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MAIA Intelligence

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Page 2: 1KEY View

MAIA Intelligence

The World is changing The World is changing & so must you…& so must you…

This is a time for challenge for MIS Managers. Today's on going demands from management, regulatory bodies, as well as constant pressure to meet time dead lines. Markets are undergoing a complex transition from incumbent to Competitive and are moving towards increasingly global operations.

Page 3: 1KEY View

MAIA Intelligence

Page 4: 1KEY View

MAIA Intelligence

The 1KEY View has expandable cards, a table layout, nested band columns and multi-row column headers and cells. As you can imagine, each view includes numerous data representation and editing features such as end user grouping, sorting, filtering, data summary calculations, integrated cell editors, etc.

Four Built inFour Built inData ViewsData Views

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MAIA Intelligence

Create your ownCreate your ownCustom viewsCustom views

The 1KEY View allows you to easily create a new view based on any existing view via specially designed registration routines that allow you to use your custom view in the same manner as our built-in views. Not a single design-time or runtime feature will be sacrificed if you create a view to solve a specific businessrequirement.

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MAIA Intelligence

Different Views for Different Views for Parent & Child Parent & Child recordsrecords

The 1KEY View naturally allows you to represent data at each Parent-Child level by its own view.

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MAIA Intelligence

Different Detail Different Detail Views for Different Views for Different Master RowsMaster RowsView RepositoryView Repository

The 1KEY view repository is especially useful if youneed to provide different views for different master rows.You can also create multiple views and allow end usersto switch between different data representation formatsat runtime.

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MAIA Intelligence

Parent-Child Parent-Child Layout without Layout without Feature SacrificeFeature Sacrifice

1KEY Views are separate objects fully-functional in regards to data representation and editing. Thus, all the features like data editing, grouping, sorting, filtering, summaries, preview sections are available regardless of whether the view is used to represent a parent or child.

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MAIA Intelligence

Detail View zoom optionDetail View zoom option

When a 1KEY that displays Parent-Child Relationships includes large detail sections, it becomes rather difficult to manage, view and manipulate the contents of the grid control. With the 1KEY Detail View Zoom option, userscan simply press a button and hide all master levels and focus on the detail section in its entirety. A second button click will return the 1KEY View to its original layout. Of course, all views at any nesting level can be zoomed.

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MAIA Intelligence

Alternate methodsAlternate methodsTo switch betweenTo switch betweenDetail viewsDetail views

The 1KEY View allows you to switch between details using either tabs. This allows users to handle multipledetails without frustration. They have direct access toany detail right under the master row and don't ever haveto scroll to reach the second or third detail.

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1KEY View with standard traits of 2D


1KEY View with standard traits of 2D


Runtime report customization from

formatting to setting of drill down levels

Runtime report customization from

formatting to setting of drill down levels

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Filter data based on user defined criteria

Filter data based on user defined criteria

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Step1-Data grouped based on City

Step1-Data grouped based on City

Step2-Customer details expanded to get

Order details

Step2-Customer details expanded to get

Order detailsStep3-Drill down further to get product


Step3-Drill down further to get product


Step4-A complete cycle from Customer to


Step4-A complete cycle from Customer to


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Level selection for runtime report customization

Level selection for runtime report customization

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Only selective levels can be viewed

Only selective levels can be viewed

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Style formatting of Data with different styles for

various levels

Style formatting of Data with different styles for

various levels

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Row level filter with character search for all

the column heads

Row level filter with character search for all

the column heads

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Style conditions based on user defined criteria

Style conditions based on user defined criteria

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The data is filtered based on the condition


The data is filtered based on the condition


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Hide columns at runtime which are not required for viewing

Hide columns at runtime which are not required for viewing

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Any column can be dragged & dropped in

the customization window for hiding

Any column can be dragged & dropped in

the customization window for hiding

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Filter data based on custom queries

Filter data based on custom queries

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