Page 1: 2007-08 Critical Thinking Session 1  Deanna Hochstein Leslie Opp-Beckman University of Oregon

2007-08 Critical Thinking Session 1

Deanna HochsteinLeslie Opp-BeckmanUniversity of Oregon

Page 2: 2007-08 Critical Thinking Session 1  Deanna Hochstein Leslie Opp-Beckman University of Oregon

Topics, Session 01

• Opening Remarks.

• Activity 1, Warm Up.

• Overview of Critical Thinking.

• Activity 2, Describe-Interpret-Evaluate.

• Wrap Up and Questions/Answers.

Page 3: 2007-08 Critical Thinking Session 1  Deanna Hochstein Leslie Opp-Beckman University of Oregon

Activity, Warm Up

Discuss in groups: • Names, schools, age of students.• Identify 5 characteristics of a “Critical Thinker.”

Choose one person in your group to be a writer and one to be a reporter.

Page 4: 2007-08 Critical Thinking Session 1  Deanna Hochstein Leslie Opp-Beckman University of Oregon

CT Definition

…the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information…as a guide to belief and action.

(Scriven & Paul, 1992)

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…evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.

(Scriven & Paul, 1992)

Page 6: 2007-08 Critical Thinking Session 1  Deanna Hochstein Leslie Opp-Beckman University of Oregon

Belief & Action

…evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.

(Scriven & Paul, 1992)

Page 7: 2007-08 Critical Thinking Session 1  Deanna Hochstein Leslie Opp-Beckman University of Oregon

Range of Skills

• Gathering information.

• Understanding ideas.

• Applying them to new situations.

• Breaking ideas into parts.

• Creating new meaning.

• Making judgments about ideas.

Page 8: 2007-08 Critical Thinking Session 1  Deanna Hochstein Leslie Opp-Beckman University of Oregon

Blooms Taxonomy

Bloom’s Taxonomy relates this to:

• Knowledge

• Comprehension

• Application

• Analysis

• Synthesis and Evaluation

Page 9: 2007-08 Critical Thinking Session 1  Deanna Hochstein Leslie Opp-Beckman University of Oregon

Why CT in ELT?

• Ss are better prepared for today’s global, technological society.

• Ss are more interested and engaged.

• Professional development for teachers who also develop critical thinking skills as they teach.

Page 10: 2007-08 Critical Thinking Session 1  Deanna Hochstein Leslie Opp-Beckman University of Oregon

Activity, Practice

Step by step, we will practice with a “mysterious” picture:

1. Describe (state the facts).

2. Interpret (CT: What if? Maybe…)

3. Evaluate (CT: In my opinion…)

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Activity, Groups

Step by step, in groups, with another “mysterious” picture:

1. Describe (state the facts).

2. Interpret (CT: What if? Maybe…)

3. Evaluate (CT: In my opinion…)

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QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

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CT in ELT!

• Find CT lesson plan ideas you can adapt, see AskERIC resources:

• Be prepared to report back on your own class experiences in the next session.

• What worked? What didn’t? Why?

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2007-08 Critical Thinking Session 1

Deanna HochsteinLeslie Opp-BeckmanUniversity of Oregon
