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3rd chapter

Page 2: 3 rd chapter.  Placement/ Pre-test measure readiness & entry performance.  Formative Test Learning progress,defect, learning error &feed back  Diagnostic

Placement/ Pre-test measure readiness & entry performance.

Formative Test Learning progress ,defect, learning error &feed back

Diagnostic TestsSummative test


Page 3: 3 rd chapter.  Placement/ Pre-test measure readiness & entry performance.  Formative Test Learning progress,defect, learning error &feed back  Diagnostic

1- Preparing list of instructional objectives.

2- Outlining the course content.

3- Two way chart.

DevelopingTest Specification

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1- Knows basic terms.1.1 Write definition of each term.1.2identifies the term that represent each

weather element.1.3 Match term to a picture of the concept.1.4 distinguish b / w correct & incorrect use of

the term.

Instructional objectives for weather

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2.1- Match each symbol with the weather element it represent.

2.2 – draw the symbol for each weather element.

2.3Identify the meaning of each symbol.

2- Know weather Symbols

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3.1-Identifies elements affecting weather.3.2 -Name the instrument used for measuring

each weather element.3.3- identifies the unit of measurement used in

reporting each weather element.3.4- Distinguish b/w correct & incorrect

procedure for deterring each weather element.

3.5-Name of each cloud 3.6-weather condition associated with each

type of front

3-Know specific facts

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4.-1Describe the characteristics of a given weather condition.

4.2-describes how clouds are formed.4.3-Distingush b/w probable & improbable

weather reports.4.4 -Predict future weather form a change in

condition.4.5 Explain how clouds affect weather &


4-Understand the influence of factor on weather formation

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5.1-Describes the weather for a given locality.

5.2-identify different types of fronts shown on weather map.

5.3-dentify the direction of movement for each front shown on weather map.

5.4expain the ways global pattern of atmospheric movement influence local weather.

5.5-construction of weather map using description of existing condition.

5-Interperts Weather Maps

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6.1-Measurement & record changes in air pressure.

6.2-Measurement & record direction & velocity of wind.

6.3-Measure relative humidity.

6-measurement relevant weather characteristics.

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Content Outline for a weather Unit1- Air pressure.1.1 Measuring & reporting air pressure.1.2-Factor affecting air pressure.1.3-Relation to weather changes. 2 Air temperature2.1 Measuring & reporting Air temperature.2.2 -Factor affecting air temperature.2.3-Relation to weather formation

Outlining the Instructional Content

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3.1- Measuring & reporting humidity.3.2 factor affecting humidity.3.3Forms of precipitation.3.4- Measuring & reporting precipitation.

3-Humidity & precipitation

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1- measurement of speed & direction.2 Factor affecting speed & direction.3 Symbols for reporting speed & direction.

5 - Clouds 1-Characteristics of clouds types2-Types of clouds.3- Relation to weather condition. 4 -Symbol for clouds types.

4 Wind

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Knows Understand


Content Basic terms

Weather Symbols

Specific Facts

Influence of each factor on weather

Weather maps

Total NO of items

% of items

Air pressure 1 1 1 3 3 9 15

Wind 1 1 1 10 2 15 25

Temperature 1 1 1 4 2 9 15

Humidity 1 1 1 7 5 15 25

Clouds 2 2 2 6 - 12 20

Total No Of Items

6 6 6 30 12 60 -

% of items 10 10 10 50 20 100


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Nasr 6 6 10 10 9 9 50

Nazam 15 10 5 - 10 10 50

Total 21 16 15 10 19 19 100

URDU 9th Class

Objective content

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Objective Type TestSupply Type Short Answer Completion Selection Type Test T/F Matching MCQ,s Essay Type Test Extended response Restricted responses

Selecting appropriate types of Test items

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Nature of learning outcome to be measured.

Advantage & limitation of each type. Skill with which an item is constructed.

3.3Selection of appropriate test item depends on

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Matching items to intended learning outcomes. Obtain a representative sample of items &

tasks. Eliminate irrelevant barriers to the

performance. i) Difficult sentence & vocabulary.ii) Prerequisite skillsiii) Difference in Ancillary Abilities.iv)Ambiguity.v) Racial, Ethnic, Gender bias

3.4 Consideration in preparing relevant test Items

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i) Ambiguous statement. ii) Excessive wordiness. iii) Difficult vocabulary. iv) Complex sentence structure. v) Unclear instruction. vi) Racial, Ethic, gender bias.

d)Avoiding unintended dues

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Separate card index :Instructional objective, Specific learning outcomes, content measured, Space for item analysis,

Recording test items

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Is appropriate Is Point of item clear Is Free from excessive verbiage Is appropriate difficulty level Does expert agreed on answer Is free from technical error IS free from ethic&sexual bias

Reviewing Test item

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1. The types of items used2. The learning outcomes measured3. Arrange in difficulty level4. The Subject matter measured

Arranging Items in the test

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1. T/F2. Matching Items3. Short answer items4. M.C.Q,s5. Essay type

Two or more items used

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Assembling The Classroom Test

Record on card,Editing:appropriate, relevant to specific learning outcome free from ambiguity, irrelevant clues, According to table of specification Separate Section, Direction for test

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Time for answeringBasis for answeringProcedure for recordingGuessingReproducing the test:Space,M.C.Q,s

vertically, circling of correct answer

Preparing Directions For Test

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Use assessment Specification. Write More items. Well in advance. Assessment task. Reading Level. Does not help in other task. Expert agree. Revise.

Suggestions for Writing Test Items

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Conducive Physical& psychological Environment.

Physicala) Adequate work space.b) Proper light.c) Ventilation.d) Comfortable tempreture.

Administration the test

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Threatening. Warning. Work fast. Loudly Speaking.

Psychological Environment.

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