Download pdf - #30 Term 4, 2012





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Issue # 30





Chaplain’s Chat

Welcome back to the new school term. I trust that you were able to enjoy at least some of the holidays with your children. They have certainly returned to school full of energy.

Term 4 is always very busy, and it disappears quickly. This week, Year 11 students have been in examination mode. Next week, the HSC examinations begin, with the first English paper being held on Monday afternoon. Very soon, our Year 12 students will have finished their school journey completely.

Year 5 go to camp next week, and Year 11 follow them to camp the next week – and then we will be more than halfway through the term.

We had hoped to have our Presentation ceremonies in the Branson Centre this year. Unavoidable delays mean that we will have them at C.ex in town for the last time in December. The great news is that the Branson Centre building program is ahead of schedule. The building will be at lock up stage by Christmas.

We have chosen the colours for the synthetic flooring in the centre (red and blue, of course), and have nominated the line markings that will allow various sports to be played – basketball, netball, volleyball and badminton courts will be marked. Futsal will also be able to be played in the centre.

Planning for a start to the Trade Training Centre complex continues apace. It is to be built adjacent to the Branson Centre.

Congratulations to our Year 9 Drama students who participated in the northern secondary schools theatre sports workshops and competition this week. Stephanie Egan, Brendan Napier, Connor Spokes, Angus Chaffey, Mitchell Dixon, Shanden Mills, Harry Phillips, Alice O’Shea, Richard Northey, and Yaniv Shaul won the Schools section. The team of Stephanie Egan, Angus Chaffey, Mitchell Dixon, Brendan Napier and Connor Spokes also won the Best Team award. Many thanks to Mrs Cooper and Ms Gudgeon, who prepared our students for this competition.

Congratulations to the following members of staff who were married over the vacation: Ms Casey Morton married Mitch Johnson (and is now Mrs Johnson), Ms Lyn Davis married Rob Corrigan (but remains Ms Davis), and Mr Craig Verbruggen married his fiancée, Michelle.

Congratulations also to Mrs Tracee Porter (Primary) who became a grandmother to twin boys over the holidays.

Best wishes to Ms Ketrien Meulenbroeks who goes on maternity leave today. Her child is due on 6 November.

2014 ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIPSAcademic Scholarships for entry into the 2014 academic year in Years 7, 9 and 11 are awarded by the College.

ACER examinations will be held on Saturday 23 February, 2013. Closing date for registration is 4 February, 2013. No further registrations will be accepted after this date. The registration fee is $120. All registrations must be made online by accessing our website

NB: These Scholarships are for the 2014 academic year.

Principal’s App of the week: Pedometer GPS

Well here we are in the final term for 2012. It seems only yesterday that I was welcoming you to the commencement of 2012. Recently I commented to my daughter on how tall my grandchildren have become as I thought about the changes that happen in our lives. I wonder if you have also noticed these changes in your own children? Many students have real growth spurts during this time of year and if you’ve noticed the kindergarten students in the playground, you would see that they all appear a little taller and definitely look ready for Year 1.

Rev David and I have been reflecting on the weeks ahead and have decided to use the theme of Advent for our Chapel Services throughout Term 4. So in effect, we have brought the lessons of Advent forward as Advent One is not traditionally in the calendar until the 2 December. It is so important for our student’s spiritual formation to be exposed to the teaching from all of the seasons on the Christian calendar. By starting at the beginning of Term 4, our students can experience the Hope, Peace, Love and Joy of the Advent Season before they leave the College for the Christmas break.

During the first cycle of Chapel we will use the theme of Hope and we will be explaining the symbolism of the Advent wreath as we light the first candle of Hope. The students will learn about hope in the waiting, and learn that just as Jesus came the first time as a baby in a manger, He will come again in power and glory!

From the prinCipal

pastoral Care

Alan BallPrincipal




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Issue # 30





Karin LisleDirector of Pastoral Care K-12

From the head oF seCondary


WELCOME bACKI would like to welcome everyone back to our final term for 2012. Please remember our Year 12 cohort in your thoughts and prayers as they commence their HSC Examinations on Monday 15 October with English Paper 1. I would like to thank our dedicated staff of Year 12 for the time and extra effort they afforded these students throughout the year, but particularly over the past month or so. I witnessed many tutorial sessions happening over the holiday break and the students have been appearing in study sessions during this week as well.

As the year draws to a close the classes in primary school are studying their last theme of the year in their SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) units. The theme based on developing children’s social, emotional and behavioural skills will be ‘Changes’. We will be looking at change and the feelings it sometimes leads to, as well as how we can manage these and cope positively with changes in our lives.

As part of the theme we will be looking at changes that have happened in children’s lives. Many children have experienced lots of changes in their short lives, and this may have had a major impact on their outlook not only on their environment but also on themselves. I know that my little grandchildren are in a state of unrest as daddy has moved to Brisbane while mummy and the kids drive weekly between Brisbane and Coffs Harbour.

In the secondary arena, there are changes in schooling, some students leaving us at the end of Year 10, while our Year 12’s undertake their HSC exams and then go out into the wider world. Other students have arrived mid term at BDC and don’t know anyone.

The impacts that changes have on our young people are often positive, young people filled with the excitement of the future, of exploration and of ongoing learning. For others, the change can be viewed with trepidation, anxiety and fear. It is up to us to support our young people in a positive way as they learn to deal with the different circumstances that occur throughout their lives. Having difficulties ourselves can make things harder, especially if we are finding it difficult to deal with grief and loss.

No one is alone in this world! There are many avenues where young people and parents can seek help to get them through difficult periods. It is important to model asking for help. It may seem embarrassing at the start to admit that we cannot do things without some support, but you would be surprised how many avenues there are in the community where people are more than willing to help someone who is going through a tough time.

At BDC we pride ourselves in providing pastoral care for everyone in the community: students, staff and parents. We have a multi-layered approach so that there are supportive people to help at every level. If you or someone you know is going through a particularly difficult patch at the moment, I would encourage you to contact the Pastoral Care Team at the College for support.You can start this process by contacting me:

[email protected] | 66525644 extension 269

The Gospel of Luke 21: 25-28 reveals“And there will be strange signs in the sun, moon, and stars. And here on earth the nations will be in turmoil, perplexed by the roaring seas and strange tides. People will be terrified at what they see coming upon the earth, for the powers in the heavens will be shaken. Then everyone will see the Son of Man coming on a cloud with power and great glory. So when all these things begin to happen, stand and look up, for your salvation is near!”

Throughout our journey may we grow and reap the good harvest as we too discover Jesus together.


Date Claimers: The Anglican Parish of the Orara Valley is holding a Trivia Evening at the Glenreagh School of Arts Hall starting at 7.30 on Saturday 27th October. The host and comedian for the evening is Mr Jeremy Sexton, Lismore born, Brisbane based. If you are interested phone Rev Sharon Painter on 0402 739301 for bookings.

seCondary sChool

Rev Marion TanfieldChaplain




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Issue # 30





Rebecca BrownVisual Arts Faculty

Joel BlytheTAS Faculty

Craig VerbruggenHead of Mathematics Faculty

Visual arts



At the end of Term 3, Year 7 finished making their ceramic pots using the work of artist Keith Haring as inspiration. The works are yet to be fired in our kiln and painted for exhibition, but as you can appreciate the results are stunning. Thanks to Ms Victoria Philips (visual arts teacher) for sharing her expertise in this area with the students as well as inspiring the art staff with her skills and support.

At the end of Term 3, the last Mandatory Technology rotation occurred for 2012 with students in Year 7 and 8 having the opportunity to experience yet another subject. Food Technology is always a favourite with the students as they get to eat the food they have prepared and cooked after watching a demonstration from the teacher. This term, the teachers were Miss Jeanes – Year 8 and Mr Blythe – Year 7. Students have made a variety of food, from Thai Chicken Burgers, to Sausage Rolls and Pizza Snacks.

The 2012 AMT Mathematics Competition yielded some strong results for the College. Congratulations to all the students who entered, contesting their problem solving skills in what is a truly challenging competition. We received credit awards from nearly half of the 120 students that participated. Distinctions were achieved by Dylan Wicks (Yr 10), Edward Chan (Yr 8), Daniel Williams (Yr 8), Jesse Hopper (Yr.9), Rachel Erlandsen (Yr 9), Genevieve Clerke (Yr 7), Allister Brehaut (Yr 7). A High Distinction was achieved by Corwin Lee placing him in the top 2% of students of the state. The Prudence Award for the most correct answers in a row at the College went to Edward Chan.

Tim EganAssistant Principal (Head of Secondary)

APP OF THE WEEKMindjet lets you easily enter ideas, tasks and meeting notes to create intuitive visual maps that help you quickly organize concepts and prioritise action items. See the screen shot on the right!

PRESEnTATIOn EVEnIngThe presentation evening for the Secondary school will be held on Tuesday 4 December, 6:30pm at C.Ex Club Coffs Harbour. This is a compulsory attendance evening for all students in Years 7-11. If there are issues with attendance for your child/children then I would request written notification via letter or email. It is important that we gather together as community to celebrate the academic, cultural and sporting successes of our students and to complete the year formally. I can be contacted at: [email protected]

UnIFORMI would like to remind everyone of their responsibilities of being a part of the BDC community regarding student uniform. It is important that every standard we have for our students is maintained at the highest level. I would expect that students will be working diligently in classes until the end of the term, so would also expect the same standards for uniform. While students are enrolled and attending here at BDC, I will insist on the correct uniform items to be worn at all times and would hope to have the support of all families too.




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Issue # 30





Graeme NaftelAssistant Principal (Head of Primary)

Linda Morganbook Club Coordinator

ICAS MATHEMATICS COMPETITIOnCongratulations to the following students who achieved outstanding results in this challenging competition.

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5Spencer Burnet – Distinction Blake Ireland – Distinction Ishaan Dhabuwala – DistinctionHarvey Summersell – Distinction Angus Longworth-Browne – Distinction Marius Naftel – Distinction

40 HOUR FAMInEStudents who raised $100 or more, and who logged these details into their online 40 Hour Famine account, are entitled to claim a prize for their efforts. Please login and nominate the prize.

Congratulations to the following students, who each raised over $200 for this worthy cause.

Matisse Hibbard (2D) Emma Husband (3S) Tully Portus Keen (4M) Marius Naftel (5W)

14 other students raised in excess of $100 each.

2013 CLASSESA great deal of time and effort goes into organising classes. As per the Primary School ‘Class Placement Guidelines’, the following factors are taken into consideration:

Gender balance• Academic balance• Behavioural balance• New students• Parental input • Student’s education history (e.g. previous experience with a particular teacher)• Friendships•

All students will have the opportunity to nominate children with whom they would like to share a class. Every effort will be made to ensure that at least one friend is provided for each child.

Class teachers for 2013 will be confirmed later this term and will be announced in the newsletter published on Friday 9 November. After this date, parents who believe there is a significant factor that should be considered in relation to their child’s class placement for 2013, should forward this confidential information in writing to me (not the class teacher) at [email protected] by 16 November. After this date it will not be possible to consider any further requests.

As I am sure you can understand, it is impossible to satisfy all requests and design well balanced classes that consider the factors listed above, however, please be assured that careful consideration will be given to each class allocation.

sCholastiC BooK CluBOrders for Book Club Issue 7 will close on Friday 19 October. These may be sent to school and handed to your child’s teacher at any time before that date. (It helps me greatly if orders come in gradually rather than all at once on the day orders close)

Please note the following:Fill out your child’s • full name and class on the order form (also on the envelope); clearly mark all items to be ordered. If paying by credit card: All orders from the different brochures may be combined in one payment so only one credit card slip • needs to be filled out. This also applies to orders for different children in the one family. If paying by cheque: Orders may also be combined into one payment so only one cheque needs to be written. The same also • applies for cash payments.Cheques must be made out in one of two ways – either to ‘• Scholastic Australia’ (no variations on this) or ‘Bishop Druitt College’.

Thank you for your support of Book Club.

From the head oF primary

primary sChool




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Issue # 30





orChestra WorKshopsOn Tuesday 9 October 2012, the College was blessed to have hosted Maestro Warwick Stengaards, from Vienna. He treated the orchestra students to a day of rehearsals, followed by a lunchtime concert at school in the Greenroom. The students and teachers thoroughly enjoyed the day. We even made the evening news on Prime television! Great effort.

musiCal notes

Ellyse Walker (2I) Pyramids on the Nile

Egypt Day

The Best Kind of Pet Is A Cat

I think cats make the best kind of pets.Firstly, cats don’t need any training or walking. This way you won’t get tired having to walk them. Then you won’t get grumpy either.Another reason is cats don’t need much room. This means they are affordable. They only need a small space.Thirdly, cats make the best pets because they don’t make much noise. This means you won’t get a headache. That way you won’t get annoyed.That’s why I think cats make the best pets because they have wonderful personalities.

Georji Dunstone (2D)

2I Ancient Egypt Day

On the second last Friday of Term 3, 2I went back in time to Ancient Egypt. We all dressed up like Egyptians. We had pharaohs, queens, slaves and mummies. Our day started with a fashion parade with lots of photos, followed by another outstanding news presentation from Corinne.

Mrs Marriott put together a PowerPoint of her journey to Egypt. It was full of photos and beautiful music. This helped us to see what Egypt is like today.

Our second activity for the day involved mummifying Mr Murphy. We were lead through the process by Chief Priest Jude. Firstly we removed his organs (pictures of course) and placed them into our canopic jars. Then we pretended to cover him in natron and oils. After that we bandaged him to create our very own mummy.

Our art activity came next. Here we created puppets of two Egyptian gods. Firstly we coloured them and then we carefully cut them out. We needed small sticks to construct them. They were very fiddly.

Next was the highlight of the day, the feast. We all researched Egyptian food, as part of our homework the week before. Then we made it and brought it in to share. We also invited all of our parents in to celebrate with us.

In the afternoon we went to library and watched an Ancient Egyptian episode of Horrible Histories.

What a fun day.

Mrs Ireland and 2I

Brianna Ireland (2D) The Friendly Ladybird

grade oF the WeeK - year 2




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Jim WebberSports Administrator K-12


surF CluB


up Coming eVents


The Coffs Harbour Triathlon series began last weekend, with a number of BDC students competing. It’s ‘Girl Power’ at BDC with Tenielle Stubbs, Ashley Van Den Boogaard, Kalina Bennett and Zoe Burgess all competing, and doing extremely well. Tenielle and Kalina competed in the long course event with Kalina finishing in 4th place in her first attempt at the longer event. Zoe and Ashley also pushed the field hard in the short course, with Ashley finishing in 2nd place. Well done girls and good luck for the rest of the season!

The surf club carnival season has begun. Lachlan and Sean O’Reilly travelled up to Greenmount Beach in Coolangatta to compete in the ‘Wave Warriors’ Surf Carnival. Both boys did exceptionally well, with Lachlan finishing 3rd in the board, 5th in the Iron Man, and 6th in the swim in the Under 15’s. Sean was 1st in the Swim, 1st in the Iron Man, and 5th in the board. Well done boys!

Toby McCann is in Sydney this week competing at the All Schools Athletics Championships. Tom Sweeney and Charlotte Bennett-Hill are travelling to Sydney next week to compete in the Primary Schools Sports Association Athletics Championships. Congratulations to these fine young athletes for qualifying, and we wish them the best of luck next week.

16 October – Year 6 Proficiency Swim (Essential preparation for the Surf Safety program)17 October – NCIS Tennis & Netball Gala Day at Grafton.19 October – Primary Jump Rope for Heart

Primary Sport Activities during Term 4Gymnastics for K, Yr 1, Yr 3, Yr 5 (Wednesdays and Fridays on BDC Ovals)Golf Club for Yrs 3 – 6 (Thursdays 4.00pm at Coffs Harbour GC)Swimming for Yr 4 (Friday afternoon sport at Coffs Harbour Pool)

Congratulations to Gracie Hemer, who spent the first week of the school holidays competing at the Tennis Australia Junior Nationals She is ranked with some of the top junior players in the country in her age group.

College sport

important dates and eVents

College Community

14 Oct BDC Golf Day 201215 Oct HSC Examinations Commence16-19 Oct Year 5 Camp18 Oct Picasso Cow Judging Day - Primary19 Oct Primary Jump Rope22-26 Oct Year 11 Camp

Dale CondonHead of Music K-12

students Continuing lessons in 2013As scary as this sounds, we are looking into the first term of 2013 for timetabling music lessons. If your child(ren) learn an instrument at the College, you will shortly receive an intention to continue studies form for next year.

ensemBles eVeningsBishop Druitt College will hold the annual Ensembles Evenings on 13 and 14 November this year. More information will be forwarded regarding time and program. This year we will be running a fundraiser sausage sizzle & cold drinks stand. Please note there will be no alcohol served on these evenings. There will be raffles and a small door entry. This is all in aid of buying a set of Timpani for the College Music Programs. Thank you for your suggestions and help with this so far. We will be in contact with an organising committee meeting date.




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parents and Friends

bDC gOLF DAy – SATURDAy, 14 OCTObER, 12.30PM SHOTgUn STARTThe BDC Annual Golf Day is on this Sunday 14 October. A big thank you to all those who sponsored, either by hole or prize sponsorship and those who are coming along for a fun day of golf and a chance at the Hole in One Car!

nExT MEETIng – MOnDAy 22 OCTObERPlease note, due to absences next week, the next P&F evening meeting is on the 22 October. This will be a normal monthly meeting and the Annual General Meeting has been postponed until November 19. Come along for College information and an afternoon with other parents. Refreshments provided.

DySLExIAAll interested parents or persons who would like to know more about Dyslexia and how we can help BDC become more dyslexia friendly, are invited to come to the next P&F meeting or contact Sue Robertson directly on [email protected] or 0414343027.

P&F COOKbOOKFor just $25 you can share hundreds of yummy homemade recipes contributed by the BDC community. They are available either through the Accounts office or send in the following order form to the Front Office. P&F Cookbook order form.

UPCOMIng EVEnTSCommunity Carols - 27 November - Mark it in your diary now!

CAnTEEn VOLUnTEERS nEEDEDIf you have a spare hour or more, especially between 10.30am and 12pm (recess service) or 1pm and 2pm (lunch service) the Canteen Manager, Ben Pike would be greatly appreciative. If you can offer a hand please fill in the form located on the BDC website and return to the College or for further enquiries please email Ben on [email protected]

COnTACT USFor more information, to view our Constitution or read our latest meeting minutes, click on “Our Community” then “Parents and Friends” on the College Website. We look forward to your support.President: Allan Williams 0408 332 082 [email protected] & F email: [email protected]

next Meeting: Monday 22 October, 6.30pm-7.30pm, Senior Common Room, refreshments provided

The Bishop Druitt College Parents and Friends Association is an organisation that supports the aims and objectives of the College. It does so through the promotion of fundraising, fellowship, friendship and fun.

out oF sChool hours Care

This week OSHC started a new project growing a family of Sea Monkeys. OSHC children and staff have been working together to create their home, purifying their water and placing the sea monkey eggs. You can see our family of Sea Monkeys from the OSHC. Next week we will head into the second stage of growing Sea Monkeys; feeding, watching and nurturing our Sea Monkeys. Each day the OSHC kids will not only feed them but also clean their tank, give them enough water and even sing to them. We will also do a variety of Art projects next week including bubble painting fridge magnets, Puffy Picture art and popsicle frames. To place a booking for After School Care please contact Marielos on 66517400 or via email [email protected].
