




2 Gwanaksa Guide2 Gwanaksa Guide2 Gwanaksa Guide

Gwanaksa is located in the northeastern side of the Seoul National

University main campus. It includes 18 dormitory buildings, where

Buildings 905, 919, 921-926 are for undergraduate students and

Buildings 900-905 and 918 are for graduate students.

Administrative o� ce, Chief RA O� ce, O� ce of Planning &

Coordination, concert hall, gym, and practice rooms are located in

Building 900. Our Home dining hall and the Dongbu parcel delivery

o� ce are in Building 901.

In Building 919, there are cafeteria, laundry rooms, � tness center,

o� ce of student council, Gwanaksa student counseling center, and

club rooms.

Gwanaksa Map

3 3 3

Naksongdae Subway StationCollege of Business Administration

College of Engineerin



•Emergency number / Security O� ce (Building 920) 02-881-9019 Main Control O� ce (Building 906) 02-881-9191


Administration O� ce

Back Gate

the three-wayintersection bound

Building 900, 1st basement � oor

Building 919, 2nd � oor

4 Gwanaksa Guide

Dean of Gwanaksa

Professor Kim, Dae Yong‌Kim, Tae

Greetingsfrom the Dean

Recently, there has been a growing concern of individualism among

college students. Gone are the passion and challenging spirits of a

youthful community and the college has been reduced to a mere

stepping stone to get a good job. Older generations are not free

from this criticism, either. They have taught young students to

compete for survival and indicated that getting into top universities

is the only way to ensure success.

This current situation urges the university education to put

emphasis not only on students' creative knowledge but also on

building their character to be mature civilians in the society.Thus,

we at Gwanaksa have been striving to ful� l such demands.

Right now, Gwanaksa is accommodating more than 5,000 residents

at the undergraduate, graduate, and family housing facilities. The

graduate students housing facilities, especially, have been well-

received by residents and others for its modern facilities and

e� cient operation, since its reconstruction in 2010. Moreover, this

housing has been operated by very e� cient management systems.

Aside from improvements in our facility, we also put a lot of time

and energy in providing a variety of education, cultural, and sports

programs to residents. Moreover, its global and multi-cultural living

environment that includes students from more than 80 countries

should provide its residents a good international perspective and

resources for international networking.

This era and the world demand talents with intellectual excellence,

creativity, and warm humanity. We hope that you can grow into

such leaders with the assistance of Gwanaksa.

Welcome to Gwanaksa!




• 2014

Event Date


Move-in Date for Spring Semester 1(Sat) ~ 2(Sun)

Resident Orientation 3(Mon) ~ 7(Fri)

Personal Interview for Residents 10(Mon) ~ 28(Fri)

SPACE 599 Exhibition 12(Wed) ~ 5. 11(Sun)

34th Colloquium 24(Mon)


Interviews for Residents with Disability 7(Mon) ~ 18(Fri)

Conversation with the Dean 7(Mon)

Conversation with the Dean for International Students 14(Mon)

19th Mini Concert 22(Tue)

35th Colloquium 28(Mon)


Gwanaksa Field Day 12(Mon) ~ 23(Fri)

SPACE 599 Exhibition 14(Wed) ~ 6. 29(Sun)

14th Gwanaksa Concert 15(Thu)

Enrollment for Residency During Summer Vacation 19(Mon) ~ 23(Fri)


Application for Temporary Move-out for Graduate Dormitories 9(Mon) ~ 27(Fri)

20th Mini Concert 17(Tue)

Move-out Date for Spring Semester 21(Sat) ~ 22(Sun)

Opening for Summer Vacation 23(Mon)

Jul.Waitlist Appication for Fall

Semester 7(Mon) ~ 11(Fri)

Enrollment for Fall Semester 14(Mon) ~ 25(Fri)

Aug.Move-out Date

for Summer Vacation 30(Sat)

Move-in Date for Fall Semester 31(Sun)


New Resident Orientation 1(Mon) ~ 3(Wed)

SPACE 599 Exhibition 13(Sat) ~ 11. 9(Sun)

Personal Interview for Residents 15(Mon) ~ 10. 2(Thu)

Gwanaksa “Han-ul-je” 22(Mon) ~ 9. 26(Fri)

36th Colloquium 29(Mon)

Oct.Conversation with the Dean 13(Mon)

Conversation with the Dean for International Students 20(Mon)

Event Date

21st Mini Concert 21(Tue)

37th Colloqium 27(Mon)


SPACE 599 Exhibition 12(Wed) ~ 12.28(Sun)

Enrollment for Residency During Winter Vacation 17(Mon) ~ 21(Fri)

15th Gwanaksa Concert 20(Thu)


2015 Application for Currently Enrolled Undergraduate Students 1(Mon) ~ 5(Fri)

2015 Application for Currently Enrolled Graduate Students 8(Mon) ~ 12(Fri)

Medical Examination for Gwanaksa Applicants 3(Wed)~10(Wed)

22nd Mini Concert 16(Tue)

Move-out Date for Fall Semester 20(Sat) ~ 21(Sun)

Announcement for AcceptedResidents and Waiting Number for


Requesting for Roommate/DailyRoutine Pattern/

Removal of Room Fix22(Mon) ~ 26(Fri)

• 2015


Submission of Required Documents and Payments for 2015 7(Wed) ~ 16(Fri)

Undergraduate Freshmen Application 9(Mon) ~ 12(Thu)


Announcement of Accepted Residents and Waiting Number for

Undergraduate Freshmen 16(Mon)

Submission of Required Documents and Payments for

Undergraduate Freshmen23(Mon) ~ 27(Fri)

Move-out Date for Winter Vacation 28(Sat)

Mar.Inter-Gwanaksa Moving Date 1(Sun)

Move-in Date for Spring Semester 1(Sun)

※ The schedule above is subject to change.

6 Gwanaksa Guide

Chronological History

1975. 8. Founded by the Dormitory Regulation of the Establishment

Article No. 14 of the Seoul National University

Opening of 5 dormitory buildings and 1 Commodity

Building (970 male students)

1982. 3. Inauguration of 4 dormitory buildings and 1 Commodity

Building (692 male students)

1983. 3. Inauguration of 2 dormitory buildings (288 female students)

1986. 3. Inauguration of 1 dormitory building (204 male students)

1989. 9. Inauguration of Administration Building

1990. 3. Inauguration of 1 dormitory building (298 male students)

1996. 8. Inauguration of Family Apartments for Graduate Students

(200 households)

1999. 9. Inauguration of building 918 (224 male students, 80 female


2002. 3. Change of 1 building from male students for female


2004. 3. Inauguration of building 919 A, B, C, D (Graduate level, 670

male and 320 female students)

2005. 3. Assignment of building 914 for male graduate students

2008. 9 Assignment of Building 923 for male undergraduate


2009. 3 Assignment of part of Building 919B(Line 7-9) and 919C for

undergraduate students

2010. 9 Opening of New Graduate housing( Building 900-6)

2011. 3 All of Building 919 was assigned to undergraduate


Current Status


Number of Students Percentage (%)


Male 1,374 28.8%

Female 1,050 22%

Sub-total 2,424 50.8%


Male 1,314 27.6%

Female 1,030 21.6%

Sub-total 2,344 49.2%

Total 4,768 100%

Objective of Foundation

Gwanaksa was established to

provide a living space and various

facilities to students coming from

other regions or countries in order

to help their transition toward a

new environment and build up their

character via living in a community.


• Management Based on Self-


Gwanaksa allows free entrance/

exit 24 hours.

Residents are encouraged to follow

Gwanaksa rules through self-


• Natural Environment

Gwanaksa Dormitory is surrounded

by the beautiful natural

environment with fresh and clean

air of the Gwanak Mountain.

• Diverse Cultural Programs

Gwanaksa encourages various

cultural programs and club

activities of residents.

Gwanaksa Intro-duction


Eligibility for Application

Undergraduate or graduate students enrolled, or to-be-enrolled

in Seoul National University's Gwanak Campus who meet the

following requirements are eligible to apply:

1. Minimum GPA (Except for New Incoming Students)

Classi�cation Undergraduate Foreign student Graduate Research



GPA Average grade

Average grade

Average grade

Above 2.7 Above 2.0 Above 3.0 Above 3.0

•‌‌No previous record of severe disciplinary action from dormitory

which disqualified the applicant from applying, and moving out

from the dormitory due to inadaptability

•‌‌Diagnosed as healthy from the medical examination (Carriers/

Patients of infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis not permitted)

❯ Must include: Chest X-rays

❯ O�cial diagnosis required (copies won’t be accepted)

•‌‌Guardians (Father/Mother) must both live outside Seoul. If at least

one of them lives in Seoul, the student won’t be eligible to apply.

❯ Residents of nearby cities of Seoul (Boocheon, Kwangmyung,

Anyang, Sihong, Gwachun, Sungnam, Gunpo and Euwang) will

be considered as Seoul residents, not being eligible for the


❯ Foreign/International students, Koreans living abroad, and the

children of government o�cials that have been dispatched

abroad don’t have any restrictions when applying.

•‌‌Students that have physical disabilities and have di�culties

with transportation can apply to the dormitories with priority,

regardless of the conditions mentioned above.

2. Undergraduate Students•‌‌Students with Priority in Application Process: Amongst those

who meet the condition above ‘students with disability,’ ‘basic

livelihood security recipients,’ ‘children of veterans,’ ‘children of

government o�cers dispatched abroad’ will receive a priority.

•‌‌Only for incoming freshmen, some of the students receiving

‘welfare scholarship’ will receive a priority.

Check In/Out


8 Gwanaksa Guide

3. Graduate Students•‌‌For graduate students, residents from cities nearby Seoul are eligible to apply (However, students from farther

provinces will receive a priority)

•‌‌Students with Priority in Application Process: Amongst those who meet the condition above ‘students with

disability,’ ‘children of veterans,’ ‘children of government o�cers dispatched abroad’ will receive a priority.

•‌‌Full-Time Research Students: Research students must abide by SNU Research Student Regulations to apply.

Only research students who are not employed elsewhere and spend more than 5 days a week on campus full-

time to write the thesis are eligible to apply. (Must hand in certi�cate of four major public insurances)

Application Procedure•‌‌Applications to Gwanaksa are submitted once a year and the residence time is until February of the next

year. Students, who enter the dormitories on the second semester or priority students, must reapply and take

enrollment procedure every November or December of each year.

•‌‌The application is submitted online to the Gwanaksa Homepage or SNU portal site. (Gwanaksa Homepage: my.snu.

•‌‌Details about the application process and schedules are posted annually around November on the Gwanaksa


•‌‌Undergraduate freshmen and enrolled students are selected with a 50:50 proportion. Graduate students are

selected without any proportions.

•‌‌ The selection process is done randomly by a computer. However, currently-enrolled students are selected by

their respective colleges if they meet the requirements.

•‌‌Non-selected students will receive a waiting number. The waiting number is valid until the end of a semester

and the numbers are given twice a year (You have to apply for a waiting number for the second semester).

•‌‌Waiting students can enter the dormitories in the order of their numbers.

•‌‌If you are accepted to enter the dormitories, you have to submit required documents and pay the dormitory

fee in order to enter your dormitory room. Not completing at least one of the two within a given time will be

considered as waiving the rights for a spot.

•‌‌ For the graduate students, the dormitory fee is paid monthly. Therefore they have to set up for the autopay, or

cash management system (CMS) from their bank.

Checking Out Procedure for Undergraduate Students

Checking Out Procedure for Graduate Students

Log in to MySNU Portal (Academic

A�airs > Dormitory > Gwanaksa)

Fill outMove-out


Cleaning Inspection of Resident’s Room Move out Check out


Log in to MySNU Portal (Academic

A�airs > Dormitory > Gwanaksa)

Fill outMove-out


Cleaning Inspection of Resident’s Room

Visit ServeOne O�ce

Return Card key and Move out

※ Failing to go through the proper check out procedure may result in a restriction when applying for Gwanaksa next time.


Payment and Refund of Housing FeeStudents who wish to withdraw their registration before the registration period is up, can get a partial refund of

the paid housing fee.

1. Undergraduate

2. Graduate: Monthly Payment and Refund

Housing Fee Refund

Time at check-in Fee Check-out date Refund Amount

Within 0.5 month from the check-in date Payment in full Before 7 days prior to the check-

in date 100% refund

Between 0.5 and 1 month 7/8 of required payment Within 7 days prior to the check-in date 90% of amount paid

Between 1 and 1.5 month 6/8 of Required payment Within 1 month from the check-in date 70% of amount paid

Between 1.5 and 2 months 5/8 of Required payment Between 1 and 2 months 50% of amount paid

Between 2 and 2.5 months 4/8 of Required payment Between 2 and 3 months 25% of amount paid

Between 2.5 and 3 months 3/8 of Required payment After 3 months No Refund

Between 3 and 3.5 months 2/8 of Required payment

After 3.5 months 1/8 of Required payment

※ If you stay during the winter and summer break, the residence time (68-70 days) refund will be divided into 4 parts 1/4 (70%), 2/4

(50%), 3/4 (25%), 4/4 (none). If you waive residence 7 days before entering the dorms, you will receive 90% as a refund.

Housing Fee Refund

Check-In Date Fee Check-out Date Refund Amount

1st-4th Payment in full 1st-8th 70% of amount paid

5th-8th 7/8 of the monthly fee 9th-16th 50% of amount paid

9th-12th 6/8 of the monthly fee 17th-24th 25% of amount paid

13th-16th 5/8 of the monthly fee After the 25th No Refund

17th-20th 4/8 of the monthly fee

21st-24th 3/8 of the monthly fee

25th-28th 2/8 of the monthly fee

After the 29th 1/8 of the monthly fee

※ Dormitory Fee Refund Criterion (Same for all)

100% 90% 70% 50% 25% No refund

Registration7 days prior to


date 1/4 2/4 3/4Finish


10 Gwanaksa Guide

OrientationOrientation is mandatory for all residents and held right after check-

in. Orientation for undergraduate students takes place at the dining

room in building 919 and for graduate students, in Gaon Hall. At

the orientation, the main RAs introduce themselves and explain

everything that has to do with life at the dormitories (absence will

earn you 3 demerit points).

Individual InterviewIndividual Interview is mandatory for all residents and done at the

start of every semester after orientation. The RA will talk to the

residents and listen to any inconveniences residents feel at the

dormitories (absence will earn you 3 demerit points).

Special InterviewsSpecial Interviews are conducted by resident supervisors for

disabled residents to have a conversation about students' everyday

life in the dormitories.

Meeting with the DeanMeeting with the Dean provides opportunities for all residents to

have a conversation with the Dean. It is optional but everyone is

welcome to come and share thoughts.

‘Conversation with the Dean for International Student’ is a program

launched in 2013 to communicate more e� ectively through direct

interaction with the international residents.


Individual Interview

Special Interviews

Meeting with the Dean

Reaching out to Residents

Meeting with the Dean



12 Gwanaksa Guide

The Graduate Dormitories consist of seven buildings holding up to

2,500 residents each year. Building 901 is a ‘female-only’ dormitory

and Building 906 is for undergraduate students. Rest of the

buildings are operated as co-ed dormitories accepting both female

and male students. During summer and winter vacations, building

906 is utilized to provide lodging services for visitors.

Rooms• The single room has 15 square meters of space (250 units total), and

the double room has 23.1 suare meters of space (1,125 units total).

• Bed, desk, chair, closet, shoe stand, small refrigerator, air

conditioner, blinds, roll screener (double rooms only), and private


Facilities inside the Dormitories• Laundry Room: Buildings 900-903 on one floor, Buildings 904-906

on two floors

• Drying Room: Every floor

• Dining Room: Every floor

Buildings 900-905

Resident Advisor O�ce• Office Hours: Weekdays 19:00-23:00 (RA o�ce for each building)• Resident Advisor’s Work: Student interview, management, and entrance control • First aid kits• Contact Number: 02-881-910X (X: the last digit of each building, ex) Building 901: 02-881-9101)

Graduate Dormitories


Building 918 accommodates 306 graduate students, and consists of

single rooms. The 2nd-5th fl oors are for male students, and the 6th-

8th fl oors are for female students.

Rooms • The single room has 9.1 square meters of space (306 units total).

• Bed, desk, bookshelf, chair, closet, telephone, shoe stand, small

refrigerator, air conditioner, heater

Facilities inside the Dormitories• Laundry Room (1st fl oor, washing machines, drying machines, and steam

iron equipped)

• Lounge (Casamia Hall): Located at the 1st basement fl oor (TV, couch,

and vending machine)

• Kitchenette (Every fl oor)

• Fitness center (At the basement - table tennis room and muscle workout

machines equipped)

• Bathrooms (Two on each fl oor, with shower facility inside)

Building 918

Resident Advisor O� ce• Offi ce Hours: Weekdays 19:00-23:00• Resident Advisor’s Work: Student interview, management, and entrance control• First aid kits• Contact Number: 02-881-9018

14 Gwanaksa Guide

Building 906 is an undergraduate dormitory for both female and

male students. Starting from 2013 summer vacation, Building 906

will be utilized to provide lodging services for visiting students and


Rooms• The single room has 15 square meters of space (250 units total), and

the double room has 23.1 square meters of space (1,125 units total).

• Bed, desk, chair, closet, shoe stand, small refrigerator, air

conditioner, blinds, roll screener (double rooms only), and private


• Rooms for resident with disability: Single rooms (8 units total), and

double rooms (4 units total).

Facilities inside the Dormitories• Laundry Room: Buildings 906 on two floors

• Drying Room: Every floor

• Dining Room: Every floor

Building 906

Resident Advisor O�ce• Office Hours: Weekdays 19:00-23:00 (1st basement of Building 900)• Resident Advisor’s Work: Student interview, management, and entrance control• First aid kits• Contact Number: 02-881-9018

Under-graduate Dormitories


Rooms • Six in each cluster (100.2 square meters of space), and double rooms

(23.1 square meters).

• Facilities for Rooms: Bed, desk, bookshelf, chair, closet, and


• Facilities for Clusters: Shoe stand, washing machine, air

conditioner, sofa, table, TV table, refrigerator, drying rack, cleaning

out� t (broomstick, dustpan, mop, and wastebasket), and bathroom

• Room for resident with disability: Single rooms (8 units total), and

doube rooms (4 units total)

Facilities inside the Dormitories

• When you open: Touch the pad gently.

Press * + password + *

• When you close: The door will

automatically lock when you close it

properly. There’s no additional action


Buildings 919A-D are apartment complexes for undergraduate

students, and consist of 4 buildings. Buildings 919A and B are for

female students. Building C and D are for male students.

Buildings 919A-919D

Resident Advisor O� ce• Offi ce Hours: Weekdays 19:00-23:00• Resident Advisor’s Work: Student interview, management, and entrance control• First aid kits• Contact Numbers: 02-881-9091 (919A), 02-881-9092 (919B), 02-881-9093 (919C),

and 02-881-9094 (919D)

16 Gwanaksa Guide

Resident Advisor O� ce• Offi ce Hours: Weekdays 19:00-23:00 (1st basement fl oor of Building 900)• Resident Advisor’s Work: Student interview, management, and entrance control• First aid kits• Contact Number: 02-881-90XX, ex) Building 925: 02-881-9025

Rooms• Double Rooms (508 units total)

• Bed, desk, bookshelf, chair, closet, and shoe stand

• Rooms for residents with disability: Single rooms (8 units total) and

double rooms (4 units total)

Facilities inside the Dormitories• Laundry and Drying Room (On the 2nd or 3rd fl oor)

• Lounge & Kitchenette: 1st fl oor (TV, sofa, microwave oven, induction

stove, and refrigerator)

• Reading Room: 4th fl oor

• Bathroom and Shower Room: On each fl oor

Buildings 921-926 are for undergraduate students. Buildings 921-

924 are for male students, and Buildings 925-926 are for female


Buildings 921-926



18 Gwanaksa Guide

Center Guide • Location: 1st basement floor of Building 919A (in between the

convenience store and cafeteria)

• Programs: ‘Gwansim’ offers various programs including individual

counseling, group counseling, psychological test, special lecture,

and workshop

• Service Hours: Weekdays 09:00-21:00 (lunch break: 12:00-13:00, dinner

break 18:00-19:00)

• Phone Number: 02) 880-7979

• Homepage: Visit Gwanaksa homepage ( and

click the Gwanaksa Student Counseling Center Menu


Seoul National University-Gwanaksa

Student Counseling Center ‘Gwansim’

is a professional counseling agency

to promote students’ psychological

well-being and inner growth so that

they can pursue their dreams.

The team provides students with

individual and group counseling

sessions, and various psychological

test for issues related to college life

adjustment, academic performance,

interpersonal relationship, career

guidance, emotional problems, and


Drop in/phone call/online reservation Notice (homepage, boad,text message)

Make reservation (drop in/phone call/online)Visit the counseling center

Visit the counseling centerIndividual counseling Psychological test

ParticipationFill out the application form

and conduct interview.Participate in psychological

test (if needed)

Psychological testbegins

Result interpretation

Individual couseling begins

• Individual counseling is conducted once a week for 50minutes.

• Length of the counseling will be decided after the consultation.

• Counseling for the result interpretaion will be conducted approximately a week later.

individual conseling and pychological test procedure

Group Counseling and workshop procedure

Gwanaksa Student Counseling Center

‘Gwansim’Counseling Center


Convenient Facilities

Name Location Extension Open Hours

Our Home Cafeteria Building 901 1st floor 9201 Breakfast 07:30-09:30 / Lunch 11:30~13:30, Dinner 17:30-19:30

Gran Cafe Building 901 1st floor 9204 07:30-21:00

GS25 Convenience Store Building 900 2nd Basement 9215 Open 24 hours a day

Gimbab Heaven Building 900 2nd Basement 9207 08:00-22:30

Quiznos Building 900 2nd Basement 9211 08:00-22:30

Dudream Chicken Building 900 2nd Basement 9222 Weekdays 10:30-01:30, Weekends 17:00-24:00

SNU Hair Building 900 2nd Basement 9227 08:00-21:00 (Sunday Closed)

P.O.P Planners Copy Center Building 900 2nd Basement 9220

Weekdays 08:00-21:00 / Saturday 09:00-19:00During Vacation: Weekdays 09:00-19:00 / Closed on Saturdays

Double S Gym Building 900 2nd Basement 9235 Weekdays 06:00-01:00 / Saturday 07:00-22:00, Sunday 15:00-22:00

Dongbu parcel Building 901 1st Basement 9224Weekdays 08:45-19:30 (Lunch Time 14:00-15:00)Saturday 08:45-15:00 (Lunch Time 13:00-14:00)Closed on Sundays and Hoildays

Rock Billiards Building 900 1st Basement 9230 Weekdays 12:00-01:00, Saturday 15:00-01:00Closed on Sundays

Our Home Gran Cafe GS25 Convenience Store Gimbab Heaven Double S Gym

Quiznos Dudream Chicken SNU Hair P.O.P Planners Copy Center Dongbu parcel

Facilities inGraduate


20 Gwanaksa Guide

Practice Room Practice rooms allow students to play and practice music. Piano is

installed here.

• Location: Building 900 2nd Basement (Across Gaon Hall)

• Reservation: Online reservation is available through Gwanaksa

homepage, reservation for facility use section (Every Monday

morning starting from 9 a.m.)

Gaon Hall Gaon Hall’s main purpose is to promote the cultural events among

the residents through culture, art and performances. It is also used

for conferences and seminars.

• Location: Building 900 2nd Basement

• Open Hours: 09:00-22:00 (Reservation can be made for each 3 hour


• Reservation: Visit the administration offi ce 2 weeks before and fi ll

in a form

• Fees: Residents and those affi liated with school: \100,000 on

weekdays and \150,000 on weekends

Those not a� liated with school: \200,000 on weekdays and

\300,000 on weekends

Gym This is an indoor gym where the residents can play basketball,

volleyball, badminton and many other sports that they wish.

• Location: Building 900 2nd Basement

• Open Hours: 09:00-18:00 (entrance fee incurred)

• Free Open Hours: 07:00-9:00, 18:00-22:00

• Reservation: Online reservation is available through Gwanaksa

homepage, facility use application section

Sports Field (Lawn Ground) The grass � eld can be used as a soccer � eld or di� erent sporting

activities (with permission).

• Location: Next to Building 900

• Open Hours: 09:00-20:00 (entrance fee incurred)

• Free Open Hours: 07:00-9:00

• Reservation: Online reservation is available through Gwanaksa

homepage, facility use application section (Every Thursday 9 a.m.)

Gwanaksa Guide Gwanaksa GuideGwanaksa Guide20


Gwanaksa Administration O�ce Gwanaksa administration o�ce is located in the 1st basement

of building 900. It manages the dormitories’ selection process;

check-in/out, receiving application documents, waiving form, and

applications for the usage of facilities and the money deposits.

Operations of the Dormitories for Graduate Students (Serveone) The dormitories for graduate students are operated by the company

called Serveone which manages the buildings and repairs any

damaged facilities. It is located on the 1st basement of building 900

(O�ce) and the 1st basement of building 901 (Lost Card Key) which is

the main control o�ce.

22 Gwanaksa Guide

Facilities inUnder-graduate Dormitories

Cafeteria The cafeteria is located on the 1st floor of Building 919A and

provides breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you want to know ‘Today’s

Menu’, click ‘Today’s Menu’ on Gwanaksa homepage or check the

cafeteria board beside the entrance of the cafeteria. For foreigners’

appetite, the cafeteria o�ers a special menu, called World Line.

• Breakfast: Weekdays 07:30-9:30

Weekends and Holidays 08:00-9:30

• Lunch: Weekdays 11:30-13:30

Weekends and Holidays 11:30-13:30

• Dinner: Weekdays 07:30-19:30

Weekends and Holidays 17:30-19:30

• Contact Number: 02-881-9072

※ World Line: 18:00-19:00

Laundry Cleaners the Laundry cleaners is locating at basement of Building 919A. It

o�ers many services such as drycleaning, ironing, and repairing


• Location: Building 919A Basement

• Business Hours: Weekdays 08:30-22:00/Saturdays 08:30-18:00,

Closed on Sundays and Holidays. 08:30-21:00 during vacations

• Service: Washing, drying, alterations of clothes, bedclothes, and etc.

• Contact Number: 02-881-9064-5

Convenience Store the convenience store is located in Building 919. Students can buy

snacks, beverages, stationeries, necessities, and etc.

• Location: Building 919, first floor

• Business Hours: 08:00-02:00 (next day) / (exam period: 03:00)

• Contact Number: 02-881-9068


Kitchenette Kitchenette is in building 919 to provide cooking space. All residents

are welcome to cook for themselves and to share food with their


Weight Room The weight room is located on the fi rst fl oor of the Building 919.

The weight room has more than 20 new running machines and

more than 25 muscular workout equipments.

• Open Hours: Weekdays 06:00-01:30

Saturday 09:00-22:00 / Sunday 15:00-22:00

Closed on National Holidays and every fourth Sunday of the month.

• Price: Weight training: 30,000 won/month, 500 spaces o� ered on a

� rst-come � rst-served basis

Yoga: 40,000 won/month (3 days/week)

• Contact Number: 02-881-9081※ Training wear, towel are prepared.

24 Gwanaksa Guide

Copy Room • Location: Building 920 Agorium 2nd fl oor

• Open Hours: Weekdays 08:00-23:00, Closed on Sundays and


• Services: Computers, internet, copy and print, scan, fax, and

bookbinding services.

• Contact Number: 02-881-9050

Table Tennis RoomThe table tennis room is free of charge and open to every dormitory

student. The table tennis room club loans rackets but students

should bring their own balls (balls are available in the stores).

• Location: Building 920 Agorium 2nd Floor

• Open Hours: 06:00-24:00

• Service Charge: Free

Global HouseGlobal House is a place where you are allowed to drink in the

dormitories. Global House has a section for non-smokers and non-

alcohol drinkers, so that everyone can enjoy drinking here.

• Location: Building 920 Agorium 1st Floor

• Business Hours: 15:00-02:00 (next day)

• Menu: Beer, wine, beverage, side dish, and etc.

• Contact Number: 02-881-9084

Sarangchae• Location: Building 902 Agorium 1st Floor

• Open Hours: 06:00-24:00

• Open Hours for Snack Bar: 11:00-24:00 (Closed on Sundays)

Agorium Building 920



26 Gwanaksa Guide

ColloquiumGwanaksa Colloquium, a great event for residents to listen to the

lectures of Seoul National University seniors, is held two to

four times a year. Every semester, Gwanaksa invites two celebrities

as lecturers to help students build up social and intellectual


ConcertEach year, Gwanaksa hosts ‘Gwanaksa concert’ and ‘Mini concert’

to provide opportunities for all residents to appreciate di�erent

cultures through music. ‘Gwanaksa concert’ are held twice a year

in Gaon Concert Hall (bldg. 900) while ‘Mini concerts’ are held four

times a year in Sarangche (bldg. 920). These concerts are open for

all residents. However, for Gawnaksa concert, if there are too many

people who are interested, residents may be asked to register

for tickets through online (Gwanaksa homepage). In such case, tickets

will be distributed on a �rst-come, �rst-served basis.

Global Culture Festival Week• Starting from the year 2010, Gwanaksa has opened once a year

an event called the Global Week where during that week; foreign

students and Korean students socialize and get to know each other.

Cultural Events


• In November 2010, residents from foreign countries

prepared wonderful event about their own culture.

In addition to talent shows, they o�ered students

opportunities to write their names in Islamic

characters and to experience various cultural activities.

Space 599Gwanaksa provides our residents with art exhibition

inviting by various artists three times each semester to

enrich cultural exposure.

Why&How Program• Our Why&How Program is a life-and-culture

class that started in 2011 to help Gwanaksa transition

from a place of living and relaxation to a life learning

space where students can grow and learn.

• Providing education programs with various topics

which may attract our residents' interest, Why&How

Program aims to enhance interactive relationships

among the residents and to create the foundation of

education that strengthen students’ characters in a

long term.

• So far, there have been many programs such as

Healthy Cooking Program, Making Indoor Tools to

Brighten My Room, I am an Opera Singer and so on.

More lectures are planned for Why&How Program in

2013 (twice a year).

Tending the Gwanaksa Vegetable Garden• Gwanaksa works with SNU Farm(SNU club, a backyard

garden) to parcel out the land in Gwanaksa for SNU

students and sta�. On the weekends, tutorial on

how to plant and grow crops and seminars on urban

agriculture are provided to the participants.

• Through the experience of tending the garden and

cultivating vegetables, a positive feedback of having

an interactive relationship with others and enhanced

emotional satisfaction were reported.

• Gwanaksa Weekend Farm was open in August, 2011

and currently it is being ready for its 4th year for 2013

①, ② Colloquium③ Concert④, ⑤ Tending the Gwanaksa Vegetable Garden⑥, ⑦ Global Culture Festival Week⑧, ⑨ Why&How Program

① ②

⑧ ⑨

28 Gwanaksa Guide

As a starting point for positive social change, Gwanaksa

started an Acropolis program in 2013. The purpose of

this debate program is to bring up Gwanaksa residents as

future leaders of Korea who can communicate, volunteer

and collaborate. Residents participating in this program

learn how to solve a problem through continued two-

way communication within the debate. For this program

to lead the expansion of debate culture and create a big

impact on society, Gwanaksa has been running diverse

ctivities based on the following core values:



Acropolis just � nished its 1st year with 15 members. It plans on recruiting members for the 2nd year in March of

2014 to continue on the activities.

If you are interested in participating in Acropolis Program, please visit 'Acropolis Program' menu at Gwanaksa

website during the application period. For any other questions, please e-mail [email protected] or call (02)881-

9034, and we will get back to you with the answer promptly.

Core Values of Acropolis Program

Activities Practicing Core Values

Communication Volunteering Teamwork

1. Regular Meetings - Training on Speech and Debate (Once a Week at Seminar Room)

2. Classes - Interactive Program with Professional

Teachers (Free Debate Style) - 8 times a year

3. Lectures - Inviting Renowned Leaders - 2 times a year

1. Volunteering Service Hours - Engaging in more than 20 hours of

volunteering service a year

2. Means of Volunteering 1) Selects target school 2) Sends a team of 5 members to the

school every week

1. Training - Two annual trainings in summer and

winter - Programs promoting teamwork - Debate training

2. Fostering Friendship Regularly - Lunch Meetings - Book Club Meetings - Regular Team Work Meetings at Night - Peer Mentoring

•Speaking Persuasively•Listening Empathetically• Developing Knowledge on




• Peer Mentoring between Members

• Leadership Training and Group Activities

• Cultivation of Patriotism


• Mentoring Debate for Elementary School Students

• Expanding Debate Education of Local Society

• Spreading Debate Culture to Other Universities

Nurturing Future Leaders of Korea

30 Gwanaksa Guide

The Resident Council is celebrating its 26th year and is a student

organization that aims at securing Gwanaksa resident’s welfare

rights and encouraging cultural activities. Our � rst aim is to carry

out resident survey so that we can refl ect the results to the council

of each facilities in order to improve the service. Furthermore, we

have held many cultural activities and events, considering cultural

diversity, such as Film Festival and Global Week with Foreign

Students, to make Gwakaksa as a joyful place that is not just limited

for boarding and lodging.

• Location: Building 919C 1st basement

• Homepage :

Resident Council



Hansori is the mixed chorus of SNU Gwanaksa. Hansori welcomes

anyone who is interested in music and singing! We practice every

week and have a concert twice every year.

• Registration: Refer to the homepage

BoGus is a board game club that started to have regular meetings

since 2009. It � rst was a temporarily enrolled club in 2010 and

became an o� cial cultural organization in 2012.

Starting from beginners who only know Halli Galli or Jenga to those

who are crazy for board games with a lot of board games to play

without a buddy are all welcome!

• Application Method: Online Application through homepage

Sori-Nukim (“One Sound, One Feeling”) is a dormitory rock band. The

band members are selected through audition in March and the

position is open to anyone with love of Rock music. All members

of Sori-Nukim feel proud to be part of the group. This is not only

because they have history of winning silver prize in MBC University

Singing competition in 2006 but also because of the family-like

relationship within the group.

• Location of the club room: in the 1st basement of Building 920

• Registration: Refer to the homepage

Table Tennis Club

We aim to build our friendship through table tennis. You can join

our weekly practice, M.T., and various tournaments!

As always, everyone is welcome!

• Location of club room: 2nd fl oor of Building 920, next to the Table

tennis room

• Registration: Visit club room

Dormitory Clubs

Table Tennis Club

We aim to build our friendship through table tennis. You can join

32 Gwanaksa Guide


The history of this soccer club goes back to 1990. We are proud of

our long history and great relationship between coach and players,

and seniors and juniors. We got the second prize in SNU soccer

of the athletic competition in 2010. We provide you with joyful

environment for playing and learning soccer.

• Registration: Memo board in the club homepage after joining

Baseball Club

The Gwanaksa’s Baseball club is for people who love baseball,

regardless of age and personal level.

• Registration: Visit the club homepage


We, the International Student Organization (ISO) represent students

from di� erent nations and cultural backgrounds. We felt the

need for an organization to integrate the foreign students with

Korean students, and with the University Community, as well as

to assist foreign students in the transition into Korean culture. As

an organization we focus on the educational, cultural, and social

aspects of the university life in order to serve as a liaison between

the International and Korean students through various programs.

• Location: Building 919(1st fl oor)

• Registration: Refer to the homepage

Christian gathering(SNU DORCH)

SNU Gwanaksa DORCH is a Christian community in the dormitory.

This organization encourages Christian trust and love of one

another and prays for the campus and the whole country. the

Dawn Prayers meeting and bible studies pursue making a strong

relationship with God and also encourage to associate with


• Application Method: Online Application through homepage,

Dawn Prayers meeting participation

• Contact Number: 02-884-0688

33 33


Emmaus Campus Ministry is an English-speaking Christian group

currently a� liated in an intercollegiate group encompassing

Seoul National University, Yonsei University, Korea University, and

Ewha University. With many exchange and international students

participating in our group, we embrace and promote diversity. We

are a ministry that doesn’t just talk the talk but walks the walk. Our

door is open to both Christians and non-Christians.

SNU Farm

SNU Farm is a group that runs a small vegetable farm at Gwanaksa.

Spending time away from the cements and pavements, we spend

a year with our feet on soil. Planting seeds in spring and harvesting

to make kimchi in fall, we interact with earth. Anyone who wants

to gain � rst-hand experience of harvesting organic cabbage is


34 Gwanaksa Guide

BankingTo survive in Korea, you better open a bank account,

and get an ATM card (현금카드, HyunGum card), or a debit

card (체크카드, check card), and a bank book. Gwanaksa

recommends you to get a debit card instead of ATM

card, since it is more convenient to use. In SNU campus,

ShinHan (신한) Bank and NH(농협, nongHyup) Bank have

their branches and ATMs. To open an account, you will

need your passport or alien registration card.

• ShinHan Bank Foreigners’ Call Center: 1577-8380

(Press 1 for English/ 2 for Japanese/ 3 for Chinese)

• NH Bank Foreigners’ Call Center: 1577-8380

(Press 730 for English)

Medical Expense Insurance1. Seoul National University Student Medical Mutual


• The Student Medical Mutual Aid assists students by

paying for a portion of their medical bills. Although

this aiding program is greatly helpful to students,

you can only join this program when you enroll SNU

as a freshmen. SNU Health Care Center home page

provides a detailed guide.

• SNU Welfare Office: 880-5072

• Korean Guide:

• English Guide:


2. National Health Insurance

• Do you need a wider coverage than SMMA? Or did

you miss the chance to be a member of SMMA? Don't

Worry! even though you are a foreigner, you can

also be a member of national Health Insurance. In

addition, If you hand in your certi�cate of registration

at SNU to the National Health Insurance Corporation

(NHIC, 국민건강보험공단), you will get 50% o�. The

NHIC covers a high percent of your hospital bills and

prescription drug costs.

Please visit the nearest NHIC o�ce, you can �nd more

information via NHIC website.


• Tel: 1577-1000 (9:00-19:00), 02) 390-2000 (for English)

3. Private Health Insurance

• In case you are not able to afford the insurance fee by

NHIC and have also lost the chance to be a member

of SMMA, then you can purchase a health insurance

which is designed and sold by private insurance

companies. There are lots of private insurance

companies in Korea, and most of them provide

foreigner-only services in English and Chinese.

Basic Korean Manners

Courtesy When Speaking

In Korea there are some de�nite di�erences in the way

you speak and address people, depending on their

age. In the case of your roommate and classmates, the

older person will call the younger by their name, but

the younger person should a�x hyeong (oppa) or

nuna (onni) to the end of the older person's name when

addressing them. Furthermore, the younger person

should use more polite speech when addressing the

older person.

Dorm life Tips


Taking O� Your ShoesIn Korea, people take o� their shoes when entering a

home. There is an entrance area inside the front door

of Korean homes, where you should take o� and leave

your shoes.

Being Polite to Your Roommate• Use Earphones

When your roommate is in the room it's best to use

earphones. What sounds beautiful to you may be only

a nuisance to your roommate.

• Keep your voice down when you are speaking on the


When your roommate is in, please talk on the phone

quietly and avoid using video-chat (Skype). Please be

reminded that it is always best to go to common area.

Location of the Public Telephones: Second basement

of Gwanaksa Blg. 900 (Between GS25 & Double S)

• Even a pea is not too small to share!

Koreans will generally share what they eat with those

around them. When you're eating something in

your room, why don't you try o�ering some to your

roommate? If you do, it will help you become closer

with your roommate, expecially if he/she is Korean!

• Refrain from bringing your friends too much

You and your roommate have the equal rights to your

shared room. You should respect your roommates'

rights of the room. It is recommended not to bring

visitors into the room as much as possible without

your roomates' approval. Please be aware that bringing

friends of the opposite sex can be expecially a large

inconvenience for your roommate.

• Pay attention to your personal belongings.

Pay attention to your personal belongings especially

when you put your things in public commodities such

as the refrigerator, to prevent them from being stolen.

Taking a bus around the dormitoryBecause SNU is quite large, there are places that

are di�cult to get to on foot. There are many buses

on campus, and they o�er a convenient way to get


• Transportation Card (“T-Money”)

Most Koreans use a transportation card when they

ride the bus or take the subway. Not only is a card

convenient, fares are also discounted by 100 won.

when you pay with a card instead of cash. Using a

card also allows you to transfer between the subways

and buses, or between buses. For example, if you are

coming to school by subway and pay cash, you would

have to pay both the subway and bus fare. If you pay

by transportation card, however, you would not have

to pay when transferring to a local bus.

Also the functionality of a tra�c card is built into

SNU student ID cards, and they can be used just as

the transportation cards with the same usage. If you

do not have a student ID card, you can purchase

a transportation card in subway stations, in many

convenience stores, or in the dorm store.

You can ride the bus, subway, and many taxis using

your transportation card. After purchasing a card

you will need to charge it in a subway station or

convenience store. You can also charge your card at

the dorm store. When you swipe your card as you get

on the bus, you will hear “Gamsahamnida!” (Thank

you.), indicating that your card has been accepted. Your

remaining balance will also be displayed on the card

reader screen. If, however, your card balance is too low,

you will hear “Janaegi bujokhamnida!” (You need to

charge it.) If your card is rejected, you will have to pay

cash. You can check your remaining card balance any

place where transportation cards are sold.

36 Gwanaksa Guide

Subway stations around the school

Shillim Station



MDong-Bu APT

Shin-SungElementary School

BongCheon StationSeoul National University Station


In-Hun ElementarySchool


High School



Rear Gate

Main Gate

Transportation Information

Going to Nakseongdae Station (#02)

• There is a bus stop in front of the dorms. If you take bus

#02 from directly in front of the dorms, it will take you to


• Route of bus #02

관악사삼거리-Graduate housing-Undergraduate



하철 2호선 낙성대역

• You can go to Nakseungdae station if you get on bus

#02 in front of the dorm. If you get on bus #02 across the

street from the dorms it will take you to the College of

Engineering (Bldg. 301).

Going to Seoul National University Subway Station (#5511 & 5513)

• From the three-way intersection by the dorms, you can

take bus #5513 to Seoul National University subway station.

• Route of bus #5513


정문-서울여상/문영여중고 앞-관악경찰서-관악구청-서울


• Bus #5511 travels in the opposite direction, it passes the

College of Engineering and circles the campus.

Seoul Girl’s CommercialHigh School


Going to Shillim Subway Station (#5516)

• If you take bus #5516 from the opposite side of ound the

campus and then will go out to Shillim station. This bus will

also take you to “Nokdugori” (녹두거리) where many SNU

students live.

• Route of bus #2



(대학본부)-법학관, 사회과학관-대운동장-삼성교-신림동고

시촌-삼성동 시장 앞-신화단지 앞-문화교 앞-신림사거리

School Shuttles

• Every morning, there will be many students standing at

the three-way intersection near the dorms, waiting for

the school shuttle bus. This bus is free to ride, and comes

every 5-10 minutes. It goes to the School of Business

Administrations and the Language Education Institute and

continues to circulate the campus.

Buying NecessitiesOnce you move in to your room, you may need basic living

essentials. you can buy things you need via On/O�ine

shopping malls.

O�-line ShoppingYou can buy basic living supplies from here and

experience Korean culture

• Near Seoul National University Station:

Wondang Market

If you walk about 5 minutes from Naksungdae Station,

exit 1, you will arrive at Wondang Market. You can

buy almost all the basic essentials including blankets,

electronics, and groceries.

• Near Nakseungdae Station:

GS Supermarket

Tel: 02-2039-8215-6


Questions on Gwanaksa Facilities

Q My Internet Isn’t Working!

• Check your IP Address

1. 900-6: IP Address is automatically assigned to

each computer once you connect LAN with your


2. 918, 919, 921-6: You can �nd your IP Address on

your lanport of your room. (Inquire to R.A. if there is

not any address)

• Entering IP Address

1. First click the “Start” button (시작 button in Korean

Windows) and then click on “Control Panel” (제어판).

2. In the “Control Panel” (제어판) menu, click on

“Network Connections” (네트워크 연결).

3. On the Network Connections (네트워크 연결)

screen, right-click on “Local Are Connection” (로컬 영

역 연결) and then “Properties” (속성).

① Windows XP

From the “Local Area

Properties-Properties” (로컬 영

역 연결 속성) screen, highlight

“Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” (인

터넷 프로토콜 TCP/IP) and then

click “Properties.”

② Window 7

From the “Local Area

Properties-Properties”(로컬 영

역 연결 속성) screen, click the

tab “General” (일반), highlight

"Internet Protocol version 4

(TCP/IPv4)" (인터넷 프로토콜 TCP/IPv4) and then click


4. Input your room IP address (IP 주소).(Bldg. 919: 147.47.◯

◯◯.◯◯◯ / Other bldgs.: 147.46.◯◯◯.◯◯◯)

5. The “Subnet Mask”(서브넷 마스크) is “”

for all bldgs.

6. The “Default Gateway” (기본 게이트웨이) is your IP

address, but with the last set of numbers changed to

a single “1”.

7. The “Deafult DNS Server” (기본 DNS서버) is

“” and the “Backup DNS Server” (보조 DNS

서버) is “”.

8. After all that information has been input, click the

“OK” (확인) button and then open internet explorer.

Questions regarding di�culties encountered whileusing the internet (blocked IP's, inability to connect, etc.)

- Buildings 900-906: 02-881-9080 (SK Broadband)

- Building 918, 919A-D, 921-926: 02-880-5380 (Central

Computing Center)

Frequently Asked


40 Gwanaksa Guide

Q Is Wi-Fi available?

A It is limited to SK T-World members and the

members can use it after log-in.

Q My closet is broken!

A While living in dormitory, you can face problems

which relate to broken facilities. Please do not panic,

just report the broken facilities on the Gwanaksa

homepage>시설물 고장신고 or notify your Resident

Advisor. The problems should be solved with in one

or two days.

Q I want to use the Delivery Service

A Whether you are moving out of the dorms, or just

sending a present to a friend in Korea, try making

use of the dorm delivery service. After securely

packaging the items to be shipped, take them to

the Gwanaksa shipping center, Yellow Cap Delivery

Service. The fee is generally 4,000\, with delivery

taking about three days. When making a shipment,

this is how you write your address: You can send

your luggage abroad in the dorms. Yellow Cap

Delivery Service o�ers EMS and DHL services. The

Yellow Cap Delivery Service is located at the 1st

basement floor of Building 901(Inside Basement

Parking Lot).

Q How to use the telephone in the room?

A Each room has one telephone which only recieves

incoming calls from outside lines. In case of using

extension numbers (on campus starting with 880, 881),

you can make a call without cost. Click Gwanaksa

Homepage banner for more detailed use guide.>Telephone Number

Questions about Living in the Gwanaksa

Q I lost my card key/ laundry basket

A If you lose your card key or laundry basket, you

will have to pay for them to get new one. For lost

card key, visit Serveone main control room (Building

901 1stBasement) with 30,000 Won. For lost laundry

basket, visit your R.A with 5,000 Won. Also, you will

be asked to pay for any replacements of broken

card-key or laundry basket.

Q What kind of electrical devices are prohibited at

the dormitories?

A For your own safety, electrical devices that can

cause �res are strictly prohibited at the dormitories.

Hairdryers, fans, humidi�er (ultrasonic) and small

refrigerators are permitted however electrical

bed heaters, heaters, irons, cookers, co�eepots,

co�eemakers, portable burners (butane gas),

electrical rice cookers, toaster, hair tools (straitening

and curling), “T” form outlet, electrical hot pack,

candles and any artifacts or devices that could start

a �re are strictly prohibited. For the hair tools, if

the device has an automated turn-o� system and

it is reported to the R.A., then you can use it at the

dormitories. We will announce periods where we

will check for any electrical devices and visitors at

the dormitories therefore we suggest you to not

bring them with you to the dorms.

Q I can’t write on the bulletin board.

A If you want to write on the Gwanaksa bulletin board

to report any damaged facilities, �rst we need to

verify that you are a resident. If you checked in with

your R.A. adequately then you should not have any

problems; however, if there exists any problems

through the process of your check-in or you have

entered the dormitories through the waiting list,

then you might not have been veri�ed as a resident.

If you are not veri�ed, please visit your R.A. so he/

she can verify you immediately.

Room ___, Building 9___,

SNU Gwanaksa, Naksungdae-dong,

Gwanak-gu, Seoul



Q Shifting rooms/changing roommate

A Gwanaksa basically do not allow shifting rooms and

changing roomate within one residential period.

If you have any problem with your roomate or

life in dorm, please visit your resident advisor. Be

aware that Gwanaksa provides prospective/current

residents with residency options- �xing rooms,

choosing roomate and daily habits.

Questions on Check-in/out

Q Last Year, I had Submitted necessary documents,

Should I Submit the Same Documents Again This


A In Korea, the school year starts ever march, and

Gwanaksa also follows this schedule. In addition,

Gwanaksa yearly selects its residents. Eventhough

you had already submitted your documents last

year, you should submit the documents once again.

The enrollment procedure means both submission

of ducuments and payment of the dormitory fee.

Q Can I continue living in the dorms over the


A Students wishing to live in the dorms over vacation

must �le a summer/winter vacation residency

application before the break. If you do not �le an

application, you cannot live in the dorms over the

vacations. The deadline for applications is typically

a month before breaks begin. Be sure to check the

information board.

Q I would like to temporailly Check Out during

Vacation, Should I Move Out All of My


A There is no storage room in Gwanaksa. Furthermore,

Gwanaksa opens vacancies to non resident

students or non SNU students during the vacations.

This means you have to remove your luggages

when you check out.

Q What is the Enrollment for Residency during Fall


A This payment system developed to reduce the sum

of money which you have to pay at once and to

assure students' choice for studying plans.

Q I would like to apply for BK International House.

A The Division of Welfare is in charge of BK

International House. The application form is

prepared in each administration o�ce of

college or department. (Tel 02-880-5072 )

42 Gwanaksa Guide

Article 1 (Purpose) These guidelines are instated for the creation of

an environment which is stable and conductive to

academic pursuit.

Article 2 (Reward)

1. Residents who contribute to the improvement

of Gwanaksa or who have displayed exemplary

conduct within the dormitory community may be

considered for reward.

2. Rewards will be decided by the Dean of

Dormitory or the Dormitory Superintendent upon

recommendation by a Resident Adviser.

3. The cases residents can be recommended as

superior occupants are as follows:

• in case of getting over 5 reward points

• in case of being appointed to be a major staff of

student council or club

• in case of dean’s admitting that someone place

oneself at the service of the dormitory

4. Dean of dormitory can select superior occupants

among recommended residents in just proportion.

(within 2% of quota)

5. Resident selected as superior occupant have

advantages such as priority for entering, and

exemption from paying fee for one semester, priority

for entering and exemption from paying fee for two

semesters according to the extent of contribution.

6. Reduction of penalty by reward point will be

decided by the Dean of Dormitory or the Dormitory

Superintendent upon recommendation by a

Resident Adviser.

Article 3 (Disciplinary Action)

1. Residents who have been found in violation of

Gwanaksa dormitory guidelines and policies will

be assessed demerits and/or disciplinary action in

accordance with the severity of the violation.

2. Disciplinary action will be decided upon by

the Dormitory Supervisor or committee upon

recommendation of an RA.

3. An accumulation of 10 or more demerits will results in

eviction and an accumulation of 6 or more demerits

will result in the restriction of future re-entry.

4. Demerits will accumulate continuously for 2 years

regardless of changes in student status. The criterion

for recovery of right to enter would be applying


5. Upon noti�cation of disciplinary action, a formal

objection may be submitted within one week.

6. If eviction has been decided upon, the o�ender must

vacate the dormitory within 2 weeks upon notice of


7. In the event of an eviction due to the accumulation

of demerits, the o�ender forfeits the refund of paid

housing fees, and in the event of check-out without

due notice, both residence fees as well as the deposit

in full is forfeited.

8. Actions subject to discipline and demerits will be

accorded as follows.

Article 4 (ect.) Other things not arranged in this regulation will be

decided by Dean of Dormitory or the Dormitory


※ Number of residents resulted in eviction in 2013 due

to an accumulation of 10 or more demerits : 36

Regulation De�ning Resident Reward and Disciplinary Action



Reward ActionCategory Detail Instance Rewards

Security andconservation for facilities

Act for secure residents’ living and act for conserve facilities

Extinguish a �re or �re informing, Report a suspect 5-10

Developing culture contribute to the betterment of culture of Gwanaksa

Excellent activities in student council or clubs, Win a prize in dormitory 5-10

Exemplary act display exemplary conduct within the dormitory community Report on picking up a missing article 1-3

Public life Contribute to the public/ corporate lifefacilities such as laundry machine Report

mechanical trouble of public or suggesting for improvement


Etc. Contribute to the development In case of dean’s admitting of Gwanaksa 1-10

Disciplinary ActionAction Demerit point

1. Lighting a �re in the dorms2. Theft or assault3. Check-in/ check-out without notice or the temporary changing/ transferring / renting of a room without



4. Unauthorized use of prohibited electric or heating appliances which could result in a potential �re hazard (Electric or space heaters, cooking appliances, fuel, butane gas, candles, etc.) 8-10

5. Intentional damage to dormitory property6. Use of or tampering with other residents' items(phone, food, newspapers, mail, etc.) without permission.7. Intentionally causing negative influence to the computer network - Spreading a virus through the network or e-mail - File-sharing within dormitories through an FTP or HTTP server - IP Address theft - Accessing others' computers without their permission 8. Excessive noise, public drunkenness, and other actions which threatens the welfare, health and/or safety of

other residents9. Sharing card-keys and entry codes with non-residents 10. Non-resident visitors outside of visitation hours, entering dormitories other than your own without notice,

lodging of guests overnight - Visitation Hours: Weekdays 17:00-22:30 // Weekends-Holidays 09:00-22:30 - Visits by, and the lodging of, guests during night time hours (22:30-9:00) will result in severe punishment


11. The possession of prohibited electric devices, heating appliances, or other items that may result in a �re hazard

12. Smoking indoors 13. Entering or exiting the dormitory through means other than through designated entryways


14. Failure to comply with an RA's instructions or allow a room inspection without legitimate reason 3-5

15. Installation or attachment of any kind of device or item to dormitory facilities or property without permission(padlocks, nails, gra�ti, stickers, etc.)

16. Failure to attend orientation or individual interview without legitimate reason3

17. Other actions which may constitute disorderly conduct 3-10

※ The above are only regulations for the allotment of demerits. Requests for compensation and prosecution may be pursued separately.

44 Gwanaksa Guide

Emergency• In case of emergency, call the Resident Advisor or the Joint Work

Station and wait for instructions.

• If necessary, call 119 (Emergency Center) or the police before

informing to the Resident Adviser or the Supervisory office.

In case of �re• In case of fire, the first discoverer should inform others in a

loud voice and must try to extinguish the fire using sand, fire

extinguisher and fireplugs.

• To prepare for fire, each floor is equipped with fire extinguishers.

- Undergraduate buildings have 3 fire extinguishers per floor.

- Graduate buildings have fire extinguishers located next to the


• In case of fire, immediately contact the Fire Prevention Center.

Digital Door Lock MalfunctionThe majority of the digital door lock malfunction are due to low

batteries and students must replace their own betteries. and

students must replace their own batteries. In the case of Door Lock

break down, call the Resident Adviser o�ce, Maintenance or the

Fire Prevention Center.

Door Handle MalfunctionIf the door handle becomes loose, call the Resident Adviser o�ce or

the Machine Room.

① Pull pin ② Point nozzle towards �re

③ Squeeze handle

Joint Work Station 02-881-9043Fire Prevention Center 02-881-9052SNU Administration o�ce 02-880-5181Maintenance (Bld. 920) 02-881-9047Building 920 Security O�ce 02-881-9019Building 906 Main Control O�ce 02-881-9191

Emergency Contact Number

Action Guide forEmergency
