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This booklet outlines research projects available with staff of the Department of Chemistry & Biomolecular Sciences, Macquarie University for 2014. The booklet will introduce you to the Department and help you identify research projects that interest you. In the MRes program CBMS students will work under the supervision of one or more academic staff, as they progress towards completing their degree. In year one of the program CBMS students will undertake two separate five week research experience projects to gain familiarity with research areas of interest. In year two they will select a topic and conduct research and report these results in the form of a written thesis.

 You are free to choose to select any project on offer in this booklet, provided that facilities and research supervisor are available. Clearly, the outlines here are very brief and general, so you should contact staff offering projects that interest you in and discuss your options further. There is often scope for modifying a project to take advantage of your particular skills and interests.

 Members of the MRes Committee are always available to assist students, particularly those from other institutions, in finding a suitable project amongst CBMS research activities.

Members of the CBMS MRes Committee for 2014: Dr Louise Brown Assoc. Professor Bridget Mabbutt (convenor) Assoc. Professor Mark Molloy Assoc. Professor Andrew Try

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CanceCancer technolonetworksnovel plplasma ppart of th


Membratherapeuapproximbeen notendencRecently“shotgugradientcoveragdifferencancer mthat our

b) Devediagnos

o Mako Mako Mako Undo Cham

c) KineUndertakrecombino Mako Seleo Und

ssor Mark [email protected]

er Proteomproteomics

ogies, cancers regulate thlatforms to dprotein biomhe global Hu

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ane proteinsutic utility. mately 70%

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Scott Bakau F7B334; P

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Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences  







Plasma Protein and Peptide Biomarkers (of Colorectal Cancer)

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most common malignancy by incidence and cause of death in the Western world. CRC is the most common registrable cancer in Australia with 13,000 new cases resulting in 13.1% (♂12.7%, ♀13.5% of the total 4,000) of all Australian cancer deaths. Human blood plasma continues to be our most available biomarker fluid because it is easily available and it comprehensively samples the human condition in all states of health and disease. This project elucidates the normal and diseased human plasma proteome (in great depth) and peptidome in order to discover novel prognostic/diagnostic markers of cancer onset, staging and recurrence. Unfortunately, like many protein-rich biofluids (e.g., serum, plasma, saliva, tears and urine) plasma has an extraordinary protein concentration range – some say as high as 13 logs. Great discovery opportunities exist if one can "drill more deeply". This project is based upon new technologies developed and patented here at Macquarie University.   

 Selected Publications

1. Saldanha RG, Molloy MP, Bdeir K, Cines DB, Song X, Uitto PM, Weinreb PH, Violette SM, Baker MS. Proteomic Identification of Lynchpin Urokinase Plasminogen Activator Receptor Protein Interactions Associated with Epithelial Cancer Malignancy. J Proteome Res. 2007 6(3): 1016-1028. [IF= 5.113]

2. McKay MJ, Sherman J, Laver MT, Baker MS, Clarke SJ, Molloy MP, The Development of Multiple Reaction Monitoring Assays for Liver Derived Plasma Proteins. Proteomics (Clin Apps), 1 (12), 1570-1581, 2007 [IF= 6.1].

3. Lee, A, Kolarich D, Haynes PA, Packer, NH, Baker, MS. Liver Membrane Proteome Glycosylation Changes in Mice Bearing an Extra-hepatic Tumor. Mol. Cell Proteomics, Sep;10(9): M900538MCP200, 2011. [IF = 8.8].

4. Randall SA, McKay MJ, Baker MS, Molloy MP. Evaluation of blood collection tubes using selected reaction monitoring MS: implications for proteomic biomarker studies. Proteomics. 2010; 10(10), 2050-6 (Erratum issued August 15th, 2011) [IF=4.2].

5. Jankova L, Chan C, Fung CL, Song X, Kwun SY, Cowley M, Kaplan W, Dent OF, Bokey L, Chapuis PH, Baker MS, Robertson GR, Clarke SJ, Molloy MP. Proteomic comparison of colorectal tumours and non-neoplastic mucosa from paired patient samples using iTRAQ mass spectrometry, Mol. BioSyst., 2011, 7, 2997–3005.

6. Lee LY, Hincapie M, Packer N, Baker MS, Fanayan S, Hancock WS. Optimization of native multi-lectin affinity chromatography for enrichment of glycoproteins from MCF 7 total protein lysate, J Sep Sci. 2012 Sep;35(18):2445-52. doi: 10.1002/jssc. 201200049. [IF=2.6].

7. Tan S-H, Kapur A, Abidali M, Baker MS. A Novel Human Plasma Ultradepletion Strategy. J Proteome Res. in press Oct 22nd 2012. Manuscript ID: pr-2012-007182.R1. [IF=5.1].

8. Fanayan S, Smith JT, Sethi MK, Cantor D, Goode R, Baker MS, Hancock WS, Nice E. Chromosome 7-centric analysis of proteomics data from a panel of human colon carcinoma cell lines, J Proteome Res., in press, accepted December 10th, 2012. [IF = 5.1].

9. O’Neil SE, Palviainen MJ, ten Have S, Filiou M, Gonzalez A, Hodge K, Surinova S, Penque D, Baker MS. Clinical proteomics stretch goals: EuPA2012 roundtable report. J. Proteomics, accepted April 10th 2013.

10. Cantor D, Slapetova I, Kan A, McQuade LR and Baker MS Overexpression of αvβ6 integrin alters the colorectal cancer cell proteome in favour of elevated proliferation and a switching in cellular adhesion which increases invasion. J Proteome Res., accepted May 13th 2013. [IF = 5.1].

11. Manveen K. Sethi MK, Thaysen-Andersen M, Smith JT, Baker MS, Packer NH, Hancock WS, Fanayan S. Comparative N-glycan profiling of colorectal cancer cell lines LIM1215, LIM1899 and LIM2405 reveals unique bisecting GlcNAc and α2,3-linked sialic acid determinants carried by membrane proteins of metastatic and aggressive cell lines. Mol. Cell Proteomics. Submitted August 2013.

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Dr LLouis

StruManymultimutatmuscCLICstructrely ostudy


The tResonFluorintrodonto by methospectmolecprovimodeWe athe uto mowe ca




The tfollowfollow(spec

Louise Brose.Brown@mq

uctural Bioy key physi-protein comtions. Our r

cle contractioCs. Due to tures are difon spectrosc

y these challe

gle probe s

techniques onance Sperescence Spduction of a protein’s using site

ods to troscopic lacule (Fig. 1ide us with els for how thare also workuse of brightlodify surfacean ultimately

SDSL-EPR Spectroscopyproteins, we atomic-resolthe secondarconformation

FRET - Flu‘fluorescent’Energy Tranconformation

Paramagneti(PRE-NMR)‘spin’ label, the protein ofolds and dythe Dept.

two protein swing page. wing: molectroscopy), or

own F7B

ology siological pmplexes. Tresearch grouon – Troponthe large siz

fficult to detecopic methoenging protei


of Electron Pectroscopy pectroscopy

small chembackbone.

e-directed selectively

abel onto ). The labedynamic strhe protein syking on an ely fluorescine properties ty use to track

– ‘Site-Dy’ : For this attach a sm

ution structury, tertiary anal changes t

uorescence S’ labels attacnsfer. Similanal changes.2

c Resonance). This noveas described

of interest. Wynamics1. Th

systems for wProjects in cular biologrganic chemi


335 Ph 9850

rocesses arThese complup is interestin & (ii) anze and the dermine by cds and in pin systems.


Paramagnetic(EPR) &require the

mical labelsWe do thismutagenesis

place a a proteinel then repoructural inforystem works.xciting new,g nanodiamto obtain bri

k and image s

irected-Spinnovel methoall paramagnural techniquand quaternathat accompa

Spectroscopyched to a prar to SDSL-2 We have al

e Enhancemeel NMR appld above, to mWe obtain mhe NMR is p

which we apour lab wougy, biochemistry or comp

partment of C


re controlledexes are alsted in two syunusual aut

dynamic natuonventional

particular che

c & e s s s a


     Figure 1a spin lresidueprotein b

orts on the lrmation from , cross-discip

monds as bioight nanodiamsingle molec

n-Labeling Eod of determnetic ‘spin’ lues, EPR is tary structureany the funct

y: We canrotein using -EPR, we cso used our n

ent Nuclearlication allowmeasure long

many distanceperformed in

pply these abuld suit studemistry, proteputational ch

Chemistry and

d at a moso often proystems (i) Tto-inserting iure of bothbiophysical

emical repor

1: “Spin Labeabel to the sthat has bee

by site-directe

local environm which we

plinary reseamarkers.5 Wmonds to be


Electron Pamining the strlabel to the pthen used to of proteinstion of the pr

n measure d‘FRET’ – F

can determinnanodiamond

Magnetic Rws us to useg range distaes that allow

n-house on th

bove techniqents with baein chemist



olecular levene to diseas

The switch foion channel protein commethods. W

rter group te

ling” - the attaide chain of en introducedd mutagenesi

nment of the can build u

arch field whWe develop m

used as bio

aramagnetic ructure of larprotein. Theo provide inf. We can arotein.4,6

distances beFluorescence

ne protein stds as FRET p

Resonance spe the EPR paances (up to w us to determhe 600MHz N

ques are descackgrounds intry, physica


el by largese-producingor turning onfamily – the

mplexes, theirWe thereforeechniques to

achment of a cysteine

d onto the is.

he protein toup and test

hich involvesmethodology

olabels which

Resonancerge 'difficulten, like otherformation onalso measure

etween two e Resonance

structure andprobes.

pectroscopy aramagnetic 30Å) withinmine proteinNMR within

cribed on then any of the

al chemistry

e g n e r e o


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1) Structu

Chloride imalfunctionconformatiIntracellulaactive memmembers odetermine tto address membrane;adapted forchannels w

2) The co

There are cardiovascufrom defecaims to unsome of the‘Troponin’mutations i(Figure 3).of Troponiwhich will large protecontractiondisease stat

Selected 1 Cordina


2 GoodcOligomBiochem

3 GoodchBiophys

4 Cooke protein

5 Bradac“ObservNanotec

6 Brown,Site Dir12765-

ure of Chlo

ion channelsn can lead onal change

ar Ion Channmbrane chanof this familythe structurequestions in

; (ii) what kr the channe

with channel g

ontrol of mu

many debilular and skects in musle nderstand these disorders. There ain Troponin We are dein using EPRallow us to

ein complex n, and (ii) wtes.

Publicationa NM, Liew CK

nin C charactern Science 2012 2child SC, Angs

merization of thmistry 2011 50:hild, Curmi &sical Reviews, 2J & Brown Lfolding. Metho, Gaebel, Navation and conchnology, 2010 Sale, Hills, Rorected Spin Lab12770.

oride Intrac

s are involvto severe d

es of a uninel). It is hignnel form (Fy and are usine of the CLICncluding (i)keeps the CLel upon insergating?

uscle contr

litating andeletal disease

proteins. The moleculas in the muscare now molinked to he

etermining thR6 and NMRunderstand (can switch

why mutation

ns K, Gell DA, Farized by param21:1376-1387 stmann CN, Brhe CLIC1 Chlo:10887-97

& Brown “Stru2011, 3,143-153L “Distance meods in Moleculaidoo, Sellars, ntrol of blinki

0, 5, 345-349. ouvierre, Song,beling Electron


cellular Ion

ved in divediseases. ique chloridghly unusualFig 2). Weng EPR, fluoCs in the mewhat condit

LICs insertedrtion; and (iv

raction by t

even fatal es that arise This project ar basis for cle protein

ore than 60 eart disease he structure R1 methods (i) how this on muscle

ns lead to

ajer PG, Mackamagnetic relaxa

reit SN, Curmoride Intracellu

uctural Gymna3. easurements byar Biology: Prot Twamley, B

ing nitrogen v

Zhang & Fajern Paramagnetic


channels -

erse physioloThis projec

de ion chanl in that it cae have x-rayorescence spembrane bilayions allow fd in the mev) can we co

FigureInsertionbilayer.label punderstafamily.2

the Tropon

Figure 3: Ocomplex. LCardiomyop

ay JP, Brown Lation enhancem

mi PM, Brownular Channel P

astics of Mult

y Continuoustein folding andrown, Barnard

vacancy centres

r “Structure ofResonance” P

rtment of Chem


ogical procect examines nnel, called n transit betwy crystal strectroscopy ayer.2,3 Our afor insertion mbrane; (iii)

orrelate the s

2: Our curren of CLIC intStructural stu

probe studiesand this unus

nin Comple

ur current moocations of mathy are show

LJ. “Interdomainment NMR rev

LJ. “TransmemProtein upon M

tifunctional M

Wave EPR spd disease” 2011d, Plakhotnik, s in discrete n

the Inhibitory rroc. Natl Acad


mistry and Bio

esses and cthe structu‘CLIC’ (Ch

ween a solubructures of and EM methapproach allof CLICs in

) what strucstructure of t

ent model forto the memb

udies, using sis, will help sual ion chan


odel of the Tromutations that wn as spheres

n orientation ofveals a compac

mbrane ExtensMembrane Inte

Metamorphic Pr

pectroscopy to 1, ISBN 160327

Zvyagin & nanodiamonds”

region of Tropod. Sci. USA., 20

omolecular Sc

channel re and hloride ble and several hods to ows us nto the cture is the ion

the rane ngle

us nnel

oponin cause


f cardiac ct state”

sion and eraction”


monitor 72216.

Rabeau Nature

onin by 002, 99,










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EnvReseawhat externhave analyyearscells projevinesUniveon ththis usedimBioloCoun


The genershotgexposThe ccells clearlThis and qprotemilliospectour quantare differ

AnalDrouface The rice studydrougable pots for commroots not th

fessor [email protected]

ironmentaarch in our lhappens at

nal environm two mass

ysis approachs we have pu

and seedlinct involving

s as part of aersity of Ad

he effects of up with a s

ments. The laogical Sciencncil.

lysis of tem

figure to thrated from gun proteomised to five cluster on thsubjected to

ly the most is a summarquantificatioins, generateon spectratrometric dat own s

tification of differentiallyrent environm

lysis of temught stress aff

of future cfigure to th plants fro

y involvingght signallito show usthat the m

drought municated f

to well-wahe other way

ul A. Room F

al Proteomlaboratory fo

the molecument. We wspectromete

h we use, in ublished a nungs, and dro

analysis of a large scale delaide. We a

heavy metastudy of maratter work isces at MQ a

mperature a

he right is label-free q

ic analysis odifferent tem

he right corro 3 days 44different to ry of the ide

on of more ed from mora of rata. We also softare tof those protey expressedmental condi

mperature afects plants s

climate chanhe right shom a prev

g analysis ing. We wsing split-roomolecular sig

stress from droughatered roots, y around.

nes F7B 331 Ph:

mics ocusses on eular level w

work in differers in our laterms of botumber of stuught stress temperaturefield experimalso work on

al contaminatrine amphips performedand is suppo

and drough

heat map quantitative of rice cells mperatures. responds to 4 C, and is the others.

entification than 2500

re than two aw mass

developed enable eins which d between itions.

and droughseverely and nge. ows ious

of were oted gnal

is hted but

9850 6258

environmentawhen an orga

rent systemsaboratory, ath protein chudies on theon rice planstress on gra

ment trial, inn marine orgtion on Sydn

pods are affein collaboraorted by fun

ht stress in

ht stress inis a real prob

Department o

al proteomicsanism is exps, includingand we are emistry and effects of te

nts. We areape cells and

n collaboratioganisms, andney rock Oyected by heation with Prnding from

n rice plant

n grapevineblem facing

of Chemistry a

s. We aim toposed to chplants and a constantly bioinformati

emperature scurrently w

d drought stron with colled have publiysters, and aavy metal crofessor Davthe Australi


es the wine ind

and Biomolecu

o understandhanges in itsanimals. Werefining theics. In recentstress on rice

working on aress on grapeeagues at theished studiesare followingcontaminatedvid Raftos inian Research

dustry in the

ular Sciences

d s e e t e a e e s g d n h

Page 8: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University




We are nowin grapevin

Selected 1. K.A. N

proteins2. G.K. Ag

S. KikuPlant P(INPPO

3. Thompsthe effeAquatic

4. C.G. Gcultured11(14):

5. D. Job, 6. R. Alex

strains Sep;10(

7. E.L. Thof biomMar;10

8. M. MirAtwell.Res. 20

9. D. PascOntolog10.

10. S. Murheavy m

w undertakinnes.

PublicationNeilson, M. Ms in rice” Protegrawal, D. Job,uchi, J. Renaut,Proteomics - AO)” Proteomics son E.L., Taylofects of metal c Toxicology 20

Gammulla, D. d rice (Oryza s2839-50. P.A. Haynes an

xova, P.A. Hayof the bloom

(9):M110.00374hompson, D.A. markers of me9:202-12.

rzaei, N. Soltan “Shotgun Prot12, 11(1):348-5covici, T. Keiggy annotation a

ralidharan, E.L.metal stress resp


ng a similar a

ns Mariani and P.A

omics 2011, 11, M. Zivy, V.P., W. Weckwert

An Initiative fo2011,11(9):155

or D.A., Nair Scontamination

011, 103(3), 241Pascovici, B.Jsativa) leaves e

nd M. Zivy. “Plynes, B.C. Ferrforming cyano49. Taylor, S.V. Netal contamina

ni, E. Sarhadi, Dteomic Analysi58. ghley, M. Mirzand abundance

Thompson, Dponses in Sydne



approach to

A. Haynes. “Q(9):1696-706. Agrawal,, and R. Rakwor Establishing59-68.

S.V., Birch G., on Sydney ro

1-249. J. Atwell and exposed to hig

lant proteomicsrari and B.S. N

obacterium Mic

Nair, G. Birch, Pation in Sydne

D. Pascovici, Ts of Long-dista

zaei, P.A. Hayin multi-condit

.A. Raftos, G.ey Rock oysters

rtment of Chem

analysis of t

Quantitative pro

. Bradshaw, M.wal. “Time to Ag the Internatio

Haynes P.A., Rock oyster (Sa

P.A. Haynes. gh- and low- te

s” Proteomics 2Neilan. Comparcrocystis aerugi

P.A. Haynes aney Rock oyste

T. Keighley, Gance Drought S

ynes P.A. andtion proteomics

Birch and P.A.s” Proteomics,


mistry and Bio

emperature a

oteomic analys

.J. Dunn, P.A. HArticulate a Vional Plant Prot

Raftos D.A. “Aaccostrea glom

“Differential emperature stre

2011, 11(9):155rative protein einosa. (2011).

nd D.A.Raftos. ers (Saccostrea

.H. Salekdeh, Pignaling in Ric

B. Cooke. “Ps experiments”

Haynes. “Qua2012, Mar;12(6


omolecular Sc

and drought

sis of cold-res

Haynes, K.J. vaision for the Fuoteomics Organ

A proteomic anamerata) haemol

proteome respess” Proteomics

57-8. expression in dMol. Cell Pro

“Proteomic disa glomerata)”

P.A. Haynes ance Roots” J. Pr

PloGO: Plotting2012, Feb;12(

antitative proteo6):906-21.




an Wijk, uture of nization

alysis of lymph”

ponse of s 2011,

different teomics.

scovery ” 2011,

nd B.J. roteome

g Gene 3):406-

omics of












Page 9: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University















Medical The supplysource of afor a rangosteoarthrit

Adult mesehigh numbcomparisonThe large na number othe cells.

Our group and multiplbased regenadult cell th

Characteadipose 1) Charaosteoblas

When MSphosphate osteoblasts

Cells in ddeposition

This projecharacterizproteomicsprofiling (B

If the ceaspects areextension ato implant an equine b

te [email protected]

Biotechnoy of regeneadult stem cege of inflamtis that arise

enchymal stebers. One gn, the same numbers andof experimen

studies freshlex cytokine nerative medherapies.

erisation tissue


SCs are culgranules (

, by showing

direct contacalso spreads

ect involvezing the diffs and muBioPlex).

ll culture e successfullaspect of thcultured cel

bone cyst.


sor Ben Room E

ology rative cells

ells that can bmmatory dithrough deg

em cells (MSgram of fatamount of b

d ready availntal treatmen

h and culturedanalysis. We

dicine compa

and func

n of mese

ltured in co(ChronOS:g positive Al

ct with theout further.

s culturing ferentiated cultiplex cy

and differeny demonstrae project wolls in beta-TC

man adipose


erbert E8C 250 Ph 9

in adiposebe used as aiseases, inclenerative dis

SCs) are preat will contbone marrowlability of Mnts where th

d MSCs usine have a part

any that has c



onjunction wbeta-TCP),

lizarin Red S

matrix appe

equine Mcells with floytokine

ntiation ated, an ould be CP into

stem cells un

rtment of Chem

850 6267

tissue provibasis for de

luding orthosease, injury

sent in adipoain up to

w will containMSCs in adipo

here is no ne

ng techniquetnership withcommercialis

of adult

stem cells

with biocomcells deve

S staining.

ear to store

MSCs on bow cytometr

ndergoing os

mistry and Bio

ides a non-ceveloping newopaedic conand old age.

ose tissue in one millionn less than 1ose tissue haeed to expan

s such as proh Regeneus, ased adipose d

t stem ce

s different

mpatible betelop charac

the most c

beta-TCP grry, microsco

steogenic dif

omolecular Sc

controversialw treatmentsnditions like.

n surprisinglyn MSCs. In1,000 MSCsas resulted innd or culture

oteomics a Sydney derived

ells from

tiated into

ta-tricalciumcteristics of

calcium, but

ranules andopy, iTRAQ



l s e

y n . n e



m f


d Q

Page 10: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University










2) Charac

The abilityadvantageotechniques histologicaattractive bresonance commonly effects duri

We have denot perturbequine andconditions.cells. The lcharacterizmicroscopymultiplex c(BioPlex).

If the ceoptimisatiodemonstratthe projecttrack labele

Selected 1. Blaber

secretio2012, 1


y to track celous for clin

for determal analysis. Mbecause theyimaging (Mused for c

ing MRI ima

emonstrated b cell functiond human MSC

In addition,labeled cells zed with flowy, iTRAQ prcytokine prof

ell culture on aspects ated, an extent would be ted cells in eq


PublicationSP, Webster RA

on profiles from0:172

of superpa

ls in vivo inical studies

mining theMagnetic pay can be imaMRI). Superell labeling


that particlen. This projeCs with varyi

the project wwill be

w cytometry, oteomics andfiling

and labelire successfunsion aspectto implant a

quine joints.

man adipos

ns A, Hill CJ, Bree

m adipose-derive




a non-invasin particulfate of la

articles for thaged non-invrparamagneti

due to thei

labeling undect will extening magneticwill seek to d


ing ully

of and

se stem cells

en EJ, Kuah D,ed cell populati

rtment of Chem

ically label

ive manner war, given th

abeled cells he labeling vasively in ric iron oxidir biocompa

der standardnd that workc particle loadevelop cryo

s labelled w

Vesey G, Herbions. Journal of

mistry and Bio

ed MSCs

with repeatehat the mos

involves pof cells are

real-time usinde particles tibility and

culture condand involves

ads and culturopreservation

with magneti

bert BR. Analyf Translational


omolecular Sc

ed imaging isst traditionalpost-mortem

e particularlying magnetic

(SPIO) aretheir strong

ditions does s culturing

ure n of labeled

ic particles

ysis of in vitro Medicine


s l

m y c e g










Page 11: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University


Dr Iian.ja




The projeactiv IndoComTech

from(anthidentand lcomp FruiEnvMatt

Austrof thcomp DeveMea

Cavispectpart develevelbased

an Jamie [email protected]


cies that are esses that di

erstanding the

erstanding tlop better tea

research proects can be vities.

oor and Ompounds hnology an

m plants (hropogenic Vtifying, syntlooking at thpounds.

t Fly Aironmentalt Siderhurs


ralia's diverseheir chemicalpounds as attr

elopment oasurement

ity ringdowtroscopic senof a CSIRO

elop a devicls of < 5 ppd instrument F7B 236


found in trairectly and ine sources, re

the way in aching and le

ograms descraccommoda

Outdoor Aand Seco

nd Joanne JIdentifyicompouncomplexsuch as capacity

(biogenic VVOCs). We hthesis ing a

he chemical c

Attractantsl Monitorinst (USDA (H

evelopment ogressive and st. Concerns ustralian attramatic conditiolecules is crue climate zonl stability in ractants are p

of a Laser of Methane

wn (CRD)nsing of gaseSustainable

ce capable opbv, to be ustation.

Ph 9850 829

ry and Che

ce quantitiesndirectly affactions and e

which studearning meth

ribed here arated if they

Air Qualityondary OrJamie)

ng and qunds (VOCs) chemical ansmog and aof the atm

VOCs) andhave a rangeand quantifycomposition o

s: Syntheng (with ProHawaii) and

of better luresreliable dephave been ra

actant. CueLuions affect eucial for devnes and seaso

ambient conpart of this wo

Cavity-Rine Emission

) absorptioes with highAgriculture

of measuringsed as a cali


emistry Ed

s in the atmofect the qualeffects that th

dents learn ahods.

re examplesfall within

: Greenhorganic Ae

uantifying is importantnd physicalaerosol form

mosphere. Lad from he of project

fying VOCsof aerosols f

esis, Cheof Phil Tayd Eastern M

s for the Queployment metaised about pure, in dry e

efficacy and velopment of ons. Synthesisnditions, andork.

ngdown Spns (with Bri

on spectroh sensitivity Flagship prg methane ibration inst


osphere canlity of our lihese species

and teachers

of what man the genera

ouse Gaseerosols (w

the sourcet as these comtransformati

mation, and carge volumehuman actis concernedand their so

formed from

emical Tylor (BiologMennonite U

eensland Fruithods of trappoor efficacyenvironments'active spaceeffective deps of new com

d measureme

pectroscopian Orr and

oscopy enand accuracyoject, we wiand ammontrument for f

play significfe. We are ihave.

teach will

ay be investil theme of

es, Volatilewith CSIRO

s of volatmpounds areons that resu

changes in ths of VOCs vities with

ources these

ransformatgy), JoanneUniversity)

it Fly will allpping and eray of the most s. An assessme' of CueLureployment prompounds, the

nt of the eff

ic Techniqd Yabai He,

ables y. As sh to

nia at field-





cant roles ininterested in

allow us to

igated. Otherthe group’s

e OrganicO Energy

tile organice involved inult in effectsthe oxidative

are emitted

ation ande Jamie, Dr)

low for moreadicating thist widely usedment of howe and related

otocols acrossinvestigation

fficacy of the

que for the , Physics)







n n


r s


c n s e d

d r

e s d w d s n e

Page 12: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University










Vegetation emissions msuch thingdevelopmentechnique convenient preconcentraims at ddevelop a dWe are alsosignalling a

Maths An

has sufferemaths anxithese peopl


“Constructone of simlearner musis necessarincorporatewhich mayare extremthrough to range of pplace appro

Selected 1. M. Azzia,

in the CSI

2. M. Azzi, Sagainst CS

3. A. Georgegood labothe ICT A2009, 363

4. M. CamenCompound

5. S. White, Using SmEnvironm

6. D.W.T. GTime FieSpectrome

s of Organ

emits signmay be corregs as the pnt and the of Solid-Phin situ samp

ration, prior eveloping mdatabase of Vo interested and deception

nxiety in Ch

Maths anthat a sparalysishim- or hmay be c

d a bad expiety amongsle early in the

l Misconce

ivism” refersmple acceptan

st incorporatry for teache knowledgey include pre

mely persistenthose study

preconceptionopriate teach

Publication, S.J. White, DIRO Smog Cham

S.J. White, D.ESIRO smog cha

e, M. Buntine, Joratory learningAge, Gupta-Bho


nzuli and I. Jamds” Proceeding

M. Azzi, D. Amog Chamber

ment Conference

Griffith, I.M. Jaeld Measuremeetry”, Isotopes i

nic Compou

nificant quanelated with inpresence of

maturationhase Microexpling. SPMEto GC or GC

methods ofVOC emissioin the waysn purposes.

hemistry St

nxiety is dessufferer feels, and mentaherself fromcaught in a cerience relatt the studeneir studies, so

ptions and

s to the theonce and remete them into hers to undee into theseeconceptionsnt and are liying for theins and miscing methods

ns D.E. Angove an

mber”, Atmosph

. Angove, I.M. amber data”, Atm

J. Read, S. Barrg exercise? Studowon, M.; Jhau

mie, “The Effegs of the 19th Cl

Angove, I. JamData and Ch

e, Perth, 6-9 Sep

amie, M. Eslerents of Stable in Environment


unds from

ntities of Vnternal chem

useful comstate of fr

xtraction (SE combinesC-MS analyin situ SPM

ons from Authat plants a


scribed in a nls, to great

al disorganizam starting on a

cycle of matting to mathnt cohort, ano that approp

d Construct

ory that the pembrance of an already c

erstand the e existing s and/or misikely to stillir PhDs. It iconceptions that adequat

nd I.M. Jamie,heric Environm

Jamie and A. Kmospheric Env

rie, R. Bucat, Gdent feedback fumeer-Laulloo,

ect of Elevatedlean Air and En

mie and L. Singhemical Mechp 2009.

r, S.R. WilsonIsotopes in

tal and Health S



Volatile Orgmistry of thempounds, stfruit. The reSPME) offer

in one-stepysis. Our resME-GC ana

ustralian nativand animals

number of wter or lesseration. This ma task, evenhs avoidances. It is of in

nd to developriate suppor


process of lef facts, but ononstructed wways in whknowledge sconceptions

be presents importantthat studentstely address

“Modelling thement, 2010, 44,

Kaduewela, “Evironment, 2010

G. Crisp, I. Jamfrom the ACELS.; Li Kam W

d CO 2 on the Environment Con

gh-Peterson, “Ehanisms” Proce

, S.D. Parkes,Water and COStudies, 2006, 4

rtment of Chem

anic Compoplants, and age of planelatively newrs a route tsampling anearch activit

alysis, and tve vegetationuse VOCs fo

ways, but ther extent, pa

may mean thaif capable ofe when, in thterest to mea

op mechanismrt for them ca

arning is notne where the

world-view. Ihich studentsframeworks

s. Misconcepin tertiary lethat teacher

s bring withthese issues.

e Photooxidatio5375-5382.

valuation of the0, 44, 1707-1713

mie and S. KableLL project” in

Wah, H.; Ramas

Emission of Bionference, Perth,

Evaluation of Ieedings of the

C. Waring anO2 By Fouri42, 9-20.


mistry and Bio

ounds. Thesgive clues ont w to nd ty to n. or

e common thanic, helpleat the studenf doing it. Sthe past, the sasure the ex

sms for idenan be provid

ot e It s

s, ptions in cheevel studentrs are awareh them, and .

on of ULP, E5

e SAPRC-07 me3.

e (2009) “WhatChemistry Edu

sami, P. (Eds.)

ogenic Volatile6-9 Sep 2009.

Isoprene Photooe 19th Clean

nd G.W. Bryanier Transform

omolecular Sc

se on

heme is ssness,

nt stops tudents student

xtent of ntifying ded.

emistry s, right of the put in

and E10


t makes a ucation in


e Organic

oxidation Air and

nt, “Real- Infrared



















Page 13: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University







Bio-Curreinhibcataraof bio


The kbelowindolexprehydrodemetumouanti-c


Seversynthunderof ininhibbiolokinetiof spbindieach actividirectidentiassiststudietestinaccom


[1] R

ociate Proe.jamie@mq.

-Organic &ent research itors of medact and humoactive comp

oleamine 2lows, Guille

kynurenine pw). Under a leamine 2,3-essed. This oxykynureninentia compleur cells arecancer immu

ral research hesis and biorstanding of

nhibitors. Moitor data is gical testingics, confirma

pecific regionng. In relatewith novel

ity relationshted towards ify the featut in the dees for IDO a

ng, molecularmmodated.

man Lens C





R = OGlu; [2] R

ofessor F7B23

& Medicinais focussed

dicinally impan lens chempounds from

,3-Dioxygeemin & Lov

pathway is tvariety of p

-dioxygenaseleads to inne, and theseex, cerebral

e known to unotherapeuti


N -Form

projects on ological testiIDO’s and K

olecular mobeing used

. Mutants ofation and stans of the acted studies, wstructural fehip (SAR) s

confirmatioures importaevelopment and KMO arr modelling a

Chemistry (T


= OH; [3] R = H

oanne Jam31 Ph 9850 8

al Chemisd on studiesportant hum

mistry; and dtraditional m

enase and vejoy (ASA

the major mpathological e (IDO) andcreased levee have been

malaria anexpress IDO

ic strategy. O






investigatining of inhibKMO’s subs

odeling studid to identifyf recombinanability compative site forwe have recatures, maki

studies. Furon of their ant for their

of potentre also availaand mutant s

Truscott (U

The lensto create(crystallifluorescefurther m(orange-b

H the nucl(ARN) c


mie 8283

stry aimed at un

man enzymesdocumentatiomedicines.


metabolic pathconditions, e

d kynurenineels of the nlinked to neu

nd AlzheimeO and IDO



ng IDO and bitors are avastrate activeies using K

fy new inhibnt human IDared to wildnormal IDO

cently identiing them excrther investiginhibitory kinhibitory aand selecti

able and projstudies or foc

UoW), Davi

s is responsibe an image.ins) becomeent. In manmodificationbrown or eveleus and is cataract. AR

rtment of Chem

nderstandings; understandon, biologica

ne Monoo

hway for tryenzymes in e monooxygneurotoxinsurological dier's diseaseinhibition h



OH 3-hy

KMO’s actailable, inclusite is critica

KMO’s crystbitor drug lO will be protype IDO to

O activity anfied four prcellent lead gations intokinetics, as wactivity. Thive IDO injects combincussing on a

es (Heart R

ble for focusWith age, t

e progressivny elderly tns, becomingen black). Threferred to

RN cataract

mistry and Bio

g and develoding age-rela

al screening a


yptophan breathis pathwaenase (KMOquinolinic

isorders, incl. Additiona

has been show






tive site anduding the foal for the ratal structure leads for syoduced and t

o confirm thend their roleomising IDOcompounds these molec

well as SARhese studies nhibitors. Oning synthesiselection of

Research In

ing light on the human lvely more the crystallig opaque ahis is most noas age-relatis one of t

omolecular Sc

oping potentlated nuclearand isolation

akdown (seeay, includingO), are over-acid and 3-luding AIDS

ally, variousown to be an



d the designollowing. Antional designand known

ynthesis andtheir enzymee importancee in inhibitorO inhibitorsfor structure

cules will beR studies towill greatly

Other relatedis, biological

f these can be


to the retinalens proteinsyellow andins undergo

and ‘tanned’noticeable in ted nuclear the world’s


t r n

e g --S s n




, n n n d e e r , e e o y d l e

a s d o ’

Page 14: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University















major causes of blindness. There is no way to prevent cataract and no 'cure' other than surgical removal of the lens. Elucidation of the mechanism of ARN cataract is an essential first step in the development of a preventative and/or therapeutic treatment for this disease. The human lens contains a number of low molecular weight compounds, known as UV filters (see [1] – [3]). We have shown that these UV filters covalently bind to crystallins, causing modifications similar to those observed in ARN cataract. Furthermore, when the UV filter-crystallin adducts are exposed to UV light of levels normally experienced by the lens, protein damage is accentuated. Research projects are available on further examining the effect of UV light and metals normally present in the lens on UV filters bound to lens proteins. This will include determining the photo- oxidative products and their mechanism of formation, and comparing these products to those observed in human cataractous lenses to identify important biomarkers. Research projects are also available on examining the biosynthesis and reactivity of novel UV filters we have recently identified and their possible roles in human lens damage. Our research is also starting to focus on other modifications observed over time to long-lived proteins, including the crystallins, and their roles in aging, and projects are available related to this.  Ethnopharmacological Study of Medicinal Plants (Ranganathan, Vemulpad)

Research projects aimed at working with Indigenous people to isolate and identify novel bioactive compounds from traditional Indigenous medicines are available. Approximately 25% of all pharmaceutical products worldwide have originated from traditional medicinal knowledge and the study of this knowledge is of key importance in the discovery of new drugs. Plants that have been used traditionally by Indigenous people to treat bacterial or fungal infections or cancers are the main focus of our research. Through research partnerships we have established with Australian Aboriginal elders and Indian elder custodians of traditional knowledge, we have identified a range of medicinal plants with strong antimicrobial and anticancer activities. Projects are available to undertake bioassay-guided fractionation of plant extracts using assays and chromatographic methods to isolate the most bioactive compounds. Structures of the pure compounds will be elucidated by spectroscopic methods (eg NMR, MS, UV). In order to preserve the traditional knowledge of Indigenous people and provide information that can be used for their cultural and educational purposes as well as a resource for the wider scientific community, we are also developing bioinformatics databases to integrate, visualise and analyse both first hand and public domain traditional medical plant data. An opportunity to participate in a benefit sharing and capacity building educational program will also be available as part of this research.  Selected Publications

1. Austin CJD, et al. Mutation of Cysteine Residues Alters the Heme-Binding Pocket of Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase-1. Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications, 2013, 436, 595-600.

2. Bridewell, DJA, et al. Natural Product-Inspired Pyranonaphthoquinone Inhibitors of Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase-1 (IDO-1). Australian Journal of Chemistry, 2013, 66, 40-49.

3. Smith JR, et al. Novel Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase-1 Inhibitors from a Multistep In Silico Screen. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2012, 20, 1354-1363.

4. Packer J, et al. Medicinal Plants of New South Wales (NSW), Australia. In: Singh RJ, ed. Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement Series: Medicinal Crops Vol. 6: CRC Press, 2012, 257-294.

5. Packer J, et al. An Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Plants Used by the Yaegl Aboriginal Community in Northern New South Wales, Australia. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2012, 138, 244-255.

6. Lyons B, et al. Age-Dependent Modification of Proteins: N-Terminal Racemization. FEBS, 2013, 280, 1980-1990. 7. Truscott, R JW, et al. Is Protein Methylation in the Human Lens a Result of Non-Enzymatic Methylation by S-

Adenosylmethionine. Experimental Eye Research, 2012, 99, 48-54. 8. Mizdrak, J., et al. Tryptophan-Derived Ultraviolet Filter Compounds Covalently Bound to Lens Proteins are

Photosensitizers of Oxidative Damage Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 2008, 44, 1108-1119. 9. Mizdrak J, et al. Novel Human Lens Metabolites From Normal Cataractous Human Lenses, Tetrahedron, 2007, 63,

4990-4999. Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences

Page 15: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University

Dr. Daydayong.ji 


Ourspanningmaterialsbiotechnoand indupracticalearly diaindustry.

Molpathologvery low– scales generatioThe probmultiplexcan detenanoscalcell so ev

Supespanningprinting, avenues data stora

The PhD studAdvancescience rbeen inteon NatuMacquar$617,000cancer dfollowed


The mofeature

yong Jin ([email protected]


r research g the photos, bio-/nanoology. Col

ustry partners level to c

agnosis of di.

lecules that gical conditiow abundance,

less than a bon of luminebes are ultraxing capacity

ect pathogenle. The new very brightly

er-sensitive g the fields

and superto cope withage and secu

Advanced Cdents and P

ed Medicineresearch and ernationally

ure Nanotechrie Universit0 grant to supdiagnostic kd at my webs

olecular proes as lumine

MQ Vice-Cu Room F7B


is highly onics deviceo- chemistrylaborating ws, we are wocreate new tisease and an

are altered on are geneand pose a “

billionth of aescent probesabright, low y. The probes and cancecytometry te

y-shining dise

probes wilof immunof-resolution

h the complexurity.

Cytometry Lostdoctoral r. We train technology patented, an

hnology (Septy in Sydnepport the devkits. Other ite.

obes, SuperDescent nano-

Chancellor'332 Ph 9850

multidisciples, luminescy and analywith internatorking at a htechnologiesnti-counterfe

as a result erally presen“needle-in-a-a metre wides (SuperDots

backgroundes can be atter cells, and echnologiesease cell or m

ll also impfluorescence nanoscopy. xity challeng

Labs @ Macresearch fellour young rdevelopmen

nd the breaktep. 2013). ey and induvelopment oresearch pr

Dots are als-inks for sec

's Innovati4168

linary cence ytical tional

highly s for eiting

of a nt in haystack” pr

e, our researcs) to understd interferenctached to DNshine brigh

can thereformolecules are

pact other imaging, flSuperDots

ges in the life

quarie is a ylows from Cresearchers

nt. The new sthrough resuA scientific

ustry partnerf new highlyrogress and


so found usecurity printi

on Fellow

roblem. At thch is to deveand and detee, and haveNAs and anthtly like a lie rapidly ins

e detected.

significant low cytometresearch op

e sciences, m

young energeChemistry, Pto be future

suite of technults have bee

collaboratiors has been y sensitive, n


perDots are bedding thoitters

eful to coveing


he nanoscale elop the new ect diseases. e large-scale tibodies that ight bulb in spect cell by

applications try, security pens viable

medicine and

etic team of Physics, and e leaders in nologies has en published on between awarded a

non-invasive nts can be

nanocrystaousands of l



als light

Page 16: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University

1) Na

The propeexper(TEM

2) En

The strateSupechemthrou

3) M

The SupeprobSupeoppoinstru







anoscale c

research wierties in diriences in

M), scanning

ngineer th

research wilegies in creerDots to mistry and augh this proj


research werDots to ges. This w

erDots fromortunity to uments, opto

ected Publi. Zhao J, Jin

J, Xi P, Pipluminescen

2. Zhao J, Lu Lifetime inoutside cov

3. Lu J, PaulsDetection S

4. Lu J, MartiCell SurfacChemistry,




ill explore ifferent sizeusing the s

g electron m

e SuperDo

ll explore theating superantibodies

analytical chject.

ity Security

will exploregenerate mwill expand

m 10,000 to learn new


cations n D†, Schartner per J, Goldys E,nce”, Nature Na

Z, Yin Y, McRn NaYF4: Yb, Ever) sen I, Jin D†, “ASensitivity Enhin J, Lu Y, Zhaoce Antigens by 84 (22), pp 96




growth and

the fundame, shape, crscientific inicroscopes (

ots for Ce

he optical phr bright nan

and DNAhemistry ar

y Inks for P

e the novemulti-spectrald our curr

a million. w skills ins and data an

E, Lu Y, Liu Y, Monro T, “Sinanotechnology 2Rae C, Piper J, DEr Nanocrystals

Application of Eanced by Ordero J, Yuan J, OsTime-Gated Or74–9678 (2012

d characte

mental mechrystal phase

nstruments, (SEM), for a

ell Illumina

hysical chemnocrystals, a

As. The bie the essen


l optical pl and lifetrent opticalThe studen

n building nalysis.

Y, Zhang L, Zvyngle nanocrysta2013, DOI: 10.Dawes J, Jin D: Role of Nanoc

Exonuclease IIIrs of Magnitudetrowski M, Piprthogonal Scann)



erization of

hanisms ande and comsuch as tr

advanced na


mistry to stuand functiono-/nano- in

ntial skills t

properties otime tunabll library onts will hav

the optica

yagin A, Dawesal sensitivity ach1038/nnano.20

D†, Goldys E†, “crystal Size”, N

I-Aided Target e”, Analytical C

per JA, Paulsen ning Automated



f SuperDot

d tune nanomposites. Stu

ansmission noscale char

udy new nalizing nterface to learn

of e

of ve al

s hieved by enhan13.171 Upconversion L

Nanoscale 5, 94

Recycling in FlChemistry, 2013IT, Jin D†, “Red Microscopy (



ocrystal morudents will

electron mracterization

nced upconvers

Luminescence w44-952, (2013 Is

low Cytometry3, 85 (17), pp 82esolving Low-EOSAM)”, Analy



rphological also gain

microscopes ns


with Tunable ssue 3 Front

y: DNA 240–8245

Expression lytical









Page 17: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University






CheOur rwhichsynthmolecparticbioloaction


The marinhoweenvircountenormcompand iwere activiisolatand acollecanimaand th

Biomof Na

Our total is theputatia veryreactisynthpot ranalosearccollabPictetthesesynth


Recennaturnaturfor uprodu

fessor [email protected]

mical Bioresearch inteh involves

hesis, analytcular biologcularly intergical activityn as drugs an

ural Produc

search for ne organismsever, the bronment far terpart so mous resourcpounds (biodin a recent 10x more

ity than plantion to discoanticancer acction and isoals, medicinhe discovery

mimetic Synatural Prod

group publisynthesis of

e first membive biosynthy short synthion to cycli

hesis was higeaction whic

ogues.1 This h of compouborators at At-Spengler re for kinase

hesis of other

lytical Che

nt discoverieral product fral products fse in biotechuct ageladine

ter F7B23

logy erests lie innew and extical chemis

gy and biochrested in may, ecologicand uses in bio

cts Chemis

bioactive cs is still a relbiodiversity exceeds tha the ocean

ce for new bdiversity = ch NCI study,likely to co

nts, animals over new coctivity. In tolation to thal plants fro

y of new fluo

nthesis ducts

ished the f a compact aber of a newhetic pathwayhesis (3 stepsse two aminghlighted in ch makes it project invo

unds with mANU and theeaction to mand antiangi

r natural prod


es in my grofrom a fungfrom marinehnology suche A3 and late

o 32 Ph 9850 82

n the applicaxciting multstry, NMR hemistry to arine natur

al roles, biosotechnology.


compounds latively new of the m

at of its terrns represenbiologically ahemical dive, marine anontain anticor microorga

ompounds frthis area, I ce structure e

om Africa anorophores. Pl


N CHO 1. Br2/HOAc


2. Boc2O/NE90%

and highly acw group of aly (biogenesiss) by recognno-acid derivC&E News.attractive to

olves explormore potente CNRS, Rosmake ageladiiogeneic actducts such as

oup5,6 have regus and we sponges. Wh as analoguent fluoropho


ation of smatidisciplinary

spectroscopsolving med

ral productssynthesis and.


marine  O N

restrial nt an active ersity)





nimals cancer anisms. In throm marinecan offer aelucidation ond Iraq or mlease see me


c Br




Et3 Boc S

ctive naturallkaloids calles) of the natunising that Navatives to fWe have si

o industry anring the cheanticancer ascoff. Specifine A and antivity. We als the oroidin

esulted in thhave disco

We are also iues of the fluores such as

Department o

all moleculey approachepy, moleculdicinally reles and fluord most impo



H O aplyrosH O


NH 2




palau'amin N




NH 2




H 2 N





OH  kah

his project, wsponges witnumber of p

of new naturmicrobes (in ce for further dN



Br  BocN

Sc(OTf)3, EtOH HNrt, 5 h, 44%

l product caled pyridoimural product,ature probabform the agence extendednd patented

emical spaceactivity. Thisfically, the pnalogues oflso have proalkaloids, gl

he commerciaovered otherinterested inuorescent (an sulforhodam

of Chemistry a

s to biologis incorporatar modellinevant proble

rescent moleortantly, thei

Br sce








ne N










halalide F



we use bioasth antibioticprojects thatal products collaborationdetails.

Br  chloranil/CHCl

N reflux, 8h 65%



led “ageladinidazoles. Bywe were ablly uses a Piceladine A skd the synthethis process around age

s search is sroject involvageladine A

ojects on thelossularins an

alisation of anew highly

other fluorenticancer) mamine trimethy

and Biomolecu

ical systemsting organicng, ecologyems. We areecules, theirir modes of eptrin


 NH 2






NH 2









ssay directedc7, herbicidalt range fromfrom marine

n with MST)

Br Br

l3 HN

% N



ine A”.3 Thisy using the le to design ctet-Spenglerkeleton. The

esis to a one-s for makingeladine A insupported byves using the

A and testinge biomimeticnd others.

a fluorescenty-fluorescentescent probesarine natural

hyl lock and

ular Sciences

, c , e r

d l

m e )


r e - g n y e g c

t t s l

Page 18: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University








difluoromebe used to d


Matrix Methe measurAnaspec, measuring peptide, prnumber of for expensiaims at devtheir actuaassay is bacharge andsignal and digestion o

Kinase ge

Oxystaurasproduct thaKinases arvascular andevelop andifferent ceNo specificbut this wotypes and l

Straight S

We have afluorescen

Selected1. Shengu

Karuso2011, 2

2. Piggottproduct

3. ShenguLett., 20

4. §Piggotproteom

5. MackinN. M., in 1-D a

6. Bell, PEpicocc

7. Chand, antimic

8. Scott, ACoenzy

9. Karusodynami

ethyl derivatdetect lipase

ence assay

etalloproteaserement of aInvitrogen the rate oroducing a b

f issues with ive specificaveloping a n

al substrates ased on our rd that fluoresfollow prote

of bovine seru

el electrop

sporin is a at binds tighre importantnd neurodegn analyticaell types by c protein gelould allow thead to a bette


a number ofnt compound

d Publicatiule, S. R., Loa-, P. “A one-po

2492-2503. , A. M. and Kat kahalalide F u

ule, S. R. and K006, 8(18), 408tt, A. M., and mics in modern ntosh, J. A., ChPaik, Y-K., andand 2-D gel ele

P. J. L. and Kcum nigrum”, J S., Lusunzi,

crobial activity oA. I., Karuso, Pyme B 12 model , P., Kessler, Hics calculations”

tised fluoresactivity insi

y for MMP e

e Assays areantiangiogeni

and others.of hydrolysiblue-fluorescthis techniq

ally labelled ew analytica(cheap and

recent findinscent dyes thein hydrolysium albumin b

horesis sta

highly fluohtly to 95%t in diseasegenerative dal method

specifically l stain for k

he rapid charaer understand

f projects thds useful in

ions -Kum-Cheung,ot synthesis and

aruso, P “Rapidusing reverse chKaruso, P. “Co83-4084.

Karuso, P. “Qdrug discoveryoi, H-Y., Bae, d Karuso P. “Aectrophoresis” PKaruso, P. “EpJ. Am. Chem. So

I., Williams, of extracts andP., Williams, Hreaction by 13C

H., and Mierke” J. Am. Chem.



scein diacetaide cells or in


e useful anaic activity a. These asis of a cocence readouque such aspeptides andal method to

readily avang that the hyhat are sensiis in real timby the protea

ain using o

orescent ana% of all prote states suchdiseases. In

to characterstaining kin

kinases has eacterisation oding of disea

hat are just on biotechnol

W. L., Parishd biological act

d identificationhemical proteomoncise synthesis

Quality, not quy” Combi. ChemS-H., Veal, D. fluorescent nat

Proteomics, 200picocconone, a oc., 2003, 125,L. R, Veal, Dnatural product

H. J., Lally, J.,C NMR spectrose, D. F. “Solut Soc., 1990, 11

ournal coversDepar

ate, which cn 2D gel blot

alytical toolsand marketedssays work oumarin-labeut. There arthe requirem

d no choice i assay the ac

ailable solubydrolysis ofitive to charge on real subase pepsin.


alogue of, atein kinase eh as cancerthis projectrise the kinnases in protever been deof the kinomases linked to

organic syntlogy. Please

C. R., Nakao,tivity of agelad

of a protein bimics” ChemBioCs of the marine

antity: The rolm. High Throug

A., Bell, P. J.,tural product fo03, 3, 2273-228 Novel Fluore9304-9305. D. A., and Kts” J. AntibioticRobinson, J., ascopy” J. Am. Cion structure o2, 9434-9436.

from our resertment of Chem

could ts.

s for d by by













lled 1500


re a ment


in colour reactivity of MMle collagen protein resuge can be usbstrates like i


a natural enzymes. , cardio- we will

nome of tein gels. veloped

me of healthyo aberrant kin

thesis aimede enquire.

, Y., Blairvacqdine A and ana

inding partner fChem, 2008, 9(e natural produ

le of natural prghput Screening

Ferrari, B. C., or ultra sensitive88. escent Compou

aruso, P. “Rapcs, 1994, 47, 12and Nayar, G. Chem. Soc., 199of FK506 from


earch mistry and Bio



 BSA of 1.880*BSA of 9.399*BSA of 4.700*1

25 50 75


adout. This MP enzymesfor example

ults in a net gsed to ampliin this graph

y and diseasenase express

d at making

q, M., Meijer , alogs” J. Med.

for the marine (4), 524-530. uct ageladine A

products and chg, 2004, 7, 607-van Dyk, D., Ve detection of p

und from the

apid screening 295-1304. P. “Investigatio

94, 116, 777-77m NMR and mo

omolecular Sc








10^-5 mg 10^-6 mg 0^-6 mg


project s using e). The gain of ify this h of the

ed cell sion.


L. and Chem.,


A” Org.

hemical 630.

Verrills, proteins


of the

on of a 78. olecular









Page 19: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University





Dr. FFei.liu

OrgaThe iand bdiscoto lbiochunder


now (Natumethoproficproficrequithan chem


for hmechcombspectchemtransfcomptransfenzymnaturcatalyprotoefficiin wcatalysystemChemcataly

Fei Liu [email protected]

anic and Binterest of thbiological sy

over new chelife scienc

hemical/biolorstanding of

mmetric Or

Asymmetstandard op

ure 2012, 489ods, this arecient with ciency contrre new mechone catalyti

mical systems

me 1. a) The MBive trifunctiona

high enantioshanistic detaibination oftroscopy, m

mistry. The kfer characteplex rate detfer steps mmes and learal system. Ayst, in-depth

on-transfer rient transformwater. The ysts also offems involving

mistry 2007, 3ytic centers w

u Ph 9850 831

Biologicalhis group is oystems. Newemical spaceces. Reactiogical technichemical rea


tric organocperation in 9, 278). Contea of researcenzyme-like

rol has beenhanistic insic cycle at a

s (Angew. Ch

BH mechanismal organocatalst

selectivity wils behind thf techniquemass spect

key question eristics in thtermining fa

may resemblead to first As the protoh understandreactions aremations that multifunctio

fer the opportg other co-c331. Highligwill be used i

12 Room F7B

Chemistron design anw reactionse and construion andiques, is envactivity but a

ysis: Enzy

catalysis haschemical, p

tinuing on thch currentlye control o one of theght in reactitime is a n

hem. Int. Ed.

. b) A regulated


with concurrehis unusual ces such atrometry, here is to un

his multiactors (Scheme those obsorganocataly

on is the smding of asyme critical tot could ultimonality and tunity to desatalytic facto

ghted by JOCin domino re

B330 www.c

ry/Chemicnd discovery

and mechanuct novel toosynthesis

visioned to balso creative


seen tremenpharmaceutiche theme of dy focuses onf both reacmost difficu

ion design. new exciting

2007, 46, 15

d, enantio-


rent rate enhacatalysis byas kinetics,and comp

understand thi-step reactime 2). Suchserved in isytic mimicsmallest and

mmetric ando finding nmately be de

d tunability sign hybrid cors, ligands,

C 2007). Theeactions.

Department o

cal Biologyy of reactionsnisms are fols to ask andevelopmenbe the drividiscovery in

ed Chemica

ndous growtcal, and madeveloping gn new catalyction rate ault problemsFurthermore direction in

570). Our

catalytic machieving organocatalyforming rereportedenantioselecfor the MoScheme 1) (Advanced S331. Highli447). Cregulation isancement. Wusing a

, NMR utational

he proton ion with h proton- somerase s of this

simplest catalytic

new and eveloped of our catalytic


, and metal cse hybrid cat

of Chemistry a

y s and mechafundamental nd answer qunt, coupledng force for

n modern biol

al Cooperat

th in the paaterials indugreen and susytic strategieand enantioss in organoce, the abilityn organocata

group has pmechanism

proficientysis in carbactions. In the first tive organocorita-Baylis- reaction w

Synthesis & ighted by

Cooperative built into th

We continue

Scheme 2. A pr

centers (Jourtalytic system

and Biomolecu


anisms in cheto our abil

uestions impd with mr not only rlogy.

tivity Desig

ast decade austries worldstainable cataes that are hselectivity. catalysis andy to control alysis of com

pioneered in design

t asymmbon-carbon b

particular,t trifuncticatalytic sys-Hillman (Mwith regulaCatalysis 2Synfacts, 2

counterahe catalytic cto elucidate

roton-transfer m

urnal of Orgams with mult

ular Sciences

emical lity to portant modern refined


and is dwide alytic

highly Such

d will more


new for

metric bond we ional, stem

MBH, ation 009, 009, anion

cycle e the


anic tiple

Page 20: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University






sour53, actiCheallo




ozyme Spec

Enzymeor factor in d

03, 527). Thcifically indu

4; Organic Lembled usingn established


The lonrce for deve493-535). W

ive sites (Joemistry & Enowed analysis

One of em. Biol., 20proach has berify molecuve disease ol. Cell. Pro06). Our gh the Aalysis Facestigating thymes in canymes (Proteponsible for c

lected Rece1. Dolai, S.;

culture of 2. Garnier, J


3. Stephens, Intramolecgamma-B

4. Yang, M.;Using an A

5. Patil, SN, functional

6. Yin, J.; Liproteins w

cificity: Tar

es are major designing druhis is exempuces a partic

Letter 2007g diversity-o

d to guide the

d Proteom

ng history oeloping activiWe have deournal of thngineering Ns of protein f

f the most im11,57). In ad

een successfuular mechaonset and oteomics, 20

group, in coAustralian cility (APhe role ofncer by deseomics, 2011cancer progr

ent PublicaXu, Q.; Liu, F.;

f phorbol ester stJ-M.; Anstiss, C.onal Organocatalure”, 331. B. E.; Liu, F.* (cular Nitrone Cyutyrolactone”, 2; Liu, F.* (2008Air-Stable DiazaLiu, F.* (2007)

lized furans to biu F.,; Li, X.; W

with small molec

rgeting Con

drug targetsug leads withplified by thcular conform


7, 195). Suboriented synte next cycle o

ics: Findin

f research inity probes fo

eveloped highe AmericanNews of thefunction andmportant appddition, thisully used toanisms that

progression008, 1887-ollaboration Proteomics

PAF), is f signalingsigning and1, 2683). Thression will le

ations ; Molloy, M. (20timulated basal b; Liu, F.* (2009lysts for Rate-En

(2009) Journal oycloaddition for254. ) Journal of Orgaphospholane Li) Organic Letterutenolides using

Walsh, C. T. (200cules by site-spec



s, and their ch isozyme sphe discoverymational stat

e molecularukemia (CML

model thuional drug dproach, usinrivatives thange in theecific recogcleotide mimconstruct li

sed approachbsite targetinthesis. Activof library syn

ng the Mole

n covalent mor functionalghly specificn Chemical

American C their mechaplications of

t n


synthesizinghe elucidatioead to identi

011) Proteomicsbreast cancer cel9) Advanced Syntnhanced Aza-Mo

of Organic ChemPractical 3- and

ganic Chemistryigand”, 8969.

rs. “Base-assistedg singlet oxygen04) Journal of thecific posttransla

t of Chemistry

nal Flexibili

conformationpecificity (Nay of Gleevecte of the Bcr driver bL). Protein fs presenting

design. Our gng natural pat can inde protein tagnition. In mics such asibraries of ch (Journal ng motifs avity- and binnthesis to im

ecular Sign

modificationl proteomicsc labeling teSociety 200

Chemical Socanistic role inf ABPs is in

ased proteomic

g activity pon of signalfication of m

s “Quantitative clls”, 2683. thesis & Catalysorita-Baylis-Hill

mistry. “A Regiod 2,3-Substituted

y. “An Ullmann C

d regio- and dias”, 195. e American Chetional modificat

y and Biomole

ity in Drug

nal flexibilityature Reviewc as the firsr-Abl kinaseehind chro

flexibility is g considerabgroup has usproducts as duce specifiarget for a particular, the K252 f

compounds of Organic

and conformnding- basedprove specif

ature of Ca

of enzymes(Annu. Rev

echniques fo04, 7754. Hiciety). These

n a complex en drug disco


robes for mling network

more effective

hemical proteom

sis. “Enantioselelman Reactions

o- and Diastereosd Piperidine Synt

Coupling of Ary

stereoselective c

mical Society. “Lion”, 7754-5.

ecular Science


y is known tow Drug Discost CML druge domain, wonic myelog

difficult to able challengsed a semi-ta

leads, to fic conformachieving is we are family and busing a fra Chemistry

mational tuned SAR profificity and pot


s serves as av. Biochem., or tagging pr

Highlighted be techniquesenvironmentovery (Curr.

membrane siks and meche drug target

mics in small-sca

ective at Room

selective thesis from

yl Iodides and Am

conversion of




o be a overy. g that hich is genous predict ges in argeted access

mational sozyme using balanol agment 2009,

ers are les are tency.

a rich 1984, rotein

by the have . Opin.

ignaling hanisms ts.























Page 21: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University






The swith bworldcompprojec Our PengincollabFront


The ssuprananotscaffo

Our tproteidirectblocklarge aim is

You them micropartne

ociate Proet.mabbutt@m

ein Structu

structure and biological padwide, proviplexes. Todaycts ranging a

Protein Struneering, strucborators incltiers Centre a

thetic biolo

self assemblyamolecular atechnology, olds.

team is one oins, implicattion, in whic

ks to control-rings expan

s to fabricate

will engineeinto molecu

oscopy, AFMership with t

ofessor F7B


form of anyartners. Struciding detailey, 3D structuacross medic

ucture groupcture methodlude New Zeat Macquarie

ogy- fabrica

y of proteinassemblies. which aims

of the worlded in autoimch we use th-build artific

nd the repertoe new RNA s

er recombinaular conjuga

M, etc) to exathe Biomolec

ridget MabB338 Ph 985

y protein shapctural biologed molecularures of proteine, biochem

p offers signds, and protealand researe.

ation of rin

ns occurs natThese bio

to exploit

d’s few labs mmune diseashe remarkablial protein rioire and comsensing mate

ant Lsm proates, and utiamine how tcular Interact

bbutt 0 8282

pes its uniqugy and structur maps of laeins and pro

mistry and na

nificant exptein reactivitrchers, as w

g-shaped n

turally in thological stru


studying struse and some le self-assemings and tub

mplexity of merials or deliv

oteins into oilize biophysthey organistions Centre,

ue function, aural genomicarge biomolotein compleanomaterial d

pertise in rety. Our work

well as fellow


e cell, formiuctures are ’ constructio

uctures of thcancer types

mbling properbules in the 5molecular fovery capsules

rdered ring sical techniqe. This proje, University

as well as drivcs are vibranecules and exes are bein


ecombinant ek is very co

w members o


ing well-defnow attrac

on to develo

he Lsm famis [1-3]. This rty of Lsm p5-10 nm rangrms availabls.

assemblies, ques (chromaect has attracof Canterbur

iving its internt research aceven larger

ng solved as

expression, ollaborative; of the Biomo

fined structuacting attentop novel mo

ily of RNA-bproject take

proteins as bge. These rele, and our u

chemically matography, e

cted US fundry (NZ).

ractions ctivities protein part of

protein current


ures and tion in olecular

binding s a new

building latively



electron ding, in

Page 22: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University


Acineresistarevea We hwithinstructinvolv Recomspecifand/oorigincan technproteicofacstructcatalyneces



Selec1. N


2. Sw

3. MI

4. Fa

5. RB


omic island

etobacter baant forms. G

aling their ext

have pursuedn genomic istures, severalved in biosyn

mbinant enzfic function

or relevant bnal bacterialbe involved

niques to groin crystals tors and sutures will proytic mechanssary step for


archers Ian Bobiology diture/functionders. Projeensities. Yoatory and cel

cted PublicNaidoo, Harropfrom Saccharom377, 1357-1371Sobti, Cubedduwith TranslationMoll, Sobti & MIntech. ISBN: 9Farrugia, Elbouand phenome ofRobinson, GuilfBacterial Mobil

ds and pat

aumannii is Genome seqtraordinary g

d structural gslands of Aul are ready fonthesis of ce

zymes will ns (e.g. sacioassays will strains. Ad in learniow and optiin conjunct

ubstrates. Moovide atomisism of thesr developing

tion relatio

Blair and Rvision of

n links for sects will co

ou will be lellular contex

cations p, Sobti, Haynemyces cerevisia1. u, Haynes & Mn Factors and UMabbutt “The L978-953-307-33urne, Hassan, Ef a community-foyle, Sureshanle Metagenome


poses a serquencing of Agenetic plasti

genomics [5ustralian straior functionalll wall polys

be screeneccharide binll be conducAlternativelying crystalliimise high-qtion with reore highly rtic detail to te new protenew antibiot

nships of m

Roger ChungASAM.

several protover RNA-bearning howxts.

s, Szymczyna, ae: Implication

Mabbutt “EnginU-Rich RNA”, BLsm Proteins: R32-3.

Eijkelkamp, Tetu-acquired Acinen, Howell, Harre: An Overview


y in Acineto

rious global A. baumannicity [4].

] to discoveins. Of the pl testing priosaccharide.

ed for inding) cted on y, you isation quality elevant refined the the eins, a tics.


g have recenWe are i

teins of relebinding syst

w to prepare

Williamson, Cns for Lsm rin

neered Rings ofBiochemistry, 2Ring Architect

tu, Brown, Shahetobacter baumarop, Boucher, S

w”, Meth. Mol. B


obacter bau

health threnii isolates,

er some of thproteins for

or to publicat

important p

ntly transferrinstigating evance to thtems, as wand probe t

Curmi, & Mabbug organisation

f Yeast Lsm P2010, 49, 2335-ures for RNA C

h, Peleg, Mabbannii.”, PLoS O

Stokes, Curmi &Biol., 2008, 426

rtment of Chem

umanii (wit

at due its eincluding A

he highly nowhich we haion. They ap

proteins (w

red their resnew projec

heir researchwell as prote

the strcutre

utt “Crystal struand recruitmen

roteins Show D2345. Capture”, in "R

utt & Paulsen. One, 2013, 8(3):& Mabbutt “Stru6, 589-595, Hum


mistry and Bio

th Ian Paul

emerging muAustralian str

ovel proteinsave obtainedppear to be en

with ASAM)

search teamscts to invh into neuroeins with aof proteins

ucture of Lsm3nt”, J. Mol. Bio

Differential Int

RNA Processin

“The complete:e58628. uctural Genom

mana Press, NJ.

omolecular Sc


ultidrug rains, is

s found d crystal nzymes


s to the estigate ological amyloid in both

3 octamer ol., 2008,


g", 2011,

e genome

ics of the .










Page 23: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University





Dr Cchrist

AnaReseanew underofteninstruspectthis fand bavaila



it discompand “the supassewhitesubstand rto a lthe stview




lytical & Earch in the A

analytical rstanding of

n extremelyumentation; trometry, NMfield of reseabiochemical able.

cuing Alum

e (left), Alumina

ssolves out ponents of ba“seeded” witupersaturated

ed through re powder kntances) in thresulting in aloss of $2.94tructural chato developin

elopment o

ction is the ified during

er McRae F

EnvironmeAnalytical G


y diverse, all modes

MR and FTIRarch will vajob market.

mina from H

a (top), Aluminiu

of the bauauxite (Fe2 Oth crystals od aluminate rotating calciknown as ale bauxite in

an estimated 4 billion expoaracterisationng a strategy

of a Solid P


formation g chromatog

F7B328 Ph 98

ental ChemGeochemistrygy and insntal and geocemploying s of chroR spectroscostly improveThe followi

Humic Subs

um (right)

uxite (formiO3 , TiO2 & Sof aluminium

liquor. Theinating kilnslumina. Thenterfere with

production lort dollars atn of the hum

for their rem

Phase, Silan

ilanes are eveloped a

which enablarboxylic acheir hydrocaeaction. A feny other rxtensively inhat role the rof butyl si


850 8288

mistry y laboratory strumentationchemical pro

almost thematography,

opy, and there your empling projects


Aluminain the NWestern tonnes oftonne ofleading pof globaworld's aaluminiumThe majproducedProcess”

with conceamphoteric

ing aluminaSiO2 ). The dm hydroxide

precipitateds operating ae problem i

the precipatloss of 20%t current alum

mic substancemoval.

ne Based R

establishednovel silan

led the comcid, alcohol,arbon backbofeat has yetreducing agn our studiereagent has oiloxanes. Wh spectromet

Department o

focuses on bn, and theblems. The p

e complete, flow injrmal analysioyability inare just a fe

is made froNorthern Ter

Australia. Af bauxite aref alumina. Aproducer of aal output. Malumina prodm. jority of th

d in a proceswherein gr

entrated NaOc nature of aate) and leadissolved alum

to precipitatd hydrate isat high temps, natural otion step, prper annum.

mina isolated fr

Reducing A

d reducing ne based reamplete and aldehyde, aone in highto be replicent. We h

es of humicone major flahilst theseric analysis,

of Chemistry a

both the deveir applicatiproblems we

gambit ofection anals. The skillsthe Australi

ew examples

om bauxite rritory, QueeAround two e needed to Australia is alumina, pro

More than 9duction is us

he world's ss known asound bauxit

OH to form a alumina (Al2

aving behinminate is filtte alumina hfiltered off,

peratures to organic matereventing recIn context, tThis project om Bayer L


agents. Iagent, n-buty

specific reand ketone yield, and i

ated or imprave used tsubstances,

aw. A by-proby-products , their prese

and Biomolecu

velopment oftion to thee address aref analytical

alysis, masss you gain inian chemicals of projects

at refinerieseensland ando and a half

produce onethe world's

oducing 30%90% of thesed to make

alumina iss the “Bayerte is mixed slurry. The

2 O3 ) means nd the othertered, cooledhydrate from

washed andproduce the

erial (humiccrystalisationthis equates will involve

Liquor with a

Indeed, wetylsilane [3],reduction offunctions toin a one-potroved on bythis reagenthowever in

oduct of the are readily

ence could

ular Sciences

f e e l s n l s

s d f e s

% e e

s r

r d

m d e c n

e a

e , f o t y t n


Page 24: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University









potentially siloxane bimmobilisathe siloxanimmobilisaefectivenes

Studying Chromato

An electromagelectrical fieldmolecules thamoment.

project wilusing and rgenerator.


1. McIntytetrameJournal

2. Nimmausing a

3. Nimmaalkanes3508.

4. Nimmaand pri2006, 4

5. McIntysubstan

6. Simeonarsenate

7. McIntyrfulvic ain Mass

8. WhitelaAnadarof New

be maskingby-products ation of the rne byproducation of an ss of this nov

The Effectographic S

gnetic wave is a and interacts o

at can undergo a

ll be to studyrefining a hea


yre, C. P; Wresethylammoniuml of Analytical a

agadda, R. D.; novel selective

agadda, R. D.; s using n-butyls

agadda, R. D.; Mimary, seconda47, 5755-5758. yre, C.; McRae,nces to avoid seni, M. A.; Batte by ferrihydritre, C.; McRae acids as observes Spectrometry,aw, M. J.; Battsra trapezia durinSouth Wales, 2

g importantto be elim

reducing agencts by simp n-butyl sil

vel solid phas

t of Low Poeparations

an oscillating only with a change in dipo

y and quantiavily modifi


snig, A. M; Mm hydroxide (Tand Applied PyMcRae, C. “Ch

e chemical reduMcRae, C. “Ailane or diethyl

McRae, C. “Ary and tertiary

, C. “Proposedlf-esterificationts, B. D.; McRe and gibbsite” C.; Jardine, D.ed by electrosp 2002, 16, 1604

s, B. D.; Murrayng the Late Qua2001, 123, 225-2


analytes. Thminated from

nt on a solidple filtrationlane analoguse reducing a

ower Micros


A moleby expothe effeIn gasthe sysin the gto excitprovidinavailablmicrowchromathe potpotentia

ify the effected gas chrom

McRae, C. R. “FTMAH) and gyrolysis, 2007, 8haracterisation

uction method” A novel reductiolsilane as the re

novel reductioy alcohols into

guidelines forn” Organic GeoRae, C. “Effect Applied Geoch.; Batts, B. D. “

pray ionisation t4-1609. y-Wallace, C.Vaternary: Prelim234.


hus the ideam the reactd support won. The aimue on a soagent.

owave Ener

ecule’s rotatosure to micect is dependchromatogratem can onlgas phase. Mte certain clang a separale in GC se

wave energy atographic betential to gal of GC. At of microwamatograph fit

Fish gut contengas chromatogr80 (1), 6-15.

of the backboOrganic Geochon of polycarb

educing agent”

on reaction fortheir correspon

r sample preparochemistry, 200t of groundwathemistry, 2003,“Identificationtandem mass sp

V.; McRae C. Rminary findings

rtment of Chem

l situation wion productuld allow th

m of this prolid support

rgy on Gas

tional energycrowave enerdent on the aphy (GC), my occur whi

Microwave easses of comation parameeparations. T

for the purehaviour is ereatly enhanAs such, yoave energy otted with a 1

nt analysis by taphy–mass spe

ne structures ohemistry, 2007, oxylic acids inTetrahedron Le

the conversionnding alkanes”

ration and ESI-5, 36(4), 543-5ter fulvic acid 18(10), 1507-1of compound c

pectrometry” Ra

R. “Diagenesis os” Proceedings


mistry and Bio

would be forts altogether

he ready remoroject is tht and to te


y can be chrgy. The degmolecule’s movement thile the mole

energy can bmpound over eter not othThe applicatrpose of adjentirely novence the ana

your aim foon GC separa000W micro

thermochemolyectrometry (GC

of several fulvi 38, 1061-1072

nto their corresetters, 2006, 47

n of aldehydes, ” Tetrahedron L

-MS analysis o553.

on the adsorp1515. classes in soil aapid Communi

of the organic mof the Linnean

omolecular Sc

r these r. The oval of us the est the

hanged gree of dipole. hrough cule is

be used others

herwise tion of

djusting el with alytical r this ations owave

ysis with C–MS)”

c acids 2. sponding 7, 3505-

ketones Letters,

of humic

ption of

and peat cations

matrix in n Society


















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  My rin dihow quantreseabiochmolecgroupchromlocateFrontMRes Phos

Cells gene leadinphospnetwosignadisrup Two vario Studebiochdata a



ociate Pro.molloy@mq.


esearch applscovering prcell signall

titative massarch projects.hemistry. Wecular cell biop, but othematography ed within thtiers Researcs or Honours


use proteinexpression. ng to aberphoproteomeorks. This k

aling pathwaption, then p

current projus cancers.

ents will lehemistry, chranalysis.

ofessor Room


lies proteomirotein biomaling networks spectrome. My researce work withology. Quanter importantare also ap

he Australianch Centre. Ths degrees.

omics to st

phosphoryla In cancer thrrant cellulae of variouknowledge mays. We moprofile the ph

jects are exa

earn techniqromatograph

ark P Mollm E8C 311 Ph


ic technologarkers relevaks are altereetry methodsch sits at the h collaboratotitative masst bioanalyti

pplied. My n Proteome Ahe projects b

tudy signa

ation as rapihe mutation oar proliferats cancers (

may lead to idulate signa


amining the

ques includhy, quantitati

loy h 9850 6218

gies to biomeant to canceed in cances and then interface of

ors in clinics spectrometrical techniqresearch utiAnalysis Facbelow are ex

lling in can

id switches tof various kition. This (colon, melaimproved taraling pathwaome using ad

role of onc

ding mammive protein m

Department o

edical applicaer progressioer. We a

apply themf biochemistrcal medicinery technique

ques includiilises the stacility (APAF

xamples and


to control ininases causesproject see

anoma, etc) rgeting of days by usedvanced mass

ogenic BRA

malian cellmass spectro

of Chemistry a

ations. We aon and in unare working

m to variousry/cell biolog, organic chs are heavilyng electropate-of-the-arF) and the Bcan be tailor

ntracellular sis signaling deks to inve

to delineatrug inhibitorof inhibitors

s spectrometr

AF and Auro

culture, prometry and b

and Biomolecu

are interestednderstandingto improve

s biomedicalgy/analytical

hemistry andy used in myphoresis andrt equipmentBiomolecularred for PhD

ignaling anddysregulationvestigate theate signalingrs to controls or geneticry.

ora kinase in


ular Sciences

d g e l l d y d t r ,

d n e g l c


e c

Page 26: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University






Selected respecific ansamples. Wproteomes.annotationsopportuniststudying asassessmentassays andvarying struseful for h


Selected 1. Ali, N.

in colon2. Jankova

Bokey, comparmass sp

3. Krisp Cfor prot

4. Shermadetermi


eaction monind selectiveWe can use We are ints describe thtic pathogens part of out of “unknowd quantitativressors. The high-through

ed SRM assay

Publicationand Molloy, Mn cancer cells. Pa, L., Chan, C.,E. L., Chapuis

rison of colorecpectrometry. MoC, McKay MJ, Wtein biomarker an, J., McKay, Ministic method t


Atlas: add

itoring (SRM detection e this apprterested in ahem as “hy

n Pseudomonur ARC Supewn function

ve assessmenoutcome w

hput determin

ys and 5500

ns M.P. Quantitative

Proteomics 201 Fung, C.L.S., , P. H., Baker, Mtal tumours andol. Biosystems 2Wolters DA, Mstudies. Anal. CM. J., Ashman,to assign peptid



ding functio

M) mass speand quantit

roach for thapplying thisypothetical pnas aeruginoerScience gr

n” target pront of protein

will be a mination of pro


e phosphoprote11, 11, 3390-40Song, X., KwunM. S., Robertsod non-neoplasti2011, 7(11), 29

Molloy MP. MudChem. 2012, 84

K., Molloy, Mde identity. Mol

rtment of Chem

on to “hypo

ectrometry istation of prhe systemats method to proteins’, orosa is an imrant. Reseaoteins, develn levels follcrobial mass

otein function

ss spectrome

eomics of transf1. n, S. Y., Cowleon, G. R., Clarkc mucosa from

997-3005. dPIT-SRM impr(3), 1592-600.

M. P. Unique ionl. Cell. Proteom


mistry and Bio

othetical” p

s a method troteins in ctic global cdetect prote“functions

mportant pathrch will invopment of mlowing micrs spectrometn.


forming growth

ey, M. J., Kaplake, S. J., Molloy

paired patient s

roves detection

n signature Masmics. 2009, 8(9),


omolecular Sc


that allows complex biocharacterisatieins whose cunknown”.

thogen that wvolve bioinfomass spectrorobe growth try proteom

h factor beta sig

an, W., Dent, Oy, M. P. Proteomsamples using i

n and quantifica

ss Spectrometry, 2051-2062.



for the ological ion of current The we are ormatic ometry

under me atlas


.F., mic iTRAQ


y: a










Page 27: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University












MOLECUFilamentouresearch ptechnologieprotein secfungi. Our Expressionoverseas vconduct a

Helena is aat MacquaMicrobial Haynes (pr

If you are below are alternative

Making p

We have avarious the

A considercultivation This involcomputer-cwork may levels willfermentatiothe availabwho wouldpotential e

or Helena valainen@mq.

ULAR BIOus fungi areprojects avaies for high

cretion in thegroup forms

n group) whisitors. We number of in

a founding sarie Universi

Glycopathoroteomics), a

interested inot what yoresearch opt

roducts in

a number ofermophilic en

rable task afso that the p

lves testing controlled laalso involve

l be assesseon. We invitble projects. d like to devemployers. F Room

TECHNOLe the worldilable withinlevel expresfungal cell f

s a part of thhich housesalso have


scientist in tity. She collgenesis, Pro

all featured in

in working wou are lookitions!

a fungal c

f exciting nenzymes that h

fter moleculaproduction pdifferent gr

aboratory fere ‘moleculard and ‘prode interested This researc

velop practicFermentation


en m E8C302, Ph

LOGY d-championsn the groupssion of genefactories. Wehe EDGE las HDR studdirect links

nted research

the Biomoleclaborates witof Ian Paulsn this bookle

with fungi bing for, plea

cell factory

ew fungal rehave industri

A NewBatch/Contare computthe productMany diffgrown in boosting upOur bench-technology

ar construtiopotential of trowth mediarmenter whemapping’ of

duction proteMasters stud

ch area suitscal skills inn projects w

rtment of Chem

9850 8531

of proteinp contribute es in filamene are also expaboratory (Endents, postds to biotechh projects.

cular Frontieth Prof Nicksen (microb


but the twoase come an

ecombinant sial applicatio

Brunswictinuous Benter-controlledtion of industferent types

these fermep enzyme pr-top fermentoand software

on of a produthe fungus wa, pH condiere such parf the producteomes’ creadents to cont

well for a bproduct ferm

will be co-su

mistry and Bio

secretion anto the dev

ntous fungi panding our rnzyme Deve

doctoral resehnology indu

ers Researchki Packer in bial genomic

projects/projnd talk to us

strains that pons.

k Scientifnchtop Fermd instrumentrially-impor

of microoentors. We aroduction in ors are equipe.

uction strainwill be utilise

tions, aeratirameters cantion where thted to follow

tact us for mbiotechnologmentation, wpervised by

omolecular Sc

nd loving ivelopment oand understresearch to m

elopment andearch fellow

dustry and t

h Centre (BMn the novel acs) and Pro

oject areas os to canvass

produce effi

fic BioFlomentor. Fermnts for scalinrtant gene proorganisms care specialisfilamentous

pped with the

n is to optimed to its maxion rates etcn be adjustehe messenge

ow the progrmore informatgy- oriented well appreciay Dr Junior


t! The of new tanding medical d Gene ws and thereby

MFRC) area of

of Paul

utlined s some


o III mentors ng up oducts. can be sing in fungi. e latest

mise the ximum. c. in a d. The r RNA ress of tion on person

ated by r Te’o.

Page 28: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University

TracRecoclearecurrelocatiroadbMs D 




cking secrmbinant fored from thently developion in relatioblocks. This Debra Birch,

Selected 1. Kautto

and Ncellobirespon

2. Petersoimprov

3. PetersoactivityJourna

4. Deshpafilamen

5. GrinyeTricho

6. NevalaiFungi.

retion of reign protei

e secretory pping methodon to the reswork will

, manager of

Publicatioo, Grinyer, PaNevalainen iohydrolase I

nse. New Bioteon and Nevavement. Microon, Grinyer, Jy identified dal of Microbioande, Wilkinsntous fungi. G

er, Kautto, Troderma reesei inen, Te’o anTrends in Bio


the fluorins (such apathway byds to track ssident cell or

involve conf the Microsc

ons aulsen, Tetu, (2012). Celin Trichoder

echnology, 20alainen (2012obiology 158:Joss, Khan andirectly fromological Methos, Packer and

Glycobiology 1aini, Te’o, Be20S proteasom

nd Bergquisttechnology 23


rescent Das DsRed1)

cellular prosecretion ofrganelles witnfocal fluorecopy facility.

Pillai, Pardiwllular effectsrma reesei an12. 2). Trichode59-68. nd Nevalaina Congo Re

ods 79: 374-37d Nevalainen18: 626-637. ergquist and Nme. Current G(2005). Hete


sRed1 prproduced i

otein qualityf proteins inth a view ofscence micro

Co-locproteinreticuluright: mergedshown

walla, Sezermas caused bnd effects of

erma reesei

nen (2009). Fed stained zy77. n (2008). Pro

Nevalainen (2Genetics 51: 79erologous Pro


otein in in surrogate

control men fugal hyphf identifying oscopy and

alisation ofn with um (ER).

ER staind imagein yellow).

an, Akcapinaby expressio

proteasome i

RUT-C30- 3

Fungal proteinmogram by m

otein glycosyl

2007). Proteom9-88.

otein Expressi


fungal hye hosts are echanisms. Whae and mappotential seccollaboratio

f the DsReendopla

From lefning, DsR(co-localisa

ar, Bergquiston of a minhibition on

30 years of

ns with mannmass spectrom

lation pathwa

me mapping

ion in Filame


yphae often

We are p their cretion n with

ed 1 asmic ft to Red1, ation

t, Te’o mutant



nanase metry.

ays in

of the













Page 29: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University

Professor Nnicki.packe GLYCOM

Glycomics systems function carbohydraestimated tproteins offound in alTheir capaability to “the surfacecontact.

They are t• C• T• B• Im• C• M• F

The analysrequires stechniques

Effect of s

Corticosterblood circcorticosterotime in aprelease meexposed lsecreted bconformatihormone re

We have rglycans attCBG in a involved inglycans linregulate prand availabmonitoringglycosylatiproducts byis expectedof the N-gl

Sumer-BayraProteomics 1

Nicki [email protected]


is defineapproach

relationshates (or glycato be attachef the mammll eukaryotesacity for hetefine-tune” th

e of the cell

thus integral Cell growth aTumour growBlood coagulmmune reco

Cell-cell comMicrobial patFertility is of these p

specific samwhich our la

site –specif

roid binding culation. It oid hormoneppropriate cchanism is doop of CBby inflammional changeelease.

recently defitached to thesite-specific

n limiting sunked to a speotease cleavbility in infl

g the effect ion analogs. y state-of-thed that this prlycosylation

aktar Z, Kolar0(8), 2011

er au Room E8

ed as an to study

hips ofans). These

ed to at leastmalian genoms and many perogeneity che function ol and are the

to the funcand developmwth and metalation gnition/repo


ost-translatiomple preparaab is applyin

fic glycosyla

globulin (Cfunctions as

es ensuring toncentration

driven by theBG by spematory cellses of CBG

ined the stru six N-glyco manner and

urface receptoecific site onage of the exammation. Iof proteaseThe cleavag

e-art LC-MSroject ultimaton the expos

ich D, Campb

8C307 Ph 98

integrated structure-

complexglycans are 50% of the

me and areprokaryotes. confers theirof the proteinerefore the

ction of manment astasis


onal modification, mass

ng to a range

ation on th

CBG) is an s a carrier they are avains. The corte cleavage oecific proteas resulting and subsequ

ucture of allosylation sited found thator binding. Hn the exposexposed loop In this projece (elastase) ge will be mS/MS based gtely will enased loop of C

bell MP, Ali

850 8176

n. They are first molecu

y crucial cel

ations s spectromeof glycobiol

he control o

important Nof cortisol

ilable at the tisol f an ases

in uent

l N-es of t terminal mHere we speced loop has and thereby ct, the studedigestions o

monitored by glycomics anable us to deCBG in the c

S, Packer NH

usually exules involved

lular process

etric and bogical questi

of hormone

N-linked glycand other inflammator

monosacchariculate furtheanother funcinfluence thnt will test tof native Cthe formatio

nd glycoprotetermine the ontext of inf

H, Thaysen-An

xpressed ond in cell-cell

ses such as:


e activity

coprotein fouanti-inflammry site at the

ides in generer that the CBction; to mashe hormone rthis hypothe

CBG and of on of the cleteomics analysite-specific


ndersen M. M

n l


und in matory e right

ral are BG N-sk and release esis by f CBG eavage ysis. It effect

Mol Cell

Page 30: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University


Glycabiomlarge glyca

that icharaplasmvalidaBy usfeaturbioindesig

This data p

Hayes 2011;2Campb InterFibr

The tcolondiseapathoPseudtissueinfectspecidiffer

We wuse athis in



rfacing Ana

an mass spemarker discov

volumes of an analysis is

improves exiacterisation oma, saliva anate the accursing the knores and tools

nformatic comgn for glycan

cross disciplprocessing to

CA., Karlsso27(9):1343-4 bell et al (2013)

raction sturosis (with S

three stages inisation, locaase. The iniogen to the domonas is aes (e.g. luntive organismfic mechanisr both with b

will use flowa library of Pnitial adhesio

atakrishnan, V,

artment of Che

alytical Gly

ectrometry every and recdata generat

s mostly don

isting data anof N- and Ond colostrumracy and capwledge gains in GlycoSpmponent will

n analysis. 

linary projeco create an in

on, NG, Struw

)BMC Bioinfor

udies betweSuper Scienc

in pseudomoal invasion, itial mechancarbohydratea common in

ngs, eyes, gm inthe lunsms of adhesbacterial strai

w cytometry tPseudomonason.

Packer, NH Th


emistry and Bi

ycomics wi

experiments combinant gled from e manually, m



nalysis workO-linked glyc

using an LCpabilities of eed the seconpectrumScanl expose stud

t offers an opnnovative app

we W, Lisacek

rmatics NETTA

een bactece team)

onal infectionand dissemi

nism of infees displayednfective agenut, urinary tngs of Cysion betweenin and host ti

to measure ths gene knoc


omolecular Sc

ith Bioinfor

are extremlycoprotein

making it ted

There are a available tspectrometryGlycoSpectrProteinScape

This project to work aanalytical re

kflows. The can structureC-MS strategexisting comnd phase willn, which wildents to the

pportunity foplication tha

k, F, Rudd, PM

AB 2012 Supp

eria and

n are bacteriaination lead

ection is viad on epithelint in a rangtract) and i

ytic Fibrosisn the bacteriaissue.

he binding ockouts to tr

en, M (2013) Ex



mely useful characterisat

dious and tim

limited numto help y data incrumScan ane (Bruker) an

offers the ualongside cesearchers tofirst phase o

es attached tgy. The data

mmercial tooll focus on thll improve gprinciples of

or students inat supports gl

M, Packer, NH

lung epi

al attachmending to syst

adhesion oial surfaces.

ge of organss the mains patients.

a and the cell

of Pseudomonry to determ

xpert Rev. Resp


for basic bition. Howev


mber of softwresearchers cluding ou

nd the comnd Byonic (P

unique opporcomputationao engineer a of the projecto secretory

a acquired wls for large she implementlycosylation f user interfa

nterested in blycomics res

H, Campbell,

thelial ce

t and temic f the Thus

s and fatal The may

nas to epithemine the gen

pir. Med. 7(5), (


iomedical stver, processin


ware packageinterpret

ur in-housemmercial solProtein Metri

rtunity for stual scientists

software pat will focus IgA sourced

will then be uscale data antation of enh

n site analysiaces and algo


MP. Bioinfor

ells in C

elial lung celnes responsib


tudies, ng the

es now mass tool

lutions ics).

udents s and ackage on the

d from used to nalysis. hanced is. The orithm

ics and



lls and ble for





Page 31: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University




The geno


UsinAustcoulddiseaare egrouporganand igenegenoclust


FactThe hvulneenvirpose recenworldkey usingprotemethuses A. ba


MoleMarioverlReseenvirappliA laphotocyanproduelucithesetradittrans




fessor [email protected] R

robial Gen

research inomic approa

ng Pseudomtralia is homd devastate ases are typiexpensive anp of naturalnisms supprinsect pests.ration trans

ome-wide traters involved

tors influenhospital interable. Nonronment, caever more

ntly emergedwide due mechanismg a combeomics, andhods. An al

structural aaumannii th

ecular ecoline spongelooked desp

earch involronmental ications, wiarge proporosynthetic

nobacteria, ucers of midate the me two modtional an


omics and y single-celluctivity. As

acts on all m

Paulsen Room E8A 202 Ph


nterests of aches to und

monas bacme to a numb

our multibiically contrond environml plant-assocressing infe. This well-

scriptomic aansposon md in biocont

ncing the sensive care netheless, sausing seriochallenging

ed as one to its highly

ms of drug rbination ofd essential lternative pand functionhat might he

ogy of an as are crucpite being alving sponand evoluth anti-cancrtion of sp

symbionwhich are

marine envirmolecular bdern day "fnd next

Ecology oed marine cs the base o

marine life. U

h 9850 8152

my groupderstand bac

cteria to prober of serioillion dollarolled mainly

mentally damciated bactections fromfunded proj

and proteommutagenesis

trol mediate

uccess of tunit should

several micous infectiong problemsof the mosy drug resisresistance o

f cutting-edresistance g

project in cnal genomicelp it flouris

ancient symcial membea dominantnges is linutionary stcer drugs anpecies contnts relatee abundanronments. T

basis of thefossils", usit-generation

of Marine Ccyanobacter

of the marinUsing a rap

are focusecteria. Poten

otect plantsous plant disr agriculturay through thmaging. Weeria that are

m a range ofject will app

mic technolomethods to

ed by Pseud

the pathogd be a placecrobial pathns in the imfor clinicia

st problemastant natureoperating indge next-ggenes identollaborationcs to characsh in clinica

mbiosis beers of mar

and ubiquinked to vtudies tond anti-HIVtains sponged tont and keyThis projece stable sying a combn genom

Cyanobacteria constitu

ne food-webpid molecula

Department o

ed on applyntial project

s from diseseases, whical industry. Ihe use of age are currenable to act

f important fply a combiogies, as weo identify thdomonas ba

gen Acinetoe of healinghogens con

mmunocompans. Acinetoatic hospitae. This projen clinical Ageneration tified by san with A/Pcterize lateraal settings.

etween sporine ecosysitous comparious sciebiotechnol

V products dge-specific

free-livingy primary

cts aims toymbiosis ofbination of

mics and

eria in Austute up to twb, the activiar diagnosti

of Chemistry a

ying high tts include:

ease ch, if left unIn modern agrochemicaltly investigas biocontr

fungal, bactination of nell as innovae key genes


obacter baand care fo

ntinue to ppromised pabacter baum

al acquired ect aims to A. baumann

transcriptoaturation m

Prof. Bridgeally-acquire

onges and bstems that onent of thentific aspogical and

derived from


tralian Watewo thirds of ity of these ic we will p

and Biomolecu


nchecked, agriculture ls, which

gating a rol terial, viral ext- ative s and gene

umannii or the most plague this atients that mannii has pathogens define the

nii isolates omics and

mutagenesis et Mabbutt ed genes in

bacteria are often

he sea bed. pects from d medical m sponges.

ers all marine organisms

perform the

ular Sciences

Page 32: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University







first survcyanobactisolates winvolved multidiscigenerationdistributiofactors thapredicting

Coal: proUsing natureducing moisture microbial coal, butdegradatiofacilitates bioinformthe project

Life in a gThe thick fibrosis (Cfor chronaeruginosone of theCF lungs. Super ScieidentifyingaeruginosWhole gebacterial tand virule

Selected 1. Lop

into 8: e

2. HassHom

3. Palehori

4. Myefrom

5. Paleadap

vey of thteria along will be sele

in adaptaplinary proj

n moleculaon of locaat affect theg the impact

karyotic piural gas, raCO2 emissand sufficactivity. To

t have noon of the c

the produatics technit aims to ide

gluey stickymucus that

CF) patientsnic bacteria, an oppo main and mAs a part o

ence projecg specific aa during ch

enome transtranscriptomence in CF lu

Publicationer et al. (2012diversity and

1002784. san et al. (20

meostasis in Aenik et al. (izontal gene trers et al. (200m the animal penik et al. (ptation to a co


he environmecosystem

ected for fuation to

oject that war techniqully adapted

e abundances of climate

ioneers (wiather than csions and cient nutritio date, we

ot identifiecoal, not onuction of iques and aentify these

y mess (wit forms in ths provides aal infectio

ortunistic humost succesof the multict, this studyadaptationshronic CFscriptomic

me will be aung mucus.

ns 2) Comparativ

d inheritance o

011) Roles ofcinetobacter s2009) Coasta

ransfer and pla07) Genome pathogen Dich2006) Genom

oastal environm


mental disgradients o

further studtropical a

will combineues to und ‘ecotypee and activie change on

ith CSIRO)coal for eleccombating ion is avaihave identi

ed those mnly underpinatural ga

an establishe early pione

ith Packer,he lungs ofa breeding gon. Pseudouman pathossful colonisidisciplinaryy will be aimdevelopedinfections,analysis usapplied to i.

ve genomics oof traits involv

f DHA2 Famispp. J Mol Mial Synechocoasmids in popsequence and

helobacter nodme sequencement. Proc. N


stributionof the Austrdy to identiand tempere elementsnderstand

es’. Understy of these

n our local m

) ctricity genclimate chilable, natuified the typmicrobial pins the micas. Usinghed coal-degeers and how

Super Scicystic ground

omonas ogen is sers in y ARC med at by P. including

sing RNA-identify gen

of plant-assocved in multitro

ily Transporteicrobiol Biotecoccus metageulation divers

d identificatiodosus. Naturee of Synechoatl. Acad. Sci


rtment of Chem

of marineralian Coasify key genrate habitaof fieldworthe spatia

standing thorganisms i

marine resou

eration provange. In coural gas ispes of micrpioneers wcrobial comculturing,

grading micw they degr

ence team)

P. aerugin

its ability tSeq to seqnes importa

iated Pseudomophic interactio

ers in Drug Rchnol. 20: 116nome revealsity. Env. Micrn of candidatBiotechnolog

ococcus CC93., USA 103: 1


mistry and Bio

e Synechocst. Represennes and prats. This rk with theal and sehe environmis fundamenurces.

vides a meoal seams s produced robes that iwhose metmmunity bu

sequencingcrobial conrade coal.


nosa biofilm im

to form bioquence the ant for adap

monas spp: inions. PLoS Ge

Resistance and6-24. s major rolero.11: 349-59te vaccine an

gy 25:569-575311: Insights



omolecular Sc

coccus ntative roteins

is a e latest asonal mental ntal to

ans of where

from inhabit tabolic ut also g and



ofilms. entire


nsights enetics

d Iron

es for .

ntigens 5. s into









Page 33: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University











BioiOur rto unbiomgroupbiolo


Alterexpreprotegene pionefruitf

The msplici







fessor Shoa.ranganathan@

nformaticresearch area

nderstand howmolecular, bio

p focusses gy and biodi

rnative Spl

rnative pre-mession in higins by alternproducts can

eered the usefly, chicken c

major alternaing graph for

exon skippi

y are some ysis of the imal” exons


retome Dat

etory-secretoning from bases. ES proant for para

ected tropicaocerciasis, auction or eco

nt transcriptical pathwavention, the d at develrimentally id

ping diseaelations ping disease tional conseqology and cltion of the

oba [email protected]

cs and Com

a is Bioinformw biological omedical anon comparaiversity analy

icing and H

mRNA spligher eukarynative usagen be specifice of graph thcompared to

ative splicingrmalism:

ing (cassette

exons skippinformation and “disea

tabase of H

ory (ES) probacteria to hoteins consitasitic organ

al diseases, sascariasis andonomic losses

tomic and pys to genersecretome ooping a se

dentified ES p

ase gene m

mutations tquences of tlinical manifgenotype. R

anathan F7B121 Ph 98


matics, whicsystems fun

d chemicalative genomysis.

Human Dis

icing is anyotes. A singe of exons oc to tissue, dheory for genmouse and h

g events invo

e exon) a

ped and somn content ofse-related”

Helminth Pa

teins are an human beintute the sec

nisms. Helmsuch as ancyd strongyloids to farmers

roteomic anrate ES proof helminthearchable hproteins.

mutations to

o the structuthese mutatiofestations ofRecently, w

850 6262

l Bioscienc

ch is the appnction. Bioinsciences, us

me sequence


n important gle gene pror introns wdevelopmentnome-wide ahuman (1) an

olved in hum

and 2. int

me intronsf the regionsalternatively


important cngs, and arecretome of

minth parasitylostomatosidiasis in humas well as to

nalysis (2) hoducts. To parasites ne

helminth pa

o protein s

ure of the prons and thus

f the diseasewe studied m

Department o


lication of conformatics adsing compute analysis, c

mechanismroduces sevewithin pre-mtal stage, andanalysis of and more recen

man diseases

tron retentio

ignored? As surroundingy spliced ex

class of protee potential d

any organises are respis, necatoriamans and ot

o animal and

has shown thidentify no

eeds to be coarasite secr

structure fo

rotein can hes indirectly,, including p

mutations in

of Chemistry a

omputationaddresses key ational apprcomputationa

m for contreral function

mRNA transcd disease staalternative spntly, the cow

are shown b


A detailed geg the splice xons could

eins in manydrug targets sm and are onsible for

asis, lymphatthers can caplant industr

hat parasitesovel genes ompiled. Thretome dat

or genome

elp in underthe finer as

phenotypic s the gene

and Biomolecu

al approachesproblems in

roaches. Oural structural

rolling genenally diversecripts. Theseate. We haveplicing in thew.

below, in the

enome-widesites for allprovide the

y organisms, for several particularlya range of

tic filariasis,ause massiveries.

s adopt non-for parasite

his project istabase with


rstanding thespects of theseverity as a(MAN2B1),

ular Sciences

s n r l

e e e e e


e l e

, l y f , e

- e s h


e e a

Page 34: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University















encoding dysfunction

We would OMIA andas mutation


Australia cis recognisfertility ofgeographicbeneficial mbioactives medicinal prelated to medicinal p

This projehabitats and

Selected 1. V. Kha

Drug D2. E. Chac

chicken3. M.W. R

and proassociat1907.

4. J. GaikprototypBioinfo

lysosomal αnal or non-fu

like to extend PDB databanal hotspots.

ng Australis of their b

covers a diveed as a mega

f the continc isolation, mmedicinal efpresent in

plant knowletaxonomy, p

plant species

ect aims to d then correl

Publicationanna, S. Ranga

Dev. Res., 2011,cko, S. Rangann, compared to hRobinson, R. Moteomic analysted with invasi

kwad, V. Khanpe for integrarmatics, 2008,

α-D-mannosunctional pro

nd this approases, to pred

an aborigibioactive co

erse range ofadiverse coun

nent and itsmuch of Austffects of plathe plant. Wedge into a dphytochemis as well as im

organize Alate the locat

ns anathan “Molec 27, 74-84

nathan “Comprehuman and mou

Menon, S.M. Dosis of the secon and infectio

nna, S. Vemulpating Australia9, Suppl 12, S2



idase, causotein and resu






oach to othedict regions p

nal plant houmpound

f habitats, frountry. Due to

extremely tralia's biota

ant materialsWe have intdatabase, CMstry, biogeogmages of ind

Australian abtion attribute

cular Similarity

ehensive splicinuse” BMC Gen

onnelly, J.P. Dacretome of theon of the mamm

pad, J. Jamie,an Aboriginal25.


ing impropulting in the

H200N R

Missense  H72L


Nonsense E53X W77X

MAN2B1 5' 157 - 323 56



sertions 293–294 insA 3

er human disprone to dise

abitats witds

om alpine hethe great agvariable weis unique antypically re

tegrated AuMKb (4). Tgraphy, biol

dividual spec

boriginal mes to the bioac

y and Diversity

ng graph analyomics, 2009, 10

alton, S. Rangane helminth pathmalian host” M

J. Kohen, S. R customary m

rtment of Chem

er coding adisease α-ma

R227W F320L P356R



R188X Y359X Y

2 - 679 961 - 1204 1383

965delAT 1748del4

22–323 insA 1076–1077 ins

eases, using ease-causing

h the struc

aths to tropige and conseqeather patternd diverse. Itesult from thstralian Abohe database ogical activiies.

edicinal planctives identif

y Approaches i

sis of alternativ0, Suppl 1, S5. nathan “An intehogen, Fasciol

Mol. Cell Proteo

Ranganathan “medicinal plan


mistry and Bio

and resultinannosidosis.

E402K G801D

 L518P W714R R750W

Y461X E563X

3 - 1815 2140 - 2746

4 1815delA 2548delC

sA 1153–1154 insA 1197

data from Og mutations,

cture and

ical rainforesquent low lerns and lonIt is known the combinatioriginal custstores infor

vities of cust

nts based onfied.

in Chemoinform

ve splicing patt

egrated transcriola hepatica: pomics, 2009, 8,

“CMKb: a webnt knowledge”

omolecular Sc

ng in

D L809P





7–1198 insA

OMIM, known

sts, and evels of ng-term that the ions of tomary mation tomary

n their


terns in

iptomic proteins , 1891–

b-based BMC







Page 35: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University



















Dr Anwaanwar.sunna



MOLECUThe reseabiotechnolindustrial eis mediatesecond aspenvironmeand identifincreasingl

Peptide mMost of thhave reliedgroups witcorrespondthe reductilinkers wiinexpensivthese mateadopt an osurfaces. Twide range

Fig. 1 Diagmatrix imm

ar Sunna [email protected]

ULAR BIOarch interestlogical relevenzymes anded through ppect of our rental and clinfy microorgly important

mediated she methods ad on non-spethin proteinsding proteinsion or loss oith high binve silica-conterials can be ptimal confo

This project ie of inorgani

grammatic repmobilization. L

u Room E8C2

TECHNOLt in my labvant proteind proteins topeptide affinesearch is denical pathoganisms that in clinical m

olid matrixavailable for ecific adsorps with approps are attachedf the proteinnding affinitaining materattributed to ormation for s aimed at scc solid matri

presentation oLower panel re


07, Ph 9850 4

LOGY boratory is

ns. Currentlyo different innity and seleevelopment

gens. The reare capable

medicine, env

x immobilizimmobilizin

ption or on tpriate reactivd to the surf

n’s biologicality to a larrials. The strthe flexibilitbinding sub

creening andices.

of enzyme recyepresents a rea

rtment of Chem


protein bioy we are fonorganic soliected througof rapid moquirement to of causing

vironmental s

zation of png proteins ohe reaction ove groups onface in a ranl activity. Wrge range orong bindingty and plasticstrates with

d characterize

ycling using pal time assay p

mistry and Bio

ochemistry aocusing on d matrices. Tgh phage dilecular deteco rapidly aninfectious d


rotein onto solid suof naturally n the matrix.dom orientate have develf commerci

g affinity of tcity of the pedifferently she new peptid

peptide linker performed at 6

omolecular Sc

and applicaimmobiliza

The immobiisplay screenction techniqnd accuratelydisease has band biosecu

upports traditoccurring ch

. In both cation that maloped smart ially availabthe peptide lieptide allowihaped topolo

des with affin

r technology a60ºC.


tion of ation of ilization ning. A ques for y detect become


tionally hemical

ases, the y cause peptide

ble and inker to ing it to ogies or nity to a

and solid

Page 36: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University










Rapid soThe requirincreasing,because of a rapid diaginstrumentculturing. Tusing isothunskilled ominutes wi


Selected . Sunna, Ch

materials. . Gunasekar


. Sunna, ChParasitolog

. Laczka, SkELISA-typCryptospo

. Stelting, BADP : A s

. Sunna. (20CsMan26 200.

lid-state derement for r, partly becaf increased cognostic test sation. This pThe technolohermal amplioperator. Thith virtually n

2 Solid-Phase

Publicatiohi and BergquNew Biotechnran, Bergquistant Qβ replic59. hi and Bergqgy Research 1killman, Ditcpe screen pridium parvum

Burns, Sunna, table inoculan010). Modularfrom Caldice


etection ofrapid, cost-efause of increoncerns abousystem that dproject is aimogy is based ification to lhis will enabno equipmen

e RNA captur

ns uist. (2013). Anology 30:485t and Sunna. (ase heterotetr

quist. (2013)112:2441-2452ham, Hamdor

printed electm oocysts. JoVisnovsky an

nt for the biorer organisationellulosiruptor



f pathogenffective miceased stringeut import/expdoes not rely

med at rapid don the solid

lower the deble the detent.

re and sensitiv

A linker pepti5-492. (2013). Facileramer comple

). Efficient c2. rf, Wong, Betrode-based pournal of Mic

and Bunt. (201emediation ofn and function

Rt8B.4. App

rtment of Chem

s crobial moniency in the port restrictioy on current cdetection of d-state proceetection levelection of spe

ve isothermal

ide with high

e production aex. Applied

capture of pa

ergquist and Spotentiometrirobiological M12). Immobilif atrazine Apnal analysis oplied Microbio


mistry and Bio

toring systemregulatory g

ons. There iscultivation mpathogens wssing of the l of the test ecific pathog


affinity towa

nd rapid purifBiochemistry

athogens with

Sunna. (2013)c assay to

Methods 95:18ization of Pseplied Clay Scf dissected mology and Bio


omolecular Sc

ms for induguidelines bus an unmet ne

methods or cowithout the ne

potential pain the handsgens within


ards silica-con

fication of funy and Biotech

th a zeolite

). Applicationthe detecti

82-185. eudomonas spcience 64:90-9

modular -manotechnology 8


ustry is ut also eed for omplex eed for

athogen s of an



nctional hnology


n of an ion of

p. strain 93. nnanase 86:189-












Page 37: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University







OrgaThe pof a grouporiendesigSeverexamcolorresoluTrögeavailainterdmode


We achiralhave place

We ato presilicathe right,by Montthe falwaymaterenantexpecchiral



ociate [email protected]

anic Synthproperties ofmolecule ar

ps. Organintation of fungning new maral projects

mples of orimetric/fluorution of enaer’s base enaable for a ddisciplinary ern instrumen

ality Transle National

are interestedl hybrid siliccontrol over

ement of a va

aim to use epare a rang

as of the typSEM imag, which werour collabtpellier; the fibre-like buys right-handrials obtainetiomer was cted to find al chromatogr

linear Opti

ecules bearinugated pathwviour. NLOerties of laserials are of gant to applic

ofessor F7B228

hesis of Ff a material re, in turn, ac synthesis

nctional grouaterials. are availabl

other researrescent sensantiomers, thantiomers, an

discussion onin nature anntation for ch

scription ofe Supérieu

d in utilising cas. As can r the shape o

ariety of func

this control ge of hybrid pe shown in es on the re prepared

borators in helicity of

undles was ded for the ed from (R,Rused as theapplication iraphic separa

cal System

ng electron-dway have b

O effects are er light beamgreat importations such a

ndrew Try8 Ph 9850 829

unctionalare a functio

a dependant provides u

ups on a give

e within eacrch areasors, the dev

he developmnd synthesisn any aspectnd involve oharacterisatio

f Rigid Moure de Chim

a series of rbe seen from

of frameworctionality ava

R)-1,2-diamine organic frain the areas oation.

ms (with Ho

donating andbeen shownuseful becau

ms by modiance for emas optical com

y 91

New Mateon of its moupon the ty

us with a wen organic fr

ch of the thof interes

velopment oment of non-c

of artificialt of the projorganic synthon of new ma

olecular Scmie de Mon

related molecm the X-rayrks,8 and weailable on the

nocyclohexaamework. of heterogen

ong Kong B

d electron-wn to exhibituse they alloifying the fr

merging optoemputing.

Department o

erials olecular compype and orieway of programework an

hree broad arst includeof chiral stachromatograplight-harves

jects. All ohesis and acaterials.

affolds tontpellier)

cular framewcrystals strualso have c

e aromatic rin

ane and left-The resulta

neous asymm

Baptist Univ

withdrawing t strong noow manipularequency atelectronic an

of Chemistry a

ponents. Thentation of itgramming thnd therefore

reas outlinedthe design

ationary phaphic methodting systems

of the researcess to a wi

Hybrid Sil

works, in the uctures showontrol over tngs.3-6

-handed wheant hybrid m

metric catalys


groups connon-linear optation of the which it tra

nd photonic t

and Biomolecu

he propertiests functionalhe type andthe basis for

d below andgn of newases for theds to resolves. Dr. Try isrch areas areide range of

icas (with

e synthesis ofwn below, we

the type and

en the (S,S)-materials arest design and

nected via atical (NLO)fundamental

avels. NLOtechnologies

ular Sciences

s l d r

d w e e s e f

f e d

- e d

a ) l

O s

Page 38: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University







Main-chain (back-b

NLO unit linu

Side-chain incorporp

NLO unit

as a part obackbone.

Chiral Liq

Liquid crymatter. A which lies the disordemolecules pliquid cryThese molexploited radios, calcThree impmolecules (as this helin the presring) and

Selected 1. Malik,

Vilsmei2. Garin, D

M.; Sadeposit

3. Malik, QTröger’

4. BhuiyanTröger’

5. Faroughhybrids

6. Bhuiyandinitro-

7. Mahon,lactone

8. FaroughLett. 20

bone) incorporation:

nking unit

ration: polymer backbone

of the main

quid Crysta

ystals can beliquid crystbetween hig

ered isotropicpossessing astals are a lecules dispin display

culators and lportant featuare the incops to orient t

sence of an athe presence

PublicationQ. M.; Mahonier reagents” TeD.; Oukhatar, Fllanon, M. M.;s” Bioorg. MedQ. M.; Ijaz, S.’s base analogun, M. D. H.; Zh’s base analoguhi, M.; Zhu, Ks containing at ln, M. D. H.; M-functionalised , A. B.; Craig, straps” Synthes

hi, M.; Try, A. 007, 48, 6548-6



n-chain in th

als (with Ma

e regarded talline phaseghly orderedc (liquid) stata certain set o

subclass olay desirabldevices suclaptop compu

ures presentorporation ofthe molecule

applied electre of one or m


ns n, A. B.; Craigetrahedron 201F.; Mahon, A. ; Chierici, S. “

d. Chem. Lett. 2; Craig, D.” Tetrahedrohu, K.-X.; Jenses” Eur. J. Org

K.-X.; Jensen, Pleast one halogeMahon, A. B.;Tröger’s base aD. C.; Try, A

sis 2009, 636-6C.; Klepetko, J551.


In this projprepared andThe compoupolymer matsimply thropolymerisatiolinked systemin a mannerhe polymer


as a fourth e (mesophasd crystallineate, but existsof parameterof these cole propertiesch as watchuter liquid c

f a polarisabes in a givenric/magneticmore flexibleincorporatingcaffolds byroperty stu

Differential olarised-ligh

ultimately prulk liquid cubtle electrtructure of th

g, D. C. Try,11, 8509-8514.B.; Try, A. C.“Proflavine der

2011, 2203-2206Try, A. C. “Sy

on 2011, 5798-5sen, P.; Try, A.g. Chem. 2010, P.; Craig, D. Cen” Eur. J. Org; Jensen, P.; Canalogues” Eur

A. C. “A new c642. J.; Turner, P. “


ect a numbd their NLOunds will ttrix in both

ough non-coon process. ms, the NLOsuch that thor attached


state of e) is onestate and

s only for s. Chiral

ompounds. s that are hes, clock . crystalline ble group direction


field), a rigie chains. Ing long alkyla variety of

udies willScanning

ht microscopedict, how vcrystalline pronic and ohe scaffolds o

A. C. “Reactio

; Dubois-Dauphrivatives as flu6. ynthesis and re5805. . C. “Synthesis4662-4670.

C.; Try, A. C. “g. Chem. 2009, 4Clegg, J. K.; T. J. Org. Chem.lass of Tröger’

“Changing the s


rtment of Chem

ber of novelO propertiesthen be inc

h a covalentovalent ‘capIn the synth

O compoundhey can be in

as side-chai


Crystalline Solid ong range ordering)


Isotropic Liquid (random ordering)

d region (typn this area w

chains linkf functional gthen be c Calorimetr

py in order variations inphase result orientational of the individ

on of Tröger’s

hin, M.; Laferluorescent imagi

activity of dim

of symmetric

“One-step synth4266-4272.

Try, A. C. “Syn 2009, 687-698

’s base analogu

shape of Tröger


mistry and Bio

l systems ws will be scorporated t fashion anpture’ durinhesis of covads will be prncorporated

ains to a po


Smetic Liqu(layer ord






Nematic Liq(orientationa

pically an arowe are interesked to novel groups. Strucarried out ry (DSC) to determin

n properties from a ser

l changes tdual molecul

base analogue

la, F.M.; Demeging agents of



thesis of Tröge

ynthesis of sym8. ues bearing spi

r’s base” Tetra

omolecular Sc

will be tudied. into a

nd also ng the alently- repared either lymer

id Crystal dering)


uid Crystal al ordering)

omatic sted in chiral

ucture- using and

ne, and of the

ries of to the les.

es with

eunynck, amyloid



er’s base












/ FU









Page 39: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University













BiocMy pas heenzymkinetibiosybecomdevel

Withi(Dr UniveDr An

The transdimpolight

The ldirectnot udissipfluoreimpohow enzym

One mechcyanochlorinterechara

The pto pro

PurifPurifiplantthe pwhich

The and We hlarge this c

ociate Prot.willows@mq

chemistryprimary reseaeme, vitaminmes that syics and prot

ynthetic pathming apparelopment and

in these areaArtur Sawiersity (Prof nna Sokolov

bacteriochloduction of lrtant compouenergy in ph

largest propot absorption

used in photopation of exescence andrtance of thethese pigme

mes involved

of the aimshanisms respobacteria marophyll d andested in ideacterising the

projects on ootein purifica

fication of fication of ths or algae. T

plant and algh has two hig

formation USyd)

have all four protein com

complex. X-r

ofessor E8A

: Enzymesarch interestn B12 and cynthesize thetein structurhway in plaent that therhow plants r

as of researcicki), CarlsbSalam Al-Ka

va) and Sydn

orophylls aight energy unds on eart


ortion of ligof light by

osynthesis thxcess light ed reaction wese compounents are madd in chloroph

s of my groponsible forake chlorophd the new c

entifying thee organism th

offer below wation and stru

a kinase he kinase thatThis project bgal GUN4 wgh resolution

of magne

magnesium mplex. SAXS

ray and neut

obert WilloA302 Ph 9850

s & Protei is in the are

chlorophyll.ese essentialal analysis.

ants, algae are is a linkrespond to en

ch I have a nberg Laboraaradaghi), Aey University

and chloropfor photosy

th as they ars.

ght energy abchlorophylls

he excess ligenergy canwith other

nds for life onde and it whyll a biosynt

up is to char chlorophylhylls that abhlorophyll f

e enzyme/shat synthesiz

will train youuctural chara

t phosphorylbuilds on a pwhich differn structures.

esium che

chelatase suS and SANStron scatterin

ows 0 8146

in Structurea of biosynWithin thisl molecules The regulat

and bacteriak between cnvironmenta

number of coatory, Denm

ANSTO (Dr Aty (A/Prof M

phylls are ynthesis. There required fo

bsorbed ands. If the lightght energy m

occur by a compounds.n earth we a

was only in 2nthesis in high

aracterise boll and bact

bsorb in thef which wasthat make t

zes chlorophy

u in a rangeacterisation.

lates the GENpaper we subrs significan

latase pro

ubunits expreallow us to p

ng at ANSTO

Department o

re/Functionthesis of tet

area I aim are regulat

tory mechana are poorlychlorophyll al stress.

ollaboratorsmark (ProfAnthony Du

Min Chen)

essential foese pigmentsor the harves

d transducedt energy abs

must be dissipnumber of

. Surprisingare only now2005 all ofher plants we

oth the enzyeriochlorophfar red regiodiscovered

these differeyll f.

of molecula

NOMES UNmitted to FE

ntly from th

otein comp

essed and areprobe the me


of Chemistry a

on trapyrrole pigto understanted using b

nisms in the y understoodsynthesis, p

at MacquariMats Hans

ff, Dr Vanes

or the harvs are arguabsting and tra

in photosynorbed by chpated in somf mechanismgly, despite

beginning tothe genes e

ere finally id

ymes and thhyll biosynthon of the spby us last y

ent chloroph

ar techniques

NCOUPLED EBS Letters we cyanobact

plexes (wit

e able to recechanism of

and Biomolecu

igments suchnd how the both enzyme

tetrapyrroled but it is

plant cellular

ie Universitysson), Lundssa Lake and

vesting andbly the mostansduction of

nthesis is byhlorophylls isme way. Thisms, including

the criticalo understandencoding thedentified.

he regulatoryhesis. Some

pectrum, likeyear. We arehylls and in

s from PCR

D 4 protein inwhich showsterial GUN4


constitute thef assembly of

ular Sciences


e e


y d d

d t f

y s s g l d e

y e e e n

n s 4

e f

Page 40: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University












Plant hormone involvement in chlorophyll synthesis The ChlH subunit of magnesium chelatase has reported to be a plant hormone receptor. Our recent experiments indicate that this may only occur after posttranslational modification. This project aims to confirm this finding and characterise the hormone binding.

 Chlorophyll d synthesis by A.marinus We have identified a putative chlorophyll d synthase (see JBC article below). We aim to introduce this enzyme into plants and other cyanobacteria which do not make chlorophyll d. This may improve the photosynthetic capacity and allow these organisms to grow more efficiently under low light

 Analysis of chlorophyll f containing organism isolated from stromatolites We have a partial genome sequence of this organism and have a pure culture of this organism. There are numerous projects available on this novel organism (see Science article below). Come and talk to me about it.


Selected Publications 1. Schliep M., Crossett B., Willows R. D., Chen M. “18O-Labelling of chlorophyll d in Acaryochloris

marina reveal chlorophyll a and molecular oxygen are precursors” J. Biol. Chem. 2010, 285 (37), 28450-28456.

2. Chen, Min, Schliep, Martin, Willows, Robert D, Cai, Zheng-Li, Neilan, Brett A, Scheer, Hugo “A Red- Shifted Chlorophyll” Science, 2010, 329 (5997), 1318-1319.

3. Lundqvist J., Elmlund H., Peterson Wulff R., Berglund L., Elmlund D., Emanuelsson C., Hebert H., Willows R.D., Hansson M., Lindahl M. and Al-Karadaghi S. “ATP-induced conformational dynamics in the AAA+ motor unit of magnesium chelatase” Structure, 2010, 18, 354-365.

4. Meinecke L., Alawady A., Schroda M., Willows R. D., Kobayashi M.C., Niyogi K.K., Grimm B., and Beck C. F. “Chlorophyll-deficient mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii that accumulate magnesium protoporphyrin IX” Plant Molecular Biology, 2010, 72 (6), 643-658.

5. Jerkovic A., Kriegel A. M., Bradner J. R., Atwell B. J., Roberts T. H., Willows R. D. “Strategic distribution of protective proteins within bran layers of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) protects the nutrient-rich endosperm” Plant Physiol., 2010, 152, 1459-1470.



Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences

Page 41: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University



Dr dann

BioDr applbiolostudinterimmchemprojtech

NewPsyDr WstrucpsyccapalabomancarbyearampdeteundevariodimeSuchneur

A VElecIn thprinantibmoledeveas wrecodeteon immdeveof raprojranghas interin mapplbios

Danny Wony.wong@mq

ological, EWong and

lications of ogical, envir

dents with intrdisciplinary

munology, bmistry, envirects will en

hniques. Th

w ElectrocychologicaWong’s eleccturally smachological diability in peoratory, electnufactured bybon producedrs, we have plified detectecting neuroterstanding ofous neural ensions dowh a study wiron burst firi

Versatile Moctrochemichis research

nciples of immbody and anecular recogelop highly swell as for

ognitions, a Dection tools u

DNA hybrmunoassays elopment of papid, simpleect, we are

ge of chemica distinct capraction with

maximising tlication of nsensor to furt

ong F7B2

Environme his researc

f (i) electroronmental orterest in som

y and they biochemistry,ronmental scngage studenhere is also op

chemical l Diagnosti

ctroanalyticalall electrochiagnostics arerforming retrodes with y pyrolysingd is then dep

perfected ttion signal. transmitters f the central processes.

wn to 1 µm till aid in ideing and foreb

olecular Arcal DNA Biarea, we are munology an

n antigen aregnition of aselective detr environmeDNA probe used in forenridisation. and DNA portable devi

e, sensitive, ae interested al and biologpability in alan antigen a

the detectionnanoparticlesther enhance

235 Ph 9850 8

ental and Mch group arochemical sr medical aname of these acouple elect, neurosciencience, methnts in acquipportunity to

Microsensics l chemistry lhemical senre relying oneal-time measmall physicg hydrocarboposited at thhe technique We are parin mammalneural pathw

In this pro detect the

entifying thebrain dopami

rchitectureosensor keen to fabr

nd DNA hybe known to bantigens by ection methontal monitowill only hy

nsic identificElectroche

hybridisationices. Currenautomated, a

in fabricatigical reagentligning an ananalyte or an sensitivity or graphentheir sensitiv



Medical Anre particular

sensors and/alyses. Theareas. As sutroanalyticalnce, medicahod validatioiring hands-o tailor make

sor Desig

laboratory isnsors. Inden electroanalasurements ucal dimensioon gases inshe tip and oue to producrticularly intlian brain syways that stiroject, we a

release of de chemical pine release in

e for an Ele

ricate and chbridisation. Ibe very specantibodies h

ods in many oring. Simybridise withcations, medemical deten detection

ntly, a lot of wand on-site eing a simplts. Comparentibody or aDNA target

y of the immne to the devvity.

ment of Chem

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Page 42: 2014 CBMS MRes FINAL - Macquarie University

Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences 










In immunosensor development, we will apply it to the detection of a real-life analyte (e.g. cortisol, tumour marker), while the DNA biosensor will be used to study the interaction between DNA and selected drugs of medical significance. Graduates with familiarity in analytical techniques are of demand in the current employment market. Note that a background in biology is not required but willingness to acquire new bioanalytical skills will be essential.

Probing Environmental Chemistry using Electroanalytical Techniques Determination of copper speciation in natural waters or manganese speciation in drinking waters Copper is a highly toxic trace metal present at elevated concentration in many natural waters. The toxicity of copper is dependent on its physicochemical form (speciation) with inorganic species such as ionic copper being the most toxic. Copper speciation can be determined using electrochemical methods including different forms of stripping voltammetry. However, there have been surprisingly few direct comparisons of these methods on natural water samples and it is difficult to determine the best method for use in metal bioavailability studies. In this project, various electrochemical procedures for the determination of copper speciation will be set up and compared on a range of copper-contaminated natural water samples. The copper toxicity of these samples will also be assessed using a highly sensitive bacterial bioassay. The relationship between copper speciation and bacterial toxicity will be investigated. In this project, a speciation study of manganese using electrochemical methods will be conducted to address concerns about the taste of some drinking water samples collected from Canberra suspected to have arisen from the presence of manganese species in the water samples. Note these projects will be of interest to students with an interest in trace metal bioavailability / environmental chemistry.

Determination of Cr(VI) in natural waters Chromium is a toxic trace element present at part per billion (ppb) concentrations in natural waters. The toxicity of chromium varies with its oxidation state. For example, Cr(VI) is known to be far more toxic than Cr(III). In order to effectively protect aquatic ecosystems from the effects of anthropogenically-derived chromium inputs, it is therefore necessary to not only determine total chromium concentrations, but also the oxidation states. The determination of Cr(VI) at low ppb concentrations is surprisingly challenging. Most methods require the preconcentration of Cr(VI) through coprecipitation with iron hydroxide before measurement by colorimetry or some form of atomic spectroscopy. In this project, we will examine the potential of several electrochemical methods for the determination of Cr(VI) at low ppb concentrations. Methods will include square wave voltammetry and cathodic stripping voltammetry. The developed method will be compared against existing non- electrochemical methods for Cr(VI) determination on a range of natural water samples. This project will be of interest to students with an interest in method development and the monitoring of toxic trace metals in natural waters.

Electro-remediation of polluted textile effluents Azo dyes are commonly used in the textile and carpet dyeing industries. Very often, enormous quantities of dye containing wastewaters are being released into effluent streams. Such dyes are harmful to aquatic fauna and flora as well as humans. In this project, electrochemical removal and/or treatment of azo dyes in textile effluents will be explored. This will be achieved using the conducting polymer, polypyrrole, or its derivatives. A distinct advantage of this method is that dye molecules are entrapped in the polymer film for removal, rather than being chemically treated that generates even more harmful products as exhibited by many other treatment methods. Apart from electrochemistry, students will also engage in polymer chemistry, materials chemistry and environmental chemistry in this project. These projects will provide an opportunity for students to gain experience with a range of analytical techniques, as well as that in method validation and quality assurance. Graduates equipped with all these skills are always of demand in the current employment market.
