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    C1, FM 8-284NTRP 4-02.23 (NAVMED P-5042)

    AFMAN (I) 44-156MCRP 4-11.1C


    AND COMMANDANT, MARINE CORPSWashing ton, DC 8 July 2002


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    By Order of the Secretary of the Army:

    ERIC K. SHINSEKIGeneral, United States Army

    Official: Chief of Staff

    JOEL B. HUDSONAdministrative Assistant to the

    Secretary of the Army

    By Direction of the Chief of Naval Operations:

    Official: R.G. SPRIGGRear Admiral, USN

    Navy Warfare Development Command

    By Order of the Secretary of the Air Force:

    Official: PAUL K. CARLTON, JR.Lieutenant General, USAF, MC, CFS

    Surgeon General

    By Direction of the Commandant of the Marine Corps:

    Official: EDWARD HANLON, JR.Lieutenant General, U.S. Marine Corps

    Commanding GeneralMarine Corps Combat Development Command


    US Army: Active Army, USAR, and ARNG: To be distributed in accordance with the initialdistribution number 115795, requirements for FM 8-284.

    US Air Force: FUS Marine Corps: PCN: 14400008000

    C1, FM 8-284/NTRP 4-02.23 (NAVMED P-5042)/AFMAN (I) 44-156/MCRP 4-11.1C


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    PIN: 077922-000

    PCN: 14400008000


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    C1, FM 8-284NTRP 4-02.23 (NAVMED P-5042)

    AFMAN (I) 44-156MCRP 4-11.1C






    PREFACE ......................................................................................... vii

    CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION1-1. The Threat of Biological Warfare Agents Against United States

    Forces and Civilian Populations............................................ 1-11-2. Modes of Delivery.................................................................. 1-11-3. Employment of Biological Warfare Agents .................................... 1-21-4. Classification of Biological Warfare Agents ................................... 1-31-5. Portals of Entry ..................................................................... 1-31-6. Environmental Detection .......................................................... 1-41-7. Diagnosis............................................................................. 1-5

    1-8. Specimen Collection................................................................ 1-61-9. Specimen Labeling.................................................................. 1-91-10. Specimen Handling and Shipment ............................................... 1-101-11. Chain of Custody Responsibilities ............................................... 1-101-12. Identification Methods for Biological Warfare Agents ....................... 1-111-13. Therapy............................................................................... 1-121-14. Case Reporting and Epidemiological Assessment ............................. 1-121-15. Prevention............................................................................ 1-121-16. Protective Equipment............................................................... 1-131-17. First Aid.............................................................................. 1-141-18. Protective Measures and Handling of Casualties .............................. 1-141-19. Patient Decontamination........................................................... 1-151-20. Infection Control .................................................................... 1-16

    1-21. Medical Evacuation................................................................. 1-161-22. Aeromedical Isolation Team...................................................... 1-18

    1-23. Investigational New Drugs and Off-Label Indications........................ 1-18

    CHAPTER 2. BACTERIAL AGENTSSection I. Introduction......................................................................... 2-1

    2-1. General ................................................................................. 2-1

    Distribution Restriction: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.


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    C1, FM 8-284/NTRP 4-02.23 (NAVMED P-5042)/AFMAN (I) 44-156/MCRP 4-11.1C


    Section II. Anthrax ................................................................................ 2-12-2. General ................................................................................. 2-12-3. Biological Warfare Agent Delivery................................................ 2-22-4. Environmental Detection ............................................................ 2-22-5. Prevention.............................................................................. 2-22-6. Biological Warfare Clinical Presentation ......................................... 2-32-7. Diagnosis............................................................................... 2-32-8. Treatment .............................................................................. 2-42-9. Control of Patients, Contacts, and Treatment Areas............................ 2-4

    2-10. Medical Evacuation................................................................... 2-4

    Section III. Brucellosis............................................................................. 2-52-11. General ................................................................................. 2-52-12. Biological Warfare Agent Delivery................................................ 2-62-13. Environmental Detection ............................................................ 2-62-14. Prevention.............................................................................. 2-62-15. Biological Warfare Clinical Presentation ......................................... 2-72-16. Diagnosis............................................................................... 2-72-17. Treatment .............................................................................. 2-72-18. Control of Patients, Contacts, and Treatment Areas............................ 2-82-19. Medical Evacuation................................................................... 2-8

    Section IV. Melioidosis............................................................................. 2-82-20. General ................................................................................. 2-82-21. Biological Warfare Agent Delivery................................................ 2-9

    2-22. Environmental Detection ............................................................ 2-92-23. Prevention.............................................................................. 2-92-24. Biological Warfare Clinical Presentation ......................................... 2-92-25. Diagnosis............................................................................... 2-92-26. Treatment .............................................................................. 2-102-27. Control of Patients, Contacts, and Treatment Areas............................ 2-112-28. Medical Evacuation................................................................... 2-11

    Section V. Glanders ............................................................................... 2-112-29. General ................................................................................. 2-112-30. Biological Warfare Agent Delivery................................................ 2-112-31. Environmental Detection ............................................................ 2-112-32. Prevention.............................................................................. 2-112-33. Biological Warfare Clinical Presentation ......................................... 2-12

    2-34. Diagnosis............................................................................... 2-122-35. Treatment .............................................................................. 2-122-36. Control of Patients, Contacts, and Treatment Areas............................ 2-132-37. Medical Evacuation................................................................... 2-13

    Section VI. Plague .................................................................................. 2-132-38. General ................................................................................. 2-132-39. Biological Warfare Agent Delivery................................................ 2-14


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    C1, FM 8-284/NTRP 4-02.23 (NAVMED P-5042)/AFMAN (I) 44-156/MCRP 4-11.1C

    When was the sample/specimen collected?

    Who has maintained custody of the sample/specimen?

    What has been done with the sample/specimen at each change of custody?


    Each change of custody must be recorded with date and time ofchange.

    b. The samples/specimens must be appropriately packaged, labeled, and evacuated to thedesignated laboratory for confirmation of a BW attack. The standard chain of custody for sample/specimenevacuation is as follows:

    Sampling unit.

    Unit S2 (Intelligence Officer [US Army]), medical operations officer, or other designatedperson.

    Technical escort unit or other command-designated escort personnel.

    In-theater supporting medical laboratory, if in operation.

    Continental US laboratory.

    1-12. Identification Methods for Biological Warfare Agents

    The following are identification methods for BW agents:

    Isolation of the etiologic agent by culture (possible in one to two days for some agents).

    Detection of agents by enzyme immunoassay, mass spectrometry, animal inoculation, or other


    Antibody detection (specific immunoglobulin [IgM] may appear within 3 days).

    Genome detection by PCR.

    Detection of metabolic products of the infectious or toxic agent in clinical specimens.


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    C1, FM 8-284/NTRP 4-02.23 (NAVMED P-5042)/AFMAN (I) 44-156/MCRP 4-11.1C

    1-13. Therapy

    a. Endemic D isease versus Biological Agent. Specific therapies are discussed for each agent.Most of these are based on standard treatment guidelines. However, some of the prophylaxis regimens andtherapies recommended in this manual vary from those found in standard references and may include off-label indications. This is because

    A BW exposure (aerosol) may produce a disease with clinical features different from thenaturally occurring disease. For example, inhalation (BW) versus cutaneous (endemic) anthrax. Cases ofendemic disease due to inhalation of some of these agents are rare and clinical experience is limited. Humanchallenge studies can be done with only a limited number of agents for obvious ethical and safety reasons.Accordingly, some of the prophylactic and treatment regimens have been developed from in vitro studies,animal models, and limited human data.

    An adversary may develop a BW agent resistant to the standard antibiotic therapy.

    b. Endemic Disease Therapy. For endemic and epidemic disease therapies, see FM 8-33 and thecivilian textbooks listed in the references.

    1-14. Case Reporting and Epidemiological Assessment

    It is imperative that clinicians report cases of suspected BW-related illnesses to the appropriate line andmedical chains of command. Prompt epidemiological investigations must begin and preventive measuresimplemented to control the disease or reduce the number of cases.

    1-15. Prevention

    Most morbidity and mortality from BW threat agents is preventable. Immunizations, pre-exposure chemo-prophylaxes, post-exposure chemoprophylaxes, and protective clothing are available to provide protection.Personnel must have all required immunizations administered prior to entering an AO where BW agentemployment is a threat. All immunizations should be administered in sufficient time to provide the initialprotection before troops are deployed to the AO; when administration prior to deployment is impossible,troops must receive the immunizations as soon as the mission permits in the AO. Some immunizations areused in conjunction with pre-exposure chemoprophylaxes or post-exposure chemoprophylaxes to provideprotection. The supporting PHS/PVNTMED units/staffs can assist commanders in determining whichspecific immunizations and chemoprophylaxes are required for the AO. The corps/division/wing/equivalentservice/joint task force commander will decide whether to begin, continue, or discontinue the administrationof chemoprophylaxes based on the BW threat. The intelligence officer, chemical officer, and surgeon advisethe commander on appropriate courses of action. For those BW agents that a specific immunization is notavailable, the use of protective equipment combined with chemoprophylaxes may be employed to provide


    a. Active Immunization. As of January 1999, vaccines are available for the following potentialBW agent threats:


    *Argentine hemorrhagic fever.


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    C1, FM 8-284/NTRP 4-02.23 (NAVMED P-5042)/AFMAN (I) 44-156/MCRP 4-11.1C

    standard precautions as outlined in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines forIsolation Precautions in Hospitals will be followed. If plague, smallpox, and viral hemorrhagic fevers(VHF) can be reasonably excluded on the basis of analysis of clinical specimens and environmentalsamples, patients may be evacuated using Standard Precautions and the disease-specific precautions discussedfor each suspect BW agent in the following chapters.

    (3) Biological warfare attacks may occur with multiple agents with short and prolongedincubation times (botulinum toxin, 12 to 36 hours and smallpox, 7 to 17 days). Multiple agents can lead tothe presence of coinfection-acute illness with short incubation and incubating smallpox (which may declareitself after patients have been evacuated for evaluation/treatment of the short incubating disease). Therefore,consideration should be given to quarantining patients for 17 days after AE from the BW area if plague orsmallpox cannot be excluded. Reevaluate patients carefully for recurrent fever or other changes in clinical

    status. If clinical or laboratory findings suggest prodromal or syndromic smallpox, plague, or VHFs,institute appropriate isolation until the diagnosis is clarified. Specific control measures must be applied aspresented for the following diseases/BW agent casualties:

    (a) Plague. Plague is an internationally quarantinable disease (IQD). Do not evacuateacross international borders unless authorized by the theater surgeon. Evacuate in cohorts of plaguepatients only on dedicated AE aircraft; treat in theater. Pneumonic plague is highly transmissible person-to-person. Droplet precautions are added to standard precautions for patients with pneumonic plague untilsputum cultures are negative.

    (b) Smallpox. Currently eradicated and no longer listed as IQD. Immediately notifythe line and medical chain of command upon diagnosis. Do not evacuate across international borders unlessauthorized by the theater surgeon. Evacuate in cohorts of smallpox patients only on dedicated AE aircraft;

    treat in theater. Smallpox is transmissible person-to-person. Strict quarantine is required. Standard,contact, and airborne isolation precautions are to be observed. All contacts should be vaccinated andquarantined/grouped together for at least 17 days following the most recent exposure.

    (c) Viral hemorrhagic fevers. The World Health Organization (WHO) does not requirequarantine for hemorrhagic fevers, with the exception of yellow fever. However, due to internationalconcerns, do not evacuate hemorrhagic fever patients across international borders unless authorized by thetheater surgeon. Evacuate in cohorts of hemorrhagic fever patients only on dedicated AE aircraft. Medicalevacuation may result in increased morbidity and mortality for patients with hemorrhagic fever; treatment ata local facility is preferred. Person-to-person transmission is possible for the duration of illness. Ifnecessary, patients may be evacuated using standard, contact, plus respiratory droplet isolation precautions.

    (d) Infectious disease of unknown etiology. Evaluate patient evacuation risk based on

    the patients signs/symptoms complex and theater threat list. Assume infection with the agent requiring themost stringent infection control procedures (based on the possible threats in the theater and the clinicalpicture). Ensure that appropriate patient care is performed while providing the crew and aircraft with thehighest level of protection.

    (e) Summary. In summary, many BW agent casualties may be safely evacuated usingbasic infection control guidelines. Plague, smallpox, and the hemorrhagic fevers pose significant challenges.


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    C1, FM 8-284/NTRP 4-02.23 (NAVMED P-5042)/AFMAN (I) 44-156/MCRP 4-11.1C

    These patient movements will require approval of the destination country, over-flight privileges, andapproval of any country where the aircraft will land for servicing or where patients will remain overnight.Countries from which approval is sought are bound by Article 37 of the Geneva Conventions for theAmelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field of 12 August 1949toensure humanitarian treatment to wounded and sick. That should include approval under most circumstancesof transit of those injured by exposure to biological agents. Additionally, some countries, notably Germany,have already developed procedures for expedited approval of transit of dangerous/hazardous goods in their airspace. That information is contained in the DOD Foreign Clearance Guide. Coordination between the theateror USTRANSCOM commander/surgeon and the Department of State is required for such movements.

    1-22. Aeromedical Isolation Team

    The USAMRIID maintains an aeromedical isolation team (AIT). The AIT is a rapid response team withworldwide airlift capability. The AIT is designed to safely evacuate and manage patients with potentiallylethal communicable diseases under high-level containment. Indications for deployment include cases of ahighly contagious, lethal, or unidentified disease, including cases from a suspect BW attack. Diagnosis andmedical care will be provided at USAMRIID. The AIT can only transport a limited number of patients.

    The AIT CANNOT provide for mass casualty evacuation. Such evacuation can enhance early identificationof a BW agent; thus, enabling early development of treatment recommendations for medical providers in the

    TO. The AIT also offers a portable containment laboratory, limited environmental decontamination, andspecialized consultative expertise.

    1-23. Investigational New Drugs and Off-Label Indications

    a. On 30 September 1999, the President of the United States issued Executive Order (EO) 13139,Improving Health Protection of Military Personnel Participating in Particular Military Operations, whichoutlines the conditions under which investigational new drugs (IND) and off-label pharmaceuticals could beadministered to US service members. This publication discusses numerous pharmaceutical products, someof which are IND. In certain other cases, licensed pharmaceuticals are discussed for use in a manner or fora condition other than that for which they are licensed (Example: An off-label indication).

    b. Executive Order 13139 does not intend to alter the traditional physician-patient relationship orindividual physician prescribing practices. Health care providers remain free to exercise clinical judgmentand prescribe licensed pharmaceutical products as they deem appropriate for the optimal care of theirpatients. This policy does, however, potentially influence recommendations that might be made by USgovernment agencies and that might be applied to large numbers of service members outside of theindividual physician-patient relationship. Key summary points from EO 13139 include:

    The EO describes the Secretary of Defense responsibilities regarding the use of INDproducts or off-label use of products as antidotes to chemical, biological, or radiological weapons.

    The EO stipulates that the US Government will administer only FDA-approved productsfor their labeled uses. (However, off-label indications and IND usage rules may apply as discussed belowand in other areas of this publication.)


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    The EO details IND product use parameters and controls.

    The EO requires individual service member informed consent before IND administration.However, only the President may waive this informed consent requirement upon request of the Secretary ofDefense if

    Service member informed consent is not feasible.

    Informed consent is contrary to the best interest of the service member.

    Obtaining informed consent is not in the best interest of national security.


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    C1, FM 8-284/NTRP 4-02.23 (NAVMED P-5042)/AFMAN (I) 44-156/MCRP 4-11.1C




    2-1. General

    Bacterial organisms comprise the greatest number of pathogens in the list of potential BW agents. Theyinclude the etiologic agents of anthrax, brucellosis, cholera, glanders, melioidosis, plague, Q fever, andtularemia. Of these, anthrax is the most likely BW threat that troops will encounter in an AO. SeeAppendix B for guidance on medical management of BW agent casualties.

    Section II. ANTHRAX

    2-2. General

    a. Etiologic Agent. The spores of Bacillus anthracis, an encapsulated gram-positive bacillus.Sporulation occurs under adverse environmental conditions and when vegetative bacteria are exposed to air;the spores are extremely hardy and can survive extremes of temperature, dryness, and flooding. Whenconditions improve, the spores germinate to produce vegetative bacteria.

    b. Reservoir. The soil, with worldwide distribution.

    c. Transmission. The stage in the bacterial life cycle, which poses a health hazard, is the spore.Grazing animals contract spores from the vegetation. Humans contract spores via contact with infectedanimals, their hides, wool, or other products; from ingesting contaminated meat; or from inhaling sporesduring the processing of wool for textiles. Biting flies in sub-Saharan Africa may also transmit anthrax tohumans. Humans usually do not contract anthrax directly from the soil, unless they work with fertilizers(bonemeal) prepared from infected animals. Also, humans can contract spores from inhalation of aerosolizedspores released during a BW attack.

    d. Endemic Disease. Endemic infectious disease is contracted by inhalation, cutaneous exposure,oropharyngeal exposure, and ingestion.

    (1) Cutaneous anthrax accounts for more than 90 percent of all anthrax cases worldwide.Disease results whenBacillus anthracisspores are introduced into the skin via inoculation of small cuts/

    abrasions or inapparent skin lesions. It may possibly be introduced by biting flies. Cutaneous anthraxfeatures a painless necrotic ulcer with a black eschar and local edema. The case fatality rate for untreatedcutaneous anthrax is up to 20 percent, but with early, effective therapy is reduced to less than 5 percent.

    (2) Oropharyngeal and GI diseases occur following the ingestion of anthrax spores, usuallyfrom consuming meat from infected animals. The clinical features of oropharyngeal and GI anthrax arediscussed below in paragraph 2-6.


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    C1, FM 8-284/NTRP 4-02.23 (NAVMED P-5042)/AFMAN (I) 44-156/MCRP 4-11.1C

    (3) Inhalation anthrax occurs when individuals working with animal hides, wool, or bonemealinhale the spores. Also, inhalation anthrax may occur from inhalation of aerosolized spores released duringa BW attack. The clinical features of inhalation anthrax are discussed below in paragraph 2-6.

    2-3. Biological Warfare Agent Delivery

    Aerosolized spores may be delivered by missiles, bomblets, artillery fires, point release, or airborne linerelease. Contamination of food and water may also be used.

    2-4. Environmental Detection

    Nuclear, biological, and chemical teams or other bioenvironmental engineering (BEE) personnel operatingsimilar detection equipment accomplish detection. Preventive medicine/PHS/BEE personnel performdetection in water supplies. Detection in food supplies may be performed by veterinary, PVNTMED, orPHS personnel. Detection in animals may be performed by veterinary personnel.

    2-5. Prevention

    a. Pre-exposure Prophylaxis. Prevention may be accomplished by immunization pluschemoprophylaxis.

    (1) Immunization. Anthrax vaccine is given in six doses at 0, 2, and 4 weeks and 6, 12, and

    18 months, with annual boosting. A minimum of three doses administered within 6 months prior to theexposure may confer protective immunity.

    (2) Chemoprophylaxis. While the FDA has not approved the use of pre-exposure antibiotics,empiric evidence indicates their use may significantly reduce morbidity and mortality. Therefore, theyshould be considered for use on a case-by-case basis and used as indicated for post-exposure preventivemeasures. Such use would require application of IND protocols (see paragraph 1-23).

    b. Post-exposure Prophylaxis. Use immunization with chemoprophylaxis to prevent the clinicalmanifestation of the disease.

    (1) Anthrax vaccine. For personnel who have completed the six-dose series and are up todate on boosters, or who have received at least three initial doses within 6 months prior to exposure, no

    additional doses are indicated, except to complete the series as previously scheduled. For personnel whohave not received any immunizations, begin series and give a minimum of three doses; complete the six-dose series, if possible. Use of anthrax vaccine post-exposure requires application of an IND protocol.

    (2) Chemoprophylaxis. Chemoprophylaxis is recommended as an adjunct to immunizationfor post-exposure prophylaxis. All personnel exposed to aerosolized anthrax should be administeredCiprofloxacin hydrochloride tablets (500 mg) orally every 12 hours for 60 days. When Ciprofloxacin


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    C1, FM 8-284/NTRP 4-02.23 (NAVMED P-5042)/AFMAN (I) 44-156/MCRP 4-11.1C

    hydrochloride tablets are not available, doxycycline hyclate tablets (100 mg) should be taken orally every12 hours for 60 days. The duration of chemoprophylaxis administration for individuals without receipt ofany vaccine should be extended until they receive at least three doses of vaccine. Chemoprophylaxis shouldbe withdrawn under careful observation and with access to an MTF with intensive care and consultativeassets. If fever develops following the withdrawal of chemoprophylaxis, empiric therapy for anthrax isindicated pending etiologic diagnosis.

    2-6. Biological Warfare Clinical Presentation

    a. Incubation Period. The incubation for anthrax is hours to 7 days. Most cases present within48 hours post-exposure.

    b. Signs and Symptoms.

    (1) Inhalation anthrax. Inhalation anthrax will begin with nonspecific symptoms of fever,malaise, and fatigue. A nonproductive cough and vague chest discomfort may be present. These initialsymptoms may be followed by a short period of symptomatic improvement, hours to 3 days in duration.

    This will be followed by an acute phase, including the abrupt onset of severe respiratory distress withdyspnea, stridor, diaphoresis, and cyanosis. Bacteremia and toxemia, septic shock, metastatic infection(meningitis in approximately 50 percent of the cases), and death usually occurs within 24 to 36 hours fromthe onset of the acute phase.

    (2) Oropharyngeal or gastrointestinal anthrax. Oropharyngeal or GI anthrax can occurfollowing ingestion of food contaminated with anthrax spores.

    (a) Oropharyngeal anthrax will present with initial symptoms of fever, sore throat, anddifficulty swallowing. The disease may progress to an acute phase with symptoms including a necroticulcer or eschar involving the hard palate, tonsils, or posterior oropharyngeal wall, edema of cervical tissues(possibly resulting in upper airway obstruction), and cervical lymphadenopathy. Most acute cases progressto septic shock and death.

    (b) Gastrointestinal anthrax begins with vague initial symptoms featuring fever, anorexia,nausea, and vomiting. Abdominal pain, bloody vomiting, bloody diarrhea, and possibly massive abdominalswelling (ascites) may follow these symptoms. Also, septic shock and death may follow these symptoms.

    2-7. Diagnosis

    During the incubation period, nasal swabs and specimens of respiratory secretions sent for PCR are themost important diagnostic specimens. During the early disease, blood and respiratory secretions may besent for rapid identification by genetic typing (PCR). A rapid diagnostic test is available that detects toxinantigens in the blood during the acute phase. Chest x-ray may be normal or show hilar adenopathy early inthe illness and may show a widened mediastinum and pleural effusions during the acute phase.


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    C1, FM 8-284/NTRP 4-02.23 (NAVMED P-5042)/AFMAN (I) 44-156/MCRP 4-11.1C

    2-8. Treatment

    a. Triage Categories. Patients presenting with initial signs of inhalation anthrax should be placedin the Immediate category, as early aggressive treatment is lifesaving. Depending on the numbers of casesand available resources, patients presenting in the acute phase of inhalation anthrax should be placed in theImmediate or Expectant categories.

    b. Medical Management.

    (1) Supportive care includes maintaining the airway, providing resuscitative fluids, andproviding vasopressors as indicated for shock.

    (2) Specific therapy includes the administration of ciprofloxacin (400 mg intravenous [IV]

    every 12 hours) or doxycycline (200 mg IV loading dose, followed by 100 mg IV every 12 hours). Specifictherapy may also include administration of penicillin (4 million units IV) every 4 hours, if isolate is sensitiveto penicillin.

    (3) A tracheostomy is indicated for upper airway obstruction due to oropharyngeal anthrax.Surgical debridement of cutaneous lesions is contraindicated. Surgical drainage of the mediastinum forinhalation anthrax is not recommended.

    c. Prognosi s. The number of cases of inhalation anthrax occurring during the antibiotic era istoo small to establish case fatality rates and efficacy of treatment. Almost all inhalation anthrax cases inwhich treatment was begun after onset of significantly severe symptoms have been fatal, regardless oftreatment. Despite medical therapy, most patients with inhalation anthrax die within 24 hours of the onsetof the acute phase of the illness. However, in nonhuman primate trials, animals have responded to aggressive

    therapy. The prognosis for oropharyngeal and GI anthrax is poor, with case fatality rates 50 to 100 percent,even with aggressive therapy.

    2-9. Control of Patients, Contacts, and Treatment Areas

    Report all cases to line and medical chains of command.

    Employ Standard Precautions for handling, treating, and moving all active cases.

    Use sporicidal agents, such as disinfectant strength iodophors, in MTFs for general areadisinfection. Antiseptic strength iodophors are not sporicidal. Hypochlorite solutions may be attenuated byorganic matter, but will provide a disinfectant capability when used in a 5-percent solution. The hypochloritesolution should be replaced frequently. Autoclaving, steam sterilizing, or burning is required for complete

    eradication of spores.

    2-10. Medical Evacuation

    Patients with anthrax may be evacuated with other categories of patients. Anthrax is not transmissibleperson to person. Standard Precautions should be observed during evacuation.


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    C1, FM 8-284/NTRP 4-02.23 (NAVMED P-5042)/AFMAN (I) 44-156/MCRP 4-11.1C

    (5) The addition of streptomycin is indicated if presentation (acute pneumonia) and sputumstudies suggests plague.

    c. Prognosis. The extent of infection will vary with inoculum, individuals underlying state ofhealth, availability of protective mask or other respiratory protective devices, and other factors. Lateactivation or recrudescence can result years or decades later.

    2-36. Control of Patients, Contacts, and Treatment Areas

    Apply Standard Precautions in management of patients and contacts. Glanders, melioidosis, and smallpoxmay present with diffuse pustular rashes; strict isolation and quarantine would be indicated until smallpox

    can be excluded. Contact precautions are indicated while caring for patients with skin involvement.Glanders, melioidosis, and smallpox may present as acute pulmonary disease with purulent sputum.Respiratory isolation pending exclusion of plague is prudent if sputum studies disclose gram-negative bacilliwith bipolar safety pin appearance when using Wrights or methylene blue stains.

    2-37. Medical Evacuation

    Patients may be evacuated using Standard Precautions following the exclusion of plague.

    Section VI. PLAGUE

    2-38. General

    a. Etiologic Agent. Yersinia pestis (Y. pestis) is a gram-negative bacillus of the familyEnterobacteriaceae.

    b. Reservoi r . The primary reservoir is rodents. Domestic cats and wild carnivores can alsotransmit plague to humans.

    c. Transmission. In endemic or epidemic plague, the disease is transmitted via infected fleasfrom rodent to human, dog or cat to human, or person to person. Respiratory droplet transmission canoccur person to person or cat to person. Respiratory transmission is enhanced in humid climates. Plaguemay also be transmitted via cat bites or scratches.

    d. Endemic Disease.

    (1) Bubonic plague features the acute onset of fever and prostration in association withacute, painful lymphadenitis in the lymph node group draining the site of the fleabite. A skin lesion at theportal of entry (site of fleabite) is seen in less than 25 percent of cases; clinically apparent lymphangitis doesnot occur. The disease progresses with bacteremia, resulting in metastatic infection, septic shock, and


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    C1, FM 8-284/NTRP 4-02.23 (NAVMED P-5042)/AFMAN (I) 44-156/MCRP 4-11.1C

    thrombosis of small arteries, resulting in digital gangrene. Pneumonia due to hematogenous metastasisoccurs in approximately 25 percent of cases. The case fatality rate for untreated bubonic plague isapproximately 60 percent, but is less than 5 percent with prompt, effective therapy.

    (2) Primary pneumonic plague occurs after inhalation of organisms, which may occur viaaerosol transmission from a person or animal with secondary or primary pneumonic plague.

    (3) Septicemic plague may evolve from any form of plague. It features the acute onset ofbacteremia, septic shock, and thrombosis with or without antecedent lymphadenitis. Prognosis forpneumonic and septicemic pneumonic plague is poor; the fatality rate is 100 percent for untreated cases.

    2-39. Biological Warfare Agent Delivery

    The primary threat is by aerosol release or by contamination of food and water.

    2-40. Environmental Detection

    The NBC reconnaissance teams may collect the agent from an aerosol cloud. Preventive medicine/PHS/BEE personnel may collect suspect soil or water samples. Veterinary/PVNTMED/PHS personnel may collectsamples from suspect contaminated food. A plague BW attack may result in simultaneous onset of disease inhumans, rodent reservoirs, and possibly domestic and wild animals not usually associated with plague.

    2-41. Prevention

    a. Repellents. Use of insect repellents, approved for human use, will provide a level of protectionfrom bites by infected fleas.

    b. Immunization. The currently available inactivated whole cell vaccine is not recommended forprotection from the BW agent; it does not protect laboratory animals from aerosolized plague. However,the vaccine is effective in preventing bubonic plague among troops deployed in endemic/epidemic areas (seeendemic disease, above).

    c. Pre-exposure Prophylaxis. While the FDA has not approved the use of pre-exposureantibiotics, empiric evidence indicates their use may significantly reduce morbidity and mortality. Therefore,they should be considered for use on a case-by-case basis and used as indicated for post-exposure preventivemeasures. Such use would require application of IND protocols (see paragraph 1-23).

    d. Post-exposure Prophylaxis. Administer doxycycline 100 mg orally every 12 hours for oneweek or ciprofloxacin 500 mg orally every 12 hours for one week.

    2-42. Biological Warfare Clinical Presentation

    a. Incubation. 2 to 10 days.


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    C1, FM 8-284/NTRP 4-02.23 (NAVMED P-5042)/AFMAN (I) 44-156/MCRP 4-11.1C

    b. Pre-exposure Prophylaxis.

    A live attenuated vaccine is available as an IND. It is given by scarification. Thevaccine has been shown to be safe and effective in preventing laboratory-acquired tularemia and experimentalinfection in volunteers.

    The use of ciprofloxacin or doxycycline as a pre-exposure chemoprophylaxis may conferprotection against tularemia, based on in vitrosusceptibilities. See paragraph 1-23 for off-label indicationsand IND requirements.

    c. Post-exposure Prophylaxis. Post-exposure prophylaxis following a BW attack include

    Administer doxycycline 100 mg orally every 12 hours for 2 weeks; or tetracycline 500

    mg orally every 6 hours for 2 weeks; or ciprofloxacin 500 mg orally every 12 hours for 2 weeks.

    Chemoprophylaxis is not recommended following potential natural exposures (tick bite,rabbit or other animal exposures).

    2-61. Biological Warfare Clinical Presentation

    a. Incubation. 1 to 21 days (usually 3 to 5 days).

    b. Signs and Symptoms. The BW agent presentations of tularemia will be the pneumonic andtyphoidal forms as discussed in paragraph 2-57 above. Oculoglandular disease could possibly occurfollowing inoculation of the conjunctivae.

    2-62. Diagnosis

    a. Serologic testing is the preferred procedure for laboratory confirmation. Confirmation ofdiagnosis requires a four-fold increase in titer; serologies may need to be repeated at 7 to 10 day intervals.Agglutination tests and ELISA are also available. A gram stain of expectorated sputum is usuallyunrewarding; generally, the organism is not visualized on stains of clinical specimens. Cultures are notadvised for diagnostic purposes. The organism does not grow on standard bacteriologic growth media. F.tularensis can be cultured on special supportive media containing cystine or another sulfhydryl source.However, cultures of the organism pose a significant occupational hazard to laboratory personnel. Whencultures for F. tularensisare submitted, laboratory personnel must be alerted, as these cultures must beprocessed at Biosafety Level 3. Blood specimens may be submitted for mouse/egg inoculation.

    b.Radiographic findings are nonspecific and may include subsegmental or lobar infiltrates,

    apical or miliary infiltrates, cavitation, pleural effusions, and hilar adenopathy.

    2-63. Treatment

    a. Triage Categories. Triage categories will vary according to the severity of the illness,available resources, and personnel. Patients presenting during the early stages of tularemia pneumonia are


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    C1, FM 8-284/NTRP 4-02.23 (NAVMED P-5042)/AFMAN (I) 44-156/MCRP 4-11.1C

    EMT emergency medical treatment

    EO Executive Order

    F. Francisella

    F Fahrenheit

    FDA Food and Drug Administration

    FM field manual

    GI gastrointestinal

    gm gram(s)

    GU genitourinary

    HEPA high efficiency particulate air

    HFRS hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome

    HIV human immunodeficiency virus

    HSS health service support

    IATA International Air Transportation AssociationIgG immunoglobulin class G

    IgM immunoglobulin class M

    IM intramuscular(ly)

    IND investigational new drug

    IQD internationally quarantinable disease

    IV intravenous

    JBPDS Joint Biological Point Detection System

    JPO-BIO Joint Program Office for Biological Defense

    JSLIST Joint service lightweight integrated suit technology

    kg kilogram(s)


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    C1, FM 8-284/NTRP 4-02.23 (NAVMED P-5042)/AFMAN (I) 44-156/MCRP 4-11.1C

    epizootic A disease that is only present in an animal population for limited periods, but has a highmorbidity rate.

    etiologic Cause of the disease/illness.

    inoculum The amount of microorganisms introduced into a host.

    off-label indication The use of licensed medications for purposes that are not approved by the FDA. Off-label usage is common practice in general medical care.

    passive immunization The administration of pre-formed antibodies to confer immunity to a specificpathogen or toxin.

    sample Material collected from a source other than an animal or man for laboratory analysis (such aswater sample or soil sample).

    specimen Material collected from a man or animal for laboratory analysis (such as tissue or bloodspecimen).

    Standard Precautions Handwashing after patient contact. Using gloves when touching blood, bodyfluids, secretions, excretions, and contaminated items. Using mask, eye protection, and gown duringprocedures likely to generate splashes or sprays of blood, body fluids, secretions, or excretions. Handlingcontaminated patient-care equipment and linens in a manner that prevents the transfer of microorganisms topeople or equipment. Practicing care when handling sharps and using a mouthpiece or other ventilationdevice as an alternative to mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, when practical. Placing the patient in a private

    room if they contaminate the environment, when feasible.

    toxin agents Poisonous by-products of living organisms used to cause disease, illness or death in susceptibleindividuals.

    viral agents A group of viruses that have been selected as BW agents because of their ability to producedisease, illness, and death in susceptible individuals.


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    C1, FM 8-284/NTRP 4-02.23 (NAVMED P-5042)/AFMAN (I) 44-156/MCRP 4-11.1C


    Executive Order

    13139. Improving Health Protection of Military Personnel Participating in Particular Military Operations.30 September 1999.

    Joint Publications

    Joint Pub 4-02. Doctrine for Health Service Support in Joint Operations. 26 April 1995.Joint Pub 4-02.2. Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Patient Movement in Joint Operations.

    30 December 1996.


    2002. Marking of Contaminated or Dangerous Land Areas, Complete Equipments, Supplies and Stores

    (NBC). 6th Edition. 7 November 1978.2103. Chemical Hazard Prediction. 5th Edition. 1 July 1983.2104. Fi rst Aid and Hygiene Training in NBC Operations. 2d Edition. 10 November 1989.


    187. Reporting Nuclear Detonations, B iological and Chemical Attacks, and Predicting andWarning ofAssociated Hazards and Hazard Areas. 21 May 1998.

    Multiservice Publications

    FM 3-3. Chemical and Biological Contamination Avoidance. FMFM 11-17. 16 November 1992. (Change 1,29 September 1994).

    FM 3-4. NBC Protection. FMFM 11-9. 29 May 1992. (Change 2, 21 February 1996).

    FM 3-5. NBC Decontamination. FMFM 11-10. 17 November 1993.FM 3-6. Field Behavior of NBC Agents (Including Smoke and Incendiaries). AFM 105-7; FMFM 7-11-H.3 November 1986.

    FM 8-9. NATO Handbook on the Medical Aspects of NBC Defensive Operations. AMedP-6 (B). NAVMEDP-5059; AFJMAN 44-151. 1 February 1996.

    FM 8-33. Control of Communicable Di seases Manual. 16th Edition. NAVMED P-5038. 9 April 1996.

    US Army Field Manuals

    FM 3-101-4. Biological Detection Platoon Operations, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures. 9 June 1997.(Change 1, 15 August 1997).

    FM 3-101-6. Biological Defense Operations Corps/Company, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures.19 March 1999.

    FM 8-10-6. Medical E vacuation in a Theater of Operations, Tactics, Techniques, and Pr ocedures.

    31 October 1991. (Change 1, 8 March 1994).FM 8-10-7. Health Service Support in a Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Environment. 22 April 1993.(Change 1, 26 November 1996).

    FM 8-42. Combat Health Support in Stability Operations and Support Operations. 27 October 1997.

    US Air Force Publication

    AFVA 32-4011. USAF Standardized Alarm Signals for Areas Subject to NBCC Attack. 1 December 1998.


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    C1, FM 8-284/NTRP 4-02.23 (NAVMED P-5042)/AFMAN (I) 44-156/MCRP 4-11.1C

    agent delivery, 4-3clinical presentation, 4-5control of patients, contacts, and treatment areas, 4-9detection, 4-4diagnosis, 4-7endemic disease, 4-2detiologic agent, 4-2aevacuation, 4-10incubation period, 4-5amedical management, 4-8bprevention, 4-6

    immunization, 4-6a

    prognosis, 4-8cprophylaxis, 4-6post-exposure, 4-6bpre-exposure, 4-6a

    reservoir, 4-2bsigns and symptoms, 4-5btransmission, 4-2ctreatment, 4-8triage, 4-8a

    clostridium perfringens, 4-11agent delivery, 4-12clinical presentation, 4-15control of patients, contacts, and treatment areas, 4-18

    detection, 4-13diagnosis, 4-16endemic disease, 4-11detiologic agent, 4-11aevacuation, 4-19incubation period, 4-15amedical management, 4-17bprevention, 4-14prognosis, 4-17cprophylaxis, 4-14reservoir, 4-11bsigns and symptoms, 4-15btransmission, 4-11c

    treatment, 4-17triage, 4-17a

    decontaminationcasualty, 1-19, B-12, B-13patient, 1-19, B-5, B-13cWMDT, B-12

    emergency medical treatment, B-4


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    C1, FM 8-284/NTRP 4-02.23 (NAVMED P-5042)/AFMAN (I) 44-156/MCRP 4-11.1C

    glanders, 2-29agent delivery, 2-30clinical presentation, 2-33control of patients, contacts, and treatment areas, 2-36detection, 2-31diagnosis, 2-34endemic disease, 2-29detiologic agent, 2-29aevacuation, 2-37incubation period, 2-33amedical management, 2-35bprevention, 2-32prognosis, 2-35cprophylaxis, 2-32reservoir, 2-29bsigns and symptoms, 2-33btransmission, 2-29ctreatment, 2-35triage, 2-35a

    health service support, B-2emergency medical treatment, B-4logistics, B-6objectives, B-2planning, B-3training, B-7

    identification of biological agent, B-11

    infection control, 1-20internationally quarantinable disease, 1-21b(3), 2-46, 3-10, B-9bisolation, 1-20

    investigational new drug, 1-23laboratory, 1-7medical

    management, B-1treatment facilities

    US Air Force, B-9US Army, B-1US Navy, B-13

    melioidosis, 2-20agent delivery, 2-21

    clinical presentation, 2-24control of patients, contacts, and treatment areas, 2-27detection, 2-22diagnosis, 2-25endemic disease, 2-20detiologic agent, 2-20aevacuation, 2-28


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    C1, FM 8-284/NTRP 4-02.23 (NAVMED P-5042)/AFMAN (I) 44-156/MCRP 4-11.1C

    incubation period, 2-24amedical management, 2-26bprevention, 2-23prognosis, 2-26cprophylaxis, 2-23reservoir, 2-20bsigns and symptoms, 2-24btransmission, 2-20ctreatment, 2-26triage, 2-26a

    off-label indications, 1-23plague, 2-38

    agent delivery, 2-39

    clinical presentation, 2-42bcontrol of patients, contacts, and treatment areas, 2-45detection, 2-40diagnosis, 2-43endemic disease, 2-38detiologic agent, 2-38aevacuation, 2-46incubation period, 2-42amedical management, 2-44bprevention, 2-41

    immunization, 2-41brepellents, 2-41a

    prognosis, 2-44c

    prophylaxis, 2-41post-exposure, 2-41dpre-exposure, 2-41c

    reservoir, 2-38bsigns and symptoms, 2-42btransmission, 2-38ctreatment, 2-44triage, 2-44a

    Q feveragent delivery, 2-48clinical presentation, 2-51control of patients, contacts, and treatment areas, 2-55decontamination, 2-53

    detection, 2-49diagnosis, 2-52endemic disease, 2-47detiologic agent, 2-47aevacuation, 2-56incubation period, 2-51amedical management, 2-54b


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