
2/7/2015 1

MARRIAGE MYTHOLOGYPart Three: Debunking the Myths of ‘The Fall’

2/7/2015 2

Julie Aydlotte

Parts 1 & 2 Review: Myths Debunked

“The (man) Adam was created before the (woman) Eve,

showing that the priority and superiority of the man was

ordained by God.”

(Cardinal Order = Importance)

“Man’s authority over woman is illustrated by her being

taken out of man, being made from his rib.” (Source =

Subjugation Design)

“Man was made in the image of Yahweh, but Woman was

made in the image of man.”

2/7/2015 3

Parts 1 & 2 Review: Myths Debunked

“Yahweh gave Adam (the man), but not Eve (the

woman) dominion over the earth.” (Manager +


“The woman (Eve) was created to be an assistant (help

meet) for the man (Adam) in his role of taking


(CEO and his Secretary/Maid/Nanny)

2/7/2015 4

2/7/2015 5

Please remove


colored glasses.

Fine Print: Failure to do so

may result in skewed vision

and may interfere with the work of

The Ruach HaKodesh.

2/7/2015 6

The ‘Wisdom’ of the Pagans


What Did Plato & Aristotle Say?

Greek & Roman MisogynyHas a

Trickle Down Effect

Euripides’ Hippolytus 618-634.

“O Zeus, why have you settled women in the light of the sun, women, this

bane mankind find counterfeit? If you wished to propagate the human

race, it was not from women that you should have given us this. Rather,

men should have put down in the temples either bronze or iron or a

mass of gold and have bought offspring, each man for a price

corresponding to his means, and then dwelt in houses free from the

female sex. [But as matters stand, when we are about to take unto

ourselves a bane, we pay out the wealth of our homes.]…

2/7/2015 7

Euripides’ Hippolytus 618-634 cont’d

…The clear proof that woman is a great bane is this: her father, who

begat her and raised her, adds a dowry to her and thus sends her off

in order to be quit of a trouble. But her husband, who has taken this

creature of ruin into his house, takes pleasure in adding finery to the

statue, lovely finery to a statue most worthless, and tricks her out with

garments, wretch that he is, destroying by degrees the wealth of his

house.” .

2/7/2015 8

2/7/2015 9

The Church FathersThe prophet Jeremiah was right:“…the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies…”

Jer. 16:19 KJVBut let’s hear it from their

own mouths…

Augustine, ‘Questions on the

Heptateuch’, Book 1.153.

“It is the natural order among people that women serve

their husbands and children their parents, because the

justice of this lies in (the principle that) the lesser serves the

greater . . . This is the natural justice that the weaker brain

serve the stronger. This therefore is the evident justice in

the relationships between slaves and their masters, that they

who excel in reason, excel in power.”

2/7/2015 10

2/7/2015 11

What were these rabbis thinking?

Hellenization, Muslim rule and the strange things that happened while in Babylon…

Josephus, ‘Against Apion’ 2.201.

“…says the Law, "A woman is inferior to her

husband in all things." Let her, therefore, be

obedient to him; not so that he should abuse her,

but that she may acknowledge her duty to her

husband; for God hath given the authority to the


2/7/2015 12

2/7/2015 13

Common Teachings About Marriage

Let’s Re-examine What We’ve Been Taught…





All have the same net effect:


You Have Heard It Said

“Adam named Eve, thereby illustrating that God had

given him authority over her.”

(“Me, Tarzan. You, Jane”.)

2/7/2015 14

Related Myth

“Adam named Eve just like he named the other creatures

that were under his authority.”

Ha adam (the echad unity of humanity) named the


See Marriage Part One: Debunking the Myths of


PDF of Marriage Part One

Audio of Marriage Part One

2/7/2015 15

Genesis 2:23 (KJV*)

“And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of

my flesh: she shall be called ishshah, because she was taken

out of ish.”

עצמי ובש את הפעם עצם מ אמר האדם ז שרי וי ר מב

א את יקר ז את אישכי מ אשהל הז ח לק

ishshah = female gender distinction

ish = male gender distinction

2/7/2015 16

Genesis 2:22 (KJV*)

“And the tzela (side), which Yahweh Elohim had

taken from man, made he a(n) ishshah, and brought

her unto the man.”

לע אשרזל מןזהאדם ויבן יהוה אלהים אתזהצ

באה אלזהאדם אשהל וי

2/7/2015 17

Naming Designates Authority?

Mothers typically named the children.

Havah named Cain and Seth

(Genesis 4:1, 25)

Lot’s daughters named their sons

(Genesis 19:37-38)

Rachel & Leah named all of Jacob’s sons (Genesis 29,

30, 35)

Tamar named the twins

(Genesis 38:29-30)

2/7/2015 18

Naming Designates Authority?

Examples where this theory breaks down:

Hagar gives a name to the Almighty (Genesis 16:13)

Isaac names the wells over which he is relinquishing

control (Genesis 26:17-21).

2/7/2015 19

What is Naming Really About?

An act that illustrates discernment

Not a determiner of a person’s (or item’s) essence, but

results from:

– Events which have occurred

– That which has been discerned about the person or item

Scripture often tells the meaning of a name when the

name is given

Context gives clues about the reason for the name

2/7/2015 20

Naming Examples

Jacob grabs heel, named ‘Usurper’ in (Genesis 25)

Abraham & Sarah laughed, baby Isaac named ‘Laughter’

(Genesis 17 &18)

Sometimes people were renamed to change their


– Abram & Sarai (Genesis 17) .

– Mishael, Azariyah, Hananiyah (Daniel 1) .

2/7/2015 21

The Name Yahweh Gave Them

“Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and

called their name Adam, in the day when they were

created.” (Genesis 5:2)

רא א תם וי ברך א ראם וי בה ב מםתזזכר ונ ום ש י אדם ב

אם הבר

Strong’s # H8034, TWOT #2405

shemam = 3rd person plural possessive

2/7/2015 22

Genesis 3:20 (KJV*)

“And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the

mother of all living.”

ו ת ם אש ם ש א האד ר הוי ו ם ה א וא הית י ה כ


וה = Chavah = life, living, 1st woman

(Strong’s # H2332)

י = chai = living, alive

(Strong’s # H2416, TWOT # 644a)

2/7/2015 23

You Have Heard It Said

“Adam named Eve, thereby illustrating that God had

given him authority over her.”


(“Me, Tarzan. You, Jane”.)

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2/7/2015 25

The ‘Wisdom’ of the Pagans


What Did Plato & Aristotle Say?

Greek & Roman MisogynyHas a

Trickle Down Effect

Plato, Timaeus 42a

“…since human nature is two-fold, the superior sex is that

which hereafter should be designated ‘man’.”

2/7/2015 26

2/7/2015 27

What were these rabbis thinking?

Hellenization, Muslim rule and the strange things that happened while in Babylon…

Apocalypse of Moses 21:1-4a.

“And I cried out in that very hour, 'Adam, Adam, where art

thou? Rise up, come to me and I will show thee a great

secret.’ But when your father came, I spake to him words of

transgression [which have brought us down from our great

glory]. For, when he came, I opened my mouth and the

devil was speaking, and I began to exhort him and said,

‘Come hither, my lord Adam, hearken to me and eat of the

fruit of the tree of which God told us not to eat of it, and

thou shalt be as a God.’”

2/7/2015 28

Genesis Rabbah 19:3.

“And the woman said to the Serpent: ‘Of the fruit of

the trees of the garden we may eat’ (Bereishit 3:2).

Now where was Adam during this conversation?

Abba Halfon b. Koriah said: He had engaged in his

natural functions [sc. intercourse] and then fallen


2/7/2015 29

2/7/2015 30

Common Teachings About Marriage

Let’s Re-examine What We’ve Been Taught…





All have the same net effect:


You Have Heard It Said

“Eve brazenly engaged the serpent alone without

Adam.” (Shame on her!)

2/7/2015 31

Genesis 3:6 (KJV)

“And when the woman saw that the tree was good

for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a

tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the

fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her

husband with her; and he did eat.”

2/7/2015 32

Genesis 3:6 (KJV*) cont’d“…and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did


אישה ו ן גםזל תת עמה אכלוי “with her” = immah = with, together with, beside, by,


HALOT Hebrew lexicon = “communal action or action

in company...”.

Strong’s #H5973, TWOT #1640b

3rd person feminine singular = referring directly to the


2/7/2015 33

2/7/2015 34

The Church FathersThe prophet Jeremiah was right:“…the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies…”

Jer. 16:19 KJVBut let’s hear it from their

own mouths…

Irenaeus, Fragment 16.

“But the woman, having heard of the command from Adam,

treated it with contempt, either because she deemed it

unworthy of God to speak by means of it, or because she

had her doubts, perhaps even held the opinion that the

command was given to her by Adam of his own accord. The

serpent found her working alone, so that he was enabled to

confer with her apart.”.

2/7/2015 35

Saint Jerome

‘Against Jovinian’ 1:7, 28.“If it is good not to touch a woman, it is bad to touch one: for there is

no opposite to goodness but badness….”

“See how a wife is classed with the greatest evils. But if you reply that

it is an odious wife, I will give you the same answer as before— the

mere possibility of such danger is in itself no light matter. For he who

marries a wife is uncertain whether he is marrying an odious woman

or one worthy of his love. If she be odious, she is intolerable. If

worthy of love, her love is compared to the grave, to the parched

earth, and to fire.”.

2/7/2015 36

2/7/2015 37

Uh, oh. It looks like someone

has ‘doctored’ the text…

Textual Criticism for Bereans

Jerome’s Vulgate Genesis 3:6

deditque viro suo qui comedit

“she gave to her husband who ate”

2/7/2015 38

Translation Bias in Gen 3:6.

Revised Standard Version

Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition

Amplified Bible

Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition

Good News Translation

Living Bible

The Message

New Jerusalem Publishing Society

New Life Version

Wycliffe Bible .

Things that make you go, Hmmmm…..???.

2/7/2015 39

Further Evidence?.

Genesis 3:1-3 (KJV*)

“Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the

field which Yahweh Elohim had made. And he said unto the

woman, Yea, hath Elohim said, Ye shall not eat of every tree

of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, We

may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the

fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, Elohim

hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest

ye die.

2/7/2015 40

Further Evidence?

Genesis 3:4-5 (KJV*)

And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not

surely die: For Elohim doth know that in the day ye

eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye

shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”

2/7/2015 41

Further Evidence?

Genesis 3:1-3 (KJV*)

“Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the

field which Yahweh Elohim had made. And he said unto the

woman, Yea, hath Elohim said, Ye shall not eat of every tree

of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, We

may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the

fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, Elohim

hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest

ye die.

2/7/2015 42

Further Evidence?

Genesis 3:1-3 (KJV*)

“Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the

field which Yahweh Elohim had made. And he said unto the

woman, Yea, hath Elohim said, Ye shall not eat of every tree

of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, We

may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the

fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, Elohim

hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest

ye die.

2/7/2015 43

Further Evidence?

Genesis 3:4-5 (KJV*)

And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not

surely die: For Elohim doth know that in the day ye

eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye

shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”

2/7/2015 44

Who’s He Talking About?

Genesis 3:1-5 (KJV*) .

“Ye shall not surely die”

“In the day ye eat thereof”

“Your eyes shall be opened”

“Ye shall be as gods”

All 3rd person plural

The woman answers with “We”.

2/7/2015 45

You Have Heard It Said

“Eve brazenly engaged the serpent alone without



2/7/2015 46

2/7/2015 47

The ‘Wisdom’ of the Pagans


What Did Plato & Aristotle Say?

Greek & Roman MisogynyHas a

Trickle Down Effect

Aristotle, ‘Politics’

1259.a.41, 1245.b.12

"The male, unless constituted in some respect contrary to nature,

is by nature more expert at leading than the female, and the elder

and complete than the younger and incomplete.”

"The relation of male to female is by nature a relation of superior

to inferior and ruler to ruled.”

2/7/2015 48

2/7/2015 49

The Church FathersThe prophet Jeremiah was right:“…the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies…”

Jer. 16:19 KJVBut let’s hear it from their

own mouths…

St. John Chrysostom

Homily XXXVII .

“And what may be the cause of his setting them

(women) under so great subjection? Because the

woman is in some sort a weaker being and easily

carried away and light minded.”

2/7/2015 50

2/7/2015 51

What were these rabbis thinking?

Hellenization, Muslim rule and the strange things that happened while in Babylon…

Philo, On The Creation, 165.

“But its juggleries and deceits pleasure does not

venture to bring directly to the man, but first offers

them to the woman, and by her means to the man;

acting in a very natural and sagacious manner. For

in human beings the mind occupies the rank of the

man, and the sensations that of the woman.”.

2/7/2015 52

2/7/2015 53

Common Teachings About Marriage

Let’s Re-examine What We’ve Been Taught…





All have the same net effect:


You Have Heard It Said

“God questioned Adam about their sin because

Adam was the authoritative representative and

‘spiritual leader’ for the first family.”

2/7/2015 54

Example of Chiastic Structure Joshua


A I will be with you. I will never leave you (5b)

B Be strong and courageous (6,7a)

C Be careful to obey all the law/be successful

D Do not let this Book of the Law

depart from your mouth (8a)

D′ Mediate on it day and night (8b)

C′ Do everything written in it/be prosperous

successful (8c)

B′ Be strong and courageous (9a)

A′ I will be with you wherever you go. (9b)

2/7/2015 55

Chiastic Structure Genesis 3A Serpent deceived the woman

B The woman ate

C Woman gave man, man ate

D They realize their nakedness

E Heard Yahweh & hid

F Yahweh called to Adam

E’ Qn./Ans. “I heard, I hid”

D’ Qn. Who told you you’re naked?

C’ Qn./Ans. “She gave me, I ate”

B’ Qn./Ans. “Serpent deceived me, I ate”

A’ Yahweh judges deception = reason for serpent’s punishment

2/7/2015 56

Genesis 3:9-12 (KJV*)

“And Yahweh Elohim called unto Adam, and said unto him,

Where art thou? And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden,

and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself. And he

said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of

the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not

eat? And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with

me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.”.

2nd person masculine singular.

2/7/2015 57

Genesis 3:10 (KJV).

“And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was

afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.”

אמר ך וי ל תיאתז םכיזע ואיראבגן שמע כי יר אאנ ב וא

I heard = 1st person common singular

I was afraid = 1st person common singular

I was naked = masculine singular

I hid myself = 1st person common singular

For whom is Adam answering?

2/7/2015 58

What Happened Next?

Genesis 3:

Vs.11 – Yahweh questions Adam further

Vs. 12- Adam blames Yahweh and the woman.

Vs. 13 – Yahweh questions the woman directly.

But wait! Where is the part where Yahweh questions Adam

about the woman? Did we miss it in the text?

2/7/2015 59

Genesis 3:13 (KJV*)“And Yahweh Elohim said unto the woman, What is this that

thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me,

and I did eat.”

אמר יהוה אלהים לאשה את וי אמר עשית ו מהז ת

ש האשה ל השיאני הנ כ וא What have you done? = feminine singular

Beguiled “me” = 1st person common singular

I did eat = 1st person common singular

The woman is answering for herself.

2/7/2015 60

You Have Heard It Said

“Yahweh questioned Adam about their sin because

Adam was the authoritative representative and

‘spiritual leader’ for the first family.”


2/7/2015 61

2/7/2015 62

The Church FathersThe prophet Jeremiah was right:“…the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies…”

Jer. 16:19 KJVBut let’s hear it from their

own mouths…

Tertullian, ‘On the Apparel of Women’

“And do you not know that you are (each) an Eve? The sentence

of God on this sex of yours lives in this age: the guilt must of

necessity live too. You are the devil’s gateway: you are the

unsealer of that (forbidden) tree: you are the first deserter of the

divine law: you are she who persuaded him whom the devil was

not valiant enough to attack. You destroyed so easily God’s

image, man. On account of your desert - that is, death - even the

Son of God had to die.”

2/7/2015 63

2/7/2015 64

What were these rabbis thinking?

Hellenization, Muslim rule and the strange things that happened while in Babylon…

Babylonian Talmud

Genesis Rabbah 20:11

“And the man called his wife's name Eve — Hawwah, i.e.

life. She was given to him for an adviser, but she played the

eavesdropper like the serpent. [Another interpretation]: He

showed her how many generations she had destroyed. R.

Aha interpreted it : The serpent was thy [Eve's] serpent [i.e.

seducer], and thou art Adam's serpent.”

2/7/2015 65

2/7/2015 66

Common Teachings About Marriage

Let’s Re-examine What We’ve Been Taught…





All have the same net effect:


You Have Heard It Said

“Adam sinned by listening to the nagging and

cajoling voice of his wife, Eve, who usurped Adam’s

authority by eating the fruit and giving some to


2/7/2015 67

Genesis 3:6 (KJV)

“And when the woman saw that the tree was good

for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a

tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the

fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her

husband with her; and he did eat.”


No dialogue recorded.

2/7/2015 68

Genesis 3:11 (KJV)

“And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked?

Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded

thee that thou shouldest not eat?”

2/7/2015 69

Genesis 3:17

“And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto

the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I

commanded thee, saying, ‘Thou shalt not eat of it’…”

אדם אמר כיז ת שמע ול ול אש ץ ת ל אכל מןזהע ך ות

אכל ר לא ת אמ ממנואשר צויתיך ל

shema = to hear, listen to, give heed, to obey

Strong’s # H8085, TWOT #2412

2/7/2015 70

Conspicuously Absent

Any reference to Yahweh calling out Adam for not

‘leading his wife’

Any reference to Yahweh calling out the woman for

stepping out from under her husband’s ‘covering’.

Furthermore…Where are the instances in Scripture in

which a woman acts independently of her husband and

is called down for it?

Hint: there are none.

2/7/2015 71

Woman as a Free Agent

Yael: Judges 4-5

No mention of her husband’s whereabouts

No permission asked for

Judges 5:24 The Song of Deborah & Barak

“Most blessed of women be Yael,

the wife of Heber the Kenite,

most blessed of tent-dwelling women.”

Fierce woman – hammered a tent peg into Sisera’s head

until he was fastened to the ground!

2/7/2015 72

Woman as a Free Agent

Deborah: Judges 4-5

Her husband is barely mentioned

A Prophetess of the Most High

A Judge of Israel (same Hebrew word for Moses & the

other Judges mentioned in the Book of Judges)

Septuagint (LXX) “the mighty men in Israel failed until

Deborah arose” (Judges 5:7)

She commands Barak in war.

2/7/2015 73

2/7/2015 74

Woman as a Free Agent

Yael: Judges 4-5

No mention of her husband’s whereabouts

No permission asked for

Judges 5:24 The Song of Deborah & Barak

“Most blessed of women be Yael, the wife of Heber the

Kenite, most blessed of tent-dwelling women.”

Fierce woman – hammered a tent peg into Sisera’s head until he was

fastened to the ground!

No evidence in text of shame because she is a


2/7/2015 75

Woman as a Free Agent

Deborah: Judges 4-5

Her husband is barely mentioned

A Prophetess of the Most High

A Judge of Israel (same Hebrew word for Moses & the other

Judges mentioned in the Book of Judges)

Septuagint (LXX) “the mighty men in Israel failed until Deborah

arose” (Judges 5:7)

She commands Barak in war

No evidence in text of shame because she is a


2/7/2015 76

Woman as a Free Agent Abigail: 1Samuel 25.


– believed her counsel was Yahweh’s will

– believed Yahweh used it to save him (v. 32-34)

– shema’d Abigail’s counsel (v. 35)

Yahweh intervened – did not punish her for ‘disobeying

her husband’, but released her permanently from a

wicked husband

An ezer kenegdo who aided her husband by going

against his wishes

2/7/2015 77

Woman as a Free Agent

Hannah: 1Samuel 1-2

Made a (Nazarite?) vow to Yahweh Tzva'ot for the son she was

asking for

Decided and acted independently of her husband

Did not ask permission, simply told him her plans

Husband acknowledged her right to determine her plans and the

plans of their son

Hannah and her husband were both blessed with many more

children because of Hannah’s actions

1 Samuel 3:19-20 shows that all of Israel was blessed by her

actions .

2/7/2015 78

Mini Biblical Exegesis Lesson

1. Remove colored glasses. Come to the text without

firmly entrenched ideas about what it will contain.

2. Read what the text says in the original language. (Don’t

try to kiss the bride through the veil!)

3. Don’t read into the text what is not there. Sounds

simple, but it is harder than it sounds.

4. Ask yourself, “What. Does. The. Text. Say?”.

2/7/2015 79

Genesis 16:2 (KJV*)

“And Sarai said unto Abram, Behold now, Yahweh hath

restrained me from bearing: I pray thee, go in unto my

maid; it may be that I may obtain children by her. And

Abram hearkened to the voice of Sarai.”

אמר רם הנ הזנא עצרנ ות י יהוה מלדת שרי אלזאב

תי אולי אבנה ממנ אזנא אלזשפ מעה וי ב רם ש אב

י ול שר ל

shema = to hear, listen to, give heed, to obey

Strong’s # H8085, TWOT #2412 .

2/7/2015 80

Genesis 21:10-12 (KJV*) .

“Wherefore she said unto Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her

son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son,

even with Isaac. And the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight

because of his son. And Elohim said unto Abraham, ‘Let it not be

grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of thy

bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her

voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called.’”

shema = to hear, listen to, give heed, to obey

Strong’s # H8085, TWOT #2412 .

2/7/2015 81

You Have Heard It Said

“Adam sinned by listening to the nagging and

cajoling voice of his wife, Eve, who usurped Adam’s

authority by eating the fruit and giving some to



2/7/2015 82

Kierkegaard, Works of Love

‘Indeed, one can be deceived in many ways; one

can be deceived in believing what is untrue, but on

the other hand, one is also deceived in not believing

what is true…’

2/7/2015 83

2/7/2015 84

Do your own homework.Study the Word.

See for yourself.

Acts 17:11 (ESV) Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness,

examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.

2/7/2015 85September 28, 2010 85
