Page 1:… ·  · 2011-03-28______ecoaoa._&,«.*.»oti^e"eoprlrht. be t> -»."..» '»"ir h.rthco:, K!re_____obat

______ ecoaoa._ .*. »oti^e oprlrht. be t> -».". .» '»"ir

&,« "e h.rthco:,_____obat wbrrr di.a.t. r i.

K!re there their avinpalhl". ara B-BOl BTOtSearlMaa-rea Bjptt plenteou ly bct »wed.


«_la it U whlcb expl dn th- ; r.In_a, in my rc-

___d ol tbe B<*-e ' ".- >"u "-preeeD'.,.Thaaaeoofbttoaerve aay comitry. und been anxlouam rotitrtbu'c to h' r fraOaV ¦ Y:,t. -V 0 aof hOJ im .

akaoKHie-ty to *»-. !- ". _¦__2r_*of pohliea, it wa. my Ri.".u'"n tyba Ideiittoed wit i

the dritiay «f rny eouitry-t" .¦ *T,ti §V*Jweredecreed her.tothare h> | anil huin!..*.tJm, tt aajeh .hould be her portlon.For Ihe little I have done. aod au ered, I have had my

*eward _B tbe penilty aaaigoe i aie. To be the tat »u 1Xaanbii .t nHrre in the litany which c .r.tiina th¦¦ rurti"!

of Kmni. t and Fiiagerald.aame* arhtch wahea aoaae^>f _rrol»m in 8be colde.t hi-nrt, aad atlr t., h.ltymM fbe rmiei n.ind.ia an boaor wiich aoaapoav.¦atcam* hlry foi the prlv-ri ,r.r I havo eadared. Anyrecotnpenae. of a n.ore Joyoaa nature, It would 111 be-corre n.e to ie.eiveWMle aay eoa-try raaaatna in eart *. a- 1 abjeedon,

It would be Indelicate of me to _a___dp_te in the f»«tiv-irioayoupro^i^e. Waaataho-BBahor head, aad nervn.

.pcrermfor a bolder atnaggb.when ahe _'*- fort'n, hkeMlriam, withacagaad timhrelto oeiebrateheT vi.-nry.I, too, aball llft up my head, and join the hyrm offreedtm. Tiil then. Ibe retii.-mcnt I *eek will be»t ac-

cord with lh<- love I l«ear b-r, aud _B8 cadoeaa wh'.oh_e* prcent fate tn'pitea.Ha_ do I the curipmlonaof my exile. My hear

Uwtthth* ii at thia hour, and abtrea the ar.iituto inwhl.b tbiy dwfll. i ue lre«<iomth«t haa».-en reaaoredOi 1,,1-ia e:'i '.nu-r.-d by fhereciilecti.ri of tfealreapdvtty,rVbde Ibey are in prixm. a Miadow n ata upon myaptrit. and the, tbat mUht ntherwiae be free,throb heavlly aithin me lt ia paaafal t'or me to «i»e(_

.I khaadd fee! happy m baBBf MBaaRted t'i ba sih'nt.For thrae reaaona, you will not leat ea-p^OQp-d wBh

me fordecliulng the honora you aoliclt me to H.:cept.Pid I eate.-m tt.em 1.-.-. ..' hl notcunalder my»-,f BOanworthy, nor decline ao conelu'ively to enjoy th-'U.Tbe privilegea of ao cmt_r_t a City thould be _acr,-d 11tboae who poraonifv a great aod IWing eau»<-.a paatfull of fame, and a futuie full of tmp*.and Br-Manamea are promiiieut Hnd imperiabable.

It patna me deeply to make thi. reply, bein_ eenalhlaof tht-jr-!ithu.1a»rn which glowa arountl me.and iheeager-neaa wbh which h pabMt opportaoRj of raoodag m"naabeen awaiud. I know lt wiil disappoint a generouaanxiety, but Ihe proprlety of the dot« rmloation I havecome to U pn.ved by tbe _bb_b__Htey aaaaiaf tiiiacon-alderatii.n to overcorne m<-. I know. tcx), that aa itgrlevea ine, it will urieve othera, and that, perhapa. thejnotivea tbat have led to lt may be inUund*ratood, mU-con.trui il and cen.ur.d. Bat l am roofil.-ii' tha*, aftera little whHe, the pul Be jud_ment wil! gaaodoa t'ie actwbich a 6w te^'aid to what l uwe BDy cjuntty, ;ny com-panioi,.. hiid niya.lf, aerioualy di;Ut.-«.

TotjOa <nr aa your inviraiton r__»a^ll_ea the fi.lelityWith which 1 hdher.d, aad .ti'.l adhara, to a flOOd Hndgloriou. cau.e, be aa.ured that it ha. not been aaagjarat'^d or n.ivp'io-ed. 'J'he taa-Bfa and convictiona whichbaf-Oaool i"y eaaaof in Iroaaadl bave -ndergo-e no

change. Htill. »e rver, I pere«ire withln aay eao-tr* thofacaltiea that fit her for a aaefal and boaot-bte p ..itlon,and bfclievior/ that they ic.pilre only t-> bfl «H m niotioiito prove aaceeaaf-l, I atill w mld prompt lier toimtthemforth

Beaidei, fherc la wlthin me a prlde that cannot be auh-du«-d.Ui. te ia withiu BM >in i.,iii n thnt eaaa it

aaaood. I d»ire to bave h axw-Btry whirh ahnil workout a fortuue ol her on n, and drpead no loRger foe aui

eUtecco on the clmrlty of other natlone. I deaire t_ihave acountiy wbi.h I can point K. with oxultAtion.Whoae pro-p.'rity .hall be my Itle.whoao glory ahsll b,-

my guerdon. I deaire to bave a country which «h il! o;--

eupy a heneflcert po.ithm In the world, and hy her iu-

duatry, Int.-lh-ct, Intewrlty nn<i e,.uriL'e, ahall c mtnbala,In coi.-innii ity with a_ Ireo narijna, to the commen hap-pinraa and _r_ndeur of humaniiy. Ilipoa may haredarkened. but tl»- deatloy lo wblch I aroald aee mv <¦ >un-

try lin»'d ja h. fore BM atffl-a hiuht, Hke tlmt oi Thubor,crowned with an eternal aun.

lt la a hold auihitioo, tfut ln thia fine country I couldhave noue oilier.The rnoment we aot our foot upon her shore, we he-

hold tbe ottrprlng ol Freedom.Uie eneriry, ttie thritt,the opulence to which ahe haa gfrea blrtb aad, at a

glauce, we roinpn-ln ,1 her 1 r__tf_-_aa_, utility andaplnMhi. \\.' behold the wondera ehe haa arroafbt.tae delormi'd tranaformed.the crlppled Colony aprinirlncinto tbe robuat proportiona ol an Fmpire whichAlexander aaathf well have »ighed to comiuer-.the ad-Tenturoua apitit of her .(l-a compenaatln. by ita rapidi-ty, in little mnti- tlion hhll a cf iitury, for the thouaandaof yeara ln whl h the lund lay atlli in ihe ahadow of theanclent foreita.we liehold all thi-, aad the worahip ofoar youth beetaaoa moretnip.iuioned and profound.To thia land I enme, Ha an ouu^.^t, to aook «n honor-

able home.aa an outl«w, to claim the pi-tat-oa of a

_ag that ia ioviulabl.v Hy OM "f ihe ¦rhbMf and inildeatof tbe ancient le_Ulutora it waa Baaaaaad. thi.t all thoiewbo weredriven forevr froao their own country shouldbe admittid aata the citizeni-hit. of Athena. Oa theaame fjrnurd, In vlrtuc ol the aentence of perpetualbani.liini nt wbich excludea me IVom my Battre Ih:i I. Iaought a (|ui«t a«nctu*ry in the boBBB ef Waahlogtrm.To do other lead OOuM the heart, whieli h»» fi-It the rudeband ol tytanny, ao contldently turn for a aerene re-

po.e.Long may slie proaper^-eoutlnuiii. fatthf-l to the ln-

heritance baa baa hy the tuthera ol tne Ropahfi .. Longmay ahe proaper.gnth< rlng into tbe BO-oafl of her greatfamily ihe children of all nationa.adding to her torrltory, njthy tbe awnrd of the toldler or the aubtlety ofthe attitemimn, but hy the _l__aaoa of her principle. andtbe connonatice of her atmple lawa nud InAtltutloua withthe good eaaaa and purer aaplratlona of mankind. Longinay ahe proaper. each year adding to her .tock otttreafth, aad >lij;nlty, and wtadoea, aad hi-^h ahorehatcoanthaa tle. ta und ritie., even to the h«Bt ceneration,may the moiiumi i t ol her lihert% be deaeiied I In thedarkeat .torm which .hakea the thronea :uid dvnHstie.of the old worhi, n ny i' htatnl aaOOalbad ln the dark-ttt aigbt which fall* upon the Hrm,. of aatraffttog peo¬ple, may lt rhine forth like the cro*. in ihe willerne.a,mni ba to th. m aa eoahla-i ot bape hii,I h aignal of aal-vationThe Cnmmon Council aeemed anMrely tiki-n hy aur

prlae|duiii._theieliveryorthia ad lreaa,tboii!»b they couldi.ot but admiic tho honorable, M_d filendly modvewldch prontptod him todecUim the ilatt"rin« tegtiaunlalWhile bh) brothera ln peraecution were atill wearlng out

their time in the I'enaJ Colonlea. While alludin_ to theBuferiac* expcilenred by thete^entlemen, Mr. Meagherwaa deeply atlected, and many ot the aadience were un

ahle to control their ft clinga.The IlaJtimore and Pennaylvanla DelegaUona were

prcacnt during a portion ol tbo reply.The lollowing are the namea of the membera of the

PeputarlonJOobv llattimo' Chrlaty, Wm. Ward, Capt. Ryan

and Joaeph VVa-M, Kaqra./loatrHi, i'a.Edwin Sltgreavea, Michael II. ilrilnn,

Jaa. Cavanaugli, M D, D U. Nilman, K. F. Brohat, F.I'oole, John J. Haricb, were preaented by theae fieputationa, to

whhh Mr Mrwjlu-r said he would reply in wrltingin a

few daya.The Delegatea from Faaton, Pa., preaented the follow-

ln« reaolutiona. Iu dolng ao, Mr. BalgtOafOI apoke ua

followa:Hia.Altboiuth aaa hare not been pertonally aci;unint

ed with you, yit we have known you and ay-npvwith you and your came That 8od of OfaOOJOUAthelhaa decieed Uiat mau la horn free and equal, aod thatlt la the ol all to oajoy " lite, Uberty, aud tho

Jiurault of happtneaa," haa decreed tlie doatiuy ofreland ata-OBpi the ethirta of her .ona have beenreretofore unavaillng, vet the ipitit of Mitchell, otti'Brieo, and ol ymiaelf, yet li^ea »n,l glowa ln thebreaatof your country aien: lt mevta a aaai ea feapnaaaIn the hi-artof every natrtirt in thia fore-ahadowa the luture Je.tiiiy of the (in.-n l.le of theOeeea. And inay that de-.tli,y he a» btlghl and -heeringti, her taaJated »oaa aa w»« th.- aaaa n ¦. ha the world"ahlatory, vhen our iathem threw i ti the manaoleaof thcaame Mnvthetlun' bOBOlfai* UatAntwhen tlie eBBMea ot Braadoaa, baitad ba MM falUagyokeof a foieljja tyrBBliy heneath the turf of the Frnereldl.le, will bla.e lorth in the aecoud laaBB ot i.e.-i. :n,andeni iiileivi iv abaiurcck uiwn her. ul in a halool g ory.

Sir, we are ai-<|uninti-,l with ihe Iri.h; they are theUrgeat forclgn element of our population they peopleevery Mate af thi. great liepu'.lic, M.lne'to T.x-aa, and from the Atl-.i.tie to the PaabV. We ra th- m.Rm th> !r :.'. ba od hclj^d to nourlah thetreeef^rtyupoo our rol!; aml we aympathi-e ar| r they

l.iberty. In the day. of the Kevo.,;u.»a.iu tlmetthat trled mea'a aoult.when thi. ba irnlerthe weigbt of ItMti.h ryraaay- .ttlt>a nervedtbeann of tbe Irl.b patriot, and hli boeMa arata fouadhleachlag upi'B every bajtle BeJaV lt *». BaaaaaBalaourwaruf UAIR Aad, etr. I beli.-ve that at the aameMmeyoa ¦eea aajftkaa for Irt-ti litx-rry, aad un lergoingIhe ordeal of a pre_r_.llced State proaecxi 1 ta, yoor poaavtrymrn ma-cbrd aun nt our foti-e* through a fnrHgnUnd. ti- k ¦a-MMl <n ol the hall* of thu M..iv/umaa,and planU' 1 the atara aod atrip.a upon the hlgheet bat-tlen 11 .-i l '!..- i-.t) f tho Aateca tirtr, elUvlag thatlleaves haa piititeil you out aa the apo.'le of 'riah lih-arty, iu Uhalf of the cltizena of ht-t-in, I bid you wel-eorne, thrice w. fooaM to our Und.

Atapiih'ic moeiniJ of the citl'ena uf aTa_a__, I'a,beld at tbe Court Hou.e, uu Tut>»d-y eveuiug,

II. b \V«»hin-ton McCartney pu--1 iir.,. thefdlow-taf pieambic and reaolutiona were uuatdmoualy aloptod,towitr

ir_rr.-_a. Tbomaa Krancia Meaeher. K«q., the diatin-|-Uh< trlal and BRRaaaaB, wbo tearleealy appaalnd to Heaveti and the awoul \n viadloatkan of the¦hirtd ri.l .« I hia country men, opprcMcdby Bada-B_.<that olu riu n v of oura,> Baa eac*p.»d from houdage,aad la now breatbing the free air of ihta Uepubllc ; aad*heTeaa, wee*»im it a duty. aa well aa a plea.ure, Uaooor thoae who dare aaaert the righta ol freAArnoa eve-rywhere Therefoi e,

**»fo«d, That it ii c aource of heartfelt gratiaa ttiat IreUnd'. liioat dUtin,u.he<l p.tiiot and orator. Miapii- tit* rhaina forged bv Itritiah tyranny to en-

.__!_ tT0' **"* now w*'ka a freeman upon that aotlwatcbh>'U.p Uome of freeinen, tho _»jlum of the op-

Baaaeiei, Tbat we hava ever looked upoo hia bold.

(..arie.t and m-mly <.< iine, ln <!ef,.,,»» of hii cmntry,nnd hi. at'empt fo t!;e EngUah Hon in hi* veryden. with pi 'uro, and thai it cntitle. him ti

|btairvt ln tba f..vry loverof frein RepubticAB Americ an.l tbat 1' w.i wpii pr..' i>.

irabeardofaba irutrati >n of hi. d<-ir.'«tdretrnrty. and aaw the ntr af Irl.h hnp.-lark an.l lnw.-i leap >ti-i i.

/.'»«f</>-,d, That aTaald we n ',¦ * i'i aba aai .pe <>r M'.Meagber, wa aaapty .¦ .v-th th» Patin-*,

,iM. Ir. ti.- ir '

; aadtruai ln (itad tbht the tim- ieati leaii/cth'; locd a^aaaj of welwadagtheratooar

l _i the g'.Hou* a't< an;* oi M»hPatrt t« to tba traa J Ubarty apaikba b whtt.r.en lafc aitba Ooean have failed, we enn

ndently 1< tk forward to the time when we ¦ ty hail heras a frce RepabbVs." Kor fiecdom'a hattlea .-:.-

Bequeathed aoft,baffl. ri o'f i* f\n w

Maetttd, we extond b> Tb-imw Franeber, b>q. n invitalJor. to vliil [h, i'iilietwemay teatity to hi n BaaTBOaaat*. thia hlfbI we entort'dn ior who ha* raaaad Bbl

kj| life la J'ienae of the liber:!e» of hi*\

//<«. <-id, That a Commi'tee of iwi poraoai ba a.p-porntcd by the Prettdent of thia aaaatbaf t> iovjte'in. ii ua* MeagbaT, Kaq to our BotOUfb athk eartie*t convenienee, aad tbat tbe Coomlttew ba tn-rtrvcted to pre»e::t him with a copy of th^se aVawiaVtiori.

Comkmio.n OF TM Ci\ lt SOCIETIKS.A mcctltL' of aba Dctej-ation from theie aoclrrtiei was

hild at Montiromery Ilall baft evenlt)*, to reetrive thorpportof tbe i.riawer oi Mr. Meacher to the CrOaaaYcathMol ili>! Cernmon Councll and tbe. DaVgktOa fromth'irConventiirn. The utmoit mrpriae ani reirret was man-

Ifeated, when the ni'wi that h>- had d-'Hivil the h'.norofa public recppUon waa made known; but ateralitti.'i» Bat ti;n ino»t af them felt the farce of the rt-aaon. that(., toated bia reply.The first buiineas tiken into comiieration wai the;

action on a resolution pajcrd nt a previoui seaaion, to

prcit iit a luitsble nddren to Mr. jfaaajhaT. On mJtiona Ci mmittee of Kivc. consietlnz of the foltowlng pennniJohn Magrath, ('haa. DavM, laa VV. VYal'b, P. Tajgartand Patrhsh Pee, were appointcd, and ordered t > reportprogre** on Monday evening next. Mr. Mazrath laidthat thia waa one of the mo*t itnportant ptrta of theirbuaines*, ai it would live for all time, and give a hiit.tryof the (vent, while a procei.ion would, fike a bitterfly,be a of a day. Tlie addreaa would leread tn everylanguage, axd e km.wn by the citiz^ns of every civil-iz;d country.The .peakcr then went on to axptabj the reaaona af

Mr. Maagbar'a rafbaal ofa public ^.-..-ptiou aa exprr*»odin that gentlcman'* reply. ."ome further buiincsi wai

tianisrted, and at the closc of the procredinci, VV. B,P< i ir=on, I>q., 01 tered the room with a prtnted copyaf tbat reply, which he read. It waa loutBy applau ie,.! tencYd a j,'<..d deal to allay tlie di.»%tlsfactlon th tt

preTaOed, parttgalarly among tho^e who hadgonetoci.n-iJeralile fxpenae in getting up the demonstration.Tlie meeting then adjouroed to thia evening.


UT We learn with pleaeure that a

p. atieflkan, lat»-ty arriTe.l from Ureece, who ia, as we

are n-aured, di*tingtii<-he,I not only a* tt leader amrmgbba j.iogniaive young men af that r.mntry, but alio ai

n pc rt, publiciit an.l orator, is about to glve a coune oflerturea in thia City, with a view to enlLoitenapu'dieoplnion hi!rc as to the true state ot feoBag and of HTaieiin bis own country. We referto Mr. A. Kniorowho bringi to ui very high rcrorameudutioni Irom

Kuiopc. and whose m in purp< Ameriraitto ktody the people and Inatitutions of the country. Hel/if. rma uf thaVthe b.te peric t.tiou ol Pr. King w.i*

solely the work of the Government, prompted by Aus-tiimi tiiftuenci', and tiiat C.reek pe'.ple nn 1 the f l

optnton of Qraaea are ..i.enly and fully in faaor of lw>

ligious tolerntion and ol allowing Pr. Kin^ to eoadii aaLi-: lu! or* undisturbed. The Qraol peopb-. he gayi, are

ci.ciitlHlly detnocratif both by tn.ditiona, cast'.i.i* andPfiiri', and detcit the ptt Baa rjovOTBAMat, which i*alien to their, impoaed upon them by t'oreignpnwerc Moreover, they rcgard the Ameri m nime,ai:d remember the ni'I received from the l'uitc-1 G '. Iin tbe War of Independence witli the mu3t sincero aadnrdent gratitude..The time an.l place of the lecturei to be given by

Mr. Rigopculo* will be imiiouneed h.reaiter.

Tmk IIi van Ft.oot)..Since WecinestUynoon the follow \nc »hip» have arrived at thi* port bring-ic_ aa apgregate of passengers probabry aitoqaalad in

any limllar time on record.v/.ij.. From fY*jaa.1 .S".r-. PVaaj N b*m

I tra ..I.Liaataool '"'¦ Cnpafwieaa.Hiam.n.... IMJohnftnan.Uvaraaal.. wu Aaaa Davia.Br.waa..., i«.

1 -. Kll.f.. -IlMTl M .......II II rd Amai, a ..II

Mi.i.ianuiia... ". i-" Waahiaftoa.HarnSuri I«n(oiy ¦¦BBarin|..Livarpnol.. H04|Oi %

Huiaaabt.l.iTarpool.. 34)|Chiinhoraao. H«vr». ... 4n:lalaml. Sorway.

V.maralda.l.iverpool.. r\ .Ijvarr-uol it>>aj('oxaa.Cork.. .. "¦ * I

Nearly reven thoniand emlgrnnti ln 34 aoari i» pn-tiyi npl.l bu.ineis, even ior thia fast country.


A SlIfOlTLAB OaXOWTH..We have b°enihown by Mr. P. T. Pobit, a p.rtion of a Mij.le Tree,SlOyean old <by the rlniji,') in the wood oi which a

larce VV'olf Trap Is thoroughly imbedded to the depth offive or tix inches, having at least one hundre.l ye.ira'growth over a part of it, while a part of it is entlrely ox-

prfcd. The tree w;i* allve and atanJing, aid the Trapabout twenty-five leet from the groutid. There i« ROrocin for doubt that the wood haa actually grown over

aad ImbeJdt d the Trtp, which evidently hi.t a panther'afoot ln it when lt was lodged there. The moat remark-ab*a ieature ol the biuines* ii the perfc-t preservatlonof the Trap, which ia but allghtly oxydi/ed. It wai

ft und by m timber-t utter ln Woodhouie, Ta'bot Pistrlct,Canada Waat

Tiik Bio Tknt..There is a Mass Meet¬ing every nlgbt at tbl* *pBclou* plnce Iu point of num-bor* and zeah There are large* eaeh nightwho go away for want of room to gain adm'.tUnce.I.ait night the Tent wa* deniely crowied. The meet¬

ing waa opem-d by Ri v Mr. Kddy, nfrer which a Tem-ppraneeode waa *un? by Mr. Manland. The meetingwi» then addrened by Pr Harrtngton, of Brooklyn, tna loutcal, earneit, and etlectlve manner, which wtti verywarmly applauded at every point Rev. Mr. Walter*al.ti addrei.ed tho meeting in a truthful and deeply-lntt-reatlng mannor. Thoae pre.ent w-trrnly re.pondodto tlil* gentltman The aervii-ea clo.ed l>y two Tem-perance iaiea, to ihe evldont dellght of all preient

LllF.NSES I?l THE SlXTI KNTH WARD..We are jla.l to hear that ln ditpenslng pol.on liceaae*for thia VV'ard? aome deccnt regard hai been manifeatedfor the reijulrementi of Uw. The Aldennan and aVwaaVtent have had the courage to do their duty ln tiie fulleatpiancer ia refiuing licenie* to men of notoriou* badcbaracter, and the proapect u that ruoa will be *oldhcreafter by men of crdinary good itaudiri:.-. unla-a9 theyfall by the blte of the acrpent which th«y deal with-The people will be Obfj ^'rstetul fcr tht», and wohaveno doubt that the liceming officeri themielve* will bavere*son to rejoice at th.-lr own firit.De**. The B*a*aa*aaiWnrd h*» been niaterii.My changed for the better witdinth> pa»t two year*. Prt-viou* to the " Tailon Ri U" thoPi\t.-et,th waa one of tha wotat lowdy Ward^ ln theCity, and wa* looked upon with dread. But elnce thatdUaatrou* tight, and e*peci*lly. »ince Capt. Stephen*onwa* put ln command of the P.jJice, tho work of ref¦mation haa l^een gi Ing on finely. Great credit U Baa toCapt 8., who, more than all otaaara, hai libored iuc

ce»stully fur Uw acd ordcr.

A Lo>(i and CiBAP Riiik..A frentle-mxn Bamtsl Bradford yeaterday hlred a h^ck Btff anbturtoave the uppcr part of the City, anjoitiing thed.iver to be lure to e0t back to the Pouth Ferry by theexj iraton of the time. Inatead of that, John kept Mr.B. tiding for two hour* and a half, initaed the boat, andthen roolly demAnded five dollari for f«ro. Mr. B. wa*BOJ quite ao green a* the fellow .rueaaed, and in«teAd ofpay irg the *.'>, he brought the driver (TBornaa K\rly) tothe Mayor'i Ollice, where a five doliar bill wa* lookedfor from the prUoner, but a* he failed to pay he wa*sent to priion for live dayi.


Apt..8hak?pcre grace« every erner-geuoy with a perlect phraie. Yeaterday the Injunctlonupon the pcrfoima-.e of ihe doga, goaU, monk^yi, the Aator place Opera Ilouae wa* ramove.1, and whatcould ba happler than the motto upon the placarj* an-

nouncing that fact *ix:' Tba cat will maw tha dog wiU have hia **y '*

Mii-iiiii Mr-ii..On Wodaaadajfr.i_ht, a Ur_e corpn af ti.nairal per'.rm.-ra aaa n-hleJln Broadway, ln front r! the Xew-York Ilitet, nn i eerenadt-d Md'.le. ___._¦_, the __-t;_.,-_i-_cd ar_-t


| >v. i< bj-BTRKBT..Tho lower part oftkbatreetoaee aaora hegina to ««.um-th-

¦ ;-oiraeted gra.iing h-in_ m-arlyhr.i-he.l. lt .¦ em» iik--a pl>fe-,l b.Uy to .

(, nr hlocka of bufldiaga for the parpea OBfhaa»);J,t.i. | I ir. M .rrl.Aat, a

»Sr. ai of -mall irrport- nre ac 1 llttl.- travel. but we aup-y 10 Corpnrate wiadom katowa bcrt

Watkumklov-..Fivehunilrer. rips wa-termelcoa and 91,000 pine applea arriv-d y-AterdayI" rr Kl-!bura.


HoffOftAlLl T)i-i i: AR-.i:n..Mr. Ham:l-toaJ Combca, whn w. arreated a fcwdayaataea on

romplalnt of a_e_ea1 K. BaeaMtB, aa*_ayaafi Ma_ bu-i-neaa in Ilroadway, who rh .r_*d him with uiury. h .1

BB a___-B__-__ u t. tVi la ,y a'ternoon in re! .tion t.

the char.e. iiifiirn J.;tice Stuirt, and afoBr a th irou.hliiveatication the wn« diatniAl-'L and Mr.Cornbea wa_ honorably dwcbargcd.

Fire..Ab.-ut five o'clocfc y^-terlayafiernoon. a tire broka out in the haaement of N-». 2~

BAaMOVOi M, occupied by a (ierman fatnily. The alarmwaa quickly given. and the firemen were early ,>n the

grnund, and eoon rxtinruiahed the flamea. Dam-gettiflfaaf. The orLjin of the fire U unknown.

Thrf.e PsBSOlfi D_U>Wfi_tD BY thkUh-sfttim; e* Duaia IhaeJ 1 oclock yeaOorday aft-r-aooa, n naw hoat, while returnincr fnm the auip 8t1'atrick, which a-iivrd bapeetao WV-ni-aihiy aft»-ruoiin,waa uphet, in conar-ipience uf a le.k and a heavy aea.

ar < leven pf nona, nine of whom were Qe__|aa eml-

granta, were tbrown IntJ the. watcr. Aeveral b aa_ be-in? nenr at the time. a pr^mpt effort waa mnd-r to retcue

the iinhirt-nate cn w, a!l of whom wero eaved exceptJohn Jooat. A l( y four yeara of atrc mrn-1 hrneetKleinatuver. waa taken out of the wa'er inien.iWe, aodluppo.ed to be dead. He waa taken on board the h trk

Htepben I.urman. where be wi> attended by Dr. VaaLier, of No. 99 Oieaawhlb at., and - an recover/-d. The

body of Joost waa not reeovered,Anotber hoat, luppo.ed to bel ing to a vcsa-I, sunk

aboitly alterwar.l. rjajpoaBbi Plot N >. H N. R and two

irun were drowned uam-a w.-re not bhct-


Ai IPB9T..A hiliorcr BRftMd F. Coiiiran. while en_»Lre,i ___b othera. a___ec_ay mornine. ln

I atbuj M No. 55 Trinity place, was aevcrely ____-__,

ln con'"!'ie:n-e of a baau.of earthaaitag ttVkmapoahim. Be waa tak'n to Ibe Hr-t Ward i'o'.iee Bl iti m,

where he w»a attend.d by Dr. I»e Fjrcat, after w.:.hbe waa conveyed to hia reaiih-nce.

Fatai. At t iiiknt..BfichRol Murrav.wbo on Tueaday Uat Irll doWn tln- hatchway oi th-

pii.thoat Lag e, dii'd yeaterday at the city Eloaaa-w.whither he wna taken ahort'y after _be OCthe iiicident. The C >roner will hold an inque.t uponthe body thi- mornin.-.

Km m» DrownKD..The body ofan un¬

known mnn '.vr,? yeai rday fonad in thodock attba tbatof'l-tilton-ft., N. K.The body of an'i' unknown man waa alao fnun 1

yi --terriay in tbe wit-- M p_Bf N>. ii E __ The C abatd inqm-ta upon tbe daeoaaod, aad verdicta in ea^hcai-e were rend.-red, ofdenth l>y drowning. und-*r ^ir"rumatancca unknown to tlie jury.


Suodbh Dkath..A young mau. 26yerira ef a_e. nuined Deaaaa afnlbanOB, dlod very aud-denly yeiterday morninc Ot hia laaldeaaea in ___rfa__kat cear Avenue C. lorthree yeara p«t ho h id beennn immodernte rutn drinkrr, an. thij probahjy tad tihia denth. The Coroner wna BOt-l .! lobold an ;ri'.;i'-»'-Bp ¦ the body.Bifd Si iii'KM.T..A man named riii'ij.

_a____, died auiidenly on Wl iaeadey nijfht. while upmthe door-.t'-pa of Dr. Mear'e raatieaoOi BV> SOEaatlltoadway. Ills body w.ia __Ma to _ke S.-venlh WatdfHattnn Tlonaa, aad ti" Coadaae* wa» aotated t. botd an


|_i** Thft inquir^ition upon tho hody ofJ..mra Oooper, who died.finn \i len, e, A. il ia B-Ofhi^at the hnud of JlomiiA tlill, a hut-h.-r. whi-h a_|aja>nrnciil on \\ rilni-pd i) ,',' n I I >n>din ronfeouenre ultlc a'j.f nc I _r-_BAawaB, tili u.hiyaRaraooav at i oclock.

Aooravated Aosai i.r.. II -nry Pryaor,er,duiof bailneasal No .. ..' Caaalat, ti

grwt-ibk wii'e IihiiiihIi and dt_| tei A'.. wareyeit.til y iiin-tiil l,y OfBeera Trui |i;i un 1 Davte, ofthaJefreraog PoHee Coart, eh trgad flrttb a violentaaaanltand battery upon the peraoa of Mr. M u_ iral Ward, ofNn. 17- ~:h av. It appeara from the a-Hdavfll ofMriWard, that on I'ri lay la^t ahe oaQad at tlie ahoj, ot th"accuacd with aome nrticlea of clutl.lng which ahe hadmade up for them, that l'rya,-r four.d fault with the man-

ner in which the wnrk had heen p»rfnrmed, and aomeworda j.nased bet ween them, when he ajsaulted and be^ther in a very vi, lent __a_-BOr, in which he vu aided bybia wife aml daughter. Mrg. Ward, nt baa tlm°, waa cn-

., and the heating elie recelved brought on promi-turelaborahortly after ahe wa.lHM-n h')ine. Itr. Ji-nningtofTbiity-fi.urth-Bt. oear i'.lghth av., waacalledtn, aoon after whlcb a dend chlld wh. horn and the m ither b"lngconaidered aa lying at the poiaf of death, Juatice Bt-trlwaa calh d upon to take her depoaltion, the *ubstance ofwhich la given above. Ve/iterday afiernoon the phy.i-cian thou(:ht her recovery waa poa.i'.le. Tlie a.;cuaedwere commlttcd to priaon by Juatice fituart to await ex-amination.

ASSACLT WITH A H.AT( HKT..Wm.I'errla. a blackamith, while pas«in,' _bro_gb W'eatit.,yi i-terday afteruoou, when near Waahington Market,accidently came In colilajin with a y.iung-tT, w o aud-denly aelaed a hatchet, with whi a. he atrurk Mr. Ferrlaa powtiful blow in the fice. aplitring hia noge ita wholeIfDcth. The wound bled profuat-ly. notwlth-tandingwhlcb, he managed to walk to the New York Hnpiul,where the wound waa drassod. After perpetrating tlieoutraire, the raacal ded, but the police of the ThlrJWard are after bim.

A Saof Liftkr..A young man of re-ayectable afpearance, named John Rdwarda.waa yeater¬day arreated, char^-ed Arith ate.ilinga hreaatpiu, valuedat #100, rrem the atore of IUchard C. Ackerlv, No 150Bcw ery. lt appeara that the accuaed entercd the otoreunder the pn-tcnae oi purcha*ing a breaatpin, andwblie he waa hokiDg at aeveral which had heen pUcedfor bia In.pection, another young man came in andwL-li.d to i^> i-Lowu | tray of jewelry, which waa lyingin the »how w !ndow. \V hile Mr. Ackerly w_l engngedwith thi* one, Edwarda concaled the ireaatpin abovealluded to ln the palm of hU band. and when accuaed byMr. A. with h«vlng It denied the truth of the »ccu«a_o_.Mr. A. th. n M'md him and found the pin in bia h.nd.He waa tl.rn h.i, l.d orer to the cu.tody of offloert=h<irpe. who convey.d l.irn tothe ___BB_ l'olice Court.Juatice Wo..d Comu.itted him to anawer.

C-LRR0I Ol PlCKIHl Po(K1:T;*..Sev-eral comp!ai_ta were yeateriUy taken by Juitice r>tuartat the J- ice Court Wm. Bear.leyand John McFi-:l.::. _r-_.W___a_T.aO_d01 Monday laat,charged with plcking pocketawhle at the " Turner."ieativ.l at H irlem. Mra. F.liza Walton, of »o. tt. De-liuncy at, cbiu.-i t-MBBI w.-'i i. rtatpi bad her BOaa-Biof a wallct, containin. Slllo in gold coin, while ahe waat th-- i-atival. Chri.tina Kumi.iy of So. ~'J N.rfulk-atchargeathem with j.ickinghU pocket ol a arallet, coa-

ti.ining $'.0 in gold, aoace change and aeveral pip-^ra.Mra. Itachel Uemage, of No 4_' St*nton-at, B-BbtJI 'be-¦ racting a purae couuining $_0 ln gold and *1_in hank notea, from her pock-1, while ahe waa at th"aame plact. The accuaod are ia cuatody.


AotiRAVAi Kt> j.911III I iflllhl K;mewaa arreated by officer Howard, of the Ei.hteenth Ward,on Wedneaday nigbt chargrd with aXU mpting toviolatethe pcraon of Margaret Ilull, ia a lumber yard in _¦*-_"av. The erlea of the woman for __iiUu:e brought theofocer to the apot, aad the accuaed waa arreated Hawaa corxuxuticd by J-attco Stuart for eaaminatl-a.

OBvAoTB LaR< BH1 ¦.A mcr. nrimed H'n-ry McCarty wa* arreated on VVedne*

-Knightof tha Kifteenth VVard. cbargrd with *toal-Ing agoid wateh «nd ri.Mn, rafaad a' vrtyof Edward iUaach, of No. s7 iiouHonat. The twoyorng m» n ln cr.mpany wtth . w.reoii -t

aWaaaafAalaj ajglt, wawO bVaacr u>ed irsatrhf d hi* rompannn* aaaab fromhi* r*ick» *.aad taa of vtltaa anI i

BtaaVt, be .:^,r»Qto gtre up the watch, ii the OBBaflwii wltb.lrawn, l\,< refu.e.I ro do *o ucder otht(ircon.atance Ba waa commltted by the mxgi*tratafor triaJ.

Tiik Late Mlkoku in Mi lber:iv-St..The Cor, a comm-ncc J hjlding and Iu-r;jL«iti..n atthe NewVork ll»ihl, epoa the h xly ofIluch I>urty. who waa .tabbed on Tueaday aftaTIWfka by

1 .n the foilowLog day atthe Nrv-Torbj Ho*pi:al. 8<-me teatimotiy wa* taken, but the wlt-aaaata aat bafof all ajraaaat, the matfr wa* adj larc-1aatfl '! o'clork thia mornLn.», whenth" ln

I At the Corotl- I <

Rkai EsTATB..The folWinsj RealKatate wa* aold at Auction. June 10. Atthe Merchanu'ataawawga, by William H. Franklin:3 »tory bru'k *nd »tene bonae on rear, and frame hinas

'.n front ot la. ».». mie llth-av h-t 46th k 17th iti. f 2.6501 lotoam a weat of Lexington-av. **)

Bf tiiav and tOfftha*.. 270_. 220

st, earh |9>. NII Ci.llUit ai.o itiid the follnwing:

1 lot *n MI n 3d and 4th-ava. ~". by N*.. 21VI aeh. ¦**

un*. I24'1 each_.4-miUt a<l ......j.

1 BDaalol ai>jo'ni;.g. 2>l1 nore lot. . is.">I laraep ¦. . -'."

M, h. 1."-"'ttt ai. iiaataili | . I."7"'

4 touoi - iu-af., arljoiaiaa, *.u" aaek. Mk-a. * 1,1.ttn*,$i7jeach. .*¦

a-^ieauh. i,M. . . 2JV>

I-..aakUb-at,aadgoraoaraar, $135aacb. >io. tu

1 -- "e ». joiuini. 1V>Ti.e foOoWttg r.rt-ok'yn r-al esUte w.ti *old atthe

Kxelmnce, June !>, by Jnme«. C-.lerFlaatdaa-av.$ 7Jt

1 lot ua H .INuapdaa-at. I I.:. kaa

.i'il.i< l,;iio

!. |7W. 1,411¦.MS

3 lota or. (Ufbrd-lt, rnch 1*330. 1 IM3 IwU oa Camkarlaad-at, each ta>>.2 let* oa CBmberUaAal *. J. hi.' let*oat . -V'J"3 lo*s on Cuqiberiand at, eacb gl.j.'i.

. ».nmhaikBadal. 1,151

I Ut .ii CaaibailBadat. I.& >.

.ilton-av. I ,'

. 1,710i. psa.i,iai

. ljUin:. aachO&M. 1,101iKalbat. . .'.!at. I..."

IktonP Kalb-av. [,091! Ut ... I'.iKalb-a*. 1,11*.II taa D. Ka.'n.. 1,101

".. h #1.1 in. .

¦. 1.17.3 |,.U on Wycki.ft. i.ear Sm.>»¦«*.. .'. MOAdrUn II. Muller nude tlie lulToartagaalaa June 10:

llouarard lot $K WaaWnjtoa <K. 2f\^.17 oftullotMCartatU-at, foalOO....5 Jihi

*v. and37th-*t,77x100.. j.ivi.. ,2 on l.l.ltl. ...... 25x 00.. I al. t-A

¦: VV. fiu. "tu-ai. 25*100. I l 0I ut nortb aido Sbl at, adjviaiai UalOl. i r*j

l - .-

TjiT When anytbiog recommenda itaelf,¦.: iabh gat L The .

u artiaf in th» cnuiiirv ia, tbat when nne ol hilpictnre. ¦_.¦ iw. Tlu-y

B n an\ rti- ..a Bl.. ( ai! at .N'j. A) Bo)«dw*>.f A.tram»«rr,»nt.]

[mpobtakt Extbact pbom TmomaiCabLYLI N; .* VVoRa..."I'.uicernini piioti «rti.!n. or a\-

«, aa tl ry ..<¦ ralleil, gl'iar t^eir i.

O.ti.l i'.l.KK. I I.ear thal tl.a Vii.kie. are far in acouraslvea. ai.d I pattlj kaHaBB n Caft**B »m. it.i will

phatlcaJly * f*cL thal Wh raHvaar, of Kaw-Vorb fNe ih rir.a.luav, I balUvatbay naoK lt.) bai mu>pa**ad all l.uceaapetitorBln tba axr»nieceoi bl* .iu pio-laa *. I »»tv i!:em atthe WarkP* RxWrdtlan, in tba' tliimtffy the -Cryalal Palaee,'and I, n.ked tbe Uuda Iorhia aucct aa "


Siii'iri \i. Tkui:i.:; M'li Poblished at^. I ....lanrl «t..Ka.6Ui**aad t | .itainini." .:;... i b FrUnd oa MaaaMriaaa, " LilHa," 'Th* I)oe-ii...-,.i AfnAttU*,' ai 'i '-Is ". i .1-" bj tba Sairita; ii-<>,th*. d*b .' ili>- Naw-Vork Conferanee, "Mediamaan.l Moraia," " U itai from B*akapOtaa," ' llev. Efoaaa Bai"I..., "

hi ,1 in».i.iv..l iatoraadag a-ticft;* iat mentiuu -.1r ibltaU d by Cbablb* Pab pauaaa

!% ¦']\r.i... We can assure our

Ikii en .t aapoaitorp of fa»hion »nd taata, aaay barerj daacripltoaof Fancv and Staole l>

An il tl.'- miat prorrinrnt. we niitica ricii Prapa. S .,*.!.,niain *i.H . nbli ;.' 'lt ,1 of the tSneat fabne. SpUaaid -i.llt*.Bifcade*. CbameleoB, PlaJd aad Btripa lad

iica Bareg'-a, Urf naduiea, Alb.irineA .laconaU a-nli Bat a. d raoat aVhaate aolora ¦aayaf

< :;..[. itc.I t-xprt-saly for thu li.i.i^-; w

»;... [ ol Staplr Drj tleaaa i- arooad to no hn.i«e inI.adira in <;u. »t ofllch Sunimer (i./oc'f, aud who »*¦bu r aeoaany with laata, *beaM vimt tlu* popular -.

ment Coiuuibiau IIall, No. 281 lirand-at.


Tiik Tomb or tmi thiaplftce, on Hudion-av , the remalm of aeveral thouiandn voluiiiaa ry baroaa ara deposited. A few day< *.-.. %

l-i.!..! vltiU'd the ipot, and he sayi that he wai lilledwith mortitication at aaofafcj ir la .ucli a dilapidatedcoi.dltion. Kilth of all kitids ti thrown up ui th |groueds fioin an a.lj-ining bouie, aud the wi. '..- iuilomre, a* it now exists, i* a dUgrace to the oadtanl otErcoklyo. The property on which the Tomb i* aroctod,*Ld the lemaina of Uie pariot*, we un J-r.tind, are

owtii-d I y thr Romaine iamily, of New-Vork, whohavo.!y given tbe uuthnrltle*of Brooklyn p:.-

n inoTe th" bon.-a it they afould crect a luitable m iriu-

ineni ovtr tiitm. drcenwood (,'einetery haa been pro-pof. d aa a .uitahle placa for th^lr reeeptlon, but It la aotki .wn y< t » hether ti.eremaina will ever bet-tkea t'lere.TI.e T.'-nb I* r.n a trianeulnr plece of ground, wbich 1*Kinetwclve IbaB Ugjaaf th^n the atrOOtwhich 1* about tifn-eu feet awOa, oat ajabal al nwt theiituelot A frame * tbe groaadoa ooe

lide, and the wai of the Navy Var.l run. alosg th" re*r

cfit There waa formerly an entranoo to ihe grvun 1from the itrct t, but it Is now clo*ed up with a roagbatone wall, on the top of which i* a wojJen feiebowever, doe* n«.t prev. ni p-r-un. padiin-,' ajaag thertrtetfr.n; »e»iug the buiiding and the uaanfjaaOaaf,which we bate copip.l. Tne antc thumber tot),. t ii.' i» a »m*ll w.xxien b-iilJing, on the top of wbichUacAJV.d eaarle rt.tiui; on a bai, uiiderneath which lia pedeital with inicriptioi.. on thrce liies, the one on

th.- fn.nt nii.n::..' thu*:. .u IT7B the C..nfeder«ti m

proctaiu.. d aaartaaa Brtti-h cohnieaail-XITKD aT«T

in a»-par»:e aoter.lgnty.[Here followa tbe mo.t -. iu a tcroll. j

h.. 1'i.t ar IIn !>''our Ornnd Nntiouai Convention orJaineJ

ONB K.VTIBK Sot EKKIoM \,iu itiict Bdheaiou to tha aqaaUj ncred

STATE HIOIITI.r?uch a Rcrretic muat endum for ever.

On the front of the main buiMin^ i» thii inicriptioB.The Ante Chhmler to the Yau!t, tn whlch

arraug<d the butta or other portrait* i',.<i(n<<t ot tbein it rrbttnfiii*brd awaaary men aud civiiiaa* of the

.1- n.- 1 ba tiorernor* nnd I.a^;«lator* of the OM Thirteen

StUeiwili tonbragre.t tbYtaf bj 1.¦ m ro N... 5] Baab

'¦ ln lt J *:terthirty year* aaBaOft, tbe corn-r .tone,i lakd by tbe praaaal oaraar, a. Gnud

BaxaawBof Taa :.. -i.y BoeJety. Inthe.amey ar, tr.tnon nl nlearbed koa !-rtyrito

o«r lid., thirteen c.i'ini w.--c U« tie Tomb. in treat duoUy of m'iitary and

ty .1 NewVork and Brook-lyn hwaa i ' '.ill tittern aaaaaaaal

p -ty, wcrepr.-f t

ve i. the Obly liicription ou the main buil-i.irg; ou the little pedeital on tha top of it. on the rt/bt.itie. or oti-r the entranceto the Tomb, ii thefollawingajiecimen of gTanuib .|uence:

' In th.-( ity of NewVork. IT-', Waahtnaton begantbe BrM Pre»idenn*l career. Tbe wi,-l.Mpread Kagle ot1'iilon WAited the order, then In.tanfJy raUel ....

ln the hearerv and Uke the orb of day, ipaedily becameviaii.le to baJfthe globe."On the eppoelte, or bafJ »Ide, U tht*.' The Con.titutiot of tbe L'nitad Statea con.iiU of two

pait.-.'be .upreme aovereignty. aud the uaadulteratodatate rigbt*. one and iedivUioie,''"Theaa have no paraJUi, exeept the eacrad deca-

loeue by Moeea Our dutiea to kaai and Man, one audbsdoiaiule." ,

A »m*u tree bendA iu braxche* over tbe Toab, aadat a ahort diatanctt from U ara th? remaia* of a weeping

wn* w. r e ralheg wfcich onee proteete-l thr '-iltdaafba-ateodkk B deAtrrryed by ril-**.*-*..Bha

part r*n alnlrr haa oa it the mmee of the baRB-O 4Mar.l.n.'. rth CarHini, *o_t>i Ceerdloe aadOf rgte.belng onlr flve repreaentaiivea <¦* tbe original

- Any one winhimrto viewaheT.mb.ttre Martrra. c»nre»rh tbe ptaOS bj h few rrdniitee by

.r_M Kfll v bi .ta at (i .uverneur-atre.-t. aal.,.t»nce up Uud.on-a the U

hrooilyu aide.

I.\tih- itiob Murrnfft.T__- Doaoc-rsey of Frc- klynevenirgat the City Hotel. near the «

waa* very fiir, one ofthe raoaaa in th- h >.

trl U Ing tearly full. Tiie meeting weec.ele 1 t

by £ r. __aWaw__i 1 . <.., who aeaaaaaaed O. I La-n.r,PieaUaaR, ai i aod_____ Baa, B. C M.rphy gave a «0f

of the pninadliiae at B arhtch w..

v. d by apeechea trom Mwre. SNnf. rd, Mo1 Duatln. a a .¦.!..« Bi ln

endor«uig the BalrJmore PUtfbrm, recommen iin, Iapetdy _nl.,en:e-t ol the Krie Can-.', a- j p_vpaa__|to meet th> ir brethren ot' New-Vork,.TB'uiatiuna, at Waahlngtoo- fcteadajajataa-i \ewv_r_h,u th.¦ ii'iih Ju y next, aod with a f.-w remarka from (' >1.

Roreaine, the meetlug adjounn-J.

ATTXMPTKB ScictDE..On We Ine^layeveniii_ laat a yonng and interettin. fem.'.e n.m 1

Mary l.ockwood. atterr.pted to drown heraelf byjuxrniogotr tfaelhvk foot of Jay-at r*he waa lawOaedby >lr. Wm. Mcl.aughlln, who plunged ia at'tcr baa*.

iivea a* her rei_ion» for wi.hlng t* mik-'way with hei>e!t, that ahe had been deaert»-d aml l-f-.

p_a_B__aa byher ihaad. Inha Liioharood, ta> Ba-Baaa»he waa marih .! aiajut tw,> yeara eince. They lonnerlrraaided at N.>.' Praaped »t B_e li a * at tha BDittiii t _B-_oa llouae. where every l_a|a_-__B bOT aoa<.:.¦¦ u drmunda ia kindly awarded to h t by Bha o:

Mu.iTAR. \isit..Tho Rop-hlicaxi Ar-tillery. of Alb-iny.lnteti.l r___BB| thia Ci'y aboal t'

of Ju'y. They ure to be the gueata of _ii*» Wa».:I.lfe Cuarda, Captain Sharp.

WILLIAMSBURaSH itkms. thi DiTfi...-Teajterday,June 10. waa the day lor _M yirly _toa_-Bbatfeal (>i Cbrave C'irist,, which is t feaai

raya the 1-aredey afur Trit.ity S.iuday. It li a

feaai Inatkrated hy that church in aaa_a_aa_a_t__aaaol'..Hii-ir, or I.ord'a Boppar, and i- one ofthe

tieafi .t l.-r-riv ,U of the yoar.'"-ing ohaor.od hy C-ttii-olka d>io__ho_l t!.i' wotid. laCarhoIbi eeaolrlaa titaoaacr___i u _ earried aboat in tho tfraeti ln pr >«^»ii w.the prlcata aRd (. cpreaata_ tlnir _0T__toaalaprayere, accompanlcd by other te umoniala of affiw-ti.n, auch aa tlowcra, mu.ic, I ! The BtraOa. ar.i

thn nged, altara are erected anil bonutifully de-coratad in honor of the »acri>iienta, and b.-ne-

proDoaaced upon t'r i poopla by th»ptlut*. The prono'incing of th<- baWOaV-fkia Llii, r. mpanl. d hy th" firing of gnna, aa a sl^nalto ail'p. i.i r.a witliln bearlng ofthe rep.u-t. liitiat Ihe tiir.r ot the beM iictlmi. iu (r-r:nAiy

r couLtrlea thia day i. »trictly ubaoiaed tl^ aiid miitiy Prote»tanU rt'at hO-B-M-abor.

The day Of thia h'Ktlval i. appointed in the aeason ofth wrr», that amilin_ Nature may ca_t her :!,ir..l trlhuleat the sh'ine <.t lerfOBt Datotkaa. Pragraal loaraea

¦.vi-,lln the etretta, and BowetV and evergreeaadn-ornte the cathedrala and churchea ot Ibo C.itholiea,. n thia preeaiaoal ooaa-_oa_ TH* Caattre iay liai'ori'garded as a day of prayer for (iod'a bleBglDj; upon thernit- hihI irope ofthe aeanon.that theie nmy be an

_b_-__-__0_a tha harvest.and in that reapect may beii .Hiil.d a« an antecedent of tho l_4a_byipiaj

II d hy other church...The ajgaol of ahooting baa bfOB i.'ii innitly or wll'ully

r< preaented as the circiiiony of _Ra__fng th? .

which appellatlon ouly thia obaerr.ucd ia koaeya t.,

inany, and tho impresaim la th ri.hy oiaalad th»t thll| is ei'.her a B__ra_ or typical tknoiing

ni.' cf the (fiurrh: An atteml'tnc? upjn _h-00 oerO-IOnlea at the (ierman Catbotle Chur.'h, l>cate latl IleilhaB of W____aeb_r|b koown aa '. Duteh Towii,'w'.ll enable na to glve a briaf nec.unt of what aeoarwdL'I' n> L-hi.orhood being alaaoal e\i-luiively ti>'ria..the rhaiat teriatii-a of Faderlaad are rlattde in mtnyeepi eff, of which thi. i.^ one moKt prominent. Tin' daykw t.. the nppearance of the |_bba__ \% t< at i

ft. th,- Siimlay w,n d..iined, an I _haaa-_efpalportlon of thn people ilock-vl to thoeharab t-> ;>trti -:-

patobi thaaorricea Tha Waabl__too Qaeide, oaa nfIhe __0i__ry eoc-paalea of th»t i-ea-By, arere otjt, anaedandr(]ulpped,an,l hudtheHtar Bpeagbad I'.innerdyliig atIheheed of the tU-i-atarf at'.Ary 11 dl. At !¦) o'elocbth>-ehureh waa _____i<»attaad ma*a ntil beaioooree for ibe oeeaeioa. Durin, miia, at e_eRdopo__t_i111..I while the argaa araa p-ayb-g and the eboiriragBttoa c-U-Bttey, tha -aOttary drawa up iu i. ie lni«, ba-ilee, faclngeach other, laaatlpreaaal arma; aadth'-n t.illowi il, in ui.i. k ni'voMlon the nll ot i

the gound of trumpeta, and loud dlachar^e of ||_*ra_|oajtatde ofthe __n_r_b. Thia waa repeiie.1 aeveral tlmaailuiin. the gervicea. The ehureh waa deivraled wi'.htlowcra aud everjtreen3. and flled to iri utmoat eapaettybythe ecejgi_g__laa. At the cioae of tha laailteaiaan.ilitary were Daaicbad lnto tbe itraotaad aM-Bad atroi.t ol the church Booae fuither eeremonlea, Ladad-

i.f flre-ara-ial Iba tidoof thi eb-rab,etoeed the aarvieat ofthe aaoraiaf. Tha baa I of aaad i_aaa_-t__a_j plsjln^, and with tne ____taryptup Kwen at. to their quartern, follovred by th .' Cbroaf,In the Bitemooo,eervieee arere rspeated,a_l r wl i- h,aa ia aaaaaioa _o_ Uy, f.-.-i'ivdl orriibbithd iyt, 11biae li'illa, und other ptaooa of BU-aaOBI

tbreaged for tlie remalnder of tho d_qrhal i. taraaad tha-aa^ataoayof a_ea

Drril, aa H _a bj Daa-tl Town " t ;.et', W .\ ith a briefaccovnt ofthe Origin ar. I o'DJecU oftha day.

<,;nh,\i. STlfOD OF THI RcrORMEBDtrTCa Chi H' h .Vc-tcrday lorenoon the caao of ItevJohn B. Fbaugh wai decided. Ili. app«al wn ra : iinedl y a vote .! IttaSS. The claaaia of New-.ork waa

! om votiiic, and other BB-B-hflt. were ex-

cuaed or ahaatit Two pr-;!i<niuary _aa_R_ap ln a

1'roteaaor <A Tbeology, aa aucceaaor to Rev Dr. Cin-non, waa had ; the laat one will OOeat at 1') t'otoeb thi.di y. Nirt much other bualneae of Intereat waa trana-artid yeiterday, and they adjourned atT o'clock laatLi^t.t t<> thia morning. The tiynod will probably c .n

tlnue icveral deya.

________ CiiAMBER..The roooi fof'* of the Common Couuell ia be'Jirf 1

hagoadi atjle, and the waile will appear aa granite. Aanddltiim to the bull-ing ia neceaaary and cntemplate'l.Case ok Crceltt..Complaint wat

rr, Je to Juitice Boowell, on Wedueaday, hy neUhbor. of\\ in B_awa_aaBB_aj, of Bo. *il .-iou»h laRei, charglng himmi'h HBOet ahau.-'il eraattf tOVUd un o-^bau i bil'J,which be took out of ti.e I'oor Hoaae. H>jwa»he J*.otail in tne aum of #300, to appear lor tri_J a: tterm t,f the County Court. Our raporter aaw the child,in caretl the wife of the keeper of the OB_Rwaa rcarrcd and hrula_d, and ita arma, temp e. aod e.rabore Llack and blue evidence of rienli.h crarhy.

S I iWIvw Cattle..At about 1 o'cl.vkyeaterday morning, the Tbird Ward |__p_o reeovered a

)okeof oien, valuel at |160, which two thievea htd at>len and were drivlcg thruugh EwenaL tjward .one

*l.ughterbouae. Tbe thievea eecaped. One of thematruck a rr.«n named Andrew Roaer, who aceoatedthem,with a pitch-fork, aen*. the, a_d yeateriayhe w_a coniined ta bia bed. DepredaUona upon cattleln the vii.Lol'y of the City are quite common.

Co>\RTKi...( harles (.. (iravea, theyourjgman who waa arreated Ln AlLuny, to which hebad fled wilh a watoh atolen from hta aunt, yeaterdayplead _uil:y i f petu larceny, and Joattc* lljaari rth gaveLm. _9 day. to the i'enitentiary.Accn»E>T..A swv.ll-cart driver fell un-

der the wheel of bia cart yeaterday, and hia teaaa atart-

ing, he waa run ovtr, »_d had hia head cut and hia lefth g md* leftana Irok-t-n.


Temperav.e..Hon. E. D- Culver r<1-draaaed a tet-peraace .afetiag at the 5th-at Met-odietChurch, laa* eveotag.

A.«F, <T -A fcw [>-oVVr waa BTrt't* f

ya»|er.'«y, rharged trfth .?a-h>j a wf-b wortS abuwt

.;-¦ VV irtiot*. .)! XcwtoWB He wai .*'«.¦ .»

Nt «t t» ¦ f< . Btal

JBRUBY (ITY rTaalW.StKAWUFRRf latl I M 41-..TftPW DT

four Ni-iw'.-eny lv<t:*B.a are ua-aod for next arera,I i Dhaat Cburch,

W-vae .. ' nicg, lha r>* ioot oaw \*ftha I.. -t-nred Pulcb Cburch. (IraaaVat.

\\ .ana atiay, latb, at InxprH aTafa, aad ona

-.-al.yieriAB Chuich, Than-

dhj aftcrnocn aad t« ;, Uio'.Tth tnat, at rranklh*Baat

1.TB Atpirvk.x..The City authoritieaare yet at aaal and maru tha puWi.: ar* aware ao

i-. heib re. The dty> said to beioi-jihan n, vt v»ithoi.t Father*. The vacancy of the

tbe I'..r, the e\pirafton of the S'ato on-trrct nn the t»t of Jum\ and ;hN faet that tb« oBf daaVcer*. watcbmca, aud other* ia lha einployol the clty. are aot being peU, c*JI for acd*n forthwith.


l . S. DnTBICI Coirt.Before- Jtd^eJuo*. i:..J BBBwJ BwaBPi o«r»«c vf tfXiKtittr C«*ra\ Agt.Jbaatj / Ht*i)i Baat to u»*t whether a eoal dealer eaa¦ataaat *. comptred to the bill ol taolng,oa * IratakJ bill Tbe action i. to raeatl r oratgbt on *

oal. belng I4B tun* at $1 45 par tua, betag.... i.-.a, .1. t.t ^Mr. VV.) w-l^'hed the ecal la

hi* yaril, a«\er receiving it from tho veaael, aud allegad: ./.:-....« arora raaalfcd,aad u-nlWed to the

oa fchaa aaaaaVty, arkiob wa*.i ,1 ti .. iiiioun', afler auit t>a|ng broug it, paid

luto Court l.ibellnxt al-e> claima tor dernurrac.-. on ihe;greaajd that the napondeu; «... iu unraaannahl leogtkol time ln taklng away theTbe Judge d-cbied'a- to the ftrat p*rt, tbtttheeoB-

algnore havioc agreed with the inaater to put ll>0 tua* ofcoal ou board hia voa«* 1, aa.t iuduce.1 hi-it to aign a billOl ladlt-g f.-r that amouot. ,' »y were bonrtd kf payfreight tor tbat ara.nnt, aod th ti the c.<n»'.guee. by ac-

coptinj taa treight, adoptcd hta cono act, aui alao be-couiei llable. As to the tecond point, alth.nigh n» de-murragu U exproaaed, i| i« Inij.'ied, an 1 where the p«r-tie* *r" an unrt aaoaab'.* lemtth ot ttaaO in gettlag awaythe cargo, they are lUble. (n th-.* e**e. however, it aaaa aajaab aba t'ourt doe* r.h c>n*i<ler un-r. a*..i.«l'b Ptcreefor tbe treight olll lo full amount

D*Owtert of hrig />..« agt inraiT* >' rteaaiVMl ftay

Slatc.. 'l'o recoYer ¦aaaapaa tor col.Uioti in th* Sound, nJrmd to. The Court *VmM n-.t aaaaaaat thatth» bng wa* to blame. Pecree Ibff libel'ant; retereneato aacertalo amouot.

Ibvr agt. Ji»*a W. Kemi>U)n, Jr .To raeoverSl-itoi joiirera'work, ou bo.iJ nt-lioo.iei Molt Badetl.'iliccli.ii.. ia ior th* rahaa aftb awecbaVaaa, (>n thopart of re.pomieni it w*-< Babl there wa* a contract todo all tbe work re ourcd iabo.ird and ouU.oa.rd, atatUarto .ni ihfi' ici.ooncr imued The Cl.,urt c>u.Uiar» thatthe prooab do not aaatala the lllwd, '.. it lljeliaot mayH!..-id. without eoat, -o lato *>< upfie routract aadababa tor extra work Uaaaal he* al wiihla 10dny -. libel to be

CllCPIT Coiet..Bofure JuJ^e K<1-wnrds.Tbe auit agaiiiat tl.o otauer of atearniioatIltiitlck lludaep, to r covei th- Value of gJO.1* (coa-t.itned in two rrunka, and pbtced aa luj^aga la tbe bag*

ui) dama«ed fi mi bdd woaUier, already re-... aaa ubm laaV .1.

Taa ir-i ebarga, batd that If the *ha(>e andappearnnc ot rhe trunk* w. re ot a ebaraebat to pu'. thoagaaaOaf the t...t ,u in<|uiry aa ba aaaatbat tkeycun-Uined bfftgal or ba :gage, they Imuud to m«k* thaInqidri, and pl i. tifl ». uid be eutitled t. raaaraf butil th-Juiy eli.-ve'bat tbetrunka wore put on board byaJaaaabT, witii a rhnr to aautd th«t paymant of thafraaahl baaa under no circumataace* would he baet.Uli.'d to recov.ii. Staled vtitllct


Sl 1'KKIOR Court.BaataTB .linla»e Santl-loi.l . litvrgt H. MilliHgton agt, H'm. //ai*:* aad J. F.uVliawr (luaatbin u* lo whetner a daft paytldc iaBSvaraboaM baaabl iu Dalaal aXataoaaefawtyaMp*r.alao, or wheiher. when ailver la at a premlum, aaldpietnium fhcu!d 3c ildilcd.Tba auit waa on a bill ot excUxnge for A'»70, drawn la

M.-icoo.i Lobacb >V Baaaaalar, N-'tv-V'oik, payable toJoae <i aaaUa da Cueto, teetjtti by L .t H., aud in-ui taed by Pe Cueto to pktiutitf. The bill wa. drawn laBpnadab, payable iu f .t'-r It waa preaented forpaymaol ln PecemlM-r, In.'.l, wiieu illver wa. at a prevmium. I.. A .".<. owbrad t't pay tt tn curtvit fuud«, butplau.titl liemandcd it ahould be p tid in Mexlcan doiUrs,which ttoul.l n.ake it aajaal to f>;. L A B rei'uaad todo 00, and baOfO the luli.the aaaa balag defnnded, ltwa* laid, wllli a view to a legaJ decliion as to the prlu-ctple.

\ vt Itaata wa* produeed, who ahov*.-i that ln MexleoI... a ..... " Bsatat' aaaaai Mbaleaa aaaawat

ln delen*r, i( l**aid payoient wa* tendered ia1 mied ttaawa aaatoaCf aud reluted ; alao, that where ol M'hange ia imt to i.e paid in l intej .S.ata* cur-reney, it h p..| a bill of excliange with'.n our law*.ihe Judge held to thia vlnw of thti eaae, decl.llng tbat

If the amouot t»a-t not to be paid in L'uited Btabal cur-reney, It i* not a bill of <'xcbange withlu the m mhi.u oli...r l-i»a, anddi-mUa-e.l the e impb.iiit Tae pUiulift *

i-i-pb-d, and the cue U to be brought up Iorarguitu iit

I - J...I»aOakla».,r,.An Buarriman Bft. Tktudort HsutOH..Ta recovor

aaaaagaa aa allej..,l warrant»-a, ln an aaaaaaafO ofhorses. On thu 17ih March, 1801, defendant, by his

adtha pliiiitiit traded liora.- defendant givingj.lairt tl a bay horae, and plalntirt glvl.i;, la .-X'-hange, au.are, *aid to be worth «yi:H), and #.-0 iu raouey. l'magaat, it i-< allagad. Uio hasaa t«. ba sound,but lt waa, at tba time, otherwiae. plaintill gave nrttcaOf bba unrt.iuiulne**, and rei|U"*ted a re.xchango, butdafaadaal lefustd. Paalaabl kbaa. after glvlng notice of

il ii ten'ion. cauaed the fcOPBS to he aold. and it I'iaintirt ' lalm* that he la BtbUd to the nxpenaeof keep ii ad aata of llie horae, besidca tb.i value ol i.ll |

'1 ii* daafaaa I* that tbe m*re ,1 al.o been wtrrantedUMind. but *he provod to be a vlelou*, aaaaaBBaaJMaaaai.lmal, that would *top when «b i pba*ed, and r.-tuieto itir, aad I ot tit fot any klnd of work, and that plaln-tir* kuew il.that th-ie wa* n<> of the h irae,ai d it waa a* good as repreaented. Toli wa* d-nl. .1

'I be C'.urt cbarued that K an agent warranU agtluitdireettr n*, hU ia not boiind, ai.d it I* uiII he ia unlt.s he .lireeted a warr.rit. In eithir ca*o,ht-wever, if a pilueipal hikl been riot.ri d of the warrsn-teo, aad rwfwea to raaaaad the, contract, he Weeoaneallul.le. Tbe Jury will look at th-t r. la'.itm value of thahoifra nnd th" BXpeaae iicurred, and d«cidu accord-ingly. Vcrdict f"r ;»Iji.iiirf »>"i 75.

COI l:T Ol (.K.NKRAI, BlBBfONI . Tkur.i-day. the |{ee,,rder and A'dermen Peumsn andVV'at.l.'/>.«' fitr BbBM ~J,v.nt.Tne trlal of J dioMcAipin, wbicii wa. aot coii(i..iie i yaaaaai ty, w*« ti.urnornvg i.-auimd rt the op-ring ol the ('lurt, aad re--i:ir..l ii, a v. r.liet at futttf beinK rendere.1 by the Jury.Tbe prltooer was «er,u;nced lo the .-tate. PrUon for two¦earaVVm. tlrart, a wltnci who teitilM for M-'Vlplne, wu

roma itt. d to aatBaa lo amwer a chara't of perjuryi thaC< urt deeu-iliiK hia evideuce to he wilfully falae.

al ofOoo lirown, laapaVBakfd with Capt. Itowe,pre»iou«iy eonvtcted of forgery, i. »ct down for,iKriday.)

jrtt.ued aeveral juror* Ai'i es^h, for non at>tendancc, and then adj urned Ior tha dsy.

C.u rt ('M.r.ynAK. This Day.CSoOBTorC< BaTOa Pl BA».Pa/tt.No*.^., 1,101, UlaO, t,13t.1,133, 1,135, 1.157, l.lSt, 1.141, 1,145. 1,117 1,140, 1,1.11,1,1*3, 1,155. 1,).'.7, l.lbl, l,l.,.'l, 1,165, l.lrTT, 1,1*9, 1,171.i'art II..4Hine a* yeaterday.phrriaioa Cotar-N ¦*. 385,251. 4'^, 4t.'l, V«, r>5,

6,6*9, BMVt. OM, SB7,491, «IC. r?»', «t»5, tm,H.7(r.', 7K1, 7^. 7<tt, 7o«i, 707. 70B, 700, 710,

:ii,712. 7K1.714, Tlo, 7ib, 717, 71c, 7W,Itt, 721, IM:-..'..

0 B Pmtbict Copbt.Nos. 4J, 43, 41, 4<5, 47, fif,>'....!..'¦tii-AKMr. Covbt .The Oeneral Term arlll meet to-

b.y with a vlew Ui decbioni.Ciari.trCofBr-Afo.idai/-Ni* i>l 3dl, :f73, t»»,

.;, 399, 400, WL, (b-J. lo."., lOfi, 40U.

BURBIID.j - . mrni ick w.

TO* Bl IDl I'HIl ll'I'INr t l»ak»*C RirfctM.<r

. . .i I'.a. A fttnirr B. l^nnH,.|.\.t..|l 8TIUI5G aad aiaCABOB LA1KH. daa«h

¦.H-» K-lwarJ

tC.hKUT H. KI.I.1S Ui CHAKI.i»TI». >: »OVVl.gK,.U..i li..a-iir|B *«,«,. Oatann Co ff_ Y n W-.¦..aday. Ja**»,kf fUa.

¦' HkKo>, /( tor*. JjraaarUait '»

i > RirrRY.ofa*

VIBD.A.. il 11.» in.rf».n*«i' taatosk

,.,». tL^AMnr. _m _

H ara-'alltraaal Uaa* ol lh' ...:..» »r» ra.iaKUalty uiTi'.d t*

alkuJBii'-' fn"" ,h* "ort0* .*. aap» ( Uarca, oa SaaaAp*. ."."¦. _ .

aatrti J». C.. »»d »ew Inr*, papara aUaaa o+i. Vl'a<)uan.'i «.l!». 1*. t B V. allAMAH, ut *>¦»*.>,

uaJ ."' yaa/*- ^

..,... rrmii r.o»i -if Uadaaadaa menaa*. ^ Ua 4M,.., ut L-a«a. .\M. (1. MILI ER. C.pu.a m U>* Yataraa Oara.oiUi, Vt ar

"iibai ttliaad q.iirtar*, Btar Hoa**, M I. aaaaPnAAy .oi-tr^,,, . lo'awaO, artk laa aaaal laa.»** oi'

I. to ... lal-">««ei.-a<»,Bo. J3 K.a« at7 a lk a |,.h b, WM ,.^a,atad f,ir ataay raan at

rat'a.not a tnaafoi {luraa ara raaac. tfu h lar.ual la altaad tgr N M AI'.HT Toloaal CuBMBaaaaat

t '-tl l.y.Jta A*jLat,JAMM B. aoWRR, ia taa rali ratr af bai aaa

eaaatfnaacf o. la* laa. y v* raaaarfkaay latttad uctm* >m' j^arat,withfttttfurtLar ,i.. t*U.r,,oA krvlay artarsaas ai> '.' .fioutho *ar*a*a. BWosaatOaT ,a»<lar aarain*. J«a* I, atUaa taadaao* of kaf aoaialaa,R" Dr. Praa, Hra C W. LITKRCTT.

. Uafnaadaaflaa faiady. aa* tha maaaatiaa af a. *»»!..«.Clmri I., y* rajBart.ft.lly .atitad to attatati k«r ntaaral t'foaa ao. at%*+* oarniaraParaoonatt o'caxk M-ru^aaPr.-a >'.Ot Btialim»sawaab
