Page 1: 2016 Annual report, EPFL Photonics Chapter (EPC) Chapter (EPC) ... on the program here. On the 7th of November 2015, ... CHF 2'400.00 Grant from EPFL Doctoral School

2016 Annual report, EPFL Photonics Chapter (EPC)

The 29th of February 2016, the EPFL Photonics Chapter held its 2016 General Assembly. The occasion to celebrate the successes of the past year and to plan the year to come. A new committee has been elected.

Our new 2016 team : Rostykus, Manon : Présidente [email protected] Ozdemir, Cenk : Vice-Président [email protected] Smolik, Grégoire : Trésorier [email protected] Infante, Daniel : Secrétaire [email protected] Javerzac-Galy, Clément : Membre de l’association [email protected] Mohamed, Sabry : Membre de l’association [email protected] Anderson, Mitchell : Membre de l'association [email protected] Walger, Thomas : Membre de l'association [email protected] Delrot, Paul : Membre de l’association [email protected] Nardin, Gaël : Membre de l’association [email protected] More details on our team can be found on our website (team page):

As a short reminder of our chapter history, you can have a look on the dedicated page of our website We are a joint chapter with the EPFL OSA Student Chapter. The OSA and the SPIE chapters are grouped under the EPFL Photonics Chapter (EPC) which is an officially recognized association from the EPFL administration. The creation of the EPC was needed to be able to organize events on the campus and in the same time was mandatory in a legal point of view according to the Swiss law. The events we are organizing are held under the SPIE or the OSA banner depending on the funding we receive from both societies. By regrouping the chapters under the same entity we can assure the durability of the activities we do on campus. We are the EPFL student organization gathering all the photonics enthusiasts on campus and promoting optical science and technology. Our mission is to provide exciting networking, educational and outreach activities for the EPFL community. If you are interested or already passionate about photonics, come attend our events! EPC is a joint OSA and SPIE Student Chapter.

A list of our current members can be found in attachment to this document.

Page 2: 2016 Annual report, EPFL Photonics Chapter (EPC) Chapter (EPC) ... on the program here. On the 7th of November 2015, ... CHF 2'400.00 Grant from EPFL Doctoral School

Chapter activities

We had the pleasure to organize several times (every first Wednesday of the month) our monthly EPFL Photonics Chapter (EPC) 'Pizza-optics-beer' (POB) seminar. This is our regularly held event and it gathers a large portion of the EPFL photonics community. In these events, one member of the optics community at EPFL presents his latest results and a discussion

follows in an unformal atmosphere. We provide pizza and drinks for everyone, about 25 people on average. Topics this year included “Kerr frequency combs from on-chip, integrated microresonators”, “Time resolved cathodoluminescence: High-Res. Ultrafast Spectroscopy”, “From cold atoms to quantum simulators” or “Paving the way for laser-based system – materials”.

On the 22nd of September 2015 we had the pleasure of welcoming Phil Stahl as our SPIE visiting lecturer. He gave us a great lecture on “James Webb Space Telescope: The First Light Machine”. The lecture was a big success with more than 200 participants. At the occasion of the ForumEPFL - Biggest recruitment platform of graduate students in Switzerland - the EPFL Photonics Chapter (EPC) and Swissphotonics teamed-up to organize a student-industry workshop on "Photonic opportunities and companies in Switzerland". It was held on October 8th 2015 @SwissTech Convention Center, Lausanne. See more details and the agenda on Swissphotonics website. This event was held again in October 2016.

We held our first Fondue party on November 20th 2015. We welcomed fellow students from CEA in Grenoble (France) for this occasion. The fondue was followed by our first winter hike. More details on this weekend are available here.

Page 3: 2016 Annual report, EPFL Photonics Chapter (EPC) Chapter (EPC) ... on the program here. On the 7th of November 2015, ... CHF 2'400.00 Grant from EPFL Doctoral School

Our biggest 2015 event was the closing ceremony of the year of light. On the 5th of December, we hosted a public celebration with outstanding speakers from Google X, Bell Labs, Intel, Philips, Heptagon, Solar Impulse, IBM Research and other. More details on this event here.

After the company visits of 2013 (Optotune), 2014 (Süss micro-optics), we organized this year a visit of Schott in Yverdon-les-bains, which specializes in high-precision optical components for various applications.

We had the pleasure of welcoming Prof. Francesco S. Pavone from the European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy at the University of Florence (Italy) as visiting lecturer. He introduced us to his work with a lecture titled: “Optical Imaging of the Brain: From the Nano to the Macro World”.

Page 4: 2016 Annual report, EPFL Photonics Chapter (EPC) Chapter (EPC) ... on the program here. On the 7th of November 2015, ... CHF 2'400.00 Grant from EPFL Doctoral School

We held the third edition of our Summer BBQ, open to all members of the photonics community at EPFL. Around 60 people joined us for this unformal event that helps networking within the University.

We organized our first summer hike, enjoying the stunning landscape along the vineyards of “Lavaux”, a Unesco world heritage site since 2007.

We helped the EPFL Doctoral School of Photonics in the organization of the EPFL Photonics day, in particular in organizing a poster prize and community building events. This is the opportunity to connect with the EPFL photonics community and to discover the most recent developments in this field of research, from fundamental research to applications.

Congratulations to Nicolino Stasio from the Optics Laboratory (LO) for winning the Best Poster Award at the Photonics Day 2016, for his poster on "Imaging through scattering media". The EPFL Photonics Chapter is glad to sponsor his prize. As part of outreach, we took part in several big events on campus

On the 21st of October 2015, some of our members took part in the “Science… it’s also for girls! Part II” event in collaboration with the EPFL outreach department. This event invites schoolgirls (11-13 years old) to discover the work of women in science and in our labs. More details on the program here.

Page 5: 2016 Annual report, EPFL Photonics Chapter (EPC) Chapter (EPC) ... on the program here. On the 7th of November 2015, ... CHF 2'400.00 Grant from EPFL Doctoral School

On the 7th of November 2015, we held an outreach event called “Shedding light on light”, organized jointly with the University outreach department at the occasion of the International year of light. The kids built solar clocks and discovered fun games with shadows. About 100 kids attended our workshop. More photos are available here.

On the 4th of November 2016, more than 90 classes were invited to EPFL for the “Journée des classes”, where teachers and their students are given lectures about different science topics. We had a lecture called “What is a LASER and what is it good for?” during which we demonstrated different properties of a LASER and some everyday applications. About 200 kids and their teachers attended our lectures throughout the day. Check out the program for more details.

On the 5th and 6th of November 2016, the campus opened its doors to the general public. On this occasion, we held a stand for kids and another one for adults explaining basic concepts of optics as well as a little workshop where the kids could fabricate a newton wheel, a periscope, a kaleidoscope as well as a zoetrope. The open doors welcomed around 35’000 people over the weekend on the entire campus and about 500 kids

participated in our workshop.

Planned activities:

We are planning a Pizza Optics Beer event in Neuchâtel, together with a visit of Prof. Thomas Südmeyer’s laboratory from the Université de Neuchâtel.

We are planning a joint event in January with the ETHZ chapter from Zürich (Switzerland). They are invited to join us for a fondue party and hiking trip around Lausanne.

More outreach, a summer BBQ, two visiting lecturers and other activities will be held in 2017.

Find all the info and news on our website:

Page 6: 2016 Annual report, EPFL Photonics Chapter (EPC) Chapter (EPC) ... on the program here. On the 7th of November 2015, ... CHF 2'400.00 Grant from EPFL Doctoral School

Financial information

Conclusion Our young chapter (founded in 2011) is growing and has become a key organization for the PhD students of our Photonics Doctoral School, as well as other members of the photonics community of EPFL. We now have regular events, such as our student-industry workshop, summer BBQ, visiting lecturer series and university outreach program participation. Thanks to your support, we are able to continue this work and attract more people towards optics, as well as grow a network between our members and the photonics community of Switzerland. Best regards, Grégoire For the EPC team

2015-16 Income 2015-16 Expenses

Amount Source Amount Event

CHF 678.15 Grant from SPIE (2015) CHF 1'000.00 POB events

CHF 2'400.00 Grant from EPFL Doctoral School CHF 589.80 Photonics BBQ

CHF 791.44 OSA grants (2016) CHF 448.40 Outreach events

CHF 422.05 Fondue with CEA LETI

CHF 1'068.85 Visiting lecturers

CHF 200.00 Best Poster award

CHF 60.00 Banking fees

Total CHF 3'869.59 CHF 3'789.10

Balance CHF 80.49

Page 7: 2016 Annual report, EPFL Photonics Chapter (EPC) Chapter (EPC) ... on the program here. On the 7th of November 2015, ... CHF 2'400.00 Grant from EPFL Doctoral School

EPC Member list

Adiyatullin Albert 

Alem Mehdi 

Athanasiou Christos Edouardos 

Blum Roman 

Bouvard Olivia Valérie Charlotte 

Brasch Victor 

Butet Jérémy 

Chen Yixing 

Conkey Donald Benjaman 

Coquoz Séverine 

Cotte Yann Jérôme Michel Pascal 

Davide Cuda 

Delgoffe Antoine Maxime 

Denisov Andrey 

Descharmes Nicolas Maxime André 

Didier Marie Eve Pascale 

Douglass Kyle Michael 

Edinger Pierre Tilman 

Flauraud Valentin 

Galland Christophe 

Ghadimi Amir Hossein 

Grassani Davide 

Hannebelle Mélanie Thérèse Marie 

Huguet Benoit Rémi Dominique 

Jacopin Gwénolé Jean 

Jost John David 

Kharitonov Svyatoslav 

Kim Myun-Sik 

Kirner Raoul 

Kostro André Gabriel 

Kumar Anshuman 

Laforest Timothé 

Lecaplain Caroline Marie Anne 

Liu Junqiu 

Lu Xin 

Lütgebaucks Cornelis 

Majérus Bruno 

Marchand Paul James 

Mikulik Dmitry 

Monemhaghdoust Zahra 

Moreddu Rosalia 

Negri Marco 

Nguyen David 

Osowiecki Gaël David 

Pfeiffer Martin Hubert Peter 

Piro Mastracchio Nicolas 

Puthankovilakam Krishnaparvathy 

Quack Niels 

Page 8: 2016 Annual report, EPFL Photonics Chapter (EPC) Chapter (EPC) ... on the program here. On the 7th of November 2015, ... CHF 2'400.00 Grant from EPFL Doctoral School

Quaranta Giorgio 

Rostova Ekaterina 

Rousseau Ian 

Rölli Philippe Andreas 

Santi Sara 

Schilling Ryan Daniel 

Schütz Hendrik 

Smolentsev Nikolay 

Staley Jacob 

Strasser Alina Veronika Irene 

Symeonidis Michail 

Talebi Amiri Masoud 

Talebi Amiri Omid 

Tchervenkov Christopher 

Toth Laszlo Daniel 

Zagolla Volker 

Zulliger Ludovic 
