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José Eduardo Espinosa Farina – A01421955 27/03/2014

AIR POLLUTION Smog hanging over cities is the most familiar and obvious form of air pollution. But there are different kinds of pollution some visible, some invisible that contribute to global warming.But any substance that people introduce into the atmosphere that has damaging effects on living things and the environment is considered air pollution.

Air pollution are made by all people who all people who didn't love their planet , in my lifetime air pollution affect me and my family because any of my family have lung problems, and I can tell that the air pollution is killing me. But I think this problem never end, least we do it something. I have a big project to control air pollution I said a “Control” why? Because air pollution never end but you can control it. All business aren’t made the combination the generation of heat with electricity and district heating, always business used separate The solution to save energy and protect the environment is to combine the generation of heat with electricity and district heating,electricity and heat for the needs of one city occur in thermal power plants.

With this we can distribute electricity and heat over 300,000 customers in the metropolitan area, plus to sell electricity to other parts of the country. our company, municipal property, also sells gas naturally to the substitution of fuel oil industry.

This propose can make the difference in Mexico and in a short time all world, also would reduce the percentage of diseases of the lung,and if we do that the future generations will not have much trouble of air pollution.
