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Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life | Company Research Bringing China to the World

SWS Research Co. Ltd 99 East Nanjing Road, Shanghai | +86 21 2329 7818

31 March 2016

Outperform Unchanged


Market Data: 30 March

Closing Price (HK$) 33.80

Price Target (HK$) 37.00

HSCEI 8,979

HSCCI 3,743

52-week High/Low (HK$) 41.75/24.55

Market Cap (US$m) 12,065

Market Cap (HK$m) 93,528

Shares Outstanding (m) 2,767

Exchange Rate (Rmb-HK$) 1.20

Price Performance Chart:



























Sinopharm Group

Hang Seng China Ent Index

Source: Bloomberg


Jill WU



[email protected]


Related Reports "Healthy growth – Sinopharm Group (1099:HK)" March 10,2016 "Business restructuring – Sinopharm Group (1099:HK)" December 28,2015

Financial summary and valuation 2014 2015 2016E 2017E 2018E

Revenue (Rmb m) 200,131.26 227,069.43 250,780.64 271,660.39 291,679.45 YoY (%) 19.94 13.46 10.44 8.33 7.37 Net income (Rmb m) 2,874.82 3,760.65 4,401.98 5,049.84 5,714.01 YoY (%) 27.77 30.81 17.05 14.72 13.15 EPS (Rmb) 1.11 1.36 1.59 1.82 2.06 Diluted EPS (Rmb) 1.11 1.36 1.59 1.82 2.06 ROE (%) 7.92 9.25 9.72 9.97 10.09 Debt/asset (%) 71.79 70.60 69.86 68.58 66.79 Dividend Yield (%) 1.17 1.44 1.68 1.93 2.18 PE (x) 25.53 20.89 17.85 15.56 13.75 PB (x) 2.02 1.93 1.73 1.55 1.39 EV/Ebitda (x) 10.67 8.60 7.48 6.47 5.54 Note: Diluted EPS is calculated as if all outstanding convertible securities, such as convertible preferred shares, convertible

debentures, stock options and warrants, were exercised.

15 年业绩符合预期。15 年归属股东净利润同比上升 30.8%至 37.61 亿元,符合我们的预期以及一致预期。强


13.5%至 2270.69 亿元。毛利率微升 0.04 个百分点至 8.16%,销售费用率略升 0.08 个百分点至 2.64%。受益

于公司有效的成本控制以及规模效应,管理费用率下降 0.15 个百分点至 1.63%。受益于经营现金流的大幅提

升以及资本开支的减少,公司的净负债权益比率由 14 年的 39%下降至 15 年的 22%。公司宣布 15 年每股股

息为 0.41 元,派息率保持在 30%,对应 15 年股息率为 1.4%。

分销业务市场份额持续提升。15 年分销收入同比上升 12.7%,高于医药行业 9.1%的整体增速。分销业务的经

营利润率上升 0.12 个百分点至 3.87%。我们认为这主要是由于规模效应的体现以及经营效率的提高。由于各

地招标将导致药品价格继续下跌,我们认为医药行业的增速将于 16 年继续放缓至 6-8%。考虑到随着公司网

络布局的进一步扩张,公司在分销行业的份额有进一步提升空间,我们预计分销收入将于 16、17、18 年分别

实现 10%、8%以及 7%的增长。

零售业务快速增长。由于公司于 15 年初完成了对复美大药房和金象大药房的收购,零售业务收入于 15 年大幅

增长 47.8%,占公司整体收入的 3.8%。然而收购也导致了整体经营利润率的下滑,零售业务经营利润率于 15

年下降 1.24 个百分点至 2.47%。根据资产重组计划,公司将会把零售业务的全部权益转让给控股子公司国药


增发股份的方式支付对价。系列交易完成后,公司对国药一致的持股比例将会从目前的 51%提升至约 55%。

该系列交易对于公司净利润的稀释约为 1.5-2.5%。我们认为未来零售业务有望借助于国药一致的 A 股融资平


经营现金流大幅提升。15 年,公司的应收天数减少 2.5 天至 105.5 天,应付天数增加 1.4 天至 99.6 天,存货

周转天数增加 0.6 天至 37.4 天,整体现金周转天数下降 3.3 天至 42.8 天。受益于营运资金管理效率的提升,

经营现金流大幅增长 144%至 135.6 亿元。我们认为公司未来会平衡考虑应收账款的增长与收入增长之间的关


成政策以及医保控费的负面影响,我们认为 16 年公司应收账款周转率提升的幅度将相较于 15 年有所放缓。

财务费用率有望进一步降低。由于借贷成本降低以及负债总额减少,财务费用率于 15 年下降 0.19 个百分点至

0.88%。2016 年 3 月,国药控股发行了 40 亿元公司债,票面利率仅为 2.92%,远低于公司 15 年 4.8%的平


率将从 15 年的 0.88%下降至 16 年的 0.74%,17 年的 0.63%和 18 年的 0.55%。

维持增持评级。我们维持 16 年、17 年盈利预测不变,预计每股净利润于 15 年、16 年、17 年分别增长

17%、15%及 13%至 1.59 元、1.82 元及 2.06 元。资产重组进展顺利,我们认为这预示着改革进程的加速。

我们预期管理层股权激励以及员工持股计划的实施将会给股价带来正面催化剂。我们将目标价由 34.2 港币上

调至 37.0 港币,对应 19.5 倍 16 年市盈率,以及 10%的上涨空间。

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derivatives of the listed company

mentioned in this report (“target”), but then

we shall provide financial advisory services

subject to the relevant laws and

regulations. Any affiliates of the company

may hold equities of the target, which may

exceed 1 percent of issued shares subject

to the relevant laws and regulations. The

company may also provide investment

banking services to the target. The

Company fulfills its duty of disclosure within

its sphere of knowledge. The clients may

contact [email protected] for

relevant disclosure materials or log into under disclosure

column for further information. The clients

shall have a comprehensive understanding

of the disclosure and disclaimer upon the

last page.

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Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life | Company Research Bringing China to the World

SWS Research Co. Ltd 99 East Nanjing Road, Shanghai | +86 21 2329 7818

Investment Highlights:

Sinopharm reported 2015 net profit of Rmb3.76bn in 2015, up 30.8% YoY and in line with our and consensus expectations. The strong earnings growth was mainly driven by healthy top line growth, stringent operating cost control and financing cost savings. Revenue increased 13.5% YoY to Rmb227.07bn. Gross margin slightly improved 0.04ppts YoY to 8.16% and selling & distribution expense ratio slightly increased 0.08ppts YoY to 2.64%. Meanwhile, administrative expense ratio dropped 0.15ppts YoY to 1.63% thanks to cost control efforts and economies of scale. Due to healthy operating cash flows (Rmb13.56bn in 15A vs Rmb5.56bn in 14A) and a decrease in capex (Rmb2.13bn in 15A vs Rmb2.90bn in 14A), Sinopharm's net debt to equity ratio dropped from 39% in 14A to 22% in 15A. The company declared a Rmb0.41 dividend per share, representing a consistent 30% payout ratio and a 1.4% dividend yield.

Pharmaceutical distribution business continues to gain market share. Pharmaceutical distribution business experienced 12.7% YoY sales growth in 15A, higher than the sector average growth of 9.1%. Operating margin of pharmaceutical distribution business advanced 0.12ppts YoY to 3.87% due to efficiency improvements. We believe that the Chinese pharmaceutical sector growth may decelerate to 6-8% YoY in 16E as recent tenders will further depress drug selling prices. We forecast the company’s pharmaceutical distribution revenue to grow 10% YoY in 16E, 8% YoY in 17E and 7% YoY in 18E.

Strong growth in retail pharmacy business. Retail pharmacy business recorded 47.8% YoY sales growth thanks to the acquisition of Forme Pharmacy and Golden Elephant Pharmacy on top of organic growth. Nonetheless, operating margin fell 1.24ppts YoY to 2.47% due to business consolidation. Sinopharm will transfer all its retail pharmacy business and pharmaceutical distribution assets in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces to its subsidiary, China National Accord Medicines (000028:CH), which may cause 1.5-2.5% dilution in Sinopharm’s net profit. Post the deal, the pharmaceutical distribution business will expand rapidly on the back of sufficient equity funding resources.

Significant improvement in working capital management. Trade receivable days decreased by 2.5 to 105.5 and cash conversion cycle decreased by 3.3 to 42.8 days in 15A. Due to better working capital management, operating cash flow rose significantly by 144% YoY to Rmb13.56bn. We believe Sinopharm will balance the tradeoff between receivables control and sales growth in 16E. Moreover, as hospitals may suffer from decreased income due to “zero mark-up” policies and tight medical insurance budget, we anticipate improvement in receivables turnover to slow down in 16E.

Expect further financing cost savings. Thanks to the drop in borrowing costs and debt repayment, the company’s financing expense ratio decreased 0.19ppts to 0.88% in 15A. In March 2016, Sinopharm raised Rmb4bn via a corporate bond issue at a 2.92% rate, significantly below the company’s average borrowing cost of 4.8% in 15A. In our view, as Sinopharm continues to roll over its loans, average borrowing costs will further decrease. We estimate the company’s net financing expense ratio to decrease from 0.88% in 15A to 0.74% in 16E, 0.63% in 17E and 0.55% in 18E.

Maintain Outperform. We maintain our EPS forecasts of Rmb1.59 in 16E (+17% YoY) and Rmb1.82 in 17E (+15% YoY) and forecast Rmb2.06 in 18E (+13%). We see the smooth progress of business restructuring as an indication of an accelerating reform process, which can further support the company’s share price. We raise our target price from HK$34.2 to HK$37.0, implying 19.5x 16E PE. With 10% upside, we maintain Outperform rating.

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October 12, 2010 Building Materials | Company Research

Please refer to the last page for important disclosures Page 1

January 12,2015 Food, Beverage & Tobacco | Company Research

31 March 2016 Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life | Company Research


Consolidated Income Statement

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

(Rmbm) 2014 2015E 2016E 2017E 2018E

Profit before taxation 5,935 7,410 8,662 9,937 11,244

Plus:Depr. and amortisation 835 1,005 1,095 1,162 1,225

Finance cost 2,180 2,228 2,102 1,981 1,886

Losses from investments 0 0 0 0 0

Change in working capital (2,033) 4,536 (1,704) (615) (378)

Others (1,357) (1,618) (2,174) (2,485) (2,806)

CF from operating activities 5,561 13,560 7,981 9,980 11,171

CAPEX (2,580) (2,100) (2,100) (2,100) (2,100)

Other CF from investing activities (1,777) 504 100 110 121

CF from investing activities (4,358) (1,596) (2,000) (1,990) (1,979)

Equity financing 4,391 0 0 0 0

Net change in liabilities (1,183) (643) 0 (2,000) (4,000)

Dividend and interest paid (3,280) (3,614) (3,935) (4,114) (4,334)

Other CF from financing activities 95 (3,071) 0 0 0

CF from financing activities 22 (7,328) (3,935) (6,114) (8,334)

Net cash flow 1,225 4,636 2,047 1,876 859

FCFF 2,701 10,897 5,627 7,606 8,784

FCFE (663) 8,026 3,525 3,626 2,898

Source: Company data, SWS Research

(Rmbm) 2014 2015 2016E 2017E 2018E

Revenue 200,131 227,069 250,781 271,660 291,679

Cost of Sales (183,803) (208,452) (230,119) (249,115) (267,356)

Gross Profit 16,328 18,618 20,662 22,545 24,324

Other Income 204 244 200 200 200

Selling/General/Admin. Expenses (8,670) (9,692) (10,533) (11,301) (11,901)

EBITDA 8,697 10,175 11,424 12,607 13,848

EBIT 7,862 9,169 10,329 11,444 12,623

Finance Costs (2,129) (1,987) (1,848) (1,707) (1,599)

Profit before tax 5,935 7,410 8,662 9,937 11,244

Income tax expense (1,383) (1,713) (1,992) (2,285) (2,586)

Minority interests (1,677) (1,936) (2,268) (2,601) (2,944)

Profit for the year 2,875 3,761 4,402 5,050 5,714

Source: Company data, SWS Research

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October 12, 2010 Building Materials | Company Research

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January 12,2015 Food, Beverage & Tobacco | Company Research

31 March 2016 Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life | Company Research

Consolidated Balance Sheet

(Rmbm) 2014 2015 2016E 2017E 2018E

Current Assets 110,272 116,752 127,744 137,512 145,969

Bank balances and cash 15,232 19,919 21,966 23,842 24,701

Trade and other receivables 70,580 69,683 76,814 83,210 89,196

Inventories 20,309 22,349 24,163 25,659 27,270

Other current assets 4,152 4,801 4,801 4,801 4,801

Long-term investment 930 1,133 1,215 1,304 1,402

PP&E 7,102 7,641 8,165 8,644 9,081

Intangible and other assets 10,351 12,740 13,221 13,680 14,118

Total Assets 128,656 138,267 150,345 161,140 170,570

Current Liabilities 86,020 94,682 102,109 107,581 110,999

Borrowings 25,233 28,204 28,204 26,204 22,204

Trade and other payables 60,143 65,822 73,063 80,340 87,559

Other current liabilities 644 657 843 1,037 1,236

Long-term liabilities 6,346 2,929 2,929 2,929 2,929

Total Liabilities 92,366 97,611 105,039 110,510 113,929

Minority Interests 8,908 10,604 12,174 13,962 15,973

Shareholder Equity 27,382 30,052 33,133 36,668 40,668

Share Capital 2,767 2,767 2,767 2,767 2,767

Reserves 24,615 27,285 30,366 33,901 37,901

Total Equity 36,290 40,656 45,307 50,630 56,641

Total Liabilities and equity 128,656 138,267 150,345 161,140 170,570

Source: Company data, SWS Research

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October 12, 2010 Building Materials | Company Research

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January 12,2015 Food, Beverage & Tobacco | Company Research

31 March 2016 Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life | Company Research

Key Financial Ratios

2014 2015 2016E 2017E 2018E

Ratios per share (Rmb)

Earnings per share 1.11 1.36 1.59 1.82 2.06

Diluted EPS 1.11 1.36 1.59 1.82 2.06

Operating CF per share 2.15 4.90 2.88 3.61 4.04

Dividend per share 0.33 0.41 0.48 0.55 0.62

Net assets per share 14.04 14.69 16.37 18.30 20.47

Key Operating Ratios(%)

ROIC 9.17 10.15 10.73 11.38 12.23

ROE 7.92 9.25 9.72 9.97 10.09

Gross profit margin 8.16 8.20 8.24 8.30 8.34

EBITDA Margin 4.35 4.48 4.56 4.64 4.75

EBIT Margin 3.93 4.04 4.12 4.21 4.33

Growth rate of Revenue(YoY) 19.94 13.46 10.44 8.33 7.37

Growth rate of Profit(YoY) 27.77 30.81 17.05 14.72 13.15

Debt-to-asset ratio 71.79 70.60 69.86 68.58 66.79

Turnover rate of net assets 5.51 5.59 5.54 5.37 5.15

Turnover rate of total assets 1.56 1.64 1.67 1.69 1.71

Effective tax rate (%) 23.30 23.12 23.00 23.00 23.00

Dividend yield (%) 1.17 1.44 1.68 1.93 2.18

Valuation Ratios (X)

P/E 25.53 20.89 17.85 15.56 13.75

P/B 2.02 1.93 1.73 1.55 1.39

EV/Sale 0.46 0.39 0.34 0.30 0.26

Source: Company data, SWS Research

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October 12, 2010 Building Materials | Company Research

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January 12,2015 Food, Beverage & Tobacco | Company Research

31 March 2016 Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life | Company Research

Information Disclosure: The views expressed in this report accurately reflect the personal views of the analyst. The analyst declares that neither he/she nor his/her associate serves as an officer of nor has any financial interests in relation to the listed corporation reviewed by the analyst. None of the listed corporations reviewed or any third party has provided or agreed to provide any compensation or other benefits in connection with this report to any of the analyst, the Company or the group company(ies). A group company(ies) of the Company confirm that they, whether individually or as a group (i) are not involved in any market making activities for any of the listed corporation reviewed; or (ii) do not have any individual employed by or associated with any group company(ies) of the Company serving as an officer of any of the listed corporation reviewed; or (iii) do not have any financial interest in relation to the listed corporation reviewed or (iv) do not, presently or within the last 12 months, have any investment banking relationship with the listed corporation reviewed. Undertakings of the Analyst I (We) am (are) conferred the Professional Quality of Securities Investment Consulting Industry by the Securities Association of China and have registered as the Securities Analyst. I hereby issue this report independently and objectively with due diligence, professional and prudent research methods and only legitimate information is used in this report. I am also responsible for the content and opinions of this report. I have never been, am not, and will not be compensated directly or indirectly in any form for the specific recommendations or opinions herein. Disclosure with respect to the Company The company is a subsidiary of Shenwan Hongyuan Securities. The company is a qualified securities investment consulting institute approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission with the code number ZX0065. Releasing securities research reports is the basic form of the securities investment consulting services. The company may analyze the values or market trends of securities and related products or other relevant affecting factors, provide investment analysis advice on securities valuation/ investment rating, etc. by issuing securities research reports solely to its clients. The Company fulfills its duty of disclosure within its sphere of knowledge. The clients may contact [email protected] for the relevant disclosure materials or log into for the analysts' qualifications,the arrangement of the quiet period and the affiliates’ shareholdings. Introduction of Share Investment Rating Security Investment Rating: When measuring the difference between the markup of the security and that of the market’s benchmark within six months after the release of this report, we define the terms as follows: Trading BUY: Share price performance is expected to generate more than 20% upside over a 6-month period. BUY: Share price performance is expected to generate more than 20% upside over a 12-month period. Outperform: Share price performance is expected to generate between 10-20% upside over a 12-month period. Hold: Share price performance is expected to generate between 10% downside to 10% upside over a 12-month period. Underperform: Share price performance is expected to generate between 10-20% downside over a 12-month period. SELL: Share price performance is expected to generate more than 20% downside over a 12-month period. Industry Investment Rating: When measuring the difference between the markup of the industry index and that of the market’s benchmark within six months after the release of the report, we define the terms as follows: Overweight:Industry performs better than that of the whole market;

Equal weight: Industry performs about the same as that of the whole market;

Underweight:Industry performs worse than that of the whole market. We would like to remind you that different security research institutions adopt different rating terminologies and rating standards. We adopt the relative rating method to recommend the relative weightings of investment. The clients’ decisions to buy or sell securities shall be based on their actual situation, such as their portfolio structures and other necessary factors. The clients shall read through the whole report so as to obtain the complete opinions and information and shall not rely solely on the investment ratings to reach a conclusion. The Company employs its own industry classification system. The industry classification is available at our sales personnel if you are interested. HSCEI is the benchmark employed in this report.

Disclaimer: This report is to be used solely by the clients of SWS Research Co., Ltd. ( subsidiary of Shenwan Hongyuan Securities, hereinafter referred to as the “Company”). The Company will not deem any other person as its client notwithstanding his receipt of this report. This report is based on public information, however, the authenticity, accuracy or completeness of such information is not warranted by the Company. The materials, tools, opinions and speculations contained herein are for the clients’ reference only, and are not to be regarded or deemed as an invitation for the sale or purchase of any security or other investment instruments. The clients understand that the text message reminder and telephone recommendation are no more than a brief communication of the research opinions, which are subject to the complete report released on the Company’s website ( The clients may ask for follow-up explanations if they so wish. The materials, opinions and estimates contained herein only reflect the judgment of the Company on the day this report is released. The prices, values and investment returns of the securities or investment instruments referred to herein may fluctuate. At different periods, the Company may release reports which are inconsistent with the materials, opinions and estimates contained herein. Save and except as otherwise stipulated in this report, the contactor upon the first page of the report only acts as the liaison who shall not provide any consulting services. The clients shall consider the Company’s possible conflict of interests which may affect the objectivity of this report, and shall not base their investment decisions solely on this report. The clients should make investment decisions independently and solely at your own risk. Please be reminded that in any event, the company will not share gains or losses of any securities investment with the clients. Whether written or oral, any commitment to share gains or losses of securities investment is invalid. The investment and services referred to herein may not be suitable for certain clients and shall not constitute personal advice for individual clients. The Company does not ensure that this report fully takes into consideration of the particular investment objectives, financial situations or needs of individual clients. The Company strongly suggests the clients to consider themselves whether the opinions or suggestions herein are suitable for the clients’ particular situations; and to consult an independent investment consultant if necessary. Under no circumstances shall the information contained herein or the opinions expressed herein forms an investment recommendation to anyone. Under no circumstances shall the Company be held responsible for any loss caused by the use of any contents herein by anyone. Please be particularly cautious to the risks and exposures of the market via investment. Independent investment consultant should be consulted before any investment decision is rendered based on this report or at any request of explanation for this report where the receiver of this report is not a client of the Company.

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October 12, 2010 Building Materials | Company Research

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January 12,2015 Food, Beverage & Tobacco | Company Research

31 March 2016 Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life | Company Research

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