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30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World Ramadan: 9 July – 7 August 2013

Why do we pray during the time of Ramadan? There are two reasons why the 30 days of prayer is held during the month of Ramadan: (1) As a means by which Christians can identify with Muslims for a fixed period of time, and (2) to call upon God's sovereign intervention in the lives of Muslims during a time of the year when they are particularly religious. Please note that praying during the month of Ramadan does not mean that we conform ourselves to the Muslim practices of fasting and prayer. As believers in Jesus Christ we disagree with Islamic ideas, theology and practice in several areas, but we place an emphasis on God's love for Muslims. We encourage all believers to cultivate a spirit of humility, love, respect and service toward Muslims. The goal of this prayer guide is to inspire and direct each reader as he/she intercedes for the Muslim world. We encourage you to seek further information and gain a greater understanding of the Islamic world by viewing articles online at

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30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim world, 20 years down the line About 20 years ago, the world had about 1.1 billion Muslims. Islam was a little known religion in most Western nations, and efforts on the part of the Church to share their faith in Christ with Muslims were scarce. Today, efforts have increased ten-fold and 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim world is one of the many agencies who have embraced the call to share the message of Jesus amongst the Muslim people. This agency has played a big part in educating, motivating and encouraging believers to respectfully and lovingly share their faith with Muslims. This prayer guide is now distributed in over 38 languages, and millions participate every year in the event! It was reported by a mission's strategist in the 'Mission Frontiers' magazine last year that in 1997 only two church-planting movements amongst Muslim people groups could be identified. By 2010, however, over 1,000 baptisms and/or 100 churches had been planted amongst at least 25 Muslim populations in the last decade. Major breakthrough happened in South Asia among the Bengali, where at least half a million people with a Muslim background came to faith in Jesus. In Iran, Christian satellite broadcasting supports a strong and growing underground church movement with thousands of house fellowships throughout the country. Several hundred thousand people of an unreached Berber group in North Africa came to faith in just one of several movements taking place in that region. The technological advance of the past 20 years has transformed the way in which the Gospel is communicated to previously unreached Muslim groups. Radio and satellite broadcasting throughout the Muslim world has resulted in millions of Muslims responding to the message of Christ. In the Arab world alone, one ministry, SAT7, has a regular audience of 8.5 million. It has also impacted the distribution of the Scriptures. Translations in local languages have become available, and alternatives such as audio and video versions of the Scriptures online, or as digital files has made Jesus more accessible and understandable than ever before to Muslims. So, what of the next 20 years? According to a Pew study ( released in January 2011, 20 years from now the Muslim world population be

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double what it was 20 years ago, with Muslims representing a quarter of the world's population. As followers of Christ, we must rise to meet this growth with a double portion of faith and love. Can we do it? A leader from the 30 Days of Prayer agency believes we can: "We could not have anticipated this kind of growth 20 years ago, but we recognize that the spread of the gospel amongst Muslims in these last two decades has been fuelled by the increase in prayer for the Muslims. We can expect no less for the next 20 years."

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Tuesday 9 July 2013 Day 1: The Arab Spring - Two years later Initially there was great excitement when revolutions spread from Tunisia to Egypt and Libya. Rather than the peace and development, the removal of the old leadership has unleashed long suppressed tensions bringing even greater insecurity. The reality of the Arab Spring is that, though societies united in their desire to overthrow corrupt governments, their people were carrying some very different dreams for their future. One group saw freedom and democracy as the answer. But another group saw greater commitment to Sharia Law and strict Islam as the answer. Increasingly these differing agendas are conflicting in the homes and on the streets of the Arab world. Yet in the midst of this turmoil, God is at work. In November 2012, 70,000 Christians from all denominations gathered in Cairo to pray for their nation. Others are finding increasing boldness as they lovingly reach out to their Muslim neighbours in new ways and everywhere stories of Muslim people coming to faith in Christ and meeting together for support, encouragement and discipleship are told. PRAY: Pray for citizens and political leaders in the Arab world, for their eyes to be opened to discern truth, and to pursue it courageously. Pray believers in Christ will be islands of true peace in the midst of this tumultuous season. (Psalm 46). Ask for both new and old believers to boldly witness so many more can come to faith in Jesus. (1 Peter 3:15). Pray for believers in the Arab world for courage and breakthroughs in their nations. or [email protected]

Wednesday 10 July 2013 Day 2: Overcoming the Muslim World Challenge Researchers estimate that in 1900 some 900 million people had no access to the gospel. By 2000, the number had doubled to 1.8 billion, and today it stands at over 2 billion. Many of this number are Muslim. PRAY: With renewed fervour, cry out to the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into the field. Pray for more people to answer the call of the Holy Spirit; to give up their 'normal lives' for the sake of the spreading of the gospel amongst those unreached in the world. Pray that multitudes will respond to the call to pray without ceasing for those going into the harvest field, as well as those already in it, and for those they would reach. Would you also prayerfully consider joining a short-term prayer journey to an unreached or closed nation this year? or [email protected]

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Thursday 11 July 2013 Day 3: The Refugee Highway: A spiritual harvest in Europe! Over one million refugees currently reside in Greece, a nation with a population of about eleven million. Many are from predominantly Muslim countries that do not allow religious freedom. Far from their home countries and often disillusioned by Islam which threatens and destroys, many refugees are open to the gospel. In July 2012 a group of believers travelled to Athens to help refugees in word and deed. They worked together with local churches distributing food and hygiene kits, as well as Christian literature and Bibles in different languages. As many refugees possess mobile phones, 2G micro SD cards were also distributed. These SD cards had the 'Jesus' film loaded in six languages, an audio Bible, songs, and culturally relevant testimonies from people of how they met Jesus. PRAY: Pray for the thousands of Muslims on the Refugee Highway. Cry out to God that they find life in Jesus Christ. (John 14:6 "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life..."). Pray that Christians would offer these refugees love, respect and help. (Matthew 25:35: "…I was a stranger and you took Me in"). Pray that Muslim refugees who come to Jesus joyfully live out their new faith and share with other Muslims how they too can come to know the Lord Jesus. (John 13:35 "By this all men shall know that you are My disciples…").

Friday 12 July 2013 Day 4: Hungry for truth - Meet the Children of Algeria Joseph's thoughts were confused: At school he was taught Islam, but at home his father told him about the God of the Bible. Joseph was aching to know which of these two was right and which would lead him to the living God! One summer, a nearby church about 50 km away organized a camp for children. Joseph longed to go, but the camp was that church's children and Joseph was told he could not join them. The day before camp was to commence one of the camp workers felt moved to allow Joseph to join them after all! Joseph thoroughly enjoyed the camp, but deep in his heart he still was troubled by the question 'which way is the right way?' On the last day of camp the worker who had invited Joseph talked to him and Joseph had the opportunity to ask his questions and share his longing to know the truth.

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PRAY: Praise the Lord for stories like this! Never become tired of praying because you cannot see what God is doing! Pray for children in Kabyle and throughout Algeria to have an opportunity to hear about Jesus. (Luke 18:16). Pray for believers young in their faith to grow and have the courage to tell others about Jesus. (Mark 9:36-37). Pray that God will protect believers in Algeria from persecution. or [email protected]

Saturday 13 July 2013 Day 5: The Sylherti Cult in Bangladesh There are about 11 million Sylheti Muslims, 7 million living in Bangladesh, roughly 2 million living in India, and the rest scattered around the world. It is a common Sylheti Muslim practice to seek the dead at their graves for aid on Thursday evenings. Many Sylheti families have family members who live and work abroad. Those families which can afford it send their children to West, mainly to Great Britain. Poorer families send their children to work the Arabian Peninsula; but despite these measures, the majority of Sylheti Muslims live in abject poverty. PRAY: Pray that Sylheti Muslims soon will have a Bible in their own language and the skill to read it. So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17). Pray for Sylhetis to find help, not from the grave, but from Jesus, who conquered death and is able to free them. "Our Saviour, Christ Jesus…has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel". (2 Timothy 1:10). Also pray for those Sylhetis living abroad to meet Christians who can tell them about Jesus and for the Sylhetis to pass the Message to their families back home. or [email protected]

Sunday 14 July 2013 Day 6: The West Coast Bajau people of Malaysia About 65,000 predominantly Muslim West Coast Bajau people live in Sabah, the northernmost Malaysian state of the island of Borneo, and are unreached with the gospel. The biggest annual celebration held in Malaysia is the festival of Aidilfitri or Hari Raya (Day of Celebration) to mark the culmination of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting. Despite the influence of Islam, many Bajau still hold to animistic beliefs and practices. They recognize a world of spirits which they fear may cause sickness or other kinds of misfortune. Some attempt to harness spiritual power so they can cure themselves and others. The recitation of passages from the Qur'an is seen as a powerful antidote against evil forces.

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PRAY: Pray that God would reveal Jesus Christ to the Bajau people in dreams and visions. Pray that local believers from neighbouring ethnic groups would be motivated to cross language and cultural barriers in reaching the West Coast Bajau people with the gospel. Pray for God to send missionaries to live and work among these people. or [email protected]

Dialoguing with Muslims is the most likely way for them to find Christ A recent study from the West African context revealed that a high percentage of Muslims came to Christ through direct dialogue with Christians. Here is a break-down of the results: Dialogue 80% Supernatural 60% Reading the Bible 30% Reading the Qur'an 20% Literacy 10% Correspondence 2% Audio-Visual 2%

Monday 15 July 2013 Day 7: The Yao people of Malawi Average life expectancy in Malawi is 52 years. Most Malawians have little hope for a better future. Malawians are family-oriented and they various customs regarding how to treat family members exist. Despite the influence of Christianity, the worship of ancestors, belief in black magic, spiritualism, and secret societies form part of most Malawians' daily lives. Muslim organizations with oil money to spend, have found it easy to buy land and win converts in Malawi. Mosques and Islamic centres are being erected all over Malawi. Malawi has become a target for Muslim missionaries who see it as a base from which they can bring Islam to the wider southern African region. PRAY: Radio is the chief source of information for many Malawians. State-run MBC is the main national broadcaster. Pray for Christian programming on radio and television. Pray also for Christian practical projects which can open doors for spreading the gospel, such as missions work to bring clean, piped water to people who normally could not afford it. These projects speak volumes. Continue to pray for the salvation of the predominately Muslim Yao people and that Yao churches of faith and love will come into existence. or [email protected]

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Tuesday 16 July 2013 Day 8: Radio Ministry in the Muslim World Radio remains the one medium by which deliver the gospel message can be delivered efficiently, inexpensively, and compellingly to the greatest percentage of the world's population, regardless of their economic status, education level or geographic location. For example, Christians in Central Asia are restricted in their faith and foreign missionaries have been expelled from certain areas, yet the local Church continues to grow, in part due to teachings via the radio. In North Africa, radios are widely available and this allows people in urban and rural areas, literate and (illiterate) oral people alike, to receive and understand programmes in their own language. PRAY: Praise the Lord for Christian radio! Continue to pray for radio waves to transmit across borders and go where traditional missionaries are not able to and where printed Biblical material is difficult to access. Pray for more ministries to take up the challenge of Christian radio broadcasting. Pray also that those who seek the truth come to know Christ and grow in Him. or [email protected]

Wednesday 17 July 2013 Day 9: Muslims in metro Vancouver Canada Vancouver in British Columbia is the largest seaport and third largest city in Canada. Metro Vancouver is one of the most ethnically and linguistically diverse cities in Canada, with 40% of people not speaking English as their first language (2006 census figures). In 1980, there was only one location for Friday prayers in metro Vancouver, but today there are over fifteen major locations. The fast growth of the Muslim population is attributed to an increase in immigration, refugee resettlement and high birth rates. During Ramadan, hundreds of Muslims gather in Vancouver mosques for Iftar (evening meals that break the fast) and Tarawih (extra congregational prayers performed by Muslims at night). PRAY: Pray for Christian communities to show love and compassion to those who come to Vancouver as refugees and immigrants and to aid them. Pray also that Christians will seek God's wisdom and leading in their interactions with Muslims. (Proverbs 13:14). Pray that the younger generation of Muslim immigrants would seek Christ in this diversified metropolis. or [email protected]

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Thursday 18 July 2013 Day 10: The Middle East wars: Damascus in Syria Damascus is the oldest inhabited city of the world. It has suffered many invasions and the horror that accompanies them. Influenced by major uprisings that began elsewhere in the region, antigovernment uprisings broke out across Syrian cities. Estimates in late 2012 suggested more than 40,000 people had been killed in the Syrian uprising. Thousands more have since died. Christians have been slaughtered by the thousands, targeted and hunted by freedom fighters - the Wahabbis, Al-Qaida, and others from abroad. PRAY: Pray for peace, religious freedom and just rulers. Pray that Christians who have chosen to stay in Syria be protected and used mightily in their witness to their shell-shocked neighbours looking for a new way of life. Pray also that Christians abroad continue to uphold Syria in their prayers and help those suffering in Syria as well as those who have fled and are now refugees. Matthew 25:40 …inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me. Pray for the salvation of government members and members of Islamic pressure groups. or [email protected]

Friday 19 July 2013 Day 11: India's Konkani-speaking Sheikh Muslims There are over 200 million Sheikh Muslims in the world. More than one third of them live in India. Sheikh Muslims form the major portion of the Sunni Muslim population in Central India. Virtually all Sheikhs are Sunni Muslims. Islam in India includes strong elements of mysticism. The worship of local Muslim saints is common and their graves are extravagantly decorated. Bibles and Christian literature are not available in the dialect that India's Konkani-speaking Sheikh Muslims use. Some also speak Urdu or Hindi, and Bibles and The Jesus Film are available in these languages. PRAY: Pray that God would send labourers to go among the Konkani-speaking Sheikh and proclaim Jesus. Pray for translation of the Bible and Christian literature into the Konkani dialect. Pray that new believers would grow spiritually and be bold in sharing their faith despite harassment. or [email protected]

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Saturday 20 July 2013 Day 12: Open doors despite restriction Many Muslims haven't rejected the gospel they simply have never heard it! In his book entitled The Insanity of God, Nik Ripkin tells the story of Pramana, a believer with a Muslim background. Before coming to Christ, Pramana felt his life was in ruins. On the instruction of a local Imam, Pramana began to fast, seeking answers to his problems. On the third day he heard a voice saying to him, 'Find Jesus; find the gospel.' Being in a restrictive Muslim country, Pramana had never heard of Jesus, to him Jesus could have been a fruit, a rock or a tree! The voice continued to give him instructions on how to find Jesus. Following the voice's instruction, Pramana walked all night to a city he'd never been to before. His journey led him to the home of a believer, one of only three believers in his people group of 24 million! This man shared the gospel with Pramana and he became a follower of Christ that very day! PRAY: Praise the Lord for testimonies like these! Today, pray for those who have never heard the gospel in Islamic countries. Pray that they will receive Christian radio waves and television broadcasting supernaturally, or to have dreams and visions of Jesus and even angels that will bring the complete Bible translated into their own language! Praise God for His reaching Muslims in miraculous ways, as he did for Pramana! Pray that He would strengthen Christians in Muslim nations and enable them to remain in their home countries. (Matthew 5:9-16). or [email protected]

Sunday 21 July 2013 Day 13: Pray for Bethlehem in Israel Churches and Christian programmes are active in the Palestinian territories, but working amongst Muslims is challenging, and the Church has to act wisely. Nevertheless, Muslims are coming to faith in Jesus Christ! An evangelical church in Bethlehem has grown from 5 to 56 families. Their pastor declared, "We have seen it and can testify that God saves people here and miracles happen today." PRAY: Pray that God would encourage Christians in the Palestinian territories to be salt and light in their environments. (Matthew 5:13-14). Pray for God's protection of those from Muslim backgrounds who have come to faith in Christ. (Matthew 6:13). Pray that pastors who disciple these new converts would have wisdom, and that the body of Christ worldwide would find ways to encourage new believers (Muslim converts). or [email protected]

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Monday 22 July 2013 Day 14: What is Folk Islam? Folk Islam mixes animistic practices (such as wearing or keeping blessed amulets) with orthodox Islam. Many Muslims practise some form of Folk Islam. Often, they are terrified of spirits and perform appeasing ceremonies. One common Indonesian ceremony involves sacrificing a chicken before building a house. The chicken's head, feet, and wings are buried under the foundation of the house, with its head facing east, surrounded by rice and spices. The chicken's blood is sprinkled on the foundation stones and a coin is placed under each cornerstone. Only once this has been done, can the house can be built. Another aspect of Folk Islam is pilgrimage to 'places of power'. Such places include tombs where specific rituals are performed, portions of the Qur'an chanted, and the dead mentioned by name. Pilgrims carry water from a nearby building and pour it on the grave and cast petals at the grave's doors believing that the water and petals will absorb saintly blessings. They then take the water and petals back to their homes. When someone falls ill, they drink the water to get well. Flower petals are put into bath water to cleanse a person's soul. PRAY: Pray for those practicing Folk Islam to have a personal revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many Muslims still struggle with fear despite all their attempts through Folk Islam to be free of it. Pray that Muslims be released from these strongholds. (Matthew 8:16, 10:1; Mark 5:2-13; Acts 16:16-18). Never stop praying for God to send workers into the harvest, for the souls of the unsaved to find Christ. or [email protected]

What are the 5 Pillars of Islam? The Islamic religion is practised according to five main "pillars" which are obligatory religious practices for all adult Muslims. Some Muslims add a sixth pillar, Jihad: The struggle to propagate the faith of Islam throughout the world, either by force or arms. 1. Reciting the Creed (Shahada): "There is no God but Allah and Mohammed

is his prophet." 2. Prayer (Salat) - five times a day. 3. Almsgiving (Zakat) - both obligatory and voluntary giving to the poor. 4. Fasting (Saum) - especially during the "holy" month of Ramadan. 5. Pilgrimage (Hajj) - to Mecca at least once in one's lifetime.

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Tuesday 23 July 2013 Day 15: China: 10 million Hui have not heard about Jesus The Hui people are a Muslim ethnic group in China. One night during Ramadan, a Hui man, Halid, had a dream. This is his story: "In my dream a man came to me and took my hand. I didn't know who this man was but I knew that he was good. He led me up a hill, but I got tired and pulled my hand away. He waited patiently until I had rested and then, taking my hand again, we continued up the hill. Upon reaching the top of the hill I again tried to pull my hand away from him since we had reached our destination. But he gently, yet firmly, held onto my hand so that I could not get away from him. At that point I woke up." Halid shared his dream with a friend hoping to understand its meaning. Although his friend was also a Muslim, his answer was astonishing. He said, "Halid, the man in your dream was Jesus the Messiah". (This has to be a divine utterance of the Holy Spirit!) Halid remembers, "As soon as I heard this, I knew it was true and that God was telling me I must follow Jesus. He was showing me that He is always waiting to take my hand, even when I pull away. I see now that I have always needed Him and even when I push Him away He stays right by my side. I don't understand this kind of love but I know I need it and I like it." Halid started reading the Bible and is sharing this good news in his community. PRAY: Give thanks to the Lord for answering prayers and revealing Himself to Muslims. Pray that Jesus would continue to reveal Himself to the Hui people in supernatural ways. (Joel 2:28). Pray for Hui already following Jesus to mature spiritually and have boldness to share Jesus with their family and friends. (Ephesians 6:18-20). or [email protected]

Wednesday 24 July 2013 Day 16: Gateway to Africa: South Africa readjusting The current Muslim population in South Africa numbers between 600,000 and 800,000. Although that is less than 2% of the population, the growth and influence of Islam put the country in danger. Islam has a strong influence on certain groups of people in South Africa. It is becoming increasingly attractive to poorer, rural black South Africans. Christianity is sometimes viewed as a "white" religion. Islam brings education and food to the poor, which naturally builds a good reputation where such help is desperately needed. At present, Islam is growing faster than Christianity in South Africa, and although this figure is based the percentage growth per population, it should be a priority for the Church. A Biblical response to both Islam and the poor and needy asks the Church to do more, and to risk more.

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PRAY: Pray for those who are already actively reaching out to Muslims in South Africa. Pray that they will be sensitive to Islamic culture and religious practices during Ramadan, without compromising the truth about Christ Jesus. Ask for more Christian chaplains to be in South African prisons. During Ramadan there is a specific focus on prison ministry, because this is seen as a time where inmates are presented with a clean slate before Allah and therefore many choose to convert to Islam. Those who live in squatter camps and informal settlements sometimes accept Islam as a means of receiving food. Pray that the poor and needy people accept Christ as Saviour, not because of what they might receive, but for a new life in Him. Lastly, please pray today for rural and untrained pastors to have an unshakeable faith. (Ephesians 6:16; Colossians 2:6-7; 1 Corinthians 2:16). or [email protected]

Thursday 25 July 2013 Day 17: Focus on Asia: Indonesian labourers Indonesian workers today are the most common domestic labourers in Taiwan and Hong Kong. According to September 2012 statistics, they number 155,000 in Taiwan and 151,000 in Hong Kong. Many of them work for Christian employers. Foreign labourers gathering on weekends are a common sight in Taipei and cities like Taoyuan and Taichung. They gather in groups in stations, parks, and along sidewalks. Often they attract frowns from passers-by, but rarely does anyone offer them alternative meeting places. Several Hong Kong churches care and minister to those they call 'TKI' (Tenaga Kerja Indonesia), meaning Indonesian Domestic Helpers. They have set up TKI worship/fellowship centers and TKI boarding houses and Care-centers offering language and computer courses, Internet studies and social programmes. In Taiwan, however, only a few churches and Christian organizations are reaching out to Indonesian workers. PRAY: Pray for Taiwanese churches to start TKI centres such as those in Hong Kong. Pray that churches and Christians in Taiwan have a kingdom vision and learn more about the culture of their long-term domestic workers and reach out to them in love. Pray that churches work together with agencies to establish a long-term strategies to help and care for foreign labourers, and to evangelize and disciple them. or [email protected]

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The coming of the 12th Imam and the spiritual implications thereof Shia (or Shiite) Muslims believe in the return of the 12th Imam, Muhammed al Mahdi. Shiite theology holds that great wars must engulf the earth, during which according to them one-third of the world's population will die in the fighting and another third from hunger, lawlessness and havoc. Israel is to be destroyed, and only then will the 12th Imam reappear and kill all the 'infidels', raising the flag of Islam in all corners of the world. Who Is the 12th Imam? Within the Shiite doctrine the coming of a 12th Imam who is the great spiritual saviour is prophesied. This Imam is called Muhammad al Mahdi (also referred to as al Madhi or Mahdi). Most accounts say that he went into hiding as a child at around the age of 5 (in around the13th Century). It is said that he was born as son of the 11th Imam, Hasan Al-Askan and his wife, the grand child of the king. Most stories tell that at the age of about 5, (about the 13th century), he went to hide in a cave, but that he will supernaturally return just before the Day of Judgment. According to the Hadith (sayings attributed to Muhammed regarded as important tools for understanding the Qur'an) the 12th Imam's appearance will be preceded by a number of prophetic events during 3 years of horrendous world chaos, tyranny and oppression. He will according to them rule over the Arabs and the world for 7 years. He will eradicate all tyranny and oppression, and bring 'harmony' and 'total peace'. He will lead Muslims in a prayer in Mecca, with Jesus following at his side. Remarkably, the 12th Imam prophecy is playing a role in the world's current concern with Iran. The President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (a Shiite Muslim), is deeply committed to the Islamic Messiah. Although many through the years have claimed to be the 'hidden' Imam, Ahmadinejad believes he is yet to come. He believes it is his role to prepare the world for the coming of the al Mahdi. In order to 'save' the world it needs to be in a state of chaos and subjugation. Ahmadinejad claims he was "directed by Allah to pave the way for the glorious appearance of the Mahdi". His apocalyptic directive includes other startling claims. Why is the 12th Imam important, especially now? Christians look to Jesus' second coming, the Jews await their Messiah, and Muslims await the 12th Imam. Of the three, only Allah's designated Mahdi demands a violent path to conquer the world.

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During 2012, Iran's supreme leader told the nation it must prepare itself for war and "the end of times." Iran continues to develop nuclear weapons. In a coordinated effort, State-owned media outlets all ran a story highlighting Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's message regarding the coming of the last Islamic 'messiah'. Up until 2012, the media in Iran quoted only clerics on the issue so as to avoid Iran's regime being labelled as 'messianic'. The wide publication of Khamenei's statements regarding the need to prepare for the "end of times" as Iran confronts the West over its nuclear programme, is a threat to Western leaders. The Revolutionary Guards' media outlet, Mashregh, warned Israel and America they will have to guess what type of warhead the Iranian missiles will be carrying. In light of Iran's nuclear weapons programme being completed this year, Israel is preparing herself for a nuclear war with Iran. A spiritual clash between Islam, Judaism and Christianity is also looming, and seems unavoidable. Although there is no report to be found in the media, many Muslims are coming to the Lord. Let us give thanks to God for this! As believers who know the true Messiah, let us remain faithful in our prayers for the Muslim and Jewish peoples. or [email protected] and 031 765 5702 or 082 865 7380.

Friday 26 July 2013 Day 18: A quarter of the world's children are born Muslim Last year, one in seven children in sub-Saharan Africa died before their 5th birthday. Of the 65% survivors, few had the opportunity to go to school as a large percentage of Muslim children are born into extreme poverty. Some are forced to beg for survival, many are abused or coerced into drug-trafficking or drawn into prostitution. Some become gang members or members of rebel armies or terrorist groups. Whilst many Christians have compassion for young children and do good work in street shelters, orphanages, feeding schemes and education; more needs to be done. More than a quarter of the world's 2.4 billion children live in Islamic countries, an estimated 600 million children. Children make up over 40% of the Muslim population worldwide. According to UNICEF's photo essay entitled 'Children of the Islamic world', 4.3 million children in Islamic countries die each year, millions don't attend primary school, and in some countries one in every six women dies in childbirth. That is a lot of need!

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PRAY: Let us unite in prayer today, asking God that more people would respond to the need for reaching children with the message of the gospel in word and deed. (Lamentations 2:19). Let us with one cry pray for God's protection and mercy towards children in Muslim nations. (Proverbs 22:6). Pray that God shows you how you can get involved in helping Muslim children in need. (Matthew 28:19). or [email protected]

Saturday 27 July 2013 Day 19: Education of women The rise of the Taliban in the 1990's seriously impacted a woman's right to education. In Afghanistan and Pakistan, the Taliban forced professional women to give up their jobs, and girls were prohibited from attending school. A general edict was issued stating that Muslims girls need not learn to write, the ability to read was sufficient. In September 2006, UNESCO recorded startling statistics in their study of Adult Literacy Rates and Illiterate Population by Country/Gender. In Egypt, only 59.4% of women were considered literate, with numbers getting lower and lower down the list of Middle Eastern countries: Morocco, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Yemen. UNESCO reported that in some places, the gap between literate males and females was found to be as high as 90%. PRAY: Pray for the efforts to build schools for girls in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Pray for the protection for girls attending school in locations where they can be harassed or threatened. Pray also for the protection of those who advocate on behalf of women's education in Muslim nations, and that they might have the courage and opportunities needed to promote their cause. Never cease praying for the salvation of women and children and that they are open and receptive to the gospel, whether broadcasted or shared personally with them. or [email protected]

Sunday 28 July 2013 Day 20: Pakistan's Chitral Muslims and their fear of militant extremists One mountain valley in northwest Pakistan, called Chitral, is also known as an 'Eldorado for linguists' as almost a dozen languages are spoken there! Khowar or 'language of the Kho' is the major language with approximately 300,000 speakers. Great need exists in the valley of Chitral, and so some men live and work as migrant workers in oil-rich Gulf States and send their money home. The Bible has not yet been translated into Khowar.

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PRAY: Pray for God to reveal Jesus to the people of the Chitral valley in dreams and visions. (Joel 2:28). Pray for God's protection of the valley against attacks by militant extremists. (Psalm 121:1-2). Pray also that God would send workers to translate the Scriptures into Khowar, and that more local and expatriate believers would be willing to work in Chitral. (John 3:34). or [email protected]

Breakthrough: Thousands of Muslims receive 'Bible Chip' Taking the Gospel to the Middle East has always been a risky enterprise, but now the Bible Chip, significantly reduces the risk. The Bible Chip is a small data card, the size of a stamp, which contains several Bible translations, audio files, hundreds of books, and over 200 hours of evangelism and discipleship video material, all in Arabic. It has been programmed to not leave any trace on a computer or mobile phone. Thousands of Bible Chips were distributed to Arabic speaking visitors at the last Olympic Games in London. Although printed Bibles are not easily accepted, the Bible Chip was much desired. During one-on-one conversations 12,600 Arabic Muslims received a Bible Chip. en [email protected]

Monday 29 July 2013 Day 21: The Runga tribe in the north of the Central African Republic (CAR) The Rungas are a Muslim tribe who live in the north of the CAR with a population of roughly 37,000. They are practically unreached and very isolated from Christians. The CAR also has an immigrant Arab population that remains largely untouched by the gospel. Recently an influential Muslim Fulani (Fulani is a term given to Muslim people living in regions of West Africa), who had made two pilgrimages to Mecca, turned to Christ and has maintained his Christian testimony against significant pressures. It is noteworthy that his conversion happened during the month of Ramadan. PRAY: Give thanks to the Lord for the relative peace which is enduring in the country, despite various social and economic tensions. Pray that this continues. Pray also for training programmes to be established so that Christians would know how to proclaim the gospel to Muslims. (Romans 10:14-15). Continue to pray for influential Muslims to come to the Lord Jesus and lead many others to salvation. or [email protected]

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Tuesday 30 July 2013 Day 22: Befriending Muslims is the best form of outreach In 2008 a Newcomer Centre was opened in Canada simply to welcome Muslims and give them practical assistance in their new country. Friendships were forged as the newcomers got home-building help, learned English and received child-care, tutoring or help with their homework. Today, baby showers for new moms, soccer camps for boys and girls, and community festivals for the whole family, are but a few more things the Centre does to welcome newcomers. Heart-to-heart connections are made as Muslims begin bonding with their new Christian friends. Some have come to Christ; others are on a journey to surrendering their lives to God. PRAY: Pray that God would direct believers to meet Muslims are open to the gospel. (Luke 10). Many Muslims in North America are shocked when a Westerner greets them. Yet often it is as simple as that to start a life-long friendship! Pray that Christians would testify boldly of their relationship with the Lord Jesus in everyday circumstances. or [email protected]

Wednesday 31 July 2013 Day 23: Somali refugees persecuted in the world's biggest refugee camp Dadaab is the biggest UNHCR camp worldwide. A whole generation has been born and raised in Dadaab, knowing only life as a refugee. Al-Shabaab militias thrive on fear and make life unbearable, even inside the camp. Women are raped, small boys are forced to join and fight for the Al-Shabaab, UN helpers are kidnapped, vehicles blown up by landmines, and there is an almost constant lack of everything needed. After 20 years of constant suffering due to the civil war, Khadija grabbed her children and ran, but she didn't get far. Like most, now a refugee, she was sent to the Dadaab camp. Khadija and her children could not return home where war still raged, and they could not move on, as there are few countries who would welcome them. PRAY: Cry out for God's intervention in Somalia, to grant peace for this suffering nation! Earnestly pray for many Somalis to become open to the gospel and for believers to meet peacefully in the Dadaab refugee camp and in Somalia. Pray that new believers would grow spiritually; for only those who stand firm in their faith will be able to cope with the pressure of persecution and isolation. Pray for evangelistic work to continue through personal contacts, radio, literature, and the Internet. or [email protected]

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The Application of Sharia Sharia contains categories and subjects of Islamic law called the branches of 'fiqh' (understanding). They include Islamic worship, family relations, inheritance, commerce, property law, civil law, criminal law, administration, taxation, constitution, international relations, war and ethics, and other sub-categories. It includes everything. It encompasses everything from practical matters like dietary laws and banking, to a system of government, called the Caliphate; in short, it's a way of life. Sharia is applied in varying ways and to different degrees around the globe, and millions of Muslims do not follow the stricter aspects of Sharia, but it does form the basis of the legal and political system of Islam. Sharia is executed differently in different places. Its main sources are the Qur'an and Sunnah, but like many legal systems, it is open to interpretation and is debated widely by Muslim scholars. On one hand, we see extreme examples of sharia implemented in countries like Afghanistan. On the other hand, some Muslim scholars have dismissed the harsher aspects of sharia claiming it has no place in our globalized world. So, although some Muslim leaders implement strict sharia, most Muslim people fear it and don't want to live under it.

Thursday 1 August 2013 Day 24: What is Sharia Law? Sharia is a legal, political, theological, and military system developed over more than a millennium. Millions of Muslims think that Sharia is the "path" (to God), although most Muslims know little about sharia. Strict Sharia law has been implemented in some 35 countries, and to a lesser extent in most other Muslim countries. It is currently being introduced as a dual system in the courts of several Western countries, most especially in cases regarding Muslim family matters. PRAY: Pray that Christians would inform themselves regarding the practical implications of an implementation of Sharia law. Pray that churches would inform their members regarding what Muslims believe and give them guidelines on how to reach out to Muslims and minister to them. or [email protected]

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How should Christians respond to increased Islamic activity worldwide? We must not simply react to media reports. Sometimes our false perceptions and lack of understanding result in us having the wrong attitude and a lack of compassion towards Muslims. We need to repent of the wrong attitudes we have that have resulted in apathy or hostility towards Muslims. We must acknowledge that the Holy Spirit is moving in the hearts of Muslims, through our Christian witness and Divine revelation, to create desire for a true understanding of Christianity. So let us earnestly pray in a committed fashion for the acceptance of Jesus Christ by all Muslim peoples.

Friday 2 August 2013 Day 25: Occult martial arts amongst the Bantenese people of Java Banten is a province of Indonesia, the westernmost province on the island of Java. Various ethnic groups live in Banten, but the largest is the Bantenese, who practice and hold to a belief called 'debus'. You have no doubt seen people walking on coals or striking themselves with knives or sharp nails, and yet remaining unharmed? This is called 'debus'- it is a martial art form and a demonstration of power. Debus followers believe that such power is only granted to the 'pure'. There are very few Christians in Banten; and despite there being a reasonable number in the greater Jakarta area nearby, very few are reaching out to the Bantenese. PRAY: Please pray for the Bantenese to be freed from occult and religious bondage and to be open to the gospel. (John 8:32). Pray that Indonesian believers would be compassionate towards the Bantenese and would begin to minster to them. Pray that God's Holy Spirit would convict those He calls to live, serve and witness among the Bantenese. (Luke 10:2). or [email protected]

What is the Night of Power? There is some debate amongst Muslim clerics as to when the Night of Power occurs, but it is commonly commemorated during the last 10 days of Ramadan. Many clerics believe it is on the 27th day (each day begins at sunset; so tonight is the start of the 27th day). According to Sura (chapter) 97 of the Qur'an, Muhammad received his first revelation of the Qur'an on this night. Muslims believe that prayers offered this night are particularly well received, and that prayers offered on this night compensate for any omission in regular daily prayers. For more information on the Night of Power, please see

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Saturday 3 August 2013 Day 26: Night of Power The whole Night of Power, from sunset to dawn, is the holiest night of the year for Muslims. Many Muslims believe that there are special groups of angels who are only seen on the Night of Power. Some angels come down for worship, others to grant requests of believing Muslims, and yet others make proclamations for the coming year. Many Muslims think this is a special night when according to them God gives heed to their requests. Often they are open to dreams and visions as they seek for guidance and revelation. PRAY: Pray tonight that millions of Muslims instead encounter the Lord Jesus Christ in their dreams and in visions. Pray that He would show Himself to whole families and groups of Islamic leaders. And pray also for those working amongst Muslims to have special opportunities to witness of Christ. (Isaiah 59:1; Isaiah 52:10). or [email protected]

Sunday 4 August 2013 Day 27: India: Princes now labourers Large numbers of Deccani Muslims (about 2.5 million) are found in the metropolitan city of Hyderabad, the state capital of Andhra Pradesh. Around 95% are Sunni Muslims and the remaining 5% are Shiites (or Shi'as) and have a strong Sufi influence in their beliefs. The Deccani are one of the least-reached mega-people groups of the world. Deprived of their former sources of wealth, honour and power, many Deccani Muslims are deep in destitution and despair. There are very few believers amongst the Deccani people. PRAY: Pray for Deccani Muslims to find hope and victory in the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for Christian Deccani to find favour with the Lord and many opportunities to witness to their fellow Deccani about the Lord Jesus. (John 1:14). Pray that God would intervene supernaturally and that Deccani Muslims would have dreams and visions of Jesus as the Way, Truth and Life. (John 14:6). Pray especially for the Church to be burdened and have a vision for this people, so that more prayers and workers are mobilized to reach them. (Romans 10:14). or [email protected]

Monday 5 August 2013 Day 28: The Soninke tribe of Africa The Soninke tribe (population about 2 million) live in the western part of the Sahel (an arid stretch running across Africa just south of the Sahara desert). For the Soninke, being Muslim is a fundamental part of their identity. There are

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approximately 100 known Christians among them. Bible translation in Soninke is in progress. There is a growing interest in Soninke literature, including Scripture, and the loading of audio files onto memory cards used in mobile phones gives many Soninke the opportunity to listen to Scripture when and wherever they can. PRAY: Pray for more opportunities for the available Scriptures and literature to reach the hands of those in need. (Isaiah 52:7). Pray that Bible translators would have much wisdom and insight in doing their task. Pray also that the Soninke people have a real hunger for God's Word, and access to Scripture. (Matthew 5:6). or [email protected]

Tuesday 6 August 2013 Day 29: Generation M(obile) The Middle East has one of the highest mobile telephone penetration rates in the world, with about 40% of mobile phones in use being 'smart phones'. According to an Iranian online research panel, an estimated 58% of Iranians use Facebook, despite censorship blocks. A further 25 million mobile customers in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait can also now access Wikipedia free of charge. (Keep in mind, however, that countries like China and Bahrain actively spy on their people's Internet activities. Many Internet users have so been arrested so). Statistics suggest that many young people in Africa will never learn to use a computer but are very eager to own a mobile phone and will use it until it literally falls apart. PRAY: Pray that Christians would find opportunities to make contact with Muslims via mobile devices and sow seeds of the gospel. Pray for meaningful long-term friendships to be established (beyond the contact stage) and reach Muslims with Christ's message of faith, hope and love. Ask the Lord if He wills that you become an online-missionary, sharing the gospel with someone in the Middle-East online. or [email protected]

How can I connect with a Muslim today on Eid? Perhaps you could ask a Muslim what they believe and what they do on Eid. In return, they might ask you what you believe. You can explain to them that Jesus is the 'Lamb' God provided for us to take away our sins – the 'final sacrifice' who was raised up to give us life forever. Prepare yourself by reading and memorizing these Scriptures: John 1:29; Hebrews 9:12; Leviticus 17:11 and Romans 5:9.

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Wednesday 7 August 2013 Day 30: Focus on festivals in India: Idu'l Fitr In India, the festival is known as Idu'l Fitr in Singapore and Malaysia, as Hari Raya Puasa. Both indicate the end of the fast of the Islamic month of Ramadan. For Indians it is a time of celebration, joy and gratitude. The preparations for the festival start at the beginning of Ramadan. When the day finally comes and the fast is over, children received many gifts and festivities where festival items and traditional food is sold. Many people attend religious ceremonies and visit family and friends. This is one of the festivals in the Muslim calendar they are most looking forward to. Please pray that Christians today will have God-given opportunities to witness to Muslims of their big 'Gift of Life' - our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray that many will become interested and curious about him. PRAY: We know that purification rituals can cleanse the body, but they cannot cleanse the heart. Today, please that the Holy Spirit would call the seeking hearts of Muslims worldwide to genuine repentance and that they would respond to His call. Pray that Muslims would truly understand that Jesus is the only way to the Father and the only way their hearts can be cleansed and their sins forgiven. Pray John 1:29; Acts 10:43 and Hebrews 1:3. or [email protected]