Page 1: 2018 - Master Drilling · MASTER DRILLING ABRIDGED ANNUAL FINANCIAL RESULTS 2018 1 ABOUT MASTER DRILLING Master Drilling was established in 1986 and listed on the Johannesburg Stock



• USD Revenue increased by 14.2% to USD138.7 million 

• USD Earnings per share decreased by 3.5% to 11.1 cents

• ZAR Earnings per share decreased by 3,9% to 147,1 cents

• USD Headline earnings per share decreased by 7.8% to 10.7 cents

• ZAR Headline earnings per share decreased by 8,2% to 141,8 cents

• Stable order book of USD203.6 million

• Healthy pipeline of USD578.6 million

• Focus on working capital management bearing fruit 

• Added geographies – Canada, Turkey, Ghana and Italy 

Page 2: 2018 - Master Drilling · MASTER DRILLING ABRIDGED ANNUAL FINANCIAL RESULTS 2018 1 ABOUT MASTER DRILLING Master Drilling was established in 1986 and listed on the Johannesburg Stock

Commentary 1Outlook and prospects 6Consolidated statement of financial position 7Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income 8Consolidated statement of cash flows 9Consolidated statement of changes in equity 10Notes to the abridged consolidated annual financial results 12Corporate information 31      


Page 3: 2018 - Master Drilling · MASTER DRILLING ABRIDGED ANNUAL FINANCIAL RESULTS 2018 1 ABOUT MASTER DRILLING Master Drilling was established in 1986 and listed on the Johannesburg Stock


ABOUT MASTER DRILLINGMaster Drilling was established in 1986 and listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange in 2012. The company delivers innovative drilling technologies and has built trusted partner relationships with blue-chip major and mid-tier companies in the mining, hydro-energy, civil engineering and construction sectors across various commodities worldwide for over 30 years. The Master Drilling business model of providing drilling solutions to clients through tailor-made designs coupled with a flexible support and logistics chain makes it the preferred drilling partner throughout the lifecycle of projects from exploration to production and capital stages.

CEO, Danie Pretorius provided an overview of the business for the past year, commenting as follows:

“Over the past year, the macroeconomic operating environment proved to be more difficult than initially anticipated, both globally and domestically. Notwithstanding this, we remained steadfast in the pursuit and implementation of our strategy, laying the foundation for future growth through the continued development of new, ground-breaking technologies, the expansion of our global footprint and by nurturing our client and business relationships."

“During the second half of 2018, economic conditions were unequivocally weaker in many parts of the world in which we operate, both in developed economies, where the slowdown was broad-based, and in emerging markets, such as India and Turkey. Notwithstanding this, there were notable improvements in some regions, such as South America, where growth rebounded in Brazil and Mexico."

“Commodity price movements were mixed. Geo-political pressures led to higher energy prices, while the economic slowdown, the imposition of broad-based import tariffs and the intensification of trade wars led to a downturn in most metal prices. In particular, tariffs on China – which has been driving commodity demand over the past two decades – together with the country’s changing structural growth dynamic, risk placing even more pressure on industrial commodity prices in coming years."

“The variety of external risks that impact on our business highlight the importance of a strategy that seeks to mitigate these and stabilise operations through diversification across regions and services, and the development of innovative technologies that help the world adapt to change”

“We made progress in all these areas in 2018 by: unveiling and subsequently launching the Mobile Tunnel Borer; exercising the option to fully acquire Bergteamet Raiseboring Europe AB (Bergteamet) in order to expand our operations in European markets; acquiring the businesses of the Atlantis Group, thus augmenting our skills pool and global footprint in India, Brazil and Zambia; launching TunnelPro Srl (“TunnelPro”), a joint venture with Ghella SpA (“Ghella”), to acquire SELI Technologies (“SELI”), a leading manufacturer of tunnel boring machines.”

“The technological innovation under way globally seeks to generate efficiency and productivity gains and improve global supply chains to enhance the way in which we live and work. It is disruptive and evolves unbelievably fast. Master Drilling has taken cognisance of this and has focused on delivering solutions that primarily reduce costs and increase safety, while additionally rendering projects that were previously considered marginal, viable. The future of our industry is increasingly about man and machine, and we are well positioned to deliver on this.”

"Master Drilling is pleased that satisfactory cash generation has enabled us to declare an annual dividend of ZAR26,0 cents per share."

FINANCIAL OVERVIEWRevenue increased 14.2% to USD138.7 million and operating profit decreased slightly to USD23.6 million. This was a positive result given that one of the Group’s machine categories, the XX-large machines category, were utilized only 44%. Cost of sales increased in line with the increase in revenue aligned with the new business operations.


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Continuous investment in middle management human capital to support future growth, lower utilisation rates due to adverse demand had a negative impact on the profit after tax.   

USD earnings per share (EPS) decreased 3.5% to 11.1 cents, and ZAR EPS decreased 3,9% to 147,1 cents. USD headline earnings per share (HEPS) decreased 7.8% to 10.7 cents, and ZAR HEPS decreased 8,2% to 141,8 cents.

Net cash generation decreased to USD25.8 million. This is as a result of the worsening working capital cycle which came on the back of slower payment from debtors due to challenging global economic conditions. Cash resources continue to be managed stringently as market conditions improve to cater for emerging opportunities that require specific design, planning and investment. This will result in a healthy cash resource balance that will position the company well for future growth.

Master Drilling's capital spend was 90.3% on expansion and 9.7% on sustaining the existing fleet.

Debt increased from USD44.0 million to USD60.4 million and the gearing ratio, including cash, changed from 2.4% to 16.2% in the 2018 financial year. This is due to an additional draw down of USD20 million from ABSA during the year and the debt incurred to complete the Bergteamet Raiseboring Europe AB and Atlantis Group transaction. 

OPERATIONAL OVERVIEWThe past year was characterised by volatility across markets, including equity, currency and commodity markets. As a business that generates USD revenues off an emerging currency cost base, we benefit from emerging currency weakness. After having benefited from the change in leadership in the ruling party at the start of the year, the USD/ZAR exchange rate weakened anew in second half of 2018 as country risk intensified. This, together with the country-specific developments outlined below, led to a realization of our revenue projections for the financial year.

South AmericaAs reported at the release of our interim financial results, work in Brazil has been progressing well on the long-term contracts that are currently under way, with nine machines deployed in the country. This is on the back of strong operational records being achieved. Owing to this, as well as an improvement in the economic environment, the outlook for Brazil remains positive.

Our primary client in Chile, CODELCO (a state-owned entity) moved ahead with the rollout of its planned capital expenditure, which enabled the projects previously placed on hold to resume last year. However, we encountered increasing cost pressures that impacted our margins negatively as well as delays on debtor payments. These are being addressed by in-country managers in this and other regions.

Cost pressures also slowed progress in Peru, where the rigidity of labour laws continues to impact on overhead costs, margins and overall profitability. These difficulties were encountered throughout 2018 and remain part of the operating landscape in the country.

Meanwhile, we are gearing up for new hydro-energy sector projects in both Colombia and Ecuador, where we will be deploying equipment in 2019, which will extend our sector diversification into the region.

Central and North AmericaOur activities in Central and North America are progressing well. During 2018, we mobilised five machines and shipped two more to various project sites in Mexico for work to commence in 2019. We also secured several contracts in Canada. Operations on one of these projects got under way in November, after we mobilised one machine and, by the end of 2019, we expect to have initiated a total of four projects. We are also seeking to expand our product line through a new partnership targeting water drilling in the USA.

Overall, activity in Central and North America remains strong, evident from additional enquiries and a pipeline of projects.

COMMENTARY continued

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AfricaAlthough activity in Africa remains subdued and the operating environment difficult, as it is domestically, a number of projects are set to get under way which will enable us to maintain our footprint on the continent. For instance, we were recently awarded a break-through contract in Ghana.

In both the DRC and Zambia operations continue to be scaled down and, although we expect the region to increasingly account for less revenue in the coming year, we continuously remain open to new opportunities on the continent.

Such opportunities could also arise domestically in coming years, now that we have turned the corner on the Mining Charter, following its revision in September 2018. The progress in clarifying the regulatory and policy environment, together with the need to modernise the sector through increased mechanisation could lead to a revival of the mining industry in South Africa, but this will require concerted effort by government, business, labour and investors. 

In the interim, we continue to work on local projects. Our slim drilling project at the Kolomela iron ore mine in the Northern Cape is set to continue for another year, following the extension of our contract. During 2018, we were awarded another contract by Anglo American, for its Sishen iron ore mine. We continue to make progress towards effectively rolling out our innovative new technology in the form of the Mobile Tunnel Borer (MTB) and will begin a pilot project on South African soil with a view to potentially securing an extended contract on this machine.

Master Drilling will continue to support its loyal domestic clients although growth will likely remain subdued.

We remain committed to expansion into appropriate African countries.

ScandinaviaThe completion of the acquisition of Bergteamet Raiseboring in 2018 cemented our presence in Scandinavia, which serves as a gateway to projects throughout Europe. Bergteamet is highly specialised in raise boring, conducts operations throughout the world and services a mix of clients in mining, hydro-energy and infrastructure projects. As a result of the acquisition, the Group completed projects in France, Spain and Turkey during 2018.

Our foray into this region continues. We are currently investigating opportunities to expand our service offering both in Scandinavia and the rest of Europe.

IndiaIndia’s economy showed signs of slowing during the second half of 2018, but this had no impact on our existing project commitments in the country. Work for Vedanta Limited, a diversified natural resources company listed on the London Stock Exchange, continued.

Through the acquisition of the businesses of the Atlantis Group, a South African headquartered, multinational mining contracting company, Master Drilling’s presence in India deepened as we assumed responsibility for the company’s existing contracts and operations.

Consequently, we have a total of seven operational machines on this project.

Australia In Australia, a large raise bore machine has been contracted out to Byrnecut, an internationally renowned specialist underground mining contractor, on a polymetallic project. The rental contract, the first such agreement which sees Master Drilling supply the machine without manpower, will run for an initial period of one year.

Technology Technology is at the forefront of our business. In early 2018 we launched the disruptive MTB solution at the “Investing in African Mining Indaba”. The MTB is an internally conceptualised design which has been internationally patented. In September, we unveiled the MTB and commissioned SELI Technologies to build it. The capabilities of the MTB were

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COMMENTARY continued

subsequently tested in Italy by SELI and the first machine is in the process of being shipped to South Africa where it will be deployed on a local pilot project. We believe that once its capabilities have been fully demonstrated we will be able to realise returns on this significant investment through the procurement of contracts globally.

In 2018 we also made further progress in the development of Blind Shaft Boring System technology. The development has progressed to testing phase on a site in South Africa and we hope to be able to successfully launch this new technology soon.

Automation, remote operation and autonomous control of remote placed machines are making progress. An example of this is a raise boring contract where the rig, 3500m underground, is operated from surface for part of the day. Thereby reducing unproductive time related to shift changes and blasting times. These remote operated and already automated processes set the basis for developing full autonomous control. This will Influence productivity, cost and profitability as a result thereof and quality and safety of operations.

Plant and equipment Five raise bore machines were added to our fleet, contributing 1.8% growth in revenue while the acquisition of Bergteamet and Atlantis contributed to growth in revenue of 9.5%. The fleet now consists of 149 raise bore and 30 slim drilling rigs. The rate of new rigs coming on stream will settle with a focus on larger units, which typically generate higher income. No new slim rigs are in the pipeline at this point.

Skills development Retaining expertise and skills development is a key priority for Master Drilling. We continue to invest in skills development across our businesses to ensure a highly skilled and motivated work force to support our growth strategy. Targeted interventions for management and technical training in general will remain a core focus for the business during 2018. 

As a solution driven company delivering a fully mechanised range of services to clients, we will also continue to invest in Research and Development as new services, of which the MTB is one, are adopted and mature.

DividendSince listing in 2012, the Company has achieved compound annual growth and delivered on the key strategic objectives set out in its listing prospectus. This, coupled with significant ongoing cash generation, enables the company to strike a balance between continued investment in capital projects to support the company’s further growth and enhancing returns to shareholders through the payment of appropriate dividends. Thus, the Board has declared a gross dividend of ZAR26,0 cents per share on 25 March 2019 payable to shareholders recorded in the company's share register on 17 May 2019.

The dividend is payable from distributable reserves and if subject to dividend withholding tax of 20%, a net dividend of ZAR20,8 cents per share to shareholders will be payable subject to such dividend withholding tax. This dividend represents a 5.5 times earnings cover.

The number of shares in issue at date of declaration amount to 150 592 777 and the company's tax reference number is 9797/433/15/9.

In order to comply with the requirements of Strate, the following details are provided:

Last date to trade cum dividend: Tuesday 14 May 2019Trading ex dividend commences: Wednesday 15 May 2019 Record date: Friday 17 May 2019Payment date: Monday 20 May 2019 

Shares may not be dematerialised or re-materialised between Wednesday 15 May and Friday 17 May 2019, both dates inclusive.

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99% Mining sector1% Hydroelectricity

0% Civil and construction

99% Mining sector1% Hydroelectricity

0% Civil and construction

Revenue business sector

2018 2017

27% Gold2% Platinum

0% Coal

0% Manganese

32% Copper13% Iron Ore

4% Other Commodities

18% Silver Lead Zinc

2% Chrome

2% Diamonds

34% Gold4% Platinum

3% Coal

0% Manganese

29% Copper12% Iron Ore

1% Other Commodities

12% Silver Lead Zinc

0% Chrome

5% Diamonds

Revenue by commodity

2018 2017

82% Production16% Capital

2% Exploration

95% Production4% Capital

1% Exploration

Revenue by mining activity

2018 2017

12% Central and North America 42% South America

12% Other countries

34% Africa

12% Central and North America 43% South America

0% Other countries

45% Africa

Revenue by geographical area

2018 2017

Pipeline (USD’ million)


Awaiting adjudication

Enquiry received/ possible lead

2019 2020 2021 2022 and beyond0







1% Chrome1% Coal15% Copper

11% Nickel

1% Infrastructure5% Iron Ore

1% Null

1% Hydro-electric 2% Silver

15% Polymetalic4% Salt

1% Water15% Zinc

8% Platinum2% Diamonds17% Gold

Committed orders

PIPELINE AND COMMITTED ORDERSAs at 31 December 2018 our pipeline totaled USD578 615 878 while the committed order book totaled USD203 624 114 for 2019 and beyond, spread as follows:

REVENUEThe following graphs reflect the Group’s combined revenue for financial years ended 31 December: 

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Diversification across regions, commodities, currencies and industries remains a key part of our long-term strategy. We are experiencing strong demand with increased enquiries across the various regions and commodities and expect this to continue.

With volatility and uncertainty likely to prevail in global markets in the foreseeable future, we remain cautiously optimistic that the resolution, or the minimisation of geopolitical factors as well as a measured, rather than significant slowdown in the global economy will create a favourable operating environment in 2019.

Various opportunities in first world countries such as Australia, Canada and USA are coming to fruition and are expected to increase the Group's footprint across the world in the near future. 

The upswing in the commodity cycle has had a positive impact on our order book with committed orders of USD203.6 million and a healthy pipeline of USD578.6 million. Although not immediately reflecting in our numbers, we do expect a positive impact on our revenue during the next reporting period.

As outlined earlier, we believe that we have used the past year to solidify the foundations of our business, which will not only help it withstand the anticipated environment but will also ensure that Master Drilling remains at the helm of some of the rapid changes shaping our industry. We will continue with our efforts to expand our footprint in countries where we do not yet have a presence and to look for opportunities to expand our sector and service diversification. This, together with our existing footprint, services and the depth of our engineering and innovation capabilities position us well to remain a leader in the sector, bearing fruit for all our stakeholders.

Master Drilling's technology and experience put the company in a strong position to continue to support its clients’ drive to improve productivity and efficiencies whilst reducing operational risk. 


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    2018 2017  Note(s) USD USD

Assets      Non-current assets      Property, plant and equipment 3 146 215 603 119 075 667Goodwill 4 3 175 092 3 083 427Financial assets   2 734 277 3 098 512Deferred tax asset   2 994 311 2 010 263Investment in associate 5 2 605 117 6 022 115

    157 724 400 133 289 984

Current assets      Inventories   25 787 869 23 894 609Related-party loans   101 831 102 641Trade and other receivables 6 48 179 847 38 191 737Derivative financial instrument   53 958 –Cash and cash equivalents   33 725 131 40 211 629

    107 848 636 102 400 616

Non-current assets held for sale 7 808 928 1 255 128

    108 657 564 103 655 744

Total assets   266 381 964 236 945 728

Equity and liabilities      Equity      Share capital   148 703 721 148 703 721Reserves   (95 498 376) (83 855 527)Retained income   101 837 302 88 221 320

    155 042 647 153 069 514Non-controlling interest   9 002 330 8 255 315

    164 044 977 161 324 829

Liabilities      Non-current liabilities      Interest bearing borrowings   50 458 654 36 263 625Finance lease obligations   1 203 072 1 682 765Deferred tax liability   9 434 322 9 189 125

    61 096 048 47 135 515

Current liabilities      Interest bearing borrowings   7 306 843 4 659 387Finance lease obligations   1 273 282 1 444 820Related party loans   174 720 195 483Current tax payable   3 385 537 2 098 947Trade and other payables 8 28 690 020 20 086 747Cash and cash equivalents   410 537 –

    41 240 939 28 485 384

Total liabilities   102 336 987 75 620 899

Total equity and liabilities   266 381 964 236 945 728


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    2018 2017  Note(s) USD USD

Revenue   138 721 765 121 424 109Cost of sales   (95 155 229) (76 794 271)

Gross profit   43 566 536 44 629 838Other operating income   5 909 368 3 674 987Other operating expenses   (25 827 367) (23 378 396)

Operating profit   23 648 537 24 926 429Investment revenue   736 169 510 325Finance costs   (2 858 491) (2 850 878)Share of loss from equity accounted investment   ( 26 948) ( 1 710)

Profit before taxation   21 499 267 22 584 166Taxation 9 (4 027 469) (5 134 100)

Profit for the year   17 471 798 17 450 066Other comprehensive income that will subsequently be classifiable to profit and loss:      Exchange differences on translating foreign operations   (11 979 325) 7 403 109

Other comprehensive income for the year net of taxation   (11 979 325) 7 403 109Total comprehensive income   5 492 473 24 853 175

       Profit attributable to:   17 471 798 17 450 066

Owners of the parent   16 774 334 17 202 923Non-controlling interest   697 464 247 143

Total comprehensive income attributable to:   5 492 473 24 853 175

Owners of the parent   4 795 009 24 606 032Non-controlling interest   697 464 247 143

Earnings per share (USD) 10    Basic earnings per share (cents)   11.1 11.5Diluted earnings per share (USD) 10    Diluted basic earnings per share (cents)   11.0 11.4Earnings per share (ZAR)      Basic earnings per share (cents)   147,1 153,1Diluted earnings per share (ZAR)      Diluted basic earnings per share (cents)   145,7 151,7

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    2018 2017  Note(s) USD USD

Cash flows from operating activities      Cash generated from operations 11.1 25 801 932 32 843 989Dividends received   444 540 510 325Interest received   291 629  Finance costs   (2 858 491) (2 850 878)Tax paid   (4 854 787) (5 497 412)

Net cash inflow from operating activities   18 824 823 25 006 024

Cash flows from investing activities      Purchase of property, plant and equipment   (16 920 012) (15 833 126)Sale of property, plant and equipment   1 595 764 170 560Financial assets proceeds   362 937 398 460Acquisition of associate 5 (2 605 117) –Acquisition of subsidiaries 11.2 (14 689 135) –

Net cash outflow from investing activities   (32 255 563) (15 264 106)

Cash flows from financing activities      Proceeds from financial liabilities   20 000 000 20 000 000Repayment of financial liabilities   (6 604 694) (6 574 430)Proceeds from financial leases   597 942 554 741Repayment of financial leases   (1 249 171) (2 382 326)Related party loan (repayment)/proceeds   (19 953) 2 706Issue of share capital   – 1 556 518Dividends paid to shareholders   (3 078 131) (3 409 081)Dividends paid to BEE partners   (135 594) (306 140)

Net cash inflow from financing activities   9 510 399 9 441 988

Total cash (outflow)/inflow for the period   (3 920 341) 19 183 906Cash at the beginning of the period   40 211 629 20 372 573Effect of exchange rate movement on cash balances   (2 976 694) 655 150

Total cash at end of the period   33 314 594 40 211 629


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Equity dueto change

in control ofinterests







Attributableto owners of

the parent





Balance as at 31 December 2016 146 607 965 (58 264 013) (33 374 059)   627 816 (91 010 256) 74 427 478 130 025 187 16 291 360 146 316 547

Share-based payments – – –   290 858 290 858 – 290 858 – 290 858Issue of ordinary shares 1 556 518 – –   – – – 1 556 518 – 1 556 518Issue of ordinary shares for share-based payment reserve 539 238 – –   (539 238) (539 238) – – – –Dividends declared by subsidiaries – – –   – – – – (306 140) (306 140)Dividends to shareholders – – –   – – (3 409 081) (3 409 081) – (3 409 081)Derecognition of non-controlling interest – – –   – – – – (7 977 048) (7 977 048)Total comprehensive income for the year – – 7 403 109   – 7 403 109 17 202 923 24 606 032 247 143 24 853 175Total changes 2 095 756 – 7 403 109   (248 380) 7 154 729 13 793 842 23 044 327 (8 036 045) 15 008 281

Balance as at 31 December 2017 148 703 721 (58 264 013) (25 970 950)   379 436 (83 855 527) 88 221 320 153 069 514 8 255 315 161 324 829

Adjustment from the adoption of IFRS 9 – – –   – – (80 221) (80 221) – (80 221)Contribution for non-controlling partner – – –   – – – – 185 145 185 145Share-based payments – – –   336 476 336 476 – 336 476 – 336 476Dividends declared by subsidiaries – – –   – – – – (135 594) (135 594)Dividends to shareholders – – –   – – (3 078 131) (3 078 131) – (3 078 131)Total comprehensive income for the year – – (11 979 325)   – (11 979 325) 16 774 334 4 795 009 697 464 5 492 473

Total changes – – (11 979 325)   336 476 (11 642 849) 13 615 982 1 973 133 747 015 2 720 148

Balance as at 31 December 2018 148 703 721 (58 264 013) (37 950 275)   715 912 (95 498 376) 101 837 302 155 042 647 9 002 330 164 044 977


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Equity dueto change

in control ofinterests







Attributableto owners of

the parent





Balance as at 31 December 2016 146 607 965 (58 264 013) (33 374 059)   627 816 (91 010 256) 74 427 478 130 025 187 16 291 360 146 316 547

Share-based payments – – –   290 858 290 858 – 290 858 – 290 858Issue of ordinary shares 1 556 518 – –   – – – 1 556 518 – 1 556 518Issue of ordinary shares for share-based payment reserve 539 238 – –   (539 238) (539 238) – – – –Dividends declared by subsidiaries – – –   – – – – (306 140) (306 140)Dividends to shareholders – – –   – – (3 409 081) (3 409 081) – (3 409 081)Derecognition of non-controlling interest – – –   – – – – (7 977 048) (7 977 048)Total comprehensive income for the year – – 7 403 109   – 7 403 109 17 202 923 24 606 032 247 143 24 853 175Total changes 2 095 756 – 7 403 109   (248 380) 7 154 729 13 793 842 23 044 327 (8 036 045) 15 008 281

Balance as at 31 December 2017 148 703 721 (58 264 013) (25 970 950)   379 436 (83 855 527) 88 221 320 153 069 514 8 255 315 161 324 829

Adjustment from the adoption of IFRS 9 – – –   – – (80 221) (80 221) – (80 221)Contribution for non-controlling partner – – –   – – – – 185 145 185 145Share-based payments – – –   336 476 336 476 – 336 476 – 336 476Dividends declared by subsidiaries – – –   – – – – (135 594) (135 594)Dividends to shareholders – – –   – – (3 078 131) (3 078 131) – (3 078 131)Total comprehensive income for the year – – (11 979 325)   – (11 979 325) 16 774 334 4 795 009 697 464 5 492 473

Total changes – – (11 979 325)   336 476 (11 642 849) 13 615 982 1 973 133 747 015 2 720 148

Balance as at 31 December 2018 148 703 721 (58 264 013) (37 950 275)   715 912 (95 498 376) 101 837 302 155 042 647 9 002 330 164 044 977

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NATURE OF BUSINESSMaster Drilling Group Limited is an investment holding company, whose subsidiary companies provide specialised drilling services to blue chip major and mid-tier companies in the mining, civil engineering, construction and hydro-electric power sectors, across a number of commodities and geographies.


The abridged audited financial results have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34: Interim Financial Reporting, International Financial Reporting Standards, the SAICA reporting guides as issued by the Accounting Standards Board and the requirements of the South African Companies Act, (Act No 71 of 2008), as amended and the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited. The audited consolidated annual financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis, except certain financial instruments at fair value, and incorporate the principal accounting policies set out below. They are presented in United States Dollar (“USD”). 

The significant accounting policies are consistent in all material respects with those applied in the previous year, except for the adoption of new standards and amendments which became effective in the current year.

The audited consolidated financial statements for Master Drilling Group Limited for the period ended 31 December 2018 have been audited by BDO South Africa Incorporated, who expressed an unmodified audit opinion thereon. A copy of the auditor’s report on the audited consolidated financial statements are available on These abridged audited consolidated financial results were derived from the consolidated annual financial statements.

The consolidated annual financial statements for Master Drilling Group Limited (Registration number 2011/008265/06), for the period ended 31 December 2018, have been audited by BDO South Africa Incorporated, the Company’s independent external auditors, whose unqualified audit report can be found on pages 6 to 10 of the consolidated annual financial statements 2018, which are available on:

The audited consolidated financial statements presented have been prepared by the corporate reporting staff of Master Drilling, headed by Willem Ligthelm CA(SA), the Group’s financial manager. This process was supervised by André Jean van Deventer CA(SA), the Group’s chief financial officer.

The auditor’s report does not necessarily report on all of the information contained in this abridged audited consolidated financial results. Shareholders are therefore advised that in order to obtain a full understanding of the nature of the auditor’s engagement they should obtain a copy of the auditor’s report together with the accompanying financial information from the issuer’s registered office.


Basis of consolidation

The Group annual financial statements incorporate all entities which are controlled by the Group.

At inception the Group annual financial statements had been accounted for under the pooling of interest method as acquisition of entities under common control is excluded from IFRS 3. The entities had been accounted for at historical carrying values for the period presented.

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Adjustments are made when necessary to the financial statements of subsidiaries to bring their accounting policies in line with those of the Group.

All transactions and balances between Group companies are eliminated on consolidation, including unrealised gains and losses on transactions between Group companies. Where unrealised losses on intra-group asset sales are reversed on consolidation, the underlying asset is also tested for impairment from a Group perspective. Amounts reported in the financial statements of subsidiaries have been adjusted where necessary to ensure consistency with the accounting policies adopted by the Group.

Control is considered to exist if all of the factors below are satisfied.

(a) The investor has power over the investee, i.e. the investor has existing rights that give it the ability to direct the relevant activities;

(b) The investor has exposure, or rights to variable returns from its involvement with the investee; and

(c) The investor has the ability to use its power over the investee to affect the amount of the investors returns.

The Group assesses its control of an investee at the time of its initial investment and again if changes in facts and circumstances affect one or more of the control factors listed above. In assessing whether the Group has control over an investee, consideration is given to many factors including shareholding, voting rights and their impact on the Group’s ability to direct the management, operations and returns of the investee; contractual obligations; minority shareholder rights and whether these are protective or substantive in nature; and the financial position of the investee.

Property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment are initially measured at cost and subsequently at cost less any accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses.

Patents are acquired by the Group and have an indefinite useful life as the Group’s plan and ability is to renew and maintain the patent indefinitely. It is expected that the patent will generate revenue for the Group for an unlimited period of time. Patents are carried at cost less accumulated impairment losses. Patents are assessed annually for possible impairment.

Costs include costs incurred initially to acquire or construct an item of property, plant and equipment. Cost associated with equipment upgrades that result in increased capabilities or performance enhancements of property and equipment are capitalised. If a replacement part is recognised in the carrying amount of an item of property, plant and equipment, the carrying amount of the replaced part is derecognised.

An asset under construction will be reclassified to the relevant asset category as soon as it is available for use. Assets under construction are not depreciated.

Amortisation methods, useful lives and residual values are reviewed at each reporting date and adjusted if appropriate.

Investment in associate

The results, assets and liabilities are incorporated in these consolidated annual financial statements using the equity method of accounting. An investment in associate is initially recognised in the consolidated statement of financial position at cost and adjusted for thereafter to recognise the Group’s share of the profit or loss in associate and other comprehensive income of the associate.

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Functional and presentation currencyItems included in the financial statements of each of the Group’s entities are measured using the currency of the primary environment in which the entity operates, i.e. “functional currency”. The consolidated annual financial statements are presented in USD (the “presentation currency”). Management believes that USD is more useful to the users of the consolidated financial statements, as this currency most reliably reflects the global business performance of the Group as a whole.

Going concernBased on the information available to it, the Board of Directors believes that the Group remains a going concern.

Issued capitalThere was no movement in authorised ordinary or issued share capital during the financial year.

Operating segmentsThere were no changes made to the reporting segments during the current financial year.

Changes to the boardThe following changes to the Board and the dates thereof are detailed in the table below: 

Name Position Change Date

Jacques Pierre de Wet Non-executive director Retired 07 June 2018Johan Louis Botha Non-executive director Retired 07 June 2018Andries Willem Brink Non-executive director Appointment 07 June 2018 # Octavia Matshidiso Matloa Non-executive director Appointment 07 June 2018 

# Effective 01 July 2018

Annual general meetingThe annual general meeting of Master Drilling Group Limited will be held at BDO South Africa Incorporated, Wanderers Office Park, 52 Corlett Drive, Johannesburg, on Thursday, 6 June 2019 at 09h00. 

Subsequent eventsThe Board approved a dividend on 25 March 2019 of ZAR26,0 cents per ordinary share payable to shareholders recorded in the register on 17 May 2019. The dividend declared is not reflected in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2018.



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2018USD Cost

Accumulated depreciation

and impairment



Land and buildings 4 249 534 (1 041 678) 3 207 856Plant and machinery 171 927 007 (50 028 352) 121 898 655Assets under construction 10 590 920 (2 396) 10 588 524Furniture and fittings 1 437 999 (711 798) 726 201Motor vehicles 4 194 501 (2 519 707) 1 674 794IT equipment 716 754 (448 086) 268 668Finance lease: Plant and equipment 7 876 916 (1 197 278) 6 679 638Computer software 2 398 727 (1 467 061) 931 666Patents 239 601 – 239 601

Total 203 631 959 (57 416 356) 146 215 603

2017USD Cost

Accumulated depreciation

and impairment



Land and buildings 4 267 124 (124 152) 4 142 972Plant and machinery 142 393 202 (41 269 532) 101 123 670Assets under construction 392 338 (2 567) 389 771Furniture and fittings 1 461 158 (382 136) 1 079 022Motor vehicles 3 434 946 (1 699 685) 1 735 261IT equipment 743 646 (444 396) 299 250Finance lease: Plant and equipment 13 414 269 (4 560 949) 8 853 320Computer software 2 591 229 (1 378 429) 1 212 800Patents 239 601 – 239 601

Total 168 937 513 (49 861 846) 119 075 667

Borrowing cost

Included in the cost of property, plant and equipment are capitalised borrowing cost related to the acquisition of land to the amount of 2018: USD491 544 (2017: USD64 625) calculated at a capitalisation rate of 5,9%.

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3.1 Reconciliation of property, plant and equipment


Opening balance Additions

Exchange difference onconsolidation

of foreignsubsidiaries  

Assets acquiredthroughbusiness


Reclassificationsand transfers

(to)/from inventory/assets

held for sale Disposals DepreciationImpairment of

fixed assets Total

Land and buildings 4 142 972 168 124 (241 592)   – (808 928) – (52 720) – 3 207 856Plant and machinery 101 123 670 9 180 218 (6 015 418)   22 035 018 695 473 (38 301) (5 082 005) – 121 898 655Assets under construction 389 771 7 134 385 (24 816)   – 3 089 184 – – – 10 588 524Furniture and fittings 1 079 022 17 415 11 068   587 (3 866) (1 267) (376 758) – 726 201Motor vehicles 1 735 261 224 011 (52 188)   12 519 351 736 (119 366) (477 178) – 1 674 795IT equipment 299 250 121 591 (15 393)   – – (55 097) (81 683) – 268 668Finance lease: Plant and equipment 8 853 320 38 267 (1 040 338)   2 667 952 (2 532 740) (432 576) (874 248) – 6 679 637Computer software 1 212 800 36 001 (69 954)   13 870 – (75) (260 976) – 931 666Patents 239 601 – –   – – – – – 239 601

  119 075 667 16 920 012 (7 448 631)   24 729 946 790 859 (646 682) (7 205 568) – 146 215 603


Opening balance Additions

Exchange difference onconsolidation

of foreignsubsidiaries  

Assets acquiredthroughbusiness


Reclassificationsand transfers

(to)/from inventory/assets

held for sale Disposals DepreciationImpairment of

fixed assets Total

Land and buildings 3 922 999 71 550 186 510   – – – (38 087) – 4 142 972Plant and machinery 76 707 978 13 364 454 4 194 304   – 11 384 687 (150 381) (4 191 694) (185 678) 101 123 670Assets under construction 2 395 587 1 719 392 5 548   – (3 730 756) – – – 389 771Furniture and fittings 1 064 063 41 214 7 049   – 3 316 (2 089) (34 531) – 1 079 022Motor vehicles 1 803 919 358 472 25 915   – (14 971) (75 197) (362 877) – 1 735 261IT equipment 510 658 101 639 11 017   – (175 477) (9 895) (138 692) – 299 250Finance lease: Plant and equipment 17 439 513 147 415 977 162   – (8 692 643) – (1 018 127) – 8 853 320Computer software 1 242 377 18 889 48 265   – 175 793 (180) (272 344) – 1 212 800Patents 229 500 10 101 –   – – – – – 239 601

  105 316 594 15 833 126 5 455 770   – (1 050 051) (237 742) (6 056 352) (185 678) 119 075 667


Moveable assets to the value of ZAR1,2 billion (USD96.9 million at closing spot rate) of the South African subsidiaries have been bonded to ABSA Capital as security for an interest bearing loan.


The Exploration department in our African segment recognised an impairment loss of USD nil (2017: USD185 678).



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3.1 Reconciliation of property, plant and equipment


Opening balance Additions

Exchange difference onconsolidation

of foreignsubsidiaries  

Assets acquiredthroughbusiness


Reclassificationsand transfers

(to)/from inventory/assets

held for sale Disposals DepreciationImpairment of

fixed assets Total

Land and buildings 4 142 972 168 124 (241 592)   – (808 928) – (52 720) – 3 207 856Plant and machinery 101 123 670 9 180 218 (6 015 418)   22 035 018 695 473 (38 301) (5 082 005) – 121 898 655Assets under construction 389 771 7 134 385 (24 816)   – 3 089 184 – – – 10 588 524Furniture and fittings 1 079 022 17 415 11 068   587 (3 866) (1 267) (376 758) – 726 201Motor vehicles 1 735 261 224 011 (52 188)   12 519 351 736 (119 366) (477 178) – 1 674 795IT equipment 299 250 121 591 (15 393)   – – (55 097) (81 683) – 268 668Finance lease: Plant and equipment 8 853 320 38 267 (1 040 338)   2 667 952 (2 532 740) (432 576) (874 248) – 6 679 637Computer software 1 212 800 36 001 (69 954)   13 870 – (75) (260 976) – 931 666Patents 239 601 – –   – – – – – 239 601

  119 075 667 16 920 012 (7 448 631)   24 729 946 790 859 (646 682) (7 205 568) – 146 215 603


Opening balance Additions

Exchange difference onconsolidation

of foreignsubsidiaries  

Assets acquiredthroughbusiness


Reclassificationsand transfers

(to)/from inventory/assets

held for sale Disposals DepreciationImpairment of

fixed assets Total

Land and buildings 3 922 999 71 550 186 510   – – – (38 087) – 4 142 972Plant and machinery 76 707 978 13 364 454 4 194 304   – 11 384 687 (150 381) (4 191 694) (185 678) 101 123 670Assets under construction 2 395 587 1 719 392 5 548   – (3 730 756) – – – 389 771Furniture and fittings 1 064 063 41 214 7 049   – 3 316 (2 089) (34 531) – 1 079 022Motor vehicles 1 803 919 358 472 25 915   – (14 971) (75 197) (362 877) – 1 735 261IT equipment 510 658 101 639 11 017   – (175 477) (9 895) (138 692) – 299 250Finance lease: Plant and equipment 17 439 513 147 415 977 162   – (8 692 643) – (1 018 127) – 8 853 320Computer software 1 242 377 18 889 48 265   – 175 793 (180) (272 344) – 1 212 800Patents 229 500 10 101 –   – – – – – 239 601

  105 316 594 15 833 126 5 455 770   – (1 050 051) (237 742) (6 056 352) (185 678) 119 075 667


Moveable assets to the value of ZAR1,2 billion (USD96.9 million at closing spot rate) of the South African subsidiaries have been bonded to ABSA Capital as security for an interest bearing loan.


The Exploration department in our African segment recognised an impairment loss of USD nil (2017: USD185 678).

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Goodwill recognised from value chain business combinations 2 612 584 2 612 584Goodwill recognised from raisebore business combinations 562 508 470 843

Goodwill recognised from business combinations 3 175 092 3 083 427

The change in goodwill from the previous financial year arose from the acquisition of Bergteamet Raiseboring Europe AB and Atlantis Group. Refer to note 11.2 for more details.



Investment in associate – Bergteamet Raiseboring Europe AB 5.1 – 6 022 115Investment in associate – TunnelPro S.r.L 5.2 2 605 117 –

Total   2 605 117 6 022 115

5.1 Investment in associate - Bergteamet Raiseboring Europe AB

On 1 December 2015, the Group purchased a 40% equity interest in Bergteamet Raiseboring Europe AB (“Bergteamet”) for SEK46 555 000 (USD5 333 165). Bergteamet’s operations located within Sweden, Norway, Finland and Ireland are very similar to that of the Group and will provide the Group with a strategic footprint into the European market.

On 1 March 2018, the Group excercised its option to acquire the remainder of the 60% shares in Bergteamet Raiseboring Europe AB to increase its shareholding to 100%. The purchase of the remainder of the shares amounted to SEK69 825 000 (USD8 509 222). The Group now accounts for the investment as a subsidiary. Refer to Note 11.2 for more details.

The table below summarises and also reconciles the statement of comprehensive income’s financial information as at 31 December.



Revenue – 9 873 828Loss from continuing operations – (4 275)Total comprehensive loss – (4 275)

Group's share of total comprehensive loss – (1 710)

Dividends received from associate – 104 207


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The table summarises and also reconciles the statement of financial position’s financial information as at 31 December to the carrying amount of the Group’s interest.



Non-current assets – 9 962 208Current assets – 6 456 978Non-current liabilities – 4 581 086Current liabilities – 3 614 112

Net assets – 8 223 988

Group's share of net assets – 3 289 595Goodwill – 2 734 230Share of loss from equity accounted investment – (1 710)

Investment in associate – 6 022 115

5.2 Investment in associate – TunnelPro S.r.L

On 25 January 2018, the Group entered into a shareholder agreement with Ghella SpA to establish a new associate named TunnelPro Srl in Italy. The Group owns 49% of the shareholder rights in TunnelPro Srl. The purchase consideration relating to the Group's share amount to EUR2 107 000 (USD2 412 963). The investment will provide the Group with a strategic footprint in the European as well as Tunnelboring market. The effective date of the agreement is 23 October 2018. Consideration payable at year end amounts to EUR784 000 (USD897 837).

The Group does not control TunnelPro Srl and have elected the equity accounting method for the investment in associate.

The table below summarises and also reconciles the statement of comprehensive income’s financial information as at 31 December.



Revenue 288 214 –Loss from continuing operations (54 997) –Total comprehensive loss (54 997) –

Group's share of total comprehensive loss (26 949) –

Dividends received from associate – –

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The table summarises and also reconciles the statement of financial position’s financial information as at 31 December to the carrying amount of the Group’s interest.



Non-current assets 232 397 –Current assets 8 604 168 –Non-current liabilities – –Current liabilities 6 419 176 –Net assets 2 417 389 –Group's share of net assets 1 184 521 –Goodwill 1 447 545 –Share of loss from equity accounted investment (26 949) –Investment in associate 2 605 117 –




Trade receivables - Normal 32 511 631 27 333 869Trade receivables - Retention 5 449 738 5 021 356Loans to employees 119 777 40 636Pre-payments 693 501 1 054 572Deposits 827 369 82 219Indirect taxes 3 304 990 1 691 851Sundry 5 272 841 2 967 234

  48 179 847 38 191 737

Trade and other receivables past due but not impaired

The ageing of amounts past due but not impaired is as follows:

Outstanding on normal cycle terms 18 590 455 18 330 1321 month past due 9 269 296 6 029 0692 months past due 3 978 446 3 084 4593 months and over past due 7 249 989 5 413 060

Allowance for doubtful debts (1 126 817) (501 495)

Normal and retention trade receivables 37 961 369 32 355 225

Trade receivables of South African subsidiaries have been ceded to ABSA Capital as security for an interest bearing loan. Retention receivables are collectable within a period of 12 months.



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The movement in allowance for doubtful debts is presented below

Balance 1 January 501 495 136 119Adjustment from the adoption of IFRS 9 80 221 –Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations (57 625) 6 698Amounts written off – –Allowance for doubtful debts provided for 602 726 358 678

  1 126 817 501 495

The carrying amount in USD of trade and other receivables are denominated in the following currencies:



United States Dollar (USD) 20 419 586 18 223 187South African Rands (ZAR) 8 703 918 6 162 910Brazilian Reals (BRL) 3 091 482 2 943 824Mexican Peso (MXN) 91 500 594 427Chilean Peso (CLP) 7 705 700 7 558 388Peruvian Nuevo Sol (PEN) 975 082 630 645CFA Franc BCEAO (XOF) 3 339 712 913Chinese Yuan Renminbi (CNY) 224 476 339 833Guatemalan Quetzal (GTQ) 6 906 3 175Zambian Kwacha (ZMW) 1 063 825 351 527Colombian Peso (COP) 102 019 594 787Euro (EUR) 512 078 –Swedish Krona (SEK) 1 070 442 –Australian Dollar (AUD) 41 828 32 448Canadian Dollar (CAD) 289 801 –Indian Rupee (INR) 3 877 865 43 673

  48 179 847 38 191 737



Non-current assets held for sale – Peru 8.1 – 1 255 128Non-current assets held for sale – Chile 8.2 808 928 –

Total   808 928 1 255 128

7.1 Non-current assets held for sale – Peru

In September 2016, management committed to a plan to sell the land and building owned in Peru. Master Drilling Peru uses the land and building to house its administrative and workshop facilities. Management’s plan is to develop another piece of land owned in Peru into offices and workshop facilities. The sale of the land and building realised during May 2018 and proceeds to the value of USD2.08 million was received from an external buyer.



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No impairment losses were recognised in profit and loss as the fair value less costs to sell exceeds the carrying amount.

As at 31 December, the assets held for sale in Peru were comprised of the following:



Land and buildings – 1 255 128

Assets held for sale – 1 255 128

7.2 Non-current assets held for sale – Chile

In October 2018, management committed to a plan to sell the property owned in Chile. Efforts to sell the property have started and a sale is expected to be finalised towards the end first quarter of 2019.

Management’s intention to sell is driven by the need for a bigger facility to cater for the expansion of the Chilean business in the last couple of years which resulted in more workshop space to successfully service and maintain the increased plant and machinery.

No impairment losses were recognised in profit and loss as the fair value less costs to sell exceeds the carrying amount.

As at 31 December, the assets held for sale were comprised of the following:



Land and buildings 808 928 –

Assets held for sale 808 928 –




Trade payables 7 423 846 7 956 216Income received in advance 822 402 –Indirect taxes 3 914 138 6 654 506Leave pay accruals 1 983 405 2 070 242Onerous contracts 1 714 836 –Business combination consideration payable 1 420 684 –Investment in associate consideration payable 897 837 –Employee related 2 971 288 –Other accruals 7 541 584 3 405 783

  28 690 020 20 086 747



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Current    Normal taxation 5 524 399 6 040 830

Current taxation 6 994 758 5 231 760(Over)/Under provision (1 470 359) 809 070

Deferred taxation: Temporary differences (1 496 930) (906 730)

  4 027 469 5 134 100

Reconciliation of the tax expense    Accounting profit 21 499 267 22 584 166Tax at the applicable tax rate 6 789 872 5 502 316(Over)/Under provision (1 470 359) 809 070Exempt income (3 439 294) (4 371 627)Non-deductible expenses 2 081 109 2 724 372Deferred taxation: Change in tax rate 158 810 78 771Assessed loss not recognised 420 765 741 163Assessed loss previously not recognised (513 434) (349 965)

Taxation per statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income 4 027 469 5 134 100

The total unrecognised assessed loss at 31 December 2018 is USD3 265 658 (2017: USD2 544 768 ).    

Normal taxation charge/(refund) per entity within the Group    DCP Properties – 15 129Master Drilling Exploration (Pty) Ltd 1 055 555 409 833Master Drilling Chile SA 146 827 275 577Master Drilling Peru SAC 701 891 1 394 792Master Drilling do Brasil Ltda 491 941 479 007Master Drilling Mexico SA 174 013 –Master Drilling Malta Limited 2 648 814 1 554 235Master Drilling Guatemala SA 3 492 –Master Drilling Training Services (Pty) Ltd 1 875 –Master Drilling DRC sprl – 389 921Master Drilling Colombia SAS 76 273 80 900Master Drilling Zambia Limited (208 044) 1 232 820Master Drilling International Ltd (741 531) 2 988Master Drilling Mali SARL 45 464 163 884Master Drilling Changzhou Co Ltd 64 934 –Bergteamet Latin America SpA 347 153 –Bergteamet Raiseboring Europe AB 221 945 –Master Drilling Madencilik Ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi 65 212 –Master Drilling India 299 173 –Drilling Admin Services SAC 94 831 –Drilling Technical Services 243 117 2 567Martwick Ltd (18) 18Master Drilling (Pty) Ltd (169 360) –MD Drilling Services Tanzania SARL (39 158) 39 159

  5 524 399 6 040 830

The impact on taxation as a result of potential future dividends is impractical to calculate as at 31 December.

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Reconciliation between earnings and headline earnings    Basic earnings for the year 17 471 798 17 450 066Deduct:    Non-controlling interest (697 464) (247 143)

Attributable to owners of the parent 16 774 334 17 202 923Loss/(Gain) on disposal of fixed assets (949 084) 67 183Impairment of plant and equipment – 185 678Tax effect on loss on disposal of fixed assets and impairments 296 687 (70 801)

Headline earnings for the year 16 121 937 17 384 983

Earnings per share (cents) 11.1 11.5Diluted earnings per share (cents) 11.0 11.4Headline earnings per share (cents) 10.7 11.6Diluted headline earnings per share (cents) 10.6 11.5Net asset value per share (cents) 109.0 107.6Tangible net asset value per share (cents) 106.9 105.6Dividends per share (cents) 26.0 30.0Weighted average number of ordinary shares at the end of the year for the purpose of basic earnings per share and headline earnings per share 150 592 777 149 894 366Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares – employee share options 1 530 000 1 603 877Weighted average number of ordinary shares at the end of the year for the purpose of diluted basic earnings per share and diluted headline earnings per share 152 122 777 151 498 243


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11.1 Cash generated from operations



Profit before taxation 21 499 267 22 584 166Adjustments for:    Depreciation and amortisation 7 205 568 6 056 352Impairment – 845 891Share of loss from equity accounted investment 26 948 1 710Translation effect of foreign operations (519 249) 2 203 374Share-based payment – equity settled 336 476 290 858(Gain)/Loss on disposal of fixed assets (949 084) 67 183Dividends received (444 540) (321 583)Interest received (291 629) (188 742)Finance costs 2 858 491 2 850 878Changes in working capital:    Inventories 1 715 417 542 655Trade and other receivables (6 754 239) 822 927Trade and other payables 1 118 506 (2 911 680)

  25 801 932 32 843 989

11.2 Net cash flow on business combinations


Acquisition of Bergteamet Raiseboring Europe AB 12.2.1 9 335 904 –Acquisition of Atlantis Group 12.2.2 5 353 231 –

Total   14 689 135 –

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11.2.1 Acquisition of Bergteamet Raiseboring Europe AB

On 1 March 2018, the Group excercised its option to acquire the remainder of the 60% shares in Bergteamet Raiseboring Europe AB to increase its shareholding to 100%. The purchase of the remainder of the shares amounted to SEK69 825 000 (USD8 509 222).

The Group previously accounted for Bergteamet Raiseboring Europe AB as an investment in associate with equity accounting when only 40% of shareholding was held.

The goodwill amount represents a provisional calculation on the acquisition. A detailed purchase price allocation is being performed and the directors currently anticipate that there will be a fair value revaluation of drilling equipment.



The fair value of assets and liabilities assumed at date of acquisition was:    Assets    Property, plant and equipment 17 099 264 –Current tax receivable 165 517 –Non-current interest bearing loans and borrowings (3 447 179) –Deferred taxation liability (407 032) –

Net working capital   –

Trade and other receivables 3 233 870 –Inventory 3 608 677 –Trade and other payables (5 005 518) –Cash and other equivalents (826 682) –

Total assets and liabilities acquired 14 420 917 –

Group’s share of total assets and liabilities acquired 14 420 917 –Goodwill at acquisition 92 489 –

Total consideration 14 513 406 –Cash and cash equivalents on hand at acquisition 826 682 –Fair value of 40% interest held prior to acquisition (6 004 184) –

Net cash outflow on acquisition of subsidiaries 9 335 904 –

Turnover since acquisition date included in the consolidated results for the year 10 634 299 –Profit after tax since acquisition date included in the consolidated results for the year 1 360 458 –Group turnover since acquisition date included in the consolidated results for the year 111 663 770 –Group profit after tax since acquisition date included in the consolidated results for the year 16 390 524 –



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11.2.2 Acquisition of Atlantis Group

On 3 September 2018, the Group acquired all the business assets and liabilities of the Atlantis Group. The purchase price for the entire Atlantis Group amounted to ZAR99 500 000 (USD6 773 914)

The Atlantis Group's operations are located in South Africa, Zambia, India and Brazil and all of the business assets and liabilities acquired have been accounted for in the respective segments the assets and liabilities relate to. Refer to Note 13.2 for more details on the segments.

The goodwill amount represents a provisional calculation on the acquisition. A detailed purchase price allocation is being performed and the directors currently anticipate that there will be a fair value revaluation of drilling equipment.

The fair value of assets and liabilities assumed at date of acquisition was:



Assets    Property, plant and equipment 7 808 635 –Net working capital    Trade and other payables (1 058 548) –

Total assets and liabilities acquired 6 750 087 –Group’s share of total assets and liabilities acquired 6 750 087 –Goodwill at acquisition 23 828 –

Total consideration 6 773 915 –Consideration still payable (1 420 684) –

Net cash outflow on acquisition of subsidiaries 5 353 231 –Turnover since acquisition date included in the consolidated results for the year 2 550 769 –Profit after tax since acquisition date included in the consolidated results for the year 530 666 –Group turnover since acquisition date included in the consolidated results for the year 35 471 813 –Group profit after tax since acquisition date included in the consolidated results for the year 5 221 277 –

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Capital expenditure authorised by the directors and contracted for within 12 months. Capital expenditure will be funded through cash generated from operations. 1 189 801 4 579 527

13. SEGMENT REPORTING13.1 Mining activity

The following table shows the distribution of the Group’s combined sales by mining activity, regardless of where the goods were produced:



Sales revenue by stage of mining activity    Exploration 3 762 574 973 412Capital 21 849 982 4 339 904Production 113 109 208 116 110 793

  138 721 765 121 424 109

Gross profit by stage of mining activity    Exploration 1 561 718 383 107Capital 7 943 321 830 043Production 34 061 497 43 416 688

  43 566 536 44 629 838

The chief operating decision maker of the Group is the chief executive officer. Information reported to the group’s chief operating decision maker for purposes of resource allocation and assessment of segment performance is focused on geographical areas. Each reportable segment derives its revenues from the sale of goods related services. The accounting policies of the reportable segments are the same as the group’s accounting policies.

13.2 Geographical segments

Although the Group’s major operating divisions are managed on a geographical area basis, they operate in four principal geographical areas of the world.



Sales revenue by geographical market    

Africa 47 011 105 54 737 735Central and North America 17 437 769 14 619 849Other countries 16 195 137 –South America 58 077 754 52 066 525

  138 721 765 121 424 109


Page 31: 2018 - Master Drilling · MASTER DRILLING ABRIDGED ANNUAL FINANCIAL RESULTS 2018 1 ABOUT MASTER DRILLING Master Drilling was established in 1986 and listed on the Johannesburg Stock




Gross profit by geographical market    Africa 16 641 344 24 880 016Central and North America 4 739 601 4 547 869Other countries 5 921 443 –South America 16 264 148 15 201 953

  43 566 536 44 629 838

The gross profit percentages vary based on drilling ground conditions, competition in the markets and the mix of in-country and foreign cost.

A customer in the African region, operating in the capital and production segments, accounts for 6% (2017: African region 14%) of the Group's revenue.



Depreciation by geographical market    Africa 3 374 462 2 813 563Central and North America 706 619 465 299Other Countries 1 212 791 42 009South America 1 911 696 2 735 481

  7 205 568 6 056 352



Investment revenue by geographical market    Africa 301 152 261 559Central and North America 4 038 749Other Countries 248 373 168 101South America 182 605 79 916

  736 169 510 325



Finance cost by geographical market    Africa 1 250 988 1 834 711Central and North America 575 583 209 404Other Countries 370 205 204 635South America 661 715 602 128

  2 858 491 2 850 878

Page 32: 2018 - Master Drilling · MASTER DRILLING ABRIDGED ANNUAL FINANCIAL RESULTS 2018 1 ABOUT MASTER DRILLING Master Drilling was established in 1986 and listed on the Johannesburg Stock




Taxation by geographical market    Africa 868 065 1 334 731Central and North America 98 665 312 205Other Countries 1 564 038 2 203 622South America 1 496 701 1 283 542

  4 027 469 5 134 100



Total assets by geographical market    Africa * 78 419 639 95 020 536Central and North America 43 961 799 24 975 860Other Countries 50 543 357 25 208 838South America ** 93 457 169 91 740 494

Total assets as per statement of financial position 266 381 964 236 945 728

Total liabilities by geographical market    Africa 34 698 362 34 438 606Central and North America 23 690 201 8 457 641Other Countries 16 561 972 6 535 299South America 27 386 452 26 189 353

Total liabilities as per statement of financial position 102 336 987 75 620 899

* Assets in Africa includes the investment in associate. See Note 5

** Assets in South America includes the non-current asset held for sale. See Note 7



Page 33: 2018 - Master Drilling · MASTER DRILLING ABRIDGED ANNUAL FINANCIAL RESULTS 2018 1 ABOUT MASTER DRILLING Master Drilling was established in 1986 and listed on the Johannesburg Stock


MASTER DRILLING GROUP LIMITEDRegistration number: 2011/008265/06 Incorporated in the Republic of South AfricaJSE share code: MDIISIN: ZAE000171948

REGISTERED AND CORPORATE OFFICE4 Bosman StreetPO Box 902Fochville, 2515South Africa

DIRECTORSExecutiveDaniël (Danie) Coenraad Pretorius Chief executive officer and founderAndré Jean van Deventer Financial director and chief financial officerBarend Jacobus (Koos) Jordaan Technical directorGareth (Gary) Robert Sheppard # Chief operating officer

Non-executiveHendrik (Hennie) Roux van der Merwe Chairman and independent non-executiveAkhter Alli Deshmukh Independent non-executiveAndries Willem Brink Independent non-executiveOctavia Matshidiso Matloa Independent non-executiveShane Trevor Ferguson Non-executiveFred (Eddie) George Dixon Alternate director# Resident in Peru  

COMPANY SECRETARYAndrew Colin Beaven6 Dwars StreetKrugersdorp1739South AfricaPO Box 158, Krugersdorp, 1740South Africa

JSE SPONSORInvestec Bank Limited(Registration number: 1969/004763/06)100 Grayston Drive, SandownSandton, 2196South Africa


Page 34: 2018 - Master Drilling · MASTER DRILLING ABRIDGED ANNUAL FINANCIAL RESULTS 2018 1 ABOUT MASTER DRILLING Master Drilling was established in 1986 and listed on the Johannesburg Stock


INDEPENDENT AUDITORSBDO South Africa IncorporatedSouth African member of the BDO Group52 Corlett DriveIllovo2196South Africa

SHARE TRANSFER SECRETARIESComputershare Investor Services Proprietary Limited(Registration number: 2004/003647/07)Rosebank Towers, 15 Biermann Avenue,Rosebank, 2196(PO Box 61051, Marshalltown, 2107)South Africa

INVESTOR RELATIONS CONTACTSMonica AmbrosiInstinctif PartnersTelephone: +27 11 050 7506Mobile: +27 82 659 9226E-mail: [email protected]

GENERAL E-MAIL [email protected]


COMPANY SECRETARIAL [email protected] 

Master Drilling posts information that is important to investors on the main page of its website at and under the “investors” tab on the main page. The information is updated regularly and investors should visit the website to obtain important information about Master Drilling. 


Page 35: 2018 - Master Drilling · MASTER DRILLING ABRIDGED ANNUAL FINANCIAL RESULTS 2018 1 ABOUT MASTER DRILLING Master Drilling was established in 1986 and listed on the Johannesburg Stock
Page 36: 2018 - Master Drilling · MASTER DRILLING ABRIDGED ANNUAL FINANCIAL RESULTS 2018 1 ABOUT MASTER DRILLING Master Drilling was established in 1986 and listed on the Johannesburg Stock
