ 31 ~

tJO~ll(j) 160030,

~ ~:-9-I-IPB622/20 12-CHA ~ 26.09.2013

~~ ~ 3fl:R >f'tTR ~ Cf1 x=R1ffCP (FCA),


Cf1 fc11:rrT, ~


~:- Diversion of 4.0350 hectares of forest land ( 2.00 ha of forest land for which a renewal case was submited) a fresh proposal for the diversion of2.0350 ha for mining lease) in favour of Smt. Ruma Devi M/s Ruma Stone Crusher,VilJage Parchu, PO Sajaopiplu, Tehsil Sarkaghat, within the jurisdiction of Jogindernagar Forest Division, Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh

~: (i) 3Jl1TCflT Lj?f xrum Ft. 48-2399/2012 (FCA) ~ 31.08.2013

~ ~ ~3TI %fcp 3Jl1TCflT 'aTR ~~ ~~~~ 11?1 cBT 31R KC'ffit, ~ Cf1

(x=RIffUT) ~, 1980 cBT 1:TRT-2 ~~ 7R ~~ ~ ~ 4.0350 ~ Cf1 WJ1 cBT '1"iTr cBT ~ % I

(i) Component-wise break up of area & area calculation.

(ii) Minimum distance of the proposed site from Wildlife Sanctuary/National Park. (iii) NOC from Local Body/Gram Panchayat.

(iv) Copy of Lease Deed/Agreement.

(v) FRA Certificate as per new format. (vi) The registration ofM/s Ruma Stone Crusher was valid upto 31.08.2013. A copy of valid

registration be submitted. (vii) Nothing has been mentioned about the action taken by DFO against encroachers. A

detailed action taken report be submitted. (viii) A detailed report on all the issues raised in the complaint be submitted. (ix) Status of Environmental Clearance be submitted. (x) Compliance report on all stipulation in the approval order, dated, 24.] 0.2008 of 2.00

hectares forest land be submitted. (xi) The proposal carries two parts, fresh proposal for diversion of additional 2.035 ha for

mining and renewal of lease for 2.00 ha. forest land already diverted and therefore two separate forms i.e, A & B & corresponging pati I, II, III & IV and V are essentially required.

Contd ...2/­

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(xiii) As per information available on P-43 of the new proposal for two ha area for which lease would expire on 23.10.2013, out of 50,400 MT reserve, only 20,817 MT has been extracted and 29583 MT is still available which would be enough for another five years. What is the justification in asking for additional forest area of 2.035 ha?

3. ~ ~ ~~ qJf ~~ tf?f ~ ~ iR ~ 60 ~ ~ 3~ ~\l cR ~2p >rfWl ~

m ~~ ~ 3fl1TCf -q ~ >ffiffCf CJ?l XG fclJm \JfT ~~ I

r:xtfutJ q;:r x:R~ (~)

~ >l~R;Jrq:-1. Divisional Forest Officer, Jogindernagar Forest Division, Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.

2. Ruma Stone Crusher, Shivdwala, VPO Longni, Tehsil Sarkaghat, Distt. Mandi, Himachal Pradesh.

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Copy forwarded to Smt. Jayanti Natrajan Union Minister of State for Forest and Environment for necessary action.

2. Chairman National green Tribunal, Circuit bench SlJimla 3. Secretary, Forest and Environment, Govt. of Indi,a, Central

'Secretariat; New Delhi. , 4. Secretary, Forest, Govt. of H.P. he is requested to immediately

stop the mining work. , '

Bhagnj~~m, •..... Village Sa~oQr,Po.'S~rri, TehsiJ Bar15~ghat~ l?istrict Mandi, 1J•.p.' ,

,. ,

, /" '

. ,. ~, .




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Page 7: 31R KC'ffit, Pradesh. Copy forwarded to Smt. Jayanti Natrajan Union Minister of State for Forest and Environment

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Page 8: 31R KC'ffit, Pradesh. Copy forwarded to Smt. Jayanti Natrajan Union Minister of State for Forest and Environment

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Page 11: 31R KC'ffit, Pradesh. Copy forwarded to Smt. Jayanti Natrajan Union Minister of State for Forest and Environment

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Page 12: 31R KC'ffit, Pradesh. Copy forwarded to Smt. Jayanti Natrajan Union Minister of State for Forest and Environment

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Page 13: 31R KC'ffit, Pradesh. Copy forwarded to Smt. Jayanti Natrajan Union Minister of State for Forest and Environment


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bey• .aJack Dharampnr ;)Istt. i\JandifH.r,)

Page 14: 31R KC'ffit, Pradesh. Copy forwarded to Smt. Jayanti Natrajan Union Minister of State for Forest and Environment

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Page 15: 31R KC'ffit, Pradesh. Copy forwarded to Smt. Jayanti Natrajan Union Minister of State for Forest and Environment

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Page 16: 31R KC'ffit, Pradesh. Copy forwarded to Smt. Jayanti Natrajan Union Minister of State for Forest and Environment


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Page 18: 31R KC'ffit, Pradesh. Copy forwarded to Smt. Jayanti Natrajan Union Minister of State for Forest and Environment

, '1' "\' ".\


\ \

1 " .,


No, FFE-B-A (3)-112013. Government of Himachal Pradesh Department of Forests.



PIO-cum-Under Secretary (Forests) to the Government ofI-Jimachal Pradesh.

~~1jender Singh, .v1~jl~~e & P.O. Dhawali,Tehsil Sarkaghat,

Distt. Mandi. '

Dated: Shimla-2 c1 ::2 ,.-:~­ 2013.

Subjeet: ­Sir,

Supply of Information under RTI Act, 2005.

Please refer to your application dated 22.05.13 vide

which you have enclosed IPO No. 12F 350720 dated 22.5.13

amounting to Rs. 10/-( Ten onIY),for'seeking the information under

RTJ, Act.2005. The requisite information consisting or three pages is

hereby enclosed for your information.

'" Your~~t~ (praka~h~Nand)'

PIO-cum-Under Secretary(Forests) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh.

Page 19: 31R KC'ffit, Pradesh. Copy forwarded to Smt. Jayanti Natrajan Union Minister of State for Forest and Environment

" ,

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- ~


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.. No. FFE-B-A(4) - 3/2010. Government of Himachal Pradesh Department of Forest.

*** From

Principal Secretary (Forests) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh.


The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-171 00 1.

Dated: Shimla-171002,

Subject: Regarding Ruma Longani Stone Crusher.


I am directed to enclose herewith photocopies of the

resolution of Gram Panchayat Longani, Dwali, Banal and Sari passed on 23-3­

2013 for necessary action. It has been alleged that due to indiscriminate mining by

the Ruma Stone cursher; the area is now not fit for mining.

It is reported that due to indiscriminate mining there IS

danger to water supply schemes. The 4 Panchayats have also not issued NOC and

reported for encroachment of Govt. land, as such you are l'equested to enqliire

into the matter and detailed report 'Sent to the Government for further necessary


Under Se retary (Forests) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh.

Page 22: 31R KC'ffit, Pradesh. Copy forwarded to Smt. Jayanti Natrajan Union Minister of State for Forest and Environment

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"4" 'ffX'cpr~' 7tH ~~lrr'l t~CVlT 'J1U~l ·if .. ~ff?n:r ~llT ~ w~H' . . ;

(Ruma Stone Crusher) :~n aTl-x fG~Fn -=qT~OT ~, I ~'ff' w~i{ 1f ~lT 3l"1lfffr

qi 'Gf arf~rftqtT wf~pi TJ'~n;f (crushing machine) TI~n '~l\S crTfil?r G:>fT'c' , ,

(sand washing plant) "ir~T~ 'GTl ~~ -g' I ~'-.n \JfT.-r<Prfr ~ 3F!~m 5f>'~F{

·tN-qrnt 'fIfrr T.R C'flITllT '1rm .~ {l~T ftwr lH' f5 J·, rif~f '~-- -~T\ir~::q 3rR:rf:flFT

'qt't t-1FH 163 q} 1H:rcr (ffT~(Tr~' fIif ~ I ~"fI' W~~ '$r c4tvf 3Ff~r ~f1lPTr~l ~

£:IT 'i!'$T'~ I m~..T 1ft ·~tr W':trx- ''{f f-;{:i'qf~ \[if \JFJ' 'fQl'fQAl' ft'r~IPr <tT. ~

mul"lT~ q 'JB 1]1nfi'H--r ~-i{ t· I 3m: -q~r 'fRctm' "f) 3r1.xh~r t f<p 'CJ'1l'hr~ et ~~lRlir "if ~-.=Jfi50

cf) <t~nl '~~l w~r~ -ij;t ~fr'f;nmfn1 'iFG' q)~-;f qft <11tH '$~' A)l.

.l?>t'r·Tfu 'Xi)'1=lT <Tefl tfft'~;i p,.,fT ~~T oq''G', lTrc:r qT~ ~sTOXJGlFJ) rqq(~1

'crgx:]lcrr -'Hi(CfiTmc, furcrrT 11~ .~. tfa-T T{ ~~ 10/3/2010 CDT ~nTi~l ~-:io

494/457/1 '~n~Tcfr 2-00 EU (~lwr~l '+-ffB) T~'\JfT ~~ yr 6/0"6/83 -m:-~

~t:llc' T-f tfgc;f 'xl- x-mRtcl 'fCl~l$P--WX t-g~.=r'qczcT ~~CR1 f1~'1ffOT CP--4-et

<:PI itr:Plfffi'l cf> \?rTltrrX' q{ x:tnCf~ 'fc{;m lFIT ~. I BtM-CRT '+-IP1 cpr ~w ii­x-]1:~rf.t:r('f t '('r~T '(rccTtn~cP -;..)' q .., '{ft8rOT ~'ft:'Tf~p:Pl 1980 eti 'CfRT-2 ci? ~Tff, .

'+-ffi(f xl'tcrifY x~· 1-'fx crrR1c61[f WT[f'r-!- B-g f"Ct '1 iCD 24/ 10 /2008 c.BT 5 ern cB- m-~

~~fd~Tl(1 CP') ~. I ~lRCf m<t>~CPI 31]11fu cf>1+i't:Zf~R ·x~ ~ f0liCl?

Page 23: 31R KC'ffit, Pradesh. Copy forwarded to Smt. Jayanti Natrajan Union Minister of State for Forest and Environment


23/10 /2013 ci? BtRl--;ff ~PT'!' 1TI\[(f 'fR<:fW< lir\T q;r 'ft"!~HoT 3r~f~ 1980 cf; \

3f~Ff ';:Y~cpXUT 'TIff f4':>"?:fT -(ilITiT t 'lJf \rfIRi4f~l 'if '~:sr'r:T tj-Cz-cr ei'?1 If '\'.~'1'::f

Cf5T<:r ffi~ (fR' '~~n v:nr.Fi'f I '~{~q~ 3Tf~rrt-cfCf 'J1FFfm Br:El '.r[JTm.;:r[[G1,?T ~'1]Cfi

14/9/ 2012 CDI aTcr{-en ch' ~F~frrff ~' ~"1T1'- 'q(!,~ f~Ff(f)T !B?f 5 00 to -f1' 'i:.Pt:'f

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em X-"?TrLJ'lT '~ "-0=TreQffr f~:rjqi 22/9/2004 '(fir -q(~FT cfrr 'rr~ j 1A<tl5fUT f;:r<.f;:;5fur

Gfl-i TITff 19/1/2005 CPt cpyrx T:lm·i em J1j11f(r ~(n-'i Cfll ~ I

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11'<:1T ~. \"fQJf 'Wirq)' 8/8/2011 cnl- w~ -~ ~~ 3TIlJ"6' 'fch<:IT f.$ e:rtt~Fl ~~ w~r\?

(1':>-n:f cfi '~ 'q5'T-f ~ ~g", ~ (f~r ~~1cf> -ff1Q,l crFI~ 'q;:r ~lfTJ ~'fRT rio '153/3/'1,

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"cJ) 3r~rrff 3ij1-TR-r IDt<i 'Cher \Iff ~:rct5 I \J(mq:~ af-5f q')T '{-f~i ~'~ltTr ~..rtq')

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Page 24: 31R KC'ffit, Pradesh. Copy forwarded to Smt. Jayanti Natrajan Union Minister of State for Forest and Environment


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*** :z."'3- (gThe following officials/persons participated in the meeting:

5~S//6(j ..----_.__.,---

DcsiglllltOllSr. Nallle ~ S/Sbd/SmtNo

r:c-. F Nodal Officer-cum-AddI.Pr.CCF(FCA)

2 Ishwar Singh, IFS .l..-+.~l~Kumar,I < S

Conservator of Forests (Central), NRO, Chanc1igarh

3 Abhilash Damodaran,IFS DFO Shree Renukaji r,.--­DFO ChapaI

5 Jan~vir Singh Dulta,HPFS 4

DfoO JogindcrnugorP.L.Gupta,HPFS I-:-~-"

. Er. B.B,Bhardwaj XEN,HPPWD,Chopal6 State Geologist,Deptt. ofIndustries, H,P Director, Ahuja Plastic Ltd,Dadhau

Inc1resh Dhiman7. .. __....-.

S ~C.··I CiS}--~(T~f~q· J~PT(;JC Prop.Ruma Stone Crusher <: .­

-fc;'X:J?t~ cJT{' Jl:5i- ¢l\r ~.C()-\ lkur

f diversion proposals were discussed in detail and r2ynTj~j-' ! .-q1;{tJh1~t ..(-7-/')

~?5ro~~~q" .,- ,")~ 't:, 'Lrr.;:.r ·tTZ~. ~1':;lr Decision Tllken by the SAG"'-",. ..c.}. 'file \ (.\ \.\. ,I

"-I,n JOI\ (1'7!.~1) - 'CrJT({'T"""-t~',"' e.:-·\-Fb0..'1 c~ 'd(;- '::)-T;;~~;,Cbl T-Z- -6'1-2-1-l-T-:-h-e-A~dd""'1-,-P--C"""C"""F---:-(C=-e-n-tr-'al""") -m-e-n-'ti-ol-1e-d~th~a-lt

\... ,d in information asked vide Northern Regional

1avour ot l1.YYWU for office letter dated 16,1.2013 has not been the Rohana-Gumma- received in his office as yet. In response, the Bour road (Km.O/OO to User Agency submitted a certificate from 12/510) - within t\1e DC,Sllimla that no case was pending in the jurisdiction of Chopal concerned ill'ea under the Schedule Tribes

Forest ------ Division, and Others Traditional Forest Dwellers

District Shimla (File (Recognition of Forests Rights) Act,2006.

No. Ft.48-2522/2012 APCCF(Central) asked the VA whether

FCA ~ & - 9- they - have - explored - the - possibility

HPC619/2012-CHA) decre~sing the number of trees to be felled

& - 9-HPBIOl/2012,- Md reducing the ill'ea required for muck

CHA) dumping as the area proposed for muck dumping was quite high,XEN,PWD, Chopal explained that the tertian through which this road is proposed to be constructed,is

very steep and there is no further scope of

reducing the area required for muck dumping by increasing height' of the

retaining walls. Also there is no low lying -----'---~------'---


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, '

patch in that urea where muck could be dumped. DFO,Chopal explained that all possibilites have been explored to rduce .. the number of trees which have to be felled but as per the conditions on spot, no further reduction in the 'number of trees is possible.

In view of the above, it was decided to recommend the proposal subject to submission ortlle following documents:­1. Approval of the competent authority for the construction of roae! ;

2. OPS Co-ordinates of conspicuous points at intervals of 100-200 mtrs!curves,etc, along the alignment of the proposed roae! to aviod any dispute in future ;and

3. An undertaking by the User Agency to pay the additional amount of NPV in case the rates are increased in future by the MoEF.

1-----1 '='C--------c----:-----c--f ------------­2. Renewal of existing APCCF (Central) observed that earlier the

Mining Lease over an Gov!. of India had approved diversion of 2

area of 2.00 ha of ha forest land for mining in favour of the forcst land in favour of User Agency and mining on that area was Mis Ahuja' Plastic Ltd. to be taken-up after signing the mining Village & PO Daclhau lease deed with the Mining Department, in Reukaji within the Gov!. of H.P. The User Agency informed Jmisdiction ~ of that the lease could not be signed as a Renukaji - - Forest minimum of 04 ha area was considered Division, DisH. necessary by the Mining Department of H.P Sirmam, - Himachal for scientific mining and hence they have Pradesh.(File --- No submitted the proposal for diversion of Ft,48-]'03!1007 (FCA) additional 02 ha forest land for mining

& 9-368!1997-ROC) through the current proposal. DFO,Shree Renukaji informed that the proposal for renewal of earlier mining lease of 02 ha

has also been submitted by the User Agency. CF(Central) observed that though the mining lease in respect of earlier approval of mining in 2 ha forest land under FCA could not be signed by the User Agency with H.P Govt, the User Agency has extracted considerable material from that area, which amounts of violation of the conditions iJJ1posed by Gov!. of India.


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3 Diversion of2.0350 ha of forest land for mining lease in favour of Smt. Ruma Devi

Prop.M/s Ruma Stone Crusher,Village Parchhu,PO Sajaopiplu,Tehsil Sarkaghat, within the jurisidiction of Jogindernagar Forest Division, District Mandi (HP). (Ft.48­

2399/2012(FCA) (9­HPB662/20 12-CHA)

The User Agency informed that the material extracted was on account of mining carried out in the past in that area and also on account of approval gnUlted to them by the Industries... DeparLment,H.P for developmental activities. In view of the above, it was decided that the User Agency may submit a consolidated proposal by combining the CUlTent porposal with the renewal of earlier approval or diversion of 04 ha,The consolidated proposal shall also contain full history and justification for extraction of minerals already carried out from the arca pertaining

to cearlier approved mining lease along with clear layout plan in distinct colours. APCCF (Central) observed that in one of the proposal document, there is a mention by the User Agency that an earlier lease of forest land measuring 02 ha was granted to

them. However, the same has not been linked with the current proposal. The User Agency informed that a case for renewal of earlier lease of 02 ha has also been submitted to the State Govt.

CF(Central) pointed out that Range Officer in his report, available in the proposal folder,has also mentioned that the river bed through which the applicant wishes to transport the mining material -yiiould aLso attract the provisions of FCA. However, thc current proposal does not seek diversion/of forest land for that road. In view of the above, it was decided that current propo$al and the renewal case of em'lier dVCl'sion of 02 ha will be clubbed together and a consolidated proposal should be submitted giving all details of earlier lease alongwith the quantity of the material already extracted and the potential available

in the old as well as new area proposed for mining.The consolidated proposal should also show both the lease areas on a single map and should also comment on the inspection report of the Range Officer on

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~-. --~._-

l ' I

_._-­ -------------_._­

-2­'- --'-- -------l"the necessity of inclUding, road in the . ,proposal. , ,

The meeting ended with a vote oflhanks to the Chair and the participants.

." _sol J ___

(Ajay KJmar) Nodal Officer-cum-Addl. PLCCF (FCA)

0/0 PLCCF, H.P. Shimla

El1dst. No.Ft.48-167/2009 (FCA) Dated Shimla-171 00 1, the

Copies forwarded to :- u 1 ",', :,;.)

1. Addl.Pr.Chief Conservator of Forests (Central),Govt. of India, Ministry of Envionunent & Forests,Bay No.24-25,Sector-31-A,Dakshin Marg,Chandigarh-160030.

2. Adviser (Plamling), Planning Depm1ment,Yojana Bhawan Himachal Pradesh, Shim1a-2. 3. Addl. Secretary (Finance) to the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2. 4. Under Secretary (Forests) to the Govt. ofHimachal Pradesh, Shimla-2 . .') Under Secretary (Revenue) to the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2.

J 6 CFs Mandi, Nahan & Shimla. 7. DFOs Nahan,Mandi & Chopal. ' 8. Smt.Ruma Devi Prop. M/s Ruma Stone Crusher,VilJage Parchhu,

PO Sajaopiplu, Tehsil Sarkaghat, DisH Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. 9. M/s Ahuja Plastic Ltd. Village & PO Dadhau ,District Sinnaur (HP).

10. Concerned files.

.3~ '2.' '1'_.0 13 '(J 2:~ ,

Nodal Officer-cum-Addl. PLCCF (FCA) 0/0 Pr.CCF, H.P. Shimla

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If') --,t?j 61"'-/_
