

24 - 26 October 2017

CCIB Barcelona, Spain


Innovating better, together

Principal Sponsors

EXECUTIVE SUMMIT Innovation With Speed

IATA’s Simplifying the Business program has driven and accompanied many significant changes in the airline industry for more than a decade. These changes

delivered a lot of value for the airlines but also for the entire air travel value chain.

One can however challenge the industry on how more radical and faster the industry could be in driving, designing and inplementing innovation. Keeping the pace with

innovation may be achievable for one organization. However, some innovations will provide their full benefits only if they are implemented across the entire industry.

Then comes the challenge of speed! How to align, mobilize and synchronize more than 275 individual organizations on an innovation initiative and then drive the

change at the right pace, before this innovation becomes outdated and gives way to another one?

The WPS 2017 Executive Summit will aim at discussing and debating how this industry can better anticipate major digital transformation trends, identify key

transformational topics and develop a more efficient framework to foster innovation and improve the speed and the quality of its initiatives delivery.

In partnership with Amadeus the Executive Summit will share with you trends from two great thought leadership reports to provide a useful overview of where the airline

industry is now in terms of analysing its customers’ behaviour, and sets the scene for what is coming next. Participants will then participate in shaping the future

agenda of indutry transformation in a roundtables format with key deliverables shared at the end.

Executive Summit Opening

12:45 – 12:50

Opening Remarks

Aleks Popovich, Senior Vice President, Financial and Distribution Services, IATA

Rob Sinclair Barnes, Strategic Marketing Director, Amadeus Airlines

Embracing Digital Transformation: What Should the Industry be Focusing on?

How can you simultaniously increase revenue and increase your customers’ satisfaction? How does the digital transformation all around us change your business? The

answer lies in evolving your business to embrace the unique needs and the individuality of each of your consumers. Advanced data science makes it achievable to use

real-time considerations to present the customer with something that is of value to them, right at that very moment. Combined with mathematical optimization, this new

customer centricity allows you to understand the diversity of your customers, get them more of what they want, and earn more revenue.

12:50 – 13:05

Embracing Digital Transformation From the Traveller

Key trends from two latest thought leadership papers to advanced pricing applications unlocked by data science – sharing the findings of the paper.

Skift Research / Amadeus speaker to be confirmed

13:05 – 13:50

Table Discussion: What Should be the Industry Innovation Agenda for Digital Transformation in the Next 3 Years?

Each table will be invited to debate and answer the follwing questions on Key Digital transformation :

What is the biggest benefit to undergo a digital transformation and what do we need to do differently ?

What are the biggest barriers facing digital transformation?

What should be the priorities at industry level ?

Tuesday 24 October 2017 12:45 – 14:45

(by invitation only)

WPS 2017

Program Directory

EXECUTIVE SUMMIT Innovation With Speed

13:50 – 14:05

Table Feedback

Each table facilitators will provide the audience with the outcome of the discussions.

Walking the talk: What, When and How

What are the key innovations to expect in the next coming years? What should be our industry priorities in terms of transformation? What should be the ideal cycle of

innovation at organization and industry level to keep pace with technology evolution? Do we have to wait for an innovation to be mature to implement it ?

14:05 – 14:35

What Should be our Industry Transformation Agenda for the Years to Come?

What should be the 3 key transformational initiatives at industry level for the years to come?

When do we need implementation to start in an ideal industry innovation cycle?

How do we as an industry enable fast industry innovation?

14:35 – 14:45

Executive Summit Key Take-Aways and Closing Remarks

The World Passenger Symposium and its Executive Summit in particular is about accelerating our industry’s agenda: walk the talk!

Tuesday 24 October 2017 12:45 – 14:45

(by invitation only)

WPS 2017

Program Directory

7th World Passenger Symposium

24 - 26 October 2017 In Barcelona, Spain

A Special Thank You to our Sponsors!

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WPS 2017

Program Directory

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