
Metabolism Revolution

20 daily little habits to kick start your

metabolism and burn fat faster

One of the best ways to boost up your metabolism is by eating a good and healthy meal. Eating stops large spikes happening to insulin which results in storing fat in the body.

Never be a meal skipper no matter what. Eat something light such as a small smoothie or a non-fat Greek yogurt for breakfast even when you don’t feel hungry.

Yogurt or a few nuts to go with a piece of fruit is also another great idea which can also help to make your blood sugar stable.

Waking up an hour earlier to do some exercises such as lifting weights or jogging may sound like a damper.

But the improvement in the levels of your metabolism resulting in a whole day’s calorie burning would more than compensate for the sacrifice done.

Fitness gurus always keep advising that rehydrating after sleep can be helped by a drink of warm lemon water. It will also give potassium and Vitamin C to the body while stimulating the digestive system to flush out toxins.

It goes without saying that an active lifestyle goes hand in hand with an active metabolism.

Being active in our workplace may be tricky especially when your job demands to sit at the desk for the next 8 work hours.

Increased muscle mass uses more energy and weighs more that fat.

A 30 something average woman that spends 30 to 40 minutes in strength training two times a week for four months will make her lose 100 calories daily during her resting period.

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