  • 8/7/2019 1st_Semester_Final_Exam_2008-9_Study_Guide_Ap


    1st Semester Final Exam

    Study Guide

    Advanced Placement

    United States History

    Your final exam will consist of 100-125 multiple-choice questions from the list of items

    below. Also be sure to study your map books as their will be several maps and charts on

    your final exam.

    1. North American Indians prior to Columbus (culture, political & economic systems)

    2. Spanish colonization (reason, methods)

    3. Mercantilism

    4. English colonization (reason, methods)

    5. Act Concerning Religion

    6. Colonies (reason for creation, culture, political & economic systems)

    7. Great Awakening (Jonathan Edwards)8. The Enlightenment

    9. Seven Years War

    10. The Proclamation of 1763

    11. Taxation w/o Representation

    12. Stamp Act, Sugar Act, Navigation Act, Townsend Act

    13. Boston Massacre

    14. Common Sense

    15. Causes and Conduct of American Revolution

    16. Advantages/Disadvantages

    17. Battle of Saratoga

    18. Treaty of Paris19. State governments during the 1770s

    20. Weakness of the Articles of Confederation

    21. Constitutional Convention

    22. George Washington as President

    23. Bill of Rights

    24. 26 Amendments

    25. Founding Fathers (beliefs, general background)

    26. Federalist Party

    27. Anti-Federalists

    28. Representation in Congress

    29. Revolution of 1800 (Thomas Jefferson)30. Louisiana Purchase

    31. Death of the Federalist Party

    32. Jeffersonian Education

    33. Alexander Hamilton

    34. Monroe Doctrine

    35. Early American literary figures

    36. Second Great Awakening

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    37. The Marshall Court

    38. Judicial Review

    39. Marbury v. Madison

    40. War of 1812 (causes & consequences)

    41. Bank of the United States (purposes, reasons for not re-chartering)

    42. Era of good feelings43. McCullock v. Maryland

    44. Monroe Doctrine

    45. Corrupt bargain

    46. Andrew Jackson (background)(policies, scandals)

    47. Theory of nullification

    48. Bank of the United States

    49. Philosophy of the Whig, free soil, Know-Nothing, & Republican parties

    50. Erie Canal

    51. American industry in the 1840s & 1850s

    52. Irish/German Immigration/Factory Life

    53. Political Cartoons54. Reform Movements in America 1820-1860s

    55. Farming communities

    56. Antebellum South

    57. Importance of Cotton

    58. Nat Turners rebellion

    59. Slave resistance

    60. Underground Railroad

    61. Edgar Allan Poe

    62. Henry David Thoreau

    63. Mormons

    64. Missouri Compromise

    65. Seneca Falls

    66. Womens Rights Movement

    67. Manifest Destiny

    68. Timeline of Manifest Destiny

    69. Early western settlement

    70. Election of 1844

    71. Mexican-American War

    72. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    73. Gadsden Purchase

    74. Compromise of 1850

    75. Abolitionists and Movement

    76. Stephen Douglass/Poplar Sovereignty

    77. Kansas-Nebraska Act/Bleeding Kansas78. Causes of Civil War

    79. Republican Party during the Civil War

    80. Lincolns response to opposition (Lincolns Actions during war time)81. Emancipation Proclamation

    82. 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments

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    83. North vs. South in the Civil War (advantages/disadvantages)strategies

    84. General Jackson

    85. Confederate War effort

    86. General Lee

    87. Abraham Lincoln

    88. Jefferson Davis89. Habeasous Corpus

    90. General Grant

    91. General Sherman

    92. Battle of Antietam

    93. Battle of Gettysburg

    94. Results of the Civil War

    95. Views of Reconstruction

    96. Radical Republicans

    97. Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

    98. Freedmens Bureau/Black Codes

    99. Compromise of 1877100. All outlines, handouts, primary sources etc.