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3 Ways To Overcome Laziness

Laziness – The Great Bane

Lets face it, from time to time everyone has the tendency to be somewhat lazy and slovenly, after

all it is in our nature. I know for a fact that I can be very lazy if I am not careful about how

exactly I choose to live my life and the actions that I take on a day to day basis. I very often used

to sleep in until the afternoon! Which by that time I had wasted most of the day so I had little

time to play with, I had ruined my eating pattern which considering I am trying to put on muscle

mass, absolutely kills any attempt to get bigger. I messed up my sleep pattern so I would often go

to bed late and feel even crappier the next morning and to top all of that, the lay ins I was having

were not allowing me to get anything done, so then I would justify not doing anything by saying

“oh well its just one day, what harm can it do?”. Cue the laziness and slovenly behavior.

How To overcome Laziness

Okay, so now you have a brief background of where I am coming from and why you NEED to

listen to me, here is how I overcome the laziness pitfall. There is not one way to

overcome laziness and indeed you will need to find what works for you, however laziness afflicts

everyone for time to time so it is a good idea to try different methods, which will work better than

one solution .

Set Specific Goals

Ahhh the age old topic of setting goals, now it can be tiresome the way that some people harp on

about goals. Yes they’re important but are they often over talked about? Well it depends what you

believe but I believe that to overcome laziness, you have to have a solid WHY as to why you

should get your arse off the couch or out of bed. If you can decide what you want to achieve in 5

years, 3 years, 1 year, 6 months and maybe even the next couple of months, you will be less

inclined to let the laziness creep in. Everyone has their own methods for setting goals so I am not

going to go into it, I wrote a post about goals already that you can check out here.

Tidy Your House

House cleaning! Why the hell do I need a tidy house and how is that going to stop the laziness?!

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Well let me tell you, a tidy house = a more productive and tidy you. I dirty, messy house = a dirty

messy you. I have always said that the way you keep your house and your car as well, often

reflects you as a person. As a human being, laziness also comes on much more if you have that

slovenly look about your house. Make the bed in the morning you your less inclined to get back

in it, tidy your clothes up off the floor and wash some dishes, you will be surprised at how much

more energetic you feel when your not living in a shit hole 24/7.

Identify Triggers

This one is pretty simple yet many do not do it. Everyone has their own triggers for laziness,

whether you realise it or not. Mine would often be the TV and my bed. If the first thing I do in the

morning is watch some TV, I will end up wasting so much time and set the tone for the day, IE

more TV. If I get up early and then later decide to crawl back into my pit for another 10 minutes,

that 10 minutes turns into 3 hours. If you can work out what your own triggers are, you can then

come up with a strategy for each one, in order to help you around them and the laziness

altogether. For example in the morning, I will make a point to have a healthy breakfast, enough

caffeine to kill an elephant and immediately take action on a project I am working on.


To summarize then, laziness is a creation of your own habits and rituals, you can feed it or you

can destroy it through the actions you take. Make sure you are setting goals and sticking to them,

writing them down every day so you are clear. Keep a tidy home and a tidy you, this will help

keep that slovenly feeling at bay and make you a more energetic person as a whole. Lastly, find

out what causes your laziness, find it, strategise to eliminate it and take action.

Accelerating Your Success,

Joe Searle – Six Figure Mentors

(Check out this awesome Webinar on how to explode your online business TODAY)
