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A Publication of the UGA at Oxford Program 2 0 11

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A Message from Dr. Kalpen Trivedi

Director of the UGA at Oxford Study Abroad Program

Oxoniam quare venisti premeditare; nocte dieque cave tempus consumere prave.(Take care to think about why you have come to Oxford and make sure night and day to spend your time wisely.)

his weakish leonine rhyme of the time of Henry VIII etched into the medieval glass the Old Library of Merton

College (chartered in 1264) serves as a memoria technica for students who come to Oxford. This excellent

piece of advice is as relevant to the 220 or so University of Georgia students who make the annual translation to Oxford as it would have been for Elmo of Friesland, the first recorded foreign student to matriculate at Oxford in 1190, had he encountered it. But what does it mean to use your time wisely in Oxford? Doubtless, as Sujata Iyengar notes in her contribution, students will read and write “intensively, rigorously, and voluminously” during their stint in Oxford, much to their future academic and intellectual advantage. So much of what we – I – value about the UGA at Oxford Program is the life-changing and immersive quality of the Oxbridge tutorial method and the opportunities it provides students to engage in civil, intelligent arguments at a very deep level with faculty and their colleagues.

It is tempting, however, to read these extant verses not as a pious admonition encouraging industry, but rather, a mischievous injunction from a student to his fellows to spend time unwisely, which is the easier and perhaps more literal translation of the Latin. Let me explain a little what I mean about spending time unwisely in Oxford, which has had, after all, its fair share of riot and revelry spanning the centuries. I am thinking, in particular, of those passive virtues that J.B. Priestley extols so eloquently in his essay, ‘On Doing Nothing’. In between reading for essays, worrying about grades, and running off to Venice for a weekend, I often hope that many of our students might sometimes remember to sit still long enough to contemplate the joys and wonders of the oldest English speaking university in the world. I hope that they might allow themselves to thrill in the knowledge that for £2 they could walk the floor of the thirteenth-century library of Merton College, treading the footsteps of Duns Scotus and T.S. Eliot, to gaze upon the fourteenth-century astrolabe quite very possibly used by Geoffrey Chaucer. So I would propose to our students a good dose of “time well wasted” in activities like reading a novel in the gardens of Exeter College while gazing upon the spectacular buildings of the Bodleian Library, or watching a Shakespeare play in the award-winning gardens at Trinity College, or taking a hike into the Cumnor Hills, to look down, as did Matthew Arnold, upon “that sweet city with her dreaming spires”.

This brings me nicely to one of the Program’s new endeavours for 2011, signalled later in this edition of the Oxford Bulldog, the UGA at Oxford Master Class, where we propose to offer a week and half of precisely such wonder and discovery to interested individuals in the company of some of our most popular Oxford tutors. I am, however, equally excited about our Program’s new academic endeavour, our collaboration with UGA’s Washington Semester Program, which will offer undergraduates the opportunity to make the best of two wonderful cities and Programs.

In January 2011, President Adams noted in his State of the University address that “part of a UGA education should be opportunity to meet and befriend and study with and learn with other people”. I remain convinced that there is no better way to produce more culturally-sensitive students or more globally-minded citizens than through an immersive study-abroad experience that forces a student to think and learn in unfamiliar ways. As always, the success of all our programmes is only ensured by the indefatigable striving of faculty and staff at both Universities and by the generous financial contributions of the Oxford Program’s friends, alumni, and individual and corporate benefactors. To all these, I would like to offer my heartfelt gratitude for their support of the Program’s mission and activities. I am confident that, with your continued help, we will continue to grow in number and means, and the very special experience that is UGA at Oxford will remain an essential part of the University of Georgia’s mission to serve the state of Georgia.


326A Park HallAthens, GA 30602-6205

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C o V E R P h o T o

Chris LeCraw

UGA at Oxford Program Staff

Director Dr. Kalpen Trivedi

Associate Director Dr. James McClung

Assistant Director Margaret Faz Perry

Business Manager Dr. Angela E. Pfile

Administrative Assistant Frances Molyneux

Graduate AssistantJennifer Sonenberg

Development OfficerLinda DePascale

Copyright © 2011 by the University of Georgia.

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way without

permission from the editor.•

The University of Georgia is committed to principles of equal opportunity and

affirmative action.

Page 3: 2011 Oxford Bulldog

In over twenty years of operation, UGA at Oxford has become a jewel in the crown of the University. We proudly boast of associations between eager UGA undergraduates, graduates, and faculty and some of the most remarkable University faculty in the world: the famed “dons” of Oxford

University. Our Programs afford students the chance to study with these remarkable people, and as a participant in our August 2011 Master Class, you too can meet and mingle with some of Oxford’s finest faculty while enjoying the sights and sounds of one of the most unique University towns in the world.

The UGA at Oxford Program is excited to invite you all to participate in the UGA at Oxford Master Class 2011. From 22 August 2011 to 1 September 2011, the trip will provide participants with a true demonstration of the high-level academic engagement our students enjoy with faculty and administrators in Oxford. During the 11-day academic encounter, participants will have discussion groups with Oxford faculty, take educational excursions to places such as Tintern Abbey in Wales, Medieval Churches in Oxfordshire, and Shakespeare’s birthplace in Stratford-upon-Avon all while ending each evening at the Oxford Centre with wine and cheese in the garden. Quite different than a simple vacation, participants in the Master Class will know when they have left Oxford what it is like for our students to engage with some of the world’s finest faculty in both classroom and real-world settings.

For alumni, this trip could be your chance to travel and interact once again with Oxford University Faculty while meeting some new friends along the way. For parents, you will be able to experience first-hand the opportunities your child had while on our program. The trip’s cost is $4500, which includes rooms, selected meals, in-country travel, excursions, and a $1000 contribution to help support the mission of the UGA at Oxford Program. For further details and application materials, please see the “Alumni and Friends” tab on the program website,, call or email us at 706-542-2244 or [email protected]. The deadline for applications is 31 March, so act quickly to reserve your spot in this unique event!

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Dr. Baptist takes a moment to pause for a photo in Yosemite Valley during his trip across the USA.

fter months of the grey, heavy skies of England, it was wonderful to see the bright blue skies of Georgia,

along with the corresponding warmth of the famous southern hospitality! Throughout seven years spent teaching with the UGA at Oxford program, I had heard a lot about Athens and received many recommendations of things that I must see or do there. However, one suggestion was made more than most and it didn’t disappoint: the chicken biscuit.

The central campus of UGA had an interesting and eclectic mix of architectural styles and buildings. It gave the University great character, and it was great to see the students using the grassed area out the front as a place to meet, relax, study and play. It reminded me of my own undergraduate campus in Australia, the University of Tasmania, which has a similar campus layout with plenty of green space.

It was interesting to observe the similarities and differences between UGA and Oxford students – one noticeable difference was the modes of transport. For Oxford students, it is a bicycle – often with a wicker

As Undergraduate Coordinator in English, I always admonish our qualified students, “Apply to the Oxford Program!” I was therefore delighted when I was able

for the first time to teach on the program myself. The Oxford program combines the best aspects of the general education of a large public American university with the specialized goals of the Oxbridge tutorial system. My pedagogical task this Spring was to bridge the gap between UGA’s large lecture classes and the intense, one- or two-person tutorials with an Oxford don that provide the main work of the Oxford semester. This task felt very natural to me, because not only was I born and raised in Great Britain, but I also

basket on the front. For UGA students, it is an incredibly large truck or SUV - most of which looked too big for the narrow lanes of Oxford, and some of which were possibly larger than the room in which I take my tutorials!

The tour of the UGA sporting facilities was most interesting. College sport is completely different from what we experience in the UK, and it was great to see the importance it is given in UGA, both at an elite level but also for all students of any ability. Whilst Oxford certainly has a place in the sporting history pages (the Boat Race, the 4-minute mile, the world’s first 1st Class cricket match), sport is not as central to the character of the University as it clearly is at UGA – that was most evident at the Homecoming game.

Following a stimulating few days in Athens, I took the chance to have a late summer holiday and explore the USA some more. Having been equipped with a few CDs of country music courtesy of the UGA at Oxford program director, the drive to Charleston began with the aid of Kenny Chesney and some refreshments from a boiled peanut stand.

America is a big place. It’s a cliché to say, but it is the over-riding impression after spending three weeks amongst its great diversity. From a stadium packed with 90,000 Dawgs through the elegance of Charleston, the very different cityscapes of Houston, San

Francisco, Chicago and Las Vegas, to the natural wonder of Yosemite and Death Valley, I felt like I had visited more than one country. The differences in terms of people and landscapes across the USA were incredible, and it was hard to believe at times that all were in the same country.

Seeing as though 2010 was my final year teaching for the UGA at Oxford program, I’d also like to ask the indulgence of the editors and take this opportunity to congratulate the University for supporting a program with such strong academic credentials, and one which is a pleasure to teach for. Thanks to all the staff, students, faculty members and others involved in the program who have made my seven years with the program so fantastic.

It’s a Long Way from Down Under to Oxford, Athens, and YosemiteDr. Simon BaptistOxford Tutor in Economics

Dr. Iyengar’s children climb the storied staircase at her alma mater, Girton College, in “The Other Place.”

Oxford and Other PlacesDr. Sujata IyengarUGA Department of English

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Teaching for Franklin College in Oxford in the Fall of 2010 was the highlight of my year and the most exciting and adventurous teaching assignment that I

have had in over twenty-two years at UGA (truly). As an Art Historian, the opportunity to explore the layers of history and the world monument heritage sites embedded in the cities and countryside of the United Kingdom during the span of months rather than the usual week made teaching in UGA’s Oxford program a special experience. As a bonus, I shared this literally eye-opening event with a bright group of students, including the eight art history majors, several whom I taught previously, who were accepted in the Oxford Program. One of the first duties after getting settled into my flat in Summertown was to join all 39 of the students on a tour of Gloucester Cathedral, Tintern Abbey, and Cardiff Castle. Imagine my delight when we discovered not only the beauty and history of Gloucester Cathedral, but also that it housed a temporary exhibition of contemporary British sculptors! Here was the controversial Damien Hirst alongside the cathedral arches and medieval tombs of Gloucester. It summarized what the next three months would bring: the new and the old, the familiar and the unexpected, fun and education, momentary amusements and sublime experiences, history and art firsthand. Certainly one of the great advantages of teaching in Oxford was the ability to see in the flesh, sometimes for the first time, so much one had only read or taught from slides. My

own discoveries included art collections in places that I had never visited and those whose reviewing brought new understanding. Compton Verney, an eighteenth-century mansion filled with spectacular art, advertised an exhibit on the volcano in art, and so during the first weeks of class, I joined several of my art history students to take both train and bus to get to this gem set in the rural countryside. The other highlight with my students was conducting the second meeting of my course on the landscape paintings of Constable and Turner in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. It was so rewarding to see the students get excited about the art right in front of them. During my free time I sought to travel, seeing as much as possible, encouraging my students to see places and art, such as Hadrian’s Wall, the Lake District (which Turner painted extensively), Edinburgh, Barbara Hepworth’s studio in St. Ives, St. Michael’s Mount in Penzance, Manchester’s and Birmingham’s Pre-Raphaelite collections, York and Durham cathedrals, the castles Turner painted in Wales, London’s great museums, and of course, the Beatles’ Liverpool. From the Oxford Program we each learned many things, but perhaps the most important was that nothing compares with seeing the real thing.

earned my undergraduate degree from what is referred to in Oxford (in hushed tones) as “The Other Place” – Cambridge University, the only other institution routinely to teach undergraduates using the tutorial system. (This might be a first for the Oxford Bulldog: a photograph of The Other Place!) I was therefore both personally and professionally delighted to introduce my students to the Oxbridge tutorial system and my own children to the intense joys and woes of an English school-term.

My class, “Shakespeare and Medicine,” introduced students to several of Shakespeare’s plays in the context of early modern beliefs about bodily health and well-being. Early modern healers considered Galen’s six “non-natural” aspects of human life – diet, excretion, exercise, sleep, air, and peace of mind – essential to preserve bodily equilibrium. The body fell into illness or debility through an imbalance in one of these categories, which would upset the proportions of the four bodily humors or fluids – choler, or yellow bile; melancholy, or black bile; blood, or the sanguine humor; and phlegm, or the watery humor – thought to produce and sustain all bodily processes and functions. From our base in Oxford, we raced cross-country to Stratford-upon-Avon, where we saw a production of Romeo and Juliet that modernized Shakespeare’s fateful apothecary as a jaded drug-runner, and visited Hall’s Croft, the home of Dr. John Hall, Shakespeare’s son-in-law, including the shop where his favorite apothecaries would have compounded the medicines that the physician would prescribe, and the gnarled and knotted mulberry-tree rumored to be descended from the original tree planted by Shakespeare. A production of Macbeth at the reconstructed Globe Theatre in London memorably foregrounded our readings on blood-letting in Jacobean England.

Oxford itself provides an exemplary environment for both students and faculty to write intensively, rigorously, and voluminously, in part because writing and scholarship seem to be priorities for nearly everyone who lives and works there. I was as likely to encounter my students in the Radcliffe Science Library as in Summertown, and as likely to encounter a well-known author at the playground as at a book-signing. Immersion in this kind of environment changes the way students think and write, forever.

Dr. Simon speaks with Fall 2010 program participant Sarah Bohannan about the unique structures of Tintern Abbey.

Oxford Fall 2010 ExperienceDr. Janice Simon Josiah Meigs Distinguished Professor of Art History UGA Lamar Dodd School of Art

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n March 8th, the UGA at Oxford Program is proud to announce that it will once again host a one-of a kind

UGA tradition. The UGA versus Oxford Debate has, for nearly two decades, been a remarkable opportunity

to demonstrate the spirit of academic and intellectual exchange upon which the UGA at Oxford Program is founded. This time out, the Debate will return to its original home on North Campus, the UGA Chapel. At seven o’clock in the evening, we invite the entire University community to come and enjoy a spirited exchange of ideas, which promises to include more than a few funny and exciting moments, if the previous three iterations are any indication. UGA is down in the series with one win in three previous tries, so this year’s squad has quite a burden on their

shoulders, but there’s little doubt they’re up to the challenge.

A challenge it is; the Oxford Union was founded in 1823 as an arena for the free exchange of ideas

among students, and it soon became the premiere forum for political debate in Oxford and one of the most highly regarded such entities in the world. Many British prime ministers have served as past presidents of the Oxford Union, and world figures such as Robert Kennedy, Mother Theresa, Yasser Arafat, Jimmy Carter, and Nelson Mandela have addressed its members. The Union team for the 2011 debate is indeed formidable: Past Union President Stuart Cullen, in his final year of study at Oxford University, has also served as Captain of the Scottish World Debating team and won the 2007 World Schools Debating Championship; Thomas Hosking, a Ph.D. student of St. Edmund Hall at Oxford University, was a recent World Universities Debating Championships Finalist; Ben Woolgar, from Balliol College, Oxford, has also held titles as a World Schools Debating Champion and European Debating Championships Finalist; and Joanna Farmer, Christ Church College, Oxford, was both a European Finalist and Winner of the Newcastle Mixed Doubles 2010 and the Belgrade Open.

UGA’s team will also be assembled specially for this event. Drawing from the membership of the Georgia Debate Union, the Demosthenian Literary Society, the Phi Kappa Literary Society, the Law School, UGA’s Honors Program, and several other student organizations, the “home” team will truly represent the wide variety of programs and schools the University of Georgia has to offer. UGA currently has a wide field of participants helping to prepare the team and construct a position, a group that will be honed into the competition squad in the next few weeks, featuring: Elizabeth Allan, UGA Honors Student, Carl Vinson Institute Fellow and UGA at Oxford Alumna; Dillon Horne, UGA Honors Student and Georgia Debate Union team member; Bobby Rosenbleeth, UGA Honors Student, Model UN Co-Director and member of the executive board of the Roosevelt Institute at UGA; Terry Bardagjy, Phi Kappa Society and co-director of Education for Volunteer UGA; Cameron Secord, Phi Kappa Society and SPIA Graduate Student; Robert Mulholland, UGA Debate Union assistant Coach and M.A. student in the Department of Speech Communications; John Turner, UGA Debate Union assistant coach and M.A. student in Speech Communications; Aileen Shawcross, former Librarian and Chief Justice of Demosthenian Literary Society; and Jacob Shepherd, International Affairs major and Demosthenian.

As in previous iterations, the format of this debate will be a hybridization of British and American styles. Quite similar to parliamentary debate, it will begin with uninterrupted position speeches, or opening arguments, that will allow both groups to delineate their team’s agenda and the basic structure of their argument. From there, the discussion will become a bit more lively, as the following speeches allow for points of order and interruptive questions or dissenting opinion. Such rapid-fire discussion will require that both teams be on their toes, ready to defend their assertions in extemporaneous fashion.

A Tradition Continues as UGA Looks to Bounce Back

Oxford Union team captain, Emily Partington, led the British squad to a victory in 2008.

While UGA didn’t come away with the win last time out, Josh McLaurin was a solid anchor for the team.

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The two teams have already begun their interaction, upholding a long-standing UGA versus Oxford Debate tradition of determining among themselves what the resolution up for debate may be. At press time for this newsletter, the teams have narrowed the focus to two topics of current and ongoing concern for both nations. The first, “Resolved: China’s growing economic and military influence threatens the interest of Great Britain and the United States in the 21st Century” promises to be an engaging one, given the most recent State visit of President Hu to the United States. The second proposed resolution, “Resolved: The United States Federal Government should make a substantial investment in Alternative Energy” would certainly also encourage spirited debate, and we all look forward to finding out soon what the teams have decided together.

Several distinguished members of the UGA community and extended family have already agreed to serve as judges for the event: UGA Vice President of Government Relations, Steve Wrigley; Former US Senator and Ambassador, Wyche Fowler; Annabelle Malins, Her Majesty’s Consul General in Atlanta; CNN International news anchor, Colleen McEdwards; Georgia State Senator and Oxford University Ph. D. Graduate, Cecil Staton; and Sub-Warden of Keble College, Oxford, former Proctor of the University, Dr. Ian Archer. We are thrilled to have such a distinguished panel of judges and look forward to extending a warm UGA-community welcome to this impressive company in the coming months.

Over the next few weeks you’ll no doubt see the event advertised all over town and campus, but if you would like more information, please have a look on the UGA at Oxford Program website ( , call the Program office: 706-542-2244, or contact the Program’s Associate Director, Dr. James McClung ([email protected]).

The two teams enjoyed several days of interaction in 2008, with campus tours and meals before the Tuesday competition. Both the Oxford Union team (top right) and the UGA squad (middle right) considered the event a successful encounter, no matter who got the win.

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Page 8: 2011 Oxford Bulldog

The University of Georgia Washington Semester Program and the UGA at Oxford Program have joined forces to offer undergraduates a new seven-week travel-study

opportunity during summer 2011. Applications are now being accepted.

Selected participants will spend the first three weeks studying in the nation’s capital during June and residing in accommodation contracted by the Washington Semester Program, three blocks from the Capitol building. Then they will spend July studying abroad in Oxford, England and living at either the UGA at Oxford Centre or Trinity College.

“This program was created to provide students with the opportunity to explore a single theme from both domestic and international perspectives in cities where their studies are enhanced by interactions with key U.S. and British officials,” said Don De Maria, director of UGA’s Washington Semester Program and the Learning Communities Initiative. “I look forward to this first combined domestic and international travel-study.”

This joint opportunity, open to eligible UGA undergraduates, will include classroom instruction plus a variety of related academic and cultural co-curricular activities set up in both locations. Transient student applications also will be accepted.

“This program will allow us to leverage the expertise of prestigious faculty at UGA and at the University of Oxford in a unique shared setting,” said Kalpen Trivedi, Director of the UGA at Oxford Program. “I expect the program to attract gifted students who are truly motivated to engage in this kind of international dialogue.”

Students will earn six semester hours of credit from the two courses that will be taught during the program. Washington Semester Program Director, Don DeMaria will coordinate the course while in D.C., featuring a number of high-profile speakers and guests from the public and political world, combined with exciting site-visits to a number of important Washington institutions.

Marc Stears, fellow and praelector in politics at University College in Oxford, will facilitate the “International Conflict” course, which examines the origins of contemporary international conflicts since the end of the Cold War and how these conflicts affect international affairs today.

“What makes this program particularly exciting is that it builds bridges between UGA’s domestic field study opportunities and study abroad, thus expanding the notion of what it means to have an internationalized curriculum at

UGA’s Washington Semester Program and UGA at Oxford Program team up for summer 2011 travel-study opportunity

UGA,” said Kavita Pandit, Associate Provost for International Education at UGA.“I hope this initiative will be a model for other creative partnerships across the campus.”

The Washington Semester Program was established under the auspices of UGA’s Office of the Vice President for Instruction in spring 2008. More than 60 students have participated in the program so far. During either fall or spring semester, students complete coursework related to public policy, government and current trends taught by UGA faculty. They also work at least 30 hours a week as interns in congressional offices, nonprofit organizations and think-tanks.

“This partnership between the Washington Semester Program and UGA at Oxford creates a unique experience for intense academic study and interactions with key policymakers on both sides of the Atlantic,” said Jere Morehead, vice president for instruction at UGA. “I know that this will be a transformative experience for the students who participate in this unique program.”

The deadline for submitting applications for the 2011 Oxford-Washington Program has been extended. Applications are available online at or from the UGA at Oxford office in Park Hall on campus.

For more information on the summer 2011 program, see or

Oxford Tutor in International Conflict, Marc Stears, takes a moment to catch up with UGA at Oxford Alum, Chris LeCraw.

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UGA at Oxford & Franklin College

n a crisp, yet sunny October day, alumni, friends and family of UGA at Oxford and Franklin College gathered on the patio in front of Park Hall as the

smell of Hallie Jane’s barbeque and a much-needed victory lingered through the air. The annual event kicked off at 10AM with nearly 250 folks in attendance along with the guest of honor, Oxford University tutor, Dr. Simon Baptist.

Simon has been teaching Environmental Economics for the UGA at Oxford program since 2003 and is also a consultant with Vivid Economics, a small firm which advises Governments, multinational corporations and international organizations on how to put economics to good use in the fields of climate change, competitiveness, development, and natural resource management. After spending a few days in Athens touring UGA’s campus and attending the fall meeting of the UGA at Oxford Development Board, Simon had his first opportunity to experience a true Southeastern Conference tailgate, and as always, Hallie Jane’s and the Bulldogs did not let us down. Don’t forget to read Simon’s article on page 2 where he recounts his travels throughout the United States both before and after his trip to Athens.

We look forward to seeing you all at the next tailgate and hosting another of our Oxford tutors for a weekend of Southern fun. Please mark your calendars for this event, which will take place Homecoming Saturday on the patio in front of Park Hall. We would love to see you all there!

On a warm October day in Athens, who can resist a post-lunching roll down the hill in front of Park Hall?

Program Founder, Judy Shaw, chats with Dr. Simon Baptist and his partner, Justin Habner.

Claire Foggin, UGA at Oxford Alumna, catches up with Simon and Justin as well.

The Homecoming Tailgate is truly a family affair. Graduate Assistant Jennifer Sonenberg pauses for a photo with her husband, sister, mother, brother James and friend Sydney, both alums themselves.

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Page 10: 2011 Oxford Bulldog

hen Tracy Yang arrives in Oxford in October to begin her two-year course of study as a Rhodes Scholar, she won’t need

assistance finding the Pitt Rivers or Ashmolean museums, the Bodleian Library or Blackwell’s Bookshop.

That’s because Yang, who late last year was one of 32 undergraduates to win the prestigious scholarship, was among the first participants in the Oxford Maymester program, designed for first-year Foundation Fellows.

During her May 2008 residency in Oxford, Yang studied British modernist literature with Dr. David Bradshaw and took a genetics course from Dr. Beth Shapiro, who also happens to be a former Rhodes Scholar and Foundation Fellow from UGA. Yang said the courses were daunting, but incredibly rewarding.

“They’re way up there at the top,” said Yang, a native of Macon who will graduate from UGA in May with a bachelor’s degree in anthropology. “The courses were so challenging. I’m a note-saver, and I recently pulled out some of my old notes from Oxford. I’m

amazed at how involved they were and the level at which we discussed course topics. Remembering how deeply we focused makes me yearn to return to that environment.”

Yang added that while the reading list for Bradshaw’s course was extensive, the experience of digging deep with an authority on the subject was well worth the effort.

“We learned so much,” said Yang. “We’d read volumes Bradshaw had edited or had written the introductions for, or textbook selections that he

UGA at Oxford Alumna, now Rhodes Scholar

Given that the UGA at Oxford Franklin Fall 2010 Program was populated largely by Art and Art History majors, thanks to the stellar recruiting efforts of faculty member, Dr. Janice Simon, UGA at Oxford Assistant Director, Margaret Faz Perry, and Administrative Assistant, Frances Molyneux, decided to inaugurate an art contest for students returning from our semester programs in the “city of dreaming spires.” The Oxford Bulldog is proud to congratulate our inaugural contest winner, UGA Senior Art History major, Paul Maloney:

Butterfield Mugs, 2010

“To study at Oxford University is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that I will never forget. To be integrated into the Oxford system and to be a part of Keble College was truly amazing. Making great friends both from the University and the house and learning so much from my Oxford dons have made this past semester my favorite term in college.

The mugs that I have made derive from Keble College itself. The working of the brick was something I viewed to be a beautiful work of both architecture and ceramic skill. With my mugs, I aimed to imitate the Victorian neo-gothic style presented by William Butterfield’s architectural design.” — Paul Maloney

wrote. He was a wonderful source of information and interpretation. I felt really rewarded having the privilege of studying with someone so knowledgeable about Virginia Woolf, T.S Eliot and a number of wonderful authors. I gained a new perspective in looking at literature.”

With Shapiro – who at the time worked in Oxford University’s zoology department and has since joined the faculty at Penn State and in 2009 was named a MacArthur Fellow (and with it, the $500,000 “genius grant”) for her study of molecular evolution – Yang again found challenges and rewards.

“We studied the ethical implications of genetic development, genetic testing and the ethics of bringing back an extinct species if you’re able to reconstruct genetic sequence,” she said. “We talked about how difficult it is to classify species and one day she brought in a number of cookies and biscuits and had us organize them into different groups based on characteristics we would choose. Obviously, it’s a simple version of something that’s very complex.”

And while her academic pursuits did require much in the way of attention, Yang was able to also make the most of what Oxford and its environs had to offer.

“Oxford was a wonderful town to live in,” she said. “I loved the museums and it was great to go punting. But I really loved getting to know my classmates. […] I’m looking forward to life in Oxford again because I have a past there. I can’t wait to revisit old places and visit new ones.”

With aspirations to pursue a career as a physician-policy analyst, Yang has concentrated her research as well as her local and international involvement on efforts to address public health disparities and improving access to services. As a Rhodes Scholar, she will pursue a master’s degree in global health science.

After her two years in Oxford are complete, Yang plans to attend medical school and seek a master’s degree in public health.

Tracy Yang

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Calling All Alums!If you haven’t already done so, please

update your contact information on

our website at

Update.php. This quick electronic

form allows alums to update both their

mailing and email addresses as well

as indicate online social networks of

which they are a part. This important

information allows Program staff to

best communicate upcoming events,

such as the UGA versus Oxford Union

Debate in March of 2011 and the

Alumni Homecoming Tailgate in the Fall

of 2011. If you’ve already updated your

information, thank you! If you have any

suggestions on how we might further

improve the contents of the

form, please send them to

our Graduate Assistant,

Jennifer Sonenberg at

[email protected].

Development News from Linda DePascale

As UGA at Oxford moves into its third decade, I think it is a perfect time to thank and appreciate those dedicated souls who were the first to agree to serve on the UGA at Oxford Development Board:

The Board was the brainchild of Judy Shaw, first Director and founder of the UGA at Oxford Program, and UGA alumnus Ken Parris. Ken was nominated to be the first Chair of the Board and has done an incredible job of motivating and inspiring others to join and support UGA at Oxford. Ken and his wife Andrea created the Ploughman Scholarship which was the first privately-funded study abroad scholarship for the Program, now joined by the Judith Davis Shaw Scholarship, which this Board worked tirelessly to fully endow last year.

Joe Irving has gone above and beyond the call of duty by being a major contributor to the UGA at Oxford program as well as serving as the Board’s first Finance Committee Chair.

Along with Joe Irving, John Wiles and Mark Burkhalter, who are both lawyers with international and political connections, have children who have benefitted directly from the extraordinary educational experience of studying on a UGA at Oxford program. Through their service and support, they too have helped to make the experience possible for those who otherwise could not afford it.

We are fortunate to have as advisory board members the British Consul General in Atlanta, Annabelle Malins and Kavita Pandit, Associate Provost for International Education at UGA. Both extraordinary women provide global perspective to our board as well as valuable contacts and vision.

The Dean of the UGA School of Public and International Affairs, Tom Lauth, has been sending the best and brightest of his students to study on Oxford programs for many years and has set the bar for what is the standard of a well-run and effective international experience for undergraduate students.

John McManus is a lawyer whose practice ranges all over the state and southeast. He and his wife Sheryl share their motivations for supporting UGA at Oxford between the medical and legal professions, both of which we serve well through a diverse curriculum.

Representing our South Georgia alumni is Theresa Heffernan whose husband John is a dentist in Americus. Theresa has brought tremedous energy and boundless enthusiasm to the Board as well as years of event experience.

Of all our Oxford Development Board members, Brian Deloach is our first Program alumnus to serve as a board member, which gives him the most passionate perspective of all. In addition to serving as the Chief of Medical staff at Georgia Southern University Health Services, Brian has managed to find the time to help with all of our fundraising efforts and is a regular face at all UGA at Oxford events.

Every fundraising board should be so lucky as to have a corporate giant like British Airways to call a friend. Bill Lind, SE Sales Director for BA and Board Member, routinely provides transportation between England and Georgia for occasions like bringing the Oxford Union Debate Society to Athens. This event is a highlight of our relations with Oxford University, and on March 8th, you will find many of these remarkable board members sitting front and center for the verbal fireworks.

Our debt of gratitude to all these extraordinary individuals and companies is endless, and our thank you to everyone can never be said often enough. Thank you to the UGA at Oxford Development Board for your dedication and passion for excellence in international education at UGA.

If you are interested in joining the Board or would like to learn more about helping to support the academic mission of the UGA at Oxford Program, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly, or visit the giving page on our website ( and clicking the on the “Make a Gift” button, found at the bottom of the page.

Why do you choose to support the UGA at Oxford Program through service on the UGA at Oxford Development Board?

Dean Tom Lauth: “Study abroad experiences today are an important and integral part of undergraduate education at leading universities. Our graduates are entering a global society, and study abroad contributes to preparing them for success in that global society. The Oxford Study Abroad Program is one of the best such programs at the University of Georgia. It has a serious and rigorous curriculum which is integrated with Oxford undergraduate life. I am pleased to contribute in a small way to this outstanding program.”

Dr. Brian DeLoach: “Simply put, my participation in the UGA at Oxford Program during the summer of 1994 was the most intellectually challenging and personally rewarding experience of my educational career. Because of the positive impact that the experience has had on my life, when I was asked to participate on the Board, and by doing so have a role in increasing the accessibility of the program to all students, my only questions were ‘when can I start’ and ‘what do you need me to do!’”

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UGA at Oxford Program CalendarEarly Admit Deadlines available for 2011 programs.

Please see the UGA at Oxford website:

UGA at OxfordThe University of Georgia326A Park HallAthens, GA 30602


PA I DPermit No. 165

Athens, Georgia

2 0 1 2SPIA at Oxford SpringFriday, December 30 – Saturday, March 10

UGA / OSU Law at Oxford SpringSaturday, January 7 – Saturday, April 21

Franklin at Oxford SpringThursday, March 22 – Saturday, June 16

Foundation Fellows at Oxford MaymesterFriday, May 11– Friday, June 8

Franklin at Oxford JunemesterTuesday, June 12 – Thursday, June 28

Oxford/Washington SummerTBA

Franklin at Oxford SummerSunday, July 1 – Friday, August 10

Terry at Oxford SummerSunday, July 1 – Friday, August 10

Grady at Oxford SummerSunday, July 1 – Friday, August 10

Franklin at Oxford FallThursday, September 6 – Saturday, December 1

2 0 1 1SPIA at Oxford SpringFriday, December 31– Saturday, March 12

UGA / OSU Law at Oxford SpringSaturday, January 8 – Saturday, April 23

Franklin at Oxford SpringThursday, March 31 – Saturday, June 25

Foundation Fellows at Oxford MaymesterFriday, May 13 – Thursday, June 9

Franklin at Oxford JunemesterSaturday, June 18 – Sunday, July 3

Oxford/Washington SummerThurs., June 9 – Mon., July 4: Washington D.C.Wed., July 6 – Sat., July 30: Oxford, England

Franklin at Oxford SummerSunday, July 10 – Friday, August 12

Terry at Oxford SummerSunday, July 10 – Friday, 12 August 12

Grady at Oxford SummerSunday, July 10 – Friday, August 12

Franklin at Oxford FallThursday, September 8 – Saturday, December 3