  • 1. 1993 : Warehouse Administrator in PT. Kalbe Farma
    1993 : Medical Representative in PT. Kalbe Farma
    1994 : Sales Promotion Executive in PT. Kalbe Farma
    1995 : Supervisor PT. Soho for East Java Area
    2009 : Sales Director PT. Soho Industri Pharmasi
    Career History
    On going thesis in Indonusa Esa Unggul University Jakarta
    Executive Leadership Program at Monash University Australia
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    Facebook : obed_fl
  • 2. Recruitment and Selection For Sales People
    Intipesan Conference Aryaduta Hotel, March 17, 2011
    Shared by : Obed FL
  • 3. The Youngest Indonesias Future Business Leader 2010 SWA Magazine
  • 4.
  • 5. The Agenda
    The concept to recruit sales people
    Competency profile for sales people
    The selection method
    The obstacles in recruiting process and how to overcome
  • 6. The Concept to Recruit Sales People
  • 7. Learn from TAO ?
    Trace the best candidate from field or by executive search services ?
    The key success ?
  • 8. The Emperor of TAO
  • 9. The work of the TAO is more than 2000 years old but is still relevant now
    Twelve management abilities :
    Know the Character of People

    7. Choose the best person for the job.
    (Carlopio & Andrewartha, 2008)
  • 10. OUTSTANDING : 47 Ways to Make Your Organizational Exceptional(John G. Miller, 2010)
    Character is often described with words such as honesty, courage, integrity, professionalism, desire and work ethic.
    Outstanding organization hire character over credentials.
  • 11. OUTSTANDING : 47 Ways to Make Your Organizational Exceptional(John G. Miller, 2010)
    A classic hiring mistake : valuing book learning over character.
  • 12. The story of S 1
  • 13. Trace by self or executive search services ?
    Based on SOHO experienced :
    SOHO as the fastest growing pharmaceutical company since 2000 and always growing double than market.
    Successful on new product launches.
    50 % less in turn over compare to the other pharmaceutical company.
  • 14. Trace by self or executive search services ?
    The web of people matters more than the web of technology.
    (James Kouzes and Barry Posner)
    Networking is essential for all SOHOs Manager.
  • 15. The 5th key success in recruiting the best sales person
    We trace the best candidate and build the intimacy or deep relationship before recruiting process.
    The Story in Developing
    SUMUT and NAD
  • 16. The key success in recruiting the best sales person
    We share the organization value, vision and mission
    We talk about company policy for the best achiever in the past
    We ensure the candidate to learn and grow in SOHO
    We care to the candidate since at the first time we met.
  • 17. Competency profile for sales people
  • 18. Specific competency :
    Business and area knowledge
    Business ethic
    Customer networking
    Source :
  • 19. Sales Force Competencies
    Source : & SOHO Sales Force Competencies
  • 20. Sales Manager Competency Map
    Source : & SOHO Sales Force Competencies
  • 21. The selection method
  • 22. The structured interview
    Psychological testing
    The assessment centre technique
    360-degree appraisal
    Four Form of Management Assessment :
  • 23. The effectiveness of the interview improves from unstructured interview to the structured interview to the behavioral interview.(Carlopio & Andrewartha, 2008)
  • 24. Effectiveness is enhanced even more when the interview is combined with testing and a structured referee-checking process .(Rioux & Bernthal 1999; Van Iddekinge et al.2004)
  • 25. How to identify the sales person ?
    High achiever with high income ?
    High achiever with a high quality in maintaining relationship ?
    Low performance candidate ?
    Risk avoider ?
    The structured interview to the behavioral interview
    Source :
  • 26. The obstacles in recruiting process and how to overcome
  • 27. Thousand of candidates but less the best one
    Time limitation
    The optimum efforts from competitors to keep their best people
    Lack of knowledge from recruiter about the vacant position
    Lack of knowledge to use technology in recruiting process.
  • 28. The Sales Team of PT. SohoIndustriPharmasi
  • 29. The Sales Team of PT. SohoIndustriPharmasi
  • 30. Starbucks consistently spends more on training than it does on advertising, compare to most 500 Fortune companies.
    The employees turnover rate at Starbucks, according to some reports, is 120 percent less than the industry average.
    Starbucks leadership has committed to provide a great work environment
    Starbucks is a human company.
    (Michelli, J. A. 2007, The Starbucks Experience: 5 Principles for Turning Ordinary into
    Extraordinary, McGraw Hill, USA)
    The Starbucks Experience